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Sep 2019 · 241
Alayna Mae Sep 2019
When beauty comes in your life unannounced
Getting shivers from just your name being pronounced
Traveling emotions will always be scary
Even though some is pain that you needed to bury
Holding back is not the melody I would want to play
I’ve been waiting to love someone till i'm old and grey
I might not be a complete human piece
But after all this searching, your heart was released
I am on time’s side, hoping this could be it
My heart could fully be fixed, only if we do not quit
Your eyes were just enough to draw me in
Hoping craving your body is not a sin
Waiting might crawl up your spine
But my apologizes, I think you’re supposed to be mine.
Jul 2019 · 296
Never Making Sense
Alayna Mae Jul 2019
Tired winded soul passing through,
Feeling safe, feeling content, even when head was at brew
Percussions get judged, no matter the sentiment
Feeling different, feeling lost, even when heart feels at tenement

Music bleeding from one voice to another
Being brave for things you cannot control, what you can smother
Seeing the change, seeing the destruction never feels tamed
But every single second of negativity was just you being framed

Walking around like you are full of mystery
Clenching down of the lust for courage that time has made blistery
Fighting the temptation of going fully dark
But waking up everyday just to breathe, just was not a special spark
Jul 2019 · 210
My Sight
Alayna Mae Jul 2019
Darkness lingers through and through
That is why I hide, in my bedroom
Lightness stands so far away
No matter how close I get I can never stay
Dimness that I have felt for so long
I can do my best and just stay strong
Dappledness as I grow to be this tall
Never made me feel at home at all
Oct 2018 · 314
Tied to Lost
Alayna Mae Oct 2018
When the boneless have no soul
You eat the sympathy it uncovers
Guilt is your only friend, the only real goal
Your mind and the actions are lovers
Bleeding temptations that do not sink lust
Carving the wishes in skin, for an always reminder
Not even your own being gives the clenching trust
You said no evil but lost connection, loss of a binder
Love was a questionable quench, but never a surviving light
Making dreams live in a vivid historic moment
And the morning and disgrace is such a bite
The death looks so pleasing, so delightfully foment
Being in the same mind space, just never felt right
Oct 2018 · 289
Wont allow it
Alayna Mae Oct 2018
Blurring out the intentions make you want more
When all you do is wait for the next open door
You shut yourself out from society but you do not forget
The pain was not your crave, but it is what her body let
When you can not take it anymore, you have to feel free
She does not want to budge, to leave
Having the need to change or be fixed
But your mind and your soul do not mix
Are you okay ?
Oct 2018 · 448
Devils drug
Alayna Mae Oct 2018
Mixed personalities stuck within one
You are only scared of yourself, the faithful in none
Vision getting blurred with your mind turning always
She never gets better, no thrill with her days
She craves the sight of blood, it meant control
Begging if one day she will become whole,
Cleaning and scraping the darkness gone from your sight
She could look up and see the hazzy psychedelic light
Getting out of bed is a chore of its own, like breathing
But not even herself can give her any meaning
No one can handle the weight the soul brings her
Licking her lips tasting nicotine and liquor
Her identity is faded, and she wants to lose control
Courage was foreign, and her happiness she stole
There is something that will always not be okay
And the notion of her whole body being wrong, she cannot stay
Caged but her second soul, she never had a good life
People say it is easy to turn off, but the toxicity will strife
Forever will she be confused,
Forever she will be used.
Jun 2018 · 329
Alayna Mae Jun 2018
It's okay if this takes time,
You're safe to feel hurt
The smiles you receive it is not a lie,
Life is just twisting the emotion you inverted
May have thoughts like you lost so much
Nothing seems to be the same, so fast
The soul combined with affair and war
But your mother never heard of such
No one gets out easy
Time seems to be the essence
But it just played no show ******
You're wrong to feel certain
Appreciating the the magic you seem to hide
Pinching at the word wrong like a burden
But you'll get out alive
Because for some reason he wont let you die
Oct 2017 · 379
Alayna Mae Oct 2017
When life makes you find out who you really are
You get twisted with no recognition of the wars becoming
But I believed that the devil made me look like a star
Drowning in your own misery and grasping for the challenging

