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lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i was born to love you. you have always been my purpose in life.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i miss you like the sea would miss the salt if that were taken away.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you'll never be alone as long as i'm alive, and even after, i'll protect you in the afterlife.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've never felt closer to you than i do now. i can feel the smile on your face and your thoughts about me and your heart aching for me as you drift off to sleep.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i imagined staring into each other's eyes and saying "i do" and i started crying from the happiness i know i'll feel.
lovelywildflower Apr 2019
you love parts of me that have never been loved before and i feel so whole.
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
i fell in love with you because you loved me when i couldn't love myself.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you make me want to stay alive. you make everything alright. and i love you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i love the way you believe in me. the way you make me believe in myself.
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
i don't care how complicated this gets. i still want you.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
when i say i love you, i am not just saying it out of habit. i am reminding you that you are my life.
336 · Sep 2018
The Five Senses
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I always steal your sweatshirt
Because it smells like you
And you are my favorite smell
I always look for you in the hallways and everywhere I go
Because when I see you, you make me feel better
And you are my favorite sight
I always dream of kissing you again
Because your lips were so soft and sweet
And you are my favorite taste
I always poke you and hug you and touch you any way I can
Because your touch makes me feel safe
And you are my favorite thing to touch
I can pick out your voice out of a whole crowd of people
Or with my eyes closed
Because your voice also makes me feel safe
And you are my favorite sound
You are my favorite person
You are my favorite everything
My best friend
I love you
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i want to spend forever with you and even that is not enough time.
334 · Nov 2018
a note on my sexuality
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the first time i held hands with a girl
my heart raced faster
she was my best friend
she came over to my house
we sat outside
under a blanket
and our fingers were intertwined together
back then, i didn't know what sexuality was

the first time i knew i liked a girl
was in 8th grade
she had dark brown hair
then cut it really short
she was so beautiful
it was hard to breathe
it was only a silly little crush

the first time i kissed a girl
was on a dare
we were talking about kissing
and i said
"i've always wanted to kiss a girl"
and so we did
and every time we saw each other
we kissed
it was a fun silly joke

the first girlfriend i ever had lasted only a week
but we held hands at school
and we really liked each other
but i was too afraid

the first time i knew i was really into girls too
was in a grocery store
and a good-looking guy walked past
but i didn't really feel anything
this girl was walking behind him
and she smiled at me
and my heart raced faster than it ever has

the first time i asked a girl out was this year
it didn't end well
but it's not really that hard
to ask a girl
if she likes girls too
and i knew i could do it again

the first time i knew i wanted a girlfriend
wasn't too long ago
i just wish i had the nerve
to ask more girls out
and just have fun
before i started the rest of my life

the first time i knew what sexuality was
i knew there was always something different about me
and i figured it out later on

i'm pansexual. deal with it.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
the light that radiates from you draws me in and i can't look away. you are way too beautiful.
332 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
i just want to sit at the bottom of that pool
the floor to ceiling windows letting in the sunlight
and i'll watch as the light shimmers on the tile
the waves a kaleidoscope of memories
and it projects in front of me
some are beautiful in a certain kind of way
i'll tell myself that i can breathe
that i'm where i belong
and i'll sit there
in a state of euphoria
in a state of delirium
and float like an astronaut in space
and before i realize it's too late
my lungs stop working
and i'm where i need to be
i'm sorry i've been gone so long but i'll be back really soon <3
332 · Feb 2019
learning to fly
lovelywildflower Feb 2019
I'm so used to being left behind
I've never had a relationship that lasted a long time
I've always been thrown away back into the endless sea of people
Wondering who they're going to end up with
And I've found you
You're my happy ending
But forgive me for being skeptical about you loving me
It's hard to give you all of me
All of my trust
When it's just been broken and taken advantage of
And I know you're different
You won't ever hurt me
But there's still that fear buried deep inside me
I was never one to take risks
But maybe I should start
If I never learn how to fly
I'll never be with the one I love
So I'm spreading my wings
And taking that jump off the edge
I'll do anything to be with you
And I want to make this work
So today I'm learning to fly
And I will forget the past pain and hurt
331 · Nov 2018
haiku: a moment
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the gray space behind
crow flys over autumn trees
one rose still alive

