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Peoples’ lives are dying in consistency;
Greed in their pedestal has corrupted this world’s societies.
A fruitful opportunity, a gold rush was encountered!
Underlying the main ambition of many unfortunate ambitious desires.
Persistently seeking an object of materiality,
Children have become contracted to labor endlessly till mortality.
The corporate pose has overshadowed humanity,
Predetermining existence through living in a vision of obscurity.
Freedom has evolved in many attaining their dreams,
Yet, failing to realize their limits in overstepping boundaries.
Morality has been compromised to new opportunities.
Ultimately, corrupting one’s essence in living spiritually.
We have eluded to perceive the subtle communication they have established you see.
Projecting honesty while planting a seed, they enrich themselves invulnerably.
Enabled through the loophole of ignorance attracted by social mediocrity,
Revealing a battle between each other secretly disguised as insecurity.
Asking how do I seek success, freedom, and happiness endlessly.
Indubitably, the answer relies inside, secreting awareness internally.
Discovering that the war begins within may end the violence indeed.
Extinguishing eternal destruction of the world through peace and harmony.
By: Michael M. De La Fuente
Tony Scallo Nov 2014
Growing up at a young age with ADHD can be a lot of fun. Everything just becomes that much more interesting. The sky seems so vast and every single blade of grass looks just as interesting as the one right next to it. My mind raced with questions every single second. I felt the only way to express it at times was relentlessly running around, as if every step I took gave me a satisfactory answer to each question I thought about; which was ultimately a lot of steps. It would be enough to drive most people into a state of madness. Not me though, I swore to the heavens I’d have every question answered. Because believe me, the seconds would feel like hours for every moment I didn’t know just how much wood a woodchuck could chuck.

Here’s my perspective; Thoughts in general are like the light from the stars that always shine the same brightness throughout the day. They are always there. Existing, even when you can’t see them. At least that’s how it is for normal people, you get the grace of day to nullify the shining of the light from those stars at times when it can be overbearing. You get a break. If I could describe what it’s like to have ADHD, picture your mind never turning off. It is always bright for me, and there is no dawn or day to alleviate my eyes from the galaxy of lights I see. It’s a beautiful disaster. You’re always thinking out loud to yourself about everything around you. When thinking about the concept of having a conscious and subconscious, you don’t even believe in the separation of the two. You think so much because of the energy flowing through your nerves, that there could be no way another part of your brain retains knowledge you don’t already consciously know. There’s so many questions every single second, that there needs to be some sort of way to express it. Mine would come through continuos questions and obviously, a lot of running around.

I guess I didn’t understand much about people back then, though. I was too busy exploring my mind and all the ideas that sprouted within it every second. I never thought it could be a bad thing. My father seemed to think differently at times.

The worst part about having an overactive thought process, is not being able to express it. Those thoughts have to go somewhere; and if they don’t, they build up  in a *** on a back burner until the lid finally blows off and explodes as some type of extreme emotion, from anger to sadness.  

As a kid, I have too many memories of confrontations with my father when I said something he didn’t agree with. Almost as if he thought I was overstepping my bounds as a male in his house by only talking about what was on my mind. If he didn’t like what I said, or if he didn’t agree with it, “I was an idiot.” It didn’t stop there either.

Conversations about things I’ve learned had to be defended with the words, “But dad, my teacher just taught us this today in class!”

“Well then, your teachers an idiot.” he would respond. It seemed like he knew the answer to everything. Even after I went to school and got an education that his tax dollars were paying for, it wasn’t enough to get him to agree quickly with things I said. It seemed everybody was an idiot, and as a kid, I almost thought it was normal to be one at a point. Everybody seemed to be doing it.

But even the innocence of a kid knows when something feels wrong. It didn’t take much of looking at his gritting teeth and clenched jaw to know either. I would watch the muscles in his cheeks and forehead pulsate with blood every time he squeezed his fist in stubbornness; as if his fists were his heart in that moment

I guess what hurt the most about the confrontations, was the awareness that he was not always this kind of man. I’ve seen him in different lights before. Brighter lights, where his happiness rained in a room and brought joy to everyone. Times where you’d never think the same man was consumed by a darkness that made him blind to reason. The pain came with knowing I was fighting to express myself to the same man that would make me laugh till my ribs felt weak. The person who I loved seeing happy, that much more because I saw how the shadows of the clouds he carried with him, darkened his spirit.

His alcoholism and addictions didn’t help aid his perspectives for the better either. Bottle after bottle I would watch get consumed, all the while his fuse grew shorter in those moments as his BAC grew higher. Cigarettes on the daily, pills and ***. Anything to escape the pain he harbored like a shipyard.

I started keeping my thoughts to myself more. At that age, I was innocent enough to believe I was wrong for having an opinion, or speaking my mind. I thought it was wrong to think the way I thought, so I maliciously put those thoughts on a back burner; And that’s when it started.

The silence, or I guess people would say, “the introvert,” found its way into my life. It’s such a tragedy of irony. The person who always thought a mile a minute, and still does, now barely says a word. Keeping himself locked away in his brain because there’s no key that could unlock him from the darkness of judgement. I was told I was an idiot and that I was wrong so many times that I never wanted to be those things again. If I never spoke, I never had to worry about hearing it.

