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1. Take care of your teeth and gums
Brush & floss, everyday (Seriously)
Keep your teeth, if at all possible.
They are your very own precious Ivory.
2. a. Eat well. Do not deny your body
nourishment. Gals, you will want a nice
set of *****. Trust
b, Try to not put on too much extra weight.
(no judgement here) Just that it is very
******* your body. Ridiculously
difficult to lose when you're older.
3. Love the skin you live within.  Try not to
bake your bareness too long in the sun,
or burn your precious epidermis.
Cleanse, exfoliate. Most of all, drink plenty of water and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
4. Hang on to all of your bones.
You will miss them when they are gone
Take care of your hands, neck, hips and knees.
Once your joints wear out, it's a total ******.
5. Keep movin' and groovin'.
If you stay still too long, you will get stuck
6. Find the humor in everything. It is there!
All of life's lessons placed before you.
When all else fails, you can laugh about it.
(Trust Me. Your going to need this one)

~Christi Michaels~May 2015~
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
☆Retrospective☆Sage Advice☆
all information learned by trial and error
judy smith Jan 2016
Mikaela Lagdameo-Martinez has forged her way in and around the beauty industry. Starting out as a model at 15, she’s now started working as an entrepreneur and VIP sales manager for Stores Specialists Incorporated, one of the top names when it comes to bringing international beauty brands to our local counters.

With such a background and how she continues to grow her opportunities (she’s now started a scented candle business called Mink), you would think she’d have a million things in her everyday makeup stash, but the reality is quite the contrary. She still keeps it easy with tried and tested products that do their job efficiently. How else would she be able to keep up with all her work on top of being a mother and wife?

On a Thursday morning, Mika was kind enough to squeeze us into her busy schedule to share her favorite makeup and skincare products and how she doesn’t believe in going over-the-top when it comes to beauty.

Describe your approach to beauty

I’ve always been drawn to effortlessness. For me, beauty is in simplicity and comes in the most natural form.

What’s the best beauty advice you’ve ever received from your mother?

Always put lotion on! Ever since I was a kid, I knew that after every bath came lotion application. I was never allowed to get dressed without [applying lotion first.] I can say I was officially brainwashed until this day!

If you had to prioritize skincare or makeup, which would it be?

Skincare, definitely. When you take good care of your skin, makeup is secondary. Plus, