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ryn Dec 2015
•i've depleted my font,
my creative well•for each
day passed, with a story to tell
•staining white and barren land-
scapes•by sculpting my words into
myriad shapes•from factory fumes to
a wedding ring•an ominous tombstone
to a flash of lightning•an hourglass to track
elapsing time•the untold story behind a loved

                   nursery rhyme•            |  
                   with this i conc-             |  
                lude my 30 day run          o  
•it's been quite a stretch but
all in good fun•rest assured that
more will come when the time is
right•for now i'll turn off my
bedside lamp and bid
you all a goodnight•

Concrete Poem 30 of 30

Thank you so much for your continued love and support! If you have missed any of the entries, click on the "30daysofconcrete" hashtag below to view them all. Thanks again!!!
Glenn McCrary Dec 2011
Every week we bypass each other

As if neither of our existences

Matter much to one another

From across the room

We gaze at each other

Time further elapsing

How my mouth just waters

By the way you sway your hips

As you perform your **** walk

****... Would I ever love

To softly smack that backside

The way you flaunt drives me wild

And then you turn to flash

That lovely trademark smile

Seducing me over the edge

Purring like a naughty kitten I say:

'I want you...'

'I need you...'

'Come play with me I don't bite.'

Upon my lap she jumped

In her sexiest tone she whispered

'Let our bodies take the shape of lust.'

© 2011 (All rights reserved)
roxanne Jul 2018
Below the surfaceless
looking above
under the furls of wavering clouds
all you'd see is that untouched stare
an absence of warmth disclosed
elapsing over,
collapsing over

Shallows edges so elusive,
as obscure as a serpents nest
anonymous as the rest,
intrusive like these dated feelings

and yet those eyes like minds wander
wonder as if it's ever been to lie beyond
those gated passages to Edens flowers
a pocket of hours been laid before you,


And the continuance to roam
inside of these channels
left empty and vacuous

so out of depth,
with filtering essence of memory
faltering lights of ambiguity,
letting the pieces drip upwards

you’re alone together with what ties are to be had
you speak as through the pith
of this insecurity,
the plight of this immaturity

a footstep in the waters
spilling from your tongue.

Venture from the beginning
a start to finish
as though time bounded in ripples
your tinted sight lines
undesigned and impalpable
even through strategy

under the palms, your hands,
the happens mind of another kind,
settling not in stones but
in sands
a habitual mess of ingraining
always draining and seeping

never enclosing,
fostered only by a feint solace
in the flooded catacombs of yours.

A participance of midnights moons
in these swimming conversations,
cycled discussions
the rising tides of snake eyes
with one onerous touch
submerging your voice

into a fragmented drowse

burning notes left from pictures
choking out all that swirls
the delirious magnetism of weight that pulls to you
creating an astringent terrain,
as your blood is spilling down

a pipeless drain.

A manifestation of ego's brain bubbling down
under the masque of self-worth and integrity
into a thick mud
painted with entitlement

across a dotted line

the deeds of your fascinations
possessions to another
inclinations unbeknownst to you,
against the black skies
opposing truths of deflection

you find yourself with silkless ink
writing what you think it to be
beyond your skin

and the closer the pen drips
the tighter the bolts become
on the grips over your perception
a darker rainstorm

straining out

Pressure slowly eased
into soothful washing
though cliffs eroded from memory

cresting the hall
that remains beneath

as a little boy
with glassless eyes
and a mouth full
of rose thorns,

Greeting you

To the welcomes of goodbyes,
until the shrill whispers
of the sirens of deception call you

once more

threading over your faces
elapsing the rims of reality,
overgrowing its garden
into a shipwrecked valley

warped by tainted reveries.
harlon rivers Aug 2018
The waves spilled the rising tide
back into the scattered footprints  in the sand
deeply entrenched in life’s mystery,
receding into every breaking wave

A stiff sea breeze put back every grain of sand,
elements of a larger object gathers,
gravity firmed, into the silent shoreline chasms—
a beheld essence washed out to sea
by the fugitive tides and retreating sea-foam

Soon all trodden traces visibly vanish;
unmarked mileposts on a metaphysical pathway
slip away back to a windswept shoreline
and elapsing summer tide

Seabirds glide in slow-motion,
held sway into the shapeless gusts —
as if feathered puppets hovering,
hanging from the rafters
of the burgeoning orange sky

There's an uncommon peace in the renaissance;
effervescent crisp ocean air filling
the indefinable emptiness
marooned within each heartbeat’s echo

Each new breath inhaled,  disappearing within
the unhealed hollow of every thing once believed;
fully aware this life is unholdable as time,
yet feeling many things deeply retained
    in each passing moment—
slipping away like a handful of sand
sifting through all these hands once held

Presence becoming wreathed in a miasma of stillness,
space that levitates like an unpredictable fog
that seeps into the gnawing voids
of an unsated hunger

harlon rivers  ...  August 1st,  2018
a piece from the TRAVELOGUE collection:

Getting away from my ordinary life maze seems to be changing perspective; moments still unfold as they are intended, but there is less peripheral distraction, more focus on the simple things that enrich life in the moment.

