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There is no prize to perfection,
No crown for its endless direction.
Only the stillness, cold and mute,
Of a dream that halts in its pursuit.

The edge of longing, sharp and thin,
Cuts deeper than the goal within.
For what is gained when all is won,
If the chase extinguishes the sun?

Perfection lies in things undone,
In breaths that falter, threads unspun.
For life is richer, raw, unplanned,
A fleeting touch, a trembling hand.

There is no need for flawless art,
But space to mend the human heart.
No prize awaits, no grand pursuit—
Only life’s quiet, imperfect truth.
The pursuit of perfection often blinds us to the beauty of imperfection. Life's essence is found in its unpredictability, its flaws, and its raw authenticity. There is no grand reward at the end of perfection's road, only the quiet realization that the journey itself holds the meaning we seek.
Lucy Ryan Jun 2015
girls with guard dogs at spike-heeled feet
lips to kiss fire, still semi-sweet

dirt black coffee on a fine tipped tongue
and spiderwebs only half unspun

dead roses in flowercrowns and tangled thorns
and white bedsheets, handcuffs, lingerie unworn

tempest springtime to summer’s rest
and flowers of lovers laid on deathbeds
RyanMJenkins Feb 2017
Words. Work.
Getting old. ***** shirt.  
Exhaustion remains after washing away stains from dirt.  
Lower back hurts,
..but this mindstate is not where I'll stay.  
Meaningless pay spending my hours when I just want to create and play.  
Heavy body, cat nap after embers hit the ashtray.  Astral stray.  
The most nutritious are sometimes the first to decay.  
Get up just to lay.  
Easy to see darkness when there's no heart in the frame..  

So I'll adjust how I see, and remember to breathe,
because all of life comes to us with ease.  
Gonna physically release just to come back and share my dream
Yes yes, nothing less.  
Do what you love
is all I can confess.  
Limited time, I see that we're blessed
Hope to make the most of mine,
before in peace we rest

Death sentence. Moral Repentance.
In the age of remembrance blinded by pyrotechnics.  
Embody the calisthenics and honor further than aesthetics.  
Depths beyond measurement kissing anti-venom lips.  
Tethered to the weather within our steady blissful trips.  
The clock can tick all it wants but the hands are losing their grip.  Proving nothing to be more beautiful than this present-tense eclipse
Intuition is our intangible compass
Creating a compassionate instance that can't be diminished
I am hear forever to play with the trinkets and parade those that listen
Love is all encompassing, not just a mission
Thoughts come to fruition
Extending what you envision
The Synapse fires like a piston
What you've done indicates your current position.  
Think now my friend.
 You are the sun shining at the podium speaking at the perceived end.  
You are the sum dictating everything yet to come.  
Thank you for praising the vibration connected to one.  
Take a deep breath, smile, and have fun.  
This strong web we've achieved can never be unspun.
Reflect your true self and know we've only just begun~
Sjr1000 Nov 2016
The glory of nature
in all of its transformations
the dawning of consciousness
the surrender of love
the struggle for survival
the dance between
the  light and darkness

The meteor shower
the child's first step
the child's first smile
the cocoon unspun
the spider's daily web
the many mornings
come and gone

This observer of
what is and what is not
consumed with awe

Melting solids
to dust
liquid to vapors
riding life's lightening
thunder's laughter

From oppression to freedom
From slumber to wisdom

The glory of all nature
instantaneous and gone
the ink on the page
the sun gone nova
the event horizon
random particles
converge into being
dissipate and defuse
from movement to entropy
ashes to ashes
stardust to stardust

The poet ever singing
the glory of transformations.
When I was sent up
on an escalator made of neon lights
I was rapidly unaware of the plunge.
Cut from the bottom of this cup that,
when filled to the brim,
resembles Christmas in Tokyo.
If ever I looked up for plasma Christ
and only felt envy
I will go on to comb the earth
for all the unspun sugar that has settled
down here with me.
Explosive notions teetering on the precipice of my palate
over the edge of the antarctic,
the south pole.
Like a trampoline built over hypothermia and bad vibes
or playing chutes and ladders alone
with limited intermissions for drugs
and the dead.
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Looking in not out,
  the picture cleared

Problems solved,
  both far and near

Motion closed,
  entropic sum

Space inflated
  —time unspun

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Atypnoc Mar 2015
I'm unsure, he's unaware
While still reassuring repair
to cure eyes sore by keen compare
with pure spots blinded in the stare.

