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Mar 13 · 190
[ Owners own the land ]
Zywa Mar 13
Owners own the land,

but the gardens will belong --

to the gardeners.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2, Mr Geronimo

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Mar 12
The tempest tears roofs

away from attic secrets --

devours people's pasts.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2, Mr Geronimo

Collection "Low gear"
Mar 12 · 111
[ A tangled patchwork ]
Zywa Mar 12
A tangled patchwork,

bits of all kinds of people --

that's how Mumbai was.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2, Mr Geronimo

Collection "Low gear"
Mar 11 · 130
[ Might fidelity ]
Zywa Mar 11
Might fidelity

be: pretending love, hoping --

it will get better?
Submitted letter "Liefde is vormenplicht" ("Love is a duty of formality") by Henk Bresssers, included in the article "*** voorkomt u dat uw huwelijk in de scheidingsstatistieken belandt?" ("How do you prevent your marriage from ending up in the divorce statistics?"), published in the NRC of December 24th, 2019

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 10s"
Mar 11 · 379
[ My kisses ask you ]
Zywa Mar 11
My kisses ask you:

please love me, I do love you --

because I kiss you.
Submitted letter "Liefde is vormenplicht" ("Love is a duty of formality") by Henk Bresssers, included in the article "*** voorkomt u dat uw huwelijk in de scheidingsstatistieken belandt?" ("How do you prevent your marriage from ending up in the divorce statistics?"), published in the NRC of December 24th, 2019

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 10s"
Mar 10 · 129
[ Politics revolves ]
Zywa Mar 10
Politics revolves

around trying to control --

our powerlessness.
Novel "Vladiwostok!" (2007, Pieter F. Thomése), part 1, chapter 9

Collection "May the Might"
Mar 10 · 424
[ Cruel potentates ]
Zywa Mar 10
Cruel potentates

establish 'peace', simply by --

creating wastelands.
Political biography "De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae" ("On the life and character of Julius Agricola", AD 98, Publius Cornelius Tacitus), § 30: 'Auferre trucidare rapere falsis nominibus imperium, atque ibi solitudinem faciunt, pacem apellant' ('To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire, and where they make a desert they call it peace')

Collection "May the Might"
Zywa Mar 9
Finding the greater

problem and proclaiming it --

thát is politics!
Novel "Vladiwostok!" (2007, Pieter F. Thomése), part 1, chapter 11

Collection "May the Might"
Mar 9 · 573
[ It is all pastel ]
Zywa Mar 9
It is all pastel,

the light, the music and I --

this very spring day.
Composition "Sonate per due organi" ("Sonata for two organs"), Muzio Clementi, performed in the Organpark on December 2nd, 2011 by Erwin Wieringa and Theo Hellema
Walls in pastel colours, stained-glass windows

Collection "org" #18
Mar 8 · 74
[ Power is itself ]
Zywa Mar 8
Power is itself,

you can never possess it --

you only use it.
Novel "Vladiwostok!" (2007, Pieter F. Thomése), chapter 1-11

Collection "May the Might"
Mar 8 · 207
At the top of language
Zywa Mar 8
Politicians are at the top
of language, salesperson
and lawyer in one they
compress the voters' words
with lobbyists and preachers
along the line, it's all

about bluff and the art
of getting stuck every now and then
so that a competitor has to come
and help and inconspicuously
pushed on previous promises
crashes, chokes on them

or at least tears
himself inside
on their blade
You too, Brutus?
It is a full moon
The people are cheering
Rhetoric, Lies, Doublespeak, Doubletalk/Forked tongue

Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC)

Collection "Mosaic virus"
Mar 7 · 306
Temple in the forest
Zywa Mar 7
Today, an excursion to a temple
somewhere further along the river
and we don't take anything with us

although no one seems to be there
so there will be no daily rites
This must be a lesson

We walk single file
through the forest, we walk
over the edge

of a basin, we are there
in the middle of the temple
a row of orange flags

in the open cave
of the waterfalls
of time

which overwhelm me
and carry me away, for a week
I can't be found

Only the forest sees me
while my body meditates
and does not know that I exist
Film "Samsara" (2023, Lois Patiño), novices in orange robes visit a semicircular amphitheatre with waterfalls (in Laos)

Collection "Metamorphic body"
Mar 7 · 486
[ Every day we are ]
Zywa Mar 7
Every day we are

celebrating without frills --

just being grateful.
Story "Het verhaal van Oosterhuis" ("Easthouse's story", 1946, Belcampo)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Mar 6 · 49
Teapot Books Mikado
Zywa Mar 6
I like early mornings
then I'm on my way with a cart
and every day I find something
that has been put on the pavements
of the city, a teapot
tools, books, mikado
an outdated radio
a kitchen chair and stuff

In the winter I rummage about in the pub
in the summer along the canals
A failed, sometimes beloved man