I did not plan on posting anything else until back to daily Internet access
in Fall ... plus, much I've scribbled these days, seems derivative of the last  pieces i've published: that said, this is of the present moment and as close to peace as I've tread in eons:  Thank you for taking the time to check out something newly written at a time when my web access and participation @ HePo is sporadic at best.   :)  rivers
ryn Oct 2014
It's a dance
It really is
Skip and prance
Lifelong practice

Loop of songs
Never ending
Of various genres
Life is playing

There's the spotlight
World is awaiting
Pressure of eyes
Silently watching

Take your place
Assume your position
Execute with finesse
And flawless precision

Spin your pirouettes
Don't get dizzy
Maintain your poise
In this revelry

Along comes a partner
Present as a duo
The game now altered
From when you were solo

Two bodies now
Move in unison
Reciprocate and reply
Through steps made in heaven

Flighty feet
Intertwined bodies limbre
Sweet little performance
Elapsing into forever

With grace of ballet
Each other you'd catch
Intimate display
Think you've found your match

There'll come such time
Both will not be in sync
Episodes of missteps
Push you to the brink

Alone again
Or switch of partners
Find solace in groups
Still dancing for answers

Dancing with others
Much you can learn
From hip hop to the waltz
Together or in turn

Try to adapt
To different styles
Soak up all you can
May take a while

I've danced all my life
Can't say that I've mastered
Fair share of jeers
And accolades I've garnered

Always clumsy
Exceedingly awkward
Tripping and falling
Barely proceeding forward

It's just this dance
One with syncopated beats
It's just this prance
That my gait can't meet
It's just this stance
I often use as retreat
I realised in a glance
That I have...but

**two left feet
Gary Oct 2014
A dark clump of ice
Blocks my soul, melting quickly
Turning my once clear thoughts
To unseen milky  visions
A body that once use to hold the warmest of hearts
Has now turned cold.
Like the sun, on a cloud covered day
The light doesn't  shine like it use to
The city's weather is uninviting,
So is my heart, that barely beats
To keep me alive.
It pumps the infectious thoughts of my mind
Filling my veins with blood as thick and dark, as the filth covered chunk of snow.
Lying in the middle of the cold darkened city street, slowly melting
Like my heart slowly deteriorating
Without the warmth of your soul.
My life is now an elapsing of fate.
Gabriel burnS May 2017
sugar is bad for you
especially sugary thoughts
you cannot afford

like June is majestic
undulating ozone
from cumulus bones
in its flesh of light blue
masquerading airborne
around the skin
that breathes with beats
progressively arrhythmic
high from the feeling

but beware
for June hides its predators
beneath those waves
elating charm, its Siren song;
Because deadlines,
blood thirsty words
like “expiration”,“elapsing”,
and “due in”,
lurk with sharpened teeth
stalking the smallest of joy-fish

And all of this contrast
is masked with such skill
it remains underrated,
only frustrating to Juners,
for they know its extremes
and how smiles
cover anxiety

"It's coming on the end of August,
Another Summer's promise almost gone.
And I heard some wise man say,
That every dog should have his day.
He never mentioned that these dog days get so long."

"It's coming on the end of August,
Another Summer's promise almost gone.
And I heard some wise man say,
That every dog should have his day.
He never mentioned that these dog days get so long."

It was the end of summer, long long hot days maybe they would start fading, maybe the beach had something else in mind.

It had started out as a nice day.

Katlin's beauty was very noticeable, everyone that came in contact with her, felt drawn to her not only by her beauty but her persona, she loved people and people loved her. Her long blond hair flowed perfect around her shoulders, deep golden blue eyes made all men stop in their tracks. Although she had such beauty she had only one man in mind, and he called her princess.

Katlin saw the weather report it looked like bad weather was coming. She waited most of the day waiting and waiting for her love to get back.
And then....
The stars were blinking as she walked by
The landscape was loyal to her
Down in South Padre’s Island
Where they built their life of long ago...

In a way Dean, was glad of the surprised meeting he had with Katlin. Never expecting such a beauty would look at him and thanked his stars that she did. Their meeting per chance…him  looking at houses on the Island, she the realtor.  After dating for a while, he wished to move in with her, if she would only let him, her husband having passed away six months earlier.

Katlin was watching the weather report she realized they were going to have a bad storm . It was coming their way.
Startled by its ferocity, getting scared, she realized she couldn’t wait any longer. She started throwing things into the car keeping an eye, looking out for Dean.
It had been so long! Knowing if she lost him now she realized that it would break her heart.
The billowing wind was whistling past the palm trees, she had to hurry.
Walking on to their boat’s deck, she looked at the ocean and she couldn’t believe what she saw.
People were out surfing.
What was wrong with these people? With an urge welling in her to walk, she didn't want to get in that car. Maybe if she did walk Dean would be back soon… So walk she did
A new life was waiting for her
If only she would inhale
The tides of her life
A drug of a memory haunted her
Mirrored in pirouette
On South Padre Island
She was a Princess in His eyes
But everything felt strange

