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Jan 2023 · 9
newborn Jan 2023
te amo brutalmente
para siempre

this is the kind of love i desire.

newborn Jan 2023
ships sinking
as you stare across the bay
memorize the smile on my lips
the hallucinations i’ve secretly kept

breathe me in, don’t spit me out
i’ve outcasted myself enough times for the both of us
don’t give me that solemn stare

take me back to the roller rink
to the depths of my heart i haven’t explored
to the party of yours that i missed

i’m so sorry for the past inconveniences that haunt you and quite visibly me
can we be friends again before the ship sinks into the void of indigo ocean water?
making you smile so often was quite possibly my greatest accomplishment

i miss u

Jan 2023 · 34
newborn Jan 2023
eliza, she twirls like a ballerina as the piano moves along
she’s cute and she’s cheerful, she leaps around to a familiar song
oh, but eliza has changed
she’s pale in the face
she’s got goosebumps from the cold rain
eyes welling with tears from the salt she poured in them

eliza, she used to be such a joy to be around
oh, but now she can’t keep a conversation without her hands sweating
her nihilistic views cloud her intuition

she’s like charcoal on a whiteboard
she won’t go away, she haunts my every hesitation
she’s blocking my inhalation
she was like a butterfly in my hand
and now she’s ash from blazing land

       such a letdown, such a change in plans

eliza, she glimmers like sequins in the fog
sapphire eyes in hot tubs
but her sadness is her overwhelming weakness
it envelops her in its hurricane
she creaks like old wooden stairs under the weight of her own
she temporarily lives in midnight moonlight sorrow
with weak bones and a crestfallen shadow
burying herself in the emptiness of solitude
the january blues stalking her every move  

oh, eliza,
i miss you
who you were, all that you did
i miss your surefire smile
your continuous laugh
your sweet disposition
your hilarious jokes and the positive halos radiating about your head

now she’s volatile
as wild and insecure as an adolescent child

she falls from the stage onto a bed filled with tears
(she calls it a water bed, she tries to remain optimistic)  
(all she knows is that the rivers that flood from her eyes show that she is not completely numb)

the spring sentiments used to be her constant
she used to have scraped kneecaps and a clueless exuberance
solely a bandage could heal her

oh eliza,
have i taken you for granted?
have i stripped you of your merit,
leaving you gagging and slumping in the rainfall?
your irises were streaked with summer’s blues
now they’re just stained from the blue ocean tears you cried

oh eliza,
what happened to your sheer happiness,
leaving a movie theater with the main character’s personality?
did the pounding in your chest come from the insecurities i ****** upon you with a thousand pounds of force?
i miss your cathartic release, the eclipse of your moon striped body on my bedroom wall directly in front of the place i lay

she’s casted shadows over the bridge she walks across to sabotage her footing
she sits with her mouth open in frozen silence
trying to capture the warmth that waltzes around her

oh eliza,
am i to blame for this destruction?
your lugubriousness now looming over the flowers on meadows you once danced on
i miss who you were, but mostly who you won’t show
the harsh judgement gathered like dust along your body
you haven’t been you, eliza, for years

eliza, she twirls like a ballerina as the piano moves along
listen to her song
for her worst secrets are held in breakable silence
i started this poem on the 9th of January and i kept adding to it.

Jan 2023 · 26
newborn Jan 2023
i have an innocent disposition
pacific ocean blue eyes
eye bags so purple they look like bruises
two hands that write and move
sometimes in ways i despise
unruly instances
i have thoughts beyond your imagination
purposes beyond your comprehension
values, morals, and attitudes you will never understand
i have two fists, red with repressed anger
legs strong and stable
to contrast the ground beneath my feet

i have to rid you out of my bones
your feral smirk and your vehement denial
i just wanna live in a state of safe haven
without my black heart or your carnivorous confrontations in the way

the adamant repulsion i feel
stapled to my chest like i own the compulsions that generate from me
scream into the microphone
my boiling blood the driving force in my disgust
these restraints like sandbags tied to my neck
choking me into a state of agony

i want to shower
rinse this uncomfortable filth that gathers on me

you should feel guilty
aren’t you embarrassed?

Jan 2023 · 88
newborn Jan 2023
the shark ambush
the corrupt crux of a handmade answer
the waters that fill with scarlet blood
animals that thrash with hearts in their jaws
the deep gulp taken before the submersion  
the ultimate fear plastered on grim faces
pointy teeth shredding silky skin
bleeding guts
the rush of control must overpower such a creature
this feels like insanity. why, just why. thank God it’s gonna be friday tm, i’m so tired of this. song title is because i love shark in your water by flower face. bye

written- 1/8/23
Jan 2023 · 16
newborn Jan 2023
he thinks my expressions translate to admiration
he’s so stuck in his oblivion
the accidental glances must be for a reason
he’s so obsessed with himself
he’s thinks i’ll fall to my knees in front of him
jokes on you, i’ve only ever thought about you for less than a minute
i don’t adore you
the coincidences that align
are made up in your mind
i’m just trying to exist
i need to plant a garden within the constraints of the palisades
i don’t even know your name, nor am i enthralled with you
how come when i moved, you moved too?
it’s never ever about you
i need to build a garden in the middle of the woods
can i be trapped forever?
a vanished little girl
on the cliffs of doom
i swear all these people think i like them and i don’t…

Jan 2023 · 6
four, three, two, one
newborn Jan 2023
four pumps of pulsating madness
i feel the summer in your veins
nooses hanging on our necks in the fields of dandelions
we swing
from the sycamores

three beheaded scoundrels
gather round with fiends
make friends with the dying oceans
from the mezzanine
our bodies look like melted statues
wilted to the breeze

two lovers guiltily isolated
barefoot on the gallows
holding each other’s hands
making entreating expressions
ostensibly grieving their fates
through crooked teeth

one stubborn rope
incense spewing from our tongues
as we breathe our last words
and stomach our last breaths
pertinaciously we dissociate with the
stern world built around us

zero souls standing
above the sycamores
imagery is strong on this one.

also…flower face…ahhhh
Jan 2023 · 12
train yard
newborn Jan 2023
my stomach muscles retract
bruises on the beginnings of my ribs
i can’t fight the deafening freight train engine
blowing my hair wildly
as i try to cross the tracks
barbed wire enclosing me in
the factories around me crashing and burning
i think i saw the devil in the train’s headlights.
i can’t make up for lost times
caught in the convenient current
washing my body like an entity that doesn’t deserve to be cleansed
the train horn is ear-piercing
like off-key violins in a symphony
the blood pumping quickly
my redundant diction
i ask for permission
from conductors and fakers and liars and schemers
and apparently they’re all good people.
i deserve to be lost in the wide expanse
of a generation
i can’t accept.
shattered promises and limbs
sprawled out on the train yards
as the stopping vehicles sound off their alarms
i am alarmed
but i am stapled to the tracks
by a woman who told me that it’s not that hard to overcome your fears
how do you feel now
with me bleeding out of my eye sockets
all over your precious property?
tests, essays, and stress.
all sound like freight train engines roaring in my head.
Jan 2023 · 79
newborn Jan 2023
you scream like a cooped up witch
saturn’s screeches soft and scary.
in your manic delirium
in the riptide rushing
the silence is painful
and painless
and fierce.
mercurial girl
who washes her hands
in the sand
moves with the moon.
you stray from the constellations
and get devoured by black holes.
fickle flight.
you dive in the atmosphere
bound in the sky.
the planets isolated
abandoned and forsaken.
translating the sounds cascading
from my mouth.
the stars are so plain
and staple and monotonous
they look like your mistakes
that never give accountability.
you suffer in sound.
you shrink into dust.
without your meaning
carved inside history books.
in your total incoherence
in the motionless galaxy
the dawn has no meaning
like the cells
that make up your existence.
like saturn you scream
a moribund planet
waiting to be rescued
by the fragments
that make you a wasted
futile shell of inconsequentiality.
like saturn you shriek
like a banshee.
you’re dying.
heard saturn’s sounds. it was scary. the poem is about social media and how people don’t have much purpose anymore. idk.