Sweet allure within despair
shy and demure, polite and fair
enduring subtle not to scare
For what lie low, cannot prepare
poor but buy woe and bought to share
swore what I know I thought was there
door shut pry so as not ensnare
More room to grow we sought somewhere
the sun would care
for none were rare
to run unspun
bury what's done
no nightmare dare
we won't bear
where cared by for the sun.
Jonathan Witte Sep 2016

*******, the blues
were running, the scrum
of seagulls a white cloud
of chaos above the waves.
The water churned and chopped,
teeming with small fish
devoured by bigger fish
ravished by the sharp-toothed bluefish—
all of them darting frenzied toward shore.

And my father screaming
for someone to, quick,
grab the fishing poles
for God’s sake.

My little sister
in her yellow
bathing suit
would not wait
for the poles.
She yanked fish after fish
from the boiling surf
with her small hands,
screaming in delight and victory.
She ran up and down
the beach, between
colorful umbrellas,
pausing only to toss
another writhing body
onto hot sand:
a wild child flinging
silver-scaled sacrifices
to stoic, multicolored gods.

We ate smoked bluefish for weeks.


Remember sitting in our first apartment
watching the snow beyond the windows,
listening to records and drinking seven-dollar
bottles of Malbec from juice glasses on the futon,
the narrow hallway strung with Christmas lights
illuminating thrift store paint-by-numbers?
Billie Holiday was singing “Lady Sings the Blues,”
her voice like a lady’s shoe, worn-in, refined.

I remember pondering the present
I would give you a few days later
in Ashtabula on Christmas Eve,
neatly wrapped and hidden under
the bungalow’s sagging eaves
(more vinyl, a Coltrane/Hartman reissue).
The snow would be falling in Ohio too;
your grandparent’s house filled with the smell
of Scottish shortbread and the sound of daytime TV.
When your grandfather died a few years later,
we listened to Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again”
at the service—your grandmother crying in black.

But what I remember most about that night
was later in bed, the snow subsiding,
the radiators clanking with warmth,
the Christmas lights casting colors on the wall,
your finger tracing songs across my back:
the stylus gliding to center, making me spin.


300 milligrams of Wellbutrin,
orange pills arranged in my palm
like hallucinatory ellipses, swallowed
to see where the last sentence will lead.
A bleak prescription: pain has a syntax;
grief, a simple grammar.
A land of blue shadows. An ocean of glass.

But that was years ago now, thank God.
I wrote poetry like crazy then,
on a word processor with a screen
the size of a paperback novel.

I smoked. Skipped class. Slept 17 hours at a time.
I scoured the dictionary for recondite words,
turning sesquipedalian over and over
in my mind, each syllable a sedative.
Like Rilke’s panther, I paced in cramped circles
around a paralyzed center, my winter boots
tracking mud along the brightly lit corridor
that led to the psychologist’s office.

One night I crashed
at my aunt and uncle’s
place in the foothills
and woke up alone with
a sense that the room, the house, maybe
the whole **** world was shuddering,
coming unmoored.
I retrieved my uncle’s .357 magnum
and tiptoed from room to room brandishing
an unloaded firearm in my boxer shorts.
The only sound, diffuse in the darkness,
was the gurgle of the fish tank filter.
I cocked the hammer, watching lionfish
swim in vibrant, agitated circles.
Next morning, I read the newspaper
and chuckled, having never felt
an earthquake before.

With a shock, I think back
to the Thanksgiving break
when I flew home from college
for the first time: the vertiginous
sensation of floating thousands of feet
above the Wasatch range, the mountains’
blue shadows and blinding snow
disorienting, my heart an unspun
compass incapable of pointing true.
The plane’s engines roared in ascent.

Decades later, I’ve landed:
married, with three children,
we drive across the country
in our minivan with the moonroof open,
howling out Tom Waits songs in unison.
Our moments together are conjoined
like tender marks of punctuation—
commas, semicolons, colons:
when the wind washes over us,
it whispers
and, and, and, and, and....
Micheal Wolf Oct 2012
I guess the image I had was corrupted I never mentioned filibusted. A seething whit I couldn't match from a advisory who met her match. The prose the verse it all unspun to show what really was undone. So ****** off the parson said and go home to your Steele bed or find a den that warms you more and forget the pain that came before.
Connor Oct 2017

