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Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Mickey Mouse, 1
She dropped out today.

Out of school, village housing, and our lives

and Mickey Mouse sat
on the edge of his bed,
a controller in his gloved hands.

They are swollen under there,
a gangrenous trap of envy and greed
and she saw those hands with the gloves off,
and as they slid down her face
I heard funeral bells from across campus
because she's gone now and there are too any girls like her
girls the school refused to help
because god forbid they help
if the **** rate on campus might go up
and Don't call it is what it is, Christine
There's nothing to be done, Kara
Just take it easy, he was just playing around
and we don't know what intentions she had with him anyway

Well it's good for them.
They don't have to deal with it anymore.

She dropped out today.

Out of school, village housing,
   the side of the world, the cracks of the law,
           the sound of clapping hands, grinning faces,
                  the coffee house music hour, the soaked sheets at the edges of  time
                                                       and out of our lives
rough in need of editting
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
october crickets
there are still crickets outside although it is mid october

i try to tread softly on the way to class
or to breakfast
the quiet spot that i pull high up over my head so no one can hear

the noise of the cricket that cast itself under my boot
oh! little surprise!
i am so sorry
but your scream was only a crunch
that rang out two weeks ago
i still remember
not actually about crickets (though this did happen) but rather a summary of a state of mind
Oct 2015 · 578
six months
sometimes tears taste like onion
cutting through the skin on your face
reminding you that you're still in mourning
and eyeliner gets in your mouth
half a year on
Sep 2015 · 628
Winter's Crawl
That morning, sound was a spear of melted glass
pouring down over the mountainside.

The treetops don't hiss anymore with crying katydids,
the bird songs even are beginning to dwindle- as they
cast their voices across the sky, pulling away.

And as the world grows quiet, the visions get loud
black trees cut blue and yellow skies
ice on the corners of your car window
a reminder of what's coming
in litotes
i figured id try and write one a day mehhhh
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Eulogy Giver
I haven't written anything in over a year.

My chest has risen and fallen with the track of the sun, like a neanderthal burial covered in flowers.

I have wept for myself, I have wept for my friends, I have wept for my grandfather now in my lungs and in the soil,

but still I haven't written anything in over a year.

I went to the zoo one last time with my confidant, rode up the long elevator so steep I would fall off with a sneeze.

I have felt the last rays of sun before winter, I have felt ice on my eyelashes, I have felt the length of winter, stretching out into eternity, stretching out way beyond what I can touch,

but still I could not bring myself to carry a pen.

I have heard a phone call I've dreaded my whole life, the stony silence of a room full of bad news when the ice cream clutched in my bird bone hands hit the ground.

I have met the ground and the hard concrete, I have met death sitting on top of a cherry tree, I have met a woman calling herself my Nana but half of her is dead,

And I guess I wasn't brave enough to grab a pen.

And I wasn't brave enough to see my grandfather in the casket.

I never saw the wreath of flowers, I never saw his wedding photo propped up in the corner of his little bed, I never saw his chest move and move no more, with the track of the sun, like a neanderthal burial, covered in flowers

but I did see the room full of people when I gave a eulogy
and I heard the lie I told that this wasn't an unfinished story, and I feel death and grim upon me like ancient flower pollen fossilized in awful crystals on my bones.

And maybe that is why I have been too scared
to write
for over a year.
it hasnt been a good summer
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
raging bull
it is no secret
i am the women in the grocery store with a skirt too short that mommies warn you about
i am hot venom and warm beer and blood from your forehead
i am angry
and i have earned this wrath
i am angry
and i will use it to move mountains
i am angry
and every man who has ever ground their boots into my broken ankles, any man who dares speak my name with anything other than reverence or good humor, and man who tried to stand before me
had best watch their ******* backs
i am a bull with you in the corner of the pen
and i will rip out your ******* guts
and you will feel me for all i am all at once and be no more
i will show you who i am
and i will build bridges out of you
Nov 2014 · 553
when i see the foods
folded into little smiles
i remember how my okaasan packed my lunch every day for three months
and how we never talk anymore
and that bittersweet soba
makes me sad
Oct 2014 · 396
i really was
just a quick ****
up till five in the morning
almost every night
your girlfriend neglected
was i more interesting?
or more willing
to put out?
oh lord
i'm torn in two
over my affections.
a quick ****
or a shoulder to cry on
a mother
or the ideal wife
you all see me as one
when i am all
and i am suffering
more emo ******* from my college experience
Sep 2014 · 410
no dont touch me youre cute
in no way
am i attracted to your arrogant swagger
that i walk with
to get to class
and we have no common interests
hell, i HATE linguistics
and the beautiful nuances of every word
every tongue
that sounds like a kiss to my ears
we are the best friends who ever lived
and we totally do not want
to hold each other shaking in the back seat of a car
as passions set our blood a blaze
no way
*** we have like
significant others
we're in deep
Sep 2014 · 421
ash wednesday
bitter regret! oh
deus meus!
ut quid dereliquisti me!
for the feelings are shared
and the others are still present
how could i measure up to that?
naught but a filthy villain!
foul creature!
cast me out into the ash and mark me dying
with runes
the beast
drawn in black donning
mark me not as one who has repented
but as the witch i am
for this cruelty that causes me
to be the very saccharin ******* i despise!
oh! to be free of the thumb at my temple!
oh! to be free of the thumb at my chest!
i am no one
Sep 2014 · 787
there ain't nothing left
but candles burned to stubs
and busted headphones
torn up books
and ones never opened
i am here