Jan 2023 · 24
the walls
newborn Jan 2023
the walls cave in sinking like ships shrinking, growing stomach acid churning from within my body the room gets smaller my lungs tighten my pulse beating on my neck so rapidly i can feel the pounding in my head it won’t stop—please stop it won’t stop won’t stop.
the pressure feeling of anxiety.
newborn Jan 2023
the woman.
she’s soft and young and impressionable.
the woman.
she’s kind and compassionate and beautiful.
the air she breathes
curtsies at her feet.
the happiness she bears
makes her complete.
the feathers in her long hair.
the eyelashes on her innocent face.
the fire blazing
inside of her heart.
the pathways inhabiting
her brain.
the woman hides
from the storm.
the rain falls on her back
and never apologizes.
the moon carefully watching
her smile form.
the woman runs from danger.
the danger dissipates into the atmosphere.
the pinecones shivering at the close call.
the woman dances in soggy puddles.
bathes her body in a stream
that touches her skin rhythmically.
the woman takes flight with the birds.
swooping above forest lines.
the woman rests when it comes a time.
she lets her rapid heart slow.
she tames her impulses
and lets her truth grow.
the woman shoots arrows as the sun rises.
she begs for warmth.
she feels her heart fill
with love and with caution.
the woman often strays beyond the path.
she explores the rocks, the twigs, the earth.
she breathes sweetly.
her arms flap freely.
the woman finds a crystal in the woods.
she shelters it from the beastly wolves.
holds it in her palms.
allows its full form to sprout.
encourages its struggles
repeats sweet phrases.
the woman lays down
with the body she tends to.
she lets the world
fill her with whatever it may.
no matter the consequence.
the woman sings as the river rushes.
she watches the moon sink beneath
the horizon.
she’s the kind of woman i wish to be.
the kind of woman i want to be will anger you. you will obsess over the type of woman i want to be. but i already am her and you don’t have to worry about it.

Dec 2022 · 13
newborn Dec 2022
to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful

to maintain a kiss
to be something to miss
to be a wife with kids
you have to be beautiful

likewise, all of us feel we’re the detriment
in a society that loves to see us in bed
but we cry soggy tears on our sheets
and we don’t stop just because a model says we can be beautiful on the inside

to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful
buy a diamond studded dress
and go out in the reeds
and sing a sailor’s song to your bride to be

likewise, all of us feel the world’s back turned
our royal blue skin on her selfish lips  
giving us dead flowers and then wishing us the best
sends us away with so many backhanded compliments

to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful
raise your arms up to the afternoon sun
and remind everyone you were sent from God
and baby, i was too but there’s no use to prove it

likewise, i turn jewelry into stone
i make this critical conditioned heart into gold
i sew my bedsheets to represent some home
i believe the truth comes bleeding out of our eyeballs
our lungs just trying to catch up to this world

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
we all call you by your given name
but you stomp on our fingers
you linger like a bad disease
it doesn’t pay to be kind and pretty

unlike you, i slave the day away
trying to feel the taste that gathers on your tongue
even when you do things wrong
i must try to feed the monster inside of my stomach
but it beats me to a pulp
every time i want something even as widespread as love

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
you don’t need all the credentials
you don’t even have to have potential
as a valued person for anything other than your outer self

likewise, one day i might slip under the rope
being able to stop playing limbo
but what does it matter?
i’m still not a rose quartz in the middle of a stage show

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
dance in alleyways
sing in outer space
be someone who can be replaced

be easily replaced
and then you’re beautiful
in this world
this goes to a folky musical thing that i made. inspo- gregory alan isakov

Dec 2022 · 9
newborn Dec 2022
it’s funny, you told me
that i would be popular in high school
you were unbelievably wrong

you said that out loud back then
and i felt like the coolest
person in the room

as you can see, the past
fills my mind, my body, my soul
and it’s not worth letting go
at least after all this time
my tears are still not manufactured

spot me—
under candlelight
because when the night comes
like a tidal wave
all my old victories
present themselves
as fantasies
when in all reality,
i was just as washed up then
as i am currently

before i even had a phone,
you were there.
i snapped photographic pictures
of you and you stayed in my
memory like hot glue
and i got burned and burned and burned
and now i hover around
as a burden in a blood soaked satin dress

you’re funny, until you feel threatened
and call every warm-blooded force
around you

it hit the brunt of me,
and you never asked me to dance
i was waiting for you all night
your father kept talking to me
and wouldn’t
shut up for some reason
he always told me the
spotlights exploding
were just our hearts

or at least that’s what i gathered when i
read his mind

you laughed with me, you waited on me,
you conversed with me, you talked about me
and i would dunk
my head in the water beneath me
to rid of the cruelty you pushed on me;
to combat the rings of fire that you hurled me into

all these people who get to talk
about their feelings
yet, you never admitted
how you felt
and i was getting mixed signals
and i was young and dumb
and crazy and selfish and
hateful of myself
and you didn’t help at all know.. i never needed your help
it just would have been nice to be able to
know that you cared at least a little

i hate that i have to remember you
i don’t like me because of you
although it’s not always about me

    got your driver’s license?
  how does it
feel to not
     be in control
all the time?

it’s not as empowering as you would have liked
and good
your ego doesn’t deserve to be bloated right now

i am not in love with you,
let’s be clear; i never was in love
with you, honestly
who could be?

i was about to see your new flesh
a couple months ago
but a spirit must have taken over your
and the excitement i had
into the august midnight breeze

don’t you know that:

hopefully our ending can be brutal
but not too brutal
for i need to see you once more
inspired a little bit by big thief’s writing style.
written- 12/26/22
published- 12/27/22
Dec 2022 · 13
newborn Dec 2022
i guarantee that you would be a beautiful existence
even if no one in the world wanted you around, i hope you would know that i would
i wanted you around

we could have been best friends
laughing like psychopathic fools
above couch cushions
you could have been the reason high school doesn’t ****
or the reason why i learned so many lessons

you could have been my lover
someone who finally deems me worthy for this worn-out world

don’t tell me you’re stuck in some cruel realm
tell me you’re safe in the arms of someone who wants you
someone who knew you would grow from the roots embedded into the mushy ground
into a lush cherry tree

“my dear, they say i’m unwanted. unlovable, useless. am i?”

angel, no. somethings just don’t work out the way we plan. you’re more useful than the swords they used to clip your wings. you’re more wanted than the acceptance that they received for doing those vile things to you. maybe they were just as scared as you…

“my dear, but i was wasted. used as a token to change my status of being. where am i?”

angel, i don’t know where you are. i hope with all my heart that you are in some place where your wings are the perfect size, where the comedy specials never end, and the cinnamon rolls never stop baking. i hope you live with all the other precious souls who share the same questions as you. you will never be wasted. no, not wherever you are currently. never.

