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3.5k · Apr 2021
Ana Pt.2
Rebecca Apr 2021
Ana has made her debut once again.
Telling me that I’m not
pretty enough.
skinny enough.
worth enough.
All I want is to look like other girls around me.
To grasp the affection from lovers.
But how do I expect myself to grasp love if Ana is taking every ounce of myself with her.
I don’t even have the strength nor energy to grasp the protein shake that’s been flung right in front of me.
I know Ana is toxic but yet her burning words sound so sweet.
Too sweet.
Her burning words keep me burning countless calories.
Giving me only enough energy to listen to her.
Ana has made her debut once again and I am once again begging her to leave.
970 · Mar 2021
Rebecca Mar 2021
I once heard that the brain can be like a bad neighborhood when you're depressed
How do I tell you that mine isn't a bad neighborhood but yet an
abandoned one
A constant fog overcast
Almost haunted
My brain is left in the wallows
Rebecca Feb 2020
People are not your medicine.
I had to learn that the hard way.
Both perspectives.
The prescription taker.
The prescription giver.
Draining, heart wrenching, and sickening.
I will no longer be the medicine past people have made me be.
No longer giving all my oxygen and strength to those who won't try themselves.
Sure, playing either role may be nice but at the end of the day, you're left sobbing quietly alone in your room just wishing the pain would subside.
One thing to remember is,
You cannot make people your medicine and you are not others
828 · Nov 2021
Understand… Please…
Rebecca Nov 2021
What I need you to understand is that my depression is not just a blanket of sadness laid on top of me.
It is a snowball effect of years worth of disappointments and self judgment .
Piling one traumatic event upon another.
Slowly immobilizing me and holding me captive inside my own mind.
Finding no light underneath the avalanche.
Understand that simple exercise and sun cannot fix this.
This is forever imprinted onto my mind.
Understand… please
for me…
796 · Mar 2021
Atheist Anarchist
Rebecca Mar 2021
You were never a replacement for the man missing in my life.
All you were was a demon in my life.
Home was supposed to be a safe haven but instead it was a roaring fiery hell.
You have caused so much destruction that I'm not even sure if I'll be able to rebuild the relationships you deconstructed let alone rebuild myself.
793 · Feb 2020
Rebecca Feb 2020
The day Ana settled in was the day my world stopped.
Time froze for me.
Everyone around me living and I was rotting.
Busy counting calories and watching my eyes slowly sinking deep into my head.
My "friends" meeting Ana and only encouraging her to continue her path of destruction with me.
I was dying and they were giggling.
Ana stole my life.
So scared of people seeing me, that I never left my room in fear of people seeing my bald spots.
Oh, did I mention Ana also took clumps of my hair?
Ana destroyed me but I overpowered her.
I claimed back my life.
The day Ana left was the day I finally was free
if you are struggling with any harmful patter of eating I hope you find the light and the help because living is so worth it. I love you all. -becca
774 · Feb 2020
The Screwup
Rebecca Feb 2020
No matter what I do, I'm always being told what I'm doing wrong.
"Just stop! You can't do anything right!"
"Why do you do the things you do?!"
"Can't you do anything right?"
As I sit in this lonely bed tonight, all I can think of is how I'm the screwup of my life.
How I will never achieve the statuses my elders have.
How I keep letting those around me down.
I am the screwup.
Nothing more and nothing less.
749 · Oct 2021
Bottled Sorrows
Rebecca Oct 2021
If it were up to me, I would fill all of my sorrows into a bottle and throw it as far into the ocean as I could.
Then I would run as hard as possible while they sink to the farthest depths that this world holds.
Reaching the darkest pit they so desperately needs to be.
No longer along side me.
No longer inside me.
Finally, then I would be free from it all.
Still continuing to run as the sinking still furthers.
No thoughts as where I would run but somewhere.
704 · Mar 2021
O'le Al
Rebecca Mar 2021
Al's been my friend since I was in the seventh grade.
I remember meeting him and instantly feeling his gravitational pull.  
Instantly becoming friends that were inseparable.
He was the only one there for me through the rough and happy moments.
From reckless teenage days all the way to long college nights.
Sadly, things took a turn and our friendship has become a dependency.
I need Al to fall asleep.
To go to class.
To function.
How do I tell O'le Al that this friendship has to end?
O'le Alcohol... I'm sorry.. this friendship has to come to an end...
I think it's time we both go our separate ways.
636 · Sep 2021
Sleepless Nights
Rebecca Sep 2021
Sometimes I sleep with the lights on so the darkness doesn’t consume me.
So the darkness within my mind doesn’t leak it’s way into the outer world  and mesh into depressive thoughts racing around my room and not only in my mind.
This darkness is far more terrifying then any childhood monster could be.
Creeping it’s way into my bed and luring me to sleep only to terrorize me in my dreams.
Whispering in my ear how worthless I am and now I should continue to sleep forever.
My depression is my boogey man.
Terrorizing me at night when it knows I’m the most vulnerable.
This is why I sleep with the lights on most nights.
511 · Jan 2020
Rebecca Jan 2020
She covers her scars with ink filled flowers.