trying to take my mind off of dying
off of loneliness
off of everything
Sep 2014 · 4.3k
pretty new blooms!
don't fear the ants
they are not who ***** you worst.
their bites will come
and their bites will go
but in the end, they will only take the bitter sap of you
and let your petals unfurl.
no no, do not fear them
but draw tight against the frost
who sings sweet serenades in the moonlight
and clings to you come morning
this insidious beast
will freeze your cells
and let them burst
letting that pretty pink soul
come flowing out
less sharp than mandibles
more of a constant tug
a pull
a yank
a collapse of self
do not fear the ants!
fear the long lasting dread!
and oh,
fear the cold
Sep 2014 · 377
he smiles at things
that make him sad
chicken soup
mommy's smile
and the quick flint knife
of snakes at his back
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
open mic
open mic night
stands shivering with
star shine
and a little coffee house
just north of the furthest peak
of the Appalachia chain
pour your soul out
i was there
with the skyrockets behind guitars
nothing but a raw voice
and a standing ovation heart
brought the hands together
when copper met copper
where my lining had been torn off
from tonight's session
i brought a crowd to their feet
ahhhhh <3
Sep 2014 · 3.0k
In the languid flow of eight in the morning
she scurries beneath the lethargic settling
of the chill of great October
Learning much
teaching everything
and saying nothing
she hasn't heard before
The dull encroachment of winter
pulls our eyes down
like the flowers come to wilt
under the heavy frosts
In summer!
We were alive
and now it is a fight to move our legs
oh we of the winter mountains
and sweaters drawn tight around ourselves
awaiting the spring again with baited breath
The savage runners
beneath the snow
waiting with painted faces
behind classroom walls
spears of longing
for longer days
and Chopin plunking desperately
on a piano played two hundred years ago.
I am a child of Saturn,
of death and the winter months
but so too am I a keeper of this earth
freezing over like the stones in the ground
and begging for some warmth to touch me
This thaw cannot come soon enough,
for i fear that we shall all die alone in the snow
with hardly the energy to punch through the ice
to see the sun again.
this poem is about both winter and dying love
i hope it doesn't happen again
when i'm in his arms, the sun keeps me warm
but if i leave them for just a second
the leaves all start to turn
and i am left to wonder
if the sun was there at all
Sep 2014 · 279
there is nothing so sweet
or sour
as the Bb range
high C
for those of us who can reach it
my god
Sep 2014 · 454
our bodies are quilts
made of the shreds
we pull from everybody else
Sep 2014 · 419
art s.o.c
drawing **** for money
and expecting to get paid
wish i was a drug dealer *** **** nobody ***** with them
you give a man a gram of coke and you can bet your *** that you're getting paid
spend three hours on a tattoo and you don't get ****
like don't rip me off *****
i used the last of my supply on this
and i gotta get more
we're both poor here
but you said you had ten bucks
don't ******* short me
you got it tattooed on your ***
and i know you liked it
where's my ******* paycheck
i just want enough to buy dinner tonight
but ****
being an artist is less respected than being a *******
we **** for your pleasure
and only one gets tipped
what the ****
i gotta eat too
gotta pay off my debts
don't ******* stiff me
this ***** but i was angry so here have some word ***** i'm gonna keep drawing
Sep 2014 · 994
feminist boyfriend
my darling
looks at my unshaved legs
and looks at his
and sees little difference
he knows we are both human beings
and doesn't find my natural functions
a novelty
or a turn off
Sep 2014 · 30.3k
a lion out of the plains would be sick
walking tall in a marsh
with mud in his pretty mane?
no i don't think so.
fighter in the wrong land
fury in the wrong fist
turned inwards instead of to the wildebeest
cloven hooves at his ***
instead of teeth at their throats
proud proud lion
never be a gangster here
pull up that saggy skin and face the facts
you're in the wrong town now, kitten
more about me feeling wholly  out of place, though this one is delivered  with a more upbeat tone.
Sep 2014 · 495
new friends
i put pepper in your tea and you,
