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Dec 2024 · 55
Gorba Dec 2024
Perché? Permesso?
Ormai, ci ** pensato un po’
Se non sbaglio
Una notte invece di un anno, una settimana o un giorno
Non a caso
Perché è proprio nel buio
Che un raggio di luce si vede meglio

Una notte per mettere ordine nel mio pensiero
Far sì che in un modo o nell’altro
Io riesca a rivelare il fatto
Che il motivo
Il motivo per cui voglio averti
Alla fine, forse non ce l’**

E penso che vada bene così
Che tutte le cose
Non vadano per forza sempre spiegate
Che se un ragionamento razionale non c’è
Almeno si può fingere che i sassi
Pur di essere presenti
E spesso troppo ingombranti
In realtà, non siano da soli
Che il cervello a volte faccia spazio
A qualcosa che potrebbe essere emozioni
Anzi, sensazioni viscerali
Che, fortunatamente o purtroppo
Rimangono sempre fuori
Di portata, come di solito
I sogni da bambini

E se importasse poco il perché?
Se fosse solo il riflesso dell’amore che stravince?
Che ci fa vivere
Che ci fa sentire
Che ci fa provare
Che ci fa volare
Fra le nuvole

Vita dà vita
Che prima o poi se ne va
Per iniziare un nuovo ciclo
Che persevererà lo stesso
Che tu te ne accorga o meno
Quindi, a volte non ci serve
Torturare la mente
Meglio accettare le cose
Per ciò che sono
In questo caso, il più bel regalo del mondo
Comunque, benvenuto Hugo.
This is my first text in Italian. I've been learning this language for two years now, and the "watershed" moment finally happened last week. Two or three other texts in Italian should follow. Well, if I don't lose on the way, as usually happens. Stay put! Or better, a presto!
May 2023 · 421
Unknowns ‘n’ knowns
Gorba May 2023
I don’t know most things
Having been infected by a virus called ignorance
From the very moment I came into existence
Wreaking havoc on my direct surroundings
Borrowing the names of family, friends, acquaintances
Fellow contenders for defeating the exact same disease

Too often transitory symptoms manifest themselves
Reminding me I’m not cured, and probably never will be
Despite these books accumulating on those familiar shelves
Obvious solution to our shared tragedy
Namely, being aware of our known unknowns
And unbothered by the gaping hole formed by our unknown unknowns
Sparing our master contraption practicing under the alias “black box”
From debilitating pains, the need for detox

Depicting a situation that appears as gloomy
I realize there are still reasons to be happy
One is that my evident individual ignorance
Actually, vanishes into our collective knowledge
That modestly admitting my shortcomings acts as penance
Granting me what could be considered as a privilege

As I, as we, may and should always learn
Allowing our innate curiosity to indefinitely churn
Helping us endlessly push the bounds of technology
Making ancient dreams a reality
Past miracles a present triviality
Former impossibles a current maybe.
Aug 2021 · 1.3k
Gorba Aug 2021
Organelles, cells, tissues, organs shape my body
My soul, my brain, my heart, my identity
A living mass and a concept ineluctably associated
Without necessarily working adequately together
To build something close to a character
That is, by some, tolerated, by a few, appreciated
Never reaching any sort of unanimity
Leaving the volume of possible interpretations as plenty

Context strictly guides aspects of my behavior
Adding an extra ‘s’ to my idiosyncrasy that primarily seems out of place
When being singular is often what wins the race
Launched by our most ancient ancestor

Am I one or plural?
Do I have one personality or several?
Am I what I think or what I do?
What others see or what I expose?
An ignorant mind with a decent prose
Or a curious man who has no clue?

Asking a question is to get closer to an answer
That might emerge in a distant future
In the meantime, I try to be and do good
To put my loved ones in the best possible mood
Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail
But my stubborn intention will always prevail
May 2021 · 481
La timbale
Gorba May 2021
Allongé sur le sol, la tête dans les étoiles
Des mouvements de va-et-vient et mon cœur qui s’emballe
Ma fréquence respiratoire, graduellement, accélère
Des gémissements m’échappent, j’ai besoin d’air

Plus long que bon
Suis-je parfois amené à penser
Quand proche de l’abandon
Je sens mes bras tressaillir, prêts à lâcher

Un assortiment, lentement, se diversifie et se développe
Tant qu’il pourrait en remplir une échoppe
Attraction, passion, bouffée de neurotransmetteurs
Si je le pouvais, je le ferais durer des heures

L’environnement disparaît inéluctablement
Derrière un voile de sueur et de concentration
Un événement moins futile qu’il ne paraît initialement
Amenant la réalité a largement dépassé la fiction
Puisque rien ne vaut le fait d’être dans l’action
Et d’en ressentir directement tous les frissons

Mes pensées lentement s’évaporent puis se condensent
Formant un épais nuage qui obstrue toute forme d’illumination
Et projette un voile sombre et dense
Recouvrant délicatement ma raison
Faisant ainsi que tout importe, sauf la compréhension
De ce qui excite ma tendre dévotion
Apr 2021 · 503
Gorba Apr 2021
You are unique and amazing
You make the impossible happen
You manage to make love rhyme with forever
Make the happiest man on Earth even happier
And as carefree as juvenile children
Without any more effort than being
Feb 2021 · 311
What dis ease?
Gorba Feb 2021
I don’t want to miss my morning kiss
The bliss that strikes when I feel your lips
The warmth your body brings to mine
The composure you instill into my mind
Being addicted sounds wonderful
When the drug is molded into you
The effect upsettingly powerful
I can’t seem to have enough, can you?
Am I being foolish, now?
Am I unconsciously only gazing at the surface
To avoid thinking about what’s actually happening deep down?
Is the drug rather love and you my methadone?
The only treatment I need, my antidote
To a disease I would recommend
To anyone, man or woman
I could be lost anywhere
Be deprived of a map or compass
Alone somewhere on this restless landmass
Food or drink would be nothing but secondary
I would have only one priority,
I'd know where to go,
I’d find a way,
It’d be easy.
Dec 2020 · 273
My angel has dark hair
Gorba Dec 2020
My angel has dark hair
She lends me her seemingly invisible wings
Sending my mind high up gliding in the air
Her presence or absence act like a switch
Triggering a proclivity for mood swings
When she’s there, it flips, and there is no glitch

