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Feb 2021 · 408
Stars Say
Jeremy Rascon Feb 2021
Who put me here
To suffer eternally
Temporary body
But the expanse of the mind
Stretches beyond reality
Time is constructed by society
When it crumbles
No change will be recorded.
But will thoughts go on
Or do they die with me.

How did I get here
Doubts of a creator
My ancestors swam
So why am I drowning right now
A product of millions of years of evolution
Yet my brain is still chemically imbalanced
If it's survival of the fittest
I am the weakest link
Darwin's finches can't explain the human brain
I was born to die like the rest of humanity.

Why am I here
Is it karma for a past life
Is death what I want truly or just to stop feeling for awhile
Is there a difference?
Because I don't feel like there is one
Who would miss me?
In the grand scheme of the universe..
No one.
I'm free of guilt
The stars tell me it's an earthly emotion anyways.
Feb 2021 · 281
Jeremy Rascon Feb 2021
Am I in love
Am I though really
Don't I ever learn
That love doesn't mean
Infatuated with someone
That I am only living in a dysfunctional cycle
Of constant painful emotions
Forever getting over the jealousy
That I am not what they want
And that's okay
I should be okay with that
Why do I fight so hard to be the one
It never works out that I am the one
I am the one I guess
The one that is temporary
On the path to the rest of their lives
And I should be content to see them at their best
And wish them well
I am not what they want
And that's okay
I'm in love again
My brain says
My heart pounds in morse code
Full stop.
Future me I am so sorry
For the pain I caused you
Cry as much as you want for lost "love"
Another is on the way.
Feb 2021 · 396
Untouchable Victory
Jeremy Rascon Feb 2021
My stresses exist in the nighttime like stars in the sky,
So many and unconsciously I battle them
Never able to win
I am overpowered
I wake up beat and ****** with
Teeth clenched too tight
My jaw aches
And my eyes refuse to open
I'm too tired and too old to fight every night
Yet the bell rings as soon as I fall asleep
How do I prepare for the exact anxieties
My brain sets up for me,
All of them reigning champions
And gloating
I'll never touch the belt
Because even good dreams
Leave me to wake in the real world.
I have to fight the day too.
I can't wait to retire.
Oct 2019 · 507
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2019
Some days I wake up
                                                                  Mind torn from    
                                                           stress dreams
                                                                And no desire to breakdown
                                                                             On campus.
                                                                  So I skip class.
                                                        Trapped in my mental jailcell
                                                I dissect my compulsive thoughts
                                                      Only to see they stitched
                                                               Themselves back together
                                                             And are resistant to leave.
                                          On days I can grasp and hold my will
                                                                           I stew in class
                                                     Noticing my classmates
                                        Who speak louder than I do,
                                        Who answer questions more eloquently,
                                        And speak science fluently,
                                                               I am left to boil in my
                                                 Lack of voice, skill, and knowledge.
                                                             At the end of my first class
                                                                   I am already overdone,
                                             A husk goes to the remaining classes
                                                                                 For me.
                                                                     On days I wake up
                                                                        I skip class
                                                                                  To avoid
                                                                      Fighting fire with Magma,
                                                                                this technique is
                                                                     purely self-destructive.
                                                                                           And I know it.
                                        Pressure builds like a volatile volcano…
                                                      I FAIL my classes and ERUPT
                                                   The peak that is my self esteem
                                      Shattered by emails from professors,
                                           The lava oozes down the slopes of Mt. Me
                                               “Maybe I don’t Belong  Here”
                                     Starts the a nearby tsunami forming
                                                                      Underneath my scalp
                                                           It gathers speed and force.
                                                           It decimates the cerebrum.
                                                                                       I have to rebuild...
                                              This land is recycled often
                       Tremors with magnitudes that match
                                                        My GPA
                                            Keep me vigilant and mindful
                                                               that collapse is part
                                                                       Of my nature                   The complex societies that are rebuilt within my mind always thrive
                                              ….at the beginning of next semester.
