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Oct 2020 · 210
Who is stronger?
Hawa Oct 2020
The one who fought bravely or the one who sat peacefully through the war?

The one who didn't let herself fall or the one who fell immensely in love?
Oct 2020 · 204
Hawa Oct 2020
इस कदर मुहब्बत हो गई है हमे अपने अकेलेपन से, की अपनी परछाई से भी छिपने के लिए आड़ ढूंढ़ते रहते है.
ढूंढ़ती रही में एक कोना जहा कुछ देर  सकू, लेकिन मेरी  परछाई  वहां भी साथ आ गई.
साथ आ गई तो ठीक है , साथ ले आई मेरा वजूद, मेरी पहचान, और वो नियम जिनसे में भागना चाहती थी,
और ले आई साथ वो नाम जो मेरे प्यार का दुश्मन है।
मेरा प्यार, वो अकेलापन जिसे ढून्ढ रही थी में हर जगह और जब मौका मिला की कुछ देर रो कर गुजार लू में उसके साथ,
तो मेरी परछाई साथ आ गई.
Oct 2020 · 193
Pink Tear
Hawa Oct 2020
If only you could hear my pain,
You would hear my cracking joints and screams, in vain.

If only they changed colors; You would see three: Black, Red, and Blue,
Covering my body through and through.

Alas! It doesn’t work that way,
So, I have to get up from my bed.
Put my make up and pretend,
This isn’t that bad or, it’s not the end.

But the tears trickle down, out of control,
Silently, no noise that you can hear.
A trickle dripped down on my cheek,
I see round a drop of pink tear.
Oct 2020 · 147
Hawa Oct 2020
Age 3: My neighbor’s 10-year-old son.

Age 8: The bookshop owner near my house.

Age 9: My exam hall bench partner in the fourth standard.

Age 14: A biker, while I was walking home from school with my
              friend in the afternoon.

Age 15: Stranger on a bike; I was walking to the park near my
               house at 8 PM.

Age 19: My brother in law.

Age 21: A creep on a bike while I was going home riding a scooter.

A chronological list of people, who tried to sexually harass me.
I know I am not alone, a lot in fact almost everyone has suffered it. But it took me a lot of courage to speak up for myself, even though I knew it wasn't my fault. Big or small, these incidents affect our growth and shake our confidence. I urge everyone here, male, female, gender fluid people, anyone and everyone, to stop feeling guilty.

Share your incident and let it out. It is they who should be ashamed and not us.
Sep 2020 · 210
I killed a child once.
Hawa Sep 2020
He was barely two feet tall.
When I pressed his mouth, he couldn't scream at all.
I pushed him on the floor and,
He took a tiny, ineloquent fall.

His voice muffled and shrieks inaudible.
He tried to cry, but the tears couldn't trickle.
I scared him, not knowing my mind was fickle.
Scars - Red, Blue, Green.
I, blackened his soul,
Through, his red checked shirt and ruffle.

He loved, he loved flowers,
Rose, lilac, sunflower, and lily.
Strewn, in one garland, all of them, his dreams.
While he was chasing the butterflies, happily.
I threatened him to be quiet, or I would **** his family.
And he dearly loved his sister Emily.

He stayed tongue-tied and mum.
With every hit and blow, he turned voiceless and numb.
Good for me that he was dumb.
Or was he?

He died, and I didn't realize that I killed him.

Years later when I met a monster,
Whose face seemed familiar.

He hurt me, He hurt me badly, and I shrieked WHY?

He started the sermon,
About the child, I killed once and gave birth to a demon.
May 2020 · 251
Hawa May 2020
Cigarette buds, wine glasses, and hazy memories.

Unfinished conversation, people.

Room a little less Messier than life.

Still, it's difficult to stay alive.

Crushed hair, cloudy Eyes, heavy deep breath.

Broken nibs of pencils.

Twice half-read Sylvia Plath,

Lana Del Rey songs on loop.

Storylines with crushed characters.

Unfinished poems,

Completely finished thinking capacity.

