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Jun 2015 · 2.2k
Ayelle Garcia Jun 2015
Bigkis ng nakaraang napagtanto,
Kamalayang pawang kay gaan.
Pero sa malay ba ng musmos na santo
Kung panaginip ba or mapaglaro ang nagdaan.

Hindi ko lubos iisipin kung mag-isa ang hangin
Sa pagtulak ng mga batingaw,
Bagkus umusbong na ang talinghaga't tingin
Sa musmos na pumanaw na sa katotohanang pumukaw.
one of the rare times I write poems in the Filipino language, and it's hard to translate some of the words cause they're deep and the meaning changes. but props to the rare times I write in my native language.
Jun 2015 · 2.2k
Shirokuma (Polar Bear)
Ayelle Garcia Jun 2015
How I speak of you with eloquence,
The cheer that builds my confidence;
You are the that pumps my heart,
Giving life onto the veins of my body.

And when life is solely on my shoulder,
You are the supporter that supplements strength;
All I need is but your words and hugs,
The bear that comforts the wee cat, my love.
made this partly for Philippine Lit class, but since I happened to be inspired, got a perfect score for this. after all, this is for... yep, le bae.
Jun 2015 · 2.6k
Ayelle Garcia Jun 2015
Each day, my thoughts speak of you,
And even in my replies, you are there.
What of your enchantment have to do
With speaking of your name not to spare?

It's but you --
Making me sing without contrite,
Never the fire for few;
Always a part of my source of light.

More and more to do,
Fatigue makes me carry the world;
But more and more my love for you
Overpowers my strength and worth.
wrote it during our Philippine literature class cause I was bored and, yeah.. pondered on all of my first day of third term speeches. Kek.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Finding Fate
Ayelle Garcia Jun 2015
I ran away and started a new journey
Caught myself in a peculiar story.
Been to different places and found myself startled
Obscured, grotesque, melancholic, and bleakly mottled.

Meeting different people, but never got the chance to stay
Mind fickle and heart let astray.
But then, I understand now how it feels
Of these surrounding silent hills.

All those stirred up feelings gave me nostalgia
But aren't you in spasmodic sequence of amnesia?
Alas, reality throws me up in all that regression;
It teared up my obsession.

Then there goes a series of flashbacks;
It occured to you all of the setbacks.
And oh, I remember a certain old man,
Told me a something about a plan.

With conviction, he said, "Maktub, it is written;
Those who can see and listen,
One's fate has been predestined
To those who is good and sinned."

"Young one, it is about time for you,
Know all that is true
And seek to discern for your true happiness.
"Well, I say "That's intense!"

Then as I pondered on this old man's wisdom,
****, that old geezer is just random.
But what he said did make sense,
If BMW is better than Mercedes-Benz.

Though it may seem easy for him to say it,
My mind went into a frog's "ribbit!"
How vague is it to listen to such hearsay;
The horses neigh and the hearsayers, nay.

Life is giving me much more farce
Though the sarcasm is all so scarce.
Oh, I give up cause it's better to be at home
With my friend Gary the gnome.

Now I know it's better to return
Than travel further the world that is too stern.
It's all but you I see is missing
In a picturesque abode with me, kissing.
a collabo poem made with le bae. two thumbs up!
May 2015 · 2.2k
My Milky Way
Ayelle Garcia May 2015
If there is any way words can make me fly,
Let my ode venture me to somewhere great;
Or maybe build a celestial bridge to get by,
Vega and Altair be my ship mate.

Everytime I hear of their story,
Yondering am I if it were like of mine;
Oblivious enough, until I found my glory,
Unique however, it's all just fine.

Vega, tell me how you did it,
Entail me to find a way;
Ready to take risks more than bit,
Yet I've to see all reasons to stay.

Make me closer to the doves and stars,
Uniquely be these my blocks to connect;
Chains of flight shall not fail like farce,
Have your way to connect me to my Altair to not expect.

May my magic work right this time
And make me fulfill what I must do,
Rob my soul as I'm at a distance as your rhyme;
K**eep my hopes up cause I love you.
another of my acrostics for a certain person, inspired by a legend. <3
May 2015 · 806
Ayelle Garcia May 2015
How I love your infectious smile,
How I love your honest eyes,
How I love your warm hugs,
How I love your Baymax physique,
How I love such jolly disposition,
How I love those intellectual conversations,
How I love your weirdness,
How I love you just as being yourself,
How I love that you push to pursue the Lord,
How I love that you still make me living out my commitment,
How I love how you care for your family,
And I can't stop to say how I love you.
After 5 years, I've been held captive once more. <3
Oct 2014 · 698
Walking Away
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Done with the past,
Moving on to the present;
Fulfilling dreams
For a successful future.

Life’s not just a walk in the park,
It’s a threshold of obstacles;
My past was not a joke,
I bet hers as well.

She achieved recognitions,
Gained a lot of friends;
Met up with past friends
And even fell in love.

But all these changed
As time passed by.
Betrayals in the back,
A heart break tore her apart.

She was totally lost,
Got nowhere to go;
Just about to end her life
Until hope reached its hands.

Through true friends’ help,
She was revived and changed;
Life went back to its old way
With more achievements to boot.