“my dear, i think i see. i wish i could’ve made high school better for you. rode bikes in the neighborhood with you. been there for you when your heart wouldn’t stop screaming in high intervals. i got you.”

you’ll always be on my mind, in the choices i make. you’ll shine like a chandelier in my midnight insomniac blues. you’ll never be a burden, you couldn’t; for heaven’s sakes that could never be you.
have been waiting to publish this for a while and i just remembered all the selfish people in the world that disguise their concern and destruction as liberation. and so i felt like publishing this. merry Christmas to everyone, love everyone, and respect to everyone to holds their beliefs firm even when others say it is wrong. i think it’s especially special to publish this today because if He hadn’t been born, i don’t know what this world would be right now. every single life is valuable, do not forget it. merry merry merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.


originally written- 11/30/22
newborn Dec 2022
the wilderness is violent, and chaotic and
fireworks crackle in the golden brown sky
i don’t want to kiss in a busted-up mustang
with a cracked windshield
don’t want to bathe in beer or get drunk in love
unless you want to carve your name on my chest
leave me hanging on the drywall in your bedroom
or leave me outstretched in the dessert
left to my own vices
the heated sun burning marks on my body

from the day we became mirages of our inner selves
and our demons fought in ****** battles that ended in calamity,
we have hid each other in line breaks and kingdoms

the rising sun the single witness of our togetherness
and of the
blisters on my chest
from the tattoos you engraved on the foreign body of mine that didn’t give you the consent
i haven’t been wronged enough to be super passionate about writing hehe. anyway, it’s almost Christmas, the best time of the year.  enjoy this piece

Dec 2022 · 9
newborn Dec 2022
an emotion i feel
on a daily basis
looking such a human
in the emerald eyes—

they like my hair
the curls, the waves
the volume, the aliveness
but i can’t help but
tiptoe over the thought
the fondness of it
is disguised hatred…

melancholy, but alone
oxymorons to me
being melancholy and
alone do not exist together
but somehow
when they all leave
my side like blurry ghosts
the sadness creeps up
slowly, painfully, brutally…

the anxiety inside of me
fueled by gasoline
fires on my tongue
buildings dilapidated
lava flows softly
in a thunder city…

children and their
dreams vigorous with
marzipan and cherries
their fake hair
and fake bodies
and overestimated “sorrow”
their heels snap on the floor
like cinderella i sweep
the dirt off the tiles
as they whisper delightfully
about the ball in
a nearby castle…

oh, to be a swan
to swim in streams
that invite me
to glide in waters
that embrace me—
they must have seen
our pure white glossy
feathers from afar
do you hear that noise?
heaven sakes, he’s
been shot…

oh, to have a swan funeral
wearing our hearts
on our wings
fly away friend,
go join the sparrows
and doves
and peacocks in
i wish i could join you
i’m alone and melancholy
down here where the hunters
where the apple trees
are seasonal
and not forevermore
meet me,
but i doubt you will
given your circumstance
compared to mine…
last day of school before Christmas break. it’s over now. 12/22/22
Dec 2022 · 13
newborn Dec 2022
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then free falling
the glimmer in his eyes only ever gave me solace
in the easiest time of the century
when worrying didn’t even cross my mind.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then crying
a lovesick baby, a two-faced wannabe
it’s better to be invisible than living life lying about being meaningful.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then failing,
this time on stage
in front of an audience of about ten million narcissists
they say my emotions aren’t art
and the shakiness of my breath—the sweatiness of my hands—is manifested.
it’s writing and writing and rewiring
have you come to terms with knowing that you were doomed from the start?
i wish i had someone to devote my writing to, but it’s only for me

Dec 2022 · 30
newborn Dec 2022
deceased people around me
see the anxiety that
towers over me
like a dictator hungry
for tyranny

held by the nightmares
that heighten my senses
tighten my vessels
take into account
my unenlightened downfall

off my rocker
stabbed with blades,
they knocked her
out and she cried
but not ta’
worry, she’s

years since i’ve felt rapture
left my optimism
in a time capsule
fractured my bones
discarded them in a chapter
lost my laughter
caught in disaster

just when i assume the worst has passed,
the peril continues
strong and decided
seizing me,
frightening me,
conquering me,
capturing me

newborn Dec 2022
poinsettias in the corners
of the grand staircase
red and white matte petals
lonesome resting
all the while,
snowfall tumbles down
from Heaven’s angels
tossing sparkles into the air
landing on the brows
of swaying strangers
saw the nutcracker live today and it blew my minddddd. oh my. i feel so full rn and that’s strange. i love it tho. been listening to classical music and ballroom dance stuff and it makes me feel so good. ahhhh

Dec 2022 · 12
newborn Dec 2022
in the ballroom
your eyes like comets
mine like phosphorescent lights
in the humid july sky

our arms moving like seaward ships
caught you stranded amidst the violence
eyelashes that swayed in the wind
you saw me, you asked me to dance

i don’t believe everything is as it should be
it was just a kiss, i don’t think i actually miss you
or maybe i’m slowly getting addicted
to the cadence of your voice
every night, it’s back to that july or was it november weather?

you touched my hand with a fiery blaze that pranced inside that stuffy room
you gave me a glance, i gave you a chance
you could’ve tumbled from the balcony
would my reaction time have been as swift as when you had caught me by surprise?

why am i such a fool?
if it had started with you
we could have fled together like panicked soldiers
from the esteemed battlegrounds their forefathers fought for so their successors could lose their next battles
and get captured and chained against walls

and i wanted you, i was only a husband away from kissing you,
touching you,
impaling you

you were moments away from calling my bluff
it’s enough, i’m in handcuffs
while you stand in the ballroom
your eyes on me like you’re the spotlight and i’m your stage device

we danced like we meant it
would you have given me up for a fairer maiden?
one with less personality issues and without a right hand man?
would you have stopped if i told you that dancing is for ghosts in empty hotels?

i would have died trying in a slashed wedding dress
if the force i called my lover didn’t snag my clothes on his irregular branches

i can’t see beyond these singing cliffs
please kiss me
on the dock of my yacht
i’ll adore you until you ***** me over
or until i ***** you over
and we become ashes on the riverbed
that was the location where my lips touched yours
on the grass
not on the ballroom steps
not with a cigarette in your mouth

you were slipping through the gloves i wore?
i don’t recall, did the background start to get blurry
when you swept me off my feet?
did i panic?
did you love it?
did you notice the electricity escaping from my palms?

i spotted your pupils become lucid
the lights didn’t even change colors
and you danced with some kind of suitor
but i don’t know who you are
or what your motives are
just know that the mirror can only hold evil if it’s as marvelous as you

the patterns of your footsteps in my nightmares or perhaps
in the trances my exhilaration transports me to


lurking in the shadows
in the doorframes
the hallways of trains i haven’t stepped toes in
complaints flooding the mailboxes i happen to own

i loaned you my heart as a temporary ornament
you could dangle like candy
in front of adored damsels looking to be courted
i’m becoming the focal point in your daily
struggle to gain power over the situation that sadly owns me

waltz inside of my irises instead of on the floating platform
that is about to crumble beneath the soles of our dress shoes

my conscience buried in the thawing soil

did you lose sight of the plans you foiled?