Stained coffee mugs here and there.

Some as old as the blockage in my pen.
I am unable to finish this as much as I try could you all please help me in giving this a decent end?

It's about the struggles of all of us - The writers/poets and their unfinished stories.

Dedicated to all of us and thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help me with this.
May 2020 · 190
Draw me!
Hawa May 2020
Draw me.

I searched on Google because I wanted to be drawn,
with those pencils,
gorgeous sketches,
because I look better colorless,
the way I am.

Drawn like all those girls in sketches,
some laughing,
some looking into Eternity,
some waiting for the death to come.

I would be the last one.

Draw me.

Because I am not pretty enough for them,
to be drawn by anyone.

I will draw myself.

But how long could I be able to be doing things for myself when they are not supposed to be done this way, or maybe they are?

Draw me.

I started learning the basics of drawing and life,
to draw me,
just as everything I always do for myself on my own.
May 2020 · 179
Hawa May 2020
I put on all the makeup in my bag -  Liner, Mascara, lipstick, foundation.
Cake it all UP.
Layers on layers.
Until I am covered to the extent that I cannot find myself.
Because I like ME only
with my makeup on and I don't feel like the same person who I am after putting it all.
May 2020 · 138
Hawa May 2020
Who's is this Love which is keeping me Alive?

If all I have is you and then you leave me, what am I left with?

Is it still good to feel, if your feelings are slowly consuming you from inside?

Am I procrastinating or am I scared of failing yet again?

Why do I have all questions and no answers?
Do we really get any answers? I read it in a book that gradually we just start having better questions.
May 2020 · 132
Some words
Hawa May 2020
Some wretched words in the English language:
May 2020 · 140
Hawa May 2020
With all this, which I am ready to do.
And all that I am willing to sacrifice.

Is it going to be worth, what I receive?
Apr 2020 · 108
Hawa Apr 2020
Ever want to learn to fly and be a part of the wind?
Ever want to learn swimming and be through the ocean, like the drop?
Ever want to sway like the trees and be selfless?
Or be as steadfast as the mountains?
Be as melodious as the nightingale or
As deadly as the bat in a soup?

But birds can only fly, a drop can only be a part of water.
Trees can't move, mountains are something we dig up.
nightingale can only sing or the bat can only ****.

What about the rest?
Rest of it all.
All of the rest.

The nothingness of everything, ending into something.

How could you be ALL?
While aiming for nothingness.

Ever want to die? - because this life is too short for you to be finishing up everything.

So you decide to complete everything at once by letting it go.
Apr 2020 · 152
Hawa Apr 2020
If death is my final chemical reaction,
In the experiment called LIFE.

Slitting wrists,
Hanging on the fan,
Drinking poison

and All......

Aren't all just the Catalysts?
Apr 2020 · 496
Hawa Apr 2020
That pretty face with huge brown eyes,
The petit frame and soft voice,
The epitome of cleanliness and an exact mix of shyness and spice.

That immaculately done nail,
With the ladylike perfume smell.
Enchanting! Is she even human? I couldn't tell.

Perfectly fringed hair,
Walking all over with her "Belle Air"
If someone crosses her path, she wouldn't spare.

The aromatic smell of the delicious food she would cook,
Oh! I never knew The Devil could be so good.
I read it somewhere that Devil doesn't come in red horns and black cape, but it comes in the form of everything you ever yearned for.
Jan 2020 · 110
Suicide or murder
Hawa Jan 2020
If the person who I am, When I am with you,
Kills the person who I am.
Is it a Suicide or is it a ******?

I don't know that.
You decide.

What I certainly know is that someone died and I can't even mourn for her.
Jan 2020 · 117
Hawa Jan 2020
And if it was for me,
And if it was for you,
To decide, what we will get in our life,
Would we still be able to get what we want?
Dec 2019 · 153
Hawa Dec 2019
If I am Who I am and you are who you are.
And I am Someone when I am with you and you are Someone when you are with me.
And I love the Someone when I am with and you are in love with the Someone I am.
And we are someone else when we are together.

