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165 · Oct 2018
dreaming of more
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want you to love me
i want you to heal me with your words
we may not be able to touch
or hear each others voices
but maybe we could still be something
you know?
165 · Nov 2018
hold on
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm holding on as tight as i possibly can
please don't slip through my fingers

165 · Oct 2018
it's important
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
tell me
would you love the scars on my arms and thighs?
or would you just run and hide?
165 · Oct 2018
i'm not proud
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
hurting myself worse than i hurt you
to punish myself for the pain i caused
165 · Oct 2018
The Inmate Tries To Escape
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
I started crying in the middle of class
Tears secretly flowing from my eyes
A river hidden from the world
Tears in a sea full of laughing people
Tears falling from my face
Not bothering to wipe them away
I'm sorry
But when something is too full, it overflows
I just couldn't hold it anymore
The funny thing is
I don't even know why I'm crying
It just kind of happened
Is anyone even noticing?
That's fine
I don't even want to be here
I would much rather be in your arms
Everyone just needs to leave me alone
All I know is I've been in pain for a week straight
And the pain tried to escape from my eyes
Even my pain doesn't want to be associated with me
I do not blame it
I'm just surprised that the tears fell in the middle of a classroom
And it doesn't help that I really didn't give a ****
I just let it happen
I sat as the warm raindrops streamed down my face
and dropped onto my shirt
I'm okay
This is just the pain trying to escape
163 · Oct 2018
death would be my next love
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i loved my ex-boyfriend and when he left
my heart was shattered and i couldn't breathe
but he treated me like ****
you treat me so much better
and i love you so much more
and if you left
i would die from a broken heart
and i wouldn't be living anymore
163 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
Everyone around me has someone loving them
and there's no one there for me
But even if there was
What good would it be?
I can't feel love right now
Someone broke me
and stole that part of me
and I want it back
I want to be able to love again
162 · Nov 2018
one of those moments
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
this is one of those moments
where i want to drink until i pass out
but before i do
i throw the bottles against the wall
and slit my wrists with the shards left behind

this is just how i am
when there's sadness mixed with anger
lingering inside of me
wanting to get the **** out

161 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
one time i wanted to run away
all the way to Vermont
that's where i was gonna go
i knew someone there
and i was gonna run to them
i looked up a map
even packed a bag
but then my parents found out
that i was talking to this guy
i couldn't sleep in my room for a while
they watched me
to make sure i wouldn't leave
in the middle of the night while they were asleep
i want to run again
run as far as i can
i'm always running anyway
always running
when am i going to stop?

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
tired, heavy eyes
slow, drifting mind
just let me keep my head down
let me fall asleep
please let me be

160 · Oct 2018
the ways i protect myself
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
if i said i didn't like pain
i'd be lying
it makes me feel alive
i don't inflict pain on myself on purpose
but i am a little more dangerous
with things
my legs have not looked clear in years
there's always scabs and bruises
splattered over my skin
like paint on a canvas
as soon as one goes away
another one shows up
i'm like a little kid
who always has skinned knees
playing rough
and acting tough
it's who i am
and i do not cry
when i get hurt physically
i always laugh instead
my bones break
my skin tears open
my blood says hi to the air outside
and no tears exist in my eyes
i'm tough on the outside
because i'm so fragile on the inside
people have said they're scared of me
because of my tough outer shell
people have said i'm intimidating
but if they saw what's on the inside
they would laugh
it's a good thing i have this wall built up
160 · Oct 2018
play pretend
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i know you don't want me
but can we at least pretend?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i used to be like you
so caring and wanting to help everyone
so kind and sweet
you made me smile
i couldn't stop
a smile plastered on my face as i was walking to math
just because of some words you wrote
i don't think i've smiled like that in days
i have been in pain
i wish i was like you again
i miss the old me
but the sadness turned me bitter
and i hate everything i see
i don't smile the way i used to
my eyes are sad and full of tears
and i wear long sleeves
to hide the pain i bleed
but maybe you'll be the one that saves me
and maybe you'll help me find myself
and maybe
maybe we will find that we're supposed to be
158 · Nov 2018
hopefully that's all it is
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
a lack of sleep
can alter your brain
change your mood
leave you depressed
so i think that's why i've been sad lately
and i think that's why
that fear crept up in the back of my mind
not about anyone else
it's about me
and it's a fear
that is too scary to even say out loud
or write down on paper
i just hope the lack of sleep
is causing it
and it's not the truth
158 · Oct 2018
the end
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm just sitting here
waiting for you to leave
waiting for you to remember why you left the first time
waiting for you to break my heart
i'm sitting here
my feet propped up
smoking a cigarette
in a daze
sitting here in a rocking chair
rocking back and forth
between loving you
and realizing i should do better
smoke dancing with the chill in the air
my heart beating slowly
the clock is ticking
and i'm waiting for the battery to just give up
waiting for the end of us
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
this is where i feel rebellious and free
no pain
no feelings
just focusing on the feeling
of my feet hitting the ground
and knowing i'm really not supposed to do this
smiling and laughing
losing my breath
i always do this at least once a year
it's my tradition
running through the hallways at school
i'm free
teachers are teaching
the hallways are empty
and i'm just running
157 · Nov 2018
to my best friend
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
my heart aches for you
you always try to be what everyone else wants
but i hope you know i want you
and i hope one day you will be what you want
you don't have to change for anyone
it took me a long time to realize that
but the moment i started loving who i was
everything just fell into place
and that's the hardest thing to do
to love yourself
trust me, i know
but it's such a good feeling once you get there
so i hope you get there soon
and i'll help you get there if you really want to
157 · Oct 2018
but i don't smoke
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to write things on cigarettes
the things that are hurting me
so they burn slowly away
and after i breathe them in
i can breathe them back out
and i can watch the smoke fade away
with all the pain
156 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i know one day when we're together
you will start to put all my pieces back together one by one
gluing each piece back together with love
traumas and heartbreak and all kinds of pain
turned into something greater
and mended with your love
you'll pull all those doubts and insecurities
right out of me a little at a time
you'll put all my puzzle pieces back
where they belong
i lost them a long time ago
but you'll find them
and i will finally be complete
154 · Oct 2018
tell me, darling
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
is it me you're talking about
or is it someone else?
154 · Nov 2018
sheet music
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
music notes on a page
i wonder if your heart looks this way

154 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
pick me up off the tear-stained floor
and carry me to bed
hold me tight
and never let go
promise me you'll always love me
promise me you'll stay
and tell me everything will be okay
let me fall asleep in your safe arms
and keep me there forever
you are my home
153 · Oct 2018
hold me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
hold me like i'm falling apart
because well, i am
153 · Oct 2018
this heart of mine
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my heart likes to fall for lovely things
and darling, you're one of them
153 · Oct 2018
it still hurts
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you told me i meant a lot to you
that you cared about me
but then you threw me away like i was nothing
and it still hurts my heart
153 · Oct 2018
please never leave
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sometimes i feel like i'm drowning
and i can't stay above the water
i'm losing my breath
and gasping for air
choking on the water
that finds its way into my lungs
i feel this way
when i think of losing you
and oh god i hope i don't drown
152 · Sep 2018
It's Fine..Really..
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I keep hoping that you'll see that I was crying
But like anyone really cares
Especially you
152 · Nov 2018
the things i would do
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i had a dream that someone found out about us
but i put myself in a worse situation to protect this
i put myself in more trouble
i put myself through more hurt
to protect what we have
and that's something i would honestly do for you