The wind was picking up, blowing the trees.
She was downright scared
As the sand hit the air it was thick with surf, she could feel it against her skin this cool evening. She knew she had to find her way back home. She knew that the wind now turning into a hurricane was headed her way. She had to get off this island. She wondered why she stayed so long on the beach.
As she was running, trying to find shelter she ran by the bathrooms near the beach… Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her inside. She gasped and was shocked when she  came face to face with a strange man. In fact, he scared her. She realized the man was around her age and the wind had weathered him. A closer look, his appearance was actually pleasing. His sandy blond hair and green eyes were piercing.
Though she felt uncomfortable, but couldn't take her eyes off of him.
Gasping still, he dropped his hands from her body and looked into her eyes.
"I hope you are alright, and please don't be scared." He told her in a gentle voice.
His voice was reassuring, calming her tattered nerves.
"I am fine but scared, we need to get to a better shelter, the hurricane is coming and we are not safe." Mustering courage, she did not have time for tears.
Katlin tried looking down the beach from the bathroom shelter, hoping to see Dave, knowing well that he was somewhere else safe.
She wondered where he could be. Why didn't he come, get her, so they could have left? She tried his cell phone, no answer. What was going on?
She turned around and saw the stranger staring at her. "Sorry I thought I would be able to get my phone to work. But it is no use."
The wind sounded like a banshee, the waves getting bigger, water splashing into the bathroom. Wanting to step out, the hands held her firmly by the arm.
"Where are you going? You do not have a chance out there." He yelled at her.
She yelled back, "We do not have a chance in here."
He wouldn't let go of her and pressed his body against hers… and then they were on the floor with his body on hers. When the water started getting deeper, he pulled her against the wall out of the water. She felt they didn't have a chance.
She realized his hands were not where they were supposed to be. She didn't hear the wind anymore and she didn't feel the water rising. All she felt was his hands and the look in his eyes. Was she going to die in this man's arms? A man she had no idea who he was?
It felt like hours, but his lips tasted so good and she was so scared and for some reason she felt safe. She wanted him, and she knew she wanted her.
For a moment, he stopped what he was doing and looked in her eyes and whispered in her ear, "I am sorry, but I need you, may I have you this last hour of our life?"
She couldn't help herself, if she lived another hour, she knew she wanted this man too. She nodded yes and whispered I want you too.
As the water rose so did their temperatures,  the heat between them becoming intense. Her mind going blank, as his hands explored her body. It was at that moment both knew they had reached where only they could, with spasms of desire flowing between them...
The heat brought them to another level, when the wind stopped, they stopped, looking at each other.
Total silence…the eye of the storm.
He stepped back and looked at her and murmured "I am so sorry, I feel like I was ****** you and that is not who I am."
Katlin gasped and let out a cry and started running. Ran out of the bathroom and ran some more.
Then she remembered her love once more.
Where was her love? She had a nasty feeling. She found her car. Nearly in tears, as she started driving away trying to get off the island and looking for Dean's Jeep at the same time.
Driving from one end of the island to the other in bumper to bumper traffic, her hands were shaking, the winds were picking up again, whipping everything. She saw things flying and she was scared.
She decided to get off the main road and drive towards the beach once again when she saw a jeep turned upside down. Nearly freezing with fear, pulled off the side of the road and ran to see who it was. It was raining again, raining so hard the wind was worse than ever. It kept pushing her back and sideways, finally after it seemed like an eternity she reached the jeep and saw Dean  upside down and he was bleeding.
Katlin screamed Dean's name. She tried pulling him out but could not budge him. Then before she knew it, there were other people there working trying to get him out. Then next, waves were crashing and the wind so violent…she was pushed with her head hitting the car fender. As she blacked out she remembered her love.
Death Was Here....
The Death that was coming was going to be no more.
The pain would be gone
This day
You must let go
Of all the things you
You cannot hold fast
For the colors fade
And light is gone
The world
Will spin
And there will be another day
But this day is gone
Lives would be gone this day!

Dean was gone. With time elapsing, Katlin tried to forget that frightening day, the howling wind and the rain, but what she couldn't forget was the man she met for brief moments, in the bathroom, those moments that would haunt her.
Sitting at Dave’s graveside, Katlin felt someone staring. As she looked, in the distance under the yew tree saw the shadow of a man. The man she knew only briefly, a man she wanted to know more of. Had he saved her life?
Then he was gone...

Debbie Brooks 2014
What have we, but time?
Certainly not certainty,
And definitely not definity.
What have we, but never-ending?
No, not never, (check the negatives),
But never-ending.
Consistent elapsing of the clock.
With that we learn to experience,
But unfortunately we block out our conscience.
Oh, many are the benefits;
We mustn’t overlook ice-skating,
Hot tubs, movie premiers, roller coasters.
All the gray-toed, white socks of dating.
Neither regret/forget a night like any other,
Save for a blue bag of corn chips,
Dim lighting and a cup of hot chocolate.
But mistakes, mostly by one party,
Have dimmed the lights further,
Even clouded out the Sun (chip).
Questions remain unanswered. Stories untold.
We sit. We wait. We sing.
What have we, but time?
Dre Feb 2011
I am bound by you I can’t move

get and go isn’t in my vocab

Consumed by your essence

Your legs play shackles

Your thighs play cuffs

I rather not find the key

I’m stuck her not knowing how much time is passing

It feels like were stuck in minutes but really hours are elapsing

I’m confined in you because I confide in you

I tell you my secrets so my words are your prisoner

You know when I’m guilty

You can hear it in my voice

You know when the truth is spoken

I’m not leaving your side

A eternal chain gang

I’m stuck in between your eyes and these chains I’d rather not break
Preston Jul 2014
Once there was a boy
Who became a cog when he entered the big machine
When he started to slow down and creak
They medicated him to keep him going
When he graduated with a Bachelor's he became a gear
And when he began to crack from the pressure
He considering protesting, but didn't because that's what it meant to be an adult
So when he finally snapped, people were surprised they hadn't seen the signs
And he spent three months in a white room
When he was released he sat on a stoop silently
No one knew whether he ever left it or slept or ate
Because no one noticed him
Except film students who would use him in time elapsing shots
So when he stepped in front of a bus one day
Only Jesus was there to stop him
And then he died anyway.
i wrote this a couple easters ago, when I was sad and ******* because I only went to a church for something I no longer believed in just so I could get brunch with my family. I don't know if it was because I felt like I was a hypocrite or if I was just mad being there.
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2020
Out of touch with the ground
I walk a thin line