For years I stayed quiet about the things that went on inside my brain, and it literally killed me. I felt like I was being robbed of my imagination, or rather I was robbing other people in this world of my imagination. Simple and plain, my thoughts weren’t being put out there. They continued to boil on my back burner, occasionally exploding every now and then into anger and depression. All of those amazing thoughts I used to have, now felt like fire burning through my veins for every pulse that kept them there to never be released.

I resented my dad, and won’t forget the day I told myself I wouldn't become him. I never would of imagined that that would be the day I put an invisible blind-fold on. Because I had swore to myself I would never act like my dad, my foggy eyes would never catch the times that I did. There was just no way I would or could be like him because he character caused me too much pain.

Conversations with other people started becoming more debate-like, I was always quick to defend my point because I didn’t want to be wrong. I talked more than I listened. If you didn’t know what I was saying, you just didn’t understand where I was coming from. I kept and thought to myself all the time. So much, that when I finally did release what was on my mind, it had to be right because I spent enough time to myself analyzing it. Other people just couldn’t understand that. They couldn’t.

Remember that boiling *** on the back burner; that occasionally explodes? Well, now it was now on the verge of imploding. I was so fixated on never being wrong, it was almost like I was never wrong. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yeah it did to me too. When I noticed it, that’s when I imploded.

I couldn't believe I became exactly what I told myself I would never become. All of those past thoughts and hatred imploded in my brain and trickled down the inside of my body, burning me. I burned, but not with anger, I burned with depression and more silence. It was a vicious cycle. Speaking, especially to other people, almost became taboo to me. It seemed weird and out of place because it involved more emotions. I was kind of tired of feeling at that point. I had already felt enough through all of the episodes I would have from my explosions. Not to mention, I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I was my dad spitting image when I talked to other people. Depression can really be a vicious cycle, and I remember how much it would recycle itself in my life.

I would spend hours in school, with a million thoughts to say, but never spoke out. I hated myself for it, which would get me depressed. Which would then get me depressed for knowing I was depressed; making me depressed because I was depressed I was depressed. There seemed to be no escape.

I started abusing substance, from alcohol to ****. My abuse, came from the justification that I told myself I was doing it to understand perspective. I wanted to explore the same world of addiction that my dad did. I wanted to come to understand what it’s like to live in a world of dependency and escape. Boy did that backfire on me. I went into it thinking I could just jump right back out of it; that’s not what happened. I was quickly consumed with darkness, escape and depression. Anxiety got the best of me now, because I felt trapped in this world of rumination and hopelessness.

What was depression for me? Its was being stuck in a dark room, separated from the light of happiness by a cruel lock door. A locked door that had a small viewing glass for you to see what lies on the other side of it, within your reach. It was having what seemed like an entire ring of keys to open the door with, yet they’re all the same key. Depression was refusing to stand up, to take advantage of the little bit of light that shined through the viewing glass for me. The little bit of light that would of shown me I was recycling the same key, over and over again. All because I tried to use the dark to see.

I felt that my voice was unheard and I finally got to the point where I didn’t want to live anymore. I used to wish and pray that I’d contract a horrible disease or illness cause I thought it’d be the only way for people to truly hear the words I had to say. It’s a shame that I would even think this. But what even more shameful than that, is how much more words really are cherished after someone has died, or is dying. I had a one track mind for sacrifice, and was hell bent making it happen. I smoked **** by myself; occasionally drank in my lonesome; compulsively ate more than I should; anchored myself to be a sloth in my bed, slaved away to TV and constantly stressed myself over the little things I did. Anything that would speed up the process of my downfall, I did.

I still felt empty though, my collapse wasn’t happening as instantaneous as I hoped, which gave my relentless mind more time to think about it. I did want to live, I didn’t want to have to be this sacrifice to get my point across. “It’s such a cop out," my mind would occasionally blurt out to get my attention. “So what if I’m like my dad? Shouldn’t that be more of a reason to be able to empathize with him when he gets the way he does?"

It wasn’t until the day I got the brilliant idea that maybe I should speak what’s on my mind, that I saw how powerful I could feel. I’ll tell you something though, fighting through the agita you get in the back of your throat is hard. It literally stops you from talking. You know what you want to say, and exactly how you want to express it, but you overthink it and think you’re going to mess up expressing something you know is simple. That agita is the fear in the back of your throat that reminds you of why you feel that way. I didn’t want to result to the back burner again though, so I fought through the pain no matter how bad my chest hurt.