-dulcimer clatter opens the sun, first fruit-

timber fathoms/crystal veils
on all steps, crossing all human borders

untethering wood
from forest, until only the green element remains
to purify the soul

   an alpine afterimage, shadow-display
(creature of Earth, moss-backed & yowling thru the chaotic sleep
of October, you see it's symbology in your tea, sharpening its
obsidian hands against the seastones,
imprinting loveliness into the rock, to be worn by tides,
replaced by death absolute)

The fabled Black Horse (shadow-self) waiting solitary at a
gas station, an imprisoned dreamer inside
its gaping jaw/saturnine, coldness
of daybreak, clouds at their Atelier, my head
feels a pressure, been awake too long,
breathing in through the nose/out through
mouth, monastery of the mind in need of clearing.


embrace, catharsis, collision of
two individual energies
pent-up and cast/release
like a skeleton net::onfire
(kissed, consumed
elated, recurrance)

closeted eternities
cycling back into the
wind (hanging willow)
calling to the seeker, gold,
purification & lightness/mouthcurl washed in silence
(your own body, rising tide)

welcomed crucible of chilling air
& my black and
white vessel,
  electricity spirit-
        “valley swimmer, elude me”


…. The widewaking world
                            theatric elucidation,
emergence of a great snake
a wisened flower, sprouted from exile

blissful rejuvination of
the ivory leaves, at once!

I wrap my throat in a Munich scarf
   walking upon the softness of
Grötzingen (angel's eyes speaking)
an orchard, where the last gardener's tireless
work lay like a dreaming ossuary
Micah Rion Jul 2015
For breakfast, I brought my self-loathing undisguised by bruised, hollow eyes and disquieted moaning,
all crunched up into the contours of your hard edges,
like thin-veined broken and browned, misused leaves orphaned from its parent.

My desperate limbs always reaching, wretched, to shoddy fill into the gaps that your self-confidence casual posture had formed on the floor;
empty-air spaces and pervasive shadow caverns I have claimed without verbal invite, promise or asylum.
No self-confidence to speak from, anguish and primal, seeking shelter;
pain entwined with pain making easy comfort in forgetting.

A soul disquieted;
there are pieces stripped straight down, pinned together in different places, unspun and uneven smears of paste that don't ease closed the obvious imperfections.
A harmful machination unexplained, fitted negligently back together,
the design with no catalyst to begin, untended and purposefully without purpose.
No comprehensible enrichment, selfish perversity plodding culmination,
almost complete.
Build, re-build; conspiracy laced with nonchalance; twisted person alchemy.

Any or Each of Many becoming
the godhead of a shallow, malcontented deception,
rudiment contortions to mangle, punish, ruin
an altruistic heart; a beaten wooden phoenix shaped from past wrongdoings and misery.
More burning away, combustion of reclaiming, bones and sinew steeped in the truth of the universe.

Unjustified and never the differentiation my heart once blamed, not good nor bad.
We, two souls alike in circumstance, circumference, cylindrical,
watching the world make more of us, clutching bird-like shoulders merged through a pale waning.
Existent time-limited victims of disappointed alliances,
made in the land entrenched in the business of making monsters who make monsters.
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2018
See, once many moons ago,
by a single solit'ry sun,
I met a cat nominated Liam,
and above him was his thumb,

Twas a good thumb,
twas the best thumb,
unspun the skin cells were silkest
and yet, when reassembled,
not that ilk. It's (Whaaaaaat?)

She was a tough and callous blemish
that he'd relish, totally cherish
'till he'd perish, (not embellished
tales true, but tails lie)

and Lasquisha for all her balance
and her posture
all her talents
Gideon knot who'll accost ya, with her roster's
Fox'd-ya-got-cha talons

This Liam was a good old cat
a tabby cat, not big and black,
but orange, mangy, super slack
deranged, estranged and caged in slack

with slipper feet, and coddled back,
he sat in chair that lazy sack
and when the doorbell called his track
he shirked the effort needed, whack!

Lashquisha, see, she was another
met our cat before this brother
Set her sights on not a smother
but, acknowledged rites of other.

So lashquisha with her sight so true
and thumb eluding tyrants skew
so set about to be anew
not thumb or (k)not, nor nails too,

and that was where I'd met these two
well first the cat and then the shoe
for sock was never needed, who
would hide themselves from their own view?

Lashquisha when I met that thumb
surprised not I by glove of fun
and ***, and *****, layered un-
derneath the figure Liam strum.

See Liam knew his thumb so well
he knew the thumb twas not a shell
that caged the angry men that fell
to clipping when their partners tell.

