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2.9k · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Descriptive words could not say enough,
Informing you without any expectations,
A simple need to express the damage,
Of not meeting your qualifications.

You're ignorance; both gift and curse,
False belief from your deception,
Subsequent pain leading to anger,
Infiltrated like an infection.

Valuable lessons learned from you --
Benefit of the doubt should not be given,
Further regret seeped into life,
Now that my demons have arisen.

Plunging into bitter sweet weakness,
A temptation I could not resist,
Pathetic attempt at leaving flesh,
As the blade split open the wrist.

Consumed at my loneliest moment,
Tired of giving without receiving,
Defeated by my persistent demons,
Manipulated by thoughts of relieving.

Perception changes with reality,
Enlightened by harsh, clear thoughts,
A choice to no longer be controlled,
Thus, the day that I fought.

Strong desires to be able to forget,
Lips softly speaking lies after lies,
Though admittance was not achievable,
The truth came from your eyes.

Care was not something of existence,
Simply sheets and pillows,
Know that in the end it will be you,
as sad as the leaves of a weeping willow.
Written on 2011-03-27 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
2.5k · Oct 2018
Her Passing
Jamie Lee Oct 2018
In the first appearance,
of those piercing blue eyes,
my world expanded,
as you so selfishly loved me.

Without any understanding,
of my own selfishness,
we took our first steps,
into a new adventure.

Challenges and triumphs,
we faced them both;
yet it made no difference,
when the end arrived.

Three years of memories,
lessons, and growth.
You have changed,
and I have changed.

Our time has come,
to take our own paths.
Our shared journey,
was that of its own.

The absence of you,
within my life,
will never exist,
within my heart.
2.4k · Mar 2015
My Whistler
Jamie Lee Mar 2015
Whether it's winter and skiing,
or it's spring site-seeing,
Either summer and biking,
or even late fall hiking;
Whistler has it all.

From snowshoeing to canoeing,
even as far as golf to frolf,
Whistler is the place to be,
with so much for you to see.

There's zip-lining to fine dining,
or ice skating and fish baiting,
including a tour of bears,
you choose your story to share.

Many come from far away,
just to live the Whistler day,
as we bring people together,
while they make memories forever,
because Whistler has it all.
Written on 2015-03-21 // Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson.
2.0k · Apr 2016
This Girl
Jamie Lee Apr 2016
So..there's this girl....
that I cannot avoid,
inside and out,
she is destroyed.

So, this girl...
I see everyday-
it's too difficult,
to live this way.

Sometimes, this girl,
comes close to danger;
igniting my temper-
this close stranger.

Sometimes..this girl...
just needs a friend,
someone to care,
not pretend.

Except, this girl...
doesn't make it easy,
always giving excuses-
big, little *****.

So, this girl...
a test of my patience,
making it harder;
we have no relations.
Copyright ©2016 Jamie Johnson
2.0k · Jul 2015
Endless Passion
Jamie Lee Jul 2015
Beneath the sunsets orange,
the green grass grows rich,
next to the blues of the river,
softly flowing through the meadows.

The days offering of warm rays,
struggles in it's last moments,
capturing the essence of beauty,
filling the soul with absolute bliss.

Nestled within nature's arms,
a deep and hot spark ignites,
spreading with a vicious hunger,
consumed by the pleasures of greed.

Embracing the comfort of solitude,
this forest, the only witness,
leaving untold secrets kept,
as lovers release their passion.
Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
2.0k · Jul 2015
A Traveler's Mind
Jamie Lee Jul 2015
Drifting through the moments,
always consumed within,
these moving wheels,
as my thoughts wander.

Escaping this dull reality,
I explore the boundaries,
of my imagination,
entering to conquer.

Lost in a single step,
I continue onward,
venturing into the depths,
of this familiar unknown.

Discovering myself;
though a small part,
considered to be,
one more steppingstone.
Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
1.6k · Nov 2017
Jamie Lee Nov 2017
As young children,
we most desired toys.
How precious they were,
on every occasion that gave.

We cherished our toys,
for the joy they brought.
Showing them off to others,
so proud of what we had.

But, eventually...
we grew tired of them.
Sometimes quickly,
they became worn and old.

Our interest elsewhere..
all the new toys out there.
Nobody wants used toys,
they're no good anymore.

It has to be shiny and better,
that's much more exciting.
So we discard our old toys,
after we've played them out.

She is obsessed with toys,
and I am her doll...
but now I am old and worn,
and playtime is over.
Infatuation is not love, and love their toys. Are you confused? It's simple. They say they love you, but they don't know what love how could they.
1.5k · Jun 2015
Each time...
Jamie Lee Jun 2015
Each time I stare,
into your gorgeous eyes,
I see a long wonderful journey,
into our future together.

