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Aug 2019 · 297
Follow The Aries Leader
RW Dennen Aug 2019
Found out I'm suppose to be
an "Aries leader"...

Found out I'm only a

Found out I must follow myself;
"I must follow the Aries leader"
RW Dennen Dec 2016
Now the quiet settles upon the plains
Whereas the saddened heart no longer remains
You fought your ancestors fight for freedom rights
inundated in baptismal water in freezing nights
Even braved the growling hounds
Feared not the shielded men of so-called law
You danced your chants and danced so ever tall
and saved the water for us all
for Came the Ancestors To The Call...

For all warriors at standing rock...
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Night Phantoms
RW Dennen Nov 2016
A  belated "Hallows Eve" poem
I dare you to read and sleep well tonight
he he he !!!

...Wisp of the willow
waning of sun
Sounding breezes
in "Willow-Wisp-Run"

Sail on the night air,
phantoms will scare
with gathering of night clouds
in darkness of air

Moon on the dark side
as dead leaves fall,
visions of shadows
embracing us all

Phantoms caress us
on a dancing wind
Their breath be of coldness
upon your goose-bumping-skin

Green eyes of burning
night phantoms we see,
your body will shiver
your soul to be free

Night specters in black
in "Willow-Wisp-Run"
like black-widow spiders
and sticky-webs spun

Down the dark basement
a slithering spot moves
enticing phantoms
to eat of its ooze

Death now surrounds you
in thickness air
Flies on the ceiling
and foul smelly air
Blood splashed in crmson
like a phantom's stare

Screeching of night things
hooting of owls,
the sound of these spirits;
the dancing dead,
breath comes in tremors,
feet cannot run
feeling the night air;
wishing the sun

Whispering willow,
waning of sun,
voices of phantoms
in "Willow-Wisp-Run"
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
A city haiku
RW Dennen Jun 2016
Sad wide eyes of homelessness
A murderous winter
falls without Mercey
The morgue fills with tenants
This is a word haiku not in syllable style
May 2016 · 960
Blossoms and Sunshine
RW Dennen May 2016
Being spring thinking it most apropos
for welcoming in our
so sought after warming friend
that influences both attitude and behavior as well
Meanwhile bursting pinkish and white blossoms of cherry and dogwood and the resurrection of tulips, of crocus
of bright yellow daffodils, in accordance, of perfumed scented purple hyacinth
All fall in spring patterns as hues of color and natural perfumed air flourishes everywhere
The air is filled with connecting one being to another
Each being is enthralled with the heated day
Birds chirp on nature's timetable
in genetic rhythm
Warmth fills our nostrils mixed with mother nature in blossoming  fragrance
This new warming day envelopes your body
like a true lover
Your stiffened shoulders and body relax with each easy step taken
Spring skies vanquish the dismal and grey days
revealing a blue and sunny canopy with white billowing clouds
extending into a blue dazzling horizon
Still and at ease are your and my thoughts
as remorseful thinking is now of cheer
And the relaxed warmth and happy chatter
of outside awakened people break the harsh-cold-winter silence

Have you felt your mind and body relax and smile after listening
my dear friends?

A revision from 2014m
And i say, "ahhhhhhhhhhh almost time for shorts;
sandles and a light t-shirt."
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
RW Dennen Mar 2016
What golden hearts
seek other souls of gold
What gentle tears roll down from
weeping eyes of red
For escaping hearts
run against the gauntlet from the past
a trodden road that lingers on to ever last
In sadness rendered, comes the twilight from
the dim
to feel the freedom of brightness light within
Comes the brightness your smiling eyes reveal
a radiant countenance of warming flesh and not of steel
What cherished thoughts
I lay them at your feet
your accepting love
and searching eyes so dearly sweet
It's you and me my radiant dove,
a sparkling brightness
of our love...
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Our She-Cat Short-Story
RW Dennen Feb 2016
This is to pay homage to our very smart calico-color-cat
She talks too much even talks back and on her collar
a heart-shaped name-tag bears her name, "Reese"
being the lover of people...

You see, too many other behaviors so lovingly insane
she bears a reflection in short verse
I can only explain...

