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469 · Sep 2019
Chris Sep 2019
My demons haunt me in my dreams,
I can’t escape them, I cannot flee.
They lay before me all I fear
And remind me of it until the tears
I held back so long drop to the ground.
They’re falling so freely, hid only by rain
‘Cause the rain’s the only one
Who’s crying with me.
403 · Dec 2019
Terrors of Night
Chris Dec 2019
The night is dark and full of terrors,
Demons waking in the shadows,
Armed with claws and fletching teeth,
Spreading loneliness and fear.
346 · Nov 2019
Fake Smile
Chris Nov 2019
I put on a smile,
So that you think I’m happy,
But it is all fake
And it’s all for your sake.

You think that I’m fine,
That there’s nothing amiss,
But it's all just a facade,
To hide the pain I feel.
332 · Oct 2019
Chris Oct 2019
There are screams in the darkness,
Exhaustion and pain,
The air’s suffocating,
No space to turn.

Negative feelings,
My deepest fears
They’re surfacing now,
And I cannot flee.

I open your eyes,
Thinking waking would help,
But I start to realize,
That it isn’t a dream.
330 · Sep 2019
What You Can’t See
Chris Sep 2019
Just ‘cause I’m not going the way you intended for me,
Doesn’t mean I’m wrong, doesn’t mean I lost sight.
I still walk my path, though it’s not easy to see
If it’s leading right, or I’m getting left.
But what you can’t see, what you all forget:
I may be wandering, but I’ve not lost my way.
306 · Nov 2019
You Fell
Chris Nov 2019
I saw it all in slow-motion,
the sword pierced your heart.
You fell down, but I caught you,
my heart was tearing apart.

I killed your attacker,
showed no mercy to him.
I sank down to my knees,
unable to accept you were gone.

I held you close to my chest,
my tears staining your clothes,
I sat there ‘til nightfall,
when your soul had long left.
302 · Sep 2019
My Friend
Chris Sep 2019
If I fall to my knees,
Mess everything up,
If I lose all hope
And am reigned by despair;
Will you be there,
Will you help me to stand?
Will you be strong for me
When I am all spent?
Or will you abandon me,
Like all of the others?
Will you give me your hand,
My friend?
Friends are just the most precious thing in the world...
295 · Nov 2019
Being a Hero
Chris Nov 2019
They say heroes are brave,
That they never cry,
That they aren’t afraid,
Even if they may die.

I don’t think that is true,
Everyone fears something,
Even if it isn’t losing one’s life,
There sure is a thing.

They say heroes are brave,
That they’re never afraid,
But how could one stand out
Who has never struggled with doubt?

Only when you’re afraid
You can truly show courage,
You can overcome doubt
And become a hero.
294 · Nov 2019
Nightly Battles
Chris Nov 2019
No one would know of the battles they fought,
Their tear tracks long dried after they cried alone again at night.
Their demon woke in the darkness, taunting and teasing,
Their mind fought them fiercely, trying not to give in.
Night for night they struggled, they didn’t want to cease fighting,
but even the strongest would give in,
If their sanity was leaving.
274 · Jan 2020
Into the Night
Chris Jan 2020
Into the night I wander,
It's darkness that I seek.
I want to escape the thoughts
That are nearly drowning me.
But even the pitch black night
Cannot block out the things
I think about each night
And that haunt me in my dreams.
254 · Sep 2019
Lying Awake
Chris Sep 2019
I lie awake at night, my fears won't let me sleep,
I'm staring at the ceiling, ‘til dawn leaves no trace
Of the internal battle, fought in the dark of night,
When my mind decides to wake, but my heart remains dark.
245 · Sep 2019
Chris Sep 2019
The darkness of night,
The deep abyss of pain,
It swallows me whole
Until nothing remains.
I cannot escape it,
There’s no way out.
I cower in shadows
With nothing but doubt.
There is no light,
Not the tiniest spark of hope.
I’m surrounded by sadness
As I wander alone.
229 · Nov 2019
Chris Nov 2019
What is a friend?
It’s not easy to say.
You’d need too many words
To explain what you feel.

That's why you have to look into your soul
To see what friendship is like,
How a friend makes you feel
When they look into your heart.
217 · Jan 2020
A Dark Path
Chris Jan 2020
A dark path lies ahead of her,
Should she flee or should she go?
No way to know how it would end,
If it leads to success or just a dead end.
211 · Jan 2020
The Night
Chris Jan 2020
I love the night for the stars in the sky,
Yet I hate it for the thoughts that come to mind...
Thoughts of doubt while sleep won't find me,
Thoughts of inadequacy weighing on me.
That's why I lie awake, wishing to see stars instead
And I ask myself a question:
Just when will these thoughts end?
204 · Sep 2019
Chris Sep 2019
I learned how to lose, how to stand all the pain,
Even though I could scream, I act all the same.
You tell me I’m brave, that I have to stay strong,
But what you aren't seeing
Is my dying soul.
195 · Sep 2019
No Escape
Chris Sep 2019
I hold back the tears that want to spill over,
My light slowly grows dimmer as my heart grows colder.
The world all around me, just dark shades of grey;
I cannot escape it, not even a day.
194 · Jan 2020
Chris Jan 2020
I hide in the darkness
To block out my past,
I hide from the day
To keep my mind sane.
170 · Jan 2020
Window to the Soul
Chris Jan 2020
They say that eyes are a window to the soul,
They say that they show the feelings no one can control,
They say that they betray what we feel
And that they are proof we're alive, even if that’s not how we feel.
163 · Sep 2019
Crying Rain
Chris Sep 2019
As the rain is pouring down
It washes away my tears
For I cried alone at night again
While unable to sleep.

Do you hear the rain’s sad song?
It’s softly spoken words?
When all the other sounds have stopped
You hear it crying out.

It cries for all the people
Who can no longer cry alone,
Because throughout their life
They have been all on their own.
163 · Jan 2020
The Quill
Chris Jan 2020
When my quill touches the paper
My soul mixes with ink,
It forms letters and writes poems,
About the storm inside of me.
160 · Jan 2020
The Mask
Chris Jan 2020
I wear a mask at school,
I wear a mask at home.
I wear it all the time,
To pretend I don't feel alone.
149 · Jan 2020
My Mind is a Cage
Chris Jan 2020
My mind is a cage
To keep my thoughts safe
So I don't blurt things out
That are best left unsaid.
135 · Jan 2020
Lonely Bird
Chris Jan 2020
Do you see that little bird, that's sitting on his own?
It's different, that's why its friends are few,
It's singing all alone.
126 · Feb 2020
Chris Feb 2020
Do you know the feeling of being sad,
Even though you don’t know why anymore?
I do, and like I just said;
I‘ve got no clue why.
118 · Dec 2019
Dream Again
Chris Dec 2019
Lately none of my dream remain,
As I open my eyes, they fly away,
Can’t remember one of them,
Wish I could remember a soothing dream.

— The End —