My angel is a guardian
She holds the entire deck of cards
Among them, my heart
It beats at her sight
It slows when we part
It bleeds if she’s sad
Hanging on her plan

My angel is human
With a robe and a fan
Blowing away my doubts
Making me proud
Of the guy that I am
When she’s by my side

This description is too short, not exhaustive, not fair
For one that changed it all, my angel with dark hair.
Oct 2020 · 193
The hunt
Gorba Oct 2020
Chasing after you is nothing but vain
All one might collect as a result is disdain
I feel like trying to catch a moving train
With both my feet tied by an iron chain

Panting, exhausted, almost giving up,
I’m lost in limbo
Dressed in random thoughts
Following each other at a pace rising crescendo

Struggling to process anything
Anything that would end up in writing
Writing something delivering a powerful message
A message of hope bolstering courage

Inspiration is the wildest of animals
Its hunt will ineluctably **** it
Offering no head to hang on any walls
Just desperation made explicit

The only viable strategy is to wait patiently
Just like a photographer looking for a perfect picture
Scanning their environment, out in nature
Guided by their inherent passion and inhaling the breath of tenacity
Sep 2020 · 307
Text soup
Gorba Sep 2020
I fell in a well full of emptiness
And crashed on a ground made of darkness
My body bears open wounds bleeding unanswered questions
While my mind flies over clouds of elusive notions

I’m lying down wondering about my future
Which is looking at me in disguise at the next corner
Arguing passionately with my past, wrinkled by memories, tired and naked
Trying to decide what the next step will be  
Leaving me, present, out of the conversation, obsolete, already almost dated
And showing me no sign of the slightest pity, no comfort to my misery

I’m looking for a saving remedy, for a narrow escape
But it seems like there is none, I see no gate
I will try to “be the change I wish to see in the world” instead
Hoping that I am not being in over my head

A tasteless soup of words is feeding my thoughts
That my brain tries to season with a pinch of sense
I’m trying to articulate what I mean, what my reflection brought
But everything is mashed up now, it feels too dense
I might need to heat the entire batch up
And start again, as many times as needed, I will never give up.
Aug 2020 · 261
Gorba Aug 2020
Resplendissante, enjouée, elle paraît insouciante
Les traits de son visage sont des monts et des collines que j’arpente
Délesté de tout équipement mais toujours habillé chaudement de mon imagination
J’explore ce magnifique paysage avec délectation

Nos regards se croisent, l’espace d’un instant
Me donnant l’impression de voyager à la vitesse de la lumière
Un flot infatigable d’images et de sons défile mais pas le temps
Ni mes souvenirs que je porte inlassablement en bandoulière

Perdu dans mes pensées
Elle se rapproche ensuite de moi à pas feutrés
Jusqu’à se retrouver à une distance de moins d’un pied
Sans que je ne puisse le remarquer

Soudain, derrière moi, elle me susurre à l’oreille quelques paroles frivoles
Une séquence de mots et de phrases qui me fait penser qu’elle est folle
Je réponds d’un sourire et d’un hochement de tête approbateur
Je sais qu’à cet instant, elle vient de s’accaparer mon cœur

J’entends maintenant au **** le chant des oiseaux
Qui semble rythmer la dance des papillons qui peuplent désormais mon ventre
La rosée du matin égrène des gouttes d’eau
Qui se frayent un chemin à travers une foule compacte et invisible de molécules, puis entre
En contact avec ma peau, éclaboussent mon front avant de ruisseler sur mes joues
J’ouvre finalement les yeux et me réveille, déçu, un peu, mais avec le sourire aux lèvres, surtout.
Espérant secrètement un rêve prémonitoire,
Un rêve en amont d’une hypothétique future très belle histoire.
Jul 2020 · 204
Bad is good
Gorba Jul 2020
It’s hard to properly appreciate true bits of happiness
Without ever experiencing the slightest glimpse of sadness
How can we know what love is about if we have no idea about hate?
Sometimes a lie is what’s most appropriate
Is normal rather defined by what it is or what it’s not?
We have to **** cells to perform a western blot
It is a necessity to go down to have the opportunity to rebound
Shadow is visual proof that light is around
And provides a salutary breath of cool air when the heat pounds
A crash only means that you’ve taken off
If we had everything we would have nothing to dream of
If we knew everything, we would never be surprised
To lose control is to let chance unsupervised
To clear the path for the unexpected and close the door to a fate previously crystallized
Being far from loved ones, triggers a withdrawal sensation that brings us closer
The ability to feel pain is what keeps us away from fire
And stress, away from immediate danger
Rain always precedes the rainbow that later illuminates the sky
And without it our environment would be nothing but dry
The fever is a weapon to fight infection
Fatigue, a sign of determination

Who’s ever learnt anything without making any mistakes?
Who’s ever achieved something without failures?
Who’s ever gotten better by winning easy fights?

Getting hit repeatedly is an ineluctable feature of any victorious crew
Cell death shapes us and insures overall maintenance
Being vulnerable is a requirement of every single romance
Painstakingly climbing a “cloud-scratching” hill is the price to pay for a breathtaking view
A major crisis can help us reconsider our centuries old perspectives
One of the worst mass extinctions is the solely reason why we exist
Sharing our world with flying dinosaurs that sing in the morning

Living in a world full of relative paradoxes is our most valuable blessing
It gives us the wonderful gift of being able to make a decisive choice
Between being trapped powerless or considering the silver lining
Suffering in silence or releasing tension loudly and eventually rejoice.
Jun 2020 · 166
Loose thoughts
Gorba Jun 2020
Being rich gives you the luxury of wanting to have nothing.
Being poor creates the misery of wanting things that you sometimes don’t even need.
Being wise makes you doubt the simplest thing
While ignorance, ironically, brushes off any kind of mystery and critical thinking is dismissed

