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I've relied on my words for my sanity
But the pixels are unforgiving and calculated
My bones can not express myself clearly
They creak and moan with years of hatred

This distance is only sustained
With airwaves and power lines
Late nights with mono dialogues
My ears cave in and create mines

I have changed and we both know it
The seasons exclaim that knowledge
Our seperation bombards my happiness
Further driving in that wedge

Every other time we could make it work
Our hearts interlinked in lines like these
If we could make what we have out of nothing
Then we WILL bring any obstacle to it's knees

We both have been through our own wars
And we can still smile, laugh, sing
So just survive the onslaught with me
And we will conquer everything
Jay Oct 2024
We are interlinked. I feel as though we are interwoven, our souls stirring in the darkness of night, bound together beneath the twinkling stars. Our thoughts are like a spider's web, intricately woven until strong and unbreakable. In the silence that fills the room, we shine with a shared light. Your mind mirrors mine, revealing truths with every glance. We are like Sirius, eternally orbiting each other, each thought you have leaving a trace within me, echoing deep in my sacred space. As we drift through time, our hearts forge a single rhythm, sharing the same heartbeat, an endless dance with no end. When you dream in REM, I feel them within me, and your laughter fills my being with joy. We speak in whispers, in silent notes, hardly needing words at all. Our love is a boat floating forever on a vast ocean, each wave carrying us forward. I feel every emotion with you - your joy, your hidden pain. I wipe away your tears with my thumb, feeling them as my own. The love we share is boundless, like an infinite ocean, and we sail together endlessly. Every breath I take carries a piece of you, every step I make in the sunlight casts your shadow beside me. In your embrace, I find wholeness, and our hearts beat together in perfect harmony. We need no words when we're together; all we need is each other. With every heartbeat, our worlds merge into one. All fears vanish when I gaze into your eyes, where I see the universe laid out before me. This connection is deep and true, and I am forever lost in thoughts of you. It’s as if we act as one, sharing the same thoughts, actions, and feelings. Even if our story were to end, nothing could break the bond we have. We are interlinked.
Jeremy May 2013
There are only two feelings in this world

The first is standing with your friends
holding hands
on top of a van stark naked
at five a.m.
watching the sun paint the sky with red and orange and yellow and gold
and feeling the palms of the two people you know better than yourself interlinked with yours
howling into the almost-day-yet-not-quite-night
overcome with your ambitions and hopes and dreams and songs and sights all at once
and you feel alive

The second is sitting on your balcony
with your legs hanging over the ledge
your feet barely touching the rain as the storm pours down
listening to songs from the 60s on the radio
wondering why they don't write songs like this anymore
while all your friends are at a new years party at some kid you don't even know's house
and you're staring out into the ocean as somewhere over your head the countdown starts
and you know you'll be alone for the rest of your life
happy new year
Ellen Joyce May 2015
You plant kisses like spring bulbs in the curve of my neck;
I meld into you -
sinew and bone flows into blood pulsating in every caught breath
as the tip of your nose grazes my ear;
I love you nips playfully at my lobe
turning me into you like a jewellery box doll -
that slow pirouette to the tune of you and me and us.
There lies waiting room silence and you wash I’ll dry in your eyes
causing me to shiver as your fingertips trace the curve of my hips
to the rhythm of your hand in mine, fingers interlinked.
You breathe me like Christmas morning and mumble my name in your sleep
and I watch longing to kiss the twitch in your lips when your dreams turn to dark.
Nora R May 2015
Her bare feet and palms are the shade of half ripe maroon dates.
Her strong silhouette, a gazelle at sunset.
Eyes are dark brown granules of coffee.
The clanks of gold jewellery on her forehead and ankles,
her sweet aroma of roses fused with jasmine saturate air.
Her fiery soul - a wild Arabian horse yet untamed by bedouins.
Her sun kissed skin glimmers under sunlight;
falcons are constrained with the touch of her fingertips.
She stands tall as she carries her pride,
tall as she hums with the gentle birds.