For thumb a partner never is
unless like me you've ****** the quiz
and ended up a pointless shiv
in side of angry hornets nest.

And rest assured the thumbs annointed
given by their partners pointed
comments feeling slightly daunted
by need to act their best.

Attest they do the thumbs that chew
And unrest is left by plough and brew
But then again a thumb are you?
And me, and we, and I?
So tru....
Oh what a wonderful boy am i, am i!
With a thumb in a plumb and a glean in mi eye
I twist and I turn dramatic and sly
and **** on my thumb, for some plumb juice I spy
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Stressed out,
I confess ‘bout,
nothing no fronting,
trusting what the love brings,

awake again,
late late night,
so late it’s early,
code so easy it’s one,
alive when we jive and shine on,
as a magnetic matrix electric sun,
allows all of the dark lies to be come undone,
under the magnetic matrix’s electric sun,
the Darkwebs cobwebs become unspun…

Volume 1
The H Trilogy
I just published a new book.
If you could take a moment to check it out,
and even write a review it'd be most appreciated.
All profits go to a charity that prevents ****** assault against children.
So not only are you getting an epic book of poetry,
but you're also supporting a good cause.
Thank you SO much!

Here’s the link:
Wax hammers melting under a suspicious sun,
bubbling on the soft tarmac road unspun.
Sarcastic grass struts in impotent arrogance,
at the rustling of a billion pointless paper bags.
As sparkling sin, trusts a single pointless poem.
Just some nonsense.
chitragupta May 2019
I have a book of songs,
a collection of antique emotions,
carefully crafted for someone
Like how seedlings germinate
inside the womb of the good green Earth
feeling the warmth of a watchful Sun

Yet I pick up another,
a chronicle sans embellishments,
A tale every bit pure, every bit unspun
A familiar fear grips me -
clouds me, maims me, ****** me
as I open it with glum expectations

But I feel myself break,
to know of my absence from this tome,
with each page I anxiously turn
Did I not deserve
a chapter, a line, atleast a word?
Maybe I will find a footnote - none!

Oh my dear heart,
Do not expect in return something better
because you've surrendered to her memories
Equivalence is just, but justice is not a quality

How do you plan to **** the one
whom you've already granted immortality?
At the price of a pun, get a paradox free.
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
Two lines entertwined
Surely time should have been taken
All that was divine has fallen
To the light in your iris'
A lie unspun
Leslie Herbert Feb 2014
The world is unwrapped and unspun as a ball of yarn
before my eyes
it unravels
spreading then and wide, and then
as a piece of paper, a blue sheet
it stretches in front of forever
for a moment it becomes a water
and every step forward leaves less of me showing
until I disappear
and no bubbles disturb the surface.
Tammy Boehm Aug 2014
I have learned that blood and bone
Are no assurance of love
That the parents who should protect you
Forget you
In the wake of their own unspun lives

I have learned that the newborn life
Once cradled in my arms
Won't consider my sacrifice
In the wake of unbridled rage
Love is a hollow lie

I have learned that I am a monster
Murderous and cruel
Selfish and judgemental
Producing bitter fruit
That withers on the vine

I have learned that the world
Doesn't love a dreamer
War and tragedy churns
In the belly of Babylon
The meek are weak expendable
Casualties of circumstance
Destined for demise

I have learned there is no sanctuary
No refuge from the malice
Washing over me like sleet
On a winter day
My heart is cold stone
I am lifeless

I have learned that intoxicants
Only fuel the ache
magnify this emptiness with
shallow platitudes
The flavor of the day
Scraped off the spoon tomorrow

I have learned
I still don't know how
To give up the little dreams
In the silence of my soul
I gather them piece by piece
Hiding them from myself
For fear I'll do me harm

I have learned I should love myself
I have learned....I don't know how to love
TLB 05/20/08
Not much changes, this one is old but still indicative of "me" - I don't produce light. I only reflect it.
Pat Broadbent May 2018
I catch little bits and pieces
like krill in a net made for bigger fish–
noticed by chance but as present as mist
in the places where clouds form.

Olives on sticks, buds on treetops
overspread from the chatter of crowds
who in currents of traffic meander,
neither aimful nor aimless nor calm.

Sun made present for now,
and so the torrents will show
and the walking is slow,
not that speed is important;

The population straightens up
as if to show for the sun,
as if the clouds were unspun
to unravel all tensions
and break down the denser threads.

