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Shadow Mar 2020
open your wings
hold your head high
jump into your fears with both feet
and you will fly.

so fly away
to this faraway land
to this great unknown
to this paradise at hand.
don't be scared :)
Shadow Mar 2020
I wouldn't want to live forever.
Forever seems too much.
Too much pain and
too much sadness.
Too much work and
not enough happiness.

But there is one thing I would like to do forever,
and that is


For I do not think that it is possible
to love
too much.
Shadow Apr 2020
The air is foggy,
And the sky is grey,
You can not see its blue today,
A suffocating silence fills this place,
And his empty seat's left a space,
So hollow and dim in my heart.

He sat right there next to the lamp,
But that place is cold and damp,
He left us in such a hurry,
Oh how much he made us worry!

I remember him really well,
Stories of fairies he would tell,
He'd tell us where the monsters dwell.
Generation by Generation told,
Stories with the worth of gold,
Stories containing young and old.

But now he's gone,
and I'm in grief,
Why must the world,
be such a thief?
They say one only dies when their memory is forgotten, I am making my grandfather immortal, through this...
Shadow Aug 2020
There is a certain freedom
A certain contentment
That comes with letting go

When you realise that
The sun will still shine
The birds will still sing
The flowers will still bloom
The wind will still caress your hair

When the thought of them no longer makes your soul weep
When their name doesn't fill your eyes with endless tears
When seeing them doesn't ravish
your heart any longer

There is a certain feeling to letting go
The feeling that you get when you smell the wet soil mixed with the morning air
The feeling of finally laying in your bed after a long long day

There is a certain freedom
A certain contentment
A certain ataraxy
A certain bliss
In knowing that
life will still go on
If you love something let it go
Let it fly away like the free bird
And its song will wake you in the morning
And it's thoughts will put you to sleep in the night
Like the rain's melody on our windows
Shadow Jul 2020
If any of you are going through a hard time and want to get things off your chest and talk about it do not hesitate to message me, in this community we must all look after one another, even when we're stranger on two different sides of the world.
Yes, that includes you; message me and get it all off your chest - I feel like you really need it. Good morning.
Shadow Apr 2020
The moon peered through the clouded sky
as sun set on the mountains high
she wondered if they knew below
the things she'd seen in all her glow

the scurry of this human race
caught in circles fast embrace
locked within their sinful ways
repeat rewind replay each day

once she'd felt their softest touch
pin ***** of a flag pole ******
marked as if they owned her now
such foolish man in foolish hour

wars, floods, pandemic woes
shifting lands seasides flows
burning landscapes ice age fraught
man oh man what next be brought

the moon peered through the clouded sky
weeping clouds her only cry
heal man of earthly woes
heal so i may once more glow
Shadow Feb 2020
I helped her grow
I opened her eyes
I offered my helping hand
I pulled her out of the mud
I was a fool
A fool to think she loved me
But Life Is Life
And I will move on
Spring will emerge again
And She Will Be
Shadow Aug 2020
The night is silent,
The cool breeze passes through each alley and street,
The stars try to keep their heavy eyes open in their drowsiness,
And the moon has covered herself with the thick blanket of clouds.

I wish I could sing you a lullaby or tell you a story to help you fall asleep,
However the rain and the kind crickets are already doing that for us,

I wish you a safe and sound journey to the world of dreams,
Goodnight my friend.
Sweet dreams :)
Shadow Jul 2020
Each time I hear the violins cry.
I can find my reasons for living again.
Each time I hear the wind dance.
I know there's hope right in front of me.
Each time I feel the sun bringing me joy.
I try to bring joy right back to this universe.
Just like I was born to.
Each time I hear the radio singing to me.
I know my life is something I should laugh at.
Each time the bad times come my way.
I know the good times are in the waiting room.
Waiting to come to me.
I may not even be alive by the time they arrive.
But they'll come.
They'll come.
They'll come.
Laugh at life and all it's problems, that's the only way you'll survive it; this game is way too absurd to be taken seriously.
Shadow Aug 2020
On a cold starless night,
He'd light three candles warm and bright,
We'd sit around him and he would say:
"What tale shall I tell you today?"

