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Oct 2019 · 298
I am Invisible Ink
Tori Schall Oct 2019
In my life there are three things:
A feeling of emptiness,
a hollow laugh and blank face,
Hiding behind a mask

I wonder day by day
nothing changing
the world around me is unimportant.
In my life there are three things:

My own emotions elude me
they go about their days
hiding in the back of my brain
a feeling of emptiness

Upon my face there sits
a person I don't know
Because of all I ever am is
a hollow laugh and blank face

Day by day, night by night
nobody ever bothers to look
but I never bother to tell, I'm
hiding behind a mask
This is my first attempt at a cascade poem
Tori Schall Oct 2019
Save your tears for someone
who can comfort you as they fall.
Don't waste them on someone
who can't even cry for themselves.

Save your laughter for someone
who can laugh along with you.
Don't waste it on someone
who's forgotten how.

Save your bright smile for someone
who will appreciate the gesture
Don't waste it on someone
who's smile is never true

I'll give you a single piece of advice, my dear:
It would be a mistake to fall for someone
who cannot fall for you.
Oct 2019 · 630
Don't Set Me Free
Tori Schall Oct 2019
Don't forget your promise to the stars.
Don't let all the misery, tear you apart.
Don't let your heart blow away in the wind.
Don't let my memory go out like a spark.

But if you do tonight.
I'll just close my eyes.
So I don't have to see,
when everything I love
Is set free.
Oct 2019 · 239
I would, I swear.
Tori Schall Oct 2019
I would take the world in the palm of my hand
and crush it.
I would take the weight of the world,
and my legs would not give.

I would say goodbye to the sun
and live in darkness.
I would say hello to my head
and all the horrors within it.

I would let you fall away
if only I could bear it.
I would let my mind rest
if only I knew how to stop it.
Aug 2019 · 267
The Human Race
Tori Schall Aug 2019
Zebras have their stripes
And lions have their pride,
Bears have their strength but
Cattle wait to die.
Doesn’t anyone see it?
Every slaughter, every ****,
For in that we are united.
Going round and round,
Hardly moving
In a world of mindless entertainment.
Jerking the wheel just to make that turn,
Killing fear with thrill.
Lonely days filled with strangers
Moaning in the night,
Nothing underneath the covers,
Only leaving by daylight.
Perhaps it was warranted, but
Questions go unanswered.
Revolting sights and
Sickening sounds,
Turn your stomach upside down.
Underneath it all, the
Vanity only leads to insanity.
When humans breed infection,
X-rays “cure” the problem.
Yet the cattle breed and die.
May 2019 · 278
Stealing Love
Tori Schall May 2019
The stars fall to the ground
Under the dimming, black
When nothing escapes and
X-rays of pure nothing exist,
Yet collect and ponder the deaths
Zooming; skyrocketing into an infinite loop of fear.
And then silence,
Broken on by the
Clap of thunder and rain
Drumming down into
Every corner of a fragmented skull,
Gaining power and
Holding brains hostage
In their own heads
Just as you realize
Killing doesn’t mean dead and
Love doesn’t mean happy.
Mothers and fathers antagonize while
Nameless nobodies lie awake,
Only closing their eyes when their
Parents cease their incessant
Questioning accusations.
Relying on a whim and
Stealing the stars from the sky.
May 2019 · 227
Fractured Fixation
Tori Schall May 2019
This never-ending silence beats down fabricated skies,
And twists words of hope and comfort into a writhing mass of lies.
This voice of hopeless love or obsession
Spirals down into the darkness, deep into depression.

Raise the cool metal to the sky up above
And let the worries melt away, fly like a dove.
For when the world is both cruel and kind
That single bullet serves to remind

Let tension melt away the fears
As your mind is aged beyond your years.
And like all bright things have a dark end
What was once torn, the metal shall mend.
Feb 2019 · 1.3k
Sonnet of Adventure
Tori Schall Feb 2019
Follow the path, that I’ve set out to claim.
So many things, that I could never dream.
Don’t leave me standing, out here in the rain;
Where it spirals down, in cracks and in seams.

Once upon a time, in a far far land;
I read a story, one of make believe.
Where dragons would soar, so noble and grand;
And knights on horses, wore hearts on their sleeve.

