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alan spivey Dec 2013
I beleive
  small things
are the biggest  things in a persons life..
I beleive
In love at first  sight and  also love at the third
I beleive
in  family is not always  from blood
but from  the heart of  special people who choose to be a part
I beleive
in angels
are everywhere, even  when times are down they are around
I beleive
in the sparkle in  ones eye
is the magic of ones heart
I beleive
a smile is golden
but  at times is has to shine from with in a persons heart and radiate out
  I beleive
in friendship
even from afar  may not  hear  from them often but just to know the person is there
I beleive
in miracles  
I beleive
in Santa and  his sleigh
I beleive
age is  a number of chances by the years count of the many chances to get   things just right to shine above the many failures to  step foward with success
I beleive
in myself
so that I may inspire others to  beleive as well
I beleive
Journal of Darkness: Assassin and Deceptress

Nov 21, 2011, 8:17:32 PM by ~OmegaWolfOfWinter
Journals / Personal

(description of storyline: all characters in this work are dragons, with the ability to change into a human form. they live in present day society, but have a base in the middle of the desert. there is a library with the history of the world, which is operated by stacra, an organization to preserve the peace in the world. there is a rival organization, the dracra, who wish to take it over. the dracra is led by a dragon named Darkheart, a dragon who has haunted the Scar line for millenia.)
"... sahsa...."
what was that mumbled sasha, a small town girl in modern day USA. she was nearly asleep when the voice called to her.
sasha was usually described as a freak. she was a dragon fanatic, and she carried her favorite books wherever she went, Brink of Insanity: journal of the Wild and the Broken; and its companion, Blood curse:  journal of the Destroyer and the Savage. they told of dragons living in new york who had to bear a family curse and sought a way to release it. the author was only known as "Lucian".
i'm sure i heard it that time...
"....come to me sasha...."
she didnt know why but she felt as if she absolutely had to find the source. she was barely clothed but quietly snuck out, leaving small footprints in the snow.
she felt panicked. as the voice grew louder so did her heart, beating quickly in her ears. some sort of animal instinct took over and she somehow Managed to run on all fours. her whole body began tingling, her skin writhing. she looked back and nearly choked: wings and a tail... had grown from her body. her whole body turned white as scales etched their way into life over her skin. her body began elongating and enlarging, becoming streamlined and lizardlike. she was transforming...
"...yes!... just as you said, master...."
"...quiet, kovu..."
sashas vision went dark as she stumbled, barrelling through the snow. when she looked up, she saw an enormous dragon, with scars just like the ones in her book. "she will be a fine student."
sasha was dumbfounded as she saw her parents walk up behind them. "greetings, master Lucian, kovu." said her father.
"and you, rydon."
"y-you...know...?" stammered sasha.
"all will be explained in the morning, sasha," replied her mother.
sasha felt tired and her eyes shut as the ground came up to meet her.
sasha sat alone at the picnic table, surrounded by lucian, her father rydon, her mother sophia, and kovu. "so... you're all.... dragons.... like in my books..." she gestured to the two books.
lucian stepped forward and placed a hand on the books. his hand glowed and the glossy books turned to worn, leather journals. "yes, we are dragons. sasha. and you have done well guarding my journals."
"your... journals? but i thought that these were best-selling novels..."
lucian chuckled, "no no. young one, there are only two other copies of each of these in existence."
her father spoke up now, "so what are you here for, master? is it time for her to leave us?"
"leave?! what do you mean leave?!"
rydon looked worriedly at lucian and then at sasha,"you are dragon, and it is tradition for you to be trained."
"but what if i dont want to leave?!"
her father began to become angry,"its not your choice!"
"then whose-"
lucian's eyes glowed red in anger, "rydon, haven't you taught your daughter respect? surely you would know of my ways by now."
rydon nodded, "i- i'm sorry, master. i don't know whats come over her."
sasha ran, shifting to her new dragon form and flying away. darkheart had warned her of this, that lucian was a dictatoria leader. she asked herself, "why had her father taken his side? why did this have to happen so suddenly? and most of all, what was she going to do next?"
darkheart had given her directions to meet her after lucian made contact. sasha flew, tired as she was not used to the extra limbs.
once she reached the spot that darkheart had told her, she waited and thought things through.
once darkheart arrived, she spoke, "i want to join you. i beleive everything you've said."
darkheart chuckled, "i knew you would dear girl, lucian is the same as his grandfather, they both hounded me and tortured me, for their own twisted ways. i've tried to keep as many as possible from falling into their cluthces. i wasn't able to **** scarheart, as he captured me and forced me into his own body as an energy slave. he tortured me even there, and after he died, lucian, his grandson, got me. he too tortured me."
sasha looked at her in sock, "thats terrible. i didnt know..."
"you couldnt have, darling. those evil dragons keep everything from those who should know."
sasha stood, "i want to be trained. by you."
"really? i warn you, it is quite tough. not all survive. you must be willing to do whatever it takes to stop those vile dragons."
*     *     * 3 years later
sasha was 20 years old, and it was time for her to take on her first big mission: infiltrate lucian's schol and learn everything she could.
sasha had already talked to lucian, apologizing for her behavior so long ago. lucian had seemed hesitant but allowed her in. foolish old bat. she thought. she had been at the compund for a year and a half now and had become familiar with their ways.  sasha would often wonder why she was doing this, and she remembered, darkheart had said that lucian killed sashs's father. she always looked at him with scorn and wished to **** him. but she restrained herself and kept on the facade.
today she felt especially hating towards every master she came in contact with. she passed tsai, lucian's right hand dragon, as he went to talk with the master. she tried to eavesdrop but they were speaking in an ancient, coded language. she growled and her white scales flashed in the sun.

"Lucian, somethings not right about that youngling sasha... she's always watching us, like she's gathering information."
"yes, tsai, i know. i know exactly what she is."
"what?" tsai looked skeptical.
"she's an agent, an informant. for darkheart."
tsai stared, incredulous."wha?! how do you know?!"
"ive been under the influence of darkheart before, as have you. something about sasha is of darkheart's doing."
tsai nodded "even still, is she possessed by her or under orders?"
lucian thought for a moment "i beleive under orders..."
both stared as lucian's son, kovu, walked up to sasha.
*       *        
"sasha! hi!" kovu had taken a liking to sasha since his father took her as an apprentice.
"oh, um. hi. kovu..." *i cant let my emotions get in the way of my mission!
"how have you been?" sasha felt herself blush under the gaze of the drake. he wasnt half-bad to look at, and she often caught herself watching him.
"i'm doing great, training with tsai is always fun. what about you and master lucian?"
her eyes darted to her master, her target, then back at kovu. "you mean you're... dad?"
"yeah... my dad... but we students can only call them by their designation. even master scaleweaver calls some elders master."
sasha's ears pricked up as she heard scaleweaver's name. she was assigned to gather information on all of the masters. i must make madame darkheart proud... i am worthy... she must see that...
"is... something wrong, sasha?"
she caught herself, "n-no i'm just tired is all... just tired..."
her master lucian came toward her what a fool, he doesnt even know about me... "sasha, i need to speak with you.... alone."
kovu difpped his head and backed away respectfully.
"sasha, come."
she swallowed her pride and said, "yes... master..." and followed him.
once they were outside, lucian turned to her and said, "i know, sasha. i know that darkheart sent u here to gather information on us."
sasha's eyes widened and her mouth dropped. she thought hard how?! how does he know?! this cant be possible....
"i-i dont know what youre talking about, master..."
lucian turned on her with a peircing gaze, and made her wince as he studied her. "there are better ways to lie, youngling... but not to me. ive known for quite some time now."
sasha felt her legs give out beneath her. she sat, looking into the dust, listening incredulously at lucian. "how... how do you know?!?!"
sasha ran forward, clawing at lucian's throat. she was instantly frozen in place, an immensely strong spell holding her legs in place.  "let me go, lucian!"
"its master to you, youngling. and why would i let you go? you just tried to **** me." sasha struggled helplessly against her bonds. she saw lucian mutter something and felt her legs grow suddenly cold. she looked and gasped as ice started to creep up her haunches.
"lucia-master, please let me go... i was only under orders."
lucian chuckled, "how did darkheart get to you?"
"i can't tell you..."
"oh? then let me guess; theres another informant, a higher up in stacra, who told darkheart about you and she arrived, possibly a week before us? she fed you a story of stacra destroying the world and trying to take over the one that they created. she told you that she was only trying to help restore order. am i close?"
sasha felt naked under the gaze of the elder, who saw straight through her act and through her commander's plan. it made her heart quicken and her scales writhe. she felt a sharp pain as the ice crept up and chilled her thighs, creeping steadily upwards. "how... how can you know these things?! darkheart said you wouldnt be able to know... she said that you held her prisoner... that you tortured her... she said that you- you killed my father."
lucian shook his head and wiped something from his face, revealing gruesome scars. "she altered her face to look like mine... look, and know the truth." he placed a claw on her forehead and she gasped as a flood of memories flooded her, darkheart inside lucian's mind, taking over him, taunting him, and forcing him to do terrible things. she heard lucian say, "she tortured me, she held me captive. its true that stacra destroyed the world, but look also;" she saw the corrupt government of old, and their wretched attrocities. "they brought about their own destruction. we created the world you know, but dont wish it to be taken over, we merely want peace...We act as peacekeepers. darkheart seeks to enslave all to do her bidding. and your father died at darkheart's talons, not mine." sasha saw a gruesome scene as lucian tried to save her father.
she felt him withdraw, and felt the magic and ice withdraw from her, the ice's touch fading from her ****. she shivered and crouched low, warming her body.
"sasha, darkheart is a liar... she's been at it for thousands of years." he watched her shiver and said. "come, sit around the fire."
sasha noddded and followed close behind lucian, hiding her vulnerable state.
"i'm sorry, master."
"all will be okay, sasha... all will be fine.."
lucian brought sasha into his study under his wing. he had her sit down in front of the fire and draped a blanket over her. he sat down behind her, looking over the latest reports, waiting for her to speak. after a few minutes she sighed and looked back at lucian, tears forming in her eyes. "is everything you said true? Is darkheart nothing but a deceptionist?"
lucian looked up at her and nodded. "all of it was true. I'm sorry, sasha. darkheart is a gifted deceptionist and many of us have fallen for her tricks.  including me."
sasha turned back and looked into the fire with sad eyes, tears rolling down her cheek. she shuddered and took a shaky breath. lucian came up beside her and placed a comforting paw on her shoulder.
"darkheart forced me to **** my best friend... a she-drake named Clia... in front of her other followers to show that we must be able to turn on anyone to fulfill the mission..."
lucian nodded, "so I had heard... darkheart has become more cruel than ever."
"l-lucian, what can i do to make her pay?"
lucian thought for a while and then shook his head. "let me think more on this, sasha. for now, let no one know that you are an affiliate of darkheart, it could have deadly consequence. you may remain in here if you wish, or you may return to your own quarters. i have some things to attend to."
sasha nodded to him and gasped as everything went still and dimmed, even the fire seemed grey and frozen.
"sasha... you must tell me now, will you work with me?"
she was stunned. "where are you? what do you mean?"
"you want to get back at her, i know how to. but you must tell me if you will work with me."
"i-i will, lucian. but whhy ask now, and in this way?"
"because, there is someone here, that is going to try to **** you. he was listening to us and is going to attack you with magic. ive cast a spell that will give an apearance of death. just let the magic do its stuff and u'll do fine">
"but wait!"
"you must trust me, sasha."
all of a sudden, everything went back to normal, and lucian was gone, she could hear his fading footsteps.
what was that abou- wait! the killer... she kept facing the fire and listened as she had been taught to the clawsteps of the incoming dragon.
"is it true? you're one of them?!"
sasha turned and gasped, flashing him a shocked, innocent look over her shoulder. "what are you talking about, kovu?"
he was angry, and she was struck with fear. "i overheard you and lucian talking. i heard everything."
sasha turned to face him."y-you, heard everything..."
"then you are one of them! i cant beleive it... i cant beleive i trusted you."
kovu stepped forward and sasha's eyes shifted, trying to find a way out. "kovu, i- i can explain."
"you're nothing but a trickster, a deceptress! dont try to talk me out of this."
her heartbeat quickened, stricken with dread. "out of... out of what, kovu?"
he said nothing but uttered the death spell.
*      *    
sasha let herself go, remembering lucian's spell. but as she did so, she thought about why she was doing this. *to make darkheart suffer...
she heard lucian in her mind. "you'll be going to death-sleep for a while, a few days to make it beleivable. now sleep, sasha... sleep and i will awaken you soon."
"o-okay, master lucian..."
"there is no need to call me master anymore, sasha. from now on, you no longer exist. which is why darkheart will never see you coming. its time... dont worry."
the death-sleep overcame her and she fell to darkness.
*   * *
lucian ran downstairs and saw kovu standing over sasha's body. he put on a facade of dread and said, "kovu.... what have you done?!"
kovu looked at lucian angrily. "you were going to harbor a killer... i took care of the problem."
lucian became angry now, "no, you made more problems. you didnt think... you didnt listen. she was willing to help."
kovu snarled at lucian, "i did what needed to be done. I killed her for you, father."
lucian responded quietly, "you killed a helpless dragoness in cold blood. i have no choice but to arrest you for ******, my son." he muttered a binding spell and blocked kovu's magic. he watched kovu struggle for a moment then went to pick up sasha's seemingly lifeless body. he contacted her mentally, saying, "i'm taking your body in to the infirmary, i'll oversee your examination. in 2 days, i will wake you, when i do, be very quiet."
"yes, sir."
sasha's new appearance was stunning, quite different from the black color of her original scales, she now looked like each scale was a glittering saphire, and her horns and underside were now a shimmering silver. sasha was astonished by what lucian had done, he had also changed her voice and form, making her more slender and agile, he altered her voice in such a way that it seemed that she could charm the heart out of a rock. even lucian who had a mate of his own had to keep himself composed. but he was undoubtedly pleased that things were turning out well. lucian had to change everything about her, her eyes now a deep green, her draconic fingerprint being her tail-tip and spine, were changed to furry mane and a slender diamond tip.
she looked at herself in amirror and remarked how mature she looked.
"you may have to be put in certain situations which may have you exploit some... erm... feminine charms."
"so i'll have to...."
"only if you let it go that far. it depends on you. you said that you'd  do anything to get back at darkheart. these matters are up to your own discretion."
she thought long about this. "i want to g
this is a book i'm still writing.
I never stop thinking of you,
you always fill up my head.
And not just with thoughts,
but inspiration instead.
This feeling you give,
is something I seek.
It's just so relieving,
anytime you speak.
I love how you sing,
about anything that moves you.
Leaving nothing out,
whether it maddens or soothes you.
Your soul just emits,
an intoxicant that calms me.
And when we touch,
this mood just embalms me.
It binds me tight,
locked in your sweet release.
Then time slows down,
til the silence has ceased.
But during that moment,
I've begun to beleive.
That your voice,
is really,
the only one I need.
I'd rather be dead,
than this deep in my head.
I hate
that I can only lay here
and dread.
The things that she does
when I'm not in her bed.
I can't ******* stand it,
I won't find relief.
But my love isn't a lie,
and I know from this grief.
I can't say a thing
to try to change her mind.
And maybe in time,
I'll never be fine.
The love that I long for,
that I want to be mine.
Is impossible to have,
so I'll stop wasting my time.
I should just fight for her heart
or give up my obsession.
I don't care about learning
any stupid ******* lessons.
I want to be yours
and you to be mine.
Beleive what I'm saying,
cause it's about time.
I don't wanna miss my chance,
or else I'll regret.
Having fallen
so hard for her,
without trying my best.
T Sep 2018
Baby don't let those voices in your head cloud your mind
They are not being real and that is so unkind
Now if I lay would  lay with me.....stare into space ....and just forget the world....
The stories I have told the way they are all true.....the promises that I have how time flew
Sometimes I wish I was never born....and then came you make me wanna live yes....yes it's true
Baby I believe in you....but I can see right through.....why are you afraid...i...I am never gonna....gonna leave you
I will stay through it all.....I will be there when you call....just beleive...yes baby believe in me ...I will prove all this and then you will see.......for this our love was meant to long as you believe in me
# for our love shall always be
Hello Daisies Aug 2019
Dear abuser,

Because of you I shake at night
I see so many deadly frights
My arms quiver with needles bleeding
I can't beleive I didn't think you affected me

Every night I come home
I shower and cry about my life
Every person I talk to I distrust
I know suffering is a must

There is no silence
I only hear my weeping
And your yelling echoing through
I have new triggers I don't understand
Was this always your plan?