Then do I love you or do you love me?
Answer in a monosyllable and how many people are actually in love, give me the count.

Is that even love when it is so much conditioned?
How many of us are involved in this love story?

And is it even a love story or just a Blank Page with undeciphered ink of which we are making our meanings and words.

Are these even questions or just a rant from a wrathed mind with no opening to release.

Release the love, anger, frustration, sadness carried by all these people and the one who he thinks He is.

But isn't it too many people and their souls carried by one, when we are in love.

And again if it's not the same you, Is it even love?
Dec 2019 · 338
Hawa Dec 2019
And I, what will I do?
I will do what I can.
I will pull you down,
just like gravity does.
Dec 2019 · 899
Earth is killing you
Hawa Dec 2019
Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes to **** sadness.
Are you killing sadness or the sadness killing you?

Scrolling through the phone screen, to **** some time.
Are you killing time or the time is killing you?

Jumping from a parachute to **** your acrophobia.
Are you killing the fear or the fear is killing you?

Burning all the photos from your old album to **** your love for her.
Are you killing Love or Love is killing you?

Faking a smile to keep your hopes up.
Are you killing hope or the hope is killing you?

Cutting all the trees then dying of asthma.
Are you killing Earth or the earth is killing you?
Hawa Dec 2019
There's a lot of past and more of the future.
A lot of crying and many more tears, of joy and sadness
Dumped In this huge pile of Present.
Which we are unhappy with.
Hoping to get more,
More more than we can.
More than we deserve.
What is this pressure?
Sharp like a razor.
Bleeding through the nibs of our pens and literature.
And us?
What about US?
What are we going to do with all this future?
Dec 2019 · 218
3 Tears
Hawa Dec 2019
I cried a tear for me and two for you.
And three for the sadness we both are going through.
Together and alone, me and you.

My One drop of tear for the lonesome life I live,
Two drops for you, to be surrounded by people and still feel alone.
And three drops each, for me,  you, and our loneliness which is dying as well because of the vacuum,
as there is no one left to haunt anymore.
Nov 2019 · 568
Hawa Nov 2019
WORDS are my blessings.

WORDS are my curse.
Nov 2019 · 221
Walking with pride
Hawa Nov 2019
I would walk the road,
With all the boast.
And be happy with,
all the faces turning around.

I will walk the road,
with even more arrogance,
So beautiful I am, that the,
Staring Can't Stop.

I would walk the road,
with the most pride.
I am so pretty,
maybe I need to hide.

I was walking the road,
the same way,
one day,

when I realized,
While walking the road.

They all just pity me.
oh my!
They turnaround to see
and pray
oh lord!! please bless the Ugly little human I just saw passing by.
Nov 2019 · 160
The rabbit
Hawa Nov 2019
The lazy autumn afternoon,
No one is here, I should talk to whom?

Sitting beneath the tree,
leaves and flowers falling free.

A girl walks in and sat on the grass,
flowy white shirt and floral pink top.

Oh my, those kind Eyes,
her hair flows when the wind blows and rise.

A White rabbit comes and she pets his head,
he too starts playing around like it is his own a bed.

I Look at the girl she is so pretty,
full of love innocence and inner beauty.

She keeps playing,
and the rabbit is swaying.

I look at her from far,
with the door ajar.

I want to go to her and start talking,
suddenly the rabbit starts hopping.

And she runs behind, to catch him,
jumping and then gone in a blim.

Only for her to stay and watch him go.

I stay there watching them all go, the way I have watched everything to go and never come back to me.
Nov 2019 · 199
Who is fake?
Hawa Nov 2019
The ME, who is smiling laughing and talking to everyone.
Or the ME who loves to be alone and like to cry and think about death.

The ME who is patient in positive.
Or the ME, who is unable to see your future anywhere any more.

The ME who, is surrounded by friends and family.
Or the ME who can't stand a single human around.

The ME, who doesn't care about anything.
Or the ME, who is unable to comprehend the system which we have created as the better species.

The ME,  who is looking forward to a better tomorrow.
OR the ME who wants to die right now.