We ancient women, are an unbroken chain of tribal ancestry,
interlinked by blood and soul. Our lineage, a mother's lullaby,
carried by the wind that disperses sand,
wind that shakes  the core of oceans.
Pauper of Prose Aug 2018
Internal winds that wail with might
A sudden outpour of downpour
Distress accelerating
Into regions physical and mental
Untangling its hair of horrors
So that miniature hells hail
And free will and free thought,
Take the brunt of the damage
Now paralysis is peppered over all
But with one sneeze vigor is awakened
So see all is interlinked
For natural disaster
And natural remedy
Are naturally destined to occur
Agony. seemingly everlasting, allows the muse to come and through the curls of her hair my fingers run.
Neha shimoga Nov 2016
On a moonlit night,
after a long time
the two wanderers finally met.
They shared an extraordinary
bond that held them close.
One with a crushed heart
and the other with a secret.
He wanted to share his
Story and she had a
confession to make.
A rain drop fell
on the ground and
so did a tear that
rolled down her cheek
when she heard his
He had a ******* his
mind who had left
him with deep scars.
Her heart sunk
and all the butterflies
She submerged in her
own pain.
He told her how much
he adored the girl
and how she had
taken over his heart.
The petrichor
lingered in her mind.
The stars skewed.
A dream that turned
cataclysmic affected
every single atom of
her body.
He held her hand tight
and asked her if
she would help him
get through the heinous
She nodded with a constrained
smile on her face.
He didn't realize how hurt
She was.
Unfortunately, he  was the only
the one who could be a bandaid
and heal her scars.
She remained quiet and swallowed
the words back in.
Her secret remained a
secret which she couldn't
shrive .
It remained enclosed
to the world.
Losing him as a friend was
something she couldn't
So she just let it die
and bother her inside.
She buried it deep inside
her heart and completely
concealed it where no one
could find it.
But neither of them were at fault.
Both of the wanderers craved
loved on that night.
Sitting so close, fingers interlinked,
they were stuck in an esthetical
mess of love and insanity.
The two paths had
finally met but a night had
never seemed so
Solitudinarian before.
Throwback to that one important night in all of our lives that's impossible to forget.

I don't regret anything. It was just a beautiful memory. Memories are evergreen right?
orion j Jun 2014
fades in. there's laughter and cheers found amidst the new ties between the two that multiplies into an odd number of 5. it's late with dim lighting, character 1 takes shelter with character 2. conversations that are kept for caffeine indulging individual ensue. they mumble about their fears and thoughts and pacify each other with sentences that caress ankles like waves. end scene.

cut to the early morning scene that trails onto the lunch time crowds, character 1 and 2 interlinked regardless of how fast the clock ticks. promises about the water being thicker than blood made and hands held before the bell rang. native and young fingers, interlocked, close. 'i'll see you later.' only one word could be used to describe that tone - vibrant like a shade used to describe sunflowers. end scene.

times past like old photographs piling up to my knees on the ground and the scene it fades in different hues and voices. not the familiar ones that belonged to a multiple of 2. no, they're sitting across the hall oblivious to the electricity running beneath us. same faces with different stories while i took my leave, the prolonged leave that continues as my absence runs from a sick leave to an exit. i think about it from time to time, the water in my palms weigh more than the blood running through these veins. stories with alternate endings that continue to exist despite putting the book away, end scene.

cue flashback that's tainted with a days old dust, i looked at the pale blue ocean swirling beneath us like the hidden tales buried. emotions locked away by those who turn a blind eye and are too caught up with their bargaining of the 'fittest' competitions. the place i used to hold on the shelf, removed for bits and pieces of lives around me being carried out without the main protagonist. the waves stayed as they slowly became nothing but a smudge on a watercolour canvas, like the small mark you all left on my existence. no chances to say goodbye even though i practiced it to myself, under my breath from time to time. it falls out of my mouth and lands oddly. never expected but then again is anything really ever? the silence was the print on the answer sheet that the group left in my mind, filling up the void that now takes it place.
the distance between us      and me.
voice like a overused tire by the roadside, not to be missed as is drowned out by the rapid voices that fall into place like a waterfall. as we left that island behind it was really just me who left it all behind, ties broken, water spilt into puddles on the pavement. ‘goodbye.’, voice is soft and isn't heard by those surrounding, not like it ever was to begin with. fade out.