Eventually, I stopped resenting my father. I took it upon myself to sit down and throughly write him a letter, expressing the way I felt about our relationship. About how all I wanted was to see him happy, I was very blunt about how I felt. This is a part of that letter:

"When I think about how long it took me to write this, it’s pretty sad really. And it’s not even because my writing skills we’re slacking, the sad part is what I thought I had to do in order to write this to you. Every day that I would try and write this, I would put alcohol and drugs into my body because I thought it would aid me in my creative writing. But instead, pretty much the opposite happened. I sat staring at a computer screen ruminating about my own troubling thoughts and personal anger. So I sat even longer staring at that screen thinking I needed more substance in my body to awaken the thoughts that I so longed to express. I used and abused until I just got too tired of trying to write and passed out. My point is, I made excuses to take in substances for my own personal benefit because the whole time I was really trying to run away from the problem instead of facing it. When I really sit back and analyze myself as well as you, I see a huge correlation between us. And to be honest, I think it’s a big contributing factor to my depression. Not because me and you are similar, but because we’re similar and you think you’re so different. Do you want in on something I’ve never directly told you? Growing up, I’ve always had persistent urge to make you a happier person. Ever since I noticed how depressed and upset you were, I told myself I would stop at nothing until you saw the good that life has to offer. I didn’t realize how high I set my expectations until they were ripped out from under my feet. My interventions got me nowhere but further into a rut with you, not to mention they were labeled as girlish emotions to have. It’s funny how fast you can go from being helpful to being angry, which is exactly what happened to me. I became so obsessed with trying to make you a happier person that I started becoming angrier that nothing was working. My anger turned into depression and I started smoking **** significantly more to run away from the fact that it seemed like there was nothing I could do to help you out. I started seeing all the negative aspects of life and didn’t want to go out and have fun anymore, so I started compulsively eating and religiously watching TV. Not to mention, I would spend an abnormal amount of time on my computer. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago, and since the last time I went there which was less than a year ago, I put on 20 pounds. I feel like ****, but I lie to everyone because I don’t want them to see how much I’m suffering on the inside. You know, there was a point a few months ago where I didn’t care if I died or got extremely sick, I actually hoped for it. I looked at my life as a sacrifice for the well being of other people, as well as for my own benefit. If I had gotten really sick or diagnosed with a horrible disease, I knew people would pay more attention to me. I knew that people would listen to my opinion more because it was more “influential” on them because of the fact I was probably going to die. I kind of counted on pity to be an influencing factor on me being influential to others, which is kind of like giving up. It’s kind of strange that you hear that coming from me, huh?"

I took the burden of my father off my shoulders, and I must say we get along a lot better today. He never thought I'd be able to relate to him in the ways that I did in the letter I wrote, and he broke down in tears to me. I never chose to give up on the thoughts that went on in my mind. I still struggle with expressing how I feel at times, but it’s not stopping me from trying to fight past it. I know I can relate to him if I allow him into my life instead of shutting him out indefinitely.

I have this belief that traumatic experiences can be the gateway to self-change. Trauma happens to us all, and it can be the very foundation of a person’s character. It can be what shapes your fears, develops strengths or weaknesses to certain situations and can overall can be a burden-like thought that you carry with for the rest of your life. Trauma’s have their ranges of impact and can even go as far as sending a person over the edge to end their own life. One that has stuck with me my whole life, which most people wouldn’t guess to be, was disguised in silence. People that go through traumatic experiences don’t always have crazy superficial cuts and bruises, a lot of the scars of their traumas remain on the inside, hidden away from plain view.
This was an assignment I had to write for my creative writing class, let me know what you think!
Rosh Nov 2016
When I can't recognise who I am
When I can no longer keep up the show
and I break down in my pretence,
Don't let me go.

When I push you away
And tell you I don't need you anymore
Show me your anger
But don't let me go.

I'll scream out my silence
And peak when I'm low
But when I'm in my ditch
Don't let me go

I'll say I love the height
But I'm afraid to look below
Don't let me take the fall
Don't let me go.

When I don't know my own mind
And make my lies come true
I know the one thing I'll do
Is hold on to you

Maybe it's a lot to ask for
Maybe I'm overstepping here
But just believe in me
When things aren't that clear

I'm sorry for the words I said
Your hurt is their echo
But I hope and hope that through everything
You won't let me go.
rusty shacks Feb 2014
We as the United States generate hate
by overstepping our bounds
moving our military into other nations
The real root cause to drill oil in the ground
Cause we need oil to move
our economy - so we ignore
other countries rights to autonomy
Because we're America bringing freedom
to the world - yes please understand
We'll help out Libya and Iraq but
not Rwanda or Sudan - its the American plan -
We bring freedom if you've got something for us
So please adore us, give us
your natural resources - then we'll
destroy your country and be its only
recourse - we use force to get
what we need even if it means
making more die and bleed -
so cut the real TV feed and let
the American media propaganda proceed
Bobby Blues Jul 2015
Is working to lessen pain,
like working for pleasure?

Is working to lessen grief,
like working for happiness?

And, where exactly was the line?
It can´t be that far behind.