She had buried the dying self
And brought herself back to life.
As the time had come,
She succeeded in flying colors.

Now, no more of this soul
That lingers in the past.
Now, here she is
At the best time of her life.
This was written after I joined CYA, a religious org in our school. Tells how I was able to get out of my "Great Depression" & of what was in store of me.
Oct 2014 · 797
Eulogy To Love
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Destructive as earthquake,
Devastating as death;
It is hard to wake,
Trapped and out of breath.

Immediately broken
Like a heart of glass;
Left alone frozen,
Thwarted to pass.

He left her out
And put her heart away.
Baffled with doubt,
She didn’t stay.

She sealed herself
So she can’t be found.
Lost trust itself,
Not even a sound.

Then comes the light
Out of nowhere;
Filled with fright,
She then crept to stare.
My cry of total shut down. Yep, my dark side a.k.a. social suicide. But this one's written more than 4 years ago anyway.
Oct 2014 · 477
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
A dark entity;
Brings grief and sadness.
Nobody knows
When it arrives.

Physically or spiritually,
Mentally or emotionally;
Death take its toll
And no one is exempted.

Most people pass
In sickness and age;
Natural, they say,
But it’s now different.

How come?
Suicides, killings,
Accidents as well;
But it’s not just physical.

Bullying can be
A social form of death.
Inasmuch as social suicide,
It’s the same concept.

But due to that,
It sometimes lead
To a lethal way of death:
Committing suicide.

Some prefer to end their lives
By killing themselves.
Do they even realize the fact
That they’ll miss a lot in life?

But come to think of it,
Death is just a part of life.
Why don’t we think of it
As a passageway to the light?
Those thought you don't wish to think about.. Yeah, it comes up at some point. Good to have support behind you now.
Oct 2014 · 547
Reason For Living
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Why are we born?
What are we doing here?
What will we do
To the lives given to us?

Many questions asked,
Trying to unmask the truth;
But no one else knew
The true reason for living.

Some pursue what they want,
Some take the toll.
Some ruin other’s lives,
And some, clueless as it seems.

Why are given
The life we’re living anyway?
Does Fate play it safe
Or is it God’s plan?

Try finding it out yourself,
You might be surprised;
The people around you are clueless
But you reflect why.

No one else know
Your reason of existence
Except yourself;
Look into a deeper side.

I might have just
Found out my own reason;
If I guess I didn't,
I wouldn't have written this.

The answer is just
In your own self.
Just dig deeper though,
And you might just find it.
The questions I had in mind when I went depressed. A sequel to If All Else Fails.
Oct 2014 · 802
If All Else Fails
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Every thing's in shambles,
Altercation up ahead.
Why do we complain
If it’s just something small?

Do we even dare
To listen carefully?
Probably sometimes,
Things weren’t what it seems.

What you see is what you get
Isn't always correct;
Just level your ears
To what could be true.

Never depend on yourself alone,
Just open and fess it up.
There will be helpers around;
So what’s harm in trying?
Depressed me, before the dark poet came.
Oct 2014 · 712
Unusual Undisclosed Desires
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Friends to lovers,
How unusual it is.
But in my own case,
I guess it’s destiny.

By chance we met,
Through similarities we clicked.
Though we have different views,
We have the same point in the end.

We shared our own desires
And dark secrets no one knew.
In times of problems,
We help each other find ways.

Some people see us
As a potential couple;
But we decline to believe
And we know it won’t happen.

I was eyeing for someone
But he kept ignoring my feelings;
You knew all about it
So you helped me to get noticed.

But months have passed,
Still nothing happens;
You were there to comfort
When I’m about to lose hope.

Yet this drove us
To be much closer to each other;
Romantic feelings triggered
And ended up as one.

And now I've realized that,
In the place I considered home,
There lies all the answers:
It was you all along.
This was the poem I wrote after my 2nd (ex) boyfriend & I became official 4 years ago. Yeah.. Throwback much?
Oct 2014 · 454
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
Signs are noticeable
But just left ignored.
Why don’t you mind
The things I want to express?

Acts of kindness
As you view it,
But it has its meaning
That came from my senses.

I just don’t have the guts
To tell you all in words,
But some people pushed me
When all I want to do is shut up.

Now I told you everything,
I’m waiting for an answer.
But time flies so fast,
And nothing came out from you.

I've waited for a long time,
Just to hear those words.
Have you already forgot
To answer my query?

Now I've gone off to somewhere,
Reaching out for my dreams.
But once I return to you,
I hope you already have a reply.
Those days when love is.. well, unrequited on the other side of the spectrum. To think, I wrote this, like, 4 years ago pa. Ooh.. Works until now. Ha!
Ayelle Garcia Oct 2014
I’ve already graduated from high school,
But I’m still living in our house.
So I need to get used to commute
From East Fairview to UST.

It’s really different now,
Literally farther from usual.
It may be one ride away,
But with a longer travel time.

So, I have to leave earlier
Than the usual time back then.
If I don’t leave early,
I’ll get stuck at Espana for long.

FX or bus, you name it;
Whether partially or almost full.
Even if it’s very crowded,
I have no choice but to fit in.