I am in lonely equilibrium
A broken umbrella

Swinging to-and-fro
On this trapeze

Coming untethered
From these elapsing heart strings

New love's dividing line
Depends upon its precise timing

Port de bras
The illusion of imponderable lightness

Take a leap of faith
Reach out for me
Kittridge James May 2013
Buzzy and disoriented

Surreal and intangible

Semi-lucid stumbling

A nervous tick to

A gory mess

Dizzying with elapsing

time and continued

bleeding. Blurring the

thick lines of reality

Into oblivion
ryn Jun 2017
If I was ever presented
with the impossible chance

To accurately chronicle
every subtle nuance

Measured against
the number of elapsing days

No ink would be enough
No hand could keep the pace
Man Dec 2020
festering like the fungus on rotting fruit
moulded to the shadow

torn from it
motion making it's stop
the flatline
an event horizon
        and   i  

blank became the canvas
as existence shrunk from view
and i saw it all;
and it was glorious

but the curtains were closing
momentary was the sight bestowed
which fleeted faster than life
from this withering device of animation

elapsing back to nothing
a fade to black
Julian Aug 2015
Affinity for the sharks attraction to the squeeze
Apotropaic lyrics cure an ineluctable terminal disease
Traversed time repent and rhyme
For every dollar exists a crime for every penny lost cured with wine
I serenade the world with lore threadbare and cloying but earnestly transcendent
Linger longer in evanescence so I can see the rainbow’s intent
Confederate putsch subverted by transnational push and supreme wonder
Tactless assault on the unadulterated truth a sheepish blunder
Ennobled and regal they gentrify the legal
A European tyrant fishes the sky to capture the preeminent eagle
Kings of the jungle turning us gradately into desert
Desiccated promises elicit the thirst but **** myself they can be so curt
One eye to see them all
One conqueror beyond the confines of linearity hogs the ball
Shoot the three when two will do
Missing every time when the sky is completely blue
Shrouded in the clouds are souls wafting to the sky
Concealed in the Dow a dry rain turns the dust extra wry
Moments clash with movements and chaos erects a monolithic lie
Sold in every shop consumed by every cop it keeps us landlocked on the verge of flight
Rescue the contempt needed to override the wrong and enshrine the right
Abdicate the war, annex the score and appear to soar
Words cannot corral the present anymore than the future can ignore
The past becoming present presents us throttled to the wire
Cartels own the news but the periphery is harder to conspire
We scour the earth looking for rebirth
We tower over the worthy with a catchy mirth
To all law belongs the defeat of malcontent with a begrudging consent
To any miser nothing is more miserable than avaricious but impotent intent
Invisible prison with visible prisoners beset by bars established by BAR exams that we fail to apprehend
Zero sum collapse contingent on the motives of the tyrants that cannot break or bend
So stand to grow the earth with elapsing sand and synchronize the beating of the drum with the actions of the best possible invisible hand
Choice monopolized by a garbled voice trying his best to be the lead singer of the smartest brand
Wary of the scary and contemplative before the boast
We align with design streamlined in serpentine time and on that sinuous path we coast
So we find time for a dream that proves God is a dreamer
Only to find out that all the teams play for the teamsters
Bribe yourself and renege your own wage
Depriving yourself of the ink needed to fill the page
But many words are impotent
When few will do
All you truly need in this world is an emboldened you and a chosen few
Graff1980 Nov 2014
I’d kiss those gypsy lips
Let my fingers linger
And slide down the side
Of your comic book curvy hips

I’d stare into your infinite eyes
To peek at the perfect pool of pictures
Piercing nature’s lifelike reflections
Deeper and deeper into your being

I’d listen to the harmony of your voice
That silky soft folksy tone
From tenor to baritone
Full of emotion’s tremors

I’d inhale your intoxicating scent
Like lonely rose petals
Floating away in separate directions
Your body dripping droplets of a sweet sweaty smell

I’d feel your breath
Heated and gasping
Passion elapsing and reforming
Hours to minutes and sometimes only seconds

I would take you in with every sense I had
Wishing for more senses to love you with
All the pressure building from within
Blinding me and coming through you my inspiration
2D World Feb 2016
Some say life is a mystery waiting to be solved
But why search for answers when the human race won't evolve
We walk the streets hearing gun shots day by day
And now the park is no place for a child to play
We can't resolve our issues like civilized beings
And no matter how high the problem gets it just seems like we're stuck on endless mountains skiing
There are too many people shooting stars without any care
Leaving a sea of lifeless rose petals here and there
How can this world move on when everyone else dies out
It's like we're all itsy bitsy spiders that can't make it up the spout
We live in a world filled with despair, hope and violence
And there are too many people sitting quiet with their voices being silenced
We all need to stop and come together as one nation
Move on higher to new places and make heaven our new destination
The time is just elapsing before we see the revelation
You better choose your path Heaven or Hell, which path will you be on after the segregation?
#HeavenOrHell  #HeavenOverHell  #WhichPathWillYouChoose  #WeNeedToBecomeOneNation  #GodKnowsTheAnswers  #LifeIsTooShortForAllThisConflict
pcb Jul 2021
When we walked hand in hand somewhere in October,
I felt like the pulse was elapsing.
But when it's just you and me—
voice stolen, head empty,
my heart started to beat as it had always been
just as the first time you sunk deep right in.