whistle to the carriage you paid for
open the door for the feeble woman in the backseat
it would have boiled your blood,
and so i would’ve kissed your lips

but ghosts don’t dance in ballrooms;
they just sit
and watch everyone else become brides and grooms
and they feel the tug every single time
the room erupts in sudden laughter
they wait like stubborn angels  
at the noisy soirée
anticipating the collapse of young souls
like me and you

and therefore; the downfall we have will be a spectacle
your disintegration in the mirror will be a quotidian one
as i watch your bones dance in your body like little puppets in a silly drama

catch me when i fall for
the doors i have entered
before haven’t
restored my soul
and i would have kissed you
or even said i missed you
if he wasn’t the person he was
if you weren’t the person you are
and if i was completely unaware of the consequences of mistakenly false coincidences
perhaps i would have put my lips to yours
as the creek entertained our obscene selves
and heard our dramatic moans
and groaned
“good riddance”

“good riddance indeed”

our tempers fizzled and the skeletons were evicted from our closets
good causes, it’s my fault—it’s
just that i said all those cheery things to impress you
as if you were Socrates or someone of such high standing;
undoubtedly, you are

but the cliff i leaped off of slowly became you—the ghost in the castle walls
who waltzes with gorgeous girls
just to dream of what it would be like to
kiss them,
touch them,
impale them

i wonder how it felt to be in control
to hold me like i would puncture your skin
like some breed of lovesick vampire

i was only a girl in love with a future
she could not let unfold
because she had a husband waiting at home

waiting for her to slip up
feeling less and less in control

but with your gaze like lightning
ignoring is such a demanding reality
i want to kiss you,
i miss you,
this isn’t a petty joke
join me in the meadow
hands in mine
and touch me,
kiss me,
impale me
wow. super proud. just found out. this is vague. listen to suki waterhouse right now. byes

Dec 2022 · 44
newborn Dec 2022
it’s been raining for centuries
into the bottle i have put out on the porch
watching the water drizzle into its plastic casing
having knocked it over every single time i try to pick it up
i let it sit by its lonesome,
but by the time i got up that morning,
the bottle was knocked over and the water was trickling out
i buried my face in my palms
as nothing i love is permanent
not even these tears of mine
first period sad be like:

Dec 2022 · 22
newborn Dec 2022
roses don’t sprout to the sound of your name
the seas don’t foam when you wade into the waves
there’s no one original anymore
it’s hard to be anything worthwhile
when your skin wishes to be shed like a snake’s
and the blue eyes you once loved are being used as a missile
the words spit from my tongue
are 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 wrong
you’re 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 wrong
wrote this in class, but i can’t remember the specific reason. i guess i was mad at the world again
written 9/15/22
published 12/10/22
Dec 2022 · 16
newborn Dec 2022
when you hear my voice
just look under your doorframe
in the tiny crack just big enough for a bug to crawl through
just small enough to slip a letter inside

when you hear the rain
just look for me dancing in the droplets
falling like tiny liquid filled diamonds
the warm blanket of everythingness covers your lawn

when you sing off key
just think of me smiling like a wild sunflower
in a forest of familiarity
posing with the choirs in your most lifelike illusions

one day, you’ll find me scattered in the memories you chose to leave behind
one day, you’ll acknowledge your blunders
and i’ll be the utter worst of them
you’ll trace the path back to where we first met
which was nowhere, no specific location
you sang chants to me, but i was deaf then
i had forgotten to disperse the flaws of my opinionated self
and now the yellow brick road is turning into coal
God to you is just some kind of illegitimate father of yours
and i just can’t deal with such irreversible ignorance
i stood underneath every strand of mistletoe i could see, but you always mistook it for poisonous holly
and i know you would never even look outside to spot me dancing in the sky’s tears
and now i’m just writing a letter to the men in my reveries
and that’s just depressing

but when you hear my voice
just look under the doorframe
in the tiny crack just big enough for my goodbyes to reach you
and just small enough for my sorrow to slip through
me rambling turned into an idiotic poem yet again

600 poems….bittersweet
Dec 2022 · 15
newborn Dec 2022
his eyes as bright blue as the ocean that envelops him.
the life in his nonexistent smile.
his eyes like beacons of hope.  
but he’s crying in pillows that engulf his sorrow
he’s begging the master to give him tomorrow
to lift the hammer off his chest
to halt the train until the morning hour
to untie the cuffs around his wrists tied to the tracks.
he’s hiding the fits, the consuming illnesses
the signs of weakness that creep into his concreteness.
his eyes as bright blue as the ocean that devours him.
i just love writing. i keep getting inspo, but then it fades. so this is an old poem i wrote in school lol.
Dec 2022 · 28
newborn Dec 2022
what if i never marry?
what if i put on my wedding dress for a hologram?
what if i never find you?
the you i see on tv, the you i see in my dreams?
what if you died long ago and i’ve been searching around every corner for your soul?
what if the songs i write can only ever be for me?
what if the life i wished to lead up and left me?
what if the movies i watched made me believe in love that never happens?
what if the ring doesn’t fit my finger perfectly, or the bells refuse to ring at the ceremony?
what if i never marry?
what if i can’t get a house that the two of us fakers can live in?
what if the world that told me having a boyfriend makes your value increase
stops tolerating my independent nature?
what if i can’t fit in with all the husbands and wives and the cute little smiles?
what if everything i’ve been told was garbage that was supposed to be taken out?
what if i never marry?
what if i never walk across the aisle to a crying man, a diamond in the blood?
what if he never takes my hand with a willing body or a purified gland?
what if he tells me my worth is measured by the bodies i pin down and claim as my accomplishments?
what if i never marry?
what if i’m never good enough for this dramatic licentious frantic zombie nation we call the world?
what would they think of me?
there is just no purpose in love..or anything for that matter.

Nov 2022 · 27
wrong person, wrong time
newborn Nov 2022
your hands were fire
i needed to be warmed
in my little flower crown
on my hesitant head
i denied it
it makes me sick with sorrow
as i paced in my own selfish delusion
losing focus
losing faith
we danced on the patio
as the night thickened
i turned you down
left you turning black
underneath my touch
you grabbed her hand
reaching for a soft resolution
did you know?
i forgot how to process
i wrote you notes in candlelight
hoping moments could become
real again
i once believed i would marry the weather
and its mood swings
but i lost my way while walking back home
tripped on the beaten path
i lost the fire that was contained in your soul
it couldn’t turn to solid fast enough
i died alone in a abandoned bar
as you dined in a two story house with your children at the foot of your bed
but i didn’t love you and i still don’t, so why do you seem like my missing piece?  
why do i feel like i need you?
something real, something real, something real
inspired by little women, jo and laurie teehee

