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Aflaha Jan 2018
And if I be a thought that visits the heart
Then let me be thy hope

And if I be the spring
Then let me be,
the smile of your lips
And the dance in your feet

And if our souls speak the same language
Then let our hearts be one

And if these distances
Are the humble pillars of our faith
then let our beliefs unite

And if I be the dust to kiss your forehead
And the air to be your breath
Then let me turn priceless
the sweat of your brow
And your breath, into a beautiful song
Aflaha Jan 2019
It is strange
This knowing you
This familiarity
Which now seems like something
I might have invented
To keep myself close to you
I now see the nativity of
An unreasonable love
How simply I fell for you
And built a fortress of lies
To protect this delicious fantasy
Of me in your arms
Being more then just comfort
An intimacy of tired restless souls
Aflaha Apr 2018
Why is it then

When I miss you the most

I want to run away to a place so far away

Where even the stars can't find me
Aflaha Feb 2018
Break my heart this once, my love
If only to put it back in chains
Break my heart this once
So I know what it's like to live again

Break my heart so I can breathe
Break it to pieces, so there is no sheath
Break it, so it lay bare, for all to see
So they can't ask me, what I chose to be
Break it, so I can feel the hurt
And let it be a part of me

So say it, my love
And walk out that door
I will love you no less
For breaking my heart
I will only love you more
Aflaha Jan 2018
If then, I must live
I must live honestly

And if I must love
I must be sincere again

And if it kills me
I must bear patiently

For death is sure to come
But I must die peacefully
Aflaha Feb 2018
Don't be cruel, my love

Lower your gaze

And hide your smile

It's hard enough loving  you

from this distance
Aflaha Jan 2018
I wish it was easy to forget
Some part of you
You loved so dearly
Burnt away to ashes
Infront of your eyes
With your own soul, giving away

I wish it was easy, not to cry
And cry real hard
When your dreams beneath your feet
Make a lowly noise
And you don't look, you don't stop
You just walk away

I wish it was easy to pretend
You didn't know, you didn't realise
It didn't hurt
When all that was you
You gave away
To an unknown stranger
Who came your way

I wish it was easy to say, 'I love you'
Just when you wanted to say
I wish the rain could wash away
All the traces, they say, will stay

I wish I could say..
I wish I could stay.
Aflaha Feb 2018
In the silence of the morning
The sun rises, bright and clear
And it's you she's missing, my dear
I tell her, it's not real
She says, life rarely is ideal
I tell her, it's only a feeling of love
She says, your hand fits like a glove
I tell her, it will break her heart
She says, to love is to be torn apart
I ask her why this dangerous path
She says, it's a game and to lose, we hath
I ask her how this happiness
This radiance of her being
She says love gives me strength
It gives me peace
I hesitate but ask
If you love her too
She said, she never asked
She was busy falling for you
Aflaha Nov 2018
Broken dreams
Fill a broken heart

Tempered memories
Of stolen kisses

Timeless passion
In a heartless world

How soon it died
Our fearless love
Aflaha Feb 2018

you come in many forms

Sometimes disguised as pain

In the sweet labor of love
Aflaha Jan 2018
It's a new world altogether
And I find you everywhere
I taste the distance, sweet
As my heart feels glad inside
With eyes closed I stare
At the starry sky above
I wonder as you smile; yet
No answers do I find
When you are too close beside
I think I'll let go; but then
I sink halfway though still shy
Paint my dreams to life
And as my heart skips a beat
I realise
The ages spent in a moments fate.
First kiss
Aflaha Mar 2018
It hurts too much

I thought what I asked, was small

But now I know

Why love is precious, after all
Aflaha Jan 2018
In the silence of my soul
I listen to a beautiful song
I see your eyes have secrets too
That your lips so fiercely guard
Yet your heart speaks to mine
Fearless as they are
Their language we don't understand
In silence, they sing to each other
A song without words
It's the thought of being alone when together
And the longing, when we are apart
That the soul feels glad about
But the heart is a fool to know
It wants to dance in madness
Of this strangely beautiful sadness
And it cares not for any silence
For it's been waiting too long
For the one that knows it's song
So it dances in ecstasy
In the belonging and the distance
For it doesn't know the difference
Aflaha Apr 2018
My heart
Imprisoned in reason
Like a butterfly
In dreams and memories  
It prays
To the one who commands it
To come free it
In exchange
For a life time of service
The heart is weird. In your service it finds its calling.
Aflaha Jan 2018
I wish the sky wasn't blue
And the water below so pure

I wish the mountains weren't so rough
And the weather so fine

I wish the wind were silent
And the traffic not this fast

I wish the sun didn't shine
And happiness ever last

I wish tomorrow weren't just another day
And I wouldn't cry

I wish I didn't love you this bad
I wish I could let go

I wish I could help staring at the sky above
I wish I could lie

I wish these stars weren't real
I wish we could hide

I wish the truth wasn't the truth
I wish I could fly


Away from my self
Away from you
Aflaha Jan 2018
When the stars go to sleep
I wonder what they dream about
When I close my eyes
I think of you

