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9.7k · Sep 2015
We are both demons
Sara Leal Sep 2015
This is not one of those stories about a demon who loves an angel.
We are both demons,
Demons can't love.
So what do we do now?
English version
6.8k · Jan 2018
(2) Two from some
Sara Leal Jan 2018
To: You
From: Me

Open this letter when you feel like you have no more reason to stay alive~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey! Cheer up! It's just a bad moment, a really bad one. I know you can pass through it and later on you'll see that it wasn't that bad. I do know because I also have those moments, when I just want to break down and let go everything. So I know that right now it is that bad, with all those negative thoughts inside your head, with all those voices screaming that you're in pain, that you're not needed, that you want to get away from all this. Don't do that, don't get away from it, don't let those voices get to you, it's not your time yet, you have a lot that you should fight for. You have a lot of reasons to keep going and I'm one of them as you're one for me. And remember, I'm here with you. You're not alone in this.
       ­                                           Sara Leal
                                                           ­                                      24/01/18
The second one out of some. A new series of letters dedicated to you. I hope you feel it like I did.
3.8k · Oct 2015
My wings
Sara Leal Oct 2015
I fell,
Deep down.
I wanted to fly.
But my broken wings didn't let me.
English version
3.6k · Jul 2021
Pink Hair
Sara Leal Jul 2021
If I dye my hair pink
Do you think my emotions will turn innocent?
Do you even perceive pink as a innocent color?
What do you want me to be?
I'll be it just to get your attention,
Just to get your time.
Give me sugar,
So I can bleed and be sweet at the same time.
Sugar doesn't heal,
But it makes you feel better for some time.
But I'll only eat it until I feel full.
I don't wanna get fat,
So I'll throw you out too.
I'll dye my hair black then,
So you know you'll never see me again.
Cause black is a mean color,
And you're not into mean girls
2.5k · Oct 2015
The ink writes on the book
Sara Leal Oct 2015
You're my ink.
A book.
I'm your book.
Write on me.
English version
2.5k · Dec 2015
x Big Teddy Bear x
Sara Leal Dec 2015
Big Teddy Bear,
This is for you.

Big Teddy Bear,
I love you.

Big Teddy Bear,
I'm addicted to your voice.

Big Teddy Bear,
I want to hug you until I'm dead.

Big Teddy Bear,
I would wait forever for you.

Big Teddy Bear,
I'm insane.

Big Teddy Bear,
I hope you know everything about me.

Big Teddy Bear,
I look forward to our future.

Big Teddy Bear,
Don't leave me, please.

Big Teddy Bear,
Heal me from your scars.

Big Teddy Bear,
Hold my hand.

Big Teddy Bear,
I promise.

Big Teddy Bear,
I won't let our love end.

Big Teddy Bear,
Don't send me away.

Big Teddy Bear,
I may be crazy.

But **Big Teddy Bear
I love you so much.
English version
Sara Leal Sep 2015
I want to.
I really want to.
But I can't,
I can't get you out of my head.
And that's frustrating,
That simply freaks me out.
Because my thoughts are all about you,
And you.
And that makes me sick.
I don't like it,
I don't like how you have so much power in me.
But I can't.
I tried.
But I can't.
I can't get you out of my head.
My brain can't forget something that still has a place in my heart.
English version
1.4k · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
Just a doll.
Abandoned there,
With the other dolls.
I'm just a doll.
Waiting to be chosen,
When you come from that door.
I always wait,
For you.
But you never play with me.
You never did.
Even when you bought me.
You just put me here.
But I really don't care.
I love you so much.
I wish you would chose me.
But in fact,
I'm just a doll,
And you never want to play with me.
English version
1.3k · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
I'm mad.
I'm so ******* mad.
Not in wonderland unfortunately.
 I'm mad.
Consciously mad.
  Not with you.
  I'm mad.
Only mad.
   Because I forgot how to feel everything else.
  I'm mad.
And I touch it.
    As I smoke my madness,
And my cigarettes end easily,
I get even more mad
  I'm mad.
     I forgot this was called alcohol,
Well **** it
  I'm mad.
More than I wanted to be.
      What it's even better.
  I'm mad.
Mad, mad, mad.
Mad, mad, mad.
So mad.
       Because of your love,
That ended so easily
English version
1.3k · Nov 2015
Words; Thoughts
Sara Leal Nov 2015
Words** can **** you,
But thoughts can actually make you suffer until you wish you were dead.
So would you prefer to die by words,
Or thoughts?
English version
1.2k · Jan 2018
Sara Leal Jan 2018
I'm tired.
Not tired enough to die,
Just tired enough to quit.
Quit of everything I have,
Because I have a lot of stuff,
That should hold me to life,
But it doesn't.
I know it will hurt if I don't have them anymore,
A lot.
But pain is what keeps telling me "I'm **** alive",
When I don't want to.
Does that change anything?
Do I change anything with my existence?
I know I do,
But I'll keep deceiving myself,
Because they are not the changes I wanted.
Some refletion of how I feel right now.
English Version.
1.1k · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
Your lips,
Against mine.
Soft lips,
Wet tongue.
Eyes closed,
Synchronized movements.
How can a kiss feel so good,
When demons aren't supposed to kiss?
English version
952 · Oct 2015
I'm not your master
Sara Leal Oct 2015
I finally understood.
I'm not a master.
I'm not your master.
I'm just a doll being controlled.
Controlled by love.
Your love.
And I can't,
I can't stop of being chained to you.
I'm dependent of you.
If you don't breath I don't breath either.
I never intended this to happen.
But it did.
I'm obsessed with you.
Like I said,
I'm just a doll being controlled,
By love.
Your love.
English version
921 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015