You see, she gives a parlor welcome
by rolling on the floor
our feline watchman
for the opening of the front-room door

You see, she sits so
like the sphinx
upon the sea of sand
so reverent, so silent, so grand

You see, she thinks she's Cleopatra
gliding across the room
chasing imagined whatevers
in an endless purring tune

You see, she likes to:
Side swipe, give a loving bite, bump a head,
be on our bed, dizzy dance, be in a trance
kiss her head, eat with love, tap our leg, and
open our bedroom door...WOW!!!

You see, watching furry *****,
her crumpled way to sleep
sleeping in many places curiosity to seek
and once upon your leg-bed
so cozy, so warm, so deep

You see, she's the lion in Africa
on an earthy colored rug
chasing toy animals
and an imagined turtle dove

You see, she drops her favorite toy
besides our bedroom door
making trust and love
will forever endure

You see she dashes up our steps
and flies all around;
practicing for tryouts- seemingly-
as a dashing circus clown

You see, with her sorcerer's spell
think or mention her name
then BAM!!...out of the blue
she's walking in your domain

You see, her hiding in foliage
is nothing but a chair
ready to playfully pounce
upon a toy duck in despair

You see, her eyes of staring wisdom
burrow right into you
A beautiful loving feline
from the university of feline U

You see, she gives us orders
what not to do
because her alma mater is feline U

You see, she's cat-dog-human
perplexing as can be
Makes one wanna climb
the highest nearest tree

You see, she licks her coat of colors
of Reese peanut butter candy cups
of brown and dark and milky chocolate
one of her many ups

After all, this list keeps growing
and must be cut short
I must collect my thoughts, for many things to sort...

Thank you and Reese says, "MEOW." (as always)
Feb 2016 · 895
New Day With You
RW Dennen Feb 2016
My rising heart sun
    breaks my famished dreams
Your newly song spirit
     touches my happy mind
We sing together with
     singing eyes that sparkle glow
I weave your spirit into mine
      as we feast upon the day sublime
We joke our tickles
       throughout the morn
Two hearts in love
        never to be torn...
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
America The Once Beautiful
RW Dennen Jan 2016
You stood in the limelight
before a shaft of blazing luminescence
emitted from the zenith positioned
matrix of all energy
The brightness illuminated your
radiant countenance
as blackness enveloped around your
structures as in a early baroque
by Rembrandt
Your form was made from the finest
But your representatives stood in defiance going beyond
their eroded gardens and
trampled vegetation and beast
underfoot; even defecated plutonium
in my backyard
and belched various gases in my face

Luxury is still your ideology;
all to sure in obtaining
unlimited resources
You are still heavily consuming
the best
still maintaining the frivolous notion
that all is well
never anticipating
that time passes into the future

The shaft of blazing sunlight
has insidiously been replaced
by a blinding interrogation lamp
as darkness licks at your morals
and creeps upon your very being
small cracks are now being discovered upon your once lovely face

No longer can you obtain desirous
riches as readily
as options become minimized,
while playing and bullying a winning serious game of monopoly
against poor countries

Panic is beginning to take hold
as reality overcomes frivolity
You are starting to run,
you have already left one of your golden combat boots
in Vietnam; later pirated black gold
from Mesopotamia
under perjury and severed our nation with the fascistic sword of xenophobia,
and plundered the spirits, at home, and other innocent minorities unjustly
And nationalised yourself from a continent to an island regressing
into itself; homogenized into exceptionalism and the nervous propagandized
gnashing of Caucasian teeth

But doubtless to say
there is no reason
for a prince to save you
because you have gotten too old,
much too corporatised,
too corrupted, too soon, too fast,
And I know you can
And I know you can
be that lady with that beacon torch of hope...once...again
And whence comes the nourishment of love that flourishes once more...
Hang strong my many brothers and sisters of the world, we will win, I just know it...take part!!
Dec 2015 · 567
not doing
RW Dennen Dec 2015
Sometimes we have to
stop long enough;
observe into,
breathe into,
and listen to the silence of the void...
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Faux Security
RW Dennen Nov 2015
I realize the ripple effect that monstrous attack in Paris
caused by Isis. But no matter what, do not let these events
make us prisioners from freedom. Ben Franklin himself warned that to seek so much security is to give up our freedom; so here goes...