So when I know I’ll be late,
I cross my fingers so hard,
Wishing that my ride
Will take an alternative route.

I just hate the fact
That when all else fails,
Even alternative routes
Are totally filled with cars.

In just a few months in college,
I already learned shortcuts to UST.
At least when I know I’m stuck,
I’ll find a way out of it.

In life, however,
There is no shortcut to happiness.
You still have to go a long way,
And withstand the challenges along it.

So we have a choice
And hard work is needed;
At least you know that
You’ve done it with effort.

Well, if a shortcut fails,
That means try another one.
But what can I say?
Manila is a busy road.

So I have to expect and endure
The heavy traffic flow at Espana,
As much as I can do it
In my own busy life.
A poem I wrote during my freshie year in college, and I wrote this while on a bus to school.
Sep 2014 · 568
To The Moody or The Rooney?
Ayelle Garcia Sep 2014
Two different bodies, much parallel by space,
Yet they’re seen as a similar soul, much too wise;
Frankly, only one thing connects their far-off lines:
The cross in the form of a woman who inclines.

Meeting them is no pure coincidence, she lauds,
For a change of heart brought their lone planes with applause;
But the baffler still ponders about these young gents,
Why would Fate make me the origin of what bends?

Much amazement can they to charm our muse’s chasm,
Brought out of an obscure triangle to spasm
And make her plight more difficult to make choices
So as to bring a cut-off with life’s dull voices.

Oh, but who am I to decide for one fine gent
If but my dress be the maiden of honor’s bent?
Now, give me a plausible reason to choose you,
It might be your last of me and be it adieu.

Please, discern of who shall be your beloved half,
Just between black and white, never the grayish bluff.
Will it be the wise fighter or the wise equal?
They may blind you with mirror looks, so choose lethal.
The poem inspired by, well.. choices. *sigh*
Aug 2014 · 638
47 Days of Letters
Ayelle Garcia Aug 2014
More than a month had to fly by since your flight,
And, oh so soon, all banners will raise.
How I long for that most-awaited embrace,
Next thing you know, you’re out the freight.

Regretted that I didn’t bade my farewell,
But hey, didn’t I gave my blessing in advance?
Look at all that I did for music’s entrance,
Prepping myself to face you & sing so swell.

Soon, I won’t have to confide with shying away,
After all the practices alone with a guitar;
Watch me as I unveil my solo performance by par
As one of my biggest steps with gay.

Of course, I won’t be there physically,
Waiting among the flock of people at the air strip.
Then again, I have something for you under my grip,
47 letters of those 47 days I don’t miss naturally.

Instead of giving it all, I just decided
To summarize it all here in this fine piece of poetry,
All I felt, no hint of a parody,
From your departure till you’ve landed.

All this time you’ve been away, it’s tough
And not to mention, all the conundrum that shook me.
Although I’m still not free,
Knowing you’ll be back kept me standing rough.

Though I stood in eternal silence,
I didn’t give it all up for you.
For I know it’s something you wouldn’t do,
And thanks to you, I got out of my own pestilence.

There were other muses who tempted me to forget,
And even deceived me that it’s love.
My eyes opened to discern more like a dove,
Lo and behold, the calendar kept me to count and get.

Now, all the waiting shall bear its fruit,
Oh, I can imagine your plane landing safe
And running on your spikes, away from the knave.
Wait, where’s my gift from your trip that you recruit?
After the hiatus, I'm able to write again. This time, it's about distance. And patience over.. some things.
Jul 2014 · 678
Adjacency to My Death Note
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
If this were to be the last of my odes,
Wait, an ode this isn’t for all of them,
Let me tell of this poet’s misfortunes
That has engulfed her to a requiem.

Everyone who sees her turns to sweetness,
Who wouldn’t turn down her cozy ambiance?
No wonder they turn to her blessedness,
Heart so crystal pure you won’t miss a chance.

She desires to fulfill her own heart song
And change from a sad and perilous past.
Alas, Fate is toying her all along,
Plummeting her to a prison aghast.

Now, she is but drowning in her own blood,
And all she can do is wait for Hades;
I see her soul being caught by the rod,
Gasping for her life, clasped into Eris.

Sadly, she falls to a tragic pure death,
Her carcass as feast for the dogs and worms.
Meanwhile, her soul is given for a breath
A dark ambrosia rejected like germs.

I can’t help but cry of how life fared her,
But no, pity isn’t to be given;
All the pangs of pain, she’s now the bearer,
Anon, the goddess of the forsaken.
Hope this won't be the last poem I post in my life. It's out of my depression, see.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks have passed,
How much more times I’ll glance and stash away?
As I sulk here, see me flip the pages
Of this nicely-collated calendar.

Counting down the moments I’ve raged aghast,
Clearly, this distance I can’t laud to sway;
Seeking too much on familiar faces
Just makes me miss you, so peculiar.

But then, this muse can’t bear this sweetest past
As the radio keeps on playing The Fray,
The last time we’re close, we target aces,
Wishing to go together so far.

Atop the sky, airplanes that appear rushed,
Oh, I can’t wait for yours to land and stay;
Permit me to write this, don’t file cases,
Poetic license is familiar.

