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Jul 2016 · 3.4k
sun and moon
xie Jul 2016
The sun shined
His bright glory gleaming
Smile costs more than a dime
His glorious shine beaming

And there’s the moon
who silence the night
to declare the sun’s doom
and keeps the love out of sight

sun and moon,
Romeo and Juliet
a story made by fate
a love that ended soon

nobody knew the story behind
how the sun suffered and died
for the moon to live and breathe
and for everyday to repeat

They were worlds apart
But not even the universe
Can forbid their love to start
And their love to disperse

But on one fateful night
Power was given for them to meet
A moment without fright
Leaving the problems on their feet

The rest of the world watched in awe
how the moon gets kisses
by the sun that she misses
the day of eclipse winning the love they fought

Leave a comment or a message x
Jul 2016 · 457
xie Jul 2016
Life is full of mistakes
A world full of fakes
A world of dark reality
That can change your personality

As a kid you see color
A world without horror
Everything seems perfect and great
But what’s hidden under is hate

As we grow old
We became bold
A reality we used to ignore
Until we want it no more

Lights were dimmed
Demons were seen
Once were lost and gone
We can never be found

Wrist were cut
To form an art
Pain will be evident
When our body is full of dent

Now, I ask you this
What is life
a world that is fair?
or a trip to nowhere?

Jul 2016 · 655
am i worth it?
xie Jul 2016
At the start of this year
I ended my life
knowing that there's no worth.
I'm not worth it

Every night at 3 am
I told myself that no one would
notice I'm gone or
cry over me

My friends would be better without me
my parents would be glad that they no longer
have to put up with me
But that's where I'm wrong

This boy from class who
borrowed a pen from me
but didn't gave it back
kept the pen and valued it

this girl I hardly spoke to
cries herself to sleep
blaming herself that if
she talked to me she could've saved me

my mother tries
to sleep in my room
wanting to feel my warmth
while drowning in tears

my dad won't stop wasting
everything he worked for
because there's no point
I'm gone

my teacher who forced me
to speak in front of the class
kept my last essay
rereading it over and over again

but that's the thing
they only did it
when they know that
I'm long gone and dead

you can always message me. I'm ready to listen x
Jul 2016 · 320
xie Jul 2016
wrists were cut
to form an art
these eyes are crying
to tell a story

I need a human diary. I need someone rn.
Jul 2016 · 570
he will...
xie Jul 2016
he will make you think he loved you
he will whisper all the sweet things you want to hear
he will make you feel whole
he will protect you from your fears

but then it's just a facade
an act to bring you down with your barricade
don't get used to his warmth
because he will leave and disappear from your sight

you will no longer hear his sweet whispers
you will no longer feel the emotions he brings
he promised forever
but forever doesn't exist does it?

-- a.v. --
Apr 2016 · 742
Internet love.
xie Apr 2016
Happy thoughts.
That's what you gave
Through those 3 am convos
That reaches from night to day

you told me stories,
Stories about your life
While looking up at the sky which is starry
And you happened to make me smile

I don't know how
But you managed to make me fall
I was in love deep down
I almost forgot that nothing lasts at all

You told me sweet things
That made me think
Is this just a game
With no one to blame?

Days, weeks, months passed
We lost contact
You don't know how big the impact
Because I want us to last

Mar 2016 · 506
xie Mar 2016
people asked
"why are you so sad?"
I'm not sad nor happy
I'm just not a fan of reality

They would always say
"why not go to therapy"
to talk to people about my dark thoughts?
or how I hate the reality?

they thought that I was just sad
I'm not just sad. I'm dead
people are blinded by happiness
they have no idea what will happen next

thoughts of mine which ***** sorry.
Mar 2016 · 839
to the boy who likes me
xie Mar 2016
There he is, standing
Wearing his trademark flannel
Admiring me like an angel
Us, is what he is dreaming

Paying no attention to him
Being occupied by a certain boy
I don’t know what I’ve just seen
Is it a tear on his face, oh no

He admired me a lot
Love him, tell me not
I told him he’ll end up in pain
But he said I’m keeping him sane