(((( water evaporates, blood leaves a stain))))
knives pressed into my spine is nearly like a regular tune that comes on through my headphones. fear that cripples the living daylight out of me and resolves with me living in the darkness for a week odd. unexpected, once more. then again wasn't morals plastered with words in neon encoding, 'expect the unexpected'. played me out better than a monopoly game and faster than a game of UNO.
detached and without a cause, lacking the need to put on a life jacket to face the indigo currents that leave a bruise in a similar hue.
roll the credits boys, there's nothing to see here.
trying repeatedly was one-sided and drenched in thoughts of my own that formed clouds above your head that was rooted to the ground. i am so out of breath trying to race through makeshift bright-light stores in the night when it fuels your adrenaline and it's just a chase. it's a one way tug-of-war and no one's trying to win me over. wouldn't want anyone to shower on your beach cocktail party now, would we? an emotional imbalance would be such a bother. unable to mimic your laughs but to sympathise with your cries in the bitter nights. disappearing faster than it hits the pond's surface without a trace, nobody remembered nor tried to fish it out with a net of memories.
it's 2am and i can't even hear myself think and --
the whole routine of silhouettes watching me take my leave without any say reminds me of the insignificance present through my veins. no requests to stay for a few days, a week maybe and hopefully even longer. maybe people wind up being more important to me than i am to them.
Nigdaw Oct 2021
as I lay down my head
my phone next to me
on the bed
your text
vibrates across the mattress springs
like a technological tinnitus
inside my ear
my consciousness
you want to talk
but not like that
just to make an unarguable point
guilt ridden acronyms
miss-spelt accusations
and inappropriate emojis
convey your emotions
with a twisted sarcastic humour
interlinked with your vent
you know that from the safety of 4G
it aggravates me
I’m bored with it all
too much to even reply
it would make more sense
if you weren’t
abusing me from the spare room
Luce Apr 2014
these are the moments I will immortalise

I will stuff them and give them glass eyes
I will pickle them in jars
I will frame and polish them frequently
and I will make them into a gold chain to be passed down through the generations.

I will share, imprint and bore these memories into my children

they will be both humoured and obsessed with the descriptions
of when their mother embarked on many adventures

when they are young, they will imagine me as a fearless pirate.
as they grow, they will idolise the carefree teenager I am, no - I was.

they will know the times I ventured with friends,
who will hopefully be familiar to my children.
the friends who many years from now will be referred to as 'uncle' and 'aunty'.

they will know about all the road trips
and my habitual late night naps in the back seat
they will know the beat of the drums to the songs we listened to and sung at the top of our lungs
and I will play them to live those moments again -
who says time travel doesn't exist

I hope they will be able to smell the memory, mix of excitement and sweat hanging in the air of the car,
the breath of our youth steamed on the window

my children will know that I fell in love far too young
and, as their mother, these are the world's cruelties I will attempt to educate and shield them from.

because one day, my freckled princess will grow into the queen of her own castle
she'll lift the chin of her own baby and say,

'my mumma said to me, you've got to kiss a few frogs before finding your prince. Don't ever give up hope, because magic exists but it isn't always pretty and he's looking for you like you're looking for him.'

Keep you head down, baby. Keep running, 'cause I promise you're almost there.

but I will not undermine my children
and tell them they are too young to love,
for if they were too young to fall in love, how could they fall unconditionally in love with me?

(as I already am with them, aged eighteen)

I will tell them the stories of how I met their father,
I am unsure as to whether or not I know these stories yet.

We will tell them about the first time our hands interlinked and we instantly felt at home with each-other.
           when you know, you know.

We will tell them about the sweetness and innocence that hung on our lips for that very first kiss,
and we will continue to kiss
as if it's that same first kiss
every time
every day

they can not deny true love if they witness it every day of their lives

it will be a living reminder
of the love our children were made from and bought into
and a living reminder
that I loved you,
that I love you
before I knew you...
because you're mine

kisses will be our family heirloom
memories are the best thing I can pass down to you

so my story is still being written
but it is not a forced template for my children's lives

I will hand them pencils, if they wish to draw over their pages
I will hand them fountain pens, if they wish to eloquently craft their words
I will hand them every colour crayon ever made, and let their creativity run  over the pages
as free as their young, bare knees will be on the playground

I wish one day, they will read these words,
and know the memories of my teenage years that have been
and memories of my twenties, thirties, forties and fifties that have yet to be made

I wish they will read these words and they will know that I loved them before they even existed

I will have immortalised these feelings through my words.