Patches of tiny weeds growing through the cracks of her body.
She hopes to one day be covered so society doesn't see her past mistakes.
Her mother always told her that the best art appeared through
disaster and heartbreak.
Fast forward 60 years and her mother was right.
She's the artwork her mother always said she would be.
She finally
Ever bloomed.
482 · Apr 2021
Rebecca Apr 2021
The world is captivating.
Is it captivating me?
It reminds me every day that it is just as easy to leave as it is to be here.
480 · Mar 2021
Rebecca Mar 2021
For you can recite all you may
but what is there left to say?
After all the sorrow has fallen like spring pollen,
there is still emptiness in your words.
A hollowness in your being.
No life in your eyes.
What was the point of apologizing if you knew forgiveness was not around the corner?
But yet non-existent
438 · Nov 2020
Rebecca Nov 2020
You are nothing to me.
You are just a figment of my imagination.
You are there and then in a blink of an eye,
Not much difference than the reality of us.
399 · Feb 2020
My Ink Covered Scars
Rebecca Feb 2020
I am determined to cover the scars riddling my body with the sweet black ink.
To cover the once red oozing cracks and burn marks with
blooming flowers and healing gardens.
Ink gardens filled with love and empowerment.
To let the flowers bloom from the cracks of the hurt
391 · Sep 2021
Doors and Door Mats
Rebecca Sep 2021
Being used only for my body is something I never see coming and something I’ll never get over. I open and close myself to those around me like I’m a door when really I’m just the welcome mat they wipe their feet on before they move along.
375 · Mar 2020
Rebecca Mar 2020
I had a parasite.
She (was) a friend.
In the beginning it was a mutual relationship.
Giving and Taking.
Then it turned sour.
One sided.
She took all she wanted and when I tried to retaliate to do the same she simply killed me
268 · Jan 2020
10:17 AM
Rebecca Jan 2020
It's 10:17 AM and my anxiety is eating me alive.
I feel as if I'm being swallowed whole.
No matter how far I run, He always finds me.
He sinks his teeth into my skin with no warning.
As much as I want to run and hide, I can't seem to move.
It's 10:17 AM and my heart is pounding louder than the car noises outside my window and I can't seem to find the oxygen to breathe.
261 · Feb 2020
For 16 Year Old Me
Rebecca Feb 2020
Dear 16 year old me,
                                     Life is worth living.
Two years from now you end up moving three hours away and meeting two of your best friends in the entire world.
You write a book.
Sell your art like you've wanted to since you were nine.
Express who you really are.
Get the confidence to finally get the help you need.
Fall deeply in love while simultaneously experiencing heartbreak.
There will be trials that will seem like you'll never overcome but trust me, you will and you'll come out even stronger than before.
Life is worth living.
I know you're contemplating on ending it but please believe me when I say life gets better.
Not easier, but better.
I love you and our life
            ­                                         20 year old me
245 · Feb 2020
Hidden Love
Rebecca Feb 2020
She stood from the outside only hoping to be among the others.
Wondering why she couldn't show her love.
Infuriated but yet so scared of how the world would view her.
Second guessing her past, current,and future moves.
Go out or Stay in.
"Why must I hide you, love?"
"Because, you'll lose those most precious to you and from there, there is no going back"
Deciding she would rather keep her family and stay private rather than lose those closest to her, she held her wife in the tightest grasp and whispered
"I'm sorry my love. There's always tomorrow"
244 · Jan 2020
Earths Outcry
Rebecca Jan 2020
As the rain begins to fall,
it marks the beginning of her sobbing.
Crying out to beg us to stop harming her.
After every lightening flash is a pause.
Almost like she is gasping for air within her crying.
Then hits the thunder.
Her screams.
Her anger filled outcry.
244 · Nov 2020
Deaths’ Celebration
Rebecca Nov 2020
Do not mourn the loss of me for death is natural.
We are born, live, die, and then become memories.
For I am always going to be with you and generations to come.
Stories upon stories of foggy memories.
Do celebrate my life.
Do not cry but smile with my journeys end.
Death is unstoppable.
Forth coming.
It’s simply natural.
For I have lived decades worth of smiles, joy, and hope.
219 · Nov 2020
Warmth of the Sun
Rebecca Nov 2020
I just want to lay amongst the sand and have the sun kiss my skin.
To have my hair combed through by the wind.
Finally dig my feet within the earth and feel the connection
of the world and myself again.
No longer having the stench of society fill my nose but rather the
salt spray of the sea.
201 · Nov 2020
Rebecca Nov 2020
No one sees the internal struggling.
The screams scratching their way up to the surface.
Endless nights crying an ocean into my pillow.
Everyone busy living lives while I am trapped inside my head.
Trying day after day to reach out only to be told that they are too busy to read my simple texts of despair or hear my whispers filled with screams.
"There will be better days ahead" is all I hear but my question is when?
When will those days come because all I can see are storm fog filled nights.
I am
198 · Jun 2020
Damming Thoughts
Rebecca Jun 2020
When alone, my thoughts flow uncontrollably like a river.
One thought right after the other.
Always constant.
Never ending.
Once thrown back into reality, my thoughts seem to come to a halt.