I cant let her breathe if I want the chance
Pulling my under with the warmth of a thousand promises
But hearing the steering temptations are in a urging trance
Anger and lust is what the problem is

I froze into the thought of an actual beginning
The bruising of worry that is killing you
The struggle is not being within sinning
The demons are choking the fears out, through and through

The cuts in your soul will never heal unless you have it
You are never the normal, but way too off line
Getting higher than the world you want to be, too high to admit
They want to hide me and have a leader to call mine
May 2017 · 365
Alayna Mae May 2017
Wondering how your life would be if you did not mess up
It is the epitome of my heart and what I can give
Scrapping pain ache at my veins but I dont stop
Not enough time to even feel like I live

Questioning if you even deserve being loved
It is the screeching screaming that you always hear
Looking down knowing you cant give your feelings a shove
But I am insane and that's okay because WE are
May 2017 · 286
Alayna Mae May 2017
Another kiss you step away from because you feel it's wrong
But realizing it is your heart getting ripped out, not his
There is something about love you can't have, but you try and stay strong
And trying to wrap your head around care never works

Another hug you feel attached to
But realizing it won't be the same one after amount of time
There is something about the warmth you crave, the pain you chew
And knowing the struggles you have to overcome and climb
May 2017 · 1.2k
Alayna Mae May 2017
Just knowing you looked into another mans eyes and felt comfort
You know it is wrong, but cannot help yourself
You feel the sense of danger and adventure with every breath he takes
And the rush of your veins surprises you

Just knowing you are hurting everyone to the point of break
You know it is evil, but cannot stop doing things for you
You feel the sense of loyalty and commitment you are ready to give
And the shock of feelings confuses you

Just knowing you are trying so hard just to be happy
You know it is wrong to be selfish, but cannot stop the pain
You feel the sense of love and care you have around you
And know how wrong you really are
Mar 2017 · 398
Alayna Mae Mar 2017
Feeling a tightened crush to your veins
Feeling a drop of happiness fall from your wish
Knowing if you look down, your heart will be in chains
And hearing the tension inside my mind if I listen

Feeling anger rise from your blood
Feeling a shake in resisting thoughts
Knowing your tears hit the floor into a flood
And sensing a confusion that is stuck in knots

Feeling the darkened soothing torture
Feeling as if nothing could be a fix
Knowing the flames hurt your feelings like a scorcher
And all the emotions that come with time is a trick
Mar 2017 · 2.4k
Losing Weight
Alayna Mae Mar 2017
You look in the mirror and know bloating is your enemy
You have people tell you, you are too flat
You are not skinny, you are not fat
When food can be your frenemy

You put in all this work
You have people tell you it will never be enough
You are not strong, you are not weak
When your body can call your bluff

You always try and stick to the rules
You have people tell you that you could do better and include this and that
You are not memorable, you are not forgetful
When your diet looks like something you do not get at
Jan 2017 · 2.7k
Motivational Speaker
Alayna Mae Jan 2017
Looking in the mirror wishing you could change
Knowing it will be a process, but results are in range
Feeling like you cannot breathe, telling yourself it's okay
Touching your heart and knowing it will push you, and stay

It is okay to feel tired, to feel worn down
That does not mean give up, that means stick around
It is hard to be in a newly routine but your mind is there to help
Do not let the darkness take over for even a second

You may want to quit, but today is not the day
Get up and realize your worth, this is for you and you only
So lose your energy in something that will make you better
It is better to have a healthier half than to be a shadow lonely

Stay Strong
Jan 2017 · 849
My Turn
Alayna Mae Jan 2017
To be happy.

She stared at me, the message of control
Wanting a dream life, isn't it my turn?
She shook in question, why I would her
Needing to be let go, escape it should be my turn?
She stabbed in delight of torture, she was winning
Craving love outside and to deserve, cannot it be my turn?
She sank within my veins, to close the gate to light
Urging to make purpose without noise, when will it be my turn?