The princess would wait, and hope for the day;
Where her dearest, would take her heart and strum.
And when she is free, she would gladly say;
Praise my savior, O’ I knew he would come!

And as this adventure, comes to a close,
She will awaken, and sing out her throes
Feb 2019 · 213
Tori Schall Feb 2019
swings drifting
in the ever cooling air
stars sliding down
and down

The monkey bars are for
climbing up and joining
the sky and the stars
to slide down again

In this playground
no one plays
until the stars come out
and the sky is dark

In this playground
there is no one
who is there to play with you
and you play all alone
Feb 2019 · 107
Give Me Strength
Tori Schall Feb 2019
Give me the strength
Of a thousand hearts
Beating in a song
Of life and love

Give me the strength
Of the wind on a rainy day
So I can hope to be as strong
As the howling storm

Give me the strength
Of a million lifetimes
Of a million souls dancing
In the sway of song

Give me the strength
To say I love you
And to let you
Into my padlocked heart

Give me the strength
To unlock the part of my brain
That doesnt think
Im a waste of space

Because i need the strength
To make myself able to live
The life I desire, but can never have
Strength cones in all forms, all you havw to do is look for it.
Feb 2019 · 153
Swallow the World
Tori Schall Feb 2019
You turn a blind eye to the world around you
As blood and tears rain from silent captives.
Your ignorance astounds me, you subdue
The natural instinct inside that lives.

You push away the plate of all their pain
And refuse to eat the words of truth, fool.
So tell me, what is it you hope to gain
By living your life as a broken tool.

Nothing you could tell me would justify
The arrogance you show by ignoring.
What would it do and would satisfy,
Or would it leave yourself unraveling?

The next time you hear a captive cry out,
Don’t sit in silence with wonder and doubt.
Sep 2018 · 206
Teach Me
Tori Schall Sep 2018
can anyone tell me how to love?
can anyone show me how to feel?
because from all the things I've learnt
none of it seems to be real

None has told me how to act
non one has taught me how to laugh
All the things I've been doing
were from watching, and hardly learning

memories how to act
memories how to look
don't understand any of it,
but it doesn't matter does it?

If only I was able
to understand and know
just why we act the way we do
I'd be considered normal too

So teach me how to live
my life the way i want
because without all I've never been taught
there is only mockery inside me
Aug 2018 · 318
I'm Back
Tori Schall Aug 2018
I'm back from the dead
and let me tell you
it wasn't pretty
wandering aimlessly
among souls lost and broken
where the ground is ashen
the sky is grey
with clouds overcast
but yet it never rains
a desert of bleakness
that not even i could stand
and nobody talks
they all just stare
blank faces
blank pages
opportunities gained
and emotions lost
until all that was left
was the fact that I was back
and I never wanted to go there again
but now I'm stuck
and I can't find the right path
May 2018 · 154
Tori Schall May 2018
Light up the darkness
in your eyes.
Make it shine with a million
don't let me rule you,
because you rule yourself.
I don't want to be the reason you drown.

wake us up when it's over
and the sun is overhead.
wake us up when the night sky
is going to bed.
So the thoughts don't creep back in,
and the world is left again
in an ocean of warmth and light.

Don't let us see inside
the fire.
don't let us hear your
screams of torture.
don't let us hear that you
been wishing to yourself
that you were already dead.
Mar 2018 · 304
Tori Schall Mar 2018
Testing patience is never-
ever a good idea
no matter how great you know a person
you don't really know them
until they snap

And when they snap
their true emotion-
not the fake answers they always give
are shown and feelings are hurt

But can you really blame them?
No, I think not- not when
you are the antagonizer
and this is their self-defense
Mar 2018 · 469
Tori Schall Mar 2018
Laughter should be happy
but instead, it's bitter and unwanted
uncared for and unneeded
because who wants laughter when it's fake?

Laughter should be cherished
because you never know when it could end
when something inside you dies
and then who wants a dead man?

Laughter should be protected
because people will try to hurt it
to make it stop so they can feel good
and then their laughter rings out bitterly.

Laughter shouldn't be lonely
it should be spent with a friend
not ignored by staring at a screen
instead of focusing on the laughter of those around you

Laughter should be joyous
but behind a mask are thoughts
and those thoughts lead to doubts
and then that laughter is a disguise for pain

Laughter should be happy
but instead, it's bitter and unwanted
uncared for and unneeded
Because who wants laughter when it's fake?
Jan 2018 · 402
Hidden World
Tori Schall Jan 2018
beautifully serene; waiting to be seen
through the eyes of those who wander
through the mystic night, it brings
about the change of turning paths

And crossing roads that may or may not cause the words to repeat,
spinning and dancing across oceans
of well-constructed thoughts that fall,
into the waiting ears of the world

But only in those who have seen
the nature of all, and the singularity of everything;
only then can you witness the truly awe-inspiring world that
was hidden behind the gaze of those unseeing and unbelieving
Jan 2018 · 4.1k
Silence of the World
Tori Schall Jan 2018
Sending the world into peaceful silence;
a fire burning for eternity;
a love lasting forever;
a darkness so calm and neverending.

Sending the vision of the past;
never letting you go;
never letting it show;
never getting a chance.

Wanting to say the magic words;
to make it okay;
to tell them to wait;
to let them be free.

I love you, my dear;
these five simple words;
never ever heard;
in the silence of the world.
Tori Schall Jan 2018
What changed from back then?
Was it the way we think?
The way we act?
Or the way we perceive reality?

A time forgotten; a life lost
where the happiness had blown away
into the dusky morning sky,
where beautiful silence lays.

What is different now?
Is it the way I can't seem
to find happiness in anything
but the comfort of the suffocating silence?

Or is it the way that despite my fears
I want to be with the people,
the things that cause my mind
to shatter and scatter the earth like a warm breeze

A time forgotten; a life lost
where my thoughts bury deep
into the controversy of life
and the meaning of all things

What is the same?
The way my eyes light up in the face of a page
the way my life revolves around my own selfishness
around my own constant need for change

Where the world lost its meaning
is where you'll find the love I lost
when I gave it away and got none in return
where the sky lays broken on a pile of ash

A time forgotten; a life lost
where the sun lays on the other side
with a dusky morning sky rising over
a broken girl's dream of a life not marred by sadness

not stolen by the cruelty of the world
A time where innocence still ruled over her mind
Before that time was forgotten, and her life she lost
to the darkness of the drained hope within us all
Nov 2017 · 371
Words Unchanging
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Words stinging
like a thousand bites
like a spider crawling unnoticed

Words burning
like a lick of flames
in the blazing heat of summer

Words digging
into the flesh and blood
of your skin and bones like a knife

Words gripping
like a persistent dripping
of an icy cold melted gaze

Words turning
in your mind, learning
of the darkness the world has shown you
Nov 2017 · 256
Angels And Demons
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Take the Pain
Take the Fear
I don't want them
to be left here

alone with me
because they
will break me
I fear

So angels send me
to a place where I can stay
away from the demons
that chase me in my mind

They fight and they kick
they never go away
so please help
and save me

From the demons
in my head
and let me sing
with you again
Nov 2017 · 231
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Never ending circles
spun inside my head
You've created a monster
the me you knew is dead

Look at what you've caused
Though I am not mad
It will always be your fault
which in itself is sad

But the words that you told me
that fateful Monday night
on the bus alone
you told me of your fright

It hurt more and more each day
as I had to watch your face
from far, far away
because I couldn't keep pace

Nothing can be undone
our fate is spun and weaved
I can tell you
it's not what I believed

I never once thought
that the world could be so kind
as to give me a happy fate
but darkness envelopes my mind

The next time that I speak to you
I will be a different person
so when you see my broken face
I hope you learned your lesson
Nov 2017 · 183
My Eyes
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Look me in the eyes
when you remember
all the good times
we shared together.

Look me in the eyes
When you lie to me
can you keep a straight face
while staring at these broken eyes of mine.

Look me in the eyes
I can't remember
the last time you
told me the truth

Look me in the eyes
I can't help but
think of the last
goodbye I said to you

Look me in the eyes
and tell me that you
don't care about me
you can't lie to me anymore

Look me in the eyes
I'll tell you something
I don't believe that you
could lie to me like that

Look me in the eyes
as I tell you
that we can't start over
Gooby forever
Nov 2017 · 213
Wishful Thinking
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Have you ever wondered
how you find love?
How to make someone
notice you?

Will it ever be enough,
to know that you worked hard?
But yet people who do nothing,
overshadow you.