It is funny how we tend to live peacefully in a plethora of paradoxes
While most of us believe that most things are elementary
Who can explain why we can open and close a door in detail?
Ask me to clarify how a moving bike keeps balance and I would probably fail
I want to learn everything, ignite my curiosity without the need of matchboxes
But I wouldn’t have enough space in my narrow and selective memory

I remember being human without really knowing what it means
I remember being a person, who sometimes wants to forget about his feelings
I am in the middle of a limitless quest for sense and clarity
Hoping that one day I will understand why I need to “be”

Curiosity is the starting point of every and each discovery
Regardless of the field, regardless the genius minds behind it
Without questions, no answers bringing us countless benefits
The Moon would just be a boomerang regularly turning into a frisbee
Hanged up high in the sky, seemingly rough and dry
We would be fooled by a round street light, just like a fly
Bumping our head repeatedly on a clean window
Illustrating the fact that sometimes ignorance can hinder forward movement
When a movement can open our eyes to an underlying element
To eventually help out a neighboring fellow

Being right is often seen as an absolute
Omitting the fact that Einstein taught us that everything is relative
Falling head first on the ground would probably hurt before a bump would protrude
Falling head first on the lake refreshes the body and mind in a way that’s effective
In fact, both go forward but one is injured and the other enjoying
One has to heal while the other is playing

Writing can be a way to escape
Writing can be a way to explain
Writing can be a way to entertain
Writing can be a way to shape
The views of a body of people
In a society where individuals sometimes fortunately answer to the call
For a common rather than an individual goal

In order for our dream to become reality
We have to forget that it is a dream and start to think of it as a necessity
Before thinking about the steps needed to be taken
One by one until life on Earth slightly resembles the one imagined in heaven.
Jun 2020 · 278
In medias res
Gorba Jun 2020
Notre être, à l’incipit, apparaît minuscule
Puis se développe notre histoire jusqu’à son crépuscule
Une existence imaginée comme un cycle par quelques têtus
Constituée d’un début, d’une suite d’intrigues, et d’une fin, avant de nous voir repus

La partie la plus longue est communément appelée la vie
Selon le contexte certaines dérangent et d’autres donnent envie
Certaines sont accompagnées de louanges et d’autres de mépris
D’échecs qui démangent, et de réussites anodines qu’on oublie

Est-il raisonnable de se comparer et de se sentir misérable ?
Alors qu’en creusant un peu on trouverait facilement quelque chose de louable
Quelque chose que l’on a accompli pour aider une personne
Peu importe la teneur de l’effort, l’essentiel est que l’on donne
De sa personne, de son temps, de son pécule
Apportant ainsi un instant de joie, un sourire, en somme rien de ridicule
A quelqu’un dans le besoin, en détresse, ou se sentant inutile
Tel une montre suisse à laquelle il manquerait une pile
En oubliant que nous faisons tous partie d’un seul et même écosystème
Que la mort du phytoplancton* entraînerait l’extinction de la race humaine
Dans une époque où il semblerait que la réussite se mesure à la hauteur de ce qui est ou peut être consommé,
J’estime que nous sommes tous importants et avons tous une valeur
Inestimable, tout en étant palpable et faisant preuve de splendeur
Et qui ne se restreint pas seulement à quelques possessions futiles et prochainement démodées
Pauvreté et richesse se retrouvent souvent en cohabitation
Quelques âmes en peine et perdues rêvent de jouir un jour de la possibilité de posséder un avion
Alors qu’il est possible de voler et de voyager rien qu’avec de l’imagination
Que courir, c’est voler entre deux foulées, voler par intermittence
Que penser c’est voyager et contempler des pensées, sans avoir besoin de prendre des vacances
Il est possible de créer et d’exister via la culture d’une passion
Permettant la naissance d’un bien commun
Un bien immatériel ou non, portant un amour inconsidéré en son sein
Non par hasard mais par dessein.

« Au milieu des choses », on se retrouve parachuté
Dans un monde, une société qu’il est pénible de changer
Mais l’histoire française nous a montré
Qu’en nous y mettant tous ensemble rien ne pourra nous résister.
Jun 2020 · 280
Gorba Jun 2020
Quelques vers écrits à la pointe d’une plume
Et forgés par une expérience, sans l’encombrement d’une enclume
Elle survole des pensées et les ancrent à bon port
Parfois laisse une traîne formée de pixels morts
Sur un écran majoritairement considéré comme abrutissant
Dont le pullulement semble profiter essentiellement aux puissants.

Elle permet le partage de certaines émotions
De souffler un instant sur la flamme d’une éphémère ou éternelle passion
Pour créer un texte final considéré comme une œuvre d’art
Prétendument difficile à pratiquer sans un talent rare
Apprécié d’un grand nombre mais lu par très peu
Faire de ce texte une ode ne serait qu’un vœu pieux

Elle donne du relief à un paysage autrement affreusement plat
Est synonyme de beauté sans costume d’apparat
Elle permet de voyager mentalement sans épuisement psychique
Constituant une échappatoire abordable tout en étant très chic

Écrire un poème s’apparente à partir à l’aventure
Un balluchon sur l’épaule et une longue distance à parcourir
Titubant tout le long, se jetant en pâture
A une introspection qui parfois nous transforme en martyr

Je continuerai à m’adonner à cette activité autant que faire se peut
En fixant un objectif incertain et flou
Masqué par une couverture brumeuse formée d’un peu
De doute, et enfermé derrière une porte lointaine portant un verrou
May 2020 · 225
How long is now?
Gorba May 2020
The wine I am tasting has just been tasted,
The perfume I am smelling has just been smelled,
The song I am hearing has just been heard,
The girl I am seeing has just been seen,
The skin I am touching has just been touched,
The many things I am thinking have just been thought,
These lines I am writing have just been written,
Are we then just living in the immediate past?

