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Hollow Jul 2014
A pen is the bridge between denial and self acceptance.
Hollow Jun 2014
I was just wondering
Where is your heart?
You seem emptier
Than most


No love here
I left that *******
Years ago
You see


What a shame
Perhaps I can
Repair the bond


Just a *****
Go back home girl
Mama's calling


You look so lonely
You look so cold
Let me warm you up


Family gone
Weren't you raised better?
You'll only cause trouble


But mama taught me
Everything I know
I'm a follower*


Can't do
Any harm

Hollow Aug 2014
She looked at me and said
The pieces of love
Are picked up from a broken heart

And she got into her daddy's car the next day
And off into recovery did she go

Off into recovery she went
And she returned in a coffin
And I never recovered

And the pieces of whatever it was I picked up
From my newly broken heart
Were certainly not shards of love
But I know they made me bleed

Hollow Jul 2014
Let me love you
Love you tender
I'll hold it above you
You'll always remember

Let me kiss you
Lips of fire
My burn won't miss you
My soul conspires

Let me feel you
**** sedation
Hook and reel you
Primal predation
Hollow Mar 2015
As I'd imagine, would be eternal,
somewhat infinite
If such a pleasure existed
Would not all delve into wandering hunt?

Can finding be so easy
as to search something into existence?
Perhaps we are barred such by our existential
inferiority that even perceptions of secluded wonders escape
our shorthanded inquisitions

As we linger in the potency of misdirection,
so closes the curtain that shields the unknown respite

Sans sleep
Hollow Jul 2014
Move me
Fast through the winding roads
The tumbling winds
The deepest valleys
And the highest peaks

Settle me nowhere

Move me
Across fields of gold
Azure skies
And silver linings
Because no one
Drew a line I would not cross

Settle me nowhere

Move me
Pick me up and throw me
Over the sleeping bodies of water
And the restless hearts of the sands
I am closing my eyes now

Settle me nowhere

Move me
Weave me
Within the greenest trees
Tousle my hair
When the ride gets too calm

Settle me nowhere

Move me
Let the skyscrapers scrape sky
Let the towers tower
Let the roads twist and turn
And let houses be houses
Because I am not far from my own

Settle me nowhere
Until the rain patters
And the beach plays with sand-less shores

Until I am home
Hollow Sep 2014
She read my journal
My internal thoughts spewed out of her mouth like *****.
Anger. Regret.

I saw him as a book then
And he was easily read
Flipping through his memories, I found tainted history

Oh, woe is me
this girl, she knows everything.
My incestuous mind
unkind and dark
genuinely written without hesitation

Yet here I stand
Confused, taken aback
Stricken with...
...curiosity, perhaps
Sadness and unknowing
And his eyes apologize while his frown regrets

Perhaps she now feels closer.
There's nothing to hide inside
A relief.
I am disgusted by your actions.

I wonder if he still loves me
He won't take the words back
Ink never erases, and scars remain
And so does my heart
Rooted to my sleeve yet chained to his palm

"I'm sorry", I forget to say
Words so typical end up filling the room
breaking all glass
You made me like this
my words are a byproduct of your insanity
You're sad.
Yes, sad. We are all sad.
You are not entitled to read such things

I peered into your soul today
Something twisted and half alive
A face, my face to place blame
I'll never walk away
Without another war wound
But I'll bleed you dry
Should I question morality? Am I human?
What happened to us?

You seek knowledge, yet cower in its presence
" all loving" I mock the idea
for you despise my words.
My work.
What are they, but a part of me?
Your voice is timid
Your despair, unsettling..

