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Loudly it sounded,
The horns message clear,
The gods had been warned,
The giants were near.

From Jotunheim to Midgard
To Asgard they came,
Their intent was clear,
Their purpose the same.

Loudly they shouted,
They yelled, and they raged,
The gods and the giants
Were battle engaged.

Thor with his hammer
and Vidar with shoe,
One would think battle
Was all that they knew.

Tyr with one hand
And Frey with no sword,
They should have stayed back,
But of their own accord

Into battle they leapt,
Into battle they ran,
Against the giants
To make their stand.

The moon and the sun,
Luna and Sol,
Went into the bellies
of Hati and Skoll.

Tidal waves crashed
all over the world,
Out of the oceans came
The serpent of Midgard.

Thor ran at the beast,
The great Fenrir Wolf,
But he was soon
In snakes coils engulfed.

Thor pounded away,
He hammered the snake,
But he did no damage,
No dent did he make.

The great Fenrir Wolf
Rushed at Odin,
The god stabbed with his spear,
But the great wolf did win.

Vidar rushed at the beast
With his big heavy shoe,
Kicked in the jaw,
The Fenrir Wolf flew

Away from the battle,
away from the fray,
In the depths of space
The Fenrir Wolf stays.

The gods and the giants,
The battle they fought,
And in the end
it was all for naught.

They destroyed each other,
Each and every one,
And out of the darkness
Came a new sun.

In the sun’s warmth,
A great green was spread,
The great land had died,
And was back from the dead.

Two gods were left,
The young sons of Thor,
They were spared because
they were good and pure.

The gods met with two humans
Who had lived through the strife,
And together they planned
a new and better life.

And for this reason,
The Norse people say,
The gods stay in Asgard
To this very day.

But if in the future
The giants attack,
The gods will come to Midgard,
And they will attack.
i read some Norse mythology, and turned it into a poem.  this was written a while ago.
EmVidar Apr 2019
I don't know if it's because
we stopped caring about the truth
or if
we never told it in the first place

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EmVidar Oct 2022
I must have loved you
at one point
These lingering emotions must have been created
to fill the void left
from the absence of love

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EmVidar Aug 2022
I've forgotten you
the only way I can
You no longer have a face
Your laugh no longer a sound I hear  
Songs are skipped
instead of played on repeat
I can't remember if your eyes were blue
maybe green? were they brown
Instead you are a name
replaced with neutral terms
A memory for stories
that exist only because you had
at one point

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EmVidar Feb 2022
Always some truth
in the words we say,
even in the lies
you've accused me
of saying

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EmVidar Apr 2022
our time always
was better spent

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EmVidar Jan 2022
Its always the same
A quiet tug at the back of my skull
begging me to stay awake

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EmVidar Feb 2022
5 years
since I became someone
you don't recognize

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EmVidar Jan 2022
And I only miss a memory of you
I can't remember your face
or the way you laughed
and the scars you left
have begun to fade

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EmVidar Feb 2022
Time to say goodbye
before I'm dragged under
on last time

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EmVidar Jan 2022
I still write to you
no longer for you
but it's a habit
I can't seem to quit

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EmVidar Apr 2022
For each new promise made
we broke the one before

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EmVidar Aug 2019
It was always cruel
and twisted
It was the part of love
you should live without

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EmVidar Jan 2022
Were you ever sorry?

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EmVidar Feb 2022
You've left me
to find words
to fill
your empty beats

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EmVidar Jan 2022
Dandelion girl
they think
you are easy to throw off balance
without realizing
their useless words
create the wind
necessary for you
to bloom again

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I don't know
why I apologize
for everything
loving you

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you deserve better. I hope you find the love you desire
EmVidar Jan 2022
How do I leave?
When my mind screams
for me to run  
my heart convinces me
each time we've parted
you may have learned something
and be the person I want you to be...
not the person
you really are...

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I was too tall yesterday
Too loud today
Too hollow tomorrow
Not enough the next

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EmVidar Apr 2022
always feels like
the end

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EmVidar Feb 2022
She became a nightmare
dipped in gold
loved the wrong man
hoping to be everything he dreamed
without realizing
it had eroded all of hers

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EmVidar Jan 2022
I live past midnight
when the world is quiet
my loud thoughts
can finally seep out

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EmVidar Jan 2022
Our type of poison
has run its course
the fallout hitting quicker
than the high

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EmVidar Apr 2019
Do you know
I like myself a little less
every time I meet you

Do you know
I hide so much of me
every time I talk to you

Do you know
I hate you a little more
every time I see you

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EmVidar Aug 2019
since we've talked
since you picked him
since my bones have healed
since I learned to love myself
since I left you
since you called me a liar
since I lost the person
I thought I'd love forever

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I wonder if you've ever missed me
EmVidar Aug 2019
I'm sorry to all the words
we did not say
and I'm sorry to you
for saying all the useless ones
that we did

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happy birthday to you, I hope you find a love you want to hang on to
EmVidar Mar 2022
For the times I cannot love myself
Love me quietly
For when the silences are too loud
Love me peacefully
For when sleeps avoids us
Love me calmly
For when we weather the storms
Love me greatly
So the oceans feel like lakes
Love me deeply
So when I drown,
it's only in you

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I wonder if I ever
crossed your mind
seeing as you've crossed mine
a hundred times

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EmVidar Mar 2019
How did Shakespeare get it so wrong?
Love was not in sonnets
But in smaller moments
Written for deaf ears.

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unconventional love series. a series to reflect the stages of growth and development
EmVidar Feb 2022
How do I pull myself out
when I am buried
6ft under

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EmVidar Sep 2019
It wasn't from
lack of love
or trying
just us pretending
for too long
to be
what the other

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EmVidar Aug 2022
When did it stop being
what I thought it was,
No distinction between the two,
It just was
and now isn't
I've only now realized
what it is
is not what it was

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EmVidar May 2022
I listen to those songs
you hate
the ones where the words make no sense
but the meanings
you feel

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EmVidar May 2020
of the things
you used to say
but you're gone now
so why did the fear stay

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EmVidar Mar 2019
My finger nail polish lasted longer
Than any relationship
One can claim
To have had

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part of the unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
I know you never liked poetry
that it wasn't worth your
precious time
but I have to thank you for that
because it gave me the freedom
to say how much I ******* hate you
and it helped me
with my escape
from you
and honestly
I'm ******* glad you hate poetry

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I hope the comfort in your shallow world was worth it
EmVidar Mar 2019
She thanked me
for teaching her
to love herself again
when the only reason
I loved myself
was because of her

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to my friend, I hope you remember what you mean to me
EmVidar Apr 2019
It's funny
how I was waiting for the perfect moment
And all you had to do
was ask
for me
to tell you

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to the boy, who stopped seeing me as a person
EmVidar Apr 2019
I can't write anymore
because when I talk about them
I think of you
and it goes back
to when I was lost
in my own skin

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EmVidar Sep 2019
I'm trying
to understand
why I still care
when I know that
I had to leave
we'd have drowned

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I am not beautiful nor important enough
For you to notice me
So how come it seemed like you smiled
At me?

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series of unconventional love
EmVidar Mar 2019
Because I am me
And you are you
And that
Seems to be enough

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part of unconventional love collection

— The End —