331 · Oct 2018
forever lonely
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm locking away my heart
throwing away the key
building these castle walls higher than before
i'm done with love
no one even wants me
so i'm hiding my heart
so no one breaks me
i'll act tough
i'll be rough
and i'll scare away anyone who talks to me
no, you can't have me
no, you don't even want me
you just want to use me up until i'm no more
and you want to break me into pieces
you don't want me
stop acting like you do
now i'm going to live my life forever lonely
no one is allowed through this door
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you're so beautiful. and i don't want to take my eyes off you, even for a second.
331 · Nov 2018
please remind me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
please remind me how much you love me
how much you want me
how much you care about me
remind me of all the things that make your heart race
and the things that make you smile
remind me of the future we want
and how happy we'll be once we're together
please remind me
because i can't feel anything
please remind me
so i don't forget you're real
please remind me
so i don't drift away from you
please remind me
so i don't push you away
please remind me

lovelywildflower Sep 2019
i want to see you. i want to kiss you. i want to hug you. i want to laugh with you. i just want to be with you.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
it means the world to me that a beautiful soul like yours loves a storm like me.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
when i first saw you, i saw forever in those eyes.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i will love you even in your darkest moments.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you're the most important thing in the world to me.
327 · Oct 2018
aching for you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can almost feel your touch
your warmth spreading throughout my body
but i'm laying here all alone
so cold and lonely
i wish magic were real
so i could teleport you here
just so we could hold each other
and forget about the world
and i hope this is real
because i'm slowly falling in love
and maybe you don't feel the same
but i will wait forever just to be with you
i'll sit here until the world ends
and i hope you're the last thing i see
right before i go
326 · Nov 2018
an exorcism
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i exorcized you from my thoughts
from my heart
you are no longer possessing me
i love him now
i let all the dead things go
turned some into newer and better things
deleted the words i wrote about you
rewrote some and dedicated them to him
i'm not sorry i replaced you
you've done it to me on many occasions
i hope you know you are now a ghost
lingering in my memory no more
all the words you said, forgotten
all those lies you told, learned from them
all those places you touched, i'm loving again
all the broken pieces of my heart, he healed them
forget you
you did nothing good for me
you made me afraid
and he taught me that no matter how ****** a person is
i am still worthy of love
he is the complete opposite of you
a man, not a boy like you
and i know you'll never find someone who will love you as i did
you broke me
my whole being
i love with all of me
and now i get to watch you drown beneath the waves
the end
you'll see what you lost
i can tell you miss me
why else would you ditch your girlfriend to walk with me?
i won't let you back in
i hope you realize you lost me for good this time
and i hope it hurts as much as it did for me
but it won't
because you're heartless
you won't feel a thing
and i really thought i could change you into something more
something better
a good person
but another thing i learned is people don't change
no matter how much you want them to
i don't care about you anymore
all i want now is for you to permanently leave my life
good riddance