Days passed I notice his lost
I didn’t saw him for a week
my friends told me he's sick
maybe because I cut his heart across

If only I control my feelings
I’ll stop the hurt that he's dealing
Maybe we can be together
And mend the heart of one another

Maybe in the end
We will see
If you are just a friend
Or if you really are for me
random topics, random thoughts. I've never been in love so I have no idea how it feels. message me when you need someone **
Mar 2016 · 504
xie Mar 2016
I want to tell you things
Things that might sting
I want to let go and fall
But you're holding me and all

You kept me sane and harmless
But I can't prevent to be careless
I love you, always
As a friend of course

I'm sorry for ending it
Our friendship that lit
I'm sorry for being a failure
But you'll always be my treasure

Maybe one day
We'll see each other
Staring at one another
And we'll have nothing to say

Things aren't meant to be permanent
And everything will have a dent
I'm a **** up to leave
I'm sorry please believe
I'm sorry for ending our friendship you know who you are. I love you :))
Feb 2016 · 568
xie Feb 2016
He was my story
the main character of my tragic story
the character who kept me going
and was a part until the ending

but me... I was just a part of his
just a chapter of his story that ends
a part who isn't there until the end
because I'm just an extra on this fairy tale of his

******* and some random thoughts of how I feel
Dec 2015 · 1.8k
11:11 wishes.
xie Dec 2015
Those times I've spent
Ends up being wasted
Those promises that were bent
11:11 wishes to be trusted

11:11 him
Where's the 11:11 her?
I'm an idiot. Fine.
I know I'm not that girl

Coffees to avoid sleep
Alarms not to miss
Words that were said today
"Thanks for the effort" you say

Maybe it's time to move on
It maybe out of blue
But all I can say to you
I'm done wasting my 11:11 wishes on you
Dec 2015 · 630
xie Dec 2015
Hey mum, Hey dad
What happened
Those sparks that were send
Ends up dead

tantrums and fights
Aren't you tired
curses and shouts
Pain have rised

Eyes filled with tears
I'm watching with fear
Falling apart like my home
Without realizing I'm far too gone

Oct 2015 · 399
too young.
xie Oct 2015
when i was ten
I fell and wounded myself
I said that I'm a big girl
I can handle the pain
But now
I realized
I'm too young for this kind of pain

Oct 2015 · 664
Suicidal thoughts.
xie Oct 2015
Do you ever get that feeling
Like you want to die
But you're afraid to die
All the pain that they're giving
Is the feeling you want to end
but killing the pain will be your end
Oct 2015 · 3.0k
unexpected love.
xie Oct 2015
those eyes of yours
they're filled with love
I want you
to look at me that way
but this is reality
and you love my best friend
Oct 2015 · 927
xie Oct 2015
you told me you love me
you were my world
you knew me
but I don't know the real you
those secrets you've kept
kills me slowly

Sep 2015 · 2.0k
xie Sep 2015
we used to be friends
best of friends actually
but when you let insecurities get you
you became a poser and broke my trust
Sep 2015 · 572
xie Sep 2015
Do you ever get the feeling?
That you don’t want to live anymore
I felt that before
Before I break and gave up

Sep 2015 · 1.0k
I miss you.
xie Sep 2015
it was a Friday night
and everything feels right
I came across this website
Decided to chat using my interests
Then you came
Messaging me hi with a smiley face
We talked for hours
Until you asked
”I want to talk to you again, you got kik?”
I was so naïve
I opened up
You were my sweet little pill
Through time zones
We find time to talk to each other
Sleepless nights
and unforgettable conversations
I didn’t know that I’ll fall for you
Until you left me

this is a really happened to me, I miss him
Sep 2015 · 415
xie Sep 2015
I love you
if you die
I die
simple as that

Sep 2015 · 1.5k
xie Sep 2015
this rush I feel
makes me ill
you left and now you're gone
but today you're coming home

Sep 2015 · 1.7k
la douleur exquise.
xie Sep 2015
the exquisite pain
when I see you holding her
I’ll stay here
because you keep me sane  