I tried.
I try, at least—
to keep us abide.
But again, just as we fell so hard in May,
now the flicker is fading away along a distant noise
As you let me 
slip away from your arms.
Eliza Jul 2019
The overwhelming feeling of drowning
The emotions are surrounding
My lungs are collapsing
Time is elapsing
The panic

A smack
Back to reality
Where is my mentality
What triggered my insanity
Its caused by general inhumanity
I enter this one into a poetry contest on Wattpad and got second place :D
Derek Miller Feb 2011
Often time will beckon forth a voyage toward a bond.
Yearning then pours forth in streams, eroding fears beyond.
Commitment causes one to give unto another, whole
A piece of them that proves devotion stemming from the soul.
Oft it starts in simple scenes in which a friend is sought.
Awaking to what might become, steps yield what can't be taught.
With firm resolve, thus I began toward this distant light.
Attraction wound a rope to guide lest I should lose my sight.
Firmly grasping, I took hold as inches turned to yards.
Elapsing time let tenderness cede not to prior guards.
Give no quarter, my heart cries, as bolder I ascend.
Steady forward movement soothes the soul to which you tend.
Day by day, thus we progress, tomorrow's but a thought.
Reveling in the time spent now; within your grace I'm caught.
Future-gazing interests not these eyes that don't look far.
Lost in this moment, I attest to present patience scars.
For burned within my mind are days of bygone calm persistence.
Rewards for taking time to capture all that's happened since.
Soldier on, I surely will, and build upon this wall.
Guiding ropes still linger fast, lest I should slip and fall.
Reminding me of journey's point and not just destination's.
Growing bonds that have formed roots affirm my inclination.
Take it slow, now rush it not. Continue to advance.
Our patience ensures none can say we never had a chance.
This was written on request from a friend so it didn't come out as strong or as clearly as I'd hoped since the emotions weren't really anything I was feeling. I just tried to put myself in his shoes. Hope it's not too bad :)
Static anxiety housed in a shipping container
Bound for the coast of Maine.
Pandora slipped out from the lead-lined box,
And drowned out of sight, in elapsing waves.

Hallowed shores in the presence of beached harlequins
Sipping sand as their bodies get dragged
Latched and cast off as bait
Used to pull Poseidon out from the depths

Holding fast as shipping lanes rust,
Bleeding off into the current bellow.
Path marked by Aphrodite’s bust.
Belittled at the point of metaphysical conceit.

The epic crashed and burned
Turned to dust through a negligent Milton
Burning down the library of Alexandria
Housing ashy books with inadequate binding.

Homer, now, repeats a Harvard grads humor
Doh filled remnants of a paralyzed form
Duff downed in the hours after the plants closing
The barred doors leave Joyce with nothing left to quote.
Big Virge Oct 2019
Girls ... DISTRACT ME ... !!!    

Do They ... Distract YOU ... ?    
There's SOMETHING IN ...    
The Way They ... MOVE ... !!!    
They Look SO GOOD ... !!!    
In ... " High Heel Shoes " ...    
But .....    
WATCH YOURSELF ... !!!    
I'm ... WARNING YOU ... !!!!    
Some of Them ....    
Make ... "Shifty Moves" ... !!!    
Ask ... Most Men ...    
They'll ... Give You Proof ... !!!    
... " FATAL ATTRACTION " ... !!!    
Goes With ... " DISTRACTION " ... !!!!!    
Like ... Ill Health Does ...    
With ... " Medical Actions " ... !!!!!    
" I Can't Get NO Satisfaction !!! "    
But .... What If I Learnt ... ???    
How To Do ... " Leg Waxing " ... !!?!!    
Just ... WOMENS' Legs ... !!!    
EVERYDAY ... ALL DAY ... !!!!!    
Would You Like That Girls ... ???    
" Hey " ... What Do You Say ... ?!?    
Well ... One Thing I'll Say ...    
I'd Be ... SMILING ALL DAY ... !!!!    
Girls Might Find ... ?    
My Hands ... " Relaxing " ...    
But ... I'd Find Them ...    
So ****** ... DISTRACTING ... !!!!!    
See ...  
Sometimes Women ...    
RULE ... My Mind ...    
But When Some Talk .....  
I ... CANNOT FIND ... ?!?!?    
A Way To Put ...    
Their Thoughts In Rhyme ... !?!    
I Try To Be ... DIRECT ... !!!    
Just Like ... STRAIGHT Lines ...    
When Dealing With ...
... Female Designs ...    
But ... If They've Got ...    
THOSE ... " **** Curves " ... !!!    
Sometimes I Just Get ...  
... " Lost For Words " ... ?!?    
DISTRACTIONS ... See ... !!!    
What A ... SPECIES ... !!!!!!?!!!!!!!    
That's Why I Write ...    
This ... Poetry ...    
To Let Girls Know ...    
What ... " Rests In Me " ...    
A ... LOVE For You ...    
But I've Been Schooled ...    
Don't Think That I'm ...    
A .... " ****** Tool " ....    
That ... You Can USE ...    
When You Want To ... !!!    
Cos' Most ... DON'T LIKE ...    
When Men ... USE THEM ... !!!    
Come On Ladies ... !!!    
DON'T Act ... CRAZY ... !!?!!    
Fellas KNOW ...    
How ... THAT ONE Goes ...    
"You used me, just to fill my hole !"    
"because you acted, like a pro"  
"What did you say ?    
You're gonna pay !"
"See, there you go !    
I told you so !"  
RELAX Now Folks ... !!!    
It's Just A ... " Joke " ... !!!    
But Think It Through ...    
Let Those Words ... SOAK ... !!!    
I  LOVE ... Women ... !!!    
But Here's The TRUTH ... !!!    
These Days ... " MOST " ...    
Just Act .... " THE FOOL " .... ?!!!?    
They're ... " Playing Games " ...    
and ... " LUSTING Fame " ...
But DON'T BELIEVE In ....  
... " Taking Blame " ...      
WHY Ladies ... ???    
Do You Feel ... "Ashamed" ...    
of Things You've ... Done ... ?!?    
In The ...  
Name of ... " LOVE " ... ?!?    
Love is ... " A WORD " ... !!!    
Like THIS ONE ... " Virge "... !!!    
Yeah That's ME ... !!!    
Judge Me On ...    
The Way I BE ... !!!    
NOT ... The Words ... !!!    
That You Now Read ...    
Or ... Hear Me Speak ...    
Cos' ... " Some " ...    
Are ... TRUE ... !!!!!!    
But ... Some of Them ...    
Are ... " FUNNY To Me " ... !!!    
LIKE Some Ladies ...    
... That I Meet ... !!!      
Come On Guys ... !!!    
Are You ... " With Me " ... ???    
DON'T ...  
HATE ME Ladies ...    
I Don't Hate You ... !!!    
" Some " ... of You ...    
Are ... Really Cool ... !!!!!    
But ...    
Just A ... " few " ...    
You Know The Koo' ... !!!    
Some of You ...    
AREN'T Being TRUE ...    
With .... " Yourselves " .... ?!?    
Or Men You Choose ...    
To ... Try To Make ...    
Things ... Work With You ...    
GIVE ... Your Love ...    
WITHOUT ... " Entrapment " ...    
Cos' Right Now ... Time ...    
Is ... FAST Elapsing ... !!!
And ... THE TRUTH IS  ...    
You're A ...  
... " Distraction " ...
The wonder of the female form, is indeed, quite a distraction !
what a dream.