I yell and scream at things I love
I can't beleive in any God above
My heart panics if anyone's upset
My breath is stolen like I'm in a corset

I can't stand to be alone
But I can't stand to be too close
I'm afraid of anyone's touch
Every problem is just too much

I can't have a good day
Anything good  changes and rots
Into the memory and fear
I hate myself if that wasn't clear

No matter how much I build myself up
How strong I may become
I feel so weak and alone
I feel like I'll never find my home

I stay up and ponder if I ever could
Tell everyone about the hell you gave me
Maybe that would help me
Or maybe they'd just laugh at me

I rip my flesh open
I bruise and hurt my own heart
I give so much of myself to everyone else
Because of the guilt I feel
Cause it was all my fault

I black out and forget things
My stomach twist and turns and stings
I have no energy to enjoy anything
Nothing in life is a blessing

I've emptied my body of any emotion
Because whenever I have any
It's endless crying and falling apart
Noone can break this ******* shattered heart

I'm afriad someone's behind my back
I'm afriad they're ready to attack
I'm afraid all I ever do is lack
I'm afraid of every ******* thing even a tack

I can feel you
I can hear you
Needling through my skin
Piercing my head with sin
Burning my body
Every night I relive it

All the pain I'm feeling I can't quite explain
Because at this point I consider it normal
Everything is quite plain
I'm tired of the pain I sustain

I'll never have kids because of you
I don't deserve love becuase of you
I can't see anything but pain
I can't enjoy anyone's touch
I know it'll never be love
Just let them all **** me
And I'll call it enough

Except I'm not enough
I'm disgusting and damaged
My skin is peeled and broken
Scarred and red
Too many tears I've shed

I'm labeled a freak and crazy
Life is kinda hazy
Am I real?
Can I ever heal?
I don't think so

I just want you to please go
All three of you
I see all of you In everyone I meet
The yeller the ******* and the molester
You're in the eyes of every person
I can't find comfort
Because you'll always find me first
Everything I do I realize I'm very damaged. I really do have PTSD and it's why I keep panicking and why I feel isolated and closed in and I haven't figured out my triggers but they've been torturing me with nightmares and needles in my arms and panic and black outs I can't stop reliving it all
Heather Moon Feb 2014
There's something majestic, yet also extremely gloomy, about a streetlight at night in the rain. Something, some unplaced dimension within the echoing cars and within the particles of water, as they spray...into oblivion*

Mother, do you recall that rainy day?
The day my gumboots soaked through,
I beleive we were waiting for a bus. It was one of those city rains, when all you could dream of was home or the warmth and comfort. When all you wanted was a bath and hot-chocolate or another item of food, steaming with love. Mother, I remember holding to you're body for warmth as we sat under that old wooden bus shelter.
I clung to you're body and melted into you're lingering scent, you're falling breath and you're human form.
You held me, you hid you're shivers so as to warm mine.
We watched the cars spray etheral mist into the orange lights of the city.
We watched lovers rush by under umbrellas, we watched rain curve down the cement like a snake on it's own journey.
We listened,
oh did we ever listen, we ate up the noise, the stories within the rain, we cuddled until we felt the warmth from our bellies rise out of us like smoke or a dragons breath, tainting the air.

I, you're daughter. You, my mother.

You're long hair curling down your breast. Me, like a little berry scrunched up as close to you as I could get. Like our bodies would drip into each other as one, our breath the same. Only my gulps of air came much sooner and you silently resisted my subtle games. When the huddling was done you reached out to me with you're strong hands and you led me along the night of echoes. I can't remeber much else, asides from sitting with you in the empty pizza shop as we both savoured and satisfied our cravings for comfort. Cold-handed laughter as we danced over the most delectable pizza.
Then we caught the bus home, you sat on the red leather, grabbing the creamy yellow bar, I jumped onto the ratty blue seat beside you and leaned once again into you're body, melting into sweet harmonies.
Eating in the sounds of humans and the sound of the bus, splashing through water
and journeying on through the deep
and endless city night.
Should I hang with my friend who I haven't seen in a year or go meet this tinder girl?
Someone New - Hozier

I just can't put my finger on it.
something about her is goregous.
Baby Got Back - Jonathon Coulton

You're right. It's totally her ***.
Ugly Faces - Watsky

Shh, spotify, be nice. It's not her fault.
Do Better - Say Anything

Okay okay, you're right. I'll bring her home.
All Time Low - Jon Bellion

Oh c'mon, She's not that bad...
Proove Me Wrong - Dub FX

Well like... her personality is pretty cute.
Some Girls Are Crazy - Echo Movement

I can't beleive I just had *** in my backseat.
Glad You Came - The Wanted

Yikes. All the girls dropped from this party. it's just gonna be me and my three dude friends.
To Many ***** On The Dancefloor - Flight Of The Concords

I completely agree. Should i go or just come up with a ****** excuse to leave?
You Don't Have To Be A ******* - Flight Of The Concords

You're right i'll leave. What should i tell them?
Working - I Fight Dragons

No i already told them i got the day off. That wouldn't work.
My Buddy's Back - Big D and The Kids Table

Oh perfect!
Sleepyhead - Passion Pit

Yeah I should go to bed.
Let me finish this poem first.
Go To Bed - Ookla The Mok

I'm stuck on this line.
What's a good word to describe Port Veritas? Like... one word?
Home - Phillip Phillips.

That's adorable... you're so right.
See You Again - Wiz Kahlifa

******* spotify that was super uncalled for. Now i'm bummed out.
Get Over It - Ok Go

Dude. That's like super insensitive
Ungrateful - Streetlight Manifesto

No i'm not ungrateful. I love you, you just don't need to make me cry when i'm down in the dumps like that.
Lean Into The Fall - Mona

I guess you're right. Fine. Thank you.
All The Stars In Texas - Ludo

That's the nicest thing that anyones ever said to me. I like when you do that.
Like or Like Like - Miniature Tigers

Uhh, i guess like like. You're pretty much my favorite app.
R U Mine? - Arctic Monleys.

I think maybe you're moving a little fast spotify... i don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment.
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

This is getting weird. I'm going to bed.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie

Okay no, seriously i'm turning you off.
*Don't Unplug Me - All Caps.
Broken hearts
heal each other
I know you're hurt
I know you're in pain
I know you've lost faith in love
I know you now envy love
I know you now curse love
And every  mouth that now utters the words "i love you "
Your heart was ripped
Lies were we told
Promises were not kept
You were deceived
I know he took advantage of you
I know you're currently in the healing process
And you're not ready for another relationship
Lately ive noticed you're no longer who you are,
When was the last time you smiled?
I know he took your happiness along with your virginity and left you with an infant
Yes i know he left you with a baby
I know your pains
I know your state
I know you're condition
Beleive you  me I've been there
So let me help you help you and me
Let me help you believe in love again
Let me wipe those tears off
Let me show you there are still others who love you out there
Let me prove to you that not all are lying
when they say i love
Let me restore the meaning of love to you
Let me preach you love and help you beleive in love again
Allow me to prove that not all promises are meant to be broken, some are kept,
What is trash in one's eyes can also be a treasure in one's eyes
He saw no value in you
To me you're a gold mine
But you're value is of Afrcan diamonds
What im trying to say is i love you
I know you're not ready for another relationship
But broken hearts heal each other
There's just this burning flame deep in me that keeps getting stronger and stronger daily when I lay my eyes on you
There's this unusual feeling warming all horizons of my heart
There's always this heavy feeling i feel in my chest whenever I lay my eyes on you
Allow me carry you in my spirit
All im asking for is to love you and to be loved in return
We both from bad relationships
We've travelled the same road
We both hurt
You're hurt
Im hurt
We both from a tour of hell
We've both been burnt by the flames of hell
The wounds are the same  
So can we lick each other's wounds
Can we help each other heal
Can i be with you
Can i love you
Can i be a lover to you
And a father to fatherless
Can i love to you
Broken hearts heal each other
Can i love you  
Can i be your soul mate*

Taetso Jojo.

Copyrights reserved.
fight the horde.../...I can't beleive it...
we're overrun.../...what do they WANT?!...
a teammate falls.../...the world's gone TO hell...
he won't make it.../...their drive is to EAT...
they chomp away.../ wan isn't YOUR only hope...
out of ammo.../...can't stop it!...
fangs tear in.../...she'll never know...
they'll never stop.../ last breath...
             ...i think...
stand up soldier!.../...i can't think straight...
the hive mind speaks!.../... BRAINS are for the living...
Hat Trick Triplicate! my 3rd Triplicate!
Hannah Amara May 2013
I think looking back
that this is for the best,
Maybe you are bad for me,
Or am I bad for you?

And tell my something my dear,
Did you really beleive me
when I said it was fine?
Because that was not true.
But I have to let it be

Neverless I will not cry anymore, but
Darling I wasnt ever mad at you.
I was hurt. I am hurt.
But I cannot hold you anymore.
So let it be

But if your soul does not long for mine
As mine longs for you,
Then I cannot make you happy,
So let it be

You can make the choice to stay.
Or the choice to go.
Fate holds the answers,
So let it be

So my love
this is my goodbye
Perhaps we shall stay friends,
Or our paths will part ways.