I was an idiot,


I'm still an idiot,

Each time more idiot,

Each day more idiot,

Inevitably idiot.

And all this because I love you,

Because even after the **** that you do, I love you.

Because even after you hurt me again and again, I love you.

Now you understand why I'm an idiot?
English version
861 · Sep 2015
Maybe it was meant to be
Sara Leal Sep 2015
Maybe we are all lost.
Maybe we lost to this game called life.
Maybe it was meant to be us doing the same mistakes.
Maybe it was my destiny to hurt you.
Maybe I'm not even a human being.
Maybe God didn't listen when I was crying.
Maybe my words were written to provoke something on you.
Maybe I was ordered to lie.
Maybe what's mine was never really mine.
Maybe your eyes were just a drug.
Maybe coffee was not meant for me to drink.
Maybe the alcohol existent in the world was not enough.
Maybe the smoke that I smoked was not that poisonous.
Maybe our meeting wasn't a coincidence.
Maybe I was created to love you.
English version
814 · Oct 2021
Sara Leal Oct 2021
Let's go,
My heart doesn't think,
It feels.
And that's ****,
So imma take it out.
I'm into bleeding,
So I'll take the opportunity and let some come out before I close the hole.
You say it's impossible to survive?
I was never into living anyways.
It *****.
787 · Dec 2017
I want to die
Sara Leal Dec 2017
I want to die.
But not in that way you just lose everything you have now.

I want to die.
But not in that way you go to a better place afterwards.

I want to die.
But not in that way you stop feeling all the pain.

I want to die.
In a way that death takes my pain away, but only for some hours or minutes, so I can rest a little bit from it.

Because after all, we all have to suffer someday, for some time.
But no one told me I couldn't take a rest from it.
So why shouldn't I?

That's why,
I want to die.
English version. I hope you like it. I thought of this when some important people decided to hurt me, and I realized that this is just a moment and that everything is going to be fine if I believe in that.
778 · Sep 2015
People think
Sara Leal Sep 2015
People think I'm just a stupid girl who writes more stupid things.
What they don't know it's that the stupid things I write about is in fact my life.
So basically my life it's stupid.

People think I don't care about what they say about me, because what it's not true it's not going to hurt me right?
Wrong, absolutely wrong.
I would like to feel that way every time they tell me something less positive about what I write.
But I don't.
So basically I can't lie about how I feel when I write.

People think love it's true, magnificent and perfect.
You exist to prove that they are wrong.
So basically love it's just a word with legends.

People think that I'm a suicidal girl who hates herself.
What they don't know it's the effort that it takes to pass by another day, breathing, knowing that your life is ****, but still writing.
So basically I don't care about my life, but I care about my poems.

People think they know why I write.
But they don't.
Because none of them would understand that I write to heal myself, I write because it's the only way I can feel alive, they don't understand that.
So basically nobody knows me.