My voice becomes a tender stream
, a flowing passion
a beautiful illusion of this future
a figuring lurking the inner parts of my arms.

i want you bliss, an ignorance worth writing of,
mend this broken heart, a broken mind, scratching on the surface of romance

yet i feel with these rolling eyes
and the shade of time elapsing as i glance two his forefronts,his eyes.

My throat becomes violin strings
and a melody, shrieking as my lashes slowly collapse on the bottom follicles
of my eyes
see not a man but a singular overture.
Big Virge Feb 2015
Girls ... DISTRACT ME ... !!!  
Do they ... " Distract " ... you ... ?  
There's ... " SOMETHING IN " ...  
The way they ... Move ...  
They look ... SO GOOD ... !!!  
in ... " High Heel Shoes " ...  
But .....  
I'm ... WARNING YOU ... !!!!  
Some of them ....  
make ... " Shifty Moves " ...  
Ask ... Most men ...  
They'll ... give you proof ... !!!  
" FATAL ATTRACTION " ... !!!  
goes with ... " DISTRACTION " ... !!!!!  
Like ... " Ill Health " ... does ...  
with ... " Medical Actions " ... !!!!!  
" I Can't Get NO Satisfaction !!! "  
But .... What if I learnt ... ???  
How to do ... " Leg Waxing " ... !!?!!  
Just ... WOMENS' Legs ... !!!  
EVERYDAY ... ALL DAY ... !!!!!  
Would you like that ... girls ... ???  
" Hey " ... what do you say ... ?!?  
Well ...  
One thing ... i'll say ...  
I'd be ... SMILING ... ALL DAY ... !!!!  
Girls might find ... ?  
My Hands ... " Relaxing " ...  
But ... i'd find them ...  
So ****** ... " DISTRACTING " ... !!!!!  
See... sometimes women ...  
" RULE " ... My Mind ...  
But ... when some talk ....  
I ... CANNOT FIND ... ?!?!?  
A way to put ...  
Their Thoughts ... in rhyme ... !?!  
I try to be ... DIRECT ... !!!  
Just like ... " Straight Lines " ...  
when dealing with ... " Female Designs " ...  
But if they've got ...  
THOSE ... " **** Curves " ... !!!  
Sometimes ... I just get ... " Lost for Words " ... ?!?  
" Distractions " ... SEE ... !!!  
What a ... SPECIES ... !!!!!!?!!!!!!!  
That's why I write ...  
This ... Poetry ...  
to let girls know ...  
what ... " rests " ... in me ...  
A ... LOVE ... for you ...  
but i've been ... " Schooled " ...  
Don't think that i'm ...  
A .... " ****** Tool " ....  
that you can ... " USE " ...  
when you ... Want to ... !!!  
cos' most ... DON'T LIKE ...  
When Men ... USE THEM ... !!!  
Come on ladies ... !!!  
Don't act ... CRAZY ... !!?!!  
Fellas know ...  
How ... That One Goes ...  
"You used me, just to fill my hole !"  
"because you acted, like a pro"  
"What did you say ?  
You're gonna pay !"  
"See, there you go !  
I told you so !"  
RELAX ... now folks ... !!!  
It's just ... " A Joke " ... !!!  
But ... think it through ...  
Let those words ... SOAK ... !!!  
" I  LOVE " ... Women ... !!!  
But here's ... The Truth ... !!!  
These days ... " MOST " ...  
Just Act .... " THE FOOL " .... ?!!!?  
They're ... " Playing Games " ...  
and ... " LUSTING " ... Fame ...  
But .... DON'T BELIEVE ....  
in .... Taking Blame ....  
Why Ladies ... ???  
Do you feel ... " Ashamed " ...  
of things ... You've Done ...  
in the name of ... " LOVE " ... ?!?  
Love is ... " A WORD " ... !!!  
like ... THIS ONE ... " Virge "... !!!  
Yeah that's ... ME ... !!!  
Judge me on ...  
The way ...  I BE ... !!!  
NOT ... the words ... !!!  
that you ... now read ...  
or ... hear me speak ...  
cos ... " Some " ...  
Are ... TRUE ... !!!!!!  
But ... some of them  
are ... " FUNNY " ... to me ... !!!  
LIKE ... Some ladies ...  
that I meet ... !!! ...  
Come on guys ... !!!  
are you ... " with me " ... ???  
Don't .....  
HATE ME ... ladies ...  
I Don't ... Hate You ... !!!  
" Some " ... of you ...  
are ... Really Cool ... !!!!!  
But ...  
Just a ... " few " ...  
You know the koo' ... !!!  
Some of you ...  
Aren't Being ... TRUE ...  
with .... " Yourselves " .... ?!?  
or men ... You Choose ...  
to try to make ...  
things ... " Work " ... with you ...  
" Give " ... Your Love ...  
WITHOUT ... " Entrapment " ...  
cos right now .... " Time " ....  
is ... FAST ... Elapsing ... !!!!!! ...  
and ... THE TRUTH IS  ...  
You're a ... BEAUTIFUL ...  
.... " Distraction " ....
Simply, One of the, if not, The... BEST DISTRACTION ... !!!
Poetic T Feb 2018
Elapsing into cognitive repercussions,
               a thought never one to fade.