So until then, I bid you my luck fast,
You’d have to remove the world’s mind of gray;
And I shall pray as you head down to places,
Don’t worry, I support you from afar.
All the boredom from the suspension of classes lately, this popped out of my head.
Jul 2014 · 937
A Voice From My Heart
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
It was then uncovered onto my wee young years,
But left out in the cupboard, perhaps out of fears.
All in a snap, it opened like Pandora’s Box
And spread hope and joy that dispelled strife and hell’s fox.

Moving on and out truly have been the best choice
For I have now found a reason to use my voice;
From quiet, a translucent soul’s metamorphosed,
Lo and behold, a phoenix thumps more than supposed.

See how the golden voice transformed this mute maiden,
A voice that has made her life turned and forgiven;
Here now, she sings and strums not for herself no more,
She now sings for better things that matter than score.

Look at how things change when touched by her gentle song,
The rain stops pouring, the bad turns to good along;
To think, it wasn’t other people whom she touched,
Even she herself, pure to the soul, have been changed.

See now, she’ll continue to belt out her good hymn
Until her swan song will be last as it seem;
But forever will her flight to bring goodness be,
So the wind sings with her muses onto the sea.
Guess what's my inspiration for this? My own voice.. when I sing. ^_^
Jul 2014 · 465
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
From the quiver of the pen to the keyboard’s point,
From the chosen people to the current lineage;
When all the buzz about eternity is joint,
Only one name is being uttered till end age.

They say it is nothing but merely fallacy
And purely unadulterated orchestra
Is this God of many old people’s fantasy.
But what of me, a young writer of such aura?

Sure, you say I’m but just so naïve of pure faith
But I stand up front and braveas a living proof;
I’ve faced the difficult challenges of all truth
Yet I emerge victorious and more aloof.

No, I know I’m not alone in this feisty fight
Since the world’s tendency is to make judgment rule;
Alas, for the forbidden they have turned to gray plight,
Oh but fool’s gold they make and unleash as their tool.

Now, the voice in me screams so clearly for my God,
The author that never halts to work in silence;
No more of modern idols to hold, praise, orlaud,
Even as I’m casted, you’re with me at islands.

Nonstop you move, taking away nothing that harms
Your chosen flock, all choosing your mission to do.
To who else I can go than to your loving arms,
For I shall not find rest till I find rest in you.

It is up to your senses to grasp mystery
Of how God quietly works, believer or not.
Though, one thing to note in pages of history,
Hey, God has done for you and me a lot of shot.
Trivia: Sabaoath (in Hebrew) means everlasting.
Jul 2014 · 599
Love Dance
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Come, let us fly up the sky together,
Hither freely without hesitation;
To our endless fleeting apparition,
My, oh my, we go like a bird’s feather.

Side by side, hand in hand, souls will travel
And not a trap nor wall tall enough out;
Please, don’t stop this waltz just because you pout,
Never will I laugh of your feet like gravel.

Ever will this song of the wind end, so
Let our groove be love’s developing score.
Me, myself and I? Well, that is no more;
Go, let us be one as butterflies do.
check this out carefully. an acrostic is in it. another of my ingenious works here. so, think you can tell what my acrostic says?
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Oh, what is this repeated feeling of giddy
That make me relentlessly jump for joy again?
When was the last time I became so unsteady?
A year since I said I won’t ever due to pain.

You know I can’t say no to a sweeter offer,
But oh man, this hefty decision is so tough.
Cupid’s arrow made you sought me with no cover;
Then again, I've told you my past was tragic rough.

Perhaps I've been concealed for a long time like wine,
So as to treasure my inner beauty much more;
Now you say that I’m perfectly better than fine,
Like moving to a forward in soccer that score.

But wait, are we both on our prescribed right timing
Or will this too end up like my past misfortunes?
Oh shucks, don’t catch me do this front of you: smiling
Why? I might melt by your alluring get-up tunes.

Oh, woe to the innocence this muse assembled,
For it has gone transparent, so clear you can see;
Who else can have this concealment get so shambled
Other than the he who is hidden by Fate to be?

So I still relentlessly go back to this quiz
I’m sure I couldn't answer to a clearer zoom;
For in anything except love I’m a ****,
Am I falling for you or falling to my doom?
Those days the Elsa feels (okay, a bit of Anna, too) sets my mood to write, even the most obscure of things.
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Dead Stars
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
I know they know I have potential
To get to be celestial.
Alas, no one has ever seen it on
As if they see everything’s gone.

Bet you can call me a wandering soul,
Outlasted and luster has fell in a black hole;
It will never be in my universe,
A gift has made its reverse.

Woe to this shell of emptiness,
Never deserving for happiness;
Silent death will then rip my heart,
Too bad, I can no longer play a good part.

Soon, expiration date is coming away,
No one else can extend as much as they want my stay.
Perhaps departure will be a tumble,
For I will disintegrate like a bubble.

That misfortune’s like the dead star,
Brilliantly shiny from afar.
But looking closely away the moon,
Such sight not to swoon.
It's really the dark poet in me rolling in. Must be too depressed, that's why.
Jul 2014 · 509
Severely Damaged
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
People have already made me broken before,
But even with a changed life, why am I still toyed?
This is unfair, as if I am beloved no more;
Why deepen all the scars I openly avoid?