Everyone shouted out their favourite tale
And he'd tell them all in great detail!

He would tell tales of the mermaid's love,
Of the farmer's tears and heavens above,
He'd recite us an epic or two,
and we'd laugh and jest the whole night through.

He'd tell us about long lost loves,
And of bravery and what it behoves,
He'd talk about the seven skies,
And tell us about that mermaid's eyes,
He'd sing about the oceans and rivers and seas,
About wizards and sacred trees!
About fireflies and midnight breeze.

We would all sit around or fall asleep,
And our imaginations would pierce deep
Into the skies or the oceans blue
Until the night sky lost its hue,
And the sun's light peered through.

We all loved him and he loved us too,
but the hands of time always separate you,
So now he's above the seven skies,
and watches over us with big bold eyes,
I hope that I can make him proud,
And fly through this life strong and unbowed.

So that one day, when I'm old and yet hale,
I can tell my grandchildren this very tale,
To tell them of the desert sky,
And the little prince who could fly.

So that in peace I can pass by...
To live my life and feel the love, of which is told in many tales,
And be courageous in the face of life, for fear never avails.
Shadow Jul 2020
Be nice to the people who have access to your toothbrush
Shadow Apr 2020
caustic ways to pilfer life
the sordid use of imagination

season of the sickened mind
grotesque subliminal permeation

reaching onward to spectral hands
the lure of purgatory settles in
Shadow Aug 2020
Sky shines a pinkish hue
The wind hums a lonely tune
Dusk is cold
Please excuse me being a novice; I never really write these
Shadow Nov 2019
Have you really lived,
If you haven't slept under the
Ever so immense sky
Gazing at the small shivering stars
And the mighty moon in her solitude?

Have you really lived
If you haven't held the hands,
The soft, warm hands, of your lover
On a cold, crisp and bitter day?

Have you really lived
if you haven't felt and appreciated
The small things in life?
This poem is sadly unfinished due to my shortage of time, however I'll finish it in the first chance i get
Shadow May 2020
Within the heights of love
I will love you
Shadow Mar 2020
Here are my...

words deepest down,
birthing to have sound,
yearning to be found,
turning my frown
about face, one-eighty, and right-around.

This is my...

music exposing my present mood,
renewing my resolve,
tempering my fortitude,
ushering me from out of my solitude,
embracing my greater magnitude,
with unquantifiable certitude.
I'm more than okay...

more than alright,
this is my fight,
heavy smite,
that knock out right,
putting out life's lights.

I am...
this is me foreseeing,
see what I've become now,
is my vengeance, my reckoning,
here walks the soothsayer,
nice to meet me,
now get out of...

