Like the yeast,
that has yet to rise.
The words on a page,
and their delayed revise.
I too was written out
plain as day
with mad intent
-- mom and pop --
a beginning, middle, and haphazard end.
Clusters of uninformed DNA
seared its way into my kaleidoscope veins.
Two writers unequipped to write,
with nary a forethought to revise.
Like the great poets before me,
who allowed their words to
go unfinished and unchecked,
The forgotten dotted i's
misspelled letters,
unwashed sweaters &
yesterdays newspapers
And although that exists,
and always will,
I have been struck with
the unmistakable urge
to turn my pen inwards,
drawing ink from
the star stained ether,
to revise, rehash and reword
the words of my creators --
clumsy writers at best.
-- mom and pop --
As I march into my
maddening edit,
no longer the work of writers who
have forgotten to revise me,
I reach to become the most unforgotten novel
on your most forgotten bookshelf.