When the spring says goodbye
I wonder where it goes
When I leave my side
I come to you
Aflaha Jan 2018
If mountains could hold destinies
If death could survive
If sadness could steal memories
I would still love you

If there was more than one sky
If the road to you was the longest ever
And a moment was all I had
I would still love you

If I possessed all I ever wanted
And nothing seemed impossible
But you were far out of reach
I would still love you

If all you could do, was speak a tongue
And all I could do, was look in your eyes
Without understanding a single word
I would still love you

I would love you
No matter what colour the sky
I would love you
Even if you deny

I would always love you
The way I love you today
Aflaha Dec 2017
The road to you is a treacherous one
But you must carry on
For this mirror must shatter
And the image forgotten
For you to see
What was there all along
In all the madness of life
We hold on to what we know
With sweet threads of memories, we sew
Beautiful pictures we love and cherish
But only if mirrors could lie
The way pictures do
We could go on pretending
As if the soul is not a wanderer
In search of its treasure trove
In the dark silence of sleepless nights
It knocks on doors unknown
Looking for the one he knows not
Yet the only one he knows
The one that has a thousand forms
Hope, desire, pain and love
His dream, his truth, his true self
Like a Sufi with a bleeding heart
He follows her to deserts and ruins
Coz all he wants is to know
And the day she steps out of her veil
It will shatter to pieces by itself
For it's beauty the mirror won't hold
And he will dance like a madman
Naked through the valley of flames
For the fire can't burn him anymore
Coz he is burning more fervently inside
There will be tears in your eyes
Yet you will be smiling
Floating weightlessly in your conscious
Then close your eyes and drift away
To the garden of thousand blooms
Which once was the valley of fire
And there you will meet your madman
Drenched and dancing in sweet rain
His bleeding heart is whole again
Like it never knew any pain.
Self discovery can be painful. Trust the process and the truth will come to you.
Aflaha Jan 2018
Let's pretend we are not in love

And go on walking

So I can fall for you

All over again
Aflaha Apr 2018
Lie to me sweetly then

If the truth won't last

I still hate lies

But I was never so afraid of the truth
Aflaha May 2018
We sit in opposite corners of the room
Trying to get the story in our head right
This night is so dreadful and special
You can tell by the full moon so bright
It's been forever since I kissed you last
I don't know if you remember being apart
I wish I could show you the scars
Each wishful night left on my heart
Then tell me, my love
How did you do when I was away
Would you make this moment stay
I don't know what I want
When I am this close to you
They told me to be careful
Sometimes dreams come true
I wish it was easy to let go
With your hands on my hips
When you pull me close
My heart stops beating
I burn like a rose
You taste of sweetness, desire & love
Of your burning soul, I can't have enough
Then come closer, my love
I want your fingers tangled in my hair
I want to kiss your soul, naked & bare
From me, you have nothing to fear
My love,
I will wear this love like a garment
I will breathe it in, like fresh air
I will forever be yours in this moment
With you on my lips, always like a prayer
Aflaha Apr 2018
Do I miss you?
You ask

Why would I be jealous
my love

Of the light
that touches your face

Of the ground
beneath your feet

Of the traffic
outside your window

Of all the places
your fingers linger

Of the food
you taste

Of the words
you write

Of the tunes
you hum

Of the air
you breathe

And every thought
In your mind

That isn't me
Aflaha May 2018
I don't know why it hit me today but it did and I am trying really hard to keep my sanity right now. Tears are begging to run down my cheeks. Sorrow crawling through the walls of my heart. My mind tired and exhausted of reasoning, wanting desperately to shut down now. This ink might as well have been bleeding out of me today. I never knew that longing for someone could be so painful.
Aflaha Jan 2018
This longing has now

a life of its own

It am defenceless against

it's thirst for you
Aflaha Apr 2018
I don't want to play
this guessing game

Tell me you love me
Show me how much

Make my soul sing
In its longing for you

Make my bones ache
For each minute spend apart

Make my heart bleed
To hear you say my name

For how else will I ever repay
This debt of being in love with you
Aflaha Jan 2018
My heart,
it beats
But there is no rhythm

My lips,
they sing
My soul is empty

My eyes,
they see
You or nothing
Aflaha Jan 2018
He was like the darkness where she could finally see everything clearly. With her mind completely free of doubt, her feet trusted her to walk with eyes closed. In that moment, she could feel the vastness of his being and the naivety of his love for her, like pearls delicately balanced on the wings of a butterfly. One flutter, they would shatter to the ground yet so perfectly beautiful in that moment, you wouldn't dare disturb it nor could you take your eyes off it
Aflaha Jan 2018
I desire nothing

I dream of none

I lay my heart open

For the spring of life to come
Aflaha Jan 2018
Set free my heart
And let me **** my reason
Once in a while
Aflaha Jan 2018
I hold,

a thousand times in a day

To listen,

to anything you migh say
It's true :)
Aflaha Jan 2018
'I love you', she said..
But you do not set my soul on fire
She said
Aflaha Apr 2018
She sat by the vast river
Watching the sun go down
Mind at peace with her heart
And she smiled
How she thought she knew
What love was
Till she met him
And her soul shook
In a silent quake
And a storm raged inside her heart
Why hadn't she expected this?
Why was she so unprepared
For something that seemed
Only as certain as death
Aflaha Jan 2018
Show me, o dear star!
What brightness is

