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Feb 24 · 23
you did this
julianna Feb 24
The days feel like poking a bruise
Or like bumping your leg into the table
You forget that the staining is there,
A small purple, blue, green universe
The pain is an unwelcome reminder
Of an unwelcome, life-changing event
Then the days blur together in phases
The waves of emotion rise and fall again
I’m wrapping my mind like a present
The tape keeps getting stuck on my hands
And I keep collecting the pieces
And yet, none of them seem to fit
It’s an internal, external struggle
A dissonant existence
You left us here, you did this
And abandoned with no way to fix it.
May 2023 · 1.4k
julianna May 2023
i invited him in for coffee and tea
he lives in my house
so i might as well try
to understand the reason why
he's never been a friend to me
but pays the rent on time.
May 2023 · 1.3k
julianna May 2023
as a child,
i didn't know
i was lonely
but now,
as a woman
sitting in a
quiet room,
i am reminded of
all the monsters
my mind created
to distract me
when i was
all alone
Aug 2022 · 1.7k
a note (pt. II)
julianna Aug 2022
i always found it easier to blame myself
responsible for your feelings
incapable of handling my own
i felt so much wiser when things were unknown
now I stand in the future and now I stand in the future and now I stand in the future
but im still the same age
im still the same
12 with that look on my face
14 with a secret to trace
16 with the weight of the world
18 with so much to conquer
20 with nothing to do
20 with nothing to prove
20 with nothing to lose
maybe the cycle stops when I do
but this time, blame yourself.
Aug 2022 · 1.6k
julianna Aug 2022
We refuse to be comforted
Because those who were meant
to comfort us
Hurt us the most
Aug 2021 · 878
julianna Aug 2021
mooɿ γm oɈni ʞlɒw υoγ ʇI
,ɿoɿɿim ɘʜɈ ni ϱniɿɒɈƨ m’I bnA
.ɘd ƨυ ɘvɒɘ⅃
Hint: Mirror
Aug 2021 · 307
julianna Aug 2021
Mother hold me tighter,
I feel a bit cold
I wish you’d look at me longer
So you’d see the gold in my deep brown eyes
Stroke my hair and sing me to sleep
So I can be the child that I never got to be
If you held my hand,
Maybe I would feel less lonely
And if you kissed me I would feel less broken
Is it too much to ask for a tender word?
A loving touch?
A knowing nod?
I want advice only a mother would know
Teach me your ways
Share your gifts
Give me things other than clothes
Spend a few hours by my side
Hear my laugh, see me smile
Maybe then I could confide in my mother
My only mother
My dearest mother
Aug 2021 · 464
julianna Aug 2021
I can read people like a book
I can open and flip through the pages
I can imagine the scenes
I can read between the lines
People read me like a magazine
They take me for face value
A picture is worth a thousand words, but I feel worthless and unseen
Jul 2021 · 1.5k
julianna Jul 2021
I’m too smart to fail
I’m too good to mess up
I’m too pretty to be insecure
I’m too talented to be doubtful
I’m too perfect to be anxious
I’m too loved to hate myself

I wish this was the truth.
Apr 2021 · 731
don’t let your doubt out
julianna Apr 2021
Don’t let me doubt.
If you let your doubt out,
I’ll never see the light of sun.
Not above not below
Not ever, not anymore.  
There are sparks in my eyes,
A flame that’s dim
Don’t let it go out
Don’t let it out.
The color of your blue sky interlaced
With the brights of my eyes.
It keeps me alive.
Letting me down,
Letting my doubt run free
Planting seeds to never see them sprout,
It still leaves these weeds inside of me.
See these weeds,
Something you’ve never heard
Words you’ll say again
Green grows out of my mouth
Faster faster
Harboring the in the arbor of my mind
My truth, your lies.
Is it your truth or is it mine?
I’m quiet.
It hurts.
Every breath of life feels worse
The doubt the doubt the doubt
It sprouts and grows
But none of this you’ll ever know.
I’m captured and I can’t be found.
Again I ask,
Don’t let your doubt out.
julianna Apr 2021
when I told my therapist that I felt lonely,
she said in response that
she didn’t want to belittle my experience
and I only half-heartedly believed her
when she told me that we all feel lonely,

but darlin’ I know you’re so lonely.
at the end of the day, we’re all in this together.
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
a note
julianna Apr 2021
I didn’t see it ever stopping
I wanted to be free
When will nothing hurt anymore?
I grew tired of guessing and failing
This is why I did it
I was tired and burnt out
Even my gut reminded me with a stabbing pain,
Reminded me of everything I would never and could never be
So with this note
I set myself free.