The ME, who scolds her friends when they talk about suicide.
Or the ME, who always thinks about jumping from my favorite window to finish it for once and for all.

Me at 10:10 a.m.


The ME at 2:10 a.m.
I can't decide anymore you tell me what is the truth.
Nov 2019 · 598
Hawa Nov 2019
Right-click and refresh.
My life is still the same.

Alt + F4.
Why am I still alive?

Empty recycle bin?
Why can I still remember all the trash?

I hung myself on the ceiling fan.

Why is everyone crying?

Why are they not taking me to the service center?
System errors are normal but human error unforgivable.
Oct 2019 · 267
Hawa Oct 2019
And I will meet you there,
Where the ocean meets the sky.
It somehow soothes me, that every evening we would be listening to the same songs on the radio, even if we are not together.
Oct 2019 · 247
Hawa Oct 2019
He makes me laugh so much,
That my stomach hurts and my eyes tear up,


I can't be with him.

Because Mumma told me,

Every time you laugh, you have to cry equally.
Hawa Oct 2019
With their freckles and flaws,
Their lips and love.

Your fingers and fights,
Heavy breathing and bites.

Beautiful Stories and ***,
The emotions and Ex.

Colors and Cuddles,
Raw coffee and riddles.

Partially finished, futile departures.
Some unfinished, untold closures.
And even though I, who has never been in love, I feel like I understand it, because you paint them and their stories, prettier than they could be.
Oct 2019 · 319
Hawa Oct 2019
How do you see your cup?
Half empty?

What if I told you the cup contains pure poison.
I can no longer distinguish between reality and dreams and I don’t know is that a good thing or bad.
Oct 2019 · 285
Hawa Oct 2019
जिस हक से कल लेकर गई थी,
उसी हक से आज भी ले जाति,
पर नहीं ले गई,
तो अब यह बहाने क्यों और किसके लिए.

मेरे लिए?
या खुद के लिए?

किस हक की तुम बात कर रहे हो?
मुझे तो कभी पता ही नहीं था
कि मेरा कोई हक है तुम पर.
तुमने कभी पता ही नहीं लगने दिया.

हमेशा एक ही डर था
कि कभी तुमसे कोई बात कह दूं और तुम बोल पढ़ो किस हक से कह रही हो मुझे.

अब इस डर को बहाना ही समझ लो.
पर यही डर था हमेशा.
मेरे लिए
और तुम्हारे लिए.

जितने हक से आज तुमने मुझसे यह सारे सवाल पूछ लिए हैं.
काश! कभी उतने ही  हक से यह भी जता दिया होता कि कितना हक है मेरा तुम पर.
मेरे लिए नहीं तो कम से कम सच के लिए ही बोल देते तुम.
Oct 2019 · 318
Hawa Oct 2019
मेरे कमरे से लगी हुई बालकनी,
उसी पर खुलती थी मेरी खिड़की,
पर  मां कभी मुझे खिड़की खोल लेना देती थी,
बाहर के लोग देखेंगे तो क्या बोलेंगे,
लड़की पूरा समय खिड़की पर ही रहती है?

कभी-कभी मैं रात को 2  3 बजे खिड़की खोल कर बाहर देखा करती थी.
ठंडी हवा के झोंकों में खुद को, अपने वजूद को ढूंढने की कोशिश करती थी.

कभी ऐसे दिन आएंगे
जब मैं यहां नहीं रहूंगी
मेरा अपना घर होगा
जहां मुझे यह नहीं सोचना पड़ेगा कि लोग क्या सोच रहे हैं.

समय बीता, दिन बीते
मुझे नौकरी लग गई,
मैं बाहर आ गई,
मेरा घर, मेरा कमरा बदल गया.
मुझे यहां भी खिड़की मिली.
मगर वह भी ज्यादातर बंद ही रही.
कभी खोलने का समय नहीं मिला,
कभी बाहर की दूर तो कभी प्रदूषण से बचने के लिए.

आज रात को समय मिला,
तुमने खिड़की खोल ही ली.
कुछ वक्त बाहर देखती रही
ठंडी हवा आज भी उतनी ही खूबसूरत है,
उतनी ही शक्तिशाली और आजाद जितनी तब थी.

और मैं आज भी उतनी ही बेबस.
घबराइए नहीं यह खुद पर तरस खाने वाली कविता नहीं है.
तो जाइए मत.

मैं काफी देर वहां खड़ी रही.
फिर मुझे ध्यान आया कि रात का समय है शायद बाहर से किसी को दिख जाओ तो कहेंगे यह लड़की आधी रात को खिड़की पर क्यों खड़ी है.

पर्दे लगा दिए
हवा का मोह नहीं छूटता ना
कुछ देर बाद शायद वापस खिड़की बंद कर दू .

आजकल खुली हवा में घुटन सी महसूस होने लगती है.
Sep 2019 · 138
Lifetime of happiness
Hawa Sep 2019
We all want to be happy.
Happy all the time.
We pray for it.
Seek for it.

We know it is inside us.
Still, we look for it outside.
And find it sometimes.
In those little joys moments,
We Float in the air,
Like those tiny cotton seeds
Surrounded by happy fluff.
Look for it, to be with us forever.

Ask someone who knows better.
Someone who knows it's nothing less than a curse to be happy all the time.
What's the use if you haven't felt the blues.

What if you got it?
Would you keep it?
A packet full of lifetime happiness.
Wrapped in cute pink cellophane paper.
Covered with glitters and a bow.
It has a supply enough for you to survive your entire time here.

No sorrows anymore,
No sadness, anxiety, negative thoughts, no problem ever for you.
You will always be joyous gleeful and Sunny.
No rain would ever be around you.

Just like it used to be before Eve had "The Apple".
The Apple" which brought all the miseries in our lives.
All those, sorrows and pain,
The dark thoughts, engulfing you like a flood around a small village.
Nowhere to go.

Burying ourselves in the swamp along with those who are in there already.
Crying and screaming for help,
Rotting in hell.
We are walking towards it as well.
Taking step by step.
Slowly but all of us reaching there. One day.
So why this?

All because of that one lady who couldn't have been any more stupid.
So if I ask you, I could give you that life, where everything is at it's best.
And you would always be happy so happy that won't even know what pain is.

Who wouldn't want such a life?

But how would you know you are happy when you have never witnessed the sadness.
Sep 2019 · 162
I can fly
Hawa Sep 2019
I was standing on the Empty Street,
Gazing at the stars,
In the full moonlight,
With only one thought.

If I could be with the blowing wind and Fly through the clouds,
I felt like someone heard me and said ok go...

I put my hand up and gave a small kick, push back, with my feet,

And I was up in the air,
Just like birds,
Like fish in the ocean,
As easy as walking on the street,
I went up, up, up, and high,
It tasted like freedom
The fresh wind in my mouth
The vast blackness of the sky
Telling me it's endless and so am I,

(Liberated and ecstatic, excited)

Then I decided to explore further ahead, instead of going up.

I went over the high rising buildings,
Over the humongous trees, I am scared of,
Looking at the very few people and cars on the streets.
I kept going until I felt boundless.

Then I saw the sunrise
And it reminded me that I have to go back
To my family, friends, work

But I couldn't find where to go
Where did I come from?
Whom should I ask?
Where was I?
Which city, country or continent?
Who am I going to tell?
How did I reach here?

I was stranded, helpless, miserable and all alone.
And then I realize this is why we shouldn't fly.
Sep 2019 · 340
Past or Future
Hawa Sep 2019
If I asked you
Where would you choose to go,
if given the opportunity to time travel

Past or future

I used to think
Is that even a question
Of course the future.

What's in the past?
Nothing useful.
And you won't get anything from there.

Better see the future.
You can earn some money.
And you will know something which you didn't before.
I could become the most powerful person on earth with that.

But now that I have grown a bit.
It seems much easier to dwell on the past.
The beautiful moments I had,
Which would never come back.
I wish I could relive them forever.

Like when I was laughing with my friends
So hard, that my stomach started paining,
My eyes won't stop watering.
I felt like I would explode out of joy.

When my mom was feeding me with her hands,
The love and warmth of her fingers,
Making the food extra delicious.
It was the best food I ever had.

When I went for a walk with my dad,
He usually doesn't talk much.
But that day he was putting his efforts to look for something to talk about.
For once he showed me that he cares.
We walked holding hands in hands.
It felt like the safest place on earth to be.

When I was reading the poem,
Written by my brother as my birthday gift.
It was so wonderful.
Full of all the stories we had for whole our lifetime.
The crazy spelling mistakes,
And that almost unreadable handwriting,
Made it even better
I cried and cried,
Tears full of love, emotions, guilt and much more.
I knew I could give my life for this little fellow of mine.

When I would walk with this guy,
Holding hands,
We would talk for hours,
Never really reaching to an end.
All the fights and melodrama,
Then going back to normal,
Only to fight again,
But the fights were beautiful and so was the drama.
I could fight the world for him.

Alas! Too bad!
The future can't bring those feelings back to me,
Those times ,
Where I felt like I should die right now because I am so happy,
And I would never be like that again.
When I felt l was floating in the air,
Out of those emotions.

So I choose to go to the past,
No matter how stupid it sounds.
I would like to be there,
Forever and ever.

Even after I die
You can find me there
Living In those moments
When I was so happy that I wanted to die at that moment.
Jul 2019 · 490
Hawa Jul 2019
I was asking him a question.
He kept a straight face,
Never looking at me,
No response whatsoever,
Or any indication that he heard me.

And I,
Knowing fairly well,
That I EXIST as an individual,
Started questioning my existence.
Why do I need approval from others to feel my own existence?
Jun 2019 · 426
Hawa Jun 2019
When I say the word " Birthday"
What comes to your mind?
Party, cake, friends, gifts, fun.


Not all birthdays are happy.
Some are covered with tears.
With pain given by your own people.
The ignorance from your loved ones,
Going through your heart like a sword.

Some birthdays have efforts in vain,
Some cakes are cut, not with a knife but with tears and Moans.
Some cakes don't have candles lit up, but the dreams and hopes on fire.

Some rooms are not decorated with balloons and excitement
Instead, depression and grief.
Not all ribbons are colorful -  green, orange and blue,
Some are drenched, red in blood and some are black, resembling the soul.

Not all gifts are covered in cute pink and red wrapping paper,
Some are only there to make you, have your walk on the ignited coals,
to remind everything, you always wanted to forget.
Some gifts are like time bombs,
Ticking Only to explode,
To **** you. (but aren't those the best?)

Not all birthday songs are cheerful and melodious,
Some are a high pitched cry for help and others are full of tears streaming down,
Somehow trying hard to keep singing the war cry.

Not all the claps are loud and wishful,
Some are only to cover the loud cries.

Not all the wishes are positive and thoughtful,
Some venomous and others are empty.

Not All parties are full of friends and people,
Sometimes you only have YOU, your depression, surrounded by the dead bodies {your expectations, hope and willingness to live}

Not all drinks are wine and cola,
Sometimes you have to drink the blood and still have to keep smiling (just like you do every day)

Your birthday party ends up with happy people going home?
Not all,
Sometimes it ends up the birthday boy/girl crying to sleep all alone.
Jun 2019 · 582
What it makes us do?
Hawa Jun 2019
I want to fall in love and write cute mushy poetry.

Mature my relationship and write sonnets about our lives.

Then break up and write sad songs.

Eventually, realize he wasn't worth it And write angry or semi  relieved one-liners.

Ah! the things we are willing to go through,
to be able to write Poetry.
Jun 2019 · 368
Hawa Jun 2019
We are all living our own Disappointments.
I write to vent out my emotions while trying not to feel too guilty about having uncontrollable, imaginary conversations in my head.
May 2019 · 330
It's not you, It's me.
Hawa May 2019
How I want to help you,
But at the same time, I don't want to be any anywhere near you or anyone.
I want my time alone,
And you want me.
You crave for humans,
Their touch, friends, connections,
And I am happy alone,
Away from you and everyone.