my way.
Shadow Nov 2019
101 156 144 040 151 164 047 163 040 150 145 162 145 040 141 147 141 151 156 015 012 167 151 164 150 157 165 164 040 150 145 163 151 164 141 164 151 157 156 054 040 167 151 164 150 157 165 164 040 167 141 162 156 151 156 147 040 015 012 015 012 121 165 151 145 164 054 015 012 101 164 040 146 151 162 163 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 154 157 167 054 015 012 123 145 145 160 151 156 147 054 040 144 162 151 160 160 151 156 147 056 015 012 015 012 111 040 160 165 164 040 151 164 040 144 157 167 156 040 164 157 040 141 040 146 145 167 040 163 164 162 145 163 163 146 165 154 040 167 145 145 153 163 056 015 012 111 040 143 141 162 162 171 040 157 156 056 015 012 015 012 111 164 040 165 156 160 141 143 153 163 054 015 012 127 157 162 162 151 145 163 054 040 141 156 170 151 145 164 151 145 163 056 015 012 015 012 107 145 156 164 154 171 054 015 012 106 157 162 040 156 157 167 054 015 012 015 012 124 151 160 164 157 145 163 054 015 012 127 150 151 163 160 145 162 163 054 040 143 162 145 141 153 163 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 111 164 040 167 151 154 154 040 154 145 141 166 145 040 163 157 157 156 342 200 231 040 111 040 164 150 151 156 153 040 342 200 230 111 164 040 141 154 167 141 171 163 040 144 157 145 163 056 342 200 231 015 012 111 040 153 145 145 160 040 147 157 151 156 147 056 015 012 015 012 111 164 040 163 145 164 164 154 145 163 040 151 156 054 015 012 107 145 164 164 151 156 147 040 143 157 155 146 157 162 164 141 142 154 145 056 015 012 015 012 107 145 164 164 151 156 147 040 154 157 165 144 145 162 054 015 012 101 156 144 040 154 157 165 144 145 162 056 015 012 015 012 102 141 156 147 151 156 147 040 164 150 157 165 147 150 164 163 054 015 012 111 156 163 157 155 156 151 141 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 120 154 145 141 163 145 040 144 157 156 342 200 231 164 040 142 145 040 150 141 160 160 145 156 151 156 147 040 141 147 141 151 156 342 200 231 056 015 012 111 040 163 150 165 146 146 154 145 040 141 154 157 156 147 040 155 171 040 144 141 151 154 171 040 162 157 165 164 151 156 145 056 015 012 015 012 103 154 141 167 163 040 151 156 054 015 012 111 156 163 151 144 151 157 165 163 056 015 012 015 012 123 143 162 145 141 155 151 156 147 054 015 012 145 166 145 162 171 040 144 141 171 054 040 145 166 145 162 040 156 151 147 150 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 150 141 155 145 054 040 167 157 162 164 150 154 145 163 163 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 110 165 162 164 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 120 154 145 141 163 145 040 147 157 040 141 167 141 171 342 200 231 056 015 012 111 164 047 163 040 150 141 162 144 040 164 157 040 143 157 160 145 056 015 012 015 012 107 162 157 167 151 156 147 040 151 164 163 040 162 157 157 164 163 054 015 012 111 156 164 157 040 155 171 040 142 162 141 151 156 040 141 156 144 040 150 145 141 162 164 056 015 012 015 012 102 154 157 163 163 157 155 151 156 147 040 160 141 151 156 054 015 012 127 151 164 150 040 145 166 145 162 171 040 142 145 141 164 056 015 012 015 012 105 155 160 164 151 156 145 163 163 054 040 154 157 156 145 154 151 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 101 142 141 156 144 157 156 155 145 156 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 151 154 145 156 143 145 054 040 123 164 151 154 154 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 342 200 230 111 040 143 141 156 342 200 231 164 040 155 157 166 145 054 040 111 040 143 141 156 342 200 231 164 040 143 157 160 145 056 342 200 231
written in octal code
Shadow Jul 2020
Looks like I'm here again,
With the flowers,
With the trees,
With the cotton coloured clouds,
With the afternoon breeze.
Looks like I'm here again,
With the wet sands of the shore,
With the silent waves of the torperous sea,
With the grey sky,
With me.
Looks like I'm here again,
With the tick tock of the clock,
With the foggy windows,
With the creaking door,
With the wooden chair by the bed.
Looks like I'm here again,
With her hand in mine,
With the smell of her hair,
With the sound of her voice,
With the sight of her smile-
It's 6 am, I better go wash my face.
Shadow Mar 2020
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
Don't lose your hope. Don't lose yourself.
Shadow Mar 2020
i have a face cut from ice
a heart pierced in a thousand places
so to remember
always the same voice
the same gestures
and my laughter
as a wall
between you and me