So immortalise me, my loves, through your memories.
"The day will come
When my body no longer exists
But in the lines of this poem
I will never let you be alone"
Maahv Z Oct 2016
I fooled myself
by saying
i don't need anyone
i care the least
in this thick smoke, in dim light
i feel my heart sinking
of knowing my misery
what do i need?
why do i fool myself?
i get myself fooled
these conversations are not as bare
they are not plain
it's taking out of me, myself
this very essence,
i am loosing
suppose we get married
than what?
how do i face whats bound to happen
i can't tackle the pressure
the social, cultural
doesn't make sense to me
i listen, regardless
since my soul, is interlinked with yours
my heart, your heart, are two deep lovers
an ancient story
where we built our hopes
it's not taking us anywhere
not to me..
each time when i see your face
it reminds me of my helpless
i get myself fooled
thinking i can bear anything
by telling myself
i'm strong
when in real
it's opposite.
Rachel Mary Jun 2013
I want his arms wrapped around me
His breath on my neck,
The warmth  from his exhaling
travelling down my chest
I want his hands
Interlinked with my own
I want his voice in my ear
Telling me not to moan
I want his gaze and to hold it
Like he so majestically holds me
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Ask to repost dear Poets
(Memoir excerpt /copy Rights)
Belated reponse.

Yes you said just a man not God
and I am a woman not G* but G* you needed a wife I needed a husband but you ran away gave the money to your other woman begging for it all

I been feeling differen4tly about you and can sincearly
say "I fell deeply in love with you" back then and today.

it's not out of time or place.
I stil live and after physical
I will continue to love you
beyound measure time & space
noone is harmed by this
its a benefit in a blessing
your world bathes in plenty
mine in total despair lack
oporyunities halted by undeserved enemy foe

And how was this ever fair
to not use a bank
you had my full legal name!

yet you are more to me
as you've moved on you burnt all
a man who patiently reads my mind near or far leaves
precious memories unlike
your ways saved me.

an amazing human being
you you you
reading this ink's body language
my thoughts are your thoughts

I needed you for my life partner
all my life
you needed me for your everything I was yours for the taking as you did.

you saved romance, your last dance for me.

your relatives for my daughers
to inter marry! I had a dream.
for my true love my all

then you jett off leaving me to die
my good trains rolling by
and still
something smoldering revives from those dreams on fire
ashes captured to form of us
my companion.
my beautiful kids loved you
to be their everything just for you to know
beauty brains heart are still theirs
You are the best father best husband best lover best friend
we could have had many adorable grandkids.

my  i love yous didn't matter to nobody it wasn't natural for me to believe it will matter to you.

Life is like a dream.
When your gold key was distanced from my gold lock
left behind, I lost my mind
my speech stunt in deeper silence
and still I called you again.
just to hear you freeze.

Ehat 8n the wirld dud you lose ti know the truth that you were truly loved never betrayed.
You found me I found you again
now we are omnipresent
see me see you as we please
we love each other wholly good like the l9ve of Gid
in sun rays we are touched.

returning so many times to me you loved me so, and for your white lies, fear not I am trustworthy
apeace my soul please keep your HP windows open.

I will always think of you.
Nataly Wd or not.

In seeking I found you beloved
smeared in many a poetry
filled with love an Angel watching over me
"Angels whisper when I walk" when I jog, run crawl bathe rest eat feel pain despair, in joys of new lives birthed you are there

I looked into my whispering whimpering heaven's door this gold lock untouched
my gold key you inside that huge
key hole adjusted to fit
another sand lock.

My Guardian Archangel Uriel sing the sadest of songs Earth and Heaven can hear.

Aries Archangel Uriel is known
as a seraph, cherub, regent of the sun, flame of God,
angel of the divine presence, presider over Tartarus
archangel of salvation, and, in later scriptures, identified with Phanuel ("face of God") Uriel is a patron of the arts in me

 The Angel Malahidael
 and the Archangel Ariel rule
 over Aries the sign mine
My angel Malahidael is
 “Angel of Courage.” This angel 
summons the energy of the sun­ 
by imparting a ray of sunlight 
inside each person giving that
­ person courage, stamina 
and hope 
during difficult personal tim­es
Are you feeling this?
 The Guardian Angel for those 
born in April Aries is mine  my Archangel guardian Angel
is Uriel, Ariel. 
She is known as the Goddess of 
nature living in me You may also recognize 
her other title shes

the Lioness of God which is the 
literal translation of her­ name
 Ariel Uriel heals the planets and animals 
of this world is also
 responsible­ for natural elements such as Earth, wind, water,
 and fire.
My guardian Angels role as archangel relates 
to inspiration. 
This could be through prov­iding
 inspiration for humanity in 
order to take better care of ­Earth and all life that calls it home.