Wherever destiny leads us,
*Let It Be.
This is an ode to my most recent heartbreak. They left me for a second time, but this time I am stronger, and I will not let this bring me down.
Poetry Is Life Jan 2012
You don't believe me
I know you don't
I say i love you
And still, you won't

I love you too much
To just let this slide
So spill the words
Don't let this hide

So come on- confess
Don't let this love die
Go on say it
We all know you've tried
Tyler Man Aug 2015
Maybe today is different
Maybe now is change
Maybe we can find hope
Maybe tomarrow will be the day
Maybe it will be the change we all can beleive in
Maybe if we try
Maybe if we don't give up
Maybe if we fight
Maybe today we stop trying
Maybe today we become
Maybe today we are one
I beleive we are one
You say I shouldn't try
because you're just too broken.
And that it's all not worth it
because you are just too tied to him.
You say you don't love me,
and so i must begin.
To either stay enslaved by my love,
or do as you say
and break free.
But what you may not see,
is you could be loosing
your chances with me.
I hope
that's not the way it has to be,
but we'll see what's perceived
and what I come to beleive.
But i just want you to know,
that you're the only girl I need.
yass min May 2015
sometimes i wonder ,
what would i be if i never met you
would my heart be on fire ,
anticipating to find out who
who will be the misterious theif
that will steal my heart
and make me beleive
the existence of a *sweet love
Alaina Hammond Feb 2016
With the thought of him she can escape the meaningless life she lives.
But really, she doesn't feel like she is living at all.
As you see the stars twinkle in her eyes, you can tell she doesn't belong here.
Yet here he is making her beleive that she not only belongs here, but she belongs here to be with him.
Every simple touch, is filled with compassion, intimacy she can't resist.
It tends to drive her mad in the sanest of ways.
His remarkable brown eyes look at her tenderly with such love in them.
Gazing back at him, she can see her future just infront of her.
This feeling is scary, adventurous.
She is the girl always stuck in her own mind.
Daydreaming, running from reality itself.
As he is the boy that sees everything for what it truely is, but has so much hope all at once.
She was losing her mind before he came along, and now she's losing herself in him.
He saved her from herself.
The truth lies in between her lips.
She is so incredibly in love with him.
Hailey A Carlson Dec 2013
What if heaven and hell were real. What would differenciate people from going to heaven or hell? Would it just be beleif. Believe and you're saved? Like if a murderer of a thousand children beleive in the catholic faith, they would be "forgiven"? While someone who saves children's lives everyday, yet doesn't believe in the Catholic faith, gets to spend enternity in hell? Maybe we reincarnate. What do we come back as? Is it even in this universe? Do we each have a soul? Are the animals and things around us the past souls, or even the future? Is that possible? What determines the animal or thing we come back as, is it what we most resembled in our last lifetime. Like an angry person would come back as a badger, and a peaceful person, a dove?

Or what if we simply stop living. We don't see a white light, or go into a dream, or darkness or heaven or hell or anything else. But what If we just stop living. And this is really it. What if what we are doing right now, eating, sleeping, breathing, as time goes on, as we all get older inevitably. This is all we have. There's nothing more than this. THIS IS IT. And it really is simply what we make it. What if there is no place to go when it's "over". This is all we got.

But what do we do? We go on doing what society expects, what others want, the normal. Constantly waiting and wanting what we can't obtain, trying and trying for things not needed. Searching for acceptance we could so easily give if we could just learn. Constantly pressured and watched and judged. Destracted by our surroundings, destracted from what WE are doing ourselves.

Happiness. Is it money? Wealth? Materials? That's what "they" imply. You tell tell me what it is. It's not something you can copy from another person. It's whatever tickles YOUR peach. Whatever makes YOU happy. Why don't people understand this? Our lives really aren't very long. Look at how old the world is, and how it has gone on without you in it, and how it will once again, when you are gone (if that's what you chose to beleive) "you only regret the chances you didn't take". When was the last time you did something for the first time in your life? Why be remeberd as just another ordinary. Or not remembered at all. You have nothing to lose.

The people who are good for you will stay in your life, they will stay with you till the end. The true people will love you till the end. And if things don't go exactly your way, there's nothing you can do about it after it's done. So make the best of it and MOVE ON.If things are out of your control, find the good in it and just try to have some fun. Slow things down if you can. Really stop and smell the roses, take a deep inhale and savor it. How many chances will you have in your life to smell the roses? Who knows? Do what you like in life, if you don't know what exactly you like just yet, try some stuff out. People think there's a path in life we you must take, a life rubric, a guidance. What everyone else does. We don't all need to do the same thing. So surprise some people. Mix it up a bit, life has no rubric, it's a blank canvas you can paint however you want. In fact, you don't even have to paint it. You can cut it up, or fold it like origami or glue buttons to it or sew it into your life quilt. It is Anything you want it to be. ****, eat it, fly it, smoke it, drink it, drive it. Just live it. It's yours. All yours. And No One can take it from you. Listen to Yourself. Be whoever you want to be, Because You Can. No one can stop you but yourself. Why would you stop yourself? Stop stopping yourself, and give the green light to a life worth living.
Dennis Scherle Dec 2013
****** comersials on your average tv

next a show about teen pregnancy

followed by todlers in tiaras dressed as prostitutes on tlc

parents blaime others for 16 year old mothers

and guys who are allready left there seed

this isnt what its supposed to be

somethings different but when have life ever been as it seems

irational thoughts leave children with adult like dreams

, such as one day ill be the one on a movie screens

makin more money then my parents have ever seen.

intangible like the concepts we hold of love

. thinkin physical prosperity is owed since birth

but the only thing that is certain we shall die and decay like all things on earth

. then to those that beleive in love it is just a dream to keep our minds from becoming caotic and obscene

formaly known as lust to me

so then theres the question is it worth it to love at all

so you must ask if the high of belonging is worth the fall?

like love is a narcotic that we are injected with at birth from the first time being held.

instantly addicted  going from good days of smiles and your feet light as air

to the moments claiming you dont care but you cant stop shaking and you pull out your once beautiful hair.

thinkin looking at the stick wondering why would you go there

why did you let him carress and touch u

why did u ever give your purity up.

he wispered sweet nothings but you could never tell,

you could of even made him wear protection but now you think of you parents n how could you live this hell

you created this child inside of you

little bump a light kick as your face turns a new

this warming glow thst would change your life

but now mommy in the tub found her knife
Omega Aug 2014
Women are crying blood instead of tears
children are hunted like lions hunt deers
they don't even get a chance to plan for their careers
isn't that a big burden for them to bear ?!

Apparently , these aren't our interests to think about ..
Oh come on guys ! There still lots of movies and football matches to watch out !
Really , isn't he your brother who screamed loud ?
Asking; where are u brother ? I'm freaking out
He could hardly beleive you're leaving him to die out !

For how long will we pretend being deaf and blind ?
Are u waiting to hear the news notifying u the death of ur close friend ?
have u ever tried to think about the tough time he spent ?
and what did he do to have such an unmerciful end  ?
Now raise your hands and ask Allah to have their nation mended ..
This at least will releive their problems and save them from that tormentful current
Tisims Sep 2016

Unprovoked but somehow still pungently strong observed losses from the past in the cruel game of this unruly ego's preservation.


In the end, I cant, musn't, need not, care...
About any of it.

It's over.
I no longer have to carry any of its suffocating weight.

Despite the loss, despite the hurt.
You were never to blame.

I was incomplete.
As you may have been...
that is not my resolution to succeed in.
You will own that glory.
I will own mine.

For that I'm not sorry, but rather glad not to bear weight alongside my own flesh and bone I now care for with diligence.

I choose to end this today.
This nagging need to describe to you and beat into your turned nose for sake of fairness the blacks and blues of betrayal and distrust.

And yet, here they fall.
One by heartbreaking one.

Sandlike particles of once red waving flags igored in the name of blind faith rapidly dissolving,
slipping through worn hands into the ever present existence I expend most of my will to guard myself from daily.

These very hands with which I put the pen to paper and entrust to the physical dimension my most preciously defended ego's wounds.

Theoretical sand turns,melting, birthing a heavy contcrete now present before me.
A block I must now move.

The very toxins I swish in my mouth and swallow, the thoughts of you and your untrustworthy heart and hateful grip around my neck, filling the crevices of my mind at every wind in grey matter.