to an ex boyfriend
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've looked around enough to know that you're the one i want to go through time with.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
and when you look at me, i swear i can't breathe.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the way you looked at me last night made my heart race. my heart smiled, then wanted to run into your arms. but for now, i'll just let your eyes full of love hold me. god, the way you looked at me and smiled. i could see all the love you have for me in those eyes and it lit up my entire existence. i want you to look at me like that for the rest of our lives.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i sat in bed, smiling. smiling at the memories of those four lovely hours. and i wondered if it was right. right for us? of course. but the way other people see it? maybe not so much. but i smiled to myself because it didn't feel wrong. it felt so right. and i just thought, "**** it. if it wasn't meant to happen, it wouldn't have happened." i think we were meant to be. life is too short to not be happy.
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You told me today that I better not **** myself
Because you'd come to wherever I am and stop me
I don't want to die
I just don't want to be alive
That doesn't make sense
to no one who has ever felt this
I used to hurt myself
Millions of scars up and down my arms
I'm glad you never had to see that
That's all gone and in the past
So you don't have to worry about that
I don't want to do that to myself anymore
I won't hurt myself
I won't **** myself
Don't worry
I don't want to die
I just don't want to be alive
And what I mean by that is I don't want to be 6 feet under
I don't want to take my last breath
I don't want to give up any hope of a good future
I just don't want to be alive
I don't want to have to socialize
or pretend I'm alright
I'm in pain
And I don't want to hide
I don't want to be alive
Don't worry, this only happens sometimes
I'm fine
lovelywildflower Oct 2019
i love how you just easily choose to do things that make me happy, like wearing that shirt i like or saying i'm beautiful all the time.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
for once in my life, i don’t have to try to be happy. when i am with you it just happens.
318 · Nov 2018
thinking of you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i think of you every second, every day
i think of you whenever you're away
i think of you always
i think of you now and forever
please always stay
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i won't give up on you so don't give up on me.
317 · Sep 2018
The Moment You Heal
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I used to tear open my skin to release the pain inside
The addictive, luring touch of tools used to split open wrists
It was the only thing that felt right to do in times of despair
Loneliness and despondency clung to me like gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe
The only thing I could ever focus on was dragging a sharp object across my thin arms
That was me

Two years back on one April night I found a new shiny object
Tore it across my skin to numb a pain I can't quite remember now
Of course I did not realize that new objects have sharper touches
I went too deep...
I panicked like I was being pushed off a building, a fight to stay alive
Isn't it crazy how you think you want to die and the moment the possibility of death is in front of you, you battle to live?
I ran halfway up the stairs and stopped, too afraid to admit what I had done to myself to someone that would help
So I took matters into my own hands
Cleaned and treated the wound like I was a surgeon
Bandaged and kept that part of me free from any harm
The fact that it probably needed stitches scared me
I've never cried harder that memorable night
I will never forgive myself

Two years later down the road
I love myself and I feel like a ray of sunshine all the time
Light radiates from me whenever I can do it
I've never been so on the positive side of things
And I did, I did forgive myself
Two years later and the scar has still not faded to a white line
I hated it. I hated looking at it continuously day after day
I was ashamed
I tried to love that part of me but I couldn't
It was so hard

And in between getting better and holding on to the past
I experienced heartbreak for the first time
I swore he was the one
And he broke me into pieces like I was nothing
I hated everything
Why didn't anyone want me or love me?
No one showed up to save me
So I started to love myself instead

Today, September 20, 2018, I realized my worth
Today I looked down at the reminder of hard times
Today it has almost completely faded
Sometimes you don't even realize the moment you heal
But you do
I promise you that you will heal
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i'd break my heart into pieces if it meant you would stay whole.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i thought about you today (when do i not think of you?) and all i wanted was to place a million kisses all over your existence.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
if i lost you
i would hurt myself
and that's not just words coming out of my mouth
it's a fact
it's the truth
because there is no me without you
you without me
we are inseparable
we are meant to be
and i know you'll never leave
and i'm content knowing that
but there's a lot of people who would try to separate us
and that's what i'm afraid of
of losing you because of them
because no one here wants to see me happy
their only intent is hurting me
no one cares about me here
that's a fact
it's the truth
if they did, why would they leave me so blue?
if they just knew how i felt about you
then maybe they would understand
but no one here wants to listen to my words
they just hear what they need to say instead
i would hurt myself
it's true
because i couldn't survive without you
i don't want to
i would try jumping off buildings
reminding myself of the feeling of falling
i would try splitting open my veins
to try to see that my blood's still running
circulating for you
i would try swallowing pills
to fill the hole inside me
to try to feel something else
than the agonizing pain of being without you
i would try holding handguns to my heart
wondering if i have that courage to keep waiting
wondering if i have the courage not to do something stupid
i would try drowning in water
to remind myself of the way my chest burst with love
i would try tying ropes around my neck
to remind myself of the way that we are tied together
i would hurt myself to remind me of you
i cannot survive without you
and we all know it's a well-known fact
that i destroy myself when i'm hurt
i don't eat
i don't sleep
i don't do anything that's good for me
because what's the point if i already can't breathe?
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