When nothing you do
is ever enough for people to see
for people to tell you
good job?

When you work hard
every waking moment
until the minute you go
to sleep

Hurting yourself
in overexertion
to make them see you
for who you are

But they don't.
Is it all just wishful thinking?
That the hard workers will be noticed
that everything will be fine?

All the effort I put in...
is nothing to them
but everything to me
I just want to be accepted.

It's all just worthless
because no matter what I want
It's all just....
wishful thinking.
Nov 2017 · 288
Time's Up
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Tell me what to say
tell me what to do
because I can't really tell you

Tell me what I'm supposed to fell
Becuase I can't feel anything
Tell me what is supposed
to happen

Like sand in an hourglass
all the time runs out
and my time is almost up
I feel

But don't you worry
because I will never
leave you alone
I'm haunting you
Nov 2017 · 275
Shattered Glass
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Shatter me
I don't want
to believe

Shatter me
I don't want
to know

Shatter me
I can't handle
the pain

Shatter the
that we made

Shatter the
that turned into

Shatter my
into a million

Shatter my
glass soul
that broke when
you touched it
Nov 2017 · 124
What I want
Tori Schall Nov 2017
When everything you say
has no impact at all
what did you expect from them?
Everything, or maybe just something

Even if it's a little bit
you just want them to care
Nov 2017 · 269
Tori Schall Nov 2017
The withering plant
of despair and loneliness
the decaying leaves
of love

The crashing waves
of untold tortured
that decays thoughts
of happiness

The smoldering flames
of love lost again
that decays the heart
in my chest

like the decaying pain
and sadness, and joy
nothing is left
my mind is numb
Nov 2017 · 214
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Without my mind, I have no home
for the place I live is gone
the people living in their hatred
their lives the world surrounds

Without my mind, I have no friends
because the ones I've come to know
are ignorant of the feelings of others
otherwise, surely, they would know

The things they say, mocking tones
About mental illness, those without homes
I hate the way they target the weak
just because of how they speak

I want to live in a world
where nobody has to die
from racism and misunderstanding
or from what people say online

I want to leave this place
where people commit suicide
because others can't stop to care
about what others have to say

So with these poems, I wish to open
the eyes of people who read
this world is slowly dying
from everybody's greed
Nov 2017 · 201
My Perspective
Tori Schall Nov 2017
inside my head, a paradise lies
of broken flowers and tortured thoughts
where I lay on a grayscale painting
crumbling down as I lay waiting

How could this happen in such short time
only three years have passed
but now a heart shatters
into nothing but broken glass

What has been hidden is now seen
as I lay upon my bed
with a torrent of tears flowing down my face
can anything make it end?

I don't want to get up and face another day
as the screaming outside begins
I wait for hours it feels like
before the crying soon begins.

I slip outside of my room,
and up the stairs, I walk
I sit quietly and patiently
Not bothering to talk

The bus comes as I wait outside
in the cool morning air
where most would be freezing
but my mind is numb to it.

Headphones are used
to try to block out the noise
of a million voices talking at once
but I can hear them in my mind

"she's so fat isn't she?"
I image them saying
even though I know it isn't true
it stays with me every day

I want my life to be over with
so I can be born again
and have a better life than this one
without these thoughts inside my head
Nov 2017 · 254
Cursed Flower
Tori Schall Nov 2017
This cursed flower lay wilted
one embrace turns it to dust
it shatters with a single breath
it's been put through too much

When beauty turns to envy
as the flower crumbles away
with one last breath within her
will she fade away?

No one knows for certain
she's fine on the outside
but they don't know the torrent
that pulls her mind astray

these thoughts won't leave her head
they threw her out with the dead
broken thoughts that were tossed away
where beauty once roamed

now only a barren wasteland
of wilted flowers and a grey sun
where the sunlight cast looming shadows
over her head as she lays still

contemplating what would happen
if she left this lonely place
where no one cared
about this cursed flower

she dances around the thought
spinning circles in her mind
but at last, she comes to a conclusion
she will vanish from this life
Nov 2017 · 278
Inside Your Head
Tori Schall Nov 2017
When everything you touch
is all gone, turned to dust
where are you supposed to hide
from the monsters deep inside