perhaps it is because I couldn't tolerate the agony of a new common bubble gum key too big, too small out of time and place
splattering stink in selfish pride
each selfishly demanding untimely tasks suffering my lock
missing your gold key beloved.

pre paid seastone snakes where boys not men on cruel expedition demonizing character
Big Bear video greedy evil agendas.
Hungry yet never selling out
to this thugs for hire detectives
sent to me from your world!
I know now when to fight when not to I just share my inner core

I am not fighting In every war I faced defeat being lineant to my deadly enemy was my demise.

no one else was able to overpower this relentles unrequieted love birthed for you.
frim days of yore
no one tried to simply slowly uncover that love hidden within
I hid for us both!
to discover it's magic  
You were wealthier luckier organized surrounded by family and friends to offer support.
I was on my own!
I didn't want another love
but yours for me alone.

Roads interlinked many a time  
you were seized by another
less grassy needing less wear
O how you aged her wine!

that bone fish seastone beer
had an army to win you over
while I was fighting all alone
in my sand shifting battlefield
how to grab you from your
fortress ceized arenas.

Redeeming Angel mine
Angel Mihr Uriel Acquarious
beloved guardian lover
touch my whispering ink.
RBco eyes beloved.

"I am feeling dfferently about you"
Copy Rights apply. revised
Guardian Angel whispering touching
do not repost..
Broderick Nov 2011
Every child breathes the air breathed by ancestors fallen and predecessors to come
       All women inhale the scent of all women,
                                     and men to that of men-
Lovers swallow the air of past lovers, trying to emulate its libidinous odor.
             We share the air that was breathed by our atavistic ancestral reptiles,
                          in this way,
     all beings are interlinked-
that my exhale spreads forth into the atmosphere to determine your inhale,
and thus is the way of our actions, too.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
Her roots are growing upon your being,
waiting for the warmth of your presence
and the drops of your attention.

As it grows,
she begins to demand more
her appetite to sustain grows.

But slowly you’re furthering away
your radiation no longer reaching
upon her bare skin
as the trail of your shadow is left behind.

Just like the rest you’ve furthered,
leaving her parched and left to thirst
the reservoir that has stopped flowing.

Grief tastes like fear,
for attachment is the synonym of fear.
To be intertwined and interlinked,
to give and expect —
but to receive less
with the passing days.

The experience of the past
harbors fear,
tremble at the feel of attachment
that is ripped away
to leave her bare.

Before you leave
Before you detach
She will leave
and disentangle herself.
A Aug 2015
My soul mourns and venom pours
fascination as it begins to envy
Imperfections made through stitches  
Broken parts left in a ditch
Fashions a spark of glitches    
dreams weaved true Perfection
Interlinked like a paperclip Chain
No seal can brake its veins
And no heart can overtake
But the One who can remove the mistakes mistaken
And hours it takes
For it to await
Thus good things come to those
Who do wait.
you say that you're a mess but
all I see is beauty.
Your aura, intrudes these, dark thoughts to
flee off and bring the most incredible lighting and beauty
'cause you synonymous of these two things, it's truly **** glee that you
bring, I swear one heard the birds sing when our hearts intertwined and interlinked yet you,
pulled and held it back in because you,
believe that you're not worthy of being somebody's everything.
this breaks one but front we lead

you say that you're a mess but
your filthiest would be when you say a swear, word but
in a very weird way, it's still word with most poetry and potent waves,
you're away, away, so so away
way beyond our understanding and your lovely is immense as,
you always flee free as a bird
you're a beach I'd love to love and hold but
your hold on the shore and waves just letting go is
giving you so much burden - unnecessary - you could simply let flow
let our soul to soul take us, beyond where mortals know
let the water clean you up and make you whole .

you say you're a mess.
so what if you are?
and even if that is so, this is a mess I'd love a forever with
such beautiful melanin and aura to die for, my God, I'm flicked
it's literally lit in the, spirit and we could be warm and fiddle with
the norms and give them a little spin so we, create our own
only our own so, you feel more whole - I repeat.
and clean, as you see I'm more than happy to call you home
just pick up your soul and let's touch love road

you're a mess but
one I'd be honored and privileged to love and hold.
I'm just trying to love you.
avery james Nov 2015
i know how flawed i am.
my body is ridden all over with cuts and bruises.
my back has become an flexible ruler - never how it should be.
i care too much about the pitch of my voice, and how small my hands are when they are interlinked with yours.
i care about what strangers on the other side of this rock think of me.
i poison my already dead heart with things to make me feel alive once again.
but i am trying. trying to improve. trying to be better.
you. you are a risk taker. you don't follow the rules.
you are the taste of liquor on my tongue, i know it probably will end with a crash, but i cant help but want more.
you are the smoke in my lungs, and i should stop smoking, but i have tried, but you are apart of me.
i am addicted to the taste of you.
i am addicted to the sound of your voice when you are burning out, but you're trying to stay awake.
i am addicted to the feeling of your hands when you are nervous
and i love you. that i cannot deny.
so maybe i will quit another day.
You sketch with words
using scripts of grace,
with every word penned
my hearts embraced.