Don’t try to follow,
You’ll learn to live without me.

P.S. Your love was always enough. I had always spiraled so quickly, it was just too hard to catch myself this time.
Don’t worry about be, I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’ll be fine
Apr 2021 · 479
julianna Apr 2021
Throat tightens,
Eyes puff.
The manifestation of human emotion,
Tears drip-drops down my face.
Why does crying hurt my body?
As if my mind is not in enough pain already.
Dec 2020 · 208
girl with the red balloon
julianna Dec 2020
To the girl with the red balloon
Who carries it like a cloud
Her face can hide her gloom
And her beauty is always around
But there are times
When the glimmer fades
And she descends into dark days.
Her smile still shines,
Her heart still beats,
But her mind can’t see the light.
What kind of things are you thinking,
Girl with the red balloon?
What kind of people hurt you?
Can you forgive them?
Can you forgive yourself, too?
If you ever find yourself floating too far off the ground...
If you’re so up high and forgot to let go,
Remember we all land in our feet
No matter how far we fall.
Dec 2020 · 167
julianna Dec 2020
I think there is beauty in the fine lines
Hands that bend and crack
I never saw it there before
But something old is something new
I’m waiting for my own crown of wisdom
Youth is a treacherous heart
So I pass the many years waiting
For those many gray hairs, waiting
But until then I’ll just watch and listen
And maybe learn along the way
Oct 2020 · 191
dig deep
julianna Oct 2020
I bleed a bit to find the words
I dig deep,
Uncovering things I’m afraid of seeing.
Maybe I should turn around
But for the sake of expression
And finding beauty in pain,
I will do it over and over and over
This is what it feels like to be an artist, to create.
Oct 2020 · 329
rewind <<<
julianna Oct 2020
If I hit rewind,
If I just start over,
Would I actually be happy?
Or would I just find another thing to fret about?
Life isn’t about perfection,
But about finding the good in the imperfect.
julianna Sep 2020
Why can’t I go to sleep?
When I do it just repeats.
“I don’t care if you don’t like this beat
It’s what I think, it’s me, it’s me,”
She said to herself in her bed.
I’m fighting against myself
The battle turned into a war,
And I’m not afraid, I’m just worried
Worried about being a warrior.  
I fight all day, my soul is tired
But I don’t let myself rest when the time is best or when it expires
The night falls but my heartbeat rises,
Racing thoughts run circles in my head.
My head, my bed.
My brain is inside of my head.
My head is part of me.
Aren’t we all just a brain in a cage?
Tonight the cage is electric,
Nothing soothes the rage or stops the sizzling pain.
I’m numb to the zap of the cold, hard metal.
I want to lay in a field of sage,
Lay me among the wildflowers.
I’ve never seen blue sky or blinding light,
At least not in the night.
The moon shines, but not enough for me!
This perfect creation isn’t bright enough for me!
At least not in the night...
I will lay my head when all this passes
I’ll wander off to sleep
And the next time I come to bed,
It will just repeat.
Sep 2020 · 187
julianna Sep 2020
My whole life has been
It’s hard-wired into me.
But that much tension is fragile.
That’s why I’m easy to break.
Sep 2020 · 168
ask for help
julianna Sep 2020
They say you’re never alone
And the people I love say they’re always there for me.
Then why am I laying here, lonely, cold?
I could talk
I could text
I could ask for help
But, what would I say?
Would I even feel better?
The questions churn around in my head for so long that I become numb to the idea of finding out the answers.
So I’ll just lay here until tomorrow, keep to myself.
I’ll lay here,
Alone with my thoughts,
But alone.
Sep 2020 · 150
september 1st, 1989
julianna Sep 2020
this life is a fraud
people lie all the time
they live that way, too
18 was supposed to be
much more than this
at least that’s what
they told me.
yet here I am,
Sep 2020 · 150
I don’t understand
julianna Sep 2020
If I killed myself tonight,
Would this stabbing pain inside my soul go away?
Would you have regrets?
Would you want to be close to me?
If I died, would you want to be away from me?
Then why do you say these things that make me cry...
You love me, but then why does it hurt
You hurt me
And I’m not going to end it
But I wish something would change