They chase you in your sleep
you see them instead of sheep
you sleep upon the ashes
of your burned out mind

When every building is just rubble
inside your little bubble
where are you supposed to go
when nothing's left of your home

When every chance you get
you pick out the mistake
but you don't see it
until it is too late

will you fall, or will you run
try to escape your mind
for within your head lying cold and dead
is the body you left behind
Nov 2017 · 607
Society's Mistake
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Wanting to change
to rearrange
when instead of helping another
one stands above the other

fighting a battle, a war
not even knowing what for
but they do it anyway
don't care about yesterday

I don't partake
in society's mistake
that boys must act tough
and be equally as rough

A girl must wear designer clothes
spends hundreds of dollars, but nobody knows
wear pounds of make-up just to look pretty
and go around with a million boys, which is just petty

Society is evil and cruel
so I will use my anger as fuel
to rant about their mistake
and hope that my heart won't break

those who don't follow the trend
are forced to make their bodies bend
to fit into school and such
but they are burdened way too much

how does it feel society?
because some of us won't bow down quietly
I am calling out your mistake
to protect the ones who feel worthless, we won't break.
Nov 2017 · 330
Time Couldn't Last
Tori Schall Nov 2017
I watch the time fly
out of reach
from the hands of men
and wishes of children

I watch the time pass
as the sun sets
over time wasted
and love passed

I watched time not last
when you said
you'd love me forever
but now you are with her

I watch the time fly
as you pass by
hand in hand
with her
Nov 2017 · 205
Am I pretty now?
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Waiting in the silence
for the breath of cold wind
for the touch of warm hands
for the whisper of the trees

Waiting for the noise
the chirping of the birds
the croaking of the frogs
the sound of the disturbed

beauty turned sour
a hand that holds a knife
as the warm blood drips down and down
you could have saved my life

You once said I was horrid
a person with no style
too fat, too rude
but now look at me

Am I pretty now?
All skin and bones
my face covered in red, hot blood
as it drips down my ashen face

Amm I pretty now?
With styled hair
with fake nails
and make-up on

Am I pretty now
wasting away
I just wanted you to say
I was pretty
the beginning is all peaceful, it shows what happens on the outside, and what others will see. But then it delves deeper into the mind of people who fight depression and anxiety.
Oct 2017 · 217
Up In Flames
Tori Schall Oct 2017
The sun falling down
Fire raging through the town
Nothing left but ash

Bathing green with red
Leaving nothing except ash
Blackening slowly

What was once pretty
Covered with smoldering flames
As the flames flicker
Poetry from this morning, another Haiku
Oct 2017 · 291
Tori Schall Oct 2017
Dark creatures roam
To tear apart your love
And cause despair and chaos
This is my first attempt at a Cinquain poem.
Oct 2017 · 249
Won't Last
Tori Schall Oct 2017
Nothing’s what it seems
Our dreams are turned into ash
Father’s love won’t last

Once so kind, now cruel
As he leaves us and now you
Father’s love won’t last

He leaves us to dream
About what his love could mean
Father’s love won’t last
A haiku about how I feel towards my father, who left when I was very little.
Oct 2017 · 198
Unwanted Tears:
Tori Schall Oct 2017
Watching the tears
Roll down your face
I can't help but think
This was all a waste

Why does this happen?
Why do I care
After all
You were never there

I don’t want to hurt you
But I guess I did
Even though
I’m the one who’s broken

My face is a mask
Full of pain and despair
But obviously
You don’t know it’s there.

You scream at me
I didn’t do a thing
But yet you still stand here
Crying in front of me

I close my eyes
Feeling the wetness
Haring my hoarse voice scream
As I gaze into the mirror
a free verse Poem that I wrote for school poetry unit. Learning a lot, so I hope I you guys can see an improvement in my writing!
Oct 2017 · 256
Gone By Noon
Tori Schall Oct 2017
The cars racing fast
Don’t notice until the crash
Stops them in their tracks