Enchanted verses
like whispering butterflies,
holding me spellbound
by words that mesmerize.

Touching deep my soul
with the softest of inks,
staining my heart
souls interlinked.

As your lines of grace
entwined with mine,
the weave that was made
was magically divine.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Time and again emotional you get.
My dear friend unnecessarily you fret.
Don't give too much stress to heart.
Using brains at times is such an art.

For woman's right you speak and say.
'Equal' doesn't mean 'identical', I say.
Wife became pregnant and you whiled.
Fair man why not you delivered the child.

Behind Veil a woman oppressed you see.
Respected, protected she appears to me.
Freely she walks about to work and study.
Not stereotyped, not just known for body.

Clothes so scanty and no effect on you.
Go to doctor, you are amongst the few
Your body should burn like sun in may;
If you are not impotent, saint or gay.

It is sad, tis man versus woman you think.
Wrong idea, instead both are interlinked.
A woman is like delicate, tickly flower.
Their guardians and protectors men are.

If you think lesser the garb more she is free;
Then oblige me, earnestly I request thee;
Bring your moms and girls in-front of me.
And show me how much they are free.
Veil for man Quran: - - Nur (the Light) , in verse 30,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do.

Veil for woman Quran: - -Nur (the Light) , in verse 31,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.

Veil for man Bible: - - Mathew 5: 28
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Veil for woman Bible: - - - Corinthians 11: 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.(kings james version)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Few Prominent Veiled women: - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Khadija(May allah be please with her) - - Businesswoman [Islam]
Ayesha(May allah be please with her) - - -Scholar [Islam]
Mother Mary(May Allah be please with her) - - - mother of jesus(pbuh) [Islam/Christianity]
Mother Teresa - Nobel prize winner for peace - - social worker[Christianity]
...and no nearer to thee, from what I can see
the future's receding fast,
the past's just a trap that claps me in irons made
from chains interlinked made to last.

If the sun burns the sight from my gaze and the dew on the ground of the days of my days starts to evaporate, will the state of my being become the unstate of not seeing or is unseeing a state of not being.

thank goodness for crayons to colour me blue
without the said crayons what else would I do,
but fade.

..and no nearer as yet or as yet is not ready to be,
the internal clock winds slowly away and
slowly as slowly as slowly as what I can see
this is the tickaway of the being in me.
Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2022
A story of spheres,
I'm wondering who fathered who; in the darkest
kisses all under this moon.
Oh, is the truth as clear under the sun, in the eyes
of the lonely son? Daily are the games of fun, running
away from troubles. Chasing a shot to success, like we're
all chasing a gun.

But I'm into changing thought. Like the days
that must come and go. Everything changes under
the sun that kisses the Earth.

But in all the wonders of the sky, and it's reason
and wonder. It all begs this question of, "why."
In this night, his lover is so bright, gazing upon
all of her lightness. She slowly fades out of his sight.

Wedded to his only bride, days setting,
kissing her goodnight; every time he brings
her a good morning. Saying hello as she's saying
goodbye; hurting him more in their only first sight.

Feels like a similar to my life.

"You're a pretty flower I can't hold,"
he sighs, just pondering at her marvel,

"Of the sweetest of things to behold;
you're always the one touched by my light,"

his love reflects, watching it all go to another.

"Why so, must I be allowed to watch;
as you're shining it upon my brother,"

as the story of spheres goes.

Alas, I'm often the son of the sun, in these daylight
thoughts. Anger burning my skin's surface;
but what comes in between happiness and self worth?
Successes of things I'm still chasing from birth, and
running around in three interlinked circles.
I just go back to myself in the first verse.