People think they know everything that they need to.
But they don't.
You know why?
Because they don't know me.
They don't know you.
I'm glad they don't, some of them are just stupid people like me right?
So basically the world it's stupid,

And I'm in it.
English version
753 · Sep 2015
I love him too much to care
Sara Leal Sep 2015
The more I tried to not fall in love,
The more I fell in love with him.
I'm still a person,
And he's just my weak point.
He could destroy me if he wanted to.
Actually, I wouldn't mind being destroyed by him.
I love him too much to care about what he does to me.
English version
678 · Sep 2015
I tremble
Sara Leal Sep 2015
My hands tremble,
As I see you.
I tremble* because I know you are the same as I.
A demon on earth.
English version
666 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
She was the suffer in person.
She was suffering.
Nobody helped her.
Nobody gave her a hand.
So one day,
She became her own hero.
English version
659 · Sep 2015
A little
Sara Leal Sep 2015
I'm suffering.
A little too much,
A little because I don't know.
And if I do I don't want to tell you.
I'm really crying over here.
A little too much,
A little because I can't do anything else.
And if I can I don't imagine myself doing it.
I was created like this.
A little too early,
A little because the pain chose me.
And if she didn't, I'm choosing her.
I'm loved.
A little too much,
A little by you.
And I don't know why you love me to be honest.
A little for me,
A little for you.
I'm yours as I want you to be mine.
**But can you really fight against my demons?
English version
654 · Jan 2018
The dolls inside of me
Sara Leal Jan 2018
They are here.
And everything is because of them.
They control everything and anything.
The reason is from them.
They hurt you,
If you try to hurt me.
They hurt me,
If I try to hurt you.
The dolls inside of me love you,
But they hate you.
D o l l s.
They live inside of me,
And get out whenever they want to.
Sooner or later they always come back,
Because I am my dolls,
And they are me.
Do what they tell you to.
Only them can control what is ours.
Live with the thought that you can't escape.
Lie like you believe me.
So you can answer me like you mean it.

Now, do you know my dolls?
*And where are yours?
English version. Hope you enjoy it like I did writing it.
649 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
"I love you."
But you're not the one I wanted to love me.
English version
621 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
My words,
Have a lot more to say than you think.
My poems,
Have hidden feelings in them.
My outside,
It's not all that I have.
I have a inside too.
And every word,
Every poem of mine,
Is the same as I.
English version
614 · Mar 2018
Falun Gong
Sara Leal Mar 2018
We are all humans right?
Humans with fears,
Humans that shed tears.

Humans that should be treated equally,
Humans that shouldn't have to suffer without reasons.
Humans that have the right to choose what they believe in or not.

So why isn't this happening?
Why are we not being treated equally?
Why are we suffering without reasons?
Why are we being stopped from having the right to choose what we believe in?

Why all this?
This shouldn't happen.
This can't keep happening.

But I know I can't do it alone.
I need you.
They need you.

People are being tortured right now,
They're suffering so much right now.
They need us.

It might be them today,
But tomorrow it can be you or me.
And do you actually feel alright not doing anything about this?
Do you feel good not helping your own kind just because it isn't you or someone you know in person?

Do they deserve this?
Would we deserve it?
Being hurt for wanting to believe in what we want?
For having free will?

Is that a reason to be tortured?
To be killed?
To have our loved ones taken out from us and have them being hurt?
To be thrown away into prison?
To be brainwashed?
To be taken out everything we cherish and love?

It is not,
And it'll never be a reason.

You and me know that.
Now spread the word,
And make the difference.

If you really call yourself,
An human being,
Let's end this tyranny.
It's really out of the world the things humanity can do to his own kind.
603 · Sep 2015
It's incredible isn't it?
Sara Leal Sep 2015
It's incredible isn't it?
Yesterday, we were together.
Today, we dont even talk.
It's incredible isn't it?
Yesterday, you said and promised,
That you wouldn't leave me.
Today, I see that you lied to me.
It's incredible isn't it?
Yesterday, I smiled with you.
Today, I cry alone.
It's incredible isn't it?
Yesterday, was love.
Today, is just a lie.
English version
600 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
When love turns real*,
I wish you were an illusion.
English version
578 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
My reason is yours,
My body is yours,
My life is yours,
My smiles are yours,
My hugs are yours,
My kisses are yours.
But my heart is not.
English version
578 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
I was supposed to have wings?
If I was then I probably have a problem.
Because I don't have them.
I never did.
Can I still be called an angel?
A fallen angel.
That's the name I received for not having wings.
I wanted to have them.
Tell me,
How does it feel to fly?
Without pain?
Without problems?
Without tears?
Without scars?
Without a broken heart?
I want to know,
Because that's all the things my mom felt.
I was born like this because of her.
Without wings.
She broke her wings before I was born.
She suffered so much.
But she just wanted to prevent me of suffering like her.
I'm sorry mom.
But you failed.
Without wings I'm even worst than you were.
English version
565 · Nov 2015
Now I got used to it
Sara Leal Nov 2015
Now I got used to it.
To all pain and tears,
To all scars and fears.