They walk into darkness
exiled from fear

Relinquished               cerebral thoughts,

freedom wanes,

dissolved                      into                rote-r­eality,

into a spirit of ****,

cast                    downtrodden,

embracing submissive bogus security
RW Dennen Nov 2015
I saw time stand still
in a fraction
of a second...peace

Saw it happen
as one touched another
in affection...peace

Caught the essence
as Jesus
fed the mulitude
and a mother's smile
her child...peace

I saw time stand still
as the bright summer moon rested
on a chimney top
and laughter
ruled the night...peace

Felt temporal illusions
vanish before a portrait
by Rembrant
capturing the subject's
inner spiritual psyche
as inspired men
cast off
their heavy macho ways
and hugged...peace

I saw time stand still
as smiles lit the darkness
and tears
washed away sins...peace...peace...peace

A revision
Sep 2015 · 2.7k
Soft Sweet Meadow
RW Dennen Sep 2015
Soft sweet meadow
radiating its breath of life;
sounding its serenity
in echoes of the mind's eye

Living in this flat land
lay plush
in wild, multicolored-flowery-pockets in greenery
blankets "Sweet Meadow"  with fresh quickened

And by our bedroom window
with a summer night's soft evening breeze
mellow cheeeping can be heard from way way down below
seemingly luring us to...

              ...AND LISTEN!!
Chant dear chorus
as violinist in "Cricket Suits"
join this cantor
that swings with rhythm
with wheezing sounding bugs, AH HUMMING!!
and an intermission of
Cha  Cheep,  Cha  Cheep
that breaks the nocturnal entomological singing
with ephemeral intermissions

Be bewitched by brillance as
tunes fly and z i n g
their little
songs so sweet a talent
little bugs sweetly sing
their little
tale of talent
in "Soft Sweet Meadow"

Comforted by vibrating frequencies
the air is electrical clasping
our good-inner child
as this meadow
unfolds its truth
being beneficial
to us all

We journey not too far
for this field draws us
to its delightful *****
We irresistibly suckle on its daytime scenic eye-filling foliage
later eliciting dreams made of peaceful slumber

Cha Cheep,  Cha Cheep and good night...
Jul 2015 · 12.8k
RW Dennen Jul 2015
There was once a carpenter's son;
he died by his stepfather's profession
about an item made of wood

He died by his stepfather's profession
carrying wood upon his back

He died by his stepfather's profession
with wood touching him
He died by his stepfather's profession
by wood with nails in skin...
Ironically this man of love and peace
who preached peace and
love knew about wood
by his earthly father;
died on wood...
Jul 2015 · 3.5k
Fighter's glory in rising
RW Dennen Jul 2015
Life is a fighter's ring
        your opponent
is life's most downs
        with all its fury
forever challenging us most prevalent surely...

What type glory
         do you choose
when failing your fighter's round?
Do you pick yourself up
            after crashing
                           to the ground?

What glory in rising
          your situation
                   newly found?
What invention
              of yourself
in your up and coming round?

Do your cheering crowds please you
               your real friends know
your need?
Will you rise yourself up
          in a thunderous quickened speed?

So, your fighter's glory in rising
       each bout that you take
Will you rise yourself up
      for your honor is at stake...

-This is why i think that most average are heroes no matter what country-
RW Dennen
Jul 2015 · 2.7k
Echoes of a bugle
RW Dennen Jul 2015
Bugle call in cadence be
spread your deep sincerity

Reverberate its call
within our minds
of good deeds done
for better times

Heroes of every walk of life
remembered by bugle sounds
into vesper night
It's sounding love of mankind
and sacrifice
About everyday people
like you and me
About brass sounds that triumph liberty
It's sounding our land, not laid bare,
by the right to speak
It's sounding about lives laid down
that freedoms seek
And through that bugle call we see
in taps that sound great dignity

We must fight
not to relinquish
our hard earned truth
in bugle calls of our youth

Now i lay my bugle
down to sleep
And still i hear that
that haunting sound
forever be
that ushers forth
our dignity
Hang strong "We the People" have the masses. This poem was meant for
people like Martin Luther King who gave forth positive contributions and died
in helping mostly the middle class and poor; have a good 4th.
May 2015 · 2.3k
Our Journey
RW Dennen May 2015
Many paths do we take
Many roads in our wake
Many bridges with their tolls

Onward travelers
bless us all
Heroes born to challenge's call

Obstacles vanish within our path
toil not with guiding staff

Wandering travelers throughout our life
we share our stories of good and strife
on roads of signs which way to take
to travel best for all's at stake