So girls turn in dresses with floral prints–
all their purples and greens and their scents–
perfumes pirouetting with pollen–
awakened in lively spins.
Adam Robinson Jan 2018
I see,
The breaking thread.
I hear,
The ticking clock.
I know,
The feeling unspun.
I want,
No real heaven,
That picks apart my soul.
I’ve been in this dream state all my life,
Moving from beautiful wasteland to fertile wasteland.
Of all the ruined lessons,
one struck home.
of millions of centuries,
the truth finally etched in bone,
Never again will I take the ****** surgical knife,
Of memory and rhyme,
Of language and thought,
Of love and delusion,
To open up worlds in people,
Just to hold their hand.
Let the Melody Shine
Arik Fletcher Feb 2010
Let me show you what i see,
each time I put a verse to rhyme,
all that i feel, and think and do,
is written here, safe for all time.

Let me take you to the edge,
right to the end of every line,
a place where pain and pleasure meet,
a place where thoughts and dreams combine.

Let me build a world for you,
from all that I have felt and done,
my secret wants, my deadly sins,
the web of truth and lies unspun.

Let me tell you who i am,
the boy i was, the man i'll be,
the truth is here, no lie or sham,
within these words you will find me.
Nekatu Poetry © Arik Fletcher
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Sparks fly

With a killer smile, she gives me whiplash,
As I spin around to see if she really said that.
She did, I gasp, as I take in a deep breath.
This temptress I would like to get into my bed.

As we stare into each other’s eyes,
Telepathic thoughts run between us
And as we grow nearer to each other,
Our thoughts are linked by our desire to touch.

Whispered secrets are exchanged between us
And in lust, we find love…
Now the fuse has been unspun
And ignited, so exciting;
The two of us are so delightfully united.
We are the beast with two backs,
In my mind of fictional thinking.

Eventually, when we can remain apart no more,
Our lips collide together and we are each lifted up.
We spin as one being, arms around, hugging tight.
We dance under the moonbeams and we become a light,
That can be seen from a thousand fathoms.
The electricity that is between us makes lightning happen.
Sparks fly from each of us as we are encased in this love
And with a final, heart-shaped firework explosion…
Our night of love is done.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Fear not as we all fall from haunted hollows,
Hallowed shallows that grows deeper in darkest shadows,
Live on dear brothers and forever let go of my hand, set me free,
Tell mother all that you know or dared to ever understand of me,
Her eyes will open to the truths she could not bear to see,
Under those clasped lids of easy lies,
Set alight the darkness in my mind that you despise,
The shadow that hides underneath our secret sighing skies

And lo, we are silently distraught at nothing’s fiction,
Weeping with the laughing darkness that accompanies the hesitant disparate,
Desperate indecision reaches for all the long lost and wrong decisions,
That no one knows but everyone proclaims to possess but just too late,
Amongst the lost and lonely living in patriarchal prisons there is a vision,
Someone’s inherent father finding a place alone to rest and wait

Welcome unto the final and only fight worth fighting, my son,
Fear not the surge of the sadness’ swarming seas,
For you are truly most alive in death’s warm welcome,
Do not fear the cold clasp of shadows under your hallowed dying tree,
So when all that is said is not said, and what once did is never done,
You must accept the things you will never be,
You must accept the things you will never become,
Thus death is only but a key,
Thus this life is the lock left undone,
Though living in light there is only death and darkness surrounding you, son of Suns

Look upwards father into the shadow of shadows,
Enter world’s we could never have seen,
Welcome son into these sorry shallows,
And though I will cease to have ever been,
Come and become life’s fragile thread unspun,
Therein is no where or when,
As all things must live and die,
And the living must live on then,
And the dead must only wonder why,
But this is not the end
KG Mar 2024
There's no point writing anymore
when the idea of sharing them again becomes
so droll
Now my thought's wrestle against themselves
and disappear, and unfold
The farther they stretch, the further they fold in
then release, like a breath, for a moment unspun
betrayed tenfold, no matter the compatie.
Friends, turned heathens, turned businessmen, turned faithful, turned deathtrap, turned kindness, turned apathy, turned hoprful, turned apathy, turned tarnished over time, turned hate for the self.
and I'm over here like, bro//
I just want to be left alone.
therein lies deceit, a line I've waited to say for some time.
we all seek something, and it makes want for us all
no matter the source.
Perhaps, that's why some of us still pay taxes.
If you're reading this
Just because you're scared, doesn't mean you're wrong to be. When your scared, though, make sure you're scared for the right reasons. Don't act out in fear, or jealousy, or anger
They cloud your judgement, and distract you from the cause.
they could very well destroy whole chapters and books of a life.