Now I got used to it.
To my life without a meaning,
To my life without the act of smiling.

Now I got used to it.
To being hated by myself,
To not being loved by you.

Now I got used to it.
To being an useless human.
English version
556 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
I know what I want*.
And no, I don't want you.
543 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
"Humans can't survive alone"
I listened to that words.
I feel the pain of knowing that it's true.
I feel everything,
I would like not to.
I would like to lose feelings.
I would like to not be alive.
"I like to be alone"
"It's better to be alone"
I repeat,
Again and again in my head,
As I feel lonely,
"I don't need anyone"
"I can do things on my own"
I scream once again.
I tremble.
I try to calm myself.
"Calm down, everything it's going to be okay"
"It's better this way"
I talk to myself.
I embrace myself.
I can't breath.
I can't stop crying.
"Stop being stupid"
"You can do this"
These are the voices in my head.
Or it's my conscience talking to me?
I lost my reason.
I don't know anymore.
They talk,
I scream.
"I want to be alone"
English version
517 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
Losing you hurts.
But I actually didn't lost you,
You let me go.
And I can't do anything about it,
It was your decision.
I have to be comprehensive.
I have to.
Even when I don't want.
English version
511 · Oct 2015
My silence it's so painful
Sara Leal Oct 2015
Words come in,
Tears come out.
Can my silence be so painful?

My tears come out because my eyes can't contain the pain,
As my mouth do.

My silence, it's my suffering.
The suffering I can't let anyone see.
I can't be that weak,
To let them know.

The most cruel beings existing on earth.
What it hurts the most,
Is that I'm one of them.

The same person who suffers,
Can provoke pain to other people.
What's humanity after all then?
We lost it?
Does it even has the right to be called like that?

I'm a pitiful being,
Yes, I'm.
Always complaining about my pain,
Like other people don't suffer too.
They do,
But I do too.

So let me be,
Even for an instant complain!
Because there's a lot of things about me that are wrong!

I want to complain about that.
I want to scream them all.
In a another world where I'm not human,
And I'm finally,
English version
509 · Nov 2015
"That isn't poetry"
Sara Leal Nov 2015
"That isn't poetry, it's just thoughts on paper"
That's why my opinion it's different of yours.
That's why everyone has their own opinion.
If it's not poetry for you,
It is for me.
English version
503 · Sep 2015
My poisonous oxygen// (7)
Sara Leal Sep 2015
I didn't answer you,
I thought you were a ******* trying to win a bet or something by talking with me.
I was mostly right.
English version
472 · Feb 2018
Sara Leal Feb 2018
You call poison life,
While you lie with your broken and teary eyes.

You try to feel the window glass,
To see if you'll find any of my fingerprints.

You break everything while you scream my name,
In a try to delete the oxygen I breathed out calling yours.

You listen to the train's sound where we used to hangout,
So you can forget the sound of my voice that's stuck in your head.

You spend all your money on cigarettes,
Then cry while you smoke them.

You touch and hurt your lips from time to time,
Because they never said goodbye to mine.

You say your blood is blue,
'Cause that was my favorite colour.

You don't sleep,
'Cause the bed still smells like me.

You regret not yelling more at me,
And telling me how stupid I was for loving you.

You like to burn the clothes I left all over the place,
So you can **** my scent.