Lonely travelers is you and me
we merge at times
on roads
we share
and talk our journeys
of rough and smooth
and find our wisdom
in enlightened mood
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Don't cry
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Wanting you dearly
Needing you clearly
Severely in love

RW Dennen-

Don't  cry baby
  For I'll be near;
I must go, my journey ends;
  so touch and kiss my picture upon the wall

Don't cry baby
  All is fine, just journeying and drifting
to a different timeless-time

Don't cry baby
  Life begins, beyond the stars,
    where spirits sing on high regards
to saddened hearts aching somberly,
  like slow breaking hearts and slow breaking waves
      upon a tearful saddened sea

Don't cry baby
  remember you; remember me;
let beautiful remembrances forever be
  about just you alone, alone with me

Don't cry baby
  Think of you and think of me;
with two hearts merged into one;
  walking hand in hand into infinity...
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Out of tick-time
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Out of time
Out of money, out of rhythm, out of rhyme, without a dime
Borin' days, yawnin' nights, mischief wins
Stealin' cars, goin' to bars, Whorin' up,
snortin' stuff
Goin' to jail, out of bail
Behind bars with badman movie stars
Was out of time, now in with time
TICK......................................................TI­CK...............................................TICK............­................TICK ( phew! still more to come)............................................................­...TICK
And a lot more slow prison infinity TICKS!!!
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
My belly botton Lol (10W)
RW Dennen Mar 2015
I unscrewed my belly button and my **** fell off
RW Dennen Mar 2015
People of peace walk gently
People of strength never to be stilled
Abundance awaits you with courage

RW Dennen-

Came the Black voting rights march into Selma, Sunday

And being gathered in prayer before crossing, you soon felt smashing upon your body as blood seeped down your face
on a Sunday and the initial retreat too too much to remember:
About dogs and billy clubs; about fire hoses ready and that very bridge, later will carry hearts of conscience all in the great name
of the American ballot box

Today, I say hail for the slain and hurt of the historical past; I say hail to both black and white
brothers and sisters once endowed with bravery embued with inalienable rights

Hang strong my true people of the bridge
Hang strong for that greater bridge that bridges into dignity of today
Hang strong and hold dear to your hearts "The Sunday Selma legacy"
and  "The spirit of the Edmund Pettus Bridge"
In 1965 on a Sunday these brave souls of different religions and races
marched for black equal voting rights only to be met with bone crushing resistance.
Today these rights must be restored for a more perfect union
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Tell me about your dreams
of you
wondering in starlit dew
Tell about each dreamy breath you take
making love for lover's sake
Whisper in my ear my dear
of magical dreams with you
falling into clouds of love
feeling the warmth of you

Tell me about ancient fable times;
Oracle's love questions in rhymes;
rhyming about you and me; beyond an ever calming sea

Tell me about vines that creep
up walls too steep that carry me to you
into bedroom dreams of bliss

Tell me about your dreamy house;
it's lilac door, it's French domain, and flowery window paine
Tell me you dream of two, just me and you
within its walls of love, two like dreamy turtle doves
dreaming of only love...
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Pretend mirror
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Alike likes alike

RW Dennen-

Pretend I am your mirror
Pretend that reflections of yourself are only my words
of ******* about you coming from me
Pretend attributes about yourself are extended
from my familiarity about you into your existence that holds truth
Pretend that the fine glass is always cleaned from dirt
by questioning whether my thoughts will ever harm you
by not using fabrications upon your life's story
Pretend to handle me gently, at times, because I could possibly give you way more than seven years bad luck by merely dismissing you of my obligation as a friend in deed
Now realize that myself, as a true friend, that i am your
living and breathing mirror,at times, about yourself
and if CrAcKs show, use your logic and kindly DISCARD
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Be smart be alert
Do not hide the truth my friend
Defend the truth until the end

RW Dennen-

Come my brothers and sisters
  let us be basked in the sun of glory
Be we the tears that fall
  surrendered on cheeks that tell their tale

Let slavery's master-yoke be broken
  and cast away

Come my brothers and sisters
and so do join in our power's struggle
  to lend a better day

Come my brothers and sisters
  may your shining soul be at rest

Come be as neighbors no matter far away
  let our colors merge one into one is one;
    let racism fade away
  and let rest us upon the immovable stone
     of brotherhood; so powerful we are
And so too awaits our resolve enlightened by
our hearts of day

Then tear that awful blind of ignorance
and sing our song till all merge into one
And laud that peace that will increase good tidings to us all

Be that light until that sight
when colors merge and BROTHERHOOD,
  to never go away...
The movie "Selma" and that powerful music "Glory" inspired
me to write this piece. I loved Martin for what he did for all colors
on this planet earth
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Love's Symphony
RW Dennen Feb 2015
I see your song;
feel your melody

Your singing eyes
looking right into me

We feel our peace,
dancing heavenly

To feel your arms
wrapped in rhapsody;
violins beckon,
you to me

We kiss on lips
in rhythmic fantasy

I hear your heart
beat drum-songs to me

Let singing cupids sing so softly,
about our love in symphony

The dancing stars
wink joyfully,
upon two loves,
in melody

The curtain falls,
on cord's romance
to play our song
give love a chance...
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Swaying fields of wheat
A quick downward eagle's swoop,
a dance of nature

RW Dennen-

Screech your eerie
echoing song
Flutter wings and spin
against a cool
blackened starlit-night

Then gently sail your
dark silhouette
across a summer
GIANT pox-marked moon

And gently skim
this bright lunar-face
with wing-tips
of brownish-white           Then

dive in sudden Grace,
scissor-angled wings enclosed
Then freely dip
on upper ******
to catch your tiny insect prey             Then

stretch your wings
to form a widened Vee
Then glide on
spiral flowing endlessness
to screech your fleeting
summer song
in a star-lit; moon-lit sky
your song for lover's love
that ushers forth
the dark
eerie haunting
melody                   Reverberate

your haunting call
once again
Soon find your airy path;
fly away from here;
take chant of night with you,
leave silent stillness left behind
in darkened sky                               Now

a final distant screech
  then hush,
your fleeting
  summer song
of night

Feb 2015 · 1.2k
The Question
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Do our loved ones
once deceased return
to us in dreams?

When we walk in fields
with them
side by side
and chat, and smile, and laugh
and cry?

Is death hastily forgotten
like so many pebbles cast
into pools ever so deep?
And not thinking
the absurdity of their death
long past gone
paid by
our loved ones
that now talk to us?

Ooh what sweet dreams
are made of
that brings
us once again
to our beloved
once long past,
only to be awakened
in the morning
by unbearable
Some say that the deceased visitation rites are profoundly
through another energy frequency via dreams
Feb 2015 · 2.9k
Boots and Shoes
RW Dennen Feb 2015
People of peace walk gently
People of strength never be stilled
Abundance awaits those with courage

RW Dennen-

Stay out of Iraq the spirits
Eyes wide opened, boots and shoes lined up in order
in almost perfect straight lines in Philadelphia July 2005
Symbolic death shoes of civilians out of synchronization
in a war of soldiers

Under a small tree meticulously placed
we're children's shoes in a perfect solid circle
I read o months of age on tags
I read 8 years old on tags
I read 12 years old on tags
And on and on the children's lists grew,
as wisdom must have waned
and common decency
was once cherished

These shoes and boots sadly became
the dimishment of human beings,
horizontal and vertical rectangular
snapshots of once smiling faces
all in the name of war, they vanished all too soon

And I saw running tears and tears being held back
and I felt lumpy throat feelings in unison
with the rest but in cemetery silence

Touching deep feelings so overwhelming
is to touch a false bent flower and flowers
and pictures of deceased soldiers and civilians
and letters once presented at doorways
throughout America
America cried its sadness and disbelief,
the vanished breathers of life giving air,
Our sons, our daughters,
Our mothers, our fathers,
Our sisters, our brothers,
Our relatives,
Our close friends,
All perished, like a vampire that ***** away the life blood of
the once innocent

I noticed mostly tourists coming in droves from Market Street
towards us volunteers who were located adjacent to the
visitor's center side entrance as silence like before still prevailed
And like before the atmosphere prevailed even stronger
as these boots and shoes became tombstones

And tender hearts became tombstones
broken into small pieces
Passions never changed into loud speech

And the green turf
rolled down towards the sidewalk
like a green carpet holding all those boots and shoes
like a quilt interwoven with boot and civilian
shoe memories about days that should never
happen again...
A heart rendering experience and what the 'Bush Regime brought about'
Feb 2015 · 1.9k
Drunkard's Mythical Games
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Do I splash
the pool of Narcissus
when I call you nasty names...