Each time I feel,
the warmth of your hold,
I drown in the serenity knowing,
the comfort that you give.

Each time you say,
how beautiful you find me,
my heart swells and smiles,
cherishing your love.

Each time we kiss,
forgetting to breathe,
I am carried away with passion,
and the need for your lips.

Each time I hold you,
I hope that you can feel,
the endless love in my heart,
which I hold just for you.

Each time I say,
you are the love of my life,
please know that I say this,
from the depths of my soul.

Each time we must,
part ways for a while,
my heart aches with pain,
needing you by my side.

Each time you stare,
into the window of my soul,
I open every door to you,
bearing true nakedness.

Each time you laugh,
I am taken to a place,
that fills me with pure bliss,
grateful for every moment.

Each time you wake,
next to me in the morning,
I know I am looking,
at the other half of me.

Each time you rest,
next to me at the end of day,
I thank my lucky stars,
for bringing you to me.

Each time I see,
your **** *** before me,
everything in this crazy world,
feels so amazingly right.

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
You are my everything Jessica!
I love you sweetheart!!

Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
1.5k · Aug 2013
The Jam Sandwich
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
It was mid day,
When I went home for lunch,
Walking down the street,
The five of us in a bunch.

Hungry I was,
A girl in grade four,
I couldn't wait to eat,
Excited to step through the door.

Behold--it was ready,
A sandwich with peanut butter,
Little did I know,
It came with another.

Jam there was,
And I began to cry,
Forced to eat it,
I screamed why.

I don't like it I said,
As I sat down,
"Too bad then, starve",
I began to frown.

I threw a fit,
In front of the stairs,
And I checked the lock,
Although I didn't care.

I thought it was closed,
Turns out it was not,
Back flipped into the basement,
A mean cut I got.

I split open my head,
All because of the Jam,
But I came up laughing,
So funny I am.
Written on 2009-02-12 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.3k · Jan 2018
Jamie Lee Jan 2018
She sits in her room,
upon her empty bed.
She cries to the moon,
as pain fills her head.

It's the same old question,
the unanswered why.
It never seemed to matter,
how hard she would try.

She thought she had found,
some guidance to the light,
Yet she is alone in the dark,
on this bitter cold night.

How does she conquer,
her ways of surviving?
With hopes of change,
positively surprising?

How does she achieve,
such a dream like this?
How can she change,
feeling meaningless?

Her thoughts are empty,
in her moments of pain.
She doesn't understand,
this lifetime of a game.
1.3k · May 2016
Violin of Stress
Jamie Lee May 2016
This chord twanged,
as that chord is plucked.
The bow strikes again.
And again ... and again, still.

The notes, ringing high,
then abruptly, ringing low.
Fervently producing sound;
this one woman orchestra.

Strike, after strike, after strike, finger tips bleed.
Sweating out my soul-
playing this sonata.

First verse, Second verse,
and now the Chorus.
Third verse, Fourth verse,
and again, the Chorus.

Fifth verse, sixth verse,
and then ... the Chorus.
Always coming back,
to the same, old Chorus.

The conclusion draws near,
always the most awaited.
How will it happen?
What will I feel?
1.3k · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Lost within my transcending mind,
Seeking the answers for questions unknown,
Indecisive thoughts soak in confusion,
Aimlessly continuing within my human nature.

Awareness grasps my undying sensitivity,
Combining factors fuse into chaos within,
As healing patterns face destruction,
Behaviours revert to those once lost.

Wavering between serenity and insanity,
For my unfailing hope of peace,
Eased through impatience by courtesy of vices,
Sparking creativity and strong perspectives.

Pondering over knowledge newly admitted,
Resentment fills my every thought,
For this love recently departed with,
Haunts my every waking, lonely moment.
Written on 2011-03-09 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.2k · Jun 2015
Jamie Lee Jun 2015
I can smell your sweet cologne,
and my heart aches...

A warm flood of tears rush,
knowing that I cannot hold you,
or feel the warmth of your comfort,
for you are not next to me...

The place of beauty is your home,
surrounded by loving family.

The place of greed has become mine,
adapting so effortlessly...wanting,
all of you.

Another whiff of your cologne,
keeps the flood flowing...

As I face your side of the bed,
staring at the void that is left,
I sink deeper into despair...
with my need growing stronger.

Feeling as if I will not survive,
this uncontrollable flood,
quickly becomes heavier...
weeping for your presence.