Nov 2022 · 14
newborn Nov 2022
i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he believed we were going to be inseparable lovers encaged inside of barbed wire
he believed i would be his muse,
till his last breath

but i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he breathes in rose blossomed newlywed smiles
he dances in spite of the acid rain

he believed we were an unstoppable tsunami
destined to keep growing and growing
enveloping all things into our youthful hearts

i believed we were a radioactive volcano
tension, tension, and tension
until suddenly we burst
into violent lava
and wreak havoc on the binds that hold us

he saw our glowing embers
never yet thought of the impending destruction
we would cause
with our hurricane stubbornness
and tornado hotheadedness


i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he breathes in idealistic remedies
he dances on stage as the curtain draws

he believed we would face this world together
like uplifted doves carrying olive branches in their beaks
i believed we would crumble
like every clumsy ancient civilization

but still i rest here,
with eyes devoid of aurora borealis projections
and i wish
that i would have
surrendered to his tsunami

i need to grasp the feeling of being washed away instead of hanging on to loneliness like it’s the last straw of my far fetched happiness
wash me away
i am useless if you cannot love me
character driven!! yay
Nov 2022 · 31
first celebrity crush
newborn Nov 2022
there’s this boy who looks like my first celebrity crush
he’s taken by a beautiful girl
with cherry painted lips and a golden smile
oh, what i would give
to get lost in the labyrinth of blossoming love
to hear the accordion singing its recycled cheesy song
but it dives and curls and the wind is blowing in a strange manner
exhausted feelings catch up to me

there’s this boy who makes me scared for my soul because i like him so, but i’ve never met him
that’s how all my love songs go
nobody ever realizes
nobody ever knows
they always slip through my sweaty fingers
and their deep voices just become shallow echoes

there’s this boy who is the star in every show

there’s always the side character who pines
and never gets loved
it hurts to be so empty
he looks so much like him ahhhhh. ok, i saw a show. and yeah.

written 11/13/22
Nov 2022 · 22
newborn Nov 2022
i slowly walk to the porch where the flags stand high and the windchimes chime. 
the ground is damp, i bet it would speak if it could. 
there’s no point in running from the mountain monster of inevitability.
if i stand here with the rain will i eventually weep?
if i don’t use capitals, i don’t have the right punctuation
what does anyone truly have correct anyway? 
if i comment that i’m like the rain, i’m depressed
and that just doesn’t make much sense to me.
if i say the sun and i aren’t compatible,
i don’t have a positive view on anything. 
but i do wish i could see the
good in something. it’s just all too much
Nov 2022 · 10
house fire
newborn Nov 2022
scared of the dark and of fire swallowing me in the middle of the stubborn night
setting my closet ablaze
shirts turning to embers as i slept beneath the smoke
and we would have to stand by the mailbox
but someone was always left behind.
it usually ended there.

but my restlessness soon turned into a snowflake, falling from the chilled sky
onto the mailbox outside my house
and melting.

my writing is a gigantic forest fire of clichés
slowly charring in my eye view.
unlike the snowflakes that flew from
my brain.

and i’m still kind of scared of the looming darkness
and the creatures inside of my closet
still kind of worried about my house catching fire
and losing all my belongings
but what’s to that?
what do i actually own or belong to?

blue is blinded rage

fear lasts and i can’t breathe in this smoke…in this chemical kingdom…that they all love…smog and smoke and strangulation….and no one cares…?

cause elvis still kept singing jailhouse rock
even though he never went to jail
and the seas are still operating in the exact same way they always have been
celebrities still think they’re all that cause us feeble people put them on pedestals
the moon is still a refuge to lost stars spread upon the frivolous lands
fire still burns, even at night
even in your closest
even if you think you’re safe by your mailbox
even if people tell you that you’re worth

the smoke will envelop you
the smog will catch up to you
the ashes will become you

i’m afraid it will take away what i don’t have
i haven’t had the motivation to write recently cause this site won’t give my poems any views and if no one is around to read my poems, i feel empty. idk. sorry, this is just a poem about tons of stuff. some of the imagery was inspired by tropico by lana del rey, especially the blue line and the elvis one. hopefully someone reads this poem and likes it. 11/11/22
Nov 2022 · 10
hometown pool
newborn Nov 2022
they tore down the pool in my hometown
the place i went during the summer to cool off
my old stomping ground to go for fun
my childhood is slipping further and further away
every single day
written 9/10/22
Nov 2022 · 11
newborn Nov 2022
there used to be a million kids at trick or treat
now the only thing that lasts is this hyperbole
costumes everywhere, faces stuffed with candy
where did childhood go?
and where did she take me?
so nostalgic, i miss it.

(written on halloween, published first november)
newborn Oct 2022
it’s waltzing in the supermarket
delicate voices
as the beach appears from beyond the mountains
it’s twilight supper
picnic table in the middle of the open atmosphere
the world takes tiny breaths
as it watches us twirl around the living room
laughing the calories out of our bodies

it’s laying under starlight
seeing you, seeing mars, seeing jupiter
from our naked eyes and our telescopes
it’s gradually blending together
like a perfect puzzle piece that finally found its place
the moon decorates our skin with her majestic craters
we swing on porch swings as the crickets chirp
glowing meadow in the front of our yard

i’ve dreamt of meeting the one,
with gum stuck in my teeth
wingspan of twenty feet
you see the crinkles and absolutes
i was always so sure of myself
now i’m wasting away
into the drains of my shower
would someone pick me up
and fix up my hair for me
and clean the shampoo off the patronizing white walls
that force me to cower before them?
i’ve dreamt of meeting the one,
with spit on my tongue
and saliva inside my mouth
you’d start to maneuver my wavy hair behind my ears
inside the grocery store closest to the farthest part away from home
love is not overgrown like i am

it breathes in motion
it waltzes in supermarkets at two in the afternoon and isn’t afraid of losing a little pride
it sings on a long windy road above the beach in a red convertible that sets hair into a frenzy
it belongs, it shimmies, it blossoms

i saw a comet from my bedroom window
and i might have seen you (the one) sitting outside in the middle of the meadow, hand on the back of your head, gazing up at the clarity-inducing midnight sky
i took a mental picture of you and saved it in a folder of the one thing i have never experienced; love

          and it contained us dancing in a    supermarket, jumping into a saltwater pool, and holding our hands up in the red mustang or convertible while scream singing along with the radio

oh, i dreamt of meeting the one last night in the autumnal breath of the universe
i brought a checkered tablecloth to place on the picnic table,
i hope you fall in love with me under starlight
           so i can say, i lived a real life fairytale at least once in my life

….and it was the greatest one i have ever heard of in my sixteen years of life
older by 5sos and aidan bisset were my inspirations for this. and a little cabin in the forest in the late 1800s. idk. i need to be held and loved. 10/27/22
Oct 2022 · 12
grave fail
newborn Oct 2022
you touched the girl with the “here lies a corrupted corpse” sign posted above her grave
grace didn’t grace her with the pacifying antibiotic she created
you didn’t leave flowers in the spot where the dirt is grimy and wet,
the exact position where she is stationed
grace didn’t grace her with a happy ending
failures don’t really deserve full effort