the ones who are most alive
seem the most still

behind the milky way
a shadow dances

our gaze climbs toward the stars
Shadow Jul 2020
I must admit
I miss you terribly,
more and more, each passing day
the world is grey without you nearby
Shadow Jun 2020
“I almost do not exist now and I know it; God knows what lives in me in place of me.”
-Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot
Shadow Oct 2020
The world is silent.
The room shakes
with the tik token of the dying clock.
My head is empty and I feel nothing
Shadow Dec 2019
In all honesty
I have no idea
What to write about
I'm feeling apathetic today
Shadow Aug 2020
I love you. I am madly in love with you.

With the whole of my being, with my sanity and insanity, with all the stars, with all the moons and all the skies I love you.

I do not know how to tell you that I still love you,
Not with the immensity of the oceans,
Not with the might of the mountains,
Not as much as the constellations and planets,
Not with the beauty of the waterfalls,
Not with the melody of the birds,

But with the immensity of the galaxies,
With the might of nebulae,
With the energy of every sun,
With the beauty of the little stars that glimmer like diamonds in the night sky,
With the smell of rain in the morning,
With the melody of our hearts.

I love you.
I feel so alone.
Shadow Apr 2020
Darling if you look into my eyes,
You know my love for you is endless,
The smile for you is the sweetest.
I'll swim across the oceans
Climb any mountains,
Fight the dragons and the men,
I would wear your colours,
I would drink your teas and eat your pizzas,
I would go miles.
But darling,
If you want me to say I love you
All you would hear is silence.
I would never go to you
And tell you i need you.
I dont want to be in the same room with you,
Because then i would be blind
And could only see you.
I dont want to stand next to you,
For i might die of holding my breath
So you can't hear the loud beating in my heart.
I would move away from you,
For fear that when you leave
I won't be able to move from there.
Darling if you would hold my hands,
I would hold yours
Shadow Nov 2019
I miss your laugh
I miss your glistening eyes under the summer sun
I miss your smell
I miss everything that we used to do
I miss your face
I miss planning our future together under the immense starry night

What happened to us?
Why did you change?
Why did you leave me, broken;
Shattered like a mirror glass?
Shadow Nov 2019
I've lost myself.
what hope is there for this tortured soul,
for this toxic mind?
for this heart is as black as coal.

on this onyx coloured night
I lay in my  bed,
filled with fright.
and as the moon sits by my window
I weep, I weep, I weep...

What am I?
Compared to the grand scale of things,
What am I?
For Whom do I exist?

as the crows circle above,
as the flower sulks in gloom,
as sky turns gray,
and as my words begin to decay
I gaze into the abyss of my impending doom .
Shadow Mar 2020
A lifetime
Barely a wink
Where have the years gone
And then again
Seems so long ago
The time has flown
Dissipated in a wink
The sun now setting
On a full cycle
Of seasons gone
Where is my childhood gone?
Shadow Dec 2019
I have repressed my emotions for so long
That I have lost the ability to cry...
Shadow Jul 2020
I want to retreat to a far corner of the world where I am alone,
Alone with the verdant trees,
Alone where the only noise is the chirping of birds and the sweet sound of streams,
I want to be alone and let my soul flourish,
I want to 𝑏𝑒,
I want to 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙,
I want to walk on mountain peaks,
To wash my face with the spring water,
To feel the breeze on my skin,
To hear the flowers bloom,
I want to listen to the sweet songs sung by birds,
To become one with the soul of the universe.
Shadow Jan 2020
In the still of the night you come to me
I sense your shape in the pale moonlight
I listen for you each chiming hour
And the far off surge of the sea

Lulled by the curve of the sickled moon
I dream of the arching sweep of the bay
I sense your touch as the swell meets shore
And the surging sigh of the sea.
Shadow Oct 2020
I want to melt into the horizon
Where the seas end
And the sky begins
I want to become one
With everything that surrounds me
I want to melt into the horizon
Where the seas end
And the sky begins
Shadow May 2020
Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.
Written by William Ernest Henley, this poem is one of my favourites. What is your favourite?
Shadow May 2020
It's been a pleasure knowing you,
Although we didn't really last.
It's been a pleasure knowing you,
I often think about the past.
It's been a pleasure knowing you,
Questions flood my mind.
It's been a pleasure knowing you,
Thank you for being kind.