I need to look into your eyes...
those gorgeous windows of yours,
to see that beautiful soul beneath;
to have my tranquility.

I need to be held in your arms...
listening to soft whispers of love,
experiencing that new feeling,
of being completely whole.

Only to my torture do I dare,
to brave another whiff...

I am reminded with wet warmth,
of how much I need you by my side.

I miss you like crazy...
as my broken flood gates,
have revealed.

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
I love you Jessica. Always and Forever!

Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
1.2k · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
This passion,
mindless, careless, and free,
absorbs my heart, ever so strongly.

In it's grasp of fearlessness,
I am caught in a high,
rebelling, against a nature of shy.

Carried swiftly,
amongst this gentle breeze,
I am complacent to this ease.

A dash of curiosity,
develops a lethal combination,
rising above, to a new elevation.

Discoveries erupt,
inducing a state of wonder,
followed by outbursts of blunder.

subsequently arise,
although in careful disguise.

Traveled roads,
though may seem tainted,
only await, to be freshly painted.

by colours and hues,
of a love, acknowledging the ques.

our devotion will be,
knowing no depths, like the roots of a tree.

we have found bliss,
upon this day, we will forever reminisce.
Written on 2013-08-18 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Burdened by Love
Jamie Lee Oct 2015
I'm falling in more ways than one...

....once again the cycle resets.

It takes so much to stay standing,
to remain firmly grounded.

When I feel happiness...
sadness follows in the absence,
replacing the gratefulness I should feel.

This discontent, stirs my emotions,
into a never-ending turmoil.

I am consumed in my greed.
The tease is never enough.

This life refuses to be fabricated.

Pieces lay scattered among the dust.

These winds never relent,
making it impossible to gather the crumbs.

Unable to make determinations from the debris,
I cannot seem to collect myself.

Brief bursts of effort, come and go...
this energy, so difficult to muster.

Without consistency, I am faltering..
never steady and always full of extreme highs and lows.

Now that I've tasted life with you,
I am bound to torture...

..the torture of being without your love.

In every aspect of my life,
I am getting most of what I need....
just not enough of it.

I have family with me.....but not enough of them.
I have the love of my life.....but not by my side each day.
I have two jobs.....but not enough money to cover those needs, or any wants.
I have clothing.....but they are worn and need replacing.
I have food.....but just barely an appetite.

I am hardly able to keep myself together,
physically or mentally....

....I can't seem to stop falling,
regardless of the several times I keep getting back up.

The last hope I have to hold onto, is you.

I need the strength you give me, to face the day.
I need the love you give me, to keep the sadness away.
I need you to hold me, and tell me it's going to be okay.

I need to be able to share the love in my heart,
that I hold only for you.

You are the glue to my life; what is keeping me together.

I'm sorry...
Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
1.2k · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
One moment she feels fine,
The next moment she is lost,
Life promises her happiness,
But at hidden costs.

She's been angry for so long,
That she feels tired and weak,
Her mental strength is crumbling,
As her eyes begin to leak.

She has no explanation,
So to you she gives the blame,
Yet you are only a part,
Of what makes her insane.

One second she is sure of herself,
Only to turn around and face doubt,
Her emotions are swelling inside,
Uncontrollably letting themselves out.

You were able to call her depression,
Despite her ungiving poker face,
She tried to hide the feeling,
That she does not belong in this place.

You suffer the repercussions,
Of her unfulfilled dreams,
She feels regret for not knowing,
Why that always seems.

She tries to achieve better,
But it is mostly all hope,
She is unsure of how,
She will manage to cope.
Written on 2010-11-30 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.2k · Aug 2013
Digging For Sapphires
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
I've been through a few,
looking for the best,
It's not him, nor you,
let's try the rest.

I want one that sparkles,
with a shine so bright,
One that compliments me,
makes me feel just right.

I'll keep on digging,
until I've found what I want,
They try so hard,
even tease and taunt.

I don't want something dull,
I want it hot like fire,
I'll keep digging through diamonds,
until I find the sapphires.
Written on 2007-09-06 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.1k · Sep 2015
Simple Wish
Jamie Lee Sep 2015
Six hundred, fifty-eight kilometers,
or four hundred and eight miles;
both represent the distance,
that separates our smiles.

One thousand, four hundred,
and forty minutes in a day;
all spent thinking about how,
you are so far away.

Each beam of sunshine,
feels like a hug from you.
Each star that twinkles.
is for my dreams come true.

I will smile at the sun,
wishing you were here.
I will look upon the stars,
holding back the tears.