I hope you fix what needs fixing, mark what needs marking, cultivate what needs cultivating, and build what needs building.
I regret to inform you, that I am, in fact, only, but just: a figment of your consciousness, singing into, well, it's.. .
It's own demise.
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In peaceful sleep,
the night unfolds,  
into a swirl colour,
a sight to behold
as waves of light like whispers trace,
guide my heart to a secret place,
up to crystal stars in dark velvet skies,
which scatter wishes that softly rise.

My visions soar,  
in slumber's dance,
I seek for more
in my restful trance,
as mirrored reflections of distant lands,
take shape in my unseen busy hands.
Planting blooming flowers under twilight's breath,
painting the night in colours of vivid depth.

Each step a melody,
a dream unspun,
I wander softly,
as time comes undone
and with every dawn, my dreams take flight
through the serene darkness, chasing light.
Like floating lanterns, these dreams ascend, illuminating paths that I never want to end.

©️Lizzie Bevis
We were visiting good old Niagara Falls, the most beautiful place on earth. With its waterfall cadences and fresh lit sun, who could ask for anything more.  Hand in hand we strolled together wearing summer sandals light as air.  We talked and spoke of days to come, how we'd make a family  together some day.
Lovers in love
two linen gloves
fitted just right
There were acrobats, jugglers on tightropes, and children rippling the air with their tinkling laughter.  Together we aimed at little yellow ducks and won the grand prize. Hugging Mrs. Jewel Bug, we walked away kissing beneath a bluest sky dappled with cotton candy clouds and morning sighs. Since we stayed longer than expected,  we stopped by a little Cafe and drank frothy cappuccinos to our hearts content.  
full-fledged memories
golden colored hours
days gone by
Those were the days of impulsive escapades, endless surprises and pleasant up-comings.  Moments of mindlessness existence in a lifetime yet to be unspun. Today the mortgage is paid and the children left home.  My favorite juggler is in heaven waiting for an  old tattered Jewel bear and a swollen gal with a heart pliable as ghee. I smile at the thought that one day I will join him. We'll drink foamy coffees and watch the trapeze artists spin, swing and fly.  They will hang off ropes made of stars and moonbeams, just like us.

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2024
Zemyachis Jun 2021
I melt into a spool of dread
I mean pool of thread
I mean this dread, like thread,
was a neat spool and now it's a puddle
my noodle is muddled

let's try this again
my thoughts were neat, a spool of thread
but they unspun and tangled, a pool of dread
and the metaphors are lost in my head
which is also a noodle

if I take this needle
and untangle the thread
it may help wrangle my thoughts
and unstrangle my heart
Yearning for a much simpler time,
yet the ticking clock only stops,
when the overlord behemoth's thumb,
presses the languid clicker at the top.

Churning are these guts of mine,
bones ground to juice that flops,
a remainder of all things in sum,
mass ****** equations; divide, drop.

Burning are high stakes of thine,
the living inferno never, ever stops,
bullet holes spew from a smoking gun,
a blue prison; is all you'll ever cop.

Returning to the scene of the crime;
are the leopard gecko's slimeball spots,
no contrived camouflage under the sun,
could disguise what you haven't got.

Spurning longjevity in life's grand design,
ageing knees and elbows; envy baby cots,
yarns left woollen trails as they're unspun,
concepts were a 1 in 400 trillion shot.

Learning to make the most of light ashine,
the gloaming thief of joy; takes the lot,
every evening He turns his back to shun,
the roving wanderers without a **** or ***.

Earning a reputation for standing in line,
we all fall head long; as we come-a-crop,
the tasers are always set to stun,
as high priests of power scheme & plot.

Unturning are; unlimited tides of time,
oceans render; we sailors, besot,
waves of deathly wordplay; minus puns,
it's the sum of; every jet & flot.

No matter how many bottled signals,
we've received or sent,
time always sends;
the final message in the end.

Yes, my friend, no matter how many bottled signals,
we've received or sent,
time always sends;
the final message in the end.

© poormansdreams
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2024
Last night
I was able
to outgrow myself …
for the very
first time

Life was unspun
in the moment
where tomorrow
and yesterday

Competing with
the future
the sky
and the moon
my wandering

Turning my
inside out
my nature

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)

— The End —