Sep 2019 · 1.5k
Jeremy Rascon Sep 2019
My mom taught me to clean the beans
            seemingly hundreds all on the counter,
            a delicious rain
               as they fall.
Find the "Bad" ones
                              the rocks,
                              the ugly,
I am power,
       I decide,
           just for awhile.
Cleaning beans meant
                   my mom would make
                                   my favorites
   stuffed sopapillas,
the timeless and classic bean and cheese burrito.
The beans take all **** day to cook...
                                      they taught me
Aug 2018 · 675
World Destroyer
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2018
I destroyed a world...  
In one night
One that I helped build.
I invaded the surface and dug,
Hoping to find something precious,
To satisfy my greed & lust.
Without thinking..
Now it's cracked and scarred..
I destroyed a world that meant everything to me..
For nothing but an urge I thought I had.
I wronged an oasis that kept me from
Dying of dehydration,
In the droughts of my life...
If I believed in heaven & hell,
I would say my soul is being dragged downwards,
And that's why I feel so low..
But I know better.
Reality is far worse.
I watch from orbit as the world is mended,
Admiring it's strength and beauty...
I know. I can never return there.
So I drift through emptiness
Content,  finds me in the knowledge that the world will thrive...
Without me.
Mar 2018 · 6.0k
Jeremy Rascon Mar 2018
You are a storm.
Off in the distance..
I can see the dark brooding clouds
The energetic flashes of lightning
I can see the veil of rain..
But you are off in the distance..
I can't hear the crack of thunder or feel it's mighty rumble beneath my bare feet..
I can't smell the rain as it hits the hot earth..
I long for the monsoon in my dry land..
But the winds take you elsewhere
You are a storm.
A brutish force of nature
Beautiful in your chaos..
Your lightning may strike,
You can create fire.
Your rains may flood,
You can carve rivers.
But always..
Life thrives in the aftermath of your destruction.
You are an artist.
And I admire from the distance.
Aug 2016 · 702
Monsters And Gods
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2016
We like to be happy, but it's when we are lost,  miserable and enduring that ravenous unrelenting pain that we mature. Its in those, the most challenging moments of life, that create monsters and gods.
Aug 2016 · 4.8k
House Not Home
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2016
The endless sorrows,
They sought
Found me here,
At what I call home .
When I cannot sleep,
When I cannot dream,
Everything seems wrong.
I glance around and view its truth
I don't belong here I whisper
Take me away I call out
Into the darkness
The windows are tinted from eons of collected dust and dirt,
The low brown light that seeps through sets the tone,
My vision is almost gone,
I wipe and wipe
But the glass is stained.
The entire house is in a similar state.
Echoes speak to me in the hallway
It's not the house that's alive
It's been dead for years
I am trapped in it's carcass
Aug 2016 · 1.7k
What Am I
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2016
What am I if not human?  
Am I monster
Who roams the empty city streets
In search for love to devour
And spit back the bones
Defiler of young dreams
Wrecker of lives
Am I a monster
That preys on the weak
One for every day
My primal urges
Urge me to take part in these
Wants and needs,
Am I a monster because I suppress them ,
Or am I human?
Oct 2015 · 805
Gun Toting
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2015
We need more guns
We need more bullets
Like we need more death
Like the blood that's been spilt
Can't satisfy Uncle Sam
One nation under a god
Who loves ******
And hates immigrants
Paranoid ex military
Who believe in conspiracies
And built bunks for when
The government comes to "take their guns"
Over my dead body they say
I will blow your brains out is what they mean
We need more guns
Like we need more disease
Hopefully we can have both
And wipe ourselves out
Let the rest of the animal kingdom
Rule the planet
I have more faith in them anyways
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2015
If I were super
I'd be no hero
I'd be the spirit of vengeance
For those too weak
To stand for themselves
The victims of the world
I'd spend every waking moment
Hunting down those
Who seek to destroy
The rapists,  and killers,
Abusers, and bullies,
The corrupt,  and thieves
In all corners, in every tiny village
Every grand government building
All would pay
None would stay.
I'd be no hero
For I'd spare no mercy
I wouldn't make the world blind
Its been sightless
Since man learned to lie
If only I were super,
so I could not be a hero.