I promise to be strong;
always there for you.
Holding on tightly,
we will see this through.

There will be a day,
to never say goodbye.
We will forever be,
by each others' side.
To rest with you each night, and wake up with you each morning, would be absolute bliss, my only simple wish.

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
1.1k · Aug 2013
Deceitful Truth
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Such confusion arises
within my black mind,
Tired of people's voices
reasoning is undefined.

I bite the bullet
and sacrifice sanity,
everywhere I go
I use profanity.

Venturing through hell
this planet where we live,
a world of something
where we get what we give.

Seeking my destiny
towards the end,
the way of life
I'll never apprehend.

Twisted and burned
into the dust of ashes,
flesh disintegrating
as my blood splashes.

Living a nightmare
with no easy street,
our eyes have fooled us
we're surrounded by deceit.
Written on 2007-09-28 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.0k · Oct 2017
Jamie Lee Oct 2017
This path I walk is cluttered,
with the awkwardness of the past.
Although I stagger forward,
my steps are far from straight.

I have no map to guide me,
down this well walked trail.
Only hope in the distance,
And the cold on my back.

As I aimlessly continue,
the volume of darkness rises.
I am surrounded by nothing,
with everything in the way.

With no vision to trust,
I walk slowly through deceit.
The path has now faded,
leaving me standing still.
1.0k · Aug 2013
Someone Like You
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Unexpectedly, you appear late in the night,
There we met, in such a random location,
Before me you stood, speaking in many ways,
Through your eyes - a glimpse into your heart.

My attraction quickly increased for you,
My own heart captured by your innocence,
Your sweet ways understood by words,
Paired with excitement, my curiousity grew.

Seizing the chance to embrace you,
Delighted with your passionate results,
Intrigued by your shining personality,
Creating an imprint - uniquely fitting.

Amazed by your understanding of similarities,
Grateful to find relief within our conversations,
Thankful for life's unexpected opportunities,
Appreciating the pleasure of your acquaintance.

Your heart smiles upon bitter love,
Infinitely filled with good intentions,
Consumed by guilt for righteous actions,
Accepting responsibility of others pain.

Truly hoping that love smiles back,
Such a soul should be blessed greatly,
Wishing success for you in all paths,
Believing you will achieve your desires.
Written on 2011-07-04 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.0k · Aug 2013
Tears of Pearls
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
I can't escape these tears,
that shine when they fall.
I can't escape these fears,
in a shadow so tall.

I've cried so long,
only muffles seep out.
I've cried on and on,
full of eternal doubt.

I'll continue to weep,
'til the pain goes away.
I'll continue to cut deep,
'til my veins give way.

My tears are like,
never ending curls.
Precious and white,
tears of pearls.
Written on 2007-08-28 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
1.0k · Aug 2013
Perfect Enemy
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Silence is unattainable beneath the heavy layers,
Each plastered with an unbearable lie,
Gaining a truth with each whisper,
While violently dancing with my insecurities.

Reflections assume an unknown identity,
Tangled in a web of hate and pain,
Behold-the creature has appeared,
Revealing a grin beyond ugliness.

Unwilling to admit the obvious,
Flight is taken to a haven buried deep,
Ignoring the dark company which settled-
Allows this passenger full control.

Final breakdown has been initiated,
Susceptible to all that has been clouded,
Great tides rise with immense force,
Adequately portraying the deceit.
Written on 2013-08-15 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
984 · Aug 2013
Please Don't Go
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
What will I do when you've passed and gone,
we won't be on the phone for hours on and on,
I won't be able to call and say grandma I love you,
I'll just sit in the corner crying tears so blue.

What will I do when I need advice,
when I need to cook ham or even rice,
I'll be so lost and the food will be black,
without you cooking skills I lack.

What will I do when I grow up and have kids,
I couldn't explain to them where great grandma is,
They will only know you from the pictures I have,
and the memories I tell them in voice so sad.

What will I do when I need my best friend,
your were always there with your hand to lend,
Life will be so difficult, too much to handle,
but in my window will always be a candle.

I hope this day never comes soon...........
Written on 2007-08-28 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
947 · Aug 2013
xx Twisted Minds xx
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
High ledges,
burning flames,
screaming voices,
of their saviours' name.

Confused minds,
many souls,
they belong to me,
throw them in a hole.

Bury them deep,
so they die,
bury their heads,
cover their cries.

Smother their dreams,
fill them with nightmares,
do as you please,
for I don't care.

Revenge I shall seek,
delivered to you,
then torture your soul,
'til I see right through.
Written on 2007-06-15 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
939 · May 2014
Brief Encounters (Acrostic)
Jamie Lee May 2014
Distinguished by endearments,
a young man is on the rise.