Again into daylight thoughts.
Gabriel burnS Feb 2018
I feel the call of Arachne
The pull of fine threads
And in the rifts between
The web of thoughts
The interlinked highways
Of my inner circle,
A hunger wakes
The lids of eyes are jaws
And I promise you rebirth
If my love consumes you
If I loved you now to death
Detached Dreamer Sep 2016
I felt our hearts beat together in rapid unison.
Our hands,
his hot and mine cold
Wrapped together
Fingers interlinked
Woven tightly
As if we were afraid
Of coming undone.
Poetic T Sep 2016
The aspect of death is a misjudged contemplation
where we go to a linear place of redemption,
This is a misguided concept like the caveman thinking
the first flame to bleed on the form of the world as
omnipotent and something to be beneath it on knees.

But death is but a complex mechanism of intricate measure,
we are interlinked between the moments of existence
and that of a fading breath. This opens the nature of chaos
but ignorance is the child of needing, where thought
is the treasure of life, a synaptic echo that once we forgo t
he need of linear awareness and contend with
the motions that energy is a transference of our being.

Life, death, motion & static conception are but forms
of thought that are needed to contemplate our existence
within the fabric of what we only understand.
We are a formation of neurons and cells that fluctuate
and congregate the energies of existence, but our
moment is finite and yet evolving. We die into what was a
moment. Energy never fades but changes form. we are the
existence of what is around seen and beyond our linger forms today.
Spectre Apr 2017
Latched on to years passed,
the chains of mistakes hold you still.
Each worry interlinked.
Hours may pass, everything moves on, but you do not.
Babu kandula Mar 2016

It's a question paper

With unlimited puzzles

You only have limited answer sheets

Make sure you fill answers with your experience

Every question is interlinked
Random thought
Philip Lawrence Apr 2021
“Synesthesia. I have synesthesia.” She pulled her sunglasses away and leaned forward. “You know, the senses thing?”

“No, not really.”

“It happens to some people. Two senses become interlinked. You know, tangled together. Like hearing sounds when you taste certain foods. For instance, when some people associate a sound or color with objects. Like the sound of a voice might be orange? Some people envision numbers in colors, like me. I guess other people hear Mozart when they eat a banana.”

She giggled, and her coal-black eyes softened. “It’s kind of cool. I like to think it lets me see the inside of things. And there are no rules, not really,” she said. “Except infinity. Infinity has no color, of course.”

Her hair was dark and full except for a crescent scar above her left ear where her hair was clean shaven.

Behind them walked two white-haired women. The women stopped and laughed, and then they snapped selfies and then continued to walk and laugh as they looked at the photos.

“I wonder what I would have been like at their age. Just like them, I should hope.”

“What do you mean, would have been like?”

“Come on. I see you glancing at it when you think I’m not looking.”

“I didn’t.”

“It’s a thing.” Her face brightened as she widened her eyes and tilted her head to one side. “Besides, it isn’t real.”

Her hand made a sweep of the city. “It’s too nice a day. And I love it here. You’re a part of everything here. You know, some people believe that’s what happens. The good, the bad…the ugly, the gorgeous. You become part of all of it.”

She threw back her head and closed her eyes and reached up with both arms and wiggled her fingers at a single white cloud, twisting slowly in a tight circle. “This place is as beautiful as the sound of sky.”
WA West Nov 2019
It is probably nothing to ruminate over,
Leave me to do so
There is no other way
Afraid to leave definite things unsaid,

Our hands are not interlinked
Nor should they become so,
In spite of contrary glimpses,
This is not our journey to make,
Leave me to regurgitate what probably isn't,
This afternoon,

I do not ache for what is left behind,
Not anymore at least
Sometimes I wish I had more places to go,
I have cast more shadows than I ought to,
Listlessly trying to find any other way to be.
#leftbehind #thingsnotgrasped
FreeMind Oct 2020
I'd like to think that I can speak to you with my mind. That our thoughts are interlinked, intertwined, like our DNA which can only be altered by a mutation. What is the mutation of our relationship?
Is it the force? Is it the fear? Is it the lack of trust?
Is it me?
Is it me?
Is it me?
October 11, 2020
KofiKrafts Sep 2024
This mind seems so power for the you I conjured in front of me looks so real we could breathe the same air
Every detail, carefully thought out
Every word spoken, left me mesmerised
Every action, I hung onto
Your imperfection unrecognisable to these  blinded eyes

You inspired a me like no other, or rather forced a me like no other
For I lost control of thought and autonomy
I became a puppet at your disposal pulled by the string of the heart
A man that overflowing at your sight, one that  would find a way to rip the oceans to reach you
A person that felt invincible, because this amour  was made from the strongest of emotions and forged in the deepest of connection