Oct 2022 · 15
newborn Oct 2022
you look like every teenage dream
every boy in a magazine
vogue and all the other ones.
you wore leather pants and a luxurious belt
and i almost forgot how it feels to have felt so infatuated.
you took that microphone and shoved it up my nose,
you don’t believe in miracles.
i taught you sadness, you taught me madness,
we breathe in deep red lights.
i can’t embellish you in free verse if you don’t love me first,
i miss when i used to use you as my muse.
i’ve never been in love, but if it would happen to me, i know i would fall in love with you.
cause you don’t believe in miracles,

but i do.
i swear i get the weirdest bursts of inspiration. 10/16/22
Oct 2022 · 10
newborn Oct 2022
i don’t want to be a woman
standing on a suitcase packed with psychedelics
losing her remaining mind in a ditch on the side of the deserted road.
i don’t want to be a woman
who’s taught to love herself but the others around her
are peach trees in summer
with lips plump and red
with tiny thighs that extend.
i don’t want to be a woman
with frail bones because the calcium deficiency caught her early
shouting for her knees that are weak
and for her obsolete brain waves that forget their true place.
i don’t want to be woman
following the trail until it suits her no more
creating a secret code then tossing it into the river
with jaguar eyes and a lopsided smile
she’s fine with letting new histories die in her arms.
i don’t want to be a woman
in all truth, i don’t want to be associated with anyone
i don’t belong in this body, in this mindset, in this world
every word on each paper is screaming at me to rebuke my inner organs and to become a knight without limits
because i don’t believe in speaking up for the sake of speaking up.
i don’t want to be a woman
or a man for that matter
i just want to exist in the forest fires of los angeles
the city with no angels
no reason to be endowed with this city of torches and absolute tomfoolery
but look where i am now
i discarded my existence for fame and rash decisions
i don’t want to be a woman, do you?
if i put on a halter top and show you more skin, would you love who i am or the flesh that is impure and shameful?
i don’t want forced views to be my condemnation
i don’t want your silk dresses and pearls.
sham admiration is not my master
nor will it ever be in my mind or my soul.

        i don’t want to be woman, do you?

inspired by listening to zella day’s new album. especially the line— “i don’t want to be a woman, i don’t want to be a man, i just want to be golden.”

Oct 2022 · 32
newborn Oct 2022
the stage lights felt like spurts of heat lightning
shining down upon my weary body.
they wept on the stage and it’s easy to be fake
inside the threshold of a platform that beacons once and once more.
i dreamt i’d be dancing with you, hand in hand, arm in arm,
as the spotlight becomes real amidst my feckless insomnia of present day.
but i lost your precious gaze on that glorious stage
and i missed your tanned hand as you twirled out of frame.
you lived on that stage;
i died on that stage.
i saw a high school musical yesterday and it just makes me feel so many things.

newborn Oct 2022
and i don’t like the way i look
even though i treat others like they are shiny diamonds
pieces of the heart of the sea
high-priced rhinestones you pick up
in a jewelry shop
they might hate me
for they way my nose is shaped
or the color that protrudes out of my skin
why does it matter?
i’m not evil!
i promise.
so if you feel as if the world has too many people like me
too ugly, too bashful, too pale
i don’t know what to say.

everyone has forgotten what it means to love one another
humans act like loving one another is some super difficult puzzle to solve
and you only have to like certain pieces with certain colors.
but it’s not like that!
the world is one big scrabble game
with different letters to match, with different ideas to create a word

r, f, h, a, e, c, e, f, t, m, a, e, a

create a word  

h, a, t, e

ok, another word

r, a, c, e


f, l, a, m, e

i give up

did we forget love?

no matter who you are
why do you hate the people around you who cry the same tears after a terrible day?
why do you hate the people you are told to hate?
why do you hate the people who listen to the same bands as you, who live parallel lives to you
just with different foundation shades?
i am blamed for this, can’t you see!

everyone is some kind of gypped in these scenarios.
no, you’re not superior, you’re not superior,
no one’s superior!
get it into your skull!
i promise this is not me complaining. i just…feel like i’m automatically labeled “evil” just cause of my skin color and i think that’s unfair. it’s my number one insecurity honestly. i’m sorry i look the way i look. i’m sorry there’s “too much” of me in the world. 10/14/22
Oct 2022 · 21
young (spoken word)
newborn Oct 2022
you know,
when i was young
i saw the world as a canvas.
a blank sheet of material waiting for my curious little fingers to touch,
to sculpt, to model.
and oh, did i paint.
i moved mountains with my palms, i made rivers flow with the touch of my hands
and you know what?
i thought myself a pretty esteemed artist.
i imagined my future living in a huge penthouse in the biggest city in the world i could think of at that age and that was
i would tower over the laborers and the tax workers and the mailmen and the street performers because i was the new “it” girl.
glistening in pearls above the city people who always take life so seriously.
inside of my kindergarten classroom,
i believed everything to be possible.
we learned about Noah’s ark and what two plus two was and i was smart
and quick on my feet
meanwhile some other child was crying and i couldn’t understand why because everything i could have ever wanted was displayed on the chalkboard in that very moment.
the world was a thousand colors in that classroom.
there were always crayons at my disposal, in which i used them to sketch part of the planet that was still blank on the canvas.
i believed.
i believed that Santa still existed and that the tooth fairy would bring me money instead of a tooth under my pillow but guess what?
i didn’t lose my first tooth until second grade.
back when the only worry i had was that my teeth weren’t loose and wobbly
back when the world looked friendly and the only things that were hostile were my pugnacious teeth that wouldn’t budge.
i saw skies where there were vicious mirrors, blessings where there were flaws.
my classmates were foolish but i-
i knew what i wanted my canvas to be.
and cancer was a real thing. violence was a real issue not just something i saw in a batman comic. society turned her back on the very children she birthed.
my hands stopped painting with bright colors.
highlighters were stolen out of my hands, pencils placed in them.
gray graphite with no emotion except “do this math problem or you will fail at a future.”
what future am i exactly preparing myself for at this speed?
what happened to the coloring books
and the watercolors and the all about me posters i made?
where did they go?
did they disappear into the void of shame?
because once the authorities took away my liberties; my freedom, i started slacking.
the world became a barren wasteland like the one after simba left the teeming pride lands.
bulldozed over.
all that creativity pent up in had to be slaughtered.
it had to be executed.
so i breathed smoke to **** the formation inside of me
it choked, and so did i
and i
felt bad for it.
creativity was the one driving force, the one constant in my world that was falling apart and making room for the erratic world that punched through the walls of my love for the old world.
what would i be without a classroom full of tools that i could use whenever i saw fit?
this is insane.
people started coming into my life and out and i could not hold their hands and beg for their stay; they would leave me kicked and scarred
and maybe they whispered “sorry” to me because some of their empathetic nature still existed.
some of their light still hadn’t been stomped out.
it was fully wrecked when their parents got divorced
and there were screaming battles
and that’s when they heard that vile swear word that comes up in every conversation now as a teenager
and that word makes them upset
they can’t remember why
just like their parents never understood why their child got so depressed jumping from house to house.
whiplash to the extreme.
and i can’t breathe without the creativity that connected the dots in my childish brain
and now being childish is an insult and i cross out all my experimental portraits and replace them with whatever the teenager next to me is drawing
because being original is easy to pick on.
and i didn’t want to be 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 kid.
no one wants to be 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 kid.
the canvas i once held in my hands is ashy and blackened and
its poor soul destroyed by a tiny bonfire by the woods
because no one likes when you decide you want to create the world in your image
cause it’s corrupted in everyone else’s
and they want you to suffer just like they did, to discover that innocence and ignorance are apparently now synonymous with each other and you can’t think otherwise!
what was looking at another kid’s artwork as a child?
there was only seeing that john had the color purple drawn on his paper
and sofia had the new stamps that were put up near the bulletin board.
that was all.
none of this body dysmorphic garbage.
the world isn’t beautiful as it was before on poster board and i don’t remember the last time i was truly physically and emotionally happy.
i now found the art of wanting to rip the hair out of my skull and there are times that i contemplate if i should just end it all,
but then i think back to all those years when i was younger and how big the world felt in my tiny fingers,
though i know—some tiny fingers build rocket ships, some tiny fingers get involved in cancer research to save other people from the same thing their grandparents had to battle with and lose to, some tiny fingers become doctors and nurses and good people with good hearts with hope for the restless world.
some tiny fingers might have lost the canvas and the poster board,
but they never lost sight of what world they were gonna leave an impact in,
what world they were gonna make great one day—one child with a crayon at a time.
you’re looking at my first spoken word poem i have ever written. i am so prouddsdsdddsjwj