The ink spills in, carrying with it rushes of insecurity into the veins that once carried boldness, fearlessness, stregnth.

I am consumed.

But it is short lived.
And this time is the last.

You are a good enough person.
An idea that scares my inner child and haunts my most protected depths.
A thought I must confirm.
Words I must beleive wholly, despite the taste of garlic and vinegar to my sore tongue.
Others will not experience you the way I did, and this should be a deeply comforting thought.
Due credit given and appreciated, the sheer cold of being the only soul to know these darkest depths of you stings a place inside me I never imagined would be victim to this distaste.

Yes. You could never have completed me.
It wasn't your job, as much as you dutifully applied, interviewed and followed up in person to get what you needed.

I shouldn't have quietly hoped of you to undo aches I wished for you (at a distant point from the present) to never understand. (Now my ego prays you do)

How could one expect to efficiently, gently, console a heart that bled from a different knife from that which invaded the tender ***** palpating in their own marrow cage.

If I beleive the things I read, the theories I preach, the fundamentals I find most inspirational and motivating,
I must come to this simple realization.

Forgiveness will not undo it.
Neither will hate.

Forgiveness however, will allow the light you brought to a place in me that needed fixing, rather than hate which only shields.  A mirror, reflecting the brightness purposefully into your eyes with intent to burn, does not allow the seed in me light enough with which to grow.

Forgiveness is thanking you for allowing me the opportunity to better myself, despite the fact it would be less work not to see the room for improvement.

To see that I allowed someone to spin me in circles, to ask me to walk, and then to berate me for my messy delivery.

Forgiveness is knowing my worth now and living despite you not aknowledging it.

Forgiveness is thanking you for forcing me into a place where growth and ambition and pushing forward are my only option if I opt out of allowing you to see me weak again.

Forgiveness is thanking you against all intuition, against all the fight in me that would have kicked had I been conscious to address it, against my will and in the same coin meaning it because it is the only way to heal and grow and shine in ways you never could....

is thanking
for ******
sassy Nov 2014
when all you can do is to stare blankly on the image of him your mind has created for you.
would be those days when you still see your older self holding hands with him at the park.
on the split second you're given was spent only by saying "hi".
to beleive that someday it would still be you.
I am
Stronger than mountain
Prouder than wind
Powerful like sun
Warmer than fire
I don't believe in gender
I feel
Free sprited like swallow
Deep like ocean
Magical like nature
Complicated like wolf
Cause ;
I don't believe in gender
florence Sep 2012
"If I could choose between loving you and breathing you I would use my last breath to say I love you."
Danger was in the air as I ran over to your house, right next door, the perfect place for a best friend to live. If i ever had a problem my first assumption was to run right to your house, let you hold me and comfort me. I would let you soothe me and tell me over and over again that everything would be okay. By the way you said it only half the time I believed you.
Sometimes when I see you in the hallway I still say hi, its so hard to register the fact that now all I get from you is silence.
You look down each time I pass you.
Your eyes blank, a endless brown whole with nothing in it, not the love I used to see there or even a faint glint of happiness.
I forget about the past we had.
Where I pratically killed you, destroying your heart with my naive movements and my dumb choices.
I didnt mean it! I want to scream, to cry out to you.
How much I wish you would forgive me.
My shame eats me up everynight, everytime I see you my stomach drops and all I want to do is go into the corner and cry.
I keep the memories of our friendship hidden in the back of my brain, all those times we had together. The ones you just forgot and I still go back to everynight. My safezone is this dark, cold, world. The world where i am alone.
Without you I am nothing.
At this point Im brought back into that time in my life where everything was perfect.
Where you were my best friend, and all our problems were gone,
Where we can talk all day everyday, instead of getting into an argument every two seconds.
If only I didnt have to ruin it all..
And when its dark out, and everyones lights are off. The animals are sleeping and the owls are awake, Schools closed, the city silent besides those few drunkies who send echos of screams through the deserted streets. I let the memories captivate me and take over my body.
I am sent back to a time when everything was perfect.
Soon I begin to beleive this is all reality and I am back into your arms again.
But then my alarm clock rings, I get up and dressd for school.
See you in the hallway surrounded by girls, just the sight of you making milllions of emotions evolve in my stomach,
I smile at you, and my heart flutters as I see you smile back at me and wink. Your white teeth glistening, but then I turn around to see her there. The girl with the long lucious hair that cascades down her hourglass figure, With the blue eyes with brighten in delight.
I begin to wonder why I ever let you go.
The answer comes to me it was because I thought you would chase after me.
Eric Flaze Apr 2010
Your my anatomy antidote. Mentor, a friend to the broken. You know I'm not a prodigy. But honestly you've always believed in me. In perfect peacei dream of the secrets in store. At utopia door. I wish I could sneek. To this place of harmony. In a waterfall in a rainbow. There are gumdrops. And Beauty. So much love. Walking in a fog of colors.

Chorus Your sending me to the promise land sending me and someday I'll see water change to alchol. The miracle man healing the blinded. Walking on water is no challenge in the promise land. Ohh the promise land.

Flowing out comes a river of milk. Spreading trees with trinkling honey. Dripping in cinnamon. There are sins cast down. In the mist of the ocean. As the blue tide comes in it washes them all away.Forgiven and forgotten are our past mistakes. Here Emotions. settle and don't rot in the sun. The ocean is full of water you breathe under. And there are no bugs. Only the ones that benefit us by fluttering by with vibrant wings. This is my mission to touch this utupia that many have called heaven. At the gate of destiny.

Chorus Your sending me to the promise land sending me and someday I'll see water change to alchol. The miracle man healing the blinded. Walking on water is no challenge in the promise land. Ohh the promise land. Flowing out comes a river of milk. Spreading trees with trinkling honey. Dripping in cinnamon. They call this place magic with grace. And theres a canal filled with unfamous greats. Anyone can swim in just for enjoyment. Lifes great cause here it lasts forever, never ending.

.And there's no disease that sends you to the grave. And when he gave his life away. He gained the world it's victory. Because. Of this humble servant I can honestly say I believe. I believe. Beleive i am saved. When he bled on the cross. He took my heart and mended it into clay. So he could mold a perfect being. Out of sinful me. Beautiful flawed l. Chorus Onward we walk. Together we stand. Forward we soar to the promise land We lift our swords to slay the beasts that live here in this human air. And on the beach we will dance a soldiers victory prance. From here you can Look at the sky. Feel the heat on your skin. Hold the sand just to watch it slip. Stare near the clouds see the gulls float. With perfect unity they land in unison. Reminding me that there's is even better above the clouds and in the heavans.
Place of perfect harmony
Speaking Sorrow Jul 2016
I knew of men
Who spoke of ghosts
And magic in the air.

I’ve watched wanderers
And beggars
And rich folk all alike
Those who claim
That by their hand
Magic will ignite.

But the only magic
I’ve ever seen
Is the magic I’ve made myself

The only magic
I’ve ever known
Was to love all I could
Without an ounce of spite.
Ananya zootz Aug 2015
You care about her.
In a way that would melt the stonness of any fine heart.
You look at her like the way any girl would give away possessions to be looked at.
You beleive in her.
Like there is nothing that doesn't stop you from doing so.
You love her.
Like she is the only one that could ever be loved and worth the hope for.
Falen Jul 2011
I've been having these...

Audacious ideas lately.
Ideas better left contracepted by reason
before taking root in my mind;
I've been playing hopscotch with What If
so long that I forgot he was just
and imaginary friend.

I've been thinking about you.

They're just thoughts but see,
These feelings I have for you
are so very contradictory
because the very reason I like you
is the reason you keep your distance.

You pray to a god I don't believe in
and according to my church,
you might be called a heathen
Yet I couldn't imagine anyone else in heaven
with more ease.

I've been having these...

Audacious ideas lately.
Ideas that took root and
for the life of me, won't scoot
for things like logic.

These here ideas are utterly tragic.

We share the same basic morals
but you stick to the script,
and I'm a little more improv;
with my Saturday Nights Live,
while you're at home praying
prayer number five.

Trust me when I say
I didn't mean to
think about you
dream about you
pray for you

It wasn't until I heard you.
Every word was poetry,
and all I could ever do was stutter.
When I think of these audacious thoughts,
I begin to shutter.

Mainly because I'm walking
down the plank into heartbreak,
and those nudges at my back
pushing me forward are
the smiles you beam like
lighthouses in this dark world.

It's as if they start at the ground floor
of your soul, take an elevator
to the corners of your lips and

I don't beleive in the prophet Mohammed
but am I a horrible Christian if I thank him
for inspiring someone to be so angelic?
Not only are you peaceful,
you're revolutionary.