Alas, it all came to an end.
At last we are but done.
Alas, the morning's grey again .
At last our days are gone.


Do not mourn the good memories,
Who mourns happiness after all?
Do not think of who I've been,
You have changed and so have I.


Free yourself!
Free yourself from the bounds of love!
When have you seen a happy lover
Who hasn't been hurt at its hands?

You're missing the wrong person my friend
So stop wasting your time.


What good would love do
When one cannot feel your love?
It's better that it ended when it did;
I couldn't carry on,
There's nothing I could do.


It's been a pleasure knowing you,
I know what you're going through.
It was a pleasure knowing you,
But now the time has come,
So let  me make it simple and short
As no to hurt us both
Goodbye my dearest
Everyone has their own tales of love - mine has been a series of unfortunate events.
Shadow Jul 2020
It's been so silent lately...
It's gotten lonely up here,
The days become just like the day before,
And I fail to see the light in their eyes,
The cries of the crow drown out the sweet songs of canaries,
The wind's music no longer satisfies my soul,
I want to go back
To the nothingness I came from,
I want to return home,
It's gotten lonely here...
There are things that we will never be able to say for at that moment even the words will betray us.
Shadow Nov 2019
Abyssal clouds, of sunken shade,

Such memories,

A constant fade.

I bellow for it to return to me,

But all I see is a drunken fantasy.

Forever lost, of something meant to be.
Shadow Sep 2020
The wind takes its cold and leaves
And the trees wave it goodbye
The sun shines just a little more
Before the clouds patch its light

The world...
It's been tiring lately,
I do not wish to exist,
I wish to live,
I do not wish to make day to night
And night to day,
I do not wish to feel every passing second,
I do not want to write broken poetry,
But that's all that comes to me right now,
I do not wish to merely exist
I wish to live.
I am waiting for my youthful ardour to arrive, albeit there is nothing for it to see.
Shadow Apr 2020
Marvelous, matchless, magical, moonlit midnight,
With a superabundance of sparkly, summery stars,
Peacefully placid, pure and prettily plummy,
Radiantly rich, rhapsody resplendent rapture!
Fragrant flowers frolic freely in your fervence,
Eye-catching and exquisite in their exuberance,
Bouncing blissfully in breezy, blooming ballet.
Inexhaustible and intoxicating and intriguing,
Dazzling and delightful, and doubtlessly dreamy
So a girl challenged me to write a poem with alliteration and so I accepted the challenge, tell me what you guys think :)
Shadow Apr 2020
All these dreams.
Making me bust at the seams.
Feeling like life is new.
Thinking that I finally grew.
Walking along the fields.
Learning how to form my shields.
Trees standing taller than I.
Having my friends stand by.
Rekindling old friendships.
Getting away from the hardships.
The longer you are away.
The easier I find it is to play.
Being myself, doing me.
I'm joyous for all to see.
Before, after
Smiles, laughter.
Class no longer in session.
I am no longer the possesion.
Sleeping alone at nights.
See more beautiful sights.
Awake to freedom.
Running through my reclaimed kingdom.
Off to do as I see fit.
Nowhere for you to sit.
Shadow Jul 2020
When you let go.
You will find your place in this universe, finally.
When you let go.
You will find your place inside you, hopefully.
When you let go of love.
It gets harder to hate each passing day.
When you let go of your battles.
You will find love in those battles, hopefully.
When you let go of yourself.
You will lose yourself in this world.
When you lose yourself in this world.
You will be found in this universe.
The loneliest universe of the gods.
A universe controlled by secret songs singing the soundtracks of our lives.
Laughing at every planet and pattern they create.
When they created you, they created you.
You are you.
You are you.
You are you.
You are the only you in this universe.
You are the only I in this universe.
What a lonely existence this is sometimes.
To grief
Shadow Jul 2020
Don't let any one tell you who you should be in life.
Follow your heart.
Follow your soul.
Follow that remaining bit of you that makes you you.
Don't fall down to anyone who talks you down.
Whether it's your ugliness and imperfections.
Whether it's your weird behavior that we all have deep down, even them.
Whether it's your endless mistakes you never meant to make.
You're perfect when you're you.
You're perfect when you're you.
You're perfect when you're you.
Don't let anyone take control of your life and attitude.
Whether it's the church.
Whether it's the school.
Whether it's your own family, whether it's your own struggles.
Whether it's your fake voice everyone tells you to have.
Nobody hates you more than when you're being yourself.
Nobody loves you more than when you're being yourself.
The gods will sometimes put a test on trying to stop your soul to roam free.
You can do it.
And you will do it.
After it all, you will look at yourself in heaven in the end.
Just as you were born to.
Always live for yourself
Always listen to your soul
Shadow Jun 2020
Living is for believing and loving
For a long time, I have believed and loved
For a long time, I have told the truth and been lied to...
Shadow Sep 2020
How intense can be the longing to escape from the emptiness and dullness of human verbosity, to take refuge in nature, apparently so inarticulate, or in the wordlessness of long, grinding labour, of sound sleep, of true music, or of a human understanding rendered speechless by emotion!
- Boris Pasternak
Shadow Jun 2020
Look! Today is no longer grey!
Look! The ashen clouds've gone away!
Nothing can break me today!