in good humor,
tossed the salt shaker at me
we laughed
but twenty minutes later
you left
all of you left
quite abruptly
and i was caught with my miserable yo yo man
going back and forth between hating you
for hating me
and wondering if i had done something
when clearly i hadn't
this string is pulling too fast at my head
Sep 2014 · 338
i was doing
so much better
and now
i am falling off of my desk
to play in the sunrise with
a ******* knife
spraying pepper spray in the knicks
somebody help me
i'm not even sorry
i'm an addict
can't ******* stop
i was stupid to think that i could
so now my insides are flying out like of my pores
and it feels so good
to hurt so much
Sep 2014 · 843
nervous fighter
when my hands move
light as finch's bodies
punching like hail shot them down in the final gale of summer
landing on your face
your stomach
your heart
i walk with the swagger of a dog who was never trained
and when people point it out
that i
a chubby girl standing at five three
walk like i got something to show
i think back to when i made mice of crocodiles
and beg them to start something
i am small
make me feel alive
push me, please
push me too far
it has been too long since dying birds have stained my shoes
and i have broken my nose
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
of a thousand purple mountains
waiting mellowly
to be cracked open
by the orc siege of eager witches
rock collectors
little kids
Sep 2014 · 3.5k
traditions passed on
my mother insists
she was never a witch
but she gave me a bag of amethyst,
my family is heavily connected to the practice of witchcraft, and my atheist mother insists that she was never a part to it. in part because the rest of my family insists that they are just 'catholic with some personal traditions'. i've gone a little off the deep end with it, not gonna lie, but it makes me feel better about the world and that's something.
Sep 2014 · 555
i have become a woman
she can be a teacher
with broad soft arms
padded by the birth of children
and harded at the core
from when she could be a boxer
reeling from the punches
and spitting foul words
oh! the feeling of a fight
gives her swagger when she walks
in combat boots
from when she can be an artist
layered with paint and hair dye
all self expression and stardust
and thoughts
thoughts that have made me a scientist
a woman of science
a woman
is so much more
than the front of her
or even her insides
i'll calmly paint or teach a lesson
but i fight to feel alive
and no one no one
will ever take that english ivy life from me
Sep 2014 · 410
a sliver of streetlight
passes through the slotted blinds
on my bed
pawing at my eyes
bidding my awake
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Emma, 3
There is a girl who goes here
who looks just like you
i'm so sorry i didn't come to watch you go
are you now back to watch me through school?
oh hecate, have mercy upon me
and shield me from this bewitchment!
or at least lend her kindness
like she had in this last life
i was too weak to go!
and you too kind to deserve me!
oh please, forgive me
i'm begging you
forgive me
forgive me
forgive me
i'm kinda freaking out.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
heavy body
how much longer
until i am just the indentations
of a body
in my bed?
Sep 2014 · 2.7k
my dorm walls are so white white white
that i cover them in my paintings
so i can make eye contact
with something that can care
and i am reminded
of spraying quotes on the walls at school
getting busted
thrown in the detention room for a week
and scribbling still more
on those white white walls
Sep 2014 · 616
the fall of jacob
here i am to argue
that you can put your arms around a memory
and kiss them till you fall asleep
you can put your arms around a memory
but you'll just be ******* a ghost
and when you're finished
you'll be much colder than you were before
written about a breakup
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
tribute to fiction
10:20 AM**
utensil song
repeats a sleepy dirge
like i repeat another day
of walking in a circle
Sep 2014 · 664
i knew you would forget my name
if i didn't write it for you every day
for you to see.
so i found the bridge your car whizzes under
every day to work
and sprayed it in blue
with toadstools and fireworks
pretty girls and tampons
was it enough to wipe the yellow from your mind?