Exploring the lands' curves,
he peers out behind blue eyes.

Venturing along his path,
his inner light shines intensely.

Observation has revealed,
he will give to others immensely.

Noticed by many, for there are,
so few that remain.
For a new friend; Devon.
876 · Aug 2013
Escaping Within
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
I carry secrets so dark,
hidden deep inside.
I've burdened myself,
with no where to hide.

I wouldn't dare tell a soul,
about the things I've done.
I couldn't begin to explain,
how I found it fun.

I swear I didn't know,
the effects it would cause.
If only I gave a thought,
to the moment I paused.

Now today I live in grief,
absolute sorrow.
Trying to escape within,*
hoping not to see tomorrow.
Written on 2007-08-29 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
863 · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Wandering aimlessly among the unknown
Imprisoned within my mind,
Motions carried upon shores full of stone
A place to which my soul is confined,
Darkness lingers high above in the sky
Crisp silence fills the air,
Isolation brings a tear to my eye,
There is no pain that can compare.

The wind begins to blow through the trees,
As mother nature covers the land,
Through the air travels a sweet breeze,
While water covers the shores of sand.
Large rocks remain unmoved,
Soon I will follow to do the same,
My mental condition has not improved,
Still, I carry on without shame.

Near the other side of this place,
I have discovered a form of human life,
People carry about with a noticeable grace,
While others carry about in strife.
A pleasant sight this area has become,
Creating a peace like no other,
To these strong vibes I succumb,
But a dream, this could be another.
Written on 2010-08-24 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
856 · Apr 2016
Disappearing Act
Jamie Lee Apr 2016
She peers out the glass,
at the bright blue sky,
into the sun's warmth...
She is alive, and breathing.

Thoughts flutter, and
images flicker behind
her vacant stare.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Slowly, she begins to ascend.

Her head tilted upwards,
her arms slack at her sides,
as the palm of her hands extend,
welcoming the unknown.

She becomes the center of view,
raised above the plains;
she spins around and around.

Like the wind, softly blowing ashes
from the hot coals of a fire;
her flesh tears away in pieces.

Piece by piece, she is exposed.

As she disintegrates;
her blood drawn by gravity,
spills out like rain drops.

High pitch screams,
fill the ears of those,
close and far.

Screams above mortal pain.
Unlike any torture, the
human body can endure.

Screams that raise every hair;
that stop the heart from beating,
for a second too long.

Screams that cannot be,
labelled or identified.

The world will bare witness;
while in their confusion,
they are still, with feeling.

The faces beneath,
stare above in disbelief;
absolute horror.

The sky ... now empty.
Traces left behind,
in blood.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Abruptly, she surfaces
behind her glazed eyes.

Still peering out the window,
she thinks;* "My life is good."

I have a home; a family.
I have food to eat,
and love in my life.

*Yet, thoughts flutter,
and images still flicker.
Copyright © 2016 Jamie Johnson
855 · Aug 2013
Killing Me Softly
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
I lye in the deep dark shadows, of the hidden back alleys,
Scarred by the silence, of the cold darkness.
No bright lights along the perilous path, to guide you safely,
Past familiar places, you thought were harmless.

Late hours of the cold night, I sit and wait,
For my weary prey, to fall softly into my hands.
Comfort you shall not find, nor ease,
But simply what has been planned.

Unspoken words, find their means,
So many pleasures forbidden, like crimes.
Inhumanly acts committed, upon souls,
Souls I will soon claim to be mine.

Deceptive images, portrayed amongst innocent minds,
Muffled screams, corrupt the feeling of serenity.
As I creep into your thoughts, spreading my blackness,
You remain still, with the feeling of insecurity.
Written on 2007-07-23 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
829 · Sep 2013
Jamie Lee Sep 2013
Amidst the luscious valley,
covered in varying greens,
sits a desperate soul,
absorbing the beautiful scene.

Outlined by the mountains,
this ivory tower seems small,
yet, like most things-from outside,
you simply don't see it all.

The lonely heart that beats,
does so, with furious hope,
for these whispering voices,
make it impossible to cope.

Bearing the depths of need,
leaves an invisible scar,
through the heart of lies,
I can only see so far.

Like the clouds of winter,
judgement is thick and hazy,
even submerged in beauty,
one can still go crazy.