Till my true one and I
will occupy an empty house
with a teapot, books, mikado
tools, an outdated radio
a kitchen chair and stuff
Collection "Migration"
Zywa Mar 6
I met Sharon, walked

her along unknown canals --

with bikes everywhere.
Collection "Migration"
Mar 5 · 115
Halfway station
Zywa Mar 5
If I behave, I can participate
half as a half-grown as if
it were fun in that world
on its head that thinks it can

cheer me up with a smile, kid
the best time of your life...
Cynics! Down with them! Down with fake!
I have square shoulders

just wait, I'm beating
the drum, I'm in
the hangout
about to

They have been hanging
for so long that their brains turn
everything around, having no idea
what's real, what's fake
Tarot: the Hanged Man
Collection "Migration"
Zywa Mar 5
Exploring the world,

you better not be afraid --

of getting lost there.
Composition "Verdwaald tussen de noten" for piano ("Lost among the notes", 2021, Gözde Köse [born in 2008], arranged by René van Münster for eight cellos) performed by the Cello Octet in the Meervaart Theatre in Amsterdam on November 25th, 2023

Collection "Migration"
Mar 4 · 335
Comfort zones [2]
Zywa Mar 4
In the city there are many doors
that are open at night
to being awake
experiencing something together
across the threshold
no longer being an outsider

In the city there are many sidewalks
where people stand
and explore distant areas
with flexible words
questions and mental leaps
to become familiar with them

In the city there are many gardens
where children play, birds
whistle and all year round, flowers
attract bees and people
to come and feast
on the nectar of the day
Collection "WoofWoof"
Mar 4 · 114
[ Knowledge of human ]
Zywa Mar 4
Knowledge of human

nature: learning that people --

are not characters.
Column "De hulpeloosheid van het personage" ("The character's helplessness", Marjoleine de Vos in the NRC of February 26th, 2024) - Reality and fiction: do movies and novels teach us not only to understand people, but also to see them as characters?

Collection "Known"
Mar 3 · 218
Comfort zones [1]
Zywa Mar 3
Being in love, with a smile, not blind
to our differences, the life that lies
behind us and the preferences

that, with the fortunate lack
of temerity, are difficult to convince
of the taste and wisdom of others
- heard very, very benevolently
and without indulgence, found
charming, yes, longing for more
content and more togetherness

in the phase that lies ahead, our choices
to be joined softly and smoothly
in shared open spaces
Collection "More"
Mar 3 · 206
[ Another new birth ]
Zywa Mar 3
Another new birth,

another programmed clotting --

of exploded cells.
Story "De surprise" ("The surprise", 1968, Belcampo)

Collection "Finethreads"
Zywa Mar 2
Next to what was once

the farmyard, a kitchen chair --

in the tall wild grass.
Poem "Spreeuwen" - 4 ("Starlings" - 4, 2023, Hans Tentije)

Collection "Over"
Zywa Mar 2
Clouds passing over

the sun give life to the floor --

it breathes up and down.
Leadlight windows

Collection "org anp ark" #4 (September 23rd, 2011, November 19th, 2011)
Zywa Mar 1
After the **** breach,

somewhere in the water, still --

a howling siren.
Composition #021 "hYDAtorizon" for paino, string quartet and video ("Rooted in water", 1988, Yannis Kyriakides), performed by Quatuor Bozzini and Reinier van Houdt in the Organpark on November 26th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #327
Zywa Mar 1
I don't have a hold,

my mind's floating in the sky --

rootless like seaweed.
Composition #021 "hYDAtorizon" for paino, string quartet and video ("Rooted in water", 1988, Yannis Kyriakides), performed by Quatuor Bozzini and Reinier van Houdt in the Organpark on November 26th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #328
Feb 29 · 331
[ Grandpa is bony ]
Zywa Feb 29
Grandpa is bony,

his mouth speaks clearly, even --

though he says nothing.
Poem "Grootvader" ("Grandfather", 2019, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Actively Passive"
Zywa Feb 29
Without falling I get

ahead of my legs, it is --

quite an exercise!
Instrumental line composition "oneliner" (2014, Andries van Rossem) for *****, performed on the Van Straten ***** by Francesca Ajossa in the Organpark on December 9th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #337
Feb 28 · 89
[ Flowers wilt, even ]
Zywa Feb 28
Flowers wilt, even

if they are out of the sun --

and made of paper.
Poem "Genoeg" ("Enough", 2019, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Break"
Zywa Feb 28
The chicks are dancing

around drolly in their shells --

their thick diapers.
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", part "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" (1874, Modest Mussorgski), in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (*****) on January 21st, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #344
Feb 27 · 152
[ I flounder, hanging ]
Zywa Feb 27
I flounder, hanging

over grandpa's leg, hello --

super shiny shoes!
Poem "Grootvader" ("Grandfather", 2019, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Feb 27 · 291
[ Pulling slowly, I ]
Zywa Feb 27
Pulling slowly, I

sing my sensitive skin out --

of the sticky shade.
Composition "Degrees of Transparency" for piano and soundtrack on seven loudspeakers (2024, Gabriel Paluk), performed by himself in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #351
Zywa Feb 26
I count all my friends

and am left with five fingers --

to shake hands with you!
Poem "Een hand" ("A hand", 2003, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Skin-contact"
Zywa Feb 26
The sky is clear blue,

the day is new, I am free --

from expectations.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @percussion, @brass section