...even hog
the grapes of Bacchus
playing friendly bar-room games?

Will I squeeze
the **** of Aphordite
in my tippler's lecherous way?

...And will I challenge
and find i'm in a fix!!!??

For i'll fear of meeting Charon
upon the under-river Styx!!!

Oh me, oh my, lions and tigers and bears
Oh oh my...
Feb 2015 · 746
Rhythm of Nature
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Ocean waters in half-time swash
Microcosm in rhythm
Mathematics's song
Feb 2015 · 511
Nature's Calendar
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Autumn leaves burning in coolness
Eyes stinging smoke fills somewhat the nostrils
Nature's messenger of long winter
Feb 2015 · 618
Survival of Nature
RW Dennen Feb 2015
A city bird lands gently
A spark of nature coming through cement cracks
Humanity cannot dominate all space
Feb 2015 · 441
Nothing into Something
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Enveloped in black
A spark in vast emptiness
Beginning of nature's self creation
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Holding Universes
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Holding matter in your hand
Holding feathery light universes within many universes
Extraordinary Atlas gods we are
Feb 2015 · 549
A Matter of Motion
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Watch a squirrel's body ****
They strobe-light themselves through life
Watching an old "King Kong Flick"
Watch people dance under a strobe light or get a flashlight
and shake it side to side on someone dancing.
You will get the big picture
Feb 2015 · 552
Welcome Committee
RW Dennen Feb 2015
The porpoises chatter
They jump and swim near ship's bow wake
Welcome to their world
Feb 2015 · 534
Nature's Hallows Eve
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Loud meow of a black cat
The swift hooting night owl
Nature's Halloween
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Yes, you out there wherever you may be
You try to steal our souls in poems
We know you, to the tee

What twisted motives to be us, by proxy, what cowardess you be
What an empty vessel posses you, such sadness, such despair
You pick our hard imagined fruit and not from your own tree

You clone our minds, like leaches on our skin
You wish us harm, you thieving ***
You wormy monster, a slug, next to kin

I curse you
I loath you
I hate you
You stealers of our youth
Betrayers of our written souls
What lacks is pride, and owners of the truth
Feb 2015 · 665
Swoop and Sway
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Swaying fields of wheat
A quick downward eagle's swoop
The dance of nature
Feb 2015 · 500
Coming From
RW Dennen Feb 2015
A mother holds her baby
Birth by nature is never sequestered
All originate from Earth Matrix
Feb 2015 · 658
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Willows dip and bow
Leaves like little sails on air
Grace abounds in nature
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Reward in Strength
RW Dennen Feb 2015
People of peace walk gently
People of strength never to be stilled
Abundance awaits those with courage
Feb 2015 · 414
A Warm Human Need
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Wanting you dearly
Needing you cleary
Severely in love
Jan 2015 · 558
Earthly Chatter
RW Dennen Jan 2015
People speak and shout aloud
The excessive babble invariably in different resonance
Earth is a speaking ball
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Moments of total nothingness,
you don't deserve it, just because you're unknown
Your greatest virtue lies within
your inner dialogue between one
Your audience smiles at your achievements,
as you look into a mirror applauding a reflection
Prolific insight woven and painted by your pen
is sadly wasted, unraveled and sloshed by bias
esoteric and snobbish, the twins of bias,
sit on high poetic mountains of celebrity,
while filing away your non-read thoughts into
deep, deep trashcans
Jan 2015 · 362
Casting out your line (10W)
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Fishing for my heart
   the hook
my being
Jan 2015 · 583
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Death and destruction
Hidden suicide bombers
"Iraqi Freedom"
Jan 2015 · 483
A different reality
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Exploding anti-war rally
with people of intelligience,
ends in dull silence
Jan 2015 · 610
Cradled into Oblivian
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Iraqi Mother cradles child
Sudden incoming bomb shrill
Nothing but rubble
Not only did our troops get the ***** end of the deal
Also innocent civilians as well as the rich got richer
I really feel anguish and sorrow for both sides in general
I take no sides, only against these filthy rich profiteers
These vampires that drink their blood money
Jan 2015 · 468
Lied to
RW Dennen Jan 2015
Chaos everyday
Utilities down
Mission accomplished
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