Aug 2015 · 7.9k
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2015
How quiet the night is
I say as I loudly tap
On my phone
Erasing and rewriting
Only to realize
You can't be profound on facebook
Society has made sure of that.
This handy dandy
Mini pocket computer
Connects me to the world,
It assures that never will I
Never can I
Be alone.
Yet as I scroll
Through the friends list,
The contacts,
The snapchat stories,
Endless feeds,
Its clear I am only one person
Out of billions.
Barely noticeable.
Its hard to be unique
When all the clever usernames
Have been taken
And you don't know
How to use emojis.  
I do not compute,
Nor do I really want to.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Jeremy Rascon Jul 2015
I am the world
Lost and alone.
Parasites rid me
Of any precious
Resources I create
They torch and scar my flesh
I choke on the toxic fumes
They send to my atmosphere
I grow dizzy
And spinning
Until I finally lose control,
My fate is self destruction
Suicide by loss of my emotions
I will end my short life
Rather than have the parasites
End it for me
I am the world
And the universe will continue
Without me
Jan 2015 · 780
Art Kills
Jeremy Rascon Jan 2015
Je Suis Charlie
A new artist motto
An age old fight and cause
Simple marks on a paper
Can arouse barbaric
In this world
No room for the blood shed.
Wage no war
   With bullets and bombs
If you must,
           Use your words
Retaliate the art.
We, intellectuals, know just how much
More powerful
  This type of warfare is.
We the unafraid artists know the
   Danger of our work
   The risks of comedy..
You **** for your aging beliefs
We sketch for the future...
   Je Suis Charlie
Never, will the pen be put down.
Nov 2014 · 15.4k
Jeremy Rascon Nov 2014
Coffee must always be hot
  It warms the soul
     And awakens the body
It fends off the sleep
   Like a dragon's
       Fiery breath  
A drink for the gods
    A magic elixir for man
But it must be hot.
      If it were to be cold
It would only numb..
The world is cold enough as is.
No no, brew a fresh ***
   Let the smell
Dance through the air
    And fill a morning home.
Like Jesus,
   Mr. Coffee
Will transform water
  Into something more
But even better,
       It will be hot
Coffee must always be hot.
Oct 2014 · 3.8k
Friday Morning
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2014
Today I thought
   About dying,  
And was humbled
     By death
  My end will
But hasn't yet
    And I
Am forever grateful.
Of being deceased
   I am home
Today I thought
   About dying
    But didn't.
Sep 2014 · 836
Couldn't Get Away
Jeremy Rascon Sep 2014
As frantically
As he ran
He could not escape,
No matter
How many branches
Or logs
He was doomed..
For the dark presence...
Sep 2014 · 7.8k
Jeremy Rascon Sep 2014
The time
I'm dying
as the
Clock ticks
I'm crumbling
Time kills
I'll be dead.
To disappear
In history..
I'm dying
And painfully
Each second,
An enemy..
How much longer?
Aug 2014 · 585
The Beast
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
The moon's haunting glow
From behind the clouds
Guides my path..
Concealed beast within me
Held at bay only by that thin layer
Let the wind not blow
For surely the beast
Would be set free
And in the process....
He's done it before.
I stare at the pale luminous blotch
In the dark sky...
The hunger and anger
I feel in my veins
The tension..
Let the wind not blow
The clouds are needed
A slight breeze could be
Enough to set it off...
Be still Oh fine night..
Let me rest
Let me sleep
There is no god
But for peace
I might pray
Aug 2014 · 5.2k
I Ask The Universe Why
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
I ask the universe Why
It never replies to Me-
Instead It sends Natural Disasters-
and Micacles to See

Hidden messages in the Night Sky
Beauty taken for Granted-
All we have to do is lift-Our-Heads-
I float- Feet not firmly Planted
Aug 2014 · 471
The Urge
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
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Poems by Jeremy Rascon : 90 / 105 « The Unknown To AnybodyThe Wind »
The Urge

We are the unity of Man and Hate
the undivided
and Vengence
Jealousy hidden in Love
the craving for blood
we are the Urges
Fear and Loneliness
beasts in the night
ready to bite
a Plague
Infecting every child born
only the Strong can
keep Control...
are you that Hero?
or will you fall as many have
before and will always continue to do so..