Sep 2015 · 2.6k
one sided.
xie Sep 2015
I love you*
you love her
I'm here waiting for you
to love me, not her
Sep 2015 · 767
xie Sep 2015
I don't feel the same
I feel like I'm in flame
too numb to feel pain
it's driving me insane

Sep 2015 · 1.7k
xie Sep 2015
"I'm fine"
I told you with a smile
no one know the truth that hides
that I'm breaking inside

Sep 2015 · 583
xie Sep 2015
Everything comes to an end
I’ve lost my inspiration
I’m leaving
This is the end, farewell

Sep 2015 · 5.1k
teenage rebellion.
xie Sep 2015
All of their parents are afraid
Not wanting their children to be like me
I know, I’m a bad influence, I’m mean
But at least my fun doesn’t seem to fade

Sep 2015 · 458
xie Sep 2015
hearing her name
come out of your mouth
is the reason of my pain
and the scars that I can’t count
message me if you need someone x
Sep 2015 · 360
xie Sep 2015
They know
I was waiting
For someone or something
but nothing happened so I let go

Message or comment for feedbacks it would mean a lot x
Sep 2015 · 601
xie Sep 2015
I feel empty
not sad, not happy
I hate living in a lie
I just want to die

message me if you need someone x
Sep 2015 · 442
xie Sep 2015
they told me
that evil can see demons in hell
but what they said isn't real
demons are here with something to tell

the hell is empty because they've invaded the Earth especially your soul

Sep 2015 · 329
xie Sep 2015
it isn't goodbye
it's not the reason of my pain
it's the flashbacks that comes by
are the reason that I'm drained

Sep 2015 · 386
xie Sep 2015
constant battle
with myself I struggle
been trapped by my demon
and now I'm far too gone

Sep 2015 · 441
xie Sep 2015
I treat my body as a book
stories are written with pain
it's a book that no one can look
until my sanity is gained

Sep 2015 · 433
xie Sep 2015
I will stop cutting
once the pain ends
but how can I stop when I'm numb
and there's no pain to stop

Sep 2015 · 376
xie Sep 2015
asking if I'm okay isn't enough
believing me being fine isn't good
you've fell for my lie
a lie that made me live in misery
I want you to look into my eyes, right into my soul
and ask "are you really okay?"

Sep 2015 · 350
Are you okay?
xie Sep 2015
how can I be so fool
my demons were right
they've seen my scars
but did nothing to help

I just want to hear those 3 words
that can start a change
it's not I love you
it's "are you okay?"

Sep 2015 · 439
deep inside.
xie Sep 2015
a smile was always plastered
she have the popularity
a life that everyone craved
no one knows she's losing her sanity

a perfect life
That's what they thought
sleepless nights with blade and knife demons. no one knows she's caught

Sep 2015 · 340
xie Sep 2015
when I was young
a question was left unanswered
"how can you not love yourself?"
but now reality hit me
things were revealed
and demons were seen
and now my question is
is it a sin to **** oneself?

Sep 2015 · 935
xie Sep 2015
11:11 comes twice a day too
it gives us a second chance to hope
but I could never have you, nope
I'm done wasting my wishes on you

Sep 2015 · 600
4 am
xie Sep 2015
waking up
in the middle of the night
feeling that something isn't right
seeing demons have you trapped

Sep 2015 · 726
xie Sep 2015
our confidence was lowered
those words that cut through
we can truly say that they have ruled
laughing and mocking with the crew
we can see that they are no good
they'll **** all of us, me after you

Sep 2015 · 896
xie Sep 2015
the only thing that I have
and the only thing that I lost
but insanity has gave
a new life for a beast
it swallowed me whole
and now I crave for it to rule

Sep 2015 · 382
demons at play.
xie Sep 2015
she is full of mistery
her life is a misery
she's trying to be okay
but her demons wants to play

Sep 2015 · 517
xie Sep 2015
she has this own world
that herself only knows
can't speak even a word
until where can she go

message me if you need someone x
Sep 2015 · 15.4k
xie Sep 2015
one day he'll find a girl
and he'll see her as his everything
while you spend your time crying
because that girl has your world

Sep 2015 · 358
xie Sep 2015
my numb wrist
have been branded
took the risk
to be ended

— The End —