Silence is all I want to hear anymore...
Written by the lovely poet, pat, and his new friend Hollow.
Hollow May 2015
I often digress that I
Am sick and tired of all you poets
With all your literal genius
The hypocrisy is mine

I must say, that I;
against all grain, have established
Not synonymous
With hubris

For some time
I waded through the shallow
Darkness, seeking closure
All I found was me

Sitting in the corner


So I grabbed my hand, and said:
"You can rebel and yell music get tattoos kiss girls eat sweets and... yourself"
And I believed me

Just another
Amateur poem
From the happiest girl
On the saddest world
Hollow Jun 2014
Needles sting
And pupils dilate
Cold alley ways in Seattle
Always set the perfect stage
For a trip to heaven
On a sheet of glass

Sirens wail in the distance
But to me, they are soothing
And my hands are blistering
And my knees
Well, they tucked in a while ago

This habit will break
This glass will crack and burn
Dissipate to emptiness
Wash out of my veins and my Wrists
My poor wrists

A door always opens
But my feet are melting
Molding into the ground I sit
Stuck in one place

I imagine that people say my name
They say, oh poor Hollow
Pretty and smart
She'll come around
She'll come around

But out here
In these black veins
And tainted blood streets
Hope is a dream
And dreaming is unwise

And who sleeps anyway
You can't sleep on glass
No, it pokes and stabs
And you ache and cry

It will take you
Break you
Crumble you
Shards of dust

You will shatter
And you will be
Nothing more than nothing
Just a broken soul
Hollow Jun 2014
No man
Can plug holes
In this ****
Hollow Jun 2014
Bed me
Take me to Heaven
Kiss my neck

Skim lower

Make me shudder

If that celestial world
Is real
Above us

I know it's not
After death

It's now

When your tongue
Traces my navel
Painting my thighs
A blush red

I am melting

Dripping nectar
In your embrace

In the light of the moon

******* pale
Perk and aware
Awaiting your touch


*I am yours
Hollow May 2014
Subject of forced indoctrination
Given a placebo of hope
And made to look at society
Through artificial eyes

Just another disfigured mind
Molded through the
Systematic eradication
Of constitutional freedoms

Walking with a knife in your spine
And shackles on your head
And the force-fed propaganda
Giving a false notion
Of a peaceful reality

Is this what you want?

Step away from the wires of captivity
The Automated Deity of our future

Be one with yourself

Be reborn

Not recreated
Hollow Mar 2014
I wish my temples could grow wings
So my mind
Could separate from my body
And fly high
Away from me
Hollow May 2015
There would be no way
To determine it's course

Love, be it called
Screaming without a motive
Dripping in tears
Unrivaled in fear

Underfoot lies hate
Decaying in self deprecating
A book
So misjudged
By it's cover

Glorious, and oh
So glorious love

To be set upon
By flights of fancy
Gold, lace and all

To be a spectacle
A beacon of the triumph
Of good over evil
Light over dark
Yin over Yang

Yang over Yin?

Silly ponderous mind
Queer that one
Would meander
Outside the box

Do not forget that poetry
Is only here to
Accommodate your

Perhaps I
Am the box

To think
Of boxes
Perfect little squares
Perfect exhibits
Of a mistrial

To wander
Look away
To see

To think of subjection

To think...
Be free, darlings.
Hollow Jun 2014
Never here nor there
Rather, everywhere
A drifter
Wandering a sea of dust
And emptiness

For I am alone
This isn't a poem
It's a plea

No consistency
Stability a foreign word
Because my ******* mind
Won't cooperate with my
Stupid ******* needs

I can't breath alone
And that's all I am

How my body yearns for
The touch of warm fingers
The caress of arousal

But my mind refuses
To stay in one place

So I am lost to the wonders
Of love and such
Because I can't stick around
Hollow Jul 2014




Hollow Jul 2015
She had an option now
Once a goal, fed until wings spread until flight took until she lost the town
Until shot down
She had an option now, a full fledged choice, all teeth and silence
In the wake of her indecision grew envy, which looks like a giant mosquito, if you believe in giants

Before we go towards sore mode and mope so hopelessly over "wrote poetry", let us take time to give the mosquito a little appreciation
Unlike choice, envy is a toothless *******, and instead pokes and prods and leaves an undesirable little welt
But like choice, envy hovers

She slept on cardboard that night
That night in particular was rather dreary, grey and wet
Kicked out of her home, alone so closed and prone to no hope
She dove to floor and groped dope to erode her dome


She hit that stash and sat back happy in mad hat fantasies
Mad hat had-to-be's and lap dance reveries she tapped untapped man, she gagged for bags and haggled deep

Back then, she was a pariah,
She floated and she owned it, turned around and wrote it and low and behold she sold it, and now she's bold poet

Funny how the world wants you when you don't need it
Funny how a girl flaunts too, for the temporary feeling

We swat bugs who want a fix

But when they're butterflies...

They flutter by
Hollow Aug 2014
Was her last request, and bound to her I happily acquiesced  
In that moment I found strength in her misplaced optimism, the faintest whisper of hope

As she turned away, I told her, "You'll be back in no time", not realizing what a cruel lie that must have been
For months I waited as seasons changed, mocking me with their linear courses

My window became my mirror, but all that was reflected marked tragedy
The phone call had my heart coiled in the cold grip of reality, and I fled inwards, locking myself away
I had known the truth, but for months sought to deny myself closure

At the funeral, looking into her once green eyes, I screamed in blind fury, cursing her addictions and beauty
She had the courtesy not to respond

Sometimes, in my head, I jump back six and a half years and return to that dusty window sill
Still waiting

I sit there and hope, although I'm not sure for what
Your name is forever a part of me

I still love you, I suppose, and with all my heart can reach out with, I want you to come back

I did what you said

I waited
Hollow Jul 2014
Lighten this part
With the brighter visions

Call on healing
Pain into remission

What you could gain
Strikes hope into
The heart of the sun

This boat
Once a ship of sorrow
Will land on a beach tomorrow
And it's vacation
Hopes creation

Those tears of solitude, you thought
to sink your boat
But instead you cried off the deck
So they kept you afloat

And the sun above, caressing your face...
Enveloping love, shining embrace

As angels cut their wings
We see them fall with a purpose

They wish not to fly any longer
But to swim alongside you on this journey

Because in school, I was taught
To care
Be happy! Angels are who you make them, so if you ever need one, it's your closest friend, or someone trying to help. Life's journey is only what you make it. With love and care,
~ Abigail
Hollow Jul 2014
Oh speak to me
Who wears her blue
Around her neck
My dollar eyed deity
And point your fingers
Full of bills
To the answer
Or the lie
Spread your
Deceitful wings
And embrace the lost
Fill them
With greed
And show them
The paper and metal
Pathway to
For the weak
Kneel to your
Valuable allure
And they will die unknowing
Hollow Mar 2014
How wonderful
To sit under these stars
Free of worry at least for a night
Maybe a sip of wine
Maybe a few more

And maybe a warm blanket
And your favorite music
Ringing softly in your ears
From that old radio
You thought you'd never use again

Maybe a silent awe
For all things beautiful
And maybe
The warm notion of peace
And tranquility
Massaging your weary shoulders

And maybe
A gentle kiss
Of dreamless sleep
Hollow Jun 2014
Just a moth of an idea
Fluttering dangerously close to the light

To be killed by enlightenment
Is irony

Having wings does not heighten awareness
It only raises hubris
Hollow Sep 2014
Let's exchange some thoughts, fellow poets!
Hollow Aug 2014
Only the open sky
Could take my wings
Mold them into essences of purity

I was forged within
Rapid rivers of forsaken modesty
Left alone and sore below
Because my insecurities undressed me
And bedded me savagely
Before the watchful eye of the moon
The minds glowing aphrodisiac

As feathered hate falls from blackened flight
A finger is raised in denial of sunlight
A symbol of woebegone sensuality
Hollow Jun 2014
I love the feeling
Of ice cold lips
White rain
Blue fingertips

Looking up as
Flakes of beauty
Caress my eyelashes

I can play guitar in the snow
And sing a song
Me and my dog

Ever so hollow
Just going with the flow

Like the little perfect flakes
Falling to rest
On the ground

And like snowflakes
We melt into nonexistence
Packing up
And following the next storm

There is no rest for the cold
I suppose my soul
Hollow Jul 2014
I used to take pencils
And throw them at the dotted ceilings
Of so many classrooms
Never knowing that the lead
Drew a picture every time

I used to purse my lips
And smirk
Before I knew that
I had a voice with which to speak out

I used to be enveloped
In the freedom of naivety
Before I grew up and smelled
The allure of knowledge

— The End —