If time is relative, can now be extended?
Should we rather think of now as time-limited actions?
I will be drinking this wine until the last drop has sunk
I will be smelling this perfume until my receptors are saturated
I will be hearing this song until the battery lets me down
I will be seeing this girl until she disappears in the wild and out of my mind
I will be touching this skin until I am crippled by cramps
I will be thinking until my brain is starving
I will be writing these lines until an elusive timepoint
If these events take several minutes, several hours, or several days,
Is tomorrow then also now?

Can now be stopped?
Suspended, unanimated, just like a broken clock.
At the speed of light time does cease to exist.
Can I then slow now down when I run a sprint?
Now equals present, just like a gift
While present can lead to taking the final lift.
Can now happen when we are not?
Free of life, lying down, some with the precious key to the holy padlock.
Can now (truly) be synchronized when we live on different time-zones?
Different countries, different continents, different rhythms in similar ringtones.

How long is now?
As long as the finite time
Between the moment we’ve left the past
And the moment before we step into the future.
This sticking junction that can never be past.
May 2020 · 266
The pink city
Gorba May 2020
Just like Paris, it’d be the first place I’d go to
If I were to suddenly fall in love
It has a cupid’s bow, two banks, but no bridges to go through
Because there is no water, neither between them nor above.

It can be found on the South side of the green land
And gets its color from internal rivers running underground
Its surface is softer than the palm of a baby’s hand
With borders that expand each time its owner makes a sound.

Water regularly passes through, right before promptly disappearing
Leaving only behind a few dripping drops, or only a transient sensation of hydration.
There are no monuments ever emerging
But the repetition of apparent ridges begs for contemplation

A succession of narrow valleys and high hills
Shaping a unique pattern worn by a queen
Creating an irrepressible desire to get closer and closer
Until the city cannot be seen
But appears to have been projected on a mirror
Having now a Siamese sister
A sister that I hope would never leave
As this connection would wake in me a fever
The kind that people would want to experience forever.
We've all been there :)
May 2020 · 337
Patterns emulator
Gorba May 2020
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I

Thanks again and I look at it when the
Thanks again and I look at it when the
Thanks again and I look at it and let
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and I look at it and let

We I look like I'm not the one to
Thanks so I look like I'm the time and
Thanks so very very time and let them have
Thanks so I got the one to do that
Thanks so very time and let them be a
Thanks so I got the time off I got
What if the only intelligence AI had was in its name?
Not the one I'm most proud of, but since a lot of people are afraid that AI will take their jobs (some will surely disappear as they always had with technology) and maybe take over the world (less likely), I wanted to make the point that AI is actually dumb. Of course, it can make sentences but it won't know whether they make sense or not. What it actually does, is to figure out patterns out of millions, billions, even trillions of entries and then emulate them. Not that smart, huh? But still quite powerful!
May 2020 · 445
The green land
Gorba May 2020
Just like Greenland, it has no grass on its surface,
It is ever so slightly submerged under a paper-thick layer of water
An opaque and quiet white sea surrounds the place,
The most sublime island, sharing this title with an identical twin sister

The center of the island reminds me of a black monochromatic vinyl
But has never been spinning,
Looking at her, I hear the song “you’re the first, the last, my everything”
Spiraling in my head, while the environment is otherwise tranquil.

There, everything becomes dark for a fraction of a second
It happens several times but is seldom noticed
A lid comes and goes, and does forever proceed
Leaving inevitably behind it a clean and moist ground

Unfortunately, no one can truly live there
I wish the reflection of my image would settle on this magical land
Carried by the light of a wonderful day
For a second or longer, I don’t dare to fantasize
Because I know that I will eventually realize
That this picture I see, actually floats above this continent
While somewhere in the background its inverted copy
Sends a message to a distant master observatory
That I hope will make someone happy,
Happy to be finally seeing me.
Can you guess what I am describing?
A tip? We all have them!
Apr 2020 · 237
Rêve déchu
Gorba Apr 2020
Commencer noir et désespoir pour finir sur une note lumineuse et pleine d’espoir
Rêve déchu, hors de portée dès la maternité ?
Cicatrice profonde et indélébile ou souvenir d’un tropisme transitoire ?
Rêve et réalité
But d’une vie ?
Pourquoi ne pas y être arrivé, devrait-on être surpris ?
Différence entre rêve et réalité
Qu’est-ce donc que la réalité ?
Est-elle universelle ?
Quel référentiel utiliser pour en décrire les éléments essentiels ?  
Qu’est-ce que la réussite ?
Relative ?
Comment réussir dans un monde désormais gouverné par l’argent et les bits ?
Au final, ce qui compte, n’est-ce-pas sa propre pensée, ce qui souvent émane de notre mémoire sélective.
Au-delà du rêve ?
Passé et présent
Jamais aucune trêve,
Ne saurait figer un moment exaltant
Présent et avenir
Faut-il toujours s’encombrer de souvenirs ?
Espoir triomphant de la désillusion
Crise du grec « krisis »
Signifie décision  
Prise au moment propice
Peut mener au bonheur
Crise n’est donc pas intrinsèquement rancœur
Pour les japonais et les chinois,
Crise est une équation associant danger et opportunité
La mort d’une idée, essoufflée, noyée
Et la naissance d’une nouvelle, qui bourgeonne et qui croît
Décisive peut être un jour
Une unique opportunité peut mener à pléthore de possibilités
Notre cerveau parfois nous joue des tours
Qu’il est souvent sensé d’esquiver
Et si le rêve déchu donnait naissance à une réalité devenue superflue
Car la vérité est ailleurs, quelque part entre introspection et vertu.
Apr 2020 · 283
The paradox of democracy
Gorba Apr 2020
Isn’t it unnerving
To think that people are smart/wise enough
To choose the right person,
Able to rise to the task of being the president of a state,
And find the answers to the most urgent questions in society,
But at the same time,
That these same people are not capable
Of answering to any of these same questions themselves?
How can we reasonably decide who best fits a blank profile?
Apr 2020 · 415
What’s my country?
Gorba Apr 2020
I live in Sweden
But I was born and raised in France
From parents who came from Haiti
Which is a former colony of France
Where slaves were brought from Benin
(To feed the greed of French monarchs)
I speak French, English, Swedish, and can understand creole
I feel in French, think in English, listen in creole and live in Swedish
I love Florence, I am forever bound to Paris and have international friends
Being a French citizen means that I am European
Am I then also Dutch, Danish or German?
Does it really matter?
Am I not just another man?
A question to those who tell people to go back to their country.
Apr 2020 · 412
Time at 12 o'clock
Gorba Apr 2020
Sometimes, to love feels like surrendering to a war that never occurred.
Sometimes, to love feels like fighting for an illusionary victory.
Sometimes, to love feels like being trapped in somebody else’s life.
Sometimes, to love feels like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle while missing most pieces.
Sometimes, to love feels like being addicted to a drug.
Sometimes, to love feels like being in the middle of a sword fight without a shield, a sword, nor an armor.
Sometimes, to love feels like walking on a tightrope without a safety net.
Sometimes, to love feels like running to stand still.
Sometimes, to love feels like abandoning oneself.
Sometimes, to love feels like carrying a burden.
Sometimes, to love feels like smashing the little toe against the strongest and sharpest corner.
Sometimes, to love feels like being haunted.
Sometimes, to love feels too much like hating.