It appears that I am now but a lonely ghost
Among the sea of people I call my allies;
How unfortunate I become their feasted host,
Then they leave me after their belly satisfies.

Those of the past, they were like even till now,
Taking advantage of who I was and press on
That I am like this though so I’m not anyhow
And petty excuses make me ignore them on.

Yes, I sound like bashing the people of my past,
However, it’s not them in this literature;
The dark poet has made its feisty return aghast
And this is the speech of his revised picture.
And the dark poet in me is back.. with a vengeance.
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Love doesn’t question, it affirms.
Love doesn’t judge, it accepts.
Love doesn’t break, it firms.
Love doesn’t feel, it acts.
Love doesn’t count, it treasures.
Love doesn’t go one time, it stands forever.
Love doesn’t sugarcoat, it gives more than the world’s pleasures.
Love doesn’t hurt, it cures more than fever.
Love doesn’t smother, it comforts the broken.
Love doesn’t go short-tempered, it calms storms.
Love doesn’t pick, it gives all the chance to be in heaven.
Love doesn’t stop, it restores even homes.
Love doesn’t ignore, it answers the right verse.
Love doesn’t lose your way, it leads you not to drift.
Most of all, love doesn’t curse, it offers itself as a gift.
Thanks to the Lord, I was made to see love in another perspective.
Jul 2014 · 819
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Little does he know,
Little does he notice;
A flower yet to sow,
Unwanted like jaundice.

When will my voice be heard?
When will I be out of soak?
It’s like saying to the Lord,
“If only I can touch his cloak.”

He merely sees me more
For he seeks me as company.
Spreading like sore
In my heart, it is him only.

I wish I could steal him away
So no one else can interfere.
Please, by my side he’ll stay,
Don’t take him as I fear.

How I dream he’d be in my arms,
Holding me so tight.
Alas, it’s just a dream that harms
My reality as it might.

Who does he seek for forever?
Oh, it’s not me, I bet.
Or if he does, I’ll savor
What Fate has made and set.

Alas, here’s my downfall,
Together with its pangs of pain.
Seems I’m not the apple the eye after all.
Okay, my heart is sealed again.
The inner voice in me says this to a certain.. never mind.
Jul 2014 · 954
Signore Amore
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Oh, how I beseech to woo
From the moment I laid my eyes on you.
Who wouldn’t wonder of such that Fate
Brought unlikely souls like bait?

Here comes Cupid’s arrows flying
To our innocent hearts as its landing.
It is not something I wished
And child’s play can be suppressed.

But the tempest had to appease,
So I made Poseidon to please.
Bacchus, enough is that merrymaking
That I may be spared by the king.

Far and wide I had to go,
Lo, I’m surprised my love is just here so…
Come, hold tight to my hand,
Let our musicality form a band.

Hug me to your heart’s content
That warmth can be competent.
Go, you have me to carry,
Just don’t let your piggyback hurt me very.

Let us hither under the stars,
Wish to shooting stars that never scarce.
I hope you don’t mind my long hair,
Perhaps the wind can move it, not tear.

Can you smell the breeze of the meadow?
Oh, I like to lie on it like a shadow.
Make haste, for time is to burrow,
Kiss me like there’s no tomorrow.

Salute to this allegory!
Be this love’s hymn of glory;
Here’s for my boo long before I’ve met
From your dearest, the poet.
Think this is for a certain person? Hmmm.. I dunno too! :P
Jul 2014 · 843
Ame no Bara
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Much is that strong desire
That through love, many aspire.
Here onto the silk tainted
The fuel that none but lust painted.

Halt! It doesn't have to be that way,
Let the truth mark its stay.
Need not to divulge on lavish evil,
Step into the light that your dark peril.

You don’t have to resort to such nonsense;
Don’t listen to this world’s “it depends.”
That gray line cease to exist,
Like the rose under the rain of mist.
When the world divulges you, you must find a way to keep your faith alive.
Jul 2014 · 476
Why Call It Heavy?
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Couldn’t anything be worse than the world’s mindset?
Stop messing or imposing your thoughts onto me?
Oh my, just look at how I swoon to the sunset,
But hey, it’s no fun to be alone? That. See?

Mercy on my heart, Eres. Stop shooting at it.
Is that all you can do with that quite a big word?
You sure got an eye for different pairs to fit.
Maybe you can point your arrow to him with a cord?

Sometimes,disdain Fate for bringing to the wrong way
This unfortunate soul, falsely loved too shallow.
Ideally,when that moment comes, what to say?
Go for the **** and say yes, wait first, a no?

Tell me, how can this love ours be pure and true?
How far and long do you see me through thick and thin?
Must know, a woman takes things seriously through
More than physical we seek; it’s love, not a sin.

Demand yourself to balance your head and your heart,
Emancipate from the world, make God the center.
It’s better than the world’s offers; it’s the best part
No human thought can grasp for truth doesn’t canter.