151 · Sep 2018
Mean It
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
All I want is to be called "lovely"
from someone that sincerely cares
151 · Oct 2018
at least i can dream
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want you to hold me
and love me
and take care of me
but life always needs to be in the way
but darling, for you, i would fight until my last breath
it's the truth
why would i love you?
i don't know a lot about you
but the things i do know
fit the type of person i've always wanted to marry
and i'm not exactly saying i want to marry you
but i am saying that you may think i'll run
because of the way your life is
but i'm a very strong person
so hit me
if i ever fall for you
then it will be hard to get rid of me
ask anyone who knows me
they will tell you that exact thing
nothing about you
will make me want to run
and i know we'll only ever be a dream
but i'm just telling you
that if i love you
i will love you forever
and i just had to let it out
150 · Oct 2018
under construction
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i like to work or stay up
until i'm so tired
just so i don't feel any pain at night
i'm trying to hammer my problems away
i'm doing so much heavy-lifting
my muscles ache
my hair's been drenched for two days straight
standing in the rain
fingers numb from the cold
sitting on the cold, wet ground
why can't i be someone you want to hold?
why can't i be loved?
my bones are broken
the weight of my loneliness crushed me
and now i can't move
tell me
what am i supposed to do?
how can i start building
if i can't move my body?
how am i supposed to feel okay
when no one wants me?
tell me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i always feel like something bad is going to happen, like my whole world is going to collapse any second and you're going to be torn away from me. i know this may scare you, but darling, just thinking of it brings tears to my eyes.. i seriously wouldn't want to live anymore. and i know you don't want to think of the person you love not being alive but that's where i would be without you. i finally found the person i want to be with, one of the only people that ever makes me happy anymore. the person i want to spend the rest of my life with. i have never been so sure of anything in my life. and i'm scared that if we're torn away from each other, you won't wait for me. darling, please say you will wait for me. because i love you so ******* much and i wouldn't want to be here anymore without you
149 · Oct 2018
Thank You
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
You know all my dark secrets
And you still stick around
That means so much to me
Because I'm always scared someone will leave me
when they find out all the terrible parts of me
But you stayed
You're still here
And so I just wanted to say thank you
149 · Nov 2018
only you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i see couples in the hallway at school
kissing and holding hands and hugging
i used to be jealous of them
how come they get to be happy and i don't?
how come they have someone to love and be loved in return and i don't?
but now that i'm with you
i'm not jealous
even though we're far apart
because i know they won't last
they don't have the kind of love that we have
so would i rather have that kind of love?
i would rather love you from a distance
than ever love someone here in person

149 · Sep 2018
You're Lovely
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
That's all I wanted to say
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i sit on the bus alone on the way to school
i have people i talk to
but the same thing always happens
i'm left standing on the sidelines
watching, listening
no one speaks to me
no one sees me
i don't even want to be there anyway
i'm fine
i just haven't found where i belong yet
i'm lost
i sit in my classes alone
i speak to no one
all my friends have someone better
and i'm left alone
i ask to work by myself on group projects
because my anxiety won't let me talk to new people
i feel like i'll always say the wrong thing
and most of the time, i do
i sit alone at lunch most of the time
sometimes outside in the cold
sometimes in the hallways
people walk past
but they never say anything
i promised myself to stop making new friends
i started talking to someone
and a week later i hurt them
just by being me
just by existing
so yeah
i'm lonely
and you can't fix me
148 · Oct 2018
thinking too much
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
how can i tell you that i'm still broken?
that i'm not put back together yet?
how can i say that i'm hurting
when there's nothing there to even hurt me?
how can i let you in
when i'm afraid you won't like what i have to give?
how can i say that i'm a raging ocean
i do not want you to drown in?
how do i say that all i will ever be is a mess?
and that's not something i want you to witness.
how do i say that i'm scared?
147 · Oct 2018
you made me feel again
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i know i don't know a thing about you
but i have fallen for your words
i'm probably getting annoying by now
but i don't want to be unheard

i can't seem to stop writing about you now
you made my heart smile
i'm just a loser you would probably never like
but for someone like you, i could wait for awhile

your existence on this earth has made my days better
i suddenly feel connected to you somehow
and although i'm so very sad
you make me want to be alive now

i'm even annoying myself now
so i guess i'll just be quiet
i'll sit here waiting for you to find me
and hopefully my demons will be silent
146 · Nov 2018
here's to...
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
here's to ruining everything
here's to being a big **** up
here's to the blood dripping down my arms
here's to my heart breaking
here's to crying in the shower until you're numb
here's to the millions of self-harm scars that will litter my body
here's to my precious blade, i missed you so much
here's to messing up everything in my life
here's to the pain
here's to the hurt
here's to the end of it