But to love is also to share passionate moments.
To love is to add spices to an otherwise bland dish.
To love is to repeatedly stimulate bursts of dopamine.
To love is to escape loneliness.
To love is to find joy in despair.
To love is to be optimistic.
To love is to live a dream out of a nightmare.
To love is to become a more complete person.
To love is to go on a wonderful trip without a definitive destination.
To love is to become wiser.
To love is the best placebo.
To love is to open.
To love is to be loved.
To love is to live.
This title is material proof of my chronic deficiency in creativity and imagination. The original title was "to love" but I found it too easy and too obvious which is quite different from actual love, complicated and thrilling in essence. The next title I went for was then "evolot", "to love" backwards, but unfortunately, the feeling was the same. I needed something better. I was looking for anagrams that would be meaningful but I couldn't find anything. There was vel, a river in Russia. I could have tried something with "evolve", which could have worked in a way. Maybe "too" something then? Love does feel too much sometimes! But too much what? That's a question that will be left without answer, at least for the time being. Out of desperation, I decided to just write the different letters, spaced on the page and stared at them for a few seconds that could have been hours. I saw "tolv", twelve in Swedish. For a reason I can't explain, I liked it. At this point, I had all the letters except one "e" and one "o". I went for tolv o'clock, because that's kind of a time at the interface. It's not really morning anymore, but it's not the afternoon yet. It's in the middle of two states, not complicated but close enough. At this point, I was still missing the "e", that's when I went for time. That's how "to love" became "time at tolv o'clock". Interesting, isn't it?
Apr 2020 · 329
The list
Gorba Apr 2020
I cannot stand if you want me to sit because it stresses you
I cannot be frustrated because you will be frustrated too
I cannot say that a movie is bad because that will ruin it for you
Does that mean I should not be honest with you?
I cannot be realistic about a situation because that’s being negative, according to you
I cannot slap your behind because obviously that’s just what old men do
I cannot have my face close to yours and contemplate it
Because it spurs an uncomfortable feeling, and you therefore don’t like it
I cannot ever have pants on, whenever I’m in bed, which I can understand
But that’s not a rule I ever had to sustain,
Which means that sometimes I only realize I made a mistake afterhand.
I came upon a reasonable solution, given the circumstances, but you still complain
You don’t want to try and play tennis because you don’t like it
But I have to pretend enjoying some quiz just because you’d appreciate it!
We each have our own towel, I’d be ****** if I used the wrong one, you know?
Wouldn’t it be more efficient to give me a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts that I would meticulously learn and follow?

I have to watch the movies you want to watch
Mine are too demanding
I have to listen to the music you want
What do I even listen to?
I should read the books that you like
Mine are not interesting.
I want to share what I’m passionate about
But restrain myself because I don’t want to force you, (I care about you)
I should wake up when you do
Get up and have breakfast when you decide to
You like to get out of bed at the very last minute and then I’m slow
When I come up with a plan, there is some place else you have to go
Do I actually exist in this relationship?
Do what I think, what I feel, and what I like actually matter to you?
Am I just a human-shaped hollow shell locked in a state of spectatorship?
Is it all, at the end, just about you?

I want to make you happy but not at my own expense
If nothing changes, we, as a couple, don’t stand a chance
I guess that sometimes feelings, while crucial, are not enough
When times are hard, we also need to be tough
I still want to try but will it be enough?

I have written this but I don’t know whether I should ever mention any of it
I wouldn’t want to ruin your day
The question then would be whether this would be a merit
Or just a stupid idea that would only be present in a bad screenplay.
This piece reflects the fact that it is dangerous to look at things from one's own perspective without considering the other side. In a relationship, because we are all humans, we make mistakes. For it to work, both people need to acknowledge them and figure out a way to manage them.
Apr 2020 · 371
Gorba Apr 2020
Je suis compliqué
Je suis bizarre
Je suis fou
Je suis un extrême compétiteur
Je suis borné
Je suis lunatique
Je suis pragmatique
Je suis trop rationnel
Je suis français
Je suis intelligent
Je suis (une) personne
Je suis con
Je suis ignorant
Je suis un menteur
Je suis sexiste
Je suis un amant
Je suis xénophobe
Je suis curieux
Je suis inquisiteur
Je suis hésitant
Je suis un auteur
Je suis myope
Je suis droitier
Je suis gauche
Je suis égocentrique
Je suis doué
Je suis un scientifique
Je suis démuni
Je peux être dogmatique
Je suis lent
Je suis sensible
Je suis un rêveur
Je suis très fier
J’ai des principes
Je suis un procrastinateur
J’ai tort
Je suis égoïste
Je suis en forme
Je suis relativement calme
Je suis partial
Je suis susceptible
Je suis un étranger
Je suis un gamin, un garçon, un homme