You could change the world
with two hands behind your back
and still have prayer time in tact.

MSA President,
captain of the school team,
superlative for the biggest dream.
I like you for who you were, are,
and who you will become.
And it seems as though
of your actions
is rhythmic to my hearts drum.

I've been having these...
Audacious ideas lately,
Ideas better left unsaid,
Ideas better left dead.
Lizzie May 2017
You say the world is led by fate
For you it's either give or take
You live once and that's the end

There's no proof my God is real
You believe I live on "feel"
Facts and science are your proof

So let me try and play your game
My evidence is just the same
Except I include reason

Something always had to be
To create it all, you see
And set things in motion

It's true that I cannot say
That MY god made things this way
But I'm not a fool to do so

Self-interest helps us survive
But God gives us better lives
And a reason to hope

So even if it's all in vain
At least it eases the pain
And "better safe than sorry!"
Please do not be offended. "You" is a generic term that doesn't apply to all. This is a shortened version of the reason why I believe in God.
T Oct 2018
The stars have talked to me........and said that you and I were meant to be
The sun has been shining on me more ever since the moon has shifted.....and I know it's because our love has been gifted
Time has been letting me down......but for some reason I have been able to turn around this frown
This alignment of these stars.......has made me beleive we can erase all these scars
When the sun goes down and the sky grows dark I will follow the light......because the moon and the stars will guide my way for they shine so bright
Time is just a number so I will not let it get me sad......even though being away from her sux so bad
So as I sit here and think of her....I know inside that in just a few some beautiful things will occur
Right now I will send her my love....and let her know that our love was created by the lord above
She is my shining star........and I will be where ever you are
I will watch over you.......until our love is joined together....and this time it will be forever.
For is in the stars
Jolene Perron Oct 2010
The touching and feeling,
how they made eachother feel.
Before that everything,
it seemed so unreal.

They say this thing,
it changes everything.
She didn't beleive that till,
he and her had their fling.

The first time they were together,
sparks flew and hit the sky.
But after time when on,
aftre they said goodbye.

Their talks grew and grew,
but slowly began to deminish.
And the next they were together,
they resolved what was unfinished.

She felt there's something missing,
the connection between is lost.
She's waiting to hold something,
that is too far gone.

When people never stay,
and they always have to leave.
It gets harder to bear,
harder to believe.

The connection between you,
is growing farther away.
They're leading seperate lives,
and there is no other way.

The tie that they once had,
how could it be saved?
She's busy with her life,
she doesn't stop each day.

She's lost in her emotions,
she doesn't know what to do.
What would you do,
if this girl was you?
mandy klein Nov 2016

What happens beyond the realms of  reasoning, where do the lines of  reality blur, How close are the boundaries between light and dark, between dusk and dawn.
  What takes us beyond the thresh hold, the point of  sunlight and shadows, Are  we lying in wait as our limitations are questioned? How many souls have been taken unwillingly to the depths .
         Fall into a place, this chaos which so quickly crept into me, slipping away bringing me back to thoughts of sanity.
  But tainted thoughts stain what innocence is left, making me vulnarble and weak.
  Corruption is tempting you to just give into its wicked ways, influenced by bad habits unable to be dealt with, your surccumed to the sins.
  Such problems now swallow you entirely. There is no cure to this disease, I'm fighting and pondering a hopeless battle, I see no victory for me in the end.
  I will never win, I fear and know this now.


After the silence entered me,got inside rmy head  ,the lack of sound drowned out all the outside noise . Oh so quiet my world became,except for a suttle  humming,buzzing which echoed in my ears, I could only make it cease with the voices in my mind,my thoughts which I could now hear, and I heard them loud and clear. I heard fear, panic,uncertainty, so many questions I had no answers for.  I told myself its just this happens,maybe its just age,it won't last, this silence won't last,right. Yet another voice told me that something has gone terribly wrong here,and that this is only the begging of my end.  Along came the silence with it then came isolation, one by one everyone I loved let me and has not yet came back. Not even strangers met my path, instead I came across loneliness who now won't leave my side, all alone left to deal with me by myself.


It didn't take much time until the whispers began at first they only came with dusk,the end of day,when the sun sets taking the light from the world. The sky dims ,lower and lower until all is covered with a blanket of darkness. Shadows creep in slowly cascading across my walls, they remind me that something wicked this way comes,the essence of dread is in the air. An unsettling aura keeps me from sleep, as night falls my eyes grow heavy and my mind is so tattered. Yet slumber eludes me for the fear is much stronger. I lye  awake yet another night. Up until yesterday only an unwelcoming silence suffocated me made my emptiness almost unbearable. Then,well then it was broken, in the 2am hour, a whisper entered my dreamless conscience mind,from no distinct place and yet from every direction both at once


With such length of time now with deaf ears, I instantly noticed the change of frequencies, though it spoke in a low,low pitch normally it would go unheard or simply mistaken as a gust of wind. But lying there uneasy amounst the darkness of solitude,lacking of sleep and being not of sound mind by this point, I had begun to speak my thoughts aloud, answering my own questions, listening to my own voice somehow gave me comfort when nothing else could. Whispers,quiet whispers echo into the night, for my ears only. I can't clearly understand what they tell me, but the tones of each word gave
off a unsettling undertones that sent chills through me, if only I could understand, but  my  translation of these whispers are inaudible, pinned down by a fear that I'm sinking in slowly,like quicksand,its slowing pulling me under. A catatonic scream paralyzes every part of me, and I can't stop this, this downward spiral into madness. A descent into insanity, I feel myself growing weaker as my mind struggles against  chaos and the discontent , my dreams are dying before my eyes that will not close so I might rest, no no lately the days have brought me only misery,and a question of my faith, it will not give me a moment of ease cause every night has been just the same


Why is this happening to me, why won't this just stop, and let me be, this hope fades the longer I live this way, won't somebody come save me, I'm wasting away and I have no control , my will is broken now. How did I not see this coming, something wicked this way comes, it comes for my soul, every peice of me turns black, and it hurts until I'm numb, A sudden suffer rips over me just before dawn, I  understood the  whisperes after all ,go adead just give in, suffocation is near, taken into a sea of self despair, this life you live and breath isn't yours any longer, step by step you will stumble, until you fall, until your empty and hollow.  Where can I go, where will I run, when there's nowhere to hide, nowhere at all. I thought i saw a glimpse of the mourning sun before I fainted from the weight of realizing that I am far from the better days ,tomorrow will lead me further, is this real, or I'm I only dreaming, is this reality or have I imagined all of this, I just don't know these days, time laughs in my face, and I sit silent and still. Watching myself fall,and fall and fall


  Down in the dark, an endless night, keeps away the sunshine, cause lately I've been stuck in the shade, wishing for brighter days that are so faintly seen in the distance, I fear none of my wishes will be granted, now many of will be destroyed. I can not change this spiral into extinction, helplessly I watch myself stumbling, crumbling, and slowly coming apart.
  As I live and breath, I see my life wasting away.
Choking on what is yet to come, everyday brings me another dose of misery and a lothing ache that spreads thru me , suffocation is draining me from the inside out, What is pain, I can't scream loud enough to express what has taken ahold of me these days
  All this crept in on me like a cloud, why me I keep asking myself, won't this just go away, won't this just let me be, did I deserve this, well did i , nobody should ever know these wicked ways and all the inflict upon your soul.


Y So with my mind a mess so much so that my consintration strains each thought, I can barely function anymore, and sleep depervation blurs my vision,ive been seeing traces and objects that aren't really there. Plus add the pain, loneliness, and total breakdown of my will, the stress is more then I can handle, I bear a heavy burden, and the weight is crushing me, but what can I do, nothing, I can't run far enough,or hide where I can't be found, please save my soul I whisper aloud, to late the damage is done, this is how I will die, surcombed to a bittersweet end, one day at a time. Now adrift into the void that swallows me up ,and a darkness dissolved another


Within a few days I have managed to lose everything, All I am, all I gave and all I  made of this life, Step by step I watched it taken from my grasp, I saw what I worked so hard for be stolen, so easily from me. Peice by price my very exsistance was shattering , All this has torn my world whole apart,  it is being taken out from right underneath my feet.
   Ya I've been experiencing some real trials and tribulations ,they say life isn't easy  but they don't go into depths of how ****** up it can be, or how far down you can fall without any warnings or signs that you didn't realize until it was to late and the damage has been done.  Oh no I've heard some really messed up stories about some of the **** some people have lived thru. But in my personal opinion my life started 2 days ago and it this life of mine since then has been slowly deterating,


ya I'm a sad sort who isn't alive in a sense but instead a slipping mindless  lost soul, that has nothing to look forward to because tomorrow isn't going to be any better and it never will.
    When the sun rises up from the darkness  bringing you Into another morning your wishing harder and harder wouldn't come. That just one night would be your last and you wouldn't take another breath of the morning air. Why oh why can't you just fade out with the darkness,  why oh why can't these misfourtonate events of lately end, I just want everything to just end. And if you Were in my shoes I know for certain you would feel the same way as I do now.