So basically,

You miss me,
And you can't take it anymore
The empty space relationships that end leave is **** hard and painful.
459 · Sep 2015
My poisonous oxygen// (3)
Sara Leal Sep 2015
3 a.m,
It's the hour when I usually get out of my bed,
And go smoke one more outside,
Two more,
Three more,
Basically until my need it's satisfied.
What it's never.
English version
456 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
"Are you drunk?"
I ask another glass of that thing I don't even remember the name now.
"You're drunk."
My head starts hurting,
But not more than my heart.
I couldn't stop the question.
"Why did you dump me?"
You glared at me,
"I will take you home, c'mon."
You try to take my arm again.
"You're drunk, just admit it."
I couldn't even see you well now.
I couldn't see the eyes that made my heart beat so fast so many times before this.
"Okay then I quit."
And you did,
You walked away.
But you already had quit before this anyway.
That's why I'm here drinking alcohol,
To gather some courage to punch you while I can.
Well, maybe alcohol it's not enough.
Or I'm not drunk enough.
Yeah, maybe that's it.
*I was never drunk enough with you.
English version
455 · Sep 2015
Sara Leal Sep 2015
People keep calling my name.
Silence it's all they get from me.
I don't talk with people who pretend to like me.
That's my name.
English version
452 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
This was never a love story.
English version
445 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
There's a depressive side of me?
That's how I'm.
When I'm not like that,
Is when I'm really pretending.
English version
441 · Nov 2015
Sara Leal Nov 2015
Why nobody helped **her
She helped everyone that she knew that needed help,
So why didn't anyone help her?
She was so happy,
With her beautiful and honest smiles,
With her deep and sincere feelings.
She was a beautiful person.
She was,
She's not anymore.
For one simple reason,
She didn't know how to help herself.
English version
433 · Oct 2015
Sara Leal Oct 2015
I don't understand myself at all.
I don't know what love is anymore.
I lost notion of time.
I can't find myself in your words.
I don't know what to do,
What to think.
I don't know who I love anymore,
Or who I should love.
What it's love after all?
Just an empty word?
Just a lie?
Just a feeling?
Or is it a person?
A person you care about?
A person you want to be with?
A person you can't forget?
A person who makes your heart pound like crazy?
Like your heart is being stolen by that person?
It's that what love is?
Could it be what I feel love?
How can I even answer myself?
What's the best for me?
What's the best for him?
How should I think like?
Who am I?
Who is he?
Does he know how I feel?
Does he feel the same way?
Is this complicated to be in love?
I guess, it is.
But it's still beautiful anyway.
English version
427 · Sep 2015
She doesn't want to know
Sara Leal Sep 2015
Under the rain,



Her time is busy with loneliness,

And not only loneliness,

But depression too.

But she doesn't want to know.

She doesn't want to know about her so much cuts in her wrists.

She doesn't want to know about her tears in conjunction with the rain.

She doesn't want to know about the floor full of stones that hurt her feet.

She doesn't want to know about the blood that falls from her face because of the punches that she took from her father.

She doesn't want to know about the bruising caused by her run away from home.

She doesn't even want to know about herself.

She just walks,

Under the rain,


English version
Sara Leal Oct 2015
Can someone take this pain away?
I want to forget everything.
But at the same time I don't want to.
It was so beautiful,
But it ended so tragically.
Why do the most beautiful things end?
Why do the perfect moments end up being just memories?
It seems it was yesterday that everything began.
But actually,
It was yesterday that everything ended.
It hurts.
So *can someone take this pain away?

English version
422 · May 2018
Sara Leal May 2018
I think I miss you,
But then I re-think it.
And I see I miss the things I was able to do with you,
I miss the way you tried to make me feel when I was sad sometimes,
I miss the way you loved me until some point.
But I don’t miss you.
I just would like to have what I miss back,
But I can’t,
‘Cause that would mean I would have to have you again.
And I don’t want that.
I don’t want that pain again.
I only want the happy things you were able to give me.
I want the piece you took out of me,
The love you took out of me.
But I can't have it back.
So tell me,
Will I be able to love again without everything that is missing?
Sometimes we truly think we miss someone when in reality we miss the happy moments they were able to give us, the feelings they were able to make us feel, the feelings we can never have back.
English Version
419 · Mar 2022
Sara Leal Mar 2022
It's hard to look at myself
It's hard to think about myself
It's hard not to hate myself
And I don't wanna cry
But the tears fall before I can even wipe them away
I wish someone could understand me
Or worship me shall I say?
What the hell do I want?
What do I need to have to feel any different from this?
Love is ****
Happiness is not enough or even limitless
The world is cruel
And I don't know what I'm becoming in all this
I really don't perceive myself as a good person
Am I victimizing myself?
What am I doing?
I don't know where I began
I don't see an end
It's really hard you know?
What am I even doing?
I don't wanna die
But what am I living for?
413 · Sep 2015
I don't deserve it
Sara Leal Sep 2015
Loving someone,
I never thought I could do that.
I never really thought I could be loved.
In fact, I think I don't deserve it.
Not even a little.
I mean how can a person like me deserve this love?
It's just a beautiful thing,
I can't possibly deserve that.
I don't deserve it.
But I'm still glad it happened though,
I don't care if this is selfish of me.
I don't care if it's wrong to steal this person from a better one than me.
I don't care.
I just want to stay with him,
Like in a fairytale,
A real one.
English version
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