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Alaska Apr 2016
and watch
the sunset

watch the
waves kiss
the shore

and listen
to the

Listen to the
seagulls talking to
one another as
they race on

Enjoy this moment.
Enjoy this moment, right here,
right now.
Alaska Feb 2016
Lately it seems
you're always
in my dreams
and that makes me
never want to sleep
I don'want to see you.
I don't want to see you,
even if it's only in my
But is it really a
dream or rather
a nightmare?
Alaska Mar 2016
Take me away
from here, from this
Take me far, far,
Take me on an
Take me somewhere
we can fall in
Take me somewhere
we could be
Take me somewhere
we could make
Alaska Oct 2016
I **** up
anything important
to me.
Is it
I'm scared?
I don't
want to
lose you.
I'm sorry
for not
being what
you needed.
Alaska Apr 2016
You* visited my mind today,
I was sad for a moment but then,
happiness crept up on me like a
child's surprise party.

The memories I have of
you are warm,
I'm done thinking of
you as a burden.

You can't make me sad anymore,
you're gone and frankly,
I don't want
Alaska Jul 2016
and asked me what movie
I was watching.

I was lucky.

That's the most he has
spoken to me in weeks.
Alaska Feb 2016
Time to
move on
its been
too long.
Four years
is enough.
My heart
can't take
the pain
It's over.
Alaska Feb 2016
I'm extremely
happy to have
learned how to
keep my head
high and keep
looking forward
rather than
looking behind
me and seeing
your face
which is
far gone in
the past.
Alaska Feb 2016
At one point
in my life
you were
the only
one I truly
trusted but,
now you are
the last one
I would ever
trust or even
utter a single
word to.
Alaska Mar 2017
All I do
is care
about those
who could
care less
about me
I guess
that is
Alaska Mar 2017
It just hurts because you made me
feel like I did not matter and
what I said was nothing but
words that had no meaning.
Alaska Mar 2017
I hope you find who you are
                            what you are looking for
                            your happiness
                    and true love.
Alaska Sep 2017
You were actually
         the first one
     to completely ignore
how I felt and I
         guess that's why
     it hurts so much.
Alaska Apr 2017
I wanted to hear your voice so bad,
because even though it's been over
a year since I've heard it,
I've completely forgotten
I can still picture the way you
smiled though....
I always loved your smile,
how wide you would grin,
the way your dimples
would peek through your cheeks,
I adored everything about
And your laughter was a whole
other story...
I could always tell you
were truly happy when
you laughed,
it was so pure.
I'll keep the pieces I remember
locked in the catacombs of my
for I smile every time I come
across an old one;
tears do follow but only because
even though you're not on my
mind much,
I still miss you and the good memories,
so it's time to finally throw out
the bad ones.
Alaska Sep 2017
I often catch myself
worrying about me
                  that's how you know
                             I must be
                             ****** up.
It's okay though,
                 i'll be fine..
one day.
Alaska Sep 2017
You hurt me,
                     I forgive,
you hurt me,
                     I forgive,
you hurt me,
                     I forgive,
you hurt me,
Alaska Dec 2017
It all makes sense now...
Why I have so many issues
with love...and being loved...
With men...and attention from them...
The past has been brought up a lot lately..
And it's driving me insane that...
I might just crash.
Alaska Feb 2018
I am becoming confused on what happened between us.
You told me you were leaving and did not want to pursue a relationship, because of it.
I was not ready for a relationship at the time anyway, so maybe it was for the best.
But you're going to be out soon... and now you don't want me,
Because apparently, "I was not about it".....
Alaska Apr 2016
I'm dipping into my past pain
to distract myself from today's pain.
Alaska Oct 2016
hand holding
is such a
beautiful thing,
two different
hands intertwined
to make one.
Alaska Apr 2018
My walls are higher than I thought and I
                                    am not so sure
                                           that they will
                                                   actually come
                                                                  down this
Alaska Apr 2016
I've realized
I've always
been everyone's
second choice

once their
number one
leaves, they
start putting
me first.

actually, sometimes
I'm not
even a
second choice

I'm the
last resort.

but for once
I was the
first choice without
being a second
one at all.

Thank you.
Thank you
for making
me feel
Alaska May 2016
I want to learn
script, so maybe
I can feel as pretty
as my handwriting.
Alaska Apr 2017
tempted to hit you up just so you can make
my emotions go
numb again.
Alaska Nov 2017
Because the person who I actually
Thought would give me a chance
And show me that I did not have
Bad luck with my heart,
Proved me wrong and hurt me the
You showed me that I was not even
Worth the risk and proved me right
That I’m just not meant to be in
A romantic relationship with
Another soul.
Just solely physical... since that
Is all I am used to.
Alaska Apr 2016
At this point,
I don't know
what I'm feeling

All these emotions
are filling my
body and I
don't know what
to do.

I've been broken
for so long.