And tell me, o night!
What darkness is
Darkness and light
Aflaha Jan 2018
I borrow from the night
Some silence

It borrows from me
Some memories of you
Aflaha Mar 2018
Let me love you,
               here and now

In this glorious
               summer haze

And sweet goodbyes,
               we will say

When we go our
               separate ways
Wouldn't hurt any less, might as well be poetic.
Aflaha Jan 2018
Our hearts are making music together

And we are mersmerised

by the sweet melody
Aflaha Feb 2018
My heart's a tempest
When you are not around
My soul burns like a fire
For it to be found

This love is like a hearth
Your tenderness, my mould
I melt to flow in your direction
I burn to become you
Aflaha Jan 2018
And when you knock at the door, a familiar face answers. You had hoped anyone other than her answers but prayers are not always heard. And there she was, hoping it was you. With a giant lump in your throat, you utter the word, 'goodbye', trying very hard not to feel the hurt. Trying to look only at her face and memorise all the details, so this moment can be etched in your heart and soul like you never existed without it.
Just like that.
Aflaha Apr 2018
So let me redecorate myself then

With your love

To see why you look at me

The way you do
Aflaha Apr 2018
I don't know who I am
They tell me I am fire
I don't quite agree
I think I might be a lamp
That burns with all its might
Not that the winds aren't cruel
And the sun doesn't shine
It's magnificent light on me
But its in the dark night
That I keep burning
And it is the travellers
In search of their self
And the madness in their eyes
That keeps me going
Aflaha Jan 2018
The cold moonlight pierces my heart and
leaves me undone

Your thought gives me the warmth of a thousand suns
Aflaha Apr 2018
I wish this noise would turn into silence
This light into dark

Your arms into my home
Where I can crumble quietly

And fall asleep
To the rhythm of your heart
Cant wait for the week to end - I feel exhausted -  sigh!
Aflaha Apr 2018
I am not strong enough today

But I will be, someday

To let go

A piece of my heart

That once belonged to you
Aflaha Jan 2018
To love you is like forgiving the world

It's like embracing eternity..

It begins nowhere and it never ends
Aflaha Jun 2018
My heart rebels
Not being close to you
It doesn't know how to keep
A love so fierce
From burning everything away
I don't know how
This distance is okay
But this silence isn't
I could wait a thousand years
To be in your arms
I couldn't wait till tomorrow
To tell you I miss you so
Aflaha Nov 2017
Under the shaded tree
As the sun was setting on a beautiful autumn day
She said, "It feels like love"
He didn't say
Pressed her hand to his lips
Close to his heart she could feel his heartbeat
Staring into the sunset
The beauty of each passing moment
Like rustling of autumn leaves
Turning into a song
Timeless and unnamed
Like the wind that carries it
To this day
Now that the flowers bloom
And the little birds sing
On the branches of that tree
Now gracefully bent
With time and age
It's colour turned pale
Green grass around it
Blue skies above
Clouds come and go
On the mountain top
Insects crawling up its bark
Caterpillars eating away it's leaves
Silent and strong
Whistling with the winds
It remembered
The night of the fireflies
When the mountain slept
And the stars hid themselves
In the dark
A light that shown though
It's dense dew covered branches
Leaves shivered and glittered
As it transcended into the sky
Almost lighting up
Every soul on its way
Fireflies carrying them away
Fireflies all the way
Till sunshine came
And they went back
To their resting place.
Aflaha Jan 2018
You gifted me a beautiful sadness
Hurt I never knew before
This life is now a sea of madness
Fading footprints on the shore

You said I was a spark
And a lamp, your hearts desire
Then why can't I stop burning now
You set my soul on fire
Aflaha Nov 2018
Be the silence of my heart
Be my calm

Be my light
So I may always find my way back

Be that question
I ask myself every time
I am looking for meaning

Be the shade
My souls rests in
Weary from the customs of this world

Be close
Fade into my heartbeat
From a million miles away
Aflaha Nov 2018
How could I ever show you
The despair you left behind
How could I dare say
Was it your heart or mine
That lay shattered on the pavement
Of this road we took together
The one with no destination
A love without room
For kindness or concern
A constant struggle
To keep us from fading into the night
To keep the clock from ticking
To keep this fire from taking us
Isn’t any delight
In a fight against destiny
Memories woven with pain
All lost in a moments fate
Now remnants of ashes
Mingled with the rain
Flow right through that place
Which love used to grace
Once when it was summer
And we were kids in love
In peace and in haste
To commit to heart and memory
Each glance and every taste
Each moment spend with you
Is now a shard halfway through
My heart
Which still beats like a fool
For you
Aflaha Jan 2018
Stop the time and hold

And let the nightingale sing

Till I wait no longer

Till I dream no more
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