The power of love is,
a curse from which I suffer,
withheld is the extent of yours,
therefore making it rougher.
This is part 1 of a 3 round challenge I am taking part of on another poetry site. The goal was to use one or more prompts. I chose 4 of the 15, and they are; "the lonely heart/whispering voices/the heart of lies/the power of love"
828 · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Confusion leads to negative thoughts,
and yet my heart will never stray,
many battles I have fought,
to live with you in this day.

My mind continues to wonder,
conjugating a mess inside,
causes actions of blunder,
wishing that I would soon die.

My heart begins to decipher,
asking "what's truly going on?"
am I really that crazy?
why am I in the wrong?

How don't you understand me?
it's simpler than you think,
when will I be free?
where's the connection, the link?

Your confusion frustrates me,
have you even tried?
I just want to be understood,
I don't want to hide.
Written on 2008-12-31 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
826 · Feb 2016
The Question
Jamie Lee Feb 2016
We often wonder and question,
the meaning of life.
Focusing our attention,
on a three letter word.

The flaw in our nature;
endlessly analyzing.
With a need to understand,
and be reassured.

A vast ocean of opinions,
each an interpretation.
Never truly certain,
of what remains unknown.

Blinded with ungratefulness,
our gifts' wasted; unnoticed.
Failing to recognize,
the kindness shown.

The sun on this warm day,
shed's light to a new dawn.
Embracing this found focus,
not on why, but W.H.Y.

Wisdom, Humor, Youth.
To live each day wisely,
as eagerly as a child,
laughing until you cry.
Copyright ©2016 Jamie Johnson
823 · Aug 2013
Weeping Willow
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Her eyes are a pure soft green,
The window into her soul,
Her beauty shines beyond mother nature,
Peering in, brings a feeling of whole.

Each emotion that we embrace,
Are visible as she stands still,
The intensity exceeds all comprehension,
Dazed into ecstasy minus the pill.

Tragedy marks its place upon her,
Wearing away her supple youth,
Her strength devours her pain,
Exiling any hints of the truth.

Though her presence is overwhelming,
She suffers a pain unbearable to all,
She weeps in utter mourning,
As death casts a shadow so tall.

Isolated beyond the perimeters forsaken,
Torn by her desire to be fed with life,
Slowly piece by piece she is taken,
Roughly cut away with a dull knife.

Though she knows hope it is lost to her,
For the facts overpower her silly thoughts,
Cursed with a lack of love for beauty,
For all the wrong things she sought.
Written on 2011-03-09 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
823 · Sep 2013
An Untold Disaster
Jamie Lee Sep 2013
Beyond the dark, empty hollows,
dismay stirs, where the storms brew.
In the cold company of isolation,
desperation barged, savagely through.

Deaf ears listen, for unheard sounds,
while a heart searches, for unspoken signs.
Heavy thoughts, break the support inside,
as familiarity sets, one more time.

Loneliness reveals, a crumbling strength,
from red eyes, flows a river of tears.
Shattered and aching, with no comfort found,
only left to face, these growing fears.

Though hope is buried, remaining still,
serenity calls softly, from depths within.
Unsuccessful with relief, in written therapy,
the mind continues to wildly spin.
I am simply suffering from "myself syndrome" and am just over-thinking things, as I always do...
813 · Jul 2015
The Journey
Jamie Lee Jul 2015
I was going to be, so much more...
A little miss goody two shoes.
Someone called wholesome.
I would be the one to make them proud.
I was going to be, the light.

Instead, through life I became...
Jaded and so very bitter.
Tainted and well experienced.
I only ever made them disappointed.
It seems, I am the dark.

Once upon a time, so long ago...
I was a happy little girl.
That little girl did not survive childhood.
She was buried, deep inside.
She became lost and forgotten.

Replaced with ugliness, so long ago...*
I have ached for years.
Barriers crumble beneath the force.
My created strength, fails me.
I don't know who I am.
Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
812 · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
An exit is sought, yet not to be found.

Defeat overwhelms me,
my mind  I cannot escape,
my anger spoken through actions,
my nerves are restless with adrenaline.

Jealousy uncleanly tears apart my soul.

I pray that I am deceived by these images,
for my sanity cannot afford this breakdown,
Have I not suffered enough already?

One simple glance at your smile,
enrages my soul with heat waves of anger,
This fusion inside of me is burning-
hotter than the depths of hell.

My urges become more tempting and irresistible.

What you value the most, would give me great pleasures to rip away,
for the passion of anger I hold, is beyond itself.

What appears through my words; is happiness,
but I've merely fooled you, as I am a master of deception-
my heart cries in pain.