Is this what
feels like
to be whole

To feel every

The emptiness that
was there is filling
and I'm not sure
if I like it...
Alaska Mar 2017
You often cross my mind,
not in a hateful way,
trust me,
but more of...
I'm just really wondering
how you are doing...
Alaska Apr 2016
The parts of me that you broke
are all mended,
but the parts from my past,
don't seem like they're
going to mend together
Alaska Feb 2016
I don't know...
Is it so bad to
want a friendship
you once had back?
One that you miss so much,
that your heart aches?
One that you miss so much,
you get so anxious and begin to
to cry when you're alone in
your room at night?
One that you miss so much,
that when you see them
you can't breathe and can't help
but shake?
If that's that's the case,
then call me me a
******* criminal.
Alaska Mar 2016
"What do you wanna do?"*
I just want to sit with
in bath robes,
as we drink wine,
talk about life
and draw ugly
portraits of
each other.
Alaska Mar 2016
Don't *******                                I didn't                           Not wanting
look at                                            realize it                         to let
me.                                                 was you                          you control
                                                        t­ill I                                 my emotions
It's been                                         passed your                   anymore.
five months                                   rolled down
since you've                                  window.                  ­       Only I
broken me                                                               ­               can control
once again.                                    And you                         my emtions
                                                        a­lready knew
Five months                                  it was                               incompetent *******
since I've                                        me                   ­                 like you
seen your                                                             ­                   don't,
lying face.                                     staring me                        not anymore.
                                                       directly in
I thought                                       the face.
it was
going so                                         That's when
well                                                 anxiety  crept
                                                  ­       up on
but you                                           me once
ruined my                                      again
            ­                                              oh but
five months                                     don't forget
down the                                         the anger
drain.                                               and sadness
                                                         that followed.
I saw                                              
you at                                              I wanted
the place                                         to scream,
where i                                            but I
least expected.                               held it
                                                         all back.
Alaska Nov 2018
When I care about someone
I give them my all,
every piece of me,
including the ones that are already
And I am still trying to
figure out if that's
a good
bad thing.
Alaska Oct 2016
We're just two broken hearted people trying to make it through our messes together.
Alaska Mar 2016
Maybe that's what
I should do.
Step back and
let distance take
its toll.

I don't have
time to have
my heart broken

I'm falling in
love with you
and I don't
know how to
Alaska Mar 2017
being replaced is probably
one of the most
heartbreaking feelings
in the book.
Alaska Nov 2016
It hurts because you would have
never thought they would treat
you this way.
Alaska Mar 2016
Hi, I love you.
leave me alone.
                               I love you.
                              go away.
                                                    You are loved.
                                                                              Love you always.
                                                                                            I'm never going to stop loving you.
                                                                                            Please do.
                                                                             I' will love you forever.
                                                                            Thank you.
                                                 I love you to the moon and back.
                                                Same for you.
                               I love you more than anything.
                              The feeling is mutual.

I love you.
*I love you too, I always did.
Alaska Mar 2016
I'm in love
with you

and I don't
want to be

this has happened

I can't be
in love with
you because you're
not in love
with me.

And that's okay!
You are not
required to be.

But it's not
good for me,

to want something
more with someone
I can't have.

*God, please give me the strength to not hold onto these feelings.
Alaska Sep 2017
Her personality shown through her hair,
                                                                      golden and
Alaska Sep 2017
It's okay to ask for help
       it is more than okay
you are not weak
       you are strong.
Alaska Mar 2017
We are all our own puzzle
connecting to
one another's life.
Alaska Mar 2017
You find out who people really are
when it comes down to those
important moments....

I never realized how much you
did not care.
Alaska Mar 2017
You were my friend
before anything,
but you seemed
to forget that
along the way.
Alaska Feb 2016
You knew I was
You saw it as an
opportunity to
use me.
You thought I
was easy, so
it didn't matter
if you hurt me.
You knew I had
feelings for you,
so you used that
to your
All I wanted
was to be with you,
but all you wanted
was my body...
Alaska Feb 2016
I was no  longer
I was no longer
considered a
You made me
feel like that
was a bad thing.
But being innocent
is one of the best
things you can be.
Don't lose it
because you're
told it's bad, lose
your innocence
when you want
When you're
Alaska Apr 2016
I may find it beautiful but,
you may find it unusual.
Alaska Mar 2016
I do the
things I do
because it's nice
to feel wanted
for once in
my life,
even if it
is just for
a short time.
Alaska Mar 2017
I wanted to text you
to see how you are
because being who I am,
I always care,
but I know if I do so
I'll fall back down that
hole of trying to be in
your life again.
Alaska Apr 2018
I do not think I have ever felt this alone
since middle school...
And that is also when I was in my darkest place..
which is what scares me the most.
Alaska Sep 2018
I feel too much and can’t help it.
I’m sorry, I ruin everything good in my life.
I hope I didn’t scare you away...
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