Look at that Elphaba-Fiyero Fate steered,
T**hen God said, “I love you, she loves you, feel no farce.”
You may think twice, but what you’re looking for is here,
And God has the answer you seek, guided by stars.
Think this is just any other poem of mine? Check again. ^_^
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
“The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves. Until there are none. No hopes. Nothing remains.” –Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha

I bet the Furies are laughing
For such misery Fate has made me.
Anymore and I’ll do more than pitying,
A hopeless case as bad as it’ll be.

Maybe it’s all being orchestrated
And what’s missing is a cut-off thread.
Never a love like this be requited,
Oh,throw me by all means, good and dead.

No wonder, I’m gluttonous of desire,
And here, I’m Cerberus’ best feast.
Even as I struggle away from the fire,
Well,I’m still caught in the least.

Go ahead, feed on my carcass,
Likewise, suffer like Fantine.
Singing in misery till I pass,
Carry me away to a lake with pristine.

I wish then to not hear a lull,
Let that gentle hand rescue my soul.
Now my heart’s safe from hurt or fall,
Ready to be given for a better goal.

Good riddance from the hands of Eris,
But am I really cleared off?
Romance,not even found out of Paris,
Never mine to be with or to scoff.

So until then, I’ll dance alone
With an accompaniment of a shamisen,
Seeking my love to be requited on the zone
Behind a fan and mask smothered by a writer’s pen.

Don’t forget in my sleeves, a swan song
Is waiting to be released so…
Pick what appeases you for long,
Be it I’m Not That Girl, No Good Deed, or Let It Go.
Totally inspired by my muses in literature, especially after watching Memoirs of A Geisha.
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
*Insert Forgiveness Here*
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Forgiveness isn’t that easy,
Especially with wounds so deep.
After all,life is like a daisy,
Its beauty forever can’t keep.

Enemies backbiting innocence,
And even tarnishes your flesh.
But in us is God’s presence;
To forgive is to love also what is trash.

Therefore, I ask of a merciful heart,
That peace can enter to where it belongs.
Then I shall do my part,
Absolve others’ sins to me and love prolongs.

Lord, keep me at bay,
That I may be like you:
To love unconditionally is to stay,
Well,grounded as you do.

Never to see adversaries as pagans,
But as my own neighbor.
This is us,Christians,
Imperfect but we’ll never abhor.
Another prayer time-inspired poem.
Jul 2014 · 656
What of Elphaba Am I?
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
I know I’m not as perfect as they see,
Why look at me so wicked?
But hey, I’m standing tall like a tree,
Imperfect outside, but inside strong-hearted.

The world is twisted, I’d say,
Too much vanity and greed.
The powerless they just stray,
Saying pity is nothing but a creed.

Feeding rejection has caused madness,
The undesirables now fight back.
Poor Elphaba,they say, never received kindness,
But here I am, ready to strike an attack.

Yes, it’s that wizard who says,
“Everyone deserves a chance to fly.”
But I? I’ve found ways,
No more good deeds to try.

I thought I’m made for something good,
Despite my green skin from that vial.
Saving Fiyero is all that I could,
Well, say as good, but that’s denial.

Oh, let it be then,
I shall unleash my minions.
To Emerald City we tighten,
It’s time for all evil’s dominions!

Though I may perish in water,
I don’t mind as long as revenge is sealed.
No more of good dreams that bother,
Conquering Oz is now reeled.
Because of listening too much to the OST of Wicked, I got inspired to write in Elphaba's persona.
Jul 2014 · 673
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
How I wish I could travel the whole world,
Just marvel the grandiose sights.
But then, you’re so girdled,
Having the pleasure to get to new heights.

When you pry to me all of your voyage,
I’m all in awe since we’re alike.
For places I've wished to go to at an age,
You've been there, even donning your spike.

At times I get jealous,
You have all the might to go anywhere.
Alright, no more being callous,
How about you take me with you somewhere?

Perhaps I can fit in your luggage,
Oh wait, I’ll drink a shrink potion like Alice;
Find ways to be in the baggage,
Just to be with you, that’d be no malice.

Such places I wish you to take me with,
Something like the Louvre in France,
Maybe the air in Brazil we’ll breathe,
Or in a wall way at China we trance?

Too bad it’ll be just a dream,
Travelling beside you is merely reality.
Perhaps watching is all it seem,
Maybe I can just tweet my fantasy.

So before you fly away,
To you I leave this piece of literature.
Since all I will do is stay,
Take my heart, let it be your melancholy’s cure.
Inspired randomly. By my luggage sitting around in my room.
Jul 2014 · 513
Dreaming of You… NOT
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Oh Somnus, tell me something,
Why not my Muse
in my dreams?
I’d long to see him for anything,
Or at least be with him in the streams.

But alas, other Muses which I never called
Kept on taking me to Lethe.
I’d clasp my hands away from them, and behold,
Be onto Elysian Fields
where I can breathe.

I long more for his hands to reach
And take me up for Olympia.
Maybe Hera
can permit our breach
For to enjoy a taste of ambrosia.

But what of my Muse, you say,
That inhibits him to see me?
Is he too pure like how we pray,
Or is he really my reality?

Then decree, “Awake, O Sleeper!
will show the passage,
And perhaps Aphrodite* will hear you, weeper,
Grants your wish of a love lasting than age.”