Y … Well I can not express these emotions that have, but they are intensely surging inside me. And I only wish I could share my pain, if only there was someone besides myself to share what I'm going through. It would make it a little easier, well probably not but at least someone else would understand,to feel what I do right now.
So it may seem like I'm droning on and on, Im probably not telling my story so anyone can make sense of it.
  So sorry if I haven't made sense or if I've told this scattered all about.  My thoughts aren't as sharp or clear as they were before this nightmare started, a few short no make that long,long days ago.

Chapter 10

YThis verse keeps repeating in the back of my mind, kinda like a
  song you  hear somewhere but your not sure where, and can't get outta your head ,you find yourself humming it subconsciously ,and this is whats stuck in mine.
  Here I am, Here in this place, Here in this state,Here I am a nowhere Wonderer.
  This is me, This is all of me, This is what I've become, This is who you see now, LA LA LA LA
  I hum this melancholy tune as sappy as it may be,all day long from morning to evening, 24 hours,no 48 hrs. , no 64 hrs. now. I guess I've lost count but it seems that there's been a broken record placed someplace inside my head.

chapter 11

YSo this brings me back to the present hour.  And once again, yet one more day which hasnt let up on any of torment continuing to be inflicted upon my mind, body and soul. I struggled through the sunlight until the moonlight shone down upon me.
  Naturally I find myself lying silent and still, insomnia plagues my weairy self , drained of any motivation. I really couldn't move or accomplish a single thing, I felt frozen inside myself, trapped in a almost vegetable state.
      Dropped in the velvet shroud of darkness, night has placed a veil over the land, and it has me in its embrass but instead of a calming drowsiness as  all others are effected, I instead have an allergic reaction.  For sleep will not come to my tired restless soul, not when fear enters the mind and stirs up the worst of thoughts, how can I relax with such horrible not stations.

Chapter 12

T  Here I am starring into the air as the clock marks 3 in the am hour.  I almost thought I might or that I could catch a few zzzzz's, a quick cat nap to recooperate,to regenerate my mind,oh yes my mind in such a desperate need of rest. As well as my body, my sore,aching bones, im throbing all the way to my very core. So when I felt at ease for how ever brief a moment it may last I willed sleep to come, sandman bring me to the land of nod, please oh please.
  But of course as I shouldn't of expected much less, I blinked and my moment was gone, once more I wouldn't dream,wouldn't sleep, wouldn't find slumber or any escape from my new found reality,
In a land far far away, fantasy and make beleive are put on pause cause my presence has been marked absent

Chapter 13

   They started in a low low  tone, the whispers.
Whisper,whisper,whisper, ascending louder with each tick tock of the clocks hands, clockwise,round and round the clocks face marking time, reminding me my life grows shorter with each tick and each tock.
  Ya t-i-m-e isn't on my side, oh no its not, but it makes me feel lm gonna die, and I'll keep running back, yes I'll keep running back.  Ya I can't stop even if I tried. N-o-o-o time isn't on my side, and that's a brutal fact.
Hhiisss, hiss, blahblahblah,yaddayaddayadda, mumbles of the incoherent voices, the voices I guess if that's what you want to call them, these whispers calling out to me, relentlessly tearing me down , thru all the twilight hours
of the night.
   With the morning dawn,  the whispers grow quite once more, disapating with the dark skies.
  Im conflicted by the sight of the sun rising, not sure if I welcome the light of day or curse another day I find myself in it.
  For one daybreak ends the whispers which I'm sssooo thankful for, but yet its another day I have to deal with the misery and pain that seems to intensify with every day that comes and gos and comes back for another round.

chapter 14

  I got a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror today and I almost didn't recognize the stranger staring back at me me face had changed, my cheeks where sunken in, I didn't notice how much weight I had lost, but I guess I hadn't eaten a thing for days I just had no appetite the thought of food made me nausious, so I went without.
  And my eyes they looked so vacant my pupils where so dialated like eyes gone black, to match the deep darkened circles under them.
Just a glance and you could tell ive been neglecting my health, I looked pretty banged up, a real mess. I didn't dare look to long cause my appearance made me sick to my stomach, in only  3 days going on 4 I seemed to have aged 10 years, and the deeping lines on my face showed it.
Oh what a sorry sight I am, and I'm glad no one will see me this way, even if someone did I had a feeling they wouldn't even care. I let out a depressing sigh I am damaged goods now, this black cloud that hangs over me has made sure to push and shove everything I had, all that I loved. Took my life right out of my hands and crushed it, so that piece by price my life wasn't my own anymore, I had nothing to link me to the life I once knew. Why me, I don't think I'll ever know. But what a tangled web they've wooven for me, and on that note I let out another mournful sigh.

Chapter 15

YSo I push and shove well corruption bends my will, no matter what I do I can not make it still. Instead Im inflicted with a disease that there is known cure for, my diagnosis is a fatal one with a slim chance to nil that I'm gonna go into remission and win,having a full recovery, , I can feel it in my bones and I just know I will lose this battle,no matter how tough or how hard I fight against this,this bad bad thing, this destroyer of souls, this devourer of free will, this monster in my nightmares that has crawled out from my dreams to haunt me well I'm awake. I think I'm going crazy, but Im watching myself go insane and I have no control, how maddning this situation has reached, reaching out without reasoning.

Chapter 16

  So here I am still as another day finds the dawn and once more I watch the sun rise, but I can't see the beauty in this anymore.
Now I believe this makes day four without sleep, without rest, without happiness, without any emotion or feeling, except the constant dread and emptiness that has drained me dry.
  I can tell this wickedness has grown a little stronger, its borrowing its way into my soul.
  Alls I can do is helplessly sit back and and wait, to just let this happen to me, and realizing this only makes me weaker. Im becoming such a fragile being, I'm almost afraid to move from this spot, cause my brittle body will most likely shatter to peices.

Chapter 17

Tick tock, tick tock the clock laughs in my face, it screams at me telling me that time has no meaning in my life from this moment on, and as the hands round the clocks face hour after hour, tick tock tick tock, your running out of time , your life is coming to an end sooner then later.
  Amoungst the buzzing silence of the daytime, I hear the clock somewhere in the background, its becoming a nuisance, annoying me just enough to where I can't possibly try to ignore it.
  I sit here silent and still, motionless , paralyzed from fea
Ashleigh Foster Feb 2016
I can't beleive how badly I am hurt
I cant belive how sore my wonds are.
  Why did you have to stab me so deep?
  I need someone to heal these cuts.

I'm going under the water
  but I know that I can swim my way
  out of the water.
  Your not my lover any more if
  your killing me.

You watched me bleed until I passed out,
  you put me on my knees
  when I was passed out
  you left me all alone so I will be
needing stiches cause i wont be able to get
  any of your kisses.
  You tripped over me as you walked away so now I
  will be needing stiches

I was the moth that was drawn to your flame
You brought me in and I couldnt feel any pain,
  your heart is to cold to love.
  I am left seeing my blood on my own.

I'm going under the water
  but I know that I can swim my way
out of the water.
  Your not my lover any more if
  your killing me.

You watched me bleed until I passed out,
  you put me on my knees
when I was passed out
  you left me all alone so I will be
needing stiches cause i wont be able to get
  any of your kisses.
You tripped over me as you walked away so now I
  will be needing stiches

Needle and the thread
  Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
  Gonna wind up dead

Needle and the thread
  Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
  Gonna wind up dead

Needle and the thread
  Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
  Gonna wind up dead

Needle and the thread
  Gotta get you out of my head get you out of my head

You watched me bleed until I passed out,
you put me on my knees
  when I was passed out
  you left me all alone so I will be
needing stiches cause i wont be able to get
  any of your kisses.
You tripped over me as you walked away so now I
  will be needing stiches
I took some of the lyrics from the song stiches by Shawne Mendes
Bent over the painted lines of her road.
Stood a black feathered crow
peeling back a tendon of flesh,
Like a strand of red twizzler candy,
from the tannish white fur
of a dead bunny.

she thought this was cute.


Her daddy did not correct her.