My brain building a dam.
Somehow stopping up every thought from over flowing into the unknown chaos of the world.
198 · Apr 2021
Crossing oceans
Rebecca Apr 2021
“Don’t cross oceans for people who wouldn’t cross a puddle for you” they say but how do I tell them that that’s all I’ve ever known. Is to push myself beyond my limits for those around me. To be nice. To be compassionate. To be there. I would do anything for someone to cross waters for me but yet crossing a simple puddle is “too hard” for them. Too much effort. Too big to ask for. But when will it finally be my turn for someone to come swimming out to me in this dark depressing ocean?
180 · Feb 2020
The Unspoken Incident
Rebecca Feb 2020
Didn't your mother tell you that stealing was bad?
Then why did you steal my dignity and self worth that night?
It's been almost three years and I still cringe when I even hug a man.
I don't get scared walking the downtown streets alone at night.
I get scared at the thought of going home and seeing you in town.
What you stole from me was my worth and safety.
What you gave me back in return was trauma and uneasiness.
163 · Sep 2020
Destructive Atoms
Rebecca Sep 2020
You were nothing more than an
abundance of
destructive atoms
waiting to implode among themselves
159 · Feb 2020
The Ocean of Depression
Rebecca Feb 2020
No one prepares you for the emotional waves you're about to be hit with.
The waves of deep sadness hitting you with everything in them.
Sometimes it's not just the waves of sadness that hit you.
It's also what's caught within them that hits.
Loss of Appetite
Now, when you're hit with those waves, you don't just come out sopping wet from the tears.
You come out scraped and bruised from the fight you were giving while being trapped beneath,  just trying to break the surface to gasp for air.
158 · Nov 2020
Rebecca Nov 2020
Finding you was like finding a hidden gem of the world.
No other like you.
Sweet melodies encapsulated within a single human.
Nothing short of blissful.
You are everything I've ever dreamed of.
Waltzing around my thoughts so effortlessly.
Finding you was finally finding a home within this lonely world.
Entangled within one another.
For you are more than any multiverse could hold.
You are my home
149 · Feb 2020
tea or coffee
Rebecca Feb 2020
I regret meeting you.
Showing you the raw pieces of me only for you to share them with the world.
You used me for your own benefit.
Hearing your name makes my skin feel as if I'm on fire.
Blood boiling.
Saying you cared is an understatement.
You only cared when the end point benefited you.
Relationships are supposed to be two-sided.
Ours was parasitism.
When I say I regret meeting you
I mean it.
148 · Jan 2020
Caution: Fragile
Rebecca Jan 2020
I am a fragile shard of glass.
Rigid on all sides.
Ready to hurt what comes next.
But, what you haven't seen is me at my full masterpiece.
Fully pieced together and showing the beauty of the world.
Someone broke me, though.
Shattered me.
I am just a fragile shard of glass.
Ready to scar what first scarred me.
146 · Feb 2020
To my false friend
Rebecca Feb 2020
I watched you crumble.
I tried to pick your pieces up and glue you back together.
All you wanted was him and all you
did was unglue yourself.
126 · Sep 2020
Rebecca Sep 2020
Even the most beautiful things
grow from the cracks of the concrete
121 · Mar 2020
Rebecca Mar 2020
I can't help but feel alone.
On the outside of the box.
Everyone around me being loved while I jump and wave from across the room.
Loving relationships swarming around me yet I can't seem to grasp one for myself.
119 · Jan 2020
Rebecca Jan 2020
Regret is all I feel towards you.
No longer sadness nor anger.
Just regret.
I regret that I threw my whole soul into you.
Regret that I mourned over the loss of you.
What I regret the most is,
loving you.
Love is supposed to be warm and face aches due to smiling too hard.
all it was, was a guessing game.
True or False.
Today or Never.
The only feeling I have towards you is
111 · Mar 2020
Sleepless Nights
Rebecca Mar 2020
As I sit here, tossing in bed, all I can think about is you.
The way you held me down.
The way you covered my mouth to muffle the screams.
The way you took my soul and shattered it.
Quietly whimpering in the safety of my own room, I can't help but to feel my body fill with rage and regret.
Furious that I can't stop the flashbacks.
Constantly regretting not running away.
3 whole years since I've seen you and the vision of you can't seem to leave my restless mind.
100 · Sep 2020
The Worst Loss
Rebecca Sep 2020
Everyone prepares you for losing people in your life.
Best friends
Family members
but, no one prepares you for when you begin to lose the person closest.
That's the worst loss of them all.
Seeing yourself fade away every time you glance in the mirror.
Feeling your brain unwind its very self.
Losing yourself until you no longer recognize who that person in the reflections is.
The worst loss of them all.
91 · Jan 2020
Rebecca Jan 2020
For I am withering away
nobody notices.
My brain is crippling like a decaying flower.
I no longer wish to progress in the disappointment I've been told
I am.
I will finish what I started,
For I am withering away.
89 · Jan 2020
Rebecca Jan 2020
My life is a tilt-a-whirl
Constant twists and turns with no control
Life shakes me with no time to take hold and breathe

— The End —