It Physically hurts me, to be around you.
It mentally stresses me, to be in your vicinity.
I count the seconds remaining, every millisecond.
It's not that I hate you.
So it's the lamest of all the reasons " It's not you, It's me"
But it is, it is what it is.
You can't change it, neither can I.

You see me with others
Happy and talking and laughing,
That's only for a while,
You don't get that,
You can only fake for a while.
Then I need to come back and remove the mask at the end of each day.
But do you want to be there with me even then?
No! It's not possible.
I am vulnerable at the Moment
Like and injured tigress,
Like a naked woman.
I don't want to be near anyone,
The least of all, You.

I told you before it is so difficult for me to be with someone for all my life,
All my day night.
You thought it was one of my naive fears.
But I know me, better than you do.
I know it can never work out.
I know I was never meant to be with " the one"
I could never be someone's "the last"
Never was the Woman who will say oh we have been together for so long I can't even remember the years.

Because I will.
I can remember every second, past my wish to be with you.
I will remember each dreadful minute spent around you.
Where you were the albatross around my neck.
Making it difficult to live or die.
Then I will think about your death.
But isn't it a sin?
Especially for someone you love,
Then it will get worse, as you won't die.
So I will think about killing.
**** you, because I'm too scared to leave.
But isn't it illegal?
I'm bound to think like that.
Only if I were not this way, can't change.

Then it'll be my biggest fear/effort,
to save you,
From me,
But who will save me,
From you?
Can you love someone but still detest their company?
May 2019 · 460
Hawa May 2019
The ones who walk fast will reach sooner,

The ones who walk slow, reach later.

And even the ones who don't walk at all will reach the end one day.

We all end up at our destinations.
May 2019 · 695
It's not Okay!
Hawa May 2019
It's not OKay :

To let people run over you like its a normal thing to do.

To overthink everything and trouble yourself.

To keep thinking about how others react to your response.

To let anyone control your life.

To keep waiting for love and feel miserable because you don't have one.

To keep all your emotions bottled up but there's always someone who cares.

To cry yourself to sleep every night.

To get hurt but not say anything, to avoid conflict.

To not to state your opinions because no one cares.

To feel depressed but not say.

To have that tired feeling all day long and getting it worse in the night.

To wake up every morning and feel disappointed because you didn't die last night.

To be scared of this world and "what's" out there.

To want to fall in love but being scared to ever trust anyone.

To wish to not to live anymore.

To write this all, but never follow it.
May 2019 · 575
Hawa May 2019
For once,
I want to fall in love,
and write,
one poem,
Drenched in
love, hope, and dreams.
Is it too much to ask for?
May 2019 · 251
Hawa May 2019
Those rocks in the middle of the river,
The guide told me, are there for thousands of years,
I  as well, will be waiting here,
The time and the tears,
dissolving them and me,
only to become a drop in the ocean.
We are all waiting for our deaths, aren't we? Waiting is beautiful.
Apr 2019 · 499
Hawa Apr 2019
Fill in the blanks.
Feel in the blanks.
Feeling the blanks.
Apr 2019 · 207
Hawa Apr 2019
Why does my soul feel exhausted?
Hawa Apr 2019
Free Palestine
   Free Tibet      
But first :        
Free yourself
Apr 2019 · 488
Hawa Apr 2019
I wanted to be heard, but never said anything.
Apr 2019 · 560
Aisle seat
Hawa Apr 2019
The window seat was my favorite.
Won't give it up for anyone,
That's where I always sat.

Started going out with her,
Our seats were always together.
She would take the window I had to take the aisle,
Or she would give me those stare.

Never noticed when and where,
But I gradually fell in love with the aisle chair.
Apr 2019 · 884
Hawa Apr 2019
Why do you want to die?

Why do you want to live?
Because life is beautiful
So is death.
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