146 · Sep 2018
Why Doesn't Anyone Care?
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I keep hoping you'll come after me
And ask if I'm okay
But you don't care
You just don't care
No one does
And that's just how it is
I thought you wanted me
I thought you were interested
But I guess not
No one ever wants me
143 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
staring straight into the alternating neon lights
for some, staring at fast moving lights cause headaches
but it kind of just keeps some of the pain at bay for me
141 · Nov 2018
you never loved me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i heard you talking about me
talking bad about me
you've always done that as long as i can remember
and they just agree right along with you
apparently, i isolate myself too much
i'm always in my room
never leaving to spend time with family
but maybe the reason i isolate myself
is so i don't have to spend time with people who hurt me
then pretend they did no such thing
i'm not stupid
i'm not deaf
i hear what you say
and i've never felt so disconnected
i don't want to be part of this family
and i get it
some people don't even have a family
some people never had that
i get it so don't come over here and argue with me
but this is my life
my pain is real and you have always made fun of it
making a joke out my self-harm scars
pretending i was never in pain
you really think that will make me stop?
it only makes me want to do it more
isn't it a shame that i have to quickly dry my tears when i hear you coming
so you don't yell at me for having an emotion every human has?
isn't it a shame that i have to fall to the floor in pain
wanting to hurt myself so bad because of the words you say?
isn't it a shame that for the past 4 years of my life
i've wanted to die or run away because of you?
isn't it a shame that i feel no love for you anymore?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
oh i'm sorry
i was kind of drunk last night
well not actually
that's just how i feel
when i'm past the point of being tired
i couldn't see straight
and i don't remember anything i said
did i tell you i love you?
oh maybe i wasn't supposed to do that
well... ****
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
falling asleep in the bathtub
soaking in hot water
the warmth slowing down the bad thoughts
the comfort of floating
waking up slowly
liking the danger of possibly drowning
freezing the thoughts
with the cold water
it numbs the pain inside
i'm better
just trust me
i'm so much better
139 · Oct 2018
the end has come
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i knew it
it happened
you broke up with me
just now
i was waiting for it for awhile
and let me say,
i'm so relieved
i'm ******* free
i have felt so trapped for so long in your embrace
wishing for someone else
wishing for a better relationship
wishing for someone to treat me right
and now i'm free
free at last
thank you
i was too scared to do it myself
oh **** i'm free
i dont even care if this poem is good
i just feel so much better now
139 · Oct 2018
please just do it
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i remember once i asked a friend
if they knew anybody that would punch someone
if they were asked to
i wanted someone to punch me
i still do
as hard as they possibly can
make me bleed
make me hurt
make me bruise
break my bones if you have to
i never knew why
until now
i need to feel something
i  need to feel alive
137 · Nov 2018
you give me life
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
without you
i am nothing
without you
i am empty
like a pool with no water
like a forest with no trees
like a bed with no blankets or sheets
like a tree with no leaves
but with you
i am so full of life
it's hard to believe

137 · Nov 2018
i won't pray
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i stopped praying to any kind of god awhile ago
i don't pray anymore for anyone or anything
maybe because i've been ****** over so many times
and i know god has his own plans for everyone
and he's trying to lead them on the right path
so it seems like he's against you when he's really not
but i've prayed to be with some people forever
i've prayed to be loved by someone forever
i've prayed to be in love with someone forever
i've been praying for forevers
and it never happened
because it was never meant to be
i think we're meant to be
but i won't pray to be with you forever
because i'm scared god will hear my words
and do the complete opposite for me
like all the other times
and i'm not proud of this
but i stopped praying to any kind of god awhile ago
136 · Oct 2018
the unmistakable longing
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i keep having dreams of you
when we were kids, you were my knight in shining armor
my safe place i ran to
i don't even think you knew
in my dreams, you come back
and i tell you how much i missed you
and i free the words i've been wanting to tell you since the day you left
but you never come back
you never hear those words
you never see me in your dreams
or do you?
136 · Nov 2018
i'm a storm
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
beads of sadness drip down the side of my face
my lungs are drowning in that blue smoke
my body slows to match my heartbeat
i'm sorry my superpowers are back
if you don't know, i can control the weather
everything i feel matches the outside
and i'm sorry it's pouring down rain
raindrops like little wrecking *****
when they hit the ground with force
a wall of rain so dense
you can't see
and if you couldn't tell
that's the way i feel inside constantly
i'm sorry if it starts flooding
i'm sorry if the wind picks up
i'm sorry if a tornado destroys everything around me
i'm sorry.
i can't control the storm that's already inside of me
i may not be able to control this hurricane outside
so please take shelter
please don't let me hurt you
there is too much sadness inside of me to handle at one time

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