Non, rien!
Je suis humain.
Apr 2020 · 175
Gorba Apr 2020
I don’t believe in color and in the fact that the color of one’s skin defines their identity.
I believe in upbringing and education.
I believe in the fact that people are affected by where they grow up and their family.
Being black doesn’t make me behave in a certain way.
Being black just protects my skin and cells a bit better from UV light.
I never noticed anybody becoming someone else because they became tan.
People wouldn’t assume that somebody with brown eyes would act or think differently solely based on that fact.
What I mean is that people should never stop at the color of one’s skin but rather try to dig a bit more and understand the person,
How they think, what they’re made of.
Some people say that being color blind is not enough, that we need to see color in order to make things right.
I don’t believe so and I can explain.
Not seeing color doesn’t mean being oblivious to people’s problems,
Not seeing color means that the color of one person doesn’t matter,
That it’s not what gives them or cost them value,
That their problems should be tackled with the same strength and endurance, regardless of what they look like,
That the only thing that should matter is the situation that person is in.
Correlations can be found between a lot of different parameters.
Showing a correlation is different from showing a cause-effect link.
We should always try to understand the root of a problem
In order to treat the cause of a disease rather than only the symptoms,
Because treating symptoms will never help us get rid of the illness,
Only make it less painful to live with.
I can be black and like hip hop because I like the rhythm.
I can be black and like hip hop because some lyrics resonate with my experience.
I can be black and like hip hop because I like looking at the girls in the video clips.
In which sentence could I have not substituted black by white, brown, or Asian?
Money can have color but poverty doesn’t.
Countries have colors but values don’t.
People have colors but their identity doesn’t.
I am black, a scientist, curious about the world.
I was born in France, but my parents come from Haiti.
I speak French and English but can only understand creole.
I love Haitian dishes but everything else is far from being dull.
I live in a strange country with a society structure that I like.
There’s no big motto like Freedom, equality and fraternity
But there is “jantelagen”.
I am no better than anyone else.    
There is no reason why my voice should be listened to over another.
I am just sharing my opinion on a matter
That is crucial and that I have thought of.
If you want to know me, don’t just look at me, and think you have it all figured out,
Let’s just have a drink, let’s go out!
This is only my point of view. I am not asserting that I hold the truth but this obviously reflects my truth. As I wrote in the poem opinion, I am open to divergent views on the matter. As John Stuart Mill said in "On liberty", "he who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that". I want to sharpen my opinion. Let's discuss!
Apr 2020 · 304
Resan (1/2)
Gorba Apr 2020
Hon brukar ha på sig en mössa
Som gömmer en del av långa håret
En gyllene kaskad som inte blöter
Men är ***, lugnande, och skiner
Mössan skämmer aldrig bort ansiktet
Huset till hennes fina ögon, gul, grå, och blå
En blandning som måste bedömas som perfekt
Så tydlig som en plus en är lika med två

Det känns alltid bra att resa söderut
Att flygga utifrån språngbrädan
Och att ta **** tack vare vinden
Som blåser periodiskt när hon andas ut

Jag landar då på hennes mun
Som hyser den hemliga bron
Som väntar på att jag närmar mig för att hälsa på,
Inte varje gång, men det blir alltid en härlig överraskning då

Jag brukar stanna kvar där en stund
Vaggad av vågorna bildas av hennes läppars kurvor
Och inser att man kan väl resa utan att flytta på sig
Jag står här orörlig och kysser henne
Det räcker för att skapa nya banor
Som leder till ett ställe som kallas extas
Ett ställe som kan enbart finnas
När vi är tillsammans,
När det finns inget avstånd mellan oss
När vi är i mitten av en sensuell dans
Det är klart att jag vill ta ingen paus
Men hellre fortsätta tills natten gradvis raderas av solen
Tills det är dags att börja om resan igen.
Mar 2020 · 279
Gorba Mar 2020
De 0 à 10 ans, on met 10 ans à grandir.
De 10 à 20 ans, on met 10 ans à comprendre qui on devient.
De 20 à 30 ans, on passe 10 ans à faire la fête.
De 30 à 40 ans, on met 10 ans à créer une famille.
De 40 à 50 ans, on met 10 ans à comprendre qui on est.
De 50 à 60 ans, on met 10 ans à comprendre ce qu’on est devenu.
De 60 à 70 ans, on met 10 ans à comprendre ce que l’on n'est plus.
De 70 à 80 ans, on met 10 ans à accepter qu’on ne comprends plus ce qu’il y a à comprendre.
À partir de 80 ans, on met le temps qu’il faut pour attendre
et comprendre qu’il n’y a rien à comprendre.
Juste à vivre...
De Damien Arnoult
Mar 2020 · 229
Gorba Mar 2020
En del av något
Som gör det hel
En sak utan stort värde
Om det står ensam
En cell utanför en organism
En krydda före en måltid
En tegelsten utanför en vägg
Ett faktum utan vetenskap
Element finns överallt
De formar allt vi känner till
Från atomer till universumet
Från likgiltighet till kärleken
De är orsaken bakom livet
Resultatet av döden
Det finns så mycket att prata om
Jag har inte tillräckligt med papper
De andra elementen kommer stanna kvar
I mitt huvud tills de flyr
Gradvis igenom mina fingrar
Om få sekonder eller några minuter
Få timmar eller några dagar
De kommande orden kommer försvinna
Nedanför en ogenomskinlig filt
Tills jag kommer tillbaka
Och slår åter tangenterna|
Mar 2020 · 238
Gorba Mar 2020
Arrêter de vivre, pour ne pas mourir.
De Konstantinos Poalas.
Mar 2020 · 274
Gorba Mar 2020
Det var en gång
En man bestämde sig
att lämna allt bakom sig
För att söka framgång

Det var en gång
En man åkte till en främmande stad
Bara för att han hade tillstånd
Och hört om den på en verkstad

Det var en gång
En man hamnade
I en värld mer mystisk
Än han trodde

Det var en gång
En man som försökte
Vänja sig vid kulturen
Hamnade vilsen

Det var en gång
En man tänkte sig
Att åka tillbaka
Varifrån han kom

Det var en gång
En man föredrog
Att stanna lite längre
För att utforska mer och bättre