How this faded soul yarns for the warmth once felt as our bodies contorted round each other
feeling like a incomplete puzzle till our picture came to life
You and I interlinked, our very fabric of being woven till were you began and I finished became undistinguishable

I infected by your laugh, replay that melody
To the point the way your lips curled and pressed together when you smiled is a living image etched
I remember the way your touch pulsating through me, turning skin tones vibrant
A reflection of the feeling manufactured only by you
Your moods flashed red and pink a blended hue all to well I knew
But now mine sits broken on blue

That human lays buried in the past, because the those words that poured from your mouth was to me you picking up your shovel and scattering the embers of us
each sentences uttered seemed like the very dirt tossed upon that human
I repeat the word human because no more would I be able to identify that version of myself
A being lost in the void of endless, all consuming heartache.
Any critics and pointer appreciated
Jen Jul 2018
Wheels hit
The ground,
And over
Coming to
An End.
Life All Around,
Many cultures
And backgrounds
Unfamiliar, Beautiful.
What are you
Making with bacon?
"Bacon and pancakes."
"Oh, you are shy?"
Just a chuckle.  
Their bodies covered
Head to Toe
Surrounded by
Laughing Children.
Noodles and
The smell of
Cooking fish
With a breeze,
On a quiet day,
And simplistic.
In a daze,
Excuse me,
"You have to get off the bus."
"Oh, so sorry."
Tall buildings,
New mazes.
Numbers and Letters
All going to different
Sad patches
On some streets-
Where people stroll
Merrily, arms interlinked.
"This is my city though,"
The cab driver
Recites after
Giving his personal
On plights-
Honest and open.
In a small corner
Punk bands play,
It doesn't matter
Who you are
As there
Isn't any segregation,
Everyone is accepted,
A man dressed like
***** Wonka
Stands front row...
Another person
Wears knee high
Socks and sandals
Dancing in
A unique way.
All ages, all races.
Different backgrounds.
Various conversations
About many subjects
And no one judges.
Zywa Aug 2021
One heaven -- people

with tightly interlinked thoughts:

one mycelium.
Collection "WoofWoof"
Glass illusions forestry of butterflies in flight
swiveling and turning wing, aiming for sun
hovering over lulling waters of purple hues  
Breathing like flowers, frilling up the air
inside a cornucopia world of rich and bright
Birds are calling from afar symmetrical chirps
of grandeur, across the wide expanse
nocturnal illumination of the heart and soul
Varathane music sonatas, flute escapades  
within a dormant brook, nature's usurp
Fairies, trellises, and magic twigs interlinked
inside the Foloi forest, the mighty oak respires
aside centaurs and dryads, of their time
an emerald green, bottled by nature herself
all is transformed here even the sky is pinked  
Altered, Remodeled, Reworked, Transformed,
by my sweet, poetic imagination...
                           "Follow Me  "
She walked the labyrinth with her head bowed down
and thought of Christ with His thorny encrusted crown
Each rock was interlinked, attached to a circular maze
and as the sun poured, onto the rocky terrain of Falaise
a silent prayer was uttered, as she set Sanctity ablaze

She came from the cloistered Abbey  on Rue de Calix  
having spent so many years kissing her little crucifix
it was a new world here outside, in the soil of France
hundreds of stones polished with natural enhance
its was a time of encapsulated self, in stillborn dance

she awoke  after the war, through Normandy's unrest  
A mother's diary was tucked inside a wooden chest
filled with flourish scribble from an ancient faded nib
It was meant to help a young woman survive and imbibe
she acquired strength, this little girl named Marie Lepine

Inside a velvet pouch was an old stone from the beach
long before the bombardment, a child was out of reach
Polished with the tears of a mother who cried of fright  
for a daughter who was to be left orphaned in the night
She kissed the stone that healed, through love and light.
Gentle touch
A warm blanket
Meet me under
In the darkness
Where no words are needed
I will be guided by your voice
Grab my hand, lead the way
Nothing to hide
No need to look away
In your arms, I will be safe.

Grab my face
Feel my soul
No eye contact, no judgment
Use your words only
Sign this love contract

We’ll resurface stronger
Knowing the map of our cities,
That leads to our hearts.
Once we are out
It will be signed
Interlinked for a lifetime
I will have memorized your world
Your gentle touch.

Sebastian Carrion

— The End —