So for now, I shall await for my Muse,
Even if Fate* says we’ll meet after a long time.
Then maybe to Hermes* I will fuse.
After all, is sending my blessings to you not a crime?
Mythology + no show in dreams = crush problems in literary form
Jul 2014 · 473
Love in Our Midst
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
A love without bounds,
a love without brands.
A love so certain,
a love so true.
A love so pure of heart,
a love unbiased.
A love so steadfast,
a love that satisfies.
A love that protects all,
a love that never judges.
A love that accepts odds,
a love that comforts against nods.
A love that is genuine,
a love that improve imperfections.

No where else can I find such love,
but it is just in our midst.
What do we do, then,
embrace it or ignore it?
Take it as a blind spot,
miss your target and regret.
Take it as a beggar,
choose to be selfish.
But take it like your family,
you are complete.
I have found such,
And it's the love I hold dear forever.
Another of those poems I made from my prayer time.
Jul 2014 · 509
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Who am I to judge you, O Lord?
Who am I to kick you out of my life?
Who am I to doubt the things you gave me?
Who am I to blame you for my troubles?
Who am I to reject you as I've been rejected?
Who am I to refuse you when I'm being delayed?
Who am I to accuse you for getting in trouble?
Who am I to ignore you when you needed me?
Who am I to destroy your works of art?
Who am I to deserve to be loved by you?
Who am I to be worthy of your kingdom?
Who am I to whom you died for?

I could give millions of reasons why I'm unworthy,
I am but imperfect, I am but a sinner...
But you gave me one reason why:
Because you love me, and I am yours.
I'm a child of God.
A poem I made while having my prayer time at the UPD Sunken Garden.
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
This is my epiphany,
To old self bid gone.

The servant-hearted,
Selfless and genuine soul,
Sheer blessing to us.

The Almighty God
Loved me for all that I am,
A love so ardent.

Such comforting wind
Sweeping off between my hair;
Here goes the chimes ring.

Great continuum,
Why such distance imposed
That wall between us?

Oh that lone guitar,
Let me caress such old strings
And I'll sing sweet songs.

The wheel of fate turns,
Made me search off the cosmos,
All leading to you.
An anthology of haikus I did for our Asian Lit class.
Jul 2014 · 466
20 at My Wit's Bliss
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
2 decades comes to a mellow's pacing;
Like lightning that travels at light speed,
Yet what lies ahead, not one knows facing,
Destiny is a grasp away to heed.
Then of some old stories came in to pass,
Faced from a humble beginning in life,
Of a flower that bloomed among the grass,
With raging storms & fires made stand alive.
What more of this muse be compared to?
Ave Maria, this maid is but blessed;
Such golden voice can halt men & call too,
Her heart of gold that all heavens addressed.
Pique then does this lass can do & say of,
Nothing more than wisdom, blessing, and love.
A sonnet I made before my 20th birthday last year, just to pass time while listening to my prof in Brit Am Lit.
Jul 2014 · 645
Unspoken Spiel
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Not that I can't say or fess,
I just can't tell it's affirmed.
It may take me quite a while
Before I can see the next scene.

I could write a thousand words,
But no sense, they're not all connected.
I may have the script in my hands,
I couldn't comprehend not a line.

Twists & turns I can do,
Yet no pirouette will I get to show.
To find or to not find?
That is the question.

It's not in there, not in me;
Only the pen can weave it.
In the depths, beneath a rock,
There goes my heart again.

What do I feel, does it matter?
Mustn't be the same, I can tell.
Will it take me years or lifetime,
Or will a period end it all?

But who else can say, the director?
Or him through the actor?
What if both don't say the same line,
Should I trust the provided manuscript?

The apple of my eye is he,
Stole my sweet smiles, touches, kisses & dreams.
Though it wasn't all an act,
Why would that actor lose me good?

Not a poker face nor a trickster;
How come he fits the scene so well?
Here I am staring at your perfection,
Now all annihilated, blind & muted.

Then I have none else to say,
But this is all but a monologue
Of all I feel inside for the actor
Who might give me a miscalculated scene.

Though who's to say be blamed?
Oh yes, it must be the writer.
Hold on, the writer & actress are one entity,
And that is all but me.

So until then, my audience,
I'll keep looking up to that actor.
More songs, dances & acts will be made,
And he'll be there behind the scenes.
Another of those times my crush inspires me to write.
Jul 2014 · 4.6k
The Time of Sacrifice
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
As days jitter by gleamed with such sheer and merry,
Then comes the memoriam-filled allegory;
Called the times of meditation and redemption,
Purple-shrouded cloth with blood has brought salvation.

40 days to drop down and be poured on ashes,
40 nights to commemorate for such dashes;
A memoir to be sung, flinging an elegy,
Sacrifice of the Son tuned to a eulogy.

But have no disheartened faith heard on stricken grief,
For a promise of sacrifice is worth that brief;
It’s the moment to recall, repent, and renew,
Making a mark not turn to long the past askew.

Lenten season speaks of turning from the darkness,
Losing a part to share with Him pure happiness;
Just as Christ suffered for the shortcomings of men,
His Church must respect and join for the time given.

So do not grieve for his loss, or that of your own,
It will be worth such a gain and it shall be sown;
For that choice, a short-time loss is a long-time gain,
With God, He provides us courage to surpass pain.