To be happy.
Jan 2017 · 650
Twisted Visions
Alayna Mae Jan 2017
My name is not special, nor does it roll of the tongue
My time is spent wasted, instead of being young
My life is not easy or strong, but knowing I am alone still stung
And my heart craves for it to be un-hung

My world is always frustrated, no matter who I am around
My voice is never tough, but independent is the special sound
My mind is wondering so far, it took it turn to the ground
And realized that hell is my only home, with fire I drowned

My relationships struggle no matter what I do
My mental-mess breaks tension between loneliness and what I've grew
My lips part with words that mean nothing to others, no matter how hard I threw
And wanting it to be over so no one doesn't recognize my face and ask who

My feelings get mixed with confusion that hold me under
My love for him make me feel butterflies as thunder
My life is just work, no matter how much I wonder
And I just want to live and be set free and be in love for her
Jan 2017 · 377
Alayna Mae Jan 2017
We drink alcohol
So we don't have to feel emotion
We smoke green
So we don't have to think about it
We party wildly
So we can have distractions
We keep secrets
So we never have to explain
We keep quiet
So we never have to argue
We pretend to be okay
So people don't leave
We fake a smile
So no one has to worry
Dec 2016 · 762
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
A burning black rose is my heart and a white rose is my soul
Screaming images scan my thoughts as a shadow follows
Being alone, being social is not a good role
But the beating of torture seems to be acceptable

A scar for every issue seems to be an answer
Locking the positvity away and it never coming back
But love is even scary and leaves me in anger
I just want a light at the end of my life
Dec 2016 · 513
I wish
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I wish my mind was wired to only admire, not be jealous
I wish I could think I was unique, instead of ugly
I wish I would stand above them, and not feel trampled by just looks

I know that I am trying and using comedy as an escape
No one will know how hard I use their feelings as a definition towards me
I just wish I could be happy, and ignore the stretch
Dec 2016 · 487
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
Soaking up chemicals just to feel numb
Freezing your mind in pure seconds
Just to wait for emotion to come
My veins are the ones wrecking

Sleeping for too long just to feel escape
Stopping your breath from the future
But all there is is ****** torture
But all the love I was allowed to give turned to fewer

Screeching and scratching away at craving
Digging just to see if your time is over
But under water I feel like I'm saving
My own lungs from making a routine of combusting

No one can help to end the battle
No one can understand to even help
But my scars prove I tried to ask
But people are blind if they only look on your skin for them
Even though your pain is at welp
Dec 2016 · 612
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I mix up the meaning of lust and lost
Nothing seems right, no matter what choice
I just have a specialty in wasted youth and that is the cost
Of having no source of happiness, and no voice

I never learn from my mistakes, I repeat
I look at is as it "just who i am"
But the taste of trying hard is so sweet
But all I do is make more fire, more flame

I just wanted to fix my mind
But I look to others to hear my answer that never comes
But they won't be honest, or they are blind
I walked away, embrace my difference and take my comfort outside

I cope with measures of society with opinion
I stand tall for the one's that have no intention of knowing me
All my mind is, is a trouble maker in prison
But I wake up and never know which me will come out
Who will I be
Dec 2016 · 391
Bipolar -1
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
You make me so weak
you make me so confused
You make me want to scream
I am abused

And I can't sleep tonight
I'm battling my own mind
And I can't dream unless I have my 42 G
But I just want to live alone
Not to be tied down so low

But i'm trying to heal
I thought that was the deal
But now the darkness has consumed you
And now you wont let me go

I just am trying to breathe without a shadow following
I just want to look into the future without seeing you
You won't set me free for longer than an hour
You mix and mess with my soul

I need help
Dec 2016 · 316
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
Feeling like you don’t belong in your own body
Knowing you cannot change
One is dark and one tries to be a cheerful gaudy
It is a journey that is always, every day strange
Feeling like you live by the word alone
Knowing you can't keep your own company
Danger is the risk you breathe
But it will always be hard to know and see
The real you, so many emotions seep
Feeling like you could break down from even a sound
Knowing you may be crazy insane
Your heart knows exactly how to react
But living is the most draining
Feeling like you could possibly make it till tomorrow
Knowing that it may be selfish
Not caring who sees or hears your begging
But all you can do is look to your scars
All you can do is wish

