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Oct 2020 · 1.8k
Mga Pisces at Paa
Krysha Oct 2020
Labimpito ako nang unang matutunan
ang kaliitan ng pag-ibig.
Madalas hindi ito bulalakaw sa dibdib,
bumubulusok at rumaragasa.
Hindi paputok o dinamitang pailaw
sa dilim ng kagabihan ng pusong isa.
Hindi isang maringal na pagtatapat
ng katipan. Hindi isang pangako ng
isang libong bukas sa oras ng ngayon.
Hindi mga bibig na tumatapos ng
pangungusap ng isa.
Hindi mga katawan na lumulutang.
Labimpito ako nang magkaroon
ng aso sa bahay.
Labimpito rin nang magsimulang
maglagay ng tisyu
tuwing naggugupit ng mga kuko
dahil sa takot na masaludsod ang tuta
kapag hinayaang tumalsik ang mga putol
na kuko sa kung saang sulok ng silid.
Minsa'y pag-ibig ay tahimik sa gilid.
Dec 2019 · 648
youre my achilles heel
Krysha Dec 2019
It was the arrangement of the stars
As i was brought in here
Sun in pisces
Oh, was it my fault 
I saw it end before it even began
i was saving two ends from tying knot
From damaged knits and sorrow
I felt it like you sense a coming
Tragedy or a storm
On a bright day in warm arms
I felt it in rushing heartbeats 
And in withdrawing tongues
That self-realization is on your front door
And later that night your
Atoms will soon be weary of mine
Must i be mad and blame 
That cosmic movement for
This piscean intuition
Must i be mad for i had not
Felt love as it was
For this heart was already in 
The crashing end, ready to free you
When you so willingly still 
wanted to be held
Had i not, Youd be the one 
to let loose while i was still in 
the comfort of your arms 
and id be the one to beg
Love me and my misery, again
But i dont intend to shame myself
On a bright day in warm arms
I saved two hearts from crashing
i wish that youre still in the same place that i am. Yung lugar na nanghihinayang, lugar na namimiss ka pa rin. Sana bumalik sa dati. Sana ako parin.
Sep 2018 · 482
My Insignificance
Krysha Sep 2018
We are nothing but
A passing thought in the mind
of the universe
like a child’s dream at night
that comes only to die at dawn
My teacher in Creative Writing asked us to write a tanka and i feel like sharing it, so here it is. :)
Jan 2018 · 464
Change of heart
Krysha Jan 2018
Its feeling the undying urge in your system
And be unable to do anything
Know nothing about taming
Ignoring the awakening
Disregarding the thrills and the tingling
How do you cling to springtime dreams
If it now feels like delusional thinking

It's the sense of being lost
In the cabins of the found
the scent of uncertainty
in the lodges of the doubters
the aroma of confusion
In the quarters of the sure
How do we grow to like something
And grow later in life to hate it
Jun 2017 · 587
Shrink Again
Krysha Jun 2017
How can we dream by staying awake?
How can we get lost without being lost?
How can we keep a secret without keeping it?
How do we keep a dream burning?

All get lost but only some get to wander
We cannot keep a secret by telling someone
Just like how we cannot keep a dream burning
by being a living waterfall
"Then you grow older and that innocence is shattered and somewhere along the way the reality of life gets in the way and you're hit by the realization you cant be all you wanted to be, you just might have need to settle for a little bit less" this is a line from the book love, Rosie and it's just a perfect quote like it's an explanation for my poem. There are dreams that are meant to stay as dreams and nothing else.
Apr 2017 · 582
Do i belong
Krysha Apr 2017
Towering buildings, 2-seater cars, Fancy things
A day in the city, a day in the real jungle
Uneasiness' drawn by my face
Where's my game-face on?
Feb 2017 · 964
Lost Star
Krysha Feb 2017
People, most of the times ask me why I always write about the stars and moon and other related creations.  I too do not know why. Maybe because there’s something in their luminance that makes me feel nostalgic. Or simply because of the way they shine out there, giving a little light in our world and in the world beyond ours. Or maybe because it reminded me so much of something or someone. You’re the head turner kind of person, the kind who cannot go to school without his homework being done. The kind who’s great at everything. The kind who I never noticed thinking they’d stay. And then one day you stopped caring and I started noticing. I looked for you everywhere and finally found you in the pedestrian lane waiting for the red light to turn green, waiting for the things stopping you from doing everything you love to let go of you. Waiting for it to give you a go sign. There I saw at the rainy night of October how your eyes twinkle. I smiled at you and the stoplight turned green and you started walking towards my direction. You stopped right in front of me and smiled back. Then started walking again meter by meter until it became kilometer and I lost sight of you. I almost mistaken your eyes as stars. But even the stars are such an insult for those eyes. Darling, I’m sorry for not appreciating your brightness in the daylight. Now I know, you are the reason why I always write about them, the stars, the moon and the sun. They could never sum up to your brightness but they’re the least thing that could be compared to you. Teachers always tell us not to look at the sun directly because it can blind us. That was what happened I became blind to everything you do for me for you were too close, too shiny, too bright and too much so when you started drifting away that’s when I knew. Darling it’s so much more beautiful to look at you from afar even if it pains me to see you shine for someone else.