A crowd gathers fast
The whistle of a car horn
Nothing good can last

A life ended soon
Too much was lost, gone by noon
As car tires squeal
a haiku poem I wrote for our school Poetry unit
Oct 2017 · 215
Don't Say a Word
Tori Schall Oct 2017
The tears returned
I don't want to stay
It's gonna be alright
Reach for the sky
Please, a moment later
a cold touch...
Don't say a word
Blackout poem from one of the pages of the book "Don't Say A word"
Oct 2017 · 227
Finally Over
Tori Schall Oct 2017
Lights flickered
I screamed
my head spinning
What did it take?
You can't hurt me
You can't stop me
What remained of me?
It was finally over
Black Out poem I made for class rescently
Oct 2017 · 276
Note to Readers:
Tori Schall Oct 2017
A  failure,
He was made
with our failure to listen
and was released
by our faults
This was a blackout poem I had made a few days ago from a police reports page.
Oct 2017 · 425
My 'Panic Attacks'
Tori Schall Oct 2017
As the noise increases
I feel the tension rising
I need an outlet,
I need saving

I feel like I'm drowning,
trapped in a box
with a vice grip against my chest
and I can't escape it at all

My chest is tightening by the second
I take a deep breath, just breathe
Nothing helps but music,
something I'm in dire need

I've never been to the doctor
so I don't know if these are 'attacks'
but that's what I've started to call them
because that's what it feels like to me
Oct 2017 · 301
Tori Schall Oct 2017
Lying On the floor,
Unmoving, Lifeless, Numb.
PLease Awake from your slumber
Don't let them tell me you are gone

I'll beg and plead for you to stay
won't let them take you away
you'll wake up soon,
you aren't really gone

Why are you so cruel
You had to waste your life
when I saw you upon the floor
I knew you had taken your own life

So as you lay Lifeless,
as the people rush in
they take you away in a black bag
and I know that it's the end.
Sep 2017 · 374
These Words
Tori Schall Sep 2017
Staring at the horizon
the sunlight drifts away
like a breeze blowing a cloud
far, far away

As darkness comes out to play
like snow on a winter day
the tendrils of shadow beckon to me
with starlight in the sky; clear to see

I take a hesitant step ahead
not knowing where to go
the shadows drift around me
as my voice is lost in the echo

A haze sets in
an icy winds' grasp
tendrils of shadow and mist mix
creating a yin yang balance at last

The beauty of the night is strong
there are no words to describe it
for when I say these words to you
Only you can hope to imagine it
Sep 2017 · 426
Water World
Tori Schall Sep 2017
The surface of the water ripples
like little portals to another world
the stone sinks through
and then disappears

The water becomes still
the portals have closed
but maybe, just maybe
I can still get through

To go to another place
far away from here
where I have no one
and no one cares

Maybe if I got there
people with love me
I'll be happy
I'll be wanted

The ripples, a splash
is all that's left
swallowing the stone like mist
before everything disappears
Sep 2017 · 442
Stormy Weather
Tori Schall Sep 2017
My fingers are numb
from the cold
from the rain
pounding against the window

I press my forehead
against the cool
smooth surface
of the glass

I watch the rain drop
dripping, slipping
down the window pane
as I watch the time fly by

fascinated I stare
at the stormclouds overhead
as the thudner rolls in
and lightning lights the sky

But yet I smile
because it's been awhile
since my favorite weather
has come out to play

The sky is dark
almost as black as night
as I sit and watch
outside the window

Waiting for it to end
sad, but it can't last
I hear the thunder's silence
before the clouds clear away

I get up to go
where? I don't know
but my favorite weather has gone
And it will be back before long
Sep 2017 · 344
Just A Dream
Tori Schall Sep 2017
The wind whispers
through the night
casting darkness
blotting out light

The inky blackness
is soon devoid
of any light
nothing but the void

The sunlight approaches
creating elongated demons
Tendrils of shadow
weaving ink into your feelings

The door is only a step away
from leaving this awful place
But when you turn around to leave
This nightmare becomes a dream
Sep 2017 · 149
Tori Schall Sep 2017
I'm sorry
falls on deaf ears
I love you
is caught by the wind

torn away from me
are the thoughts in my head
as they spin rapidly before my as
tell me, am I dead?

for when I wake, all I see is black
I heard nothing, but now a laugh
** is there? Can anybody answer
or am I left here, afraid

I heard 'I Love you'
My love is that you?
What have you done to me
where are you now?

You haunt my waking moments
and comfort me in dreams
but when the evening comes again
nothing is what it seems

You are my nightmare
you are my ghost
you are my tortures,
my untitled love.
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