*I am consumed by anger
Written on 2008-06-03 - Revised 2013-08-17 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
by perception,
into acts of pure lust,
powered by emotions of pain,
mingled with a lonely heart now aching,
exceeding bare desperation,
all starting with deceit,
as her mind is,
Written on 2011-07-04// Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
774 · Aug 2013
Path to Paradise
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Follow the sweet whispers of my voice,
embrace the sound of purity.
Track the scent of honey from my lips,
and feel the serenity of security.

Watch the butterflies dance in the wind,
as they lead to clear ocean's.
Feel the soft wind breeze past you,
and free your desires and emotions.

Be guided by the trail of fireflies,
That will brighten your way through night.
Taste the power of ****** desires,
experience the thrill of a feeling so right.

Indulge in the luxury of ****** fantasies,
release your soul to passions so divine.
Caress my body with your strong hands,
as you lay in the sand with a golden shine.

Upon exotic beds of red rose petals,
I lay bare with a light glisten on my skin.
Vibrant colours of leaves beneath the petals,
leaving your body warm from within.

Allow me to grant your fiendish desires,
share a slice of heaven so nice.
Endure this exhilarating adventure,
down the path to paradise.
Written on 2007-08-30 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
One day I sat amongst a chair,
bored in my training class,
I decided to drink some coffee,
to wake up my ***.

I began to doze off,
dreaming of the beautiful stars,
do you see that I asked,
way up above so far?

My eyes played tricks on me,
cause they weren't so far,
in fact my face was dipped in it,
now isn't that bizarre?

There must've been floaters,
taking shape in the cup,
cause my face was dipped in,
when I woke up.
Written on 2007-10-15 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
753 · Aug 2013
A Long Awaited Pleasure
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Every night that I lye in bed,
one single thought roams through my head,
of how I always dreamed of you,
but I never thought my dreams would come true.

When I'm with you I have no cares,
because of you my heart has been spared,
you have shown me how beautiful life can be,
you have opened the door as wide as the sea.

Every time you look in to my eyes,
I can't suppress this feeling of surprise,
you make me overwhelmed with joy,
I love the way you make me your toy.

I'm falling deeper in love as every moment passes by,
I could not be more grateful that you gave "us" a try,
who knew that my life would take me your way,
it was unexpected but I'm here to stay.

Every time you begin to softly speak,
your delicious lips make me ever so weak,
the sweet whisper of your words,
are more amazing than songs of a bird.

I knew one thing by the way you touched my heart,
from this point on you and I would never be apart,
without you I could never be complete,
I would lose myself left unable to overcome defeat.

Since I have met you it has become clear,
I am now able to look in to the face of fear,
you are what I have spent my time searching for,
you are everything I could want and even more.
Written on 2008-05-06 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
732 · Jan 2014
Jamie Lee Jan 2014
With each word, I fall deeper
into this emptiness called life.
With each breathe, I suffocate,
from all that has crowded inside.

Tired long ago, yet I still stand
centered in this maddening cycle.
Broken down, this strength fades
hurt by the growing void of love.

My warnings to you have failed,
persistence, resulting in your mistake.
My weakness for love, and hope
for it in my life was mine.

I thought I had found my partner,
who will help me see this through.
Instead, I feel I have a roommate
my love, this has become you.

I could not regret the memories,
you have given me so much.
Though I do wish I was whole,
so you don't drown with me.

Silenced by fears, I can't speak
to reveal how apart we are.
My love for you remains, only now
accompanied by the pain you bring.

I have lost my only friend here,
drifting away as a distant lover.
Your absence makes me push further,
leaving me little hope in darkness.

I tell no one, as I am all alone,
I cry for every bit of me left, as
I know where this path will end.
I am losing myself once again.
727 · Sep 2013
My Morning Friend
Jamie Lee Sep 2013
The entrance is wide and clear,
leading to a massive space.
I begin to walk quickly through,
craving my daily sweet taste.

Before me, are bright lights,
displaying words and colours.
Behind me, are more people,
coming one after another.

As I approach the counter,
I am greeted like a friend.
This is my second home,
so let's not pretend.

Though different faces I see,
they are all very great.
That time has come again,
I'm here for another date.

I tell them what I want,
then I wait my turn.
If they don't know already,
soon they will learn.

My name is then called,
so I grab my drink.
Finally, with my coffee,
I can wake up and think.
721 · Aug 2013
Bitter Sweet Mother
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Pacing on sore, cut skin of feet,
With every step I trespass,
Here amongst the enemy layers,
Trapped in this small prison.

Tortured by the pain of betrayal,
Enraged at the abandonment,
Sick with hate for her choices,
Now awaiting the unknown.