At least I don´t remember
ever stepping over it.
“You must taste your words before you speak”
She said, with the sweetest smile
Always consider the feelings of those around you
Let them rest on your tongue awhile

Do not be so quick to claim your bitter offenses
When others behave annoyingly  
The truth is, you may be being too sensitive
She said, looking straight at me

There are some who are forceful and opinionated
With powerfully strong personalities
Do not ever let them mistreat you, protect yourself
Using your wisdom of tact, gracefully

Some will walk the line between being assertive
And overstepping their bounds
If you will deal with them using your softest nature
The rewards you reap are better, I’ve found

*For Linda
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Richard j Heby May 2012




The ease of lustful apathy takes breath,
but cultivated love is overstepping death.
sonnet haiku two
selina Feb 2024
drunk kissing blurry faces under neon lights
i'm sorry that your party had to end with a fight
but that creep was overstepping everywhere tonight

after sharing reservations about people getting high
your friend won't stop asking for my marly lights
these cigs for aesthetics are going to ruin our lives

debrief time: your parents argue, divorce is in sight
romance is everywhere, you're convinced that i'm blind
hey, out of curiosity, have you ever wished on a satellite?
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
While I sit and wait for a job I think why isn't anything
coming for me yet? Is it because of my qualifications, or is it the
great depression of 2010? What is it that is making me frustrated?
Is it the fact that I was beaten by a better canadiate? Or am I overstepping my qualifications? Whatever it is, I am frustrated right now.
Jerald Angelo Aug 2011
You're transparent, I'm illuminated
By your body, striking me dead
I was tempted, and I'm washed away
By some evil plans, without astray

Seeing you as a reward, making things all right
But you drained away my inner safe light
A simple stream, a water flow
A threat for my bloodstream, it's burning low

With its fake formation of devil
The water transformed and made it reveal
Like an appearance of a human being
The darkness will begin to strum the string

She's a mistress, came up and greet
I can notice abnormality in her dorsal teeth
Its a fang, used to bite me back
She always declares a silent attack

Speaking with a husky voice I desire
But her deformity was like a face on a fire
Overstepping her bounds that made doors shut
Making it spoil, leaving a heaven's cut

What can I do now?
I'm in between that water and my blood
The blood that forever be the same
The water that will always drag me insane

It's a brute energy that wraps around my neck
I'm tightly forced, I beheld the wreck
Aggressive attitude that can crumble well
Nearly I can feel the ambiance of the hell

I pray. I'm sorry for messing up
I'm escaping. forcing these vines to unwrap
I realize even fire-proof can be burned
Now I cast my full heart to return

Back from a pure white canvass
Removing all bad elements from the past
I will wash away this water goddess in my mind
From now on, I will switch it off behind
Cat Fiske Aug 2015
I loved of milk stains from overflowed cereal bowls,
like too much love was the problem with you and I,
and not that you didn't grab a bigger bowl,
for all the love I wanted to pour out.

but like stains they fade away,
into backgrounds becoming nothings,
of somethings,
that were all once one thing,
worth the energy of the other side of what used to be,
but not everyone gets to be blown away by you,
others will do away with you,
leaving you.
to fade into the tables and become one,

you look at what you once had,
new milk fills the bowl never overstepping in things of love,
overspilling the love,
like you did,
and you'd cry if you weren't dried out.

and you look,
at what happiness they both have,
something you wished to of haved for the both of you,
and it tears your heart in two,
and you may cry on the inside,
but find it in your mind
that your heart may be broken,
but you need to let them fly,
and love,
for you couldn't love right,

and in that moment,
you shut your little milk stained eyes,
the right way to die,
is with tears of forgiveness,
and to remember and move on from the past,
and as you release a single dried out tear,
all of you fade into the background as if you were never there,
leaving no trace,
but your single dried out milk stain tear,
Just a few old Ideas I finally put together.
Joseph Childress May 2014
Titans clashing
In writing classes
To profess progression
Progress to professions
Brought through the lessons
In College
A student as truant
As undeserved triumph
In the form
Of a form
That says what he’s worth
Handed out
To show
You’re on the road
To success
The rest are asked
The ultimate question
Of “Why not?”
Embarking on the quest
When the ultimatum
Is failure

Fail lures in
Those with no ambition
Men *******
About getting papers
To show worth
Working with no
Apparent purpose
Being apparently worthless
Pairing the two
Against the view
Of a *****
Who stares at the moon
And gives a ****
About the bull
The one
Whose wit
Could split
The tightest knit
And undue the sutures
Of skulls
To undue
Their mundane
View of success

The *****
Who calls himself
A *****
With more pride
Than Aryans
Carrying his opinion
Than the mass vision
Just to show
How low
They truly are
Arrogantly ignorant
Ignore rants
Of others
And smother them
With the truth
Of knowing nothing
And understands
They’ll never understand

Overstepping the boundaries
Diplomatic immunity
Yet immune
To the qualities
Of the Hippocratic views
And sees
To seize the future
You must
Tackle the present problems
You must blitz
To get you’re quarter back
If you want
To make a change
And sport all the qualities
That seem to them
In the range
Of misunderstandings

The illusion of progress
For humans
Are usually
Said in words
And never
Set in stone
So I will throw
Sticks and stone
The stupidity that’s grown
Words hurt
But actions hurt worser

For example:
Isn’t a word
Until I worsen the
Worst situation

I’m waiting
For my chance
To blow up

So I can dumb down
Your intelligence
And smarting up
Your ignorance

If you can’t understand
You’re either too smart
Or too **** ignorant

If you’re offended
Then you’re opinion is unneeded
Because the truth
Will tear your *** to pieces
e Dec 2014
I keep
  falling into love
and walking into walls
tripping over boundaries
    and overstepping limits
I guess the only thing
  you left me
was a diminished
      sense of space.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2015
we know how those doctors about to retire type:
index punch, index punch, left hook index tap,
brawler's right kiss index tap -
thumbs are for the spacebar!
but this little oddity got me thinking: i can tell
you that my grandfather had beautiful handwriting,
and a massive library, and all of this... under
a communist regime... more books than
the modern capitalist household, let me tell you -
oddly enough i followed suit, never truly recognised
my father aged eight at victoria coach station -
4 - 8 under my grandfather's construct -
6 - 8 psyche of a child given a doberman by
his mother and left, upon return asking
for a devil's mask in warsaw, the same devil
mask a furore at a fancy dress party in school
ripped by friends all wanting the share of
suffocating under plastic.
but this got me thinking, i never had the
proper handwriting fluidity for an A grade in
english during examination, that's always a grade
more than anything you put your mind to
in terms of content. so... on handwriting fluidity:
omega alpha beta flows nice, because the greeks
managed to convene that letters had to
have names, no wonder the export of greek lettering
into mathematics and science...
imagine if it was the romanic letters:
that's *** arr squared: peeing on the arc of triumph
seeing sqaures?! bonaparte with a bunch of pirates?!
no! πr2, the area of the ****** circle!
never mind that, that's just me overstepping
the giggles, but i think because of the non-complex
denotation of the romanic letters we have terrible
handwriting, just like it sounds, punched in by dyslexic
judy separately: look - a'    b'e    c'e     d'e    e'  z'ed.
no wonder the alphabet turned to programming
and cyborg fancies - plus it's no fun trying to remember
alpha bravo charlie... i mean, it's a bit ****, that nato
phonetic ******* over the phone: oscar v. ω?
ω! romeo v. ρ? ρ! sierra v. σ? σ! let's face it, greek
too ancient and romanic trying to speed up... no wonder
there's a bit of charlie and the x-ray;
or maybe this whole phoneticism is a way to say -
keep that ugly so we can lego it into beautiful stances
of the fencing tongue.
Jordan Frances Feb 2015
A comprehensive list
Of things that people don't say to me
Don't say to her, fat girl
Don't say to her, dumb ****
Don't say.
"You're not that fat"
"You don't need to diet"
"Have you eaten today?"
"Are you making yourself throw up?"
"Are you bulimic?"
"Are you feeling okay?"
"I believe that he assaulted you."
So every day I put on a new mask
Made of lavender soap and my own blood
That I continually drain out of my body
Onto a sheet of paper
Onto a slate of stone
Write it on my skin.
Because every day,
A new version of myself comes to dinner
Will it be the quiet, gentle Sarah who is too far too boring
But well behaved
Or will it be the loud, driven Sarah
Overstepping boundaries is her favorite passion
Doing things the wrong way is as natural to her as breathing
And then she scratches a list of things she has heard
A few times too often onto her wrist
"Fat *****."
"Waste of space."
"No one will ever love you."
"**** yourself."
Something I wrote to personify my deepest pit of depression and how it is viewed by society.
dailythoughts May 2020
They won’t just touch my soul and set me free
Eagerly will open the deepest of wounds and fest on my worst fears
Harshly undress my faith and crush my hope

Victoriously laugh to celebrate my doom
Bleed me red to suffer in dry tears
Waltz with my ghost to slowly scatter my temple  

Taunt to enliven my mistakes
Proudly glorifying my shames
Only to win a soul that has been defeated

I sense them overstepping my shadow
The monsters catching up with my heart and mind
Will I score the final touchdown or will they devour me whole

Touch so contagious
The poison burns running wild in my veins
Won’t be long for when I am all at once taken away
good luck to me
Nat Lipstadt Dec 2014
for Laura and David

so the story goes...

of a long ago silly fight and
then a Boston Bay boat ride,
magical moments of a simple interrogation repeated,
that recalled a man beach combing for what,
he knew he,
already possessed,
a permanent bezel for his love
that secured with human strength
their togethered life

You! You Two!

recall best
the forest,
not the trees,
not the ring,
the freedom from a symbolic beeper drowned

recall best
the ring's tale,
your unfinished yet-storied,
mid-trip bay borne voyage of denouement,
a retirement and a reaffirmation,
marked best not by any stone,
but by
the knowing  women,
all surrounding,
with righteous exclamations of envy for

his loving words,
his words!

the value of living,
raconteuring memorized mutual wisdom,
no diamond could ere cut a deeper groove
than his spoken words

words etched in flesh,
immutable and undying,
far exceeding
rubies and diamonds,
their gain, their loss,
merely pecuniary,
could never speak or prove
a love far better
than those special holy words
a spoken capstone,
tribute gladly given
to his shipmate,
his fellow voyageur,
his story of them delivered
but happily incomplete

of this I know
with utter certainty,
for more than twice,
with his eyes cast down upon
igneous ankle-twisters,
while overstepping
lazy sea lions,
invisible iguanas,
heard him tell me,
the frigates and the *******
and the head-popping turtles,
all who came
to see and hear as well,
them too,
all jealous of
what he spoke,
even then...

for well they and I
heard him say,
in a whisper
intended just for me,
but overheard,
and legally witnessed and thereby,
and herein attested hereby
by many citizens
of the Galapagos and
even one from the great
State of New York

those loving words,
those words

without her, I am lost,
with her, I am gained,
repeating in his way,
Proverbs 31:10:
A worthy woman who can find?
For her price is far above rubies*

so accept this as a free release
from one who listened to the
poetry of a ring's story,
and though he cannot recall the
appearance of the accoutrement,
the words, the words
they spoke,
the whispery smile she let escape,
never left, never could,
that being the thing of greatest
the poet
deemed most worthy
of recording for posterity


this expert poetic witness testimony
in the matter of matrimonial affairs
now entered into permanent part of the record of
Laura and David,
notarized, signed and sealed,
and internet delivered,
truthfully writ this day,
December 20, 2014
John Bartholomew Mar 2018
That poor man, look at him sat there
On his own, shopping for one, no friends or love, bound for life in that hideous wheelchair
Do I talk for him or would that be a sin
It's the modern world, he does as he wants, his decision to be here, I'll leave it down to him
He looks up, can he reach that product, think I'd better go over and help
Can I assist you sir, shall I pass it to you or can you easily get it for yourself

Was this wrong as he sits now in silence, overstepping a mark of just plain goodwill
He looks up at me, a smirk of delight, and relief drains from me like the bitterest pill
Thank you young lady, as I hate to sometimes ask
As to you of course, it seems the simplest of tasks
Because this is not as it's always been, the paraplegic position of that poor individual
Fancy a chat, a coffee in the cafe, and I will tell you the story of how I became so crippled

A state of empowerment now downtrodden, as the view becomes less clear
It’s hard to tell in the blink of an eye, of a life we all so fear
Explanations, requirements, everyday necessities and drugs on a weekly prescription
I could bore you for hours of this tedious droll, but those things become an addiction
So as you can see, I’m not that wee poor man just looking lost in the supermarket
I have a life, I have a heart, I just can’t find a way to prove it

For I am a regular man, now operating in turmoil
As I have already put into the title
This para, really is normal

Theoretical physics is one of the few fields in which being disabled is no handicap - it is all in the mind - Stephen Hawking

How a society treats its disabled is the true measure of a civilization - Chen Guangcheng
ZL May 2014
He once told me
he wanted to swim
in the chocolate of my eyes,
Hershey kisses he fed me
milked with flattering lies.

a week before Valentine's day
I refused to give him his way
he had enough of my hazelnut skin
threatening for us to be over,
voting for us to end.

overstepping his boundaries
he knew he had tripped
and as honey drips
this honey dipped.

I fulfilled his dark fears
but now I plead for him with mercy
to wipe away
my lonely muddy tears.
Makiya Dec 2011
overstepping boundaries and
drinking caffeine,
pretending not to fade
away and slip into something a little more comfortable,
like the vapor escaping from my mouth as it hides
amongst the steam rising from the kitchens
and blends with the blue and my eyes
watch with wishes and wants

a smoke break well appreciated,
but I leave all the more
B H H Burns Jul 2017
Once upon a time,
I lined my waist with numbers;
I would waste my time
calculating endless sums
for my basic needs.
There would be fines for
overstepping boundaries –
a scaling back of
my supposed sense of greed.

Once upon a time,
I timed my pain with numbers;
Making sure I met
my set target every day;
for a balance had
to be closely kept
between input and output –
red flags would be raised
If I went into the black.

Once upon a time,
I was defined by numbers;
My life resigned to
mathematical strategies.
Now I understand
though I am not a number,
and I do not add up; yet
I count just because
I am me
Inspired by #BeautifulMess prompt 'Numbers'
Ky Philbilly Apr 2015
This day in history
240 years ago
Subjects to a king
Finally to him said "No!"

A shot rang out
A shot that was heard worldwide
As worlds old and new
Did violently collide

Much blood was shed
Many lives were lost
But America won indepenence
Learning liberty's true cost

Fast forward to today
Tyranny once again rears it's head
In the form of a government
A nanny state from birth 'til we're dead

Overstepping it's authority
The Constitution to ignore
Trampling the freedoms and libertys
Many of us claim to adore

It takes the blood of tyrants and patriots
To water liberty's tree
That was a word advice
From one of the founders, to you and me

I hope that's not the case
But history, truly does repeat
But like the minutemen of old
We must be ready to rise up on our feet

To protect and defend
That which we hold dear
To stand against tyranny
Facing death without fear

We've been given a gift
That came with great cost
And it is solely up to us
If that gift is kept or is lost

It was only III%
That did it back then
A determined III% of us now
Could do it again