Such as to come thwart on our midst His forthcoming,
Prepare not only now but till life deems rusting;
But until time hovers to an eternal halt,
Apprehend, amend on such light and grave faults.
I made this for Lent 2012, as a resolution to start posting written literature for the Lord.
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Every beats you make,
I shall be glorified;
Every noise you break
Leaves me satisfied.

In your hymn
Shall I follow;
Give my life a neat trim,
Evil you will burrow.

Forever my threshold,
I shall not veer;
Your plan shall unfold
As my faith is steer.

Your hymn of praise
Fills up my soul,
With joy & grace
And makes me whole.

I may lose everything,
You stick like glue;
Ever understanding,
My God, never blue.
Inspired in the Spirit on this one.
Jul 2014 · 538
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Why’d you always
Make me go sideways?
Every heartbeat skips,
Can’t catch up as it grips.

Just as he glanced by,
So intensely shy;
My lips shook with fear,
All I did is sneer.

Mantra goes on static,
Everything became enigmatic;
Flew me up all the way,
What more can I say?

Hit much with a blow,
No longer gone slow;
Indeed, all sheer love,
An ode from above.

Stare to me, I’d sway,
Go take me away;
Then I’ll be happy
At least, more snappy.
Crush problems. But that was the past. -_-
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Sundial Under Continuum
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Up and down,
That’s how life flows;
Just used to its scowl,
I go what it shows.

A myriad of colors
Surround these sheer pages;
From fail to honors,
Complete throughout ages.

But time consumes to extreme,
Onto own life to pay;
Come flee as if in a dream,
So to say, seize the day.

Run like there’s no tomorrow,
For time is just narrow;
There is not a chance to waste,
So fly away, make haste.
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Cascading gently,
But with rupture as it seems;
Innocent wind
Turns to a violent storm.

How can I handle
That ache inside?
Avoid it?
It’s very hard.

It devours you,
It burdens on the inside;
Once anger heightens,
It comes out.

Nothing can stop it,
Unless you try to control it;
A shadow of you,
Alter ego so dangerous.

Now, I've passed a whole new light,
Lifted trauma off sight;
All gone away with the past,
New moniker at last.

I have locked her far away,
Secluded as they say;
Together with the trauma,
Forever in coma.
Jul 2014 · 696
Art of Its Finest
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Playing to my senses
Like a classic repertoire;
Strum as it advances,
A beat of my memoir.

With endless notes
That daunts its hem,
Every memory quotes
Emotions hidden each stem.

Up or down,
Trebles to its extreme;
Smile or frown,
Flows accord as it seem.

As you take a stance,
The feet feel heavy;
The perfection of your grace
Prevails over pirouettes.

Pressure’s getting intense,
Many are watching over you;
Looking your every move
As you bring in the show.
For the love of aesthetic things.
Jul 2014 · 652
Anguished Outbursts
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Discouraged hearts
Scowl their anger;
Out from the depths
To its summit.

Devouring my whole,
Piercing to the flesh;
Shameful of waiting,
Flow that pool of blood.

Smudged into the white,
Stains like blood;
Lying to the stale,
Lifeless at its root.

Why did you cast me out?
You hypocrite user!
Revenge isn’t my way,
But I know what I’ll do.

Rain on my parade,
It can’t stop me;
As long as the sun’s in its raid,
It’s how it will be.
Jul 2014 · 546
A Paradise Now Long Gone
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
In that place dwell,
Memories that swell;
My sojourn, so to speak,
Now dead and bleak.

Where have the days gone?
They did nothing but fawn;
A good place, no more,
Severed like a sore.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
The Complete Shut Down
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Isolated, trapped in a dark abyss,
Remained under her lulled admonition;
Never wished to depart, but to depress,
Grieve then be stiff, yielded in damnation.

Cut off away from the world’s speed of light,
Off she choked a too petty eulogy;
Swore never to venture off from its sight,
Deprive hope, ****** apathy with elegy.

The dark poet’s ode continues to cruise,
Spills & spreads to her frail soul like poison;
Intoxicate & numbs her as a bruise,
Nullifies every positive motion.

Go better off now, my little sweet one,
The world has just locked away your sunshine;
Forget about help, you’re banished & gone,
Sleep it all away, not one can outshine.
This poem was written when my "dark poet" self appeared.
Jul 2014 · 488
Time's Race
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Everything's in a fast pace.
Can I still catch up?
Running in an endless race,
Life has worn me out.

I'm like a wall
That can't easily be brought down.
Time though has made me fall,
But made me realized not to frown.

I have to stay firm,
Even in adversities.
Let not time hinder, I affirm.
It brings the best of abilities.

Please keep up with me,
Even not for long.
I'll show you how precious you are to me.
Let not time's race lose its myriad song.
Another of the first ones I posted in the past, and this is randomly inspired.
Jul 2014 · 513
Lumen Astra
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Where has your warmth gone?
It has been replaced by icy cold shivers.
When did your light turned out?
Pitch black darkness rules around.

When do you intend to return?
Everyone's looking for you.
Care to disintegrate the clouds?
I'm looking forward to see your beauty again.
Inspired by the overcasting sky.
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