Det började som en saga
Man vet inte riktigt hur eller när det kommer sluta
Men mannen förväntar sig
Att i framtiden kunna dela med sig

Av att han levde lycklig i flesta av sina dagar
Med sina gamla och nya kompisar
Kanske med några barn
Men troligen med kärlek.
Mar 2020 · 194
A trip
Gorba Mar 2020
I want to share
I want to give and receive
I want to dare
I want to leave.
Feb 2020 · 152
Gorba Feb 2020
I like to believe that I am a man of words
But right this moment, I am speechless
Not because I don’t know what to say
Not because you made my thoughts go astray
But because there are no right words to describe what I feel

The frame of the language limits the story I can tell
My love for you feels like a spell
It fell on me, leaving me no choice
But to surrender, and listen to that voice
Whispering to my ear I should not be afraid
I am still breathing, I am not dead
Even though it feels like I am in heaven
Living in a space where my heart’s not broken

At a time when everything seems to have a price
It keeps feeling like I can’t afford you
I want to let everything go, roll the dice,
Forget everything except you

You’re so perfect, it’s hard to believe
I need to be pinched, it feels like a dream
A dream I will forever share with you
As I know one day, I will say “I do”.
Feb 2020 · 246
Gorba Feb 2020
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Nothing changes if things only change
Change is needed to take on any challenge

But change is not always progress
We strive for more, never less
While our resources are not limitless

One more step can help you advance
One more step can make you fall
A step in and on itself doesn’t make much sense
Without the right direction to reach the goal.
Feb 2020 · 262
Gorba Feb 2020
Cette sensation de plénitude,
Cette sensation qui je l’espère deviendra une habitude,
Tout en restant inconnue à la routine,
Qui pourrait en écorcher la saveur exquise,
Je l’ai déjà ressentie sous la brise et l’humeur florentine,
Plusieurs fois, n’est pas inéluctablement synonyme de partie remise,
Une sensation divine, cette fois s’est emparée de moi,
Une expression divine émanant d’une déesse en qui désormais je crois,
La paume de nos mains, hier, nous a révélé ses secrets,
Ce n’était rien par rapport à tes incommensurables attraits,
Je m’allongerai plus **** en imaginant la prochaine fois,
Rêve ou réalité, peu importe au final,
L’ivresse et l’allégresse, souvent s’accompagnent de ce suc royal,
Qui, ruisselant dans nos veines fait glisser les parois
De nos inhibitions qui nous enferment et nous mettent à l’étroit.
Cette sensation de plénitude que j’ai ressentie avec toi,
J’ai besoin de la revivre pour conforter cette pensée,
Cette expression si futile « jamais deux sans trois »,
Pour une fois, suscite en moi un désir que je ne saurais réprimer.
Voici en quelques mots ce que j’ai ressenti,
Ces quelques lignes pour exprimer mon avis.
Feb 2020 · 142
Gorba Feb 2020
L’espoir est ce sentiment
Aléatoire, transitoire
**** d’être dérisoire
Qui imprègne notre inconscient

Il nous permet de traverser
Tous les obstacles qui se voient érigés
Le long de notre parcours qui parfois semble piégé
Tout en nous allouant des moments d’euphorie partagés

Ainsi, il nous permet de ne pas sombrer
De s’accrocher et de persévérer
Pour un jour pouvoir approcher
Un désir longtemps rêvé

Un rêve peut être inféodé à une personne
Comme il peut l’être à une société
Il est le fruit de l’éducation qui nous donne
Une idée de ce dont il faudra se soucier

L’insouciance évoque généralement l’enfance
Comme si ne pas s’apitoyer sur son sort
Serait faire preuve d’impertinence

Il faut se méfier de l’eau qui dort
Faudrait-il aussi se laisser tourmenter
Par des vagues répétées n’étant pas de notre ressort ?

J’appelle à rêver éveillé
Car il n’y a que dans l’action que les choses peuvent changer
Certains sont d’ « origine » française, d’autres ont été adopté
Mais une chose est certaine, l’avenir sera ma fierté.
Feb 2020 · 222
Gorba Feb 2020
Svart och vit
Dag och natt
Sovande och vaken
Lekande och stridande
Skadad och obruten
Frisk och sjuk
Död och liv
Bollen är rund
Allt kan hända
Vänta en stund
Det kommer en låda
Som är för närvarande tom
Men som du ska fylla.
Feb 2020 · 244
Gorba Feb 2020
Det var en sak jag ville säga
En sak som plötsligt blev flera
Det är så det brukar gå
I mitt huvud, råkar allt förändras

Jag vill att du närmar dig
Inte för att det är en hemlighet
Men för tiden det ger mig
För att samla på mig tillräckligt med mod

Jag vet inte hur du kommer reagera
Jag hoppas att du inte tar det illa
Fast, jag vet det inte kan hända
Borde jag hellre ha använt tro, tycka, eller tänka?

Det finns inget som är säkert
När du är i området
Det här matar problemet som blåser upp lite mer varje dag
Eftersom du är här, fast i mina tankar, oavsett vägen jag tar

Det känns nu som jag har sagt för mycket
Jag är förvirrad, helt enkelt
Kanske, blir det bättre om jag håller tyst i alla fall
Jag blir rädd, jag blir kall

Jag behöver värma mig
Kom fortare, hjälp mig!
Det är bara en sak som räknas
Bara en sak, jag lovar

Det var en sak jag ville säga
En sak du ska veta
En sak bara
Det är faktiskt en fråga
En fråga till dig
Som ungarna skulle säga

Får jag en chans på dig?
Feb 2020 · 141
Gorba Feb 2020
Inspiration is an overwhelmingly tricky chase
After a prey that has no body and no face
Ironically, it’s ultimately the one catching you
As if it was always there lurking behind you
Waiting for you to let it go
Just to then appear as a glow.
Feb 2020 · 397
Gorba Feb 2020
Man får säga ibland
Att det finns skönhet som inte går att beskriva
När till och med en himmelsk strand
Skulle se gräslig ut om man skulle jämföra
Så länge jag bor här
Kommer det inte finnas något att klaga på
Vi är som ett par
Med två partiklar som möttes och blev oskiljaktiga
Jag har varit med dig i tre år nu
Och kärleken brinner fortfarande
Det är uppenbarligen jag och du
Och det är inget erbjudande
Det är hellre ett vackert oundvikligt löfte
Som skrevs med outplånligt bläck på ett häfte  
Du ser ut som en mångfacetterad hydra
Som står ovanför en blå matta
Det känns så skönt att korsa dina broar
Och att gå vilse i kurvorna du har
Jag måste också prata om din gröna klänning
Som man inte kan undvika att smeka
Den absorberar solsken, släpper syre, får oss att leva
Och gör mig glad när jag kommer kring
Du är ljusare än solen under sommaren
Men mörkare än ett svart hål när vinter spränger dörren
Som regnet som får regnbågen att dyka upp
Uppskattar jag mörkret för då ser man norrsken
Samtidigt, brukar snö bygga upp
En vit rock som försvinner sen
Du var inte mitt första val från början
Men nu står du högst upp på listan
Jag behöver erkänna att jag är kär i dig
Trots att du inte ens är en riktig tjej.
Feb 2020 · 332
Gorba Feb 2020
Det var länge sen, vi såg varandra
En dag som jag aldrig kommer glömma
Vi satt på soffan hos mig, det var lugnt då
Två själar i ett ***, verkligen lyckliga och fria
Åtminstone, jag minns att det kändes så
Vi tittade på en film, vars titel jag inte kommer nämna
För att det är för svårt att komma ihåg detta
Så svårt att fokusera
När det finns en sån tjej som sitter så nära
Ett ansikte, en kropp, en sinnesstämning, idealiska
Jag kunde inte sluta begrunda
Jag håller på att ordna och skriva
Allt som virvlar just nu i min hjärna
”Jag har tur!”, kan jag väl påstå
För sen, vi gick till sovrummet och fick komma
Så nära som natur kan tillåta
Under en natt som blev den tredje och sista
Innan du bestämde dig att flytta tillbaka
Nu, känns det konstigt för att du är borta
Är det ett riktigt minne eller drömde jag?  
Livet är som en berg- och dalbana
Som man inte riktigt har kontroll på
Fast, det finns en sak som du kan göra
Varje dag, ta ett steg baklänges bara
Utan att titta över axlarna
Titta hellre upp på himlen, du kan gärna stirra
Kanske ser du åter en hund som rider en sköldpadda
Tänker på mig och börjar skratta
Tills du är tvungen att sluta gå
För det finns nån som står i vägen
Nån som kanske gjort detsamma
Med ögonen fast på molnen
Om jag skulle vara helt ärlig, måste jag avslöja
Att i hemlighet, hoppas jag det blir jag
Det låter självisk förstås, det vet jag
Men det är väl min dikt så jag får bestämma
Resten av historien kommer jag inte berätta
Det är bara att tänka sig
”Den som lever får se”.
Feb 2020 · 133
Gorba Feb 2020
Doubt is the essence of human’s curiosity
Would we still be who we are without questioning reality?

Is reality what’s accessible to my senses
Or rather everything time and evolution invented?
Should it be considered universal and deprived of pretenses
Or rather individual, plural, subjugated?

Is it reasonable to bring face to face only two options?
Comparable to a coin with only two faces
Heads or tails, should we hang on theses restrictive notions
When nature is diversity fed by past and ongoing races?

Isn’t it unnerving to envision reality as something relative
When answering to what’s real seem to be so intuitive?

Maybe we can find an answer in its definition
“The state of things as they actually exist”
While keeping in mind that every rule has an exception

It’s nonetheless “opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of things” *
Even though experiments stem from our imagination
Before exposing to the world subsequent findings

It would be pretentious to say I hold the definitive answer
I wish I did, If I’m candid, but it’s not a “no brainer”

I can only give my humble and honest opinion
Raised by my formal education
Reality at the end is what I can see
Through at least one lens between the world and me.
* Definition from Oxford dictionary.
Feb 2020 · 183
Gorba Feb 2020
Somewhere between the unknown and “déjà vu”
To make connections, is something one must do
To remember and then conceive an accurate depiction
Of what our senses expose to our brain’s interpretation

Speech is silver, silence is gold
Is listening to what we’re told
More important than saying what we know
To improve a level so far, frustratingly low?

Start easy and grow gradually in complexity
The key to express oneself with ample clarity
Alleviating the risk of dreadful incomprehension  
Slowly unleashing the grasp of one’s imagination

Learning something new and interesting
On an hourly, daily, monthly or annual basis
What else could be even more exciting?
Maybe being in the desert and recognizing an oasis?

I want to share
I want to give and receive
I want to dare
I want to live.
About learning and exploring a new language.
Feb 2020 · 245
Gorba Feb 2020
Giving an opinion is to open a window to one’s perspective
It can require introspection but is far from always definitive
People usually want it to be objective
While opinion, to me, can be nothing but subjective

Opinions lie on knowledge and experience
Two things that bolster one’s body of evidence
Establishing a thin or thick line of reference
To which we all offer multiple marks of deference

Could that explain why it’s always so difficult to make it budge?
Is it like becoming a referee or embodying a judge?
Are there any rules that should be strictly followed?
Any piece of advice, decisive, immutable, somebody ever sold?
What’s sure is that everyone’s entitled to an opinion, I’ll never hold a grudge
Because rejecting exchange would be nothing but a smudge.

When not arguing facts, is anybody really right or wrong?
I would like to believe so depending on the subject
One decisive element should unarguably be the context
Because without weak there’s obviously no strong.

The ultimate key lies in the word “listening”
Socrates used to say “I know that I know nothing”
If so, what do I know? I’m asking!
If you bring your ear closer, you could hear just something
That might uncover a clue, changing
Just a little or more of what you’ve been believing
Altering your opinion on a specific matter
Making you nothing more than a bit wiser.
A quote from Confucius goes like this: Learning without thinking is useless. Thinking without learning is dangerous. It is not just good to base our reflexion on what we know, it is a necessity.

— The End —