For a better day
Dec 2016 · 861
I feel
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I feel drained
As if every last drop from my veins bursted
I feel tired
As if my mind teased me of sleep
I feel lost
As if I was kidnapped and forced to escape
I feel triggered
As if a gun is the only answer for my anger
Dec 2016 · 717
My Time
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I love sleep
Alice and Wonderland dances in my head
Drowsiness is my best friend
I took a journey with Aurora
It has my imagination creeping and crawling to me
Forgetting the pain and stress, while your eyes stay closed for hours
It is time to go under, my soul is tired
It is like being dead, but without commitment or try
My light bulb is at a dim murmur
There is no expressions, only tosses and turns at first, my journey just began
Under my covers, soothing myself with darkness from my eye lids
It is my favorite meditation
I am embracing myself for the next day to come
I am decorating my memories
Dec 2016 · 285
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I could be your gate, to where you want to go
I am plain-- yet inviting
I am an entry to your favorite sleeping furniture
I am friends with slamming and curse words towards the other side
And I help with masking innocence
Dec 2016 · 278
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
We all were made with
A different set of                                  Mind

Cruelty ganged up on
My heart because
Of my notions

Screeching temptations
Haunted my existence
Horror shifting links                             is
What it appears as a privilege

Scrapping metal nails pound               my
Joys and push in flames
Strangled images are the                      hardest
Glass silvers that
Damage you forever

Pounding sensations of                         battle
Creeps inside any level
Of humanity left
Dec 2016 · 527
Who I was/Maybe still am
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I used to be scared of other people
But now I am terrified of myself

I used to hide my skin from other's eyes
But now I hide my mind, and dress how I want

I used to never speak out
But now I want to make friends laugh

I used to beg for happiness
But now half accept it, along with a complaint

I used to crave love from anyone
But now I look at the bigger picture- that no one cares

I used to need acceptance
But now I could care less, as long as I smiled today

I used to depend on others for help or guidance
But now I know I only have myself

I used to annoy others with my O-C-D
But now all I do is annoy myself
Dec 2016 · 255
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
I like to take risks
Danger arises in my presence
Not thinking as I do the unthinkable
I disobey for being risky
I jump the fence and lose trust in people
I travel my mind and go where it takes me
I look through my eyes deeply and follow
Having courage to break the rules
Being adventurous in a different level
Taking a breath and being brace
Better than a mistake than an what if
Telling myself "Here goes nothing"
Being flexible with believing you can do it
It could end up being an achievement
Dec 2016 · 254
Recipe For Disaster
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
Melt any time you have left of your day
So you have none for her

Peel away trust and gain excuses

Scramble your words to the wrong direction

Age her with powerful insults

Brush off her innocence

Pour your anger on her always

Toss your cares about her feelings away

Rise your friends over her

Reduce your attention towards her soul

Soak up too much self confidence

Breaking her heart in her recipe for disaster
Dec 2016 · 519
Depression and Anxiety
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
When brought to you it brings you undue stress
unwelcome guest that turns the soul to red
It comes upon you in your mind's address
a barrier with chains that have been bled

Suffocation that starts a loudly tick
you wrap the condition around your life
you rustle the sheets, and no sleep- lungs kick
and throw away chances-- sharp as a knife

One will claw you, and another will pull
an endless battle-- only you alone
mind is scattered, try to keep a handful
words can not escape, I miss my own tone

At my own hands I sink and fall and drown
surrendering to the trench that keeps me down
Dec 2016 · 434
Alayna Mae Dec 2016
This feeling has exploring bravery
Having musical veins playing for you heart
And tasting numbing joys
Aches and puzzles to discover

Having musical veins playing for your heart
Trying to overcome obsessions from the beginning
Aches and puzzles to discover
Desire to become one

Trying to overcome obsessions from the beginning
Seeping your soul- dancing as it mixes
Desire to become one
Gentle touch, but dangerous part take

Seeping your soul- dancing as it mixes
Relaxation of tones of voice
Gentle touch, but dangerous part take
Fading lectures you've always got pushed upon

Relaxation of tones of voice
Shakes of worriness of losing glow
Gentle touch, but dangerous part take
But love is an urge, so it is worth it

— The End —