What is freedom worth?
What in exchange for liberty will we take?
My friends that's a decision
We all must make

"Give me liberty, or give me death"
Was 240 years ago the cry
I was born a free man
And a free man I am determined to die.
Glenn McCrary Apr 2014
Haven’t you knuckle heads ever heard of that old saying “You reap what you sow?”
Well, I find that statement presents more than a handful of truth
Every one of you validate it every day
Always bringing your misery through the door and taking it out on others
You don’t make enough money in tips or the customer’s orders are too fancy, indecisive, or extensive
Then you turn around and bully other co-workers
coughing up lies about their job performances to compensate for your own securities about the performance of your own
as well as telling other co-workers “We can make your job harder for you.”
***** you can’t, won’t and aren’t going to do anything to make my job harder for me
The fact that I have to work along side you is enough to make any worker’s job harder than it already is.
Plus you are always overstepping personal boundaries
talking about what somebody’s mother should have done.

You’re in no place to provide commentary on any person’s childhood parenting.
Focus on avoiding converting that to reality.

P.S. *******!
If I am ever anything
I was never to be the man who walks away
Everyone else seem to do so
But I'm the only one left in the line that was on the chopping block
And stayed until the end
I have my pride and my dignity
I think that's the strongest thing
No matter how bad I mess up
I hold my head up high
Trying to coordinate a way to fix the discrepancies that were there
Most people wouldn't care
But I give it my all
I will break this fall
Over and Over again
Don't count me out
Just count me in
I like numbers that penertrate my brain
Like they did before
Don't worry
No more grudges from this heart
Just help given when you've fallen apart
I'm not wasting my time being the same
I'm not doing it for a hot minute of fame
I know what its like to be formerly lame
So I made the cut now
And I'm giving the upcoming ones as much as a chance as the wiser few did when I was young and aimless
They're my motivation now
I hope I can duplicate this notion
Causing so much commotion
That you wake up from your coma
My words should be gradually uplifting, taking it in like meslotheioma
But I heal instead of ravage
Sometimes I get a hit savage
Only when I'm fed up with someone overstepping their boundaries or crossing the line
Or just when I'm upset and flustered
Then that case the fault is mine
Join me this time
Let's look at the Stars
Let's not think too far
Drinks on plastic cups are on me
Midnight Apex Aug 2015
I'm sorry for confusing you so,
Trying to restate what we both already know,
I did hesitate,
Now I must contemplate,
In an inwards form that I can't show.

I'm sorry for muddling your mind,
Overstepping the role I'm assigned,
But you know you're my friend,
A bond that can't end,
Because I can't ever leave you behind.

I'm sorry for jumping the start,
For causing a reason to part,
I'm sorry for jumping the gun,
Leaving you to run,
And being an ephemeral part of your heart.

I'm sorry for acting so rude,
For not stopping even when I was cued,
And even though this list,
Is not full of my mistakes that exist,
Here is where my apology must conclude.
Bee Jul 2020
tomorrow is my mother's birthday
and i can't remember the last time
we spoke about much more
than what i'm doing for a living
or how the weather has been
or when i'm quitting smoking
or collecting tattoos on body
or getting a real job
so it doesn't seem appropriate to call
and wish her a happy birthday
when i haven't been in her life
as she hasn't in mine
her contact name has been
ever since i was eighteen
our distance isn't anything new
but it feels heavier this time around
that weight is getting harder to carry
life is getting so weird
and i hate to disappoint her
but i have been disappointing myself
for far too long
living in the shadows of those
claiming to be
stability is not a desk job
finding myself does not include
her telling me to sit down
i refuse to stay still
honesty is not easy
living is not easy
happiness is not easy
love is not easy
i can't continue
being torn apart
by her judgment
overstepping boundaries
letting her break my heart
is not a good birthday gift
so maybe i'll call her
but i probably won't
L Seagull May 2017
Overstepping the limit
The line once drawn by
The enmeshment of all familiar faces
Conditionally loving their reflection
In my face
The pain of falling
Of being alone in the dark is so
Overwhelmingly tangible
But ones who dare
Ones who soar high
And fiercely live
Fall into themselves
Off the cliff of familiar
And into the unknown
But deeply felt
Of creative release
Jean Rojas Jun 2015
out of the blue
I think of you
and everything is
as it should...

having you in my mind
is a preoccupation
unequaled in the
depths of my emotions...

why do you come to me,
in all hours of the day
or night?
but I welcome the thoughts of you..
with a glee
that makes all sorrows flee
to set me free

sometimes I wonder
if you know,
but I know that you
feel something too
there is this unspoken
thing between us
or am I overstepping
my boundaries?
with you, I can not take liberties
much as I would want to
and the gulf of year between us
reminds me that I must
keep my dignity intact

ah, but what I would give
just to make you look at me
with amorous desire
and see me in a beautiful light
the way I see you.....

For now I am content
knowing that our friendship
grows in leaps and bounds....
I am happy just to look at you
from afar-
in your small corner
of inter playing time and shadows
beside the main thoroughfare
that is heaven to my eyes...

I relish in the thought
that you lie gently in my heart
like the quiet fragrance of roses
in their magnificent poses
bathed in the sunlight of my
undying love...

For: R.F.
19 June, 2015
In most cases, I am at fault.

Nothing can replace the emptiness,
Even companionship, friends.
Every moment growing larger,
Deepening the trench in my bones.

Leaving myself open to the chance,
Overstepping boundaries.
Vicious words, vicious thoughts,
Each letter breaks the wall down.
Odd Odyssey Poet Apr 2020
Give a say on steps means I'm overstepping
But I do like to stay a step ahead
But come to think of it
that last pun was a bit of a misstep

So please let me know about your feet
Cause all this stepping may lead to stepping on toes
And it's a possibility if I'm stepping out of place

But let's go back to the first step of me overstepping
I did it in a way of stepping out

So don't be expecting me to be stepping down
My foots hard onto the ground of a stepping stone
And that's stepping puns of this stepping poem.
Just some fun poem I wanted to share for laughs.
Jeramy Souder Jun 2019
I am the second choice
The one that holds you together
The listener on the sidelines waited to be called

I am the best friend that’s never seen as more
Mending all your wounds of the other guys you so chose
Never overstepping the title you have given me

I make a promise that remains unbroken
That I would never leave your side
Always be there for you, wiping the tear from your eye

I am the second choice
I will never be the first
Only haunting the feeling that you’ll see me as the worst
This poem isn't a complaint, i hope it doesn't come across as one. Being in this position is tough at times though as it could take a lot out of you. Especially when you see this cycle with someone you care about.
Wordfreak Apr 2018
I hope it isn't
Overstepping my bounds
To intrude on your conversation.
My friend,
There is always a war
Going on somewhere.
Whether soldiers clashing,
Cannons flashing,
Or fighting our personal demons.
Even the savior himself
Was betrayed by those
He sought to help.
Humanity is always trying
To destroy itself.
It may be macabre,
But it's impossible to save
Them all.
Because in every war,
There are casualties.
And there are always
Those in the crossfire.
A stray round will always fell
A civilian or two.
Take it from someone who knows.
Don't try to save the world.
Just do your best to
Make it back alive.
And know that there are others
Fighting at your side
Watching your back.
And with their final breath,
Those that fall will be saying.
"Till death, till the end.
This we'll defend."
badtaste Feb 2020
why do memories gotta be this upsetting?
I don’t remember forgetting being this frustrating.
why is she telling me that I am overstepping?
I just need some sleep,
but the bells sing hymns of our wedding.
is that my daughter? or an impostor of his eyes and your nose,
oh my sweet little angel!
you unforgiving monster!
you’re her mother and he’s just a confession to the *******,
I don’t care if I’m drunk right now
You can’t take her away and give the credit to the liar!
I’m still her father
not a meme
Methinks perchance man
     kind always vain
n'er did appertain
moral hike polar opposite
     from human being:
uncivil, unethical, unsocial, et cetera
     minimally app proxy
     mating, neither didst

     faithfully abide as citizen Kane
externally - nar main
ten an ounce, (asper
     atop figurative fain
faux shaw didst attain
"FAKE" horn o' manners), tolerance,
     our predecessors didst abstain
nor internally betweenbrain,

sans modest straight,
     and ne'r did entertain
narrow true lofty salient tenet
     absence of virtue
     tis no matter pray'n -
quite self evident, plain
as day, and vice gripped by
     fratricide (or homicide

     in general) endemic throughout
     evolution of humanity dripping
     nee gushing more'n
     nah globule bloodstain,
viz more aptly bloodbath,
     haply insinuated, embedded,
     and accrued heart
     felt toehold gain

saying division among
     caveman club rings
     animal hides
     pelt did maintain
bare co-opted spirit hood
     did micro reign
buzzfeed ding death,
     via plenti did retain

aplomb murderous sprees kickstarter
     thankfully guaranteeing (ha)
     hardy internecine characteristic
kept in lock step with
     protohumans enlightenment, qua
     i.e. as earliest primates
     acquired innate haughty
     apropos boastfulness

     to ascend chain
of command anointing insane
lee flattering hashtag, re:
     (albeit ill fit
     ting), yet utopian
appellation "noble savage,"
which inchoate bipedal hominids
     (forerunners of **** sapiens),

     quickly dost wrought impertinent
     sobriquet (by anonymous
     simian "Einstein brain
child"), viz favored
     killing one another
strove and still thrives,
     since Adam and Eve,
     for sport, but most

     dramatically didst appear
     purportedly, when Abel
     got slain by Cain
punctuated equilibrium
     lopping limb
     and/or head off if one
     didst dissent or complain
setting precedent

     for consanguineous
modern Roman Times
     (font size twelve) brutish,
     nasty, and short train
ning supposedly
     "civilized insubordinate"
     foo fighting beastie boy
     received fatal crackbrain

with imprimatur challenging authority,
     sans grossly wading,
     brazen overstepping
     circumscribed domain,
where thwack on noggin
     determined, hence did explain
survival of fittest.

— The End —