Face us...
or Flee
and be Pursued
Until your dying day...
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Unknown to Anybody
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
The star I stare at is the brightest in the sky
How I wish I could fly
Into space
And race
Asteroids and meteors
To be marked down in history as the explorer amongst explorers
To distant planets with life
With struggle and strife
I dream of that
To live and travel the unknown to anybody
Aug 2014 · 6.7k
The Mexican Breathes
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
Aztec in arts
Spanish in conquest
The Mexican breathes
And lives
Taking control
Controlling the taken,
Our blood hot
Like the chile we eat
Don't expect any less
Outside we are strong
Desert cacti
Sharp unforgiving and rough
On the outside
But the inside
Water flows
The love flows
For la raza
Death envies our vidas
So rich and full
And feared
Tattoos cover our skin
Like they did
Our ancestors
Soon we will rise
Soon we will unite
Aug 2014 · 5.0k
Culture Forgotten
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
In a ****** society
Chicanos thrive
culture changing
as we try to survive
the vatos in the calles
**** our own kind
our culture we can't find
Aztec ancestors
Spanish savages
the blood of warriors
but our native tongue is tied
family from mexico, access denied
a fence divides
we act out in aggression
now la raza has tension
tattoos with meaning unknown
ignorance is whats really shown
our culture is lost
Aug 2014 · 3.6k
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
My pen glides
the paper slides
thick lines
thin lines
I scribble
never erase
I create
my art
my heart-
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Past Life
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
That girl..
I've seen her before,
I know her,
At least I think I do..
I've met her before,
We've talked,
We were friends,
I'm sure of it,
Maybe it was in a past life...
Aug 2014 · 358
As She Sleeps
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
As she sleeps
I cannot
While she dreams
I think
She stirs
And I remain still
So close..
I can feel the heat
So distant,
I feel nothing else
As she sleeps
And dreams
I'm wide awake
Staring at the emptiness
The void
Hoping to find a sign..
Your hands are cold
But mine are warm..
Aug 2014 · 633
Almost Poetic
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
It's almost poetic
The way you speak
It's almost poetic
The way you think
The way you sleep and dream
It's almost poetic
The way I feel for you
It's almost poetic
The way we argue
It's almost poetic
When we say goodbye
Not knowing the next time
We'll see each other
You are the curved line
And I am the dot
That creates the question mark..
And it's almost poetic
If it were not so pathetic.
Aug 2014 · 817
Wake Up World
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
Into the depths we dive
With only hopes to survive
Into the unknown we brave
No longer society's slave
Let the rebellion live on
We yell with arms drawn
Freedom we scream
Freedom we dream
No longer should we slumber
Wake up
.. world
Aug 2014 · 492
For the Soul
Jeremy Rascon Aug 2014
As a boy I was lost and afraid
Ashamed and scared
Every bad thing that every happened
Was god
Every urge was a sin
Demons possessed people
And the Devil lurked in the shadows
As a boy
I believed
I wore a necklace with a cross
For protection
As I aged
I gained more knowledge.
I wasn't so afraid anymore
I had doubt, although doubt itself
Was sin
But I didn't care
I was tired of praying..
Atheism.. my savior
Science the prophet.
I was tired of seeing so much hate
And hearing "god loves everyone"
I no longer feared eternal punishment
For living how I wanted,
Doing what I felt
Mistakes no longer condemned me..
They helped me learn
And that is all.
I wasn't afraid to live anymore
Atheism empowered me..
It humbled me.
I am but a speck of space dust
And that is grand in all means
Amazing and uplifting
The wonder
The unknown
If there is a god somewhere out there..
Thank him for atheism.
I'm no longer a boy..
But the cross necklace
I still wear..
Not as a sign of absolute
But as the torture device
That is religion.
My reminder
Of the prison where I once dwelled...

— The End —