Look! The birds are singing again,
Look! Just watch the branches dance!
And with a very simple glance,
You'll see that nature is sadness' bane.

The vibrant flowers bloom once more,
The wind's hand is no longer cold,
The sun shines with all his might,
I am no longer filled with spite...
Shadow Mar 2020
lost moments were
found in sunshine

drenched in melancholy

i can hear the echoes of
our laughter
shake the roses from
another time

another life
Shadow Mar 2020
"A hundred hearts would be too few, "
Oceans and seas are not enough,
to carry all my love for you.
To hold my love would be so tough!

Each morning when I see your smile,
And when I look into your eyes,
It’s like the day I walked the aisle,
I see the stars lighting the skies.

Day after day I hold your hand,
I walk with you year after year,
You are my Queen from Fairyland,
And heaven starts for us right here.

Your every hug, your every kiss,
A precious gift, eternal bliss.
I hope she sees this.
Shadow Nov 2019
always remember to love yourself no matter what.
but don't become arrogant.
Shadow May 2020
He who says I love you
is a mournful minstrel
who has lost his song.

If only love
                         had a tongue to speak.

A thousand happy larks
fly in your eyes,
a thousand canaries
fall silent in my throat.

If only love
                             had a tongue to speak.

He who says I love you
is the night’s blue heart
searching for moonlight.

If only love
                          had a tongue to speak.

A thousand laughing suns
in your footsteps,
a thousand weeping stars
in my desire.

If only love could speak.
- Ahmad Shamlou
Shadow Aug 2020
I fell in love with moonlight-
in my darkness, shining so bright.
She danced in the breeze, lit up the night,
her glow consumed my very sight.

But moments in time soon burn away,
and moonlight just cannot stay.
As sure as night turns into day,
that trickle of light will go astray.

But for a moment, through the storm,
she lit my world, she kept me warm,
then flickered out, as is the norm
for moonlight, its fleeting form.

I fell in love with moonlight,
for but a moment, all was right.
Her glow, her dance, consumed my sight
and faded out at end of night.
Oh how beautiful you are tonight :)
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