Always an afterimage
  burnt on to the psyche
           of delicate dewdrops clinging.

Within a consciousness
              that never  evaporates
just lingers in a reflection of it hanging

Like its waiting to suffocate
           but the breath of reality
                              gives it respite.
kt mccurdy Feb 2015
praying towards the roof of the mouth, cathedral hallways
you said
on my knees elapsing
towards a response from you
but you’re carving out your tonsils in the kitchen
you said
i said
think of the excuses you left on the floor
roll them at me in between eyes
You can smell it
you said
You can smell it on my mouth
mopping the floor with your sight
it’s frightening
waking to
shattering keys
leaving keys in
locks and bed and shelves and waking to keys in loopholes and
a headache
like the swelling of a wave before
he crashes back in
to himself
back in to the shore line of
his face. his face of uncertainty,
uncertainty quivers
the tip of this wave
into a sea of uncertainty
flinches at outstretched hands
fingers readily echoing the ******* of mothballs under the sink
until the pipes are collapsing
upon the cloud we fell in love under, ripe and ready  to rain
when we thundered, and we did, it was not a
drizzle, a collapse, a clap from the gods but a murmur
but nothing.
"Nothing under this sun could hurt me,” I tell myself
(other than) myself,
With my counting numbers,
counting colors,
counting potassium,
ounces of water
128 is 1
8 ounces in 1 cup
1 oz, maybe one and half, in a shot of:
reflux, knee **** reaction, temporary relief
from scrubbing the sickness from beneath your fingernails
with nothing to gain
but body like a jackknife
but my spine cocked like a gun
a body thinning like winter
changing before my eyes
I realize
I hate things that change instead of falling apart completely
humidity picking scabs from the walls
and the rash on your neck.
brown skin running from the blonde of your hair
I miss untouched spaces on your body
the things that touch you but aren’t me
things that change you but aren’t me
like sea to sky, there is no definite line,
between what is
and was,
the first dream I had of us
fingers tracing fingers and I awoke to life-
a fantasy ever since.

But now,
I am sorry for
lashes that drizzle
their whippings onto your cheeks.
minute counts,
minute wishes wasted
Hammered away at my self
, wrapped in sheets unfurling,
peeling apart form my body like
snakes shedding skin,
the coil of his tonuge like
the coil in a car, burnt.
tar, gas, antifreeze drips from
words. Words.
I always get stuck
on words. a word, the words,
let me return—
While eyes silently ran the maze
of your arm, you tell me
“this is too beautiful to be an accident, katie.”  
but if this is not an accident,
then it is changed,
but not by me.
Poetic T Feb 2020
Midnight claustrophobia dreams,
                           where the charcoal
suffocation presses on my chest.

My expiration has no date of

But the animation of my expiration
            still lingers,
and I hold on to that moment.