lowkey inspired by mrs. Ribiero by Sarah Kay…

newborn Oct 2022
you know,
it’s not easy
to be a woman
with a gunshot wound
and torn wings
on her back.
it’s not easy to
love a woman
who spins
in circles
and acts
like a maniac.
it’s not simple
to exist
in the poetic
of this
era of living.
there are
shrouded with
pierced with
the tongs of their
garden rakes.
there are heads
on stakes
that never got
to stand
away from the
shadows that were
casted upon them
for no reason
but that they
were labeled
evil, and so
they thought
they were,
they believed
they were,
they knew
they were.
it’s not easy
to be a person
with an honest
heartbeat on
the drug, littered
and pest invested
it’s easy,
to go about your
day without
even processing
the torture
some souls
go through just
for their eyes
to never be opened
their hearts to never
be warmed
with the
same blaze
you set in your home
to make it feel
all cozy and aesthetic
around the
holiday season.
it’s easy
to turn a blind
eye, to deny
the vile nature
of the bones that
outline souls of all
kinds of barbaric
it’s easy to
look upon
it with a grimace,
with a dishonest
appeal to
strengthen the
crevices of
your heart that you
have to fulfill
to prove to some
entity of yourself
that you are a
kind person.
that you aren’t
selfish and
but is it working?
cause although
i see the flames
in your brownish
quite convincing eyeballs
i do see help,
i do spot the parts
of your sweet heart
in your retinas
undamaged by the
bright sun,
i do see the
lay claim on
your lips.
i see it.
i see it all.
it’s not easy
being a human
in a world where
opportunity only
comes to those
who only see
because they are
told to,
that only see what
they are told
that they can see,
and they hear
what they are
bound to hear
and so on.
it’s not easy
to crawl on
your fractured knees
and twisted ankles
in a pit of
venomous vipers.
it’s so easy
to see the crime,
the shame,
the atrocities,
and try
nothing to stop it.
it’s not easy
being a man
with gunshot wounds
in a combative
navigating his
way through
the scattered
yelps of his
who got lost
in the shadows
and never returned.
you only hear
what you want
to hear.
the truth
aches more
than shoving a
rocket ship
up your runny
nose and
for valid reasons.
don’t shut out the voices of your own children, Society.
don’t separate the stories
of those
who will end
their lives being
ignited in the same
fire, in the exact
that touched
the skin of
the silent pleading
who were never understood
of the people who
wrote a trillion words
and still weren’t heard
of the vagabonds
that were
casted out of
their villages and
wandered so far
that they lost
sight of who they
some songs
are never
some instruments
broken and never
millions of killers
victims that
never got their
some babies never
tens upon thousands
of lifetimes
some darknesses
are too violent.
some corruption
too manic.
it’s not easy
being a human
with bullet wounds
on our backs.
the shadows
of the universe
make us maniacs.
you reap
what you sow,
and you’re gonna
have to battle
millions of
angry revolutionists…
so do you want to do this
the easy way,
or the hard way?
pick your machine guns that will always run out of bullets,

we will always have our voices.
go in peace.

newborn Oct 2022
“sparkle and shine,”
one day i’ll say
to myself in the mirror
or maybe even
to a distant/immediate
the covers.
“shine and be shown,”
one day i’ll yell to
the spruce trees
whose branches
hover over
or to
the way i
look in skinny
“love the death inside of you
and keep the
life inside
of you as
strong as you can,”
one day i’ll tell my
grandchildren if i lose
my fear of giving
birth or
to somebody
of a pep talk.
“be valiant,
don’t ever be false,
for that is worse than
the most heinous
of truths
you have hiding
inside your skull,”
i’ll tell you as
we sit
the kitchen floor
in underwear
the fluor
flickering lights
eating brunch
at noon in the
and you’ll tell
me the exact
same thing
and i’ve always
been such a
“sparkle and shine,”
one day i’ll say
on the dock
by the lake house
with the really
suspicious murky
and i’ll say it
with pride to
the image
of my past
image in
the pitiless
perhaps you’ll
say it to me as well,
as the fog
opens up a
new front
in my/our
front yard
as i peep
through the
and i feel alive
and the
poetry in my
veins awakens
to the beat of
the ripened heat.
and i’ll shine like
the sun,
just can you be
my spotlight if
my light suddenly
can you?
can you, please?
mm, i want to be nicer to myself

Oct 2022 · 8
newborn Oct 2022
i can’t seem to write poetry deep and soft and emotive. i can’t seem to do anything with my splintered hands and my lazy blue eyes.
i can’t find the beauty
in words;
no one reads my words to find the beauty in them as well.
i can’t seem to recite poetry off my tongue and into
my brain cavities when
i sleep with my lulled anxiety. i don’t understand how
life can be beautiful from in these cell blocks.
you can’t read poetry in vacant reveries
with deadbeats and
coffee and midnight mental breakdowns.
i can’t find poetry in my bones embedded deep beyond
my unfamiliarity.
you can’t find poetry
in centuries of instinct
or in your skinned knee; unless you see words in forms that people don’t know and can’t comprehend, therefore i am assuming you, as the reader, can’t
find poetry in the worst types of things because i have before,
so what
am i even rambling about anymore?
maybe poetry can’t even
be found
in the bones,
it’s in the soul.
no one reads my poetry and i feel unmotivated. 10/4/22
newborn Oct 2022
if i hated myself even more i wouldn’t be here

if i appreciated myself i would be a different color, writing better poetry, living the life i should be leading

every part of me is shattered, but it wouldn’t be if i actually glanced into the mirror and saw a girl who could measure up

there’s something wrong about me speaking my mind
but there’s no respectable reason why
  —i hate myself, but i never hated you

if i appreciated myself, i would be in love with the blood in my veins, the sunburns on my face,
the flood waters i emerged from in my dismissible past,
the skin color i was born with

but your mind can hold your body hostage

your mind is more powerful than the words of affirmations you utter by your bedside mirror

i hate myself
self hatred

am i the only one who feels hurt by that?