This memory, he revisits every time she brings a new boy home.
Debates internally,
the tipping scales that balance ignorance and optimism.
If maybe he should have explained the beauty in death, rather than let her beleive her illusions.
The beauty in nature, the circle of life.

Like a cat, she brings home dead animals

Like the owner of a cat,
He is unimpressed.

Maybe if he told her the bunny was dead, she would stop offering herself to the crows.
julian Mar 2010
I used to run-Never for fun--I would more often be running away from something than to it. I think it started in childhood. Never staying in one place long enough to have to fight every kid in the school.-I liked and i hated it. More often i had no control over it. On reflection it was for the better, my nose bleed too much for a kid my age. -In the second phase of my running career I began running out. Never telling the bosses to go play in heavy tracffic or do your **** self. I had morales and above all practised good manners. Instead i would tell the bosses that i was taking out the trash and make my freedom dash. -Oh, beleive me I flet free. The funny part was when the bosses would call my parents. Just as countless pricipals would do when i skipped classes. My parents would luagh and call them an ***. -Then i began running away. I only did it once...well that's a lie. I ran away from my highschool guidence office, far too drunk to face my parents scorn. "Yeah i drank it all. i replaced it with water, much healthier." -The last time I ran away I thought I was going to find myself. I had lost a part of myself to drugs and alcohol. I thought for sure i would find myself on the other side of the country on a small island on the Pacific Ocean. I went to rehab and could not find the person i went looking for. I thought briefly i had found myself, but when I looked in the mirror i could not even recognize my own face. I blamed my mustache. -I realized that running away to find myself i ran away from my family and my friends. Alas the old dies so the new can be born. -In my opinion if one is to run away it's for good. Never to return to such and such a place again, unless of course you have to do your taxes.
florence Sep 2012
I have to hold back my tears. No one can see me like this, vulnerable and not in control. 
They think that i can fend for myself, what do they know? Truth is im in need for their help, for their opnion and inspiring words.
For a long time it was me in the middle of the sandwhich. My older sister covering me, and i protecting my ypunger twin.
Its funny how the sandwhich turns into how my life is today. My older sister takes up all the spotlight, claimig it allfor herself. Absorbin all the attention until there is none left. I shake at the words she wont utter, like a simple please or thank you. How she would never help my mother how she leaves my mother fighting so hard, as she sits on the couch and jist watches. When my mother asks for her help she will make it more like a burden then helping out of respect. I will do any of those thigs in a heart eat just to take the stress off of my moms shoulders. But again thats how we differ...

As for my twin the one that i had felt the need to protect since we had been in the wound together 16 years ago. How can i put in words all the feelings she leaves on me? She is so irritable yet i yearn to watch her succeed. She is as slow as a turtle, yet sometimes shes as sharp as a knife . Some nights ill catch her talking to herself, it pains me to see her over think things. After so much effort of tryin to help her all i can do now is make beleive im sleeping, pull the covers over my head and let the tears roll down my cheek, burning it under their touch. She has this problem and the tendency to ovetthink thongs from the stipidest things to the most important. She lays them all on the same scale not considekg the dfferences betwene them . As muh as she overthinks , when she has an idea she lets it cloud her judgement.l
 I remember thst one time in our cribs its blurr but i still feel it in my blood. Diane had my moms attentiom absorbed for she was alsay a cryer even when her head hutt a lottle bit. Michelle  was sick with strep having my moms also and my dads granparents. Then my head throat and whole body was killing .. All i remmeber was keeping my mouth shut. And waitig for someone to come ask me how i was feeling. Which no one did.And still as i cry typing this no one will ask me how im feeling, for i have middle child syndrome
Hailey A Carlson Jul 2014
Once you were holding my hand
A bold embrace
Every time we met
A smile and a kiss
at every goodbye
Leaving each other
Side by side
In a feild of grass
We had to leave
Because of your allergies
But that was my favorite part
When you gave me butterfly kisses
And spun me slowly to fast tunes
Decorating each other in paint
Just for the hell of it
Getting you to eat blueberries
When you hate fruit
And me eating asparagus
That I can't bare to taste
Sitting on your heated kitchen floor
Eating chocolate animal crackers
On Wednesdays
The sifting sun
Through your windows
On that old denim couch
In the endless summer
Cool and cuddled for hours
Your back rubs on bad days
When you would kiss
The freckles on my shoulders
Times seemingly endless
An eternal love burned so fierce
But now look at us
Me, a shadow in your life
I would be holding your hand
Talking to friends
Laughing and loving so greatly
Yet I write this alone now
Sitting in the locker room
On a musty couch
Hidden in the back
Before the school day starts
Where I will see you again
And wish hopelessly
That I could hear you say
I love you
Once more
And beleive it
blood drips from my wrists
as i cut into my veins
the jagged blade twists
and sprays blood on window panes
i collapse on my back and bleed
upon my marble floor
my heart aches indeed
but she's already walked out the door
light slips away and the darkness creeps in
i hear my soul crying out from within
it longs to be with the one it fell for
and i wish i could tell it that we both were done for
but i couldnt beleive it myself so why even try
it shouts at me constantly "why, you *******, why?!?!"
i shut my eyes and cry, "my heart is gone... ive got nothing left."
with that it shuts up and we both wait for death.
tears spring from my eyes as my life force fades away
dark crimson stains my white shirt as i leave today
and pass into tomorrow where maybe i can be
with her for eternity and finally see
that maybe life's not so bad... but not in this life
not in this world will we live without strife
earlier that day, i scrawled on a note
"i write this with a solid lump in my throat,
i love her so and i made a mistake
letting her go. she drowned in a lake
earlier this month. i blame myself for
everything... i thought we'd endure
but not in this life... maybe the one after
i miss her smile... and also her laughter.."
my note couldnt be read by the coroner that night
because my blood ****** up all the light
hoping that maybe it would find her and be
with her one more time for eternity.
they took my casket to the graveyard the next night
sat me right beside her and we basked in the light
together forever, finally in death
if only i'd known as i'd taken my last breath..
our spirits danced side by side that eve
forever together because neither of us could leave.
i actually started crying while writing this.... me and my girlfriend were both upset about a lot of things and i thought about what would happen if we broke up.. so i decided to write down this. i hope you guys like it. kinda inspired by whiskey lullaby
T Jul 2018
The pain I feel from my head to my heart
How did this all happen.....well where do I start
She said one word like a sword of a knight.....and me with no shield..
With one mighty ****** I had to yield
The fight was swift and not many words...were said...
Except the words from the poem just read
Just beleive all that I say
It was all my fault in every way
In the beginning I left for too long when I came back everything went wrong
So now as we bid sweet adieu
One fatal lie and we are through
My love for her will never change
So my sweet princess just remember all that I say..and  think of me when our songs play
The memories of you and I shall never die.......forever and a forget don't even try
#the music will play
Ashleigh Foster Jan 2016
I remember when we was young
I could hold my breath, I could
bite my tounge, I could always
stay up for days when you wanted.

I was your number one, I faked
my smiles, I faked my laughs
I did what you asked, I gave you
everything that I had.

I could do it but now I cant because
I am scared of you, don't you know
that I am a human, I also bleed when
I cut myself.

I'm just a stupid human that fell to your
knees, dont you know I have feelings as well.
I can't beleive that you put words and lies in my

Don't you know I can have my ups and downs
I'm just a silly little human. I remember when
I turned you on, I was your slave because I
didn't know what was right or wrong. I could
hold the words of your lies like they were
the truth, I was your one and only girl.

I could do it but I cant because I was in love
with you but you ruind my life.
could do it but now I cant because
I am scared of you, don't you know
that I am a human, I also bleed when
I cut myself.

I'm just a stupid human that fell to your
knees, dont you know I have feelings as well.
I can't beleive that you put words and lies in my

Don't you know I can have my ups and downs
I'm just a silly little human. Now I can change
so much as I can leave you now because you
stabed me where my heart is breacking,
now I can leave you and be in a place where I
can call mine.
A song inspired me to write this poem. the song is called human but the nightcore version.
Lacey Danielle Jun 2013
It is Remembering
When you layed in Daddy's lap
Nestled in his arms
He seems to free the world from harm.
It is Seeing
Passed the perfection
ugly, too big, or not good enough
You hate yourself and darling you're too rough.
It is Realizing
Fairytales don't come true
You don't beleive in anything
Back then you believed in everything.
It is Emotions
Changing from carefree to worry
Thinking too much or not at all
What once could slay dragons, now feel much too small.

Kaweqamon Mar 2014
My dad kept his eyes on the road, brimmed with tears
and you just gotta beleive,
His voice brittle, fighting not to break.

*That we'll all be together again someday.

— The End —