Pondering with every second,
While sipping on red sanity,
Disbelief of our position,
Yet attempting to survive.

Ruined by sheer desperation,
Lacking the hope of new,
Continuing blindly through,
Grasping every bit of strength.
Written on 2011-10-12 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
714 · Jan 2014
Hidden Binds
Jamie Lee Jan 2014
Each time I see it,
I can't help but wonder,
How long I will continue,
To hold this deep under.

I fear it may slip out,
Resulting in a fight again,
I try to overcome this;
My distrust of all men.

But every time I check,
Seeing her name once more,
My heart breaks further,
Making way to the core.

Flooded by painful thoughts,
I am asking, why her?
You have moved on in life,
but your heart seems unsure.

She was your longest love,
So much time you spent,
Things changed in your life,
And with that, your love went.

Though it didn't work,
Your heart still questions,
Or at least I feel it,
But dare not mention.

You would give blame to me,
Saying that I am insecure,
Although I certainly am,
It can't be me, of this I'm sure.

You won't ever admit to me,
That you still think of her,
My life is filled with ruin,
Everything has become obscure.

I push onward regardless,
hoping it's just a phase,
All the while trapped here,
In this awful mental maze.

I pray I am wrong;
you look because your curious,
But am I lying to myself,
Slowly becoming delirious?
WRITTEN ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2013.  Just forgot to post it to this site...
714 · May 2015
Coming Undone
Jamie Lee May 2015
The dangers of life,
wait around every corner,
for each unsuspecting victim.

The pains of life,
increase with every day,
a struggle to keep fighting.

The choices of life,
filled with complications,
and heart-breaking repercussions.

The realities of life,
always harsh and cruel,
unable to escape the ugly truth.

The gifts of life,
unknowingly disguised,
accompanied by many lessons.

The treasures of life,
seem to be so few,
retaining that false hope.

The cycle of life,
never set in stone,
endlessly unpredictable.
Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
706 · Aug 2013
Choking On Your Heart
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
You could've told me how you felt,
there was no need for what you did.
You broke my heart into pieces,
something I told you I forbid.

You went ahead and did it anyways,
without a care of how I feel.
You were selfish in your acts,
you hurt me a great deal.

I hope you rot in hell,
a place where you belong,
You disgust me so much,
I never did you wrong.

Karma will find you,
and tear your life apart,
I hope you die,
while choking on your heart.
Written on 2007-09-07 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
694 · Jul 2015
Drift of Depression
Jamie Lee Jul 2015
Beginning like every other day,
my eyes open reluctantly.

Dragging myself out of bed,
it is time to face the silence.

Another day to manage,
still attempting to survive.

Wondering why it is,
that I get out of bed at all.

Those who are not a victim,
to the tight hold of depression,
cannot fathom the meaning,
beyond the syllables.

Even the truest descriptions,
cannot paint the picture,
in it's entirety.

To say, I feel empty;
could never explain enough.

To cry, bearing pain;
could never release enough.

To scream, with frustration;
could never show enough.

We smile, in hope that it helps,
to not bring those down around us.

As we breakdown repeatedly,
we are always lost within.

A burden; is an understatement.

Depression is like a cancer,
embedded deep into your cells,
draining the life from you,
with little hope for the end.

For no reason, other than love,
do I face the day and try again.

If I did not love those in my life,
I would not get up to be there.

Still, I try my absolute best,
to do what I can for others,
knowing there is nothing,
they can do to help me.
Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
691 · Aug 2013
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Possessed by the rage of truth,
Complicated by the depth of my love,
Suffocated by the weight of impact,
Deserted by the one placed above.

Gathering an insight of wisdom,
Reluctantly taken subsequent to pain,
Producing strength derived from weakness,
Your dismissal occurs once again.

Flustered by reflective thoughts,
Deceived by spoken treasures,
Preparing for lives to part,
Eliminating incomparable pleasure.

Each new, passes knowledge,
Surviving mistakes and faults,
Influenced by self-created wisdom,
Memories are buried inside my vault.
Written on 2011-03-02 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
671 · Aug 2013
With A Piece Of You
Jamie Lee Aug 2013
Each day my heart grew,
with the love I feel for you,
life has never been the same,
since you've introduced your name.

You make me feel coy,
and fill everyday with joy,
I never knew life to be great,
but meeting you was merely fate.

You turn simple into exciting,
you're a reason to keep fighting,
the touch of you is like magic,
you make life ecstatic.

I am pleasured by your kiss,
and embrace your tenderness,
I cherish the seduction of your lips,
I treasure our bliss.
Written on 2008-10-04 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
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