When you asked me why I never said yes here's why youre just too much, i couldnt handle
Jan 2017 · 4.6k
The Moon and the Earth
Krysha Jan 2017
"In all the celestial bodies out there whose love story is your favorite?" She asks him.

He looks at her with curiosity, urging her to continue talking.

"Mine is the earth and the moon and I think yours is the sun and the earth. I just think it's amazing for the moon to stay in the Earth's orbit despite being just an extended light. The only thing that keeps the moon holding on is the mutual gravitational attraction. And if that's gone the moon will probably fall and break. It's a one sided love not much of a love story but for the moon it is. The moon is so strong for it to stay knowing she's just a cheaper version of something, knowing she gives the earth light only when the sun is out."

"Why do I feel like the moon envies the sun?" He chuckled and as he continues to speak the facade of his face now turning more serious.

"Don't you think it's the sun who should be envious? For it's the moon who's more in control of the earth. Tides are caused by the moon and the sun, but it has always been more influenced by the moon for it is much closer. The moon has more influenced to whatever the earth feels if it's high or low, it all depends on her."

She does not know how to respond to his surprising reply but she finally says,

"But the moon just confuses the Earth."

"How could you possibly know are you "Earth"?"


"But i know for I am the moon and I wish that mutual gravitational attraction will never be gone just so no matter how far you wander you will always end up in my arms, because I will always be here" she thought to herself but instead of saying it out loud she just smiled and pointed out the kid who just fell and suddenly it was just another day.

Dec 2016 · 493
Sometimes Words are Enough
Krysha Dec 2016
No matter how much they’ve warned me, no matter how many precautions shouted right at my face, no matter how foolish it is, I took the bait knowing all the danger it brings. People always say words are useless, to never believe in them, that words are just words after all. They say it is so foolish of us to believe in something that has no certainty if it’s real or not, if it was done or not or if it will be done or not. “Do not trust words trust actions” something that always pops up in google whenever you search “quotes” there are people out there who never heard “You are beautiful” There are people who never heard of people telling them they admire them. And then one day someone would come and tell all the beautiful words they would love to hear. And that is not foolish, it is not foolish for someone to believe in something that has once brought them happiness. What can you do when the words you’ve failed to hear was said by an unexpected someone. All you can do is to believe not minding if it’s real or not, if it was really done or not or if it will be done or not. It is alright to believe in something without proof and certainty. You are not foolish nor dumb. You took the bait just like I did the first time. It will be alright I promise you because if you believe the first time and failed you’ll know what to do the second time around. *Sometimes words are enough. Sometimes it doesn’t need to be proven at all because words are enough to keep you sane and insane at the same time.
Dec 2016 · 651
Pen Paper Ink
Krysha Dec 2016
I found an empty room in you
Something i never found in everything else
All i got from them is a room
Filled with people pulling each other on the way up

Being there kind of set me free
Like a bird's first time flying
And like a child's first time walking
We all wandered and flew and soared

Did things i never thought I could
Like having the world in my hand
Seeing what my heart contains
And my love in a piece of paper

I'am a scientist, a doctor and a geologist
I'am everything, I could be everything
No one tells me what I should be
I could be a coward and still not be judged

I found the whole world in you
I felt his love in you
And it's kind of everything
Slowly I forgot my way out

It's so calm and serene
away from the chaos
Away from the pollution
away from him

Seeing nothing doesnt mean empty
Im wrong its not empty at all
It was filled with things i could not see
But Im certain it's love

Writing is the best way to cope up with stress or anxiety. Do not let yourself be drowned and get up in that freaking water. Write if you must, write if you can and write if you want to. If no one else appreciates your story share it to do the world instead. You are never alone, always remember
Dec 2016 · 2.2k
Krysha Dec 2016
The people i love the most are those whose definition of beautiful is opposite from the society's and does not care

One who calls people beautiful despite wearing eyeglasses, being small, having short hair, being dark skinned and being ugly.

You, who call me beautiful despite the absence of physical beauty.
Dec 2016 · 648
How it was like
Krysha Dec 2016
I was sailing through the vast ocean
no waves, very calm, very serene
it almost felt unreal, like an artificial beach
fake but still lovable

i paddled through and through
slowly i saw the trees disappear from the seashore
i was in the middle of nowhere
with only certainty left is "Im in the ocean"

clouds got darker and darker
thunder and lightning coming on the way
even the sun's ashamed to shine
and waves bigger and higher than ever

you see things were fine and smooth
until i felt the urge to explore the every detail of it
traveling the farthest the ocean could give
this is how it's like to love you

we were metal strong enough but rusted
things got rough, and hearts became so fragile
i was left with nothing
only left to hold on to your "I love you"

things got tangled up
seen things I've never expected
loving was turned to hurting
and hurting became a medicine

I got curious about you that I went close to you
only to find myself losing in inside you
i thought you'll be my getaway
but you're my the one that got away instead

— The End —