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lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you are the most amazing thing i've ever experienced.
315 · Nov 2018
this may be it
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm considering actually jumping in front of a car
just so i don't have to go home today
i don't want to go
i'm going to be in so much trouble
i could run away
i could jump in front of a car
i could just sit here and not leave
but if i do not continue to exist after today
just know i was in a lot of pain
and that i'm sorry
i wish i could have stayed

315 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
how often am i on your mind?
you just happen to be on mine all the time
lovelywildflower Apr 2019
you deserve good things, and i hope that i can be one of them.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i can be so completely myself with you and i love it
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
baby convince me that you will always love me because my heart breaks every day thinking about losing you
lovelywildflower Oct 2019
i love you. that means i'm not just here for the pretty parts. i'm here no matter what.
310 · Nov 2018
dear universe,
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
don't you ******* DARE mess this up for me, you hear? don't you ******* DARE.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i realized that i don't call someone "my love" until i know for sure deep in my heart that i love them and will love them for the rest of my life. and you, my love, you i will love for the rest of my life, and even after. in all my lifetimes, i will find you and love you.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
even if everything goes to hell, at least it's with you.
308 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
waking up with bruises and wounds
from battling these sleepless nights

308 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i am very indecisive
i cannot decide anything
this or that
i don't know
but i know one thing for sure
and that is
i want to be with you for the rest of my life
i am very indecisive
but this
i'm 100 percent sure of

lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i can tell you anything at any time. i trust you with all of me.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
there is not a single part of you i can live without now.
308 · Oct 2018
to g.b.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm trying to talk to you
but every time i go to type
my words leave me
i'm trying to scream
to tell you how i feel
i want you to know this storm
i feel like you're someone i could like
but maybe you don't like storms
and maybe i'm not someone you could like
and maybe we're just too far for this to ever be right
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
each day, i wake up and it's hard to breathe. but i just remind myself that it's one day closer to you.
306 · Nov 2018
blue ink
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
my blue pen loves to write about you
it just can't get enough
it feels up pages in seconds
with love notes to you
and it keeps wishing
you'll find its creations
and love the things
it says about you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
~ june 15, 2018 ~
i feel so lost right now. i don't think i've ever felt this way before. i look in the mirror and i don't recognize myself. i look in the mirror and think, "who is this person staring back at me?"
lovelywildflower Apr 2019
i could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that i love about you.
305 · Nov 2018
haiku: think
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't want to think
the sad things hurt me too much
this is a cruel world

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
"So it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but i want to do that because i want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday."

-The Notebook

lovelywildflower Mar 2019
when i found you, i called you mine. now, you'll never be lost again. you are safe here.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
all my life, i have dreamed of someone like you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you have me. until every last star in the galaxy dies. you have me.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
thank you for all the reasons i have to love you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
if i kissed you, i don't think i'd be able to stop.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
there’s nowhere else i’d rather be than with you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
"i'm a mess, but i'm the mess that you wanted."
300 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
wrap me up in your warmth
and sing me to sleep
299 · Nov 2018
please cut these ropes
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
sometimes i stare at the veins in my wrist
and there's this big urge to just open it up
even though there's no reason to anymore
once a cutter
always a cutter
isn't that what they say?
my wrists tingle with the urge
and i just want to scream "no!"
i can feel the ropes against my skin
they keep pulling me in
please someone save me
someone please cut these ropes
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
it's you. it's been you for the past few months, since the moment we first started to talk. its you all the time. you are everywhere and you are everything. it's you. it's always been you.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you are the only one who can love me the way i need.
298 · Nov 2018
where are you?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i miss you so much
i can't breathe
it hurts
please be okay
i can't survive without you
my tears are falling
please come back to me

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i know the distance ***** but just remember that we lay under the same stars. place your hand over your heart and remember i'm right there.
297 · Jan 2019
maybe i'll run
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
god i have to get out of this place
maybe i'll run to the blue ocean where the waves will touch me with a softer blow than all the hard ones i had to face
maybe i'll run to the forest where the butterflies live in secret and they will whisper all about the unknown
maybe i'll run to the rocky cliff where i imagined flying so many times while the white rose slips from my hand
maybe i'll run to the desert in hopes that all the heat will take the pain from my body
maybe i'll run to the mountains where i'll feel like i'm on top of the world for once and not pushed down under
maybe i'll run away
maybe i'll run to you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i love you to the core of my being, so thoroughly that every cell comprising me aches to be near you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i can imagine us together so well. i can see every little piece of our future together. the things we will do, the things we will say, the places we will go. everything. i can see it so vividly like i'm just watching a movie play in front of me. and it makes me fall even deeper in love. i just hope the universe doesn't tear us apart.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i saw your name today. and when i thought of you, the fire in my chest grew and i could feel the warmth spreading throughout my body. i am so in love with you.
296 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
like wildflowers growing in the forest
295 · Nov 2018
she has gone insane
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
too many words jumbled up in my head
i cannot think s         r               i               h
                          t              a           g                  t

i've been thinking too MUCH


just trying something
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you were my only reason for living
but then you left
so why am i still living?
why am i not dead?
294 · Oct 2018
to an ex boyfriend
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm usually the type of person to forgive people
but i will never forgive you for what you've done to me
you made me afraid of everything
and i hate you for it
293 · Nov 2018
i can't help it
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
reading your old poems from so long ago
the ones about love rip me apart
the way you describe other girls you've loved
and the way they made you feel
can i help that i'm jealous?
no i can't
it's just who i am
my cheeks burn red
from embarrassment
the only thing i can think now is
"am i the only one on your mind?"
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