Collection "org anp ark" #358
Feb 25 · 396
[ Forgive me, I won't ]
Zywa Feb 25
Forgive me, I won't

demand so much anymore --

and then receive more.
Song "Bird on the Wire" (1968, Leonard Cohen, about Leonard Cohen and Marianne Jensen, 1969 album "Songs from a Room"; 1968 release by Judy Collins, album "Who Knows Where the Time Goes")

Collection "Known"
Zywa Feb 25
The world is too tight,

would I be too big for it --

or can it still grow?
Poem "De wens" ("The wish", 2019, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Skin-contact"
Zywa Feb 24
Progress is the storm

that has risen at the gates --

of Eden's garden.
Historical-philosophical theses "Über den Begriff der Geschichte" ("On the concept of history", 1940, Walter Benjamin)
Walter Benjamin bought in 1921 the painting "Angelus Novus" ("New Angel" / "Young Angel") by Paul Klee, painted in 1920, about which the 9th thesis is about

Collection "Germ Substance"
Feb 24 · 185
[ Keep carrying me ]
Zywa Feb 24
Keep carrying me

till you have to lay me down --

till I let you go.
Song "Carry me" (2023, Meskerem Mees), in the performance "Exit Above" (2023, Anne Teresa Keersmaker)

Collection "Em Brace"
Feb 23 · 101
[ To reconcile us ]
Zywa Feb 23
To reconcile us

I sing appropriate words --

the old well-known song.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (3-) 34

Song "Bird on the Wire" (1968, Leonard Cohen, about Marianne Jensen, 1969 album "Songs from a Room", 1968 release by Judy Collins)

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Feb 23
The ground beneath her

feet has taken her, the earth --

whose praises I sang.
Novel "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" (1999, Salman Rushdie) - Orpheus

Song "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" (2000, lyrics Salman Rushdie, music U2, album "All That You Can't Leave Behind")

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Feb 22
They are just shouting

back and forth, then continue --

mumbling to themselves.
Composition "2me Sonate" pour orgue, "Ce beau poisson d'amour qu'est Jésus mon sauveur" ("2nd Sonata" for *****, "This beautiful fish of love that is Jesus my saviour", 1956, Claude Ballif), performed by Jean-Luc Etienne in the Organpark on February 18th, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #376
Feb 22 · 135
[ The underwater ]
Zywa Feb 22
The underwater

***** takes a breath, gurgles --

and splutters out tones.
Composition "2me Sonate" for ***** (1983, Jean-Pierre Leguay), performed by Jean-Luc Etienne in the Organpark on February 18th, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #374
Feb 21 · 157
[ A golden story ]
Zywa Feb 21
A golden story

is not forged of sparkling truth --

It shines with deceit.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapters (1-) 6 and (2-) 23

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Feb 21 · 144
[ With a clean duster ]
Zywa Feb 21
With a clean duster,

the maid goes around the house --

waving like a queen.
Novel "Fury" (2001, Salman Rushdie), chapter 14

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Feb 20
You cry in your sleep,

that is a side of yourself --

that you don't know yet.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (1-) 12

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Feb 20 · 203
[ The palace houses ]
Zywa Feb 20
The palace houses

parties, madness, betrayal --

Still it does remain.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (1-) 6

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Feb 19 · 183
[ Sell your cleverness ]
Zywa Feb 19
Sell your cleverness

for the messy confusion --

of wisdom of life.
Rumi: sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment
Feb 19 · 315
[ In the big city ]
Zywa Feb 19
In the big city,

one person's ceiling is an-

other person's floor.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (2-) 21

"Nani gigantum humeris insidentes" ("Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants"), among others, quoted by Isaac Newton

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Feb 18 · 621
[ Outside the village ]
Zywa Feb 18
Outside the village,

we let the local bus pass --

the stop, our club house.
Column "Speedy J - Bushalte" ("Speedy J - Bus stop", 2024, Ine Boermans) in the VPRO broadcasting-guide (2024 #6) - Wezup

Collection "Shelter"
Feb 18 · 163
[ The sense of human ]
Zywa Feb 18
The sense of human

suffering is awareness:

global attention.
"Diffractive Reading" by Bill Mullaney: reading of the twelve cards designed by him after Pauline Oliveros' "Wind Horse Mandala", in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024 - The two cards laid are: attention and awareness

Collection "org anp ark" #364
Zywa Feb 17
While talking, we find

in our circular thoughts what --

we already knew.
"Diffractive Reading" by Bill Mullaney: reading of the twelve cards designed by him after Pauline Oliveros' "Wind Horse Mandala", in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #363
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