Something has to change.
Sep 2020 · 145
I wish I had a friend
julianna Sep 2020
I wish a had a friend
Someone kind and silly
Innocent yet troublesome
Beautiful, unknowingly so
I wish I had someone to giggle with
To be like a sister
To be a listening ear
Without judgement
Without jealousy
Just a friend.
might delete later
Aug 2020 · 141
Between the Silence
julianna Aug 2020
I find solace in being busy
Once I find the quiet
It’s like Tyler said, it’s violent
I fill my life with noise
To drown out the voice in my head
What ugliness lies between the silence?
Do I want to find out?
julianna Aug 2020
I’m spiraling,
Stuck in the void,
At the end of the universe,
Drifting dark,
Then a voice snaps me back
To the light...
But I am blind.
Aug 2020 · 254
julianna Aug 2020
I think I’m cool...
Some say I’m golden
But I really feel invisible.
I give,
But it feels more like it’s taken from me.
I need someone to see me,
Really see me.
See me for who I am,
My quirks,
My likes,
My favorite song and the way I dance when no one is looking.
Those closest to me feel “close enough”
So I need someone to cross the line
And become closest to me.
Once I’m warmed by them,
I might feel golden.
Aug 2020 · 355
julianna Aug 2020
i used to leave myself scarred,
torn apart on my bedroom floor
too much inner noise to hear your words
when i reached the limit,
Aug 2020 · 122
julianna Aug 2020
I’m a little sad, I hate to admit it.
I’ve worked so hard and I’m happy.

But sometimes I’m not.

And it’s hard to accept
That due to no fault of my own,
I can become sad sometimes.

And now I’m sitting in it.

But I’ll get used to it.
Aug 2020 · 116
The Cavern
julianna Aug 2020
I listen,
And it takes me back.
“A little while longer,”
I tell myself.
And although I hold onto hope,
Sometimes I let myself slip through the cracks
Of this endless cycle of dreams, deaths, and everything in between.
movements August 1
Jul 2020 · 111
julianna Jul 2020
positivity is being slow...
in a slew of good and bad,
opposing moments
roll through my brain
and every day
i pick and choose:
and every day
I feel the pain of
better days
that’s haven’t happened
May 2020 · 138
julianna May 2020
i hate to be on the sidelines
and watch you suffer.
so many things are keeping us apart.
my hand is stretching,
yet my reach is too short.
May 2020 · 230
bloom of youth
julianna May 2020
Too young to be in love
But my heart beats faster when I see you
I will wait for our love to be accepted
No matter how long it takes
May 2020 · 129
Rainy In May
julianna May 2020
I may be thinking of you, but it might just be the weather
It might be the food, the music, or the talk
No matter what it is,
I see you in my head
I hear your voice
I say your name
There’s so much more we could have. But is it the right choice?
Am I brave enough to try?
May 2020 · 151
julianna May 2020
I’ve had a lot of time to think lately, like most of us have.
I’ve had time to sit with myself, see myself through others’ eyes.
Am I really pretty?
Yes, look, there in that big, bright smile.
Those cheeks that are finally flourishing, they’re beautiful!
Your eyes, mouth, hair... unique, stunning.
And yes!
The body that brought you years of pain and sorrow because it didn’t fit a unrealistic mold...
It’s soft, shapely, something to look at. Womanly and natural.
This body that I have, it’s mine.
I have grown to accept it after years of self-hatred...
I’ve progessed this far and I won’t stop.
Next time you look in the mirror, look at yourself with kindness.
If not with kindness, then with forgiveness.
If not with forgiveness, then with mercy.
Give yourself a chance...
You are worth much more than you know.
May 2020 · 127
I wish
julianna May 2020
I wish...
That what other people wanted,
  I also always wanted
Because then I would never have to choose Between being selfless and being myself.
Apr 2020 · 133
• Lines •
julianna Apr 2020
I walk a fine line in life...
I could avoid stepping on the cracks,
Tip toe in silence
Follow the rules
Try to be perfect
And ask,
“What the hell is wrong with me?”
When I don’t get it right
Or maybe
I could pick flowers
Skip on the sidewalk
Color outside the lines, sometimes
And finally be okay with getting my hands *****.
Apr 2020 · 146
ice cold
julianna Apr 2020
I rummaged around the attic and found emptiness
I pass the hours by filling my head with other people’s voices
Because silence is ice cold
They say it gets better
But here I am, frozen solid ~
Apr 2020 · 140
Love is a glass half full
julianna Apr 2020
how much we love someone
depends on how much
we love the person we are
when we are around them
Apr 2020 · 170
Everything is bad;
julianna Apr 2020
Everything is bad
My brain hurts
My thoughts are painful
My brows are tense
My jaw is tight
My heart is fluttering
Everything is me
Apr 2020 · 137
julianna Apr 2020
I’ve waited for you
But now I’m just waiting
Wanting indefinitely
I’m uncertain
I long for more
Because this life isn’t true
This life isn’t what I live for
Apr 2020 · 143
When August Comes
julianna Apr 2020
I want someone to hold my hands
Warm my soul like a flame
I miss your face, skin, warmth
Get me excited for life
Or just get me out of bed
I’m tired of blue light and bright screens
Foggy eyes and groggy thoughts
I want to see the Sun
And your smile
Let me reach out and touch you
Maybe when August comes we’ll be better
We’ll make it there together
Quarantine wishes
Mar 2020 · 267
Letters I Never Sent Pt. 2
julianna Mar 2020
I’m so much bigger now.
I’ve grown into a young woman.
You were my brother and it honestly hurt when you left without a trace.
I was just a child.
I felt abandoned.

I saw your profile today...
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to request your friendship, your attention, your acknowledgment of my existence.

But things are different now,
I’ve learned a lot.
And I know you’ve done the same.

What name should I call you by?
I’m unsure.
Are you still the old you?
The person I knew?
Or are you him? The one I never met?

Please know that I still love you.
We’re not friends, but I still love you.
Mar 2020 · 185
Letters I Never Sent
julianna Mar 2020
I miss you so much, it’s unbearable.
You are much more than just a friend to me.
I love you.
I’ve wanted to tell you that for a very long time... Years, actually.
Please tell me you love me, too.
I can’t imagine my life without you.
I don’t even want to try, I know it’s impossible.
You’re everything I could possibly want.
You’re the only one I see,
The only one.

I hope you get this letter one day...
Mar 2020 · 405
sea foam // tsunami
julianna Mar 2020

why does life come in waves?

it’s either the white sea foam,

salty, bubbles, calm


the tsunami,

flooding, crashing, drowning.

Feb 2020 · 180
julianna Feb 2020
I wait for your reply
I am a puppy dog
Seemingly naive to the time passing by
But the tick-tock rattles to my very teeth
Please undo the collar
Unbuckle my leash
I wag when you enter, cry when you leave
What else could you want from me?
I need attention
I want to run free
Or, you could give me some affection...
Just hit send
And that would put my suffering to an end
Feb 2020 · 226
self-destructing prophecy
julianna Feb 2020
Give me the one that hurts
I can take the pain
I promise I’ll bite my tongue
I promise I won’t complain
If you beat me blue,
My heart will beat red
I’ll bend till’ I break
I’ll bend till’ I break
I’ll cover my scars,
Like good girls do and
Speak to the darkness there
I want to hurt
And dream of you,
Scream your name
Conceal the bruises
I’ll bend till I break
I dream while lying awake
If I’m besides you,
I’ll never love another
Your self-destructing prophecy
In it, please include me
Inspired by the song Bend till I Break by Maria Mena. I explored this feeling that I get when I really like someone, a determination, a flame that buckle down and endure  any heartbreak that may face me if I pursue a relationship with them. And I explored it to this masochistic extent. So  please don’t take this literally.
Feb 2020 · 113
julianna Feb 2020
I won’t stop until I make you mine
If I wear eyeliner, will my blinking eyes catch your attention?
If my lips are lined with red will you want to kiss them?
I’ll bleach my smile, curl my hair
Buy new sweaters, and a nice blue dress
I won’t give up for the rest of time
I won’t stop until I make you mine
I may edit this later
Feb 2020 · 143
wrong side of town
julianna Feb 2020
You should be on this side of the city,
On this side of town
Instead of away from me...
I want your arms around me
I want to hold your hand
Interlocking fingers
But you’re in the wrong side of town
Feb 2020 · 1.1k
Eighteen, Part 1
julianna Feb 2020
Feb 2020 · 169
julianna Feb 2020
I would die for you.
Take a bullet,
Walk through fire,
Jump out of a car
For you
I wish you felt this way,

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