Sep 2022 · 24
newborn Sep 2022
her ghost can be seen in his dimly lit blue eyes
her past love drowning inside his infected brain
his purpose strangled him, snapped his neck into pieces on the stained carpet
her voice can be heard in the quietest of cathedrals
but he wouldn’t dare enter such a guileless building with such a guileless soul as hers
that’s so tragic, da heck

Sep 2022 · 30
advice for people like me
newborn Sep 2022
don’t waste your time trying to impress someone with higher status or nicer clothes or a prettier face.
they won’t acknowledge you anyway.

stop wasting your time, hung up on love that you crave.
being in high school and never having a boyfriend is totally ok.
you aren’t unlikeable just because you’re single, i can promise you that.
crush culture will make you wanna spill your guts out.

don’t make people your villains just because you envy them and their skeletal structure.

i know it feels as if you’re bathing in a hot spring filled with inexorable anxiety
and i know you wanna escape more than anything else in the entire universe.
this is just a moment.
you have the entire rest of a lifetime for yourself.
just stay strong.

don’t worry about what others think about you.
the only approval you should be seeking is your own; everyone else’s is irrelevant.
who cares if they judge you for such a trivial matter?
they don’t know the real you and if they did, they wouldn’t even look at you funny ever again.

i know you think that you’re not worth it for some reason
but you are worth every laugh shared and every contagious smile,
you are worth the space you occupy in other peoples’ minds.
you might not be brightest star, but you can keep shining.
you don’t have to be a prodigy at everything.
you’re good at things,
you’re talented,
you’re able.

you don’t need to be spotted in crowds.
if you want to remain invisible to the naked eye, go right ahead.
i promise no one is stopping you from keeping your distance.

you don’t have to be loud and crave to be seen to matter in this world.

times can feel like asteroids hitting your planet (and a war threatening it)
summer goes and winter comes and flowers bloom and then go dull.
people are just like seasons;
you don’t need to be happy all the time.

but who knows?
you’ll grow into a fine young lady/man
and no one will know what struggles taunted you when you were in eleventh grade.
no one thought that neptune had rings when they were there all along;
they were just invisible.

—see, even invisible things can be seen if you capture them with the right camera
my physics teacher told me about the new photo of Neptune’s rings and the concept was too cool to miss out on.

*this is advice for those who have social anxiety and those who don’t feel like they are good at anything or like they belong anywhere. it’s ok to be quiet. it’s ok. you are a beautiful existence :)

  *also, also, i used one of conan gray’s lines from his song crush culture. the third paragraph is not my words!

  *also, also, also, written on 9/22/22
Sep 2022 · 14
newborn Sep 2022
she is allowing her tears to fall again
after the day’s work of dying
she knows she is alone in this agony
she can’t ask anyone for help;
they won’t help
they just brush it off
and call her selfish
and she’s not.
i can assure you that.
her heart stings from the pressure she feels.
her pulse speeds up
and she stops breathing again.
it won’t come to a close
and she wishes and wishes it just could.  
cause her pain isn’t measurable,
it isn’t some simple math equation.
she can’t calculate why she’s feeling worthless.
she was almost a prodigy, but someone else took her place.
he’s got everyone laughing and he can start a conversation within two seconds of meeting someone new.
he takes initiative, solving problems right and left.
why can’t that be her?
she can’t do anything best.
what’s to trying?
she still won’t be able to breathe
why do i feel the need to open my mouth? 9/21/22
Sep 2022 · 14
newborn Sep 2022
i could never touch anyone with holy hands
with sacred blood dripping onto my feet

i could touch someone with hateful hands though
these tortured hands that i never chose in the first place

some say God isn’t real
but i see, hear, smell, feel Him EVERYWHERE,
EVERYWHERE He walks, every path His holy feet tread

He didn’t give me holy hands
but He gifted me a holy heart
a heart that loves every little inconsistency in humanity’s despair-filled eyes
and maybe i don’t like myself too much
but that’s because my heart is too holy
to brave my ugly touch

good souls live on, but so do bad ones
death lives on and life dies

my unholy hands will never be able to strip death from my skin
not even my holy heart could conjure up enough power to defeat such a tough barrier
   but maybe if i tried to find death, she wouldn’t want me to discover her

the buzz in my ear settles when i step foot in the garden i cultivated
out of my love for tranquility
i trace the water with my ***** fingers
and i replenish the desperate and diffident soul inside of me
clearing the scabs i collected from the hail storm
the rain never comes after
the clouds just stay dark, hovering around me
the clearing in the forest is just from demolition sites
the unholy hands of stone cold zombies chopped down these evergreen trees
holy hands could never do such a barbaric thing

some still say God isn’t real
but how can He not be
when i see Him in the wind, in the whispering creek, in the mountainsides, in the gold mines, in my mind, in the garden i cultivated myself with my two impious hands?

how can He not be real
when i hear Him in the silence, in the ruckus, in the schoolyard, in the pigeons flying across the city scapes, in my sister’s voice, in waterfalls, in “i love your outfit” compliments?

how can He not be real
when i have a holy heart?
who gave me these ventricles
these blood vessels, if not Him?
who gave me this haven, this place for my fears to be put to rest?
who sheltered my body when i was a complete mess, if not Him?
who never struck down on innocent men
but taught them how to enter the place of rest to inhabit for when their bodies are too frail?
how can He not be real?
you tell me

my holy heart will never shatter, will never be stomped on
by a bitter boy with blue eyes and a bad bearing
his fiendish hands shriek with iron vines cast upon his knuckles
in desperation, in trepidation, in complete and utter fear
i wish i could heal him with the touch of my hands
but they are unholy
and they aren’t worthy

i can place him in my garden, feeling God in every breeze that whooshes across the lawn
he’s asking, “why does this place feel so familiar?”

“i’m not sure,” i mumble as i clutch my chest, feeling my holy heart beat warmly for the first time in the longest time.
yeah…i’m proud of this hehe

Sep 2022 · 11
all i want
newborn Sep 2022
i perished with the weak and old.
i came along the foreboding road.
i sold my demons away for a ripe price.
i lost twelve hours of sleep that night.
i drive my feet into the sand.
and curse this bloodthirsty land.
cause what i wanted wasn’t mine
and what i worked for made me cry.
so i stand here aching, awakening my mind.
cause what i wanted wasn’t mine
haha what am i? people said they loved my outfit all day and i’m just so happy right now, it’s strange. 9/16/22
newborn Sep 2022
i lost my ticket to get on your train
and i witnessed you wave from the caboose; you didn’t even try to get off.

i don’t believe in love or maintaining childhood friendships
i believe in falling short and purposeful abandonment.

you talk to my sister, but not me
what am i supposed to do about that?
it’s my fault i know;
i didn’t acknowledge your presence
i’m so pitiful.

i could throw you a million apologies
i wouldn’t be angry if you wouldn’t forgive me
maybe sometimes in the hallway, you get a bittersweet taste in your mouth when we lock eyes
and you regret the missed time we could’ve spent together
at football games, in history class, in health class
and i regret that too;
in this particular universe.

you drive and i’m terrified to get my permit
i don’t wanna accidentally ****** someone or myself in a car crash
you had a boy best friend in the front seat
and now i’m entirely numb and empty
what have i come to?

yes, i came home and wallowed in a puddle of my own forlorn tears
i can’t do anything else but sob

it’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault
i am to blame, you could’ve told me “hi”
but i am not gonna blame this tumbling storyline on you
you like this school environment better than me
and i completely understand your reasons
again, it’s my fault and i stripped away my own dignity.

i am more numb than morphine could ever make me

i plagued this earth until it became a wasteland
and now i am cursing the vultures that only want to pick up scraps they can’t find here

why oh why does it have to be me destined to shoo them away?
i cried. i hate myself.

newborn Sep 2022
i have tried living in a world where the only thing that matters is your looks
and no one cares if you’re too ****** or not as long as you’re drop dead gorgeous
i don’t wanna inhabit this shallow realm

if we all had blobs for faces, i wouldn’t constantly compare myself to all the other life forms that coexist on this earth

perhaps there’s another (better) earth out there,
i just need to look harder
i am actually hideous

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