You are my collection of recollection,
            and in the onyx covering
  that the luminosity clings too,

we suffocate on every

                  exhalation of the other.
Sora Apr 2014
Below the sun starts to droop
like my eyes in the winter haze
Swift and aloft, mesmerized
The penny looses its shine
And the well seems fit for drowning

Rummaging the the rubble
My heart's not a store
Scarred and broken
open through the door comes the looters

I am robbed
bobbed for a bite on the floor of unseen
Though these eyes are sore for looks
Scandalizing props a broker through
stained glass windows
faulty ceilings and fogged up glasses
Elapsing through the Praise scratched Lord hands

Am I left to compose
Iced over good mornings as honor and parishioners rumble over
Where am I headed, where do you go?
plastic pieces flexing
Docking down to where the light never seems to hit
But we take mark with a bouy-
To say your words *"This is how far I got"

Through my meadows I burn
To the chimney stack scoffs
And the melancholy sweeps to rotate the blinks over
and over and over again
Eriko Feb 2016
Feeling chest heave
Not to cry in public

        I sometimes hate
        How emotional I am

Those words spat
A thousand daggers

       Why am I so

Fresh, frosted chocolate
Plate of dozen doughnuts


Catastrophic crosshatch
More red marks than pencil

         I’ll never pass.

Avoiding line of sight
Two souls elapsing.  


Thinking and breathing
a task sometimes overbearing

tame our doubts and insecurities
Pearson Bolt Jan 2017
i am a pendulum
oscillating between
ostensible antitheses,
elapsing like a ticking

most days
i want to save the world.
but sometimes
i want to destroy
the entire cosmos.

ball up my fists and break
up the regimes
of bigots, rapists, and racists.
smash the militarists, misogynist
pigs, and Islamaphobes.

but that's the problem, isn't it?
in our self-indulgent belligerence
and fatuous ignorance, we utilize violence
deposing one tyrant just to install another,
eternally entombed in shackles.

i am too weak
to cure this suicidal impulse
and, in my obeisance,
i've stained my hands
red with crimson.

this death-drive sends us
spiraling into an abyss
we wrought for ourselves.
maybe we just want to watch
the world burn.

the ruptures we've torn
in mother earth
are eerily reminiscent
of our own fractured
mental health

and this sickness leaves me bipolar,
vacillating between two extremes:
fantasizing about the end of the world
and simply wanting to **** myself
to be done with this wretched hell.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Candlelight fluttering against the wind
Struggling to hold its warmth
As night collapses upon dim lights
The candle holds on for its life.

Candlelight suffering against time
Diseased by the elapsing of sand
Slowly candles become weak
Coated in a wax becoming weary.

Yet the light is still there,
So even in the darkest times,
Against the strongest air,
The light is and will still be there.
Selena Jance Dec 2014
I get to return to myself, a no one who did not even know what she was, whether it was constant change or stable constants. So we return to time. I have a figment in my mind of what it means to be whole though it has never been known to me.
I return to the heart that was me before I was holding onto it, trying not to lose it to the winds of people who claim themselves our masters. Far family and close friends, we all tend to play cruel games of replaying what we see.
I cannot be alone, which is to mean I am alone with myself. My nose is held in the air, insensitive to the scent of my own fear, even though it pervades, it permeates everything.
I have to relearn who I am but go deaf instead. All I know is being abandoned, first of all by me. They all merely repeated what I did.

So try now to hold onto empty air. It all falls apart though fairly quickly. My past lovers are haunting to dreams, when once kissed then speaking in minor rejections because it matters not anymore. Who I am, what I was, when I was that being of someone with them. They held my tongue and never really anything else. There is nothing to give away if I have myself not. And I tried so very hard to.

No one can really go back but we all restart again and again. This way we have no control over feelings which leave us broken down waiting for the next reboot and then resurface again, elapsing to the same old torture from before. And each time I am different for the river forgot me the moment I stepped out of her stream.

So in this vacuum what is to be known but this shape, it is all of me. Uncertain lines, constantly changing and shifting stable constants. The old voices did know even if they do not me. Regressive art is a following of reality that fades into a past, this distance not in existence.
Truth holds no choices and I seem devoid of the solution to desires. This force way too much pulling onto and imprinting it into me. I hang inside a pendulum unaware and unable of this changing which tried to **** itself by inviting others to invade her so fully.

I know, all I know, it is this: blank space. That all is really true. Nothing is ever solid.

© October 25, 2014
Spoken mouth
Breath of air taken sword
Peaceful leisure
In finding tongue

Counting backwards
Time elapsing
Frustrating lies but
Why catching hires
Flying spies

Holding onto
What was
Once nice
Fire, flies

Mere- Goodbyes
Industrial Death May 2018
A waste of every second you live.
A million time incarnation
Nothing of “will” to give.
A product of mental castration.
Swallowed by the void
Of mass incarceration.

Elapsing the days.
Indifferent to life
As your body decays.
Living for another,
Ego denied.
Longing to survive with
A devoted persistence.
Succumb to a useless existence.
Mark Grech Mar 2016
We search for that place beyond the pine
Where seasons grow
Where we unwind

A place of bliss
A resting mind
Dreams, unconfined

Oh steadfast pace
My warm embrace
Here at last

Elapsing time...
This can't be right
Fading smile
Out of sight.
kirk Dec 2017
It's okay when I'm being kind and your borrowing my tools
The agreement is that you then stick to the lending rules
There comes a time when it's done and I need the item back
Instead of time elapsing and your losing lending track
Please return my items I am only being reasonable
Don't forget about the favour when its easily redeemable
You don't need to take the **** but too much time has passed
Its getting a bit too much now and now I can't be arsed
I can't wait for too much longer not meaning to be brash
What I want returning is from my own ******* stash
So take particular notice this is only a reminder
What I'm really asking is where's my ******* grinder
she's beautiful the way she flies
with time upon her wings
a sussurus of sand elapsing
a due date for heartstrings

— The End —