i knew you would forget my name
if i didn't write it down every day
for you to see.
so i shimmied up the sky and hung a banner
of azure eyes and white, white teeth
and waited.
but next week i saw it
floating down the river
with two empty cans of chewing tobacco
and a lemonade carton.

i knew you would forget my name
if i didn't write it
big enough
so i held my breath
with my head on the tracks
and waited for the rumbling to stop

by chance i relived that scene
in the cosmic cloister where i'm still waiting
saw that my head was smeared for a mile
trying to spell out
but the trail was an unripe cantaloupe

i turned away
and wept
a ghost story written when i was feeling very small
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
do you think that baby birds
when falling from their nests
know exactly what's happening?
is the fall longer for them
since their lives have been so short?
so long that when they close their eyes
they can see a human life
from start to finish?
we are all living in the time it takes
peaking little robins
to become food for the ants
no actual idea what the **** this one is. i just like it
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
little slug
lived his life
thinking he was a snail
until a man came along
ripped off his shell
and covered him in salt
more about ****! sorry folks, i wrote a lot this year and just never posted it, so yeah. sorry that things are as grim as they are. i don't have so many love poems from this year.
Sep 2014 · 5.4k
compassion to the sick
what is luck?
i have a dotted line that i've been trying to fill in for my whole life
diagnosed at nine with a carrying-too-much disease
but i can afford the pills and therapy
from someone else's wallet
for how long?
tell me, doctor,
when i'm off my parents' Healthcare Plan,
will you still want to talk to me?
we've built such a great relationship
in the past lord knows how many years of
punching mirrors
kissing porcelain bowls
would you please keep giving me ****** lotion
to smooth out the holes in my brain?
what about the other kids who are dying out in the same crispy sun that doesn't set?
tell me, do you feel the same compassion
for these daughters of dopamine   deficiency?
would you hold the hands of thirty year olds
who still fear the monsters under their beds?
you *******

do no harm

and turn a blind eye

and i know it's not your fault
but **** it, Look Me In The Eyes
and tell me
what do you plan to do?
Sep 2014 · 618
pioneer to greener pastures
i built a house on flower petals
the voices grew high around me
winter, spring, fire, fall,
the plants withered in the summer heat

the vines grew high around me
i tried to find a pattern but
the plants withered in the summer heat
my home was just funeral pie and soot

i tried to find a pattern but
there was too much to see
my home was just funeral pie and soot
my vision burned all i could be

there was too much to see
but my tears can feed my daughter's field
my vision burned down all i could be
but the future will not be forsaken
wrote this about my **** and all of the ensuing abuse. while in a lot of ways i gave up on ever being okay again, i refuse to believe that the future will stay so rocky, and i will continue to speak out against violence
Sep 2014 · 523
he remembers when spring meant
that the ground would get wet and soft
and flowers would burst from the crematory ashes
of winter
Sep 2014 · 593
broken mast
depths unknowing
in the white sand
i drag along with the tides
a sunken ship
i saw whales
singing in requiem for the children in my ribs
while i am never alone
i long for the light of day
Sep 2014 · 362
looking up again
the light has lifted from the sidewalk
and shines only on the tops of the apartments
Sep 2014 · 406
never sharp enough
to take the skin off a tomato
Sep 2014 · 423
Country Campus
Let the bears run down past the murky streams!
And does stare into the sky
while the garnet moon reflects a starry green
off of lazy eyes!
I am far from home
and the countryside sweeps in grand arms around me
a usurping host,
bereft of noise or soul
but chanting an older story
more accustomed to the ears of wolves
than to mine,
trembling woman.
     The most human I feel here is standing in the cemetery
knee deep in the souls of those taken by the green.
Inescapable heath!
Will I join those locked in your peat?
And feed more than what man can dare dream of?
My god,
You wish to see me drowned in your rivers
dashed on your rocks
Oh, beat of the city, I long for you!
More than any lover's embrace.
For you, the gun
the noose
the pill bottle
very human deaths
all await me.
But here
I am tempted by the unfamiliar
and I fear that I shall die in this alien pull.
     What difference am I to a groundhog
being eaten by a coyote
beside the rive bank?
To this land, no no different.
And the only mark I can leave on this land
is perhaps the scraping marks of my feet
as I plod
to my dorm.
I am not a fan of going to this isolated school in the middle of absolutely nowhere. while im sure this sort of thing fits well with other people, I have spent every night trembling in fear for the things that could be outside. After all, I can reason with a mugger and **** a ******, but there is nothing i can do to a bear, just as there is nothing i can do to a cliff face.  i do not belong here at all.
Sep 2014 · 611
not worth reading
have you missed my absolute *******
screaming in lower case
at a keyboard pounded harder than the **** of a fifteen year old boy
and twice as self indulgent
what the **** have you been expecting to receive from me?
a great aria of who i am
in pretty trills
i am a soprano only when i sing
and this is no song
this is a mad dash to get myself out
and if you're reading this, fine
but expect nothing else of me
but raw and angry *******
with a miserable side
that is all i am
i am not worth reading
but i'll post it anyway
because why the **** not
i have embarrassed myself here
i have spilled secrets into the world
and you have read them gleefully
expecting greatness
i am greatness and a trash compactor at the same ******* time
and if you think otherwise
you're wrong
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
don't want any of your ******* sorrows
we don't want pretty frowns and lip biting sympathy
don't want a ******* protest song
no no no we don't want a hand on our back
we want one wrapped around this sledgehammer
to help us knock the walls down
and not to look at us in the pharmacies
and the grocery stores
and the waiting rooms
and the therapist chairs
a lazy generation
you know what my earliest memory was?
two planes slamming into silver sticks of butter on a warm sunny day
and getting pulled out of kindergarten to watch
as pretty red and black confetti jumped out of the smoke
a lazy generation
on too many meds
where were we
when you shoved coke up your nose
in a ******* disco tech
that was gonna burn down before  1993
you were our parents
the nirvana generation
feeling so good about themselves
and shoving their music down our throats so long that we can't remember how to sing for ourselves
you had teen pregnancy and world wars
this is ours
my war is waged between my hands
one that has a wire hanger whipping my back
and the other that doesn't feel guilty
but would rather not have my roommates see and report me
that's all i got going for me is a good education
sure; people love me that's great
pick up a ******* hammer
and help me knock these walls down
not doing too great, sorry folks. i bet you all missed my word ***** format~~
Sep 2014 · 768
spectacular feast
baby doll
remember when we were glad participants in something that we knew would take us nowhere but to the closed closet door behind the stage?
remember when we couldn't get enough
of summer eyes and pretty days
i have seen too many of those
feed me something new
feed me spiraling star shine
feed me the blood of pretty girls
feed me something
*** i haven't touched food in a week

i broke my leg sneaking into homecoming
and danced on it for three weeks before they told me to stop
i ate too many pills at once because the doctors told me to
and was laid up in the hospital for a month
my muscles that once bunched tight under rippling scars
have been eaten by my bones

i kept the elevator key because i needed help up
now sitting in an empty college dorm
wondering if i love myself and
whether or not they really love me
drinking in their attention like wine
or at least like a slurry milkshake
but i can't tell if anything is getting down my throat
can't tell if my belly is ever gonna fill up
and most nights i think it won't
when i love i love so fully that i leave no room to be cherished
and when i wilt *** no one watered me
my roots leech bitter resentment
it is what i take in
my god
my god
Sep 2014 · 418
rebirth, an apology
I've not written since the words stopped flowing
in between the pills and the chemicals
there wasn't any blood left in my to spill on this keyboard
i have neglected friends
and built up your sorrows
clogged my arteries with the narrow disdain of stagnation

what life is this?
where i write for classes only
and draw for clicks on a website
what are can live there?
none, none, none
none save my dreary blue eyes
drinking in the rocky sodas
of dying youth
i have not been well
not been unwell
i've just been
and to the same ends
Jesus, i haven't eaten in two days
and my arms ache from playing the scissor violin
i repent for nothing!
save leaving you alone, my dear friends
what kindness did i pay you
by leaving?
Nov 2013 · 417
i need you like i need the paint that runs through my veins
and keeps my cheeks colored
to spew onto canvases
Nov 2013 · 701
Are we really lives
or are we flowers?
Are we the lily breathes of fairies left behind?
Blooming, fading,passing away
to be breathed in be another.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
i am participating in no shave novemeber
and if i wanted to braid the rainbows that curl under my arms
you cannot stop me
not with shame
not with punishment
because i am gorgeous
and because i am strong
and if i choose to shave myself
i will
but i won't
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
watching replays
over and over and over again
for what?
gah, i don't need this stress.
the team is going down.
i'm a hockey girl.
but **** it
* NO
Jesus, I don't need this
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