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1.2k · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
I was clueless of my feelings
naive of all the sparks flying
this fiery desire in my heart
I never took in consideration

being so free, without a care in the world
disconnected me from society
but the paradigm was altered
since you entered my system

my universe of quintessence
you seem to understand
amidst the people who judge me
for my weird mindset and philosophy

so long i have tried to fit in
but it seems like it will never happen
just because we are oddities
who belong with each other

the world will no longer bother us
now all i can see is you
your uniqueness and peculiarity
are all that matters to me

i treasure and cherish you with all the parts of my circulatory system,
** i love you.
this is not pertaining to a certain human being and it really is an impromptu poem. please feel free to comment your thoughts for constructive criticism
970 · Jan 2019
Lost Souls
Midge Jan 2019
Lost, alone and terrified
In solitude I forever will confide
Maybe I will just end it with suicide
Everything will be better if I just died

All those voices in my head
All the tears I may have shed
I’ve got fear and anxiety, disgust and dread
I sank in darkness while I lay in bed

I just can’t take it anymore
This uneasy feeling, I never can ignore
Go back to the corner with pain and sore
Enticing myself with blood and gore

My soul corrupted, my faith all gone
It’s too late to save me, I am done
Midge Jan 2019
Deep down the theater is a mystery
Of the phantom who lives in misery
A loathsome creature, masked in shame
He lives in the shadows amidst glory and fame

He runs the opera, they must follow his order
Or else, a catastrophe will occur
Opera Ghost, forever shall haunt
Abide in you, I shall never flaunt

The world created an Angel of Hell
Taught him to **** and become cruel
But deep inside is a frightened child
Who yearns for beauty and all things mild

A troubled entity beneath all fright
The Phantom of the Opera, the Music of the Night.
943 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
I was scared of love
And didn’t think it would last
For eternity
613 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
Can’t stop thinkin’ bout you
Here I am, making cliches
In my sweet haikus
598 · Jan 2019
Midge Jan 2019
full of wonder
and light
filled my mind
and sense of sight
those were
the dreams
in my imagination
a whole new world
in another dimension
completely random
526 · May 2019
Midge May 2019
Now you’ve told me
The implications of love
I started to fall
so much more to come x
481 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
I dreamt about you,
A future where there’s us
Happy together
407 · Jan 2019
sweet memory
Midge Jan 2019
Such wonderful ones
I can never forget them
Colors of the spectrum
Started to burst
in the sky
As you came into my life
It all seemed real
Sweet and true

But time has come
To blow it away
Back to the land
Of broken dreams
And hopes
For it remains
A memory
Randomly made, please do not judge
403 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
Now that you are here
Come with me and be my dear
I shall have no fear
399 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
What ifs and some buts
Anxiety in my mind
Are you fooling me?
386 · May 2019
Midge May 2019
Maybe it’s just me
Who had all these fantasies
Is this even real?
haiku collection, more to come
378 · Dec 2019
The Undone
Midge Dec 2019
Once there was a warrior
Filled with great strength and valor
He lived in his countrymen’s honor
The pride of all, their conqueror

Fought off enemies, beheaded them all
The kingdom’s power, the rise and the fall
For the warrior never kept his pledge of thanksgiving
To the one who forged his mighty sword, the marvelous king

The king of kings have patiently waited
For the knight to grant the wish he wanted
A decade has passed, a new beginning has risen
No sign of return, the king has been forgotten

While the warrior was earning his praises and victories
A loud thunder was heard from the skies to the galaxies
The king has arrived with a triumphant sound
With fuming rage, he howled like a hound

“Where art thou who sought for a strength none like other,
Along with the sword of irreversible power,
Alas, thou ungrateful son of Sin and Evil
In eternity thou shalt suffer in excruciating peril!”

Consumed by arrogance and vain
The warrior suffered in pain
Agony and remorse in him remain
Crying for mercy, his tears shed as rain
This piece is not yet really finished that’s why I called it the undone
331 · Apr 2019
Midge Apr 2019
In a place full of terror
All I can see is the darkness
Black as the raven flying in the midst of nowhere
All I want is nothing but the blinding beam of light from the sun

I hear your voice shouting my name across the mountain of shame and hatred
Where I lay stuck with my thoughts of suicide
Catastrophic wails not heard from that mountain
No one, no one is there

Can I have at least one day more
To be delightful instead of feeling distraught
To see the sunshine kissing the clouds right before the twilight
To be happy, that’s all I ask for

I am close to abandoning all hope
And entering the ****** gates of inferno
But one striking light dawned upon this destructed entity
And saved me from the ocean of despair

Until I woke from this desolation
Realizing everything was a nightmare
For life is just a cycle of bliss and woe
All you have to do is have courage and fight your deepest fears
this is another impromptu creation from my inner state of being
323 · May 2019
Midge May 2019
i will
the moments
I have
with you
even when

I wish
all the
you ever
longed for
the love
of your

should be



I was there
and will
be here
for you,

have passed

left me

for reasons
that have to do
with anything
but me.

the essence
of you
is still alive
in me.

I can
feel the
in my
when I
see you.

I will
for the
of the air
I breathe.

our love,
it was

I hate
the fact
that I can
never be
with you,
it’s like we’re
Romeo and Juliet,
Joni and Jimmy,

May and December
you name it.

you saw
through me
and I
to you.

you shared
your sorrow
and I
shared mine.

my whole
around you,

only to hope

to J,
i still
like you

I know
I can never
love you.
goodbye x
306 · Jan 2019
Midge Jan 2019
Sometimes I wonder why I came to decide
To end my life with suicide
But this idea should be set aside
For life is worthwhile with the Lord as my guide

All my fears and my despair
I thought they were beyond compare
But when I turned to face defeat
My Lord was there to save and all was in peace

I always doubt why He picked me
Resentfully sinned and troubled with anxiety
But when I’m praying on my knees
His unconditional love is all I can see

My soul was broken, my heart has been bound
My mind was ripped and my hope is nowhere to be found
I lost my everything, this is the end
Wait, have you forgotten?

You still have the Lord,
your Father and your Friend
278 · Jan 2019
Midge Jan 2019
Stars shine bright in the night sky
Thinking of the reasons why
I fell in love with your charming eyes
Even though they weren't mine
for u
274 · Jan 2019
not me
Midge Jan 2019
I know I’m not the prettiest
Not the queen of the night
Not a princess
Not your dream
Not the one you’re looking for
Not a beautiful rose
Not the lady in red
Not the apple of the eye
Not that one desire
Not even close to perfection

I’m not that type of girl
You used to see in your fantasies
But in the end of the fairytale
You still chose me.
151 · Jun 2020
icy june
Midge Jun 2020
three seconds I remember
three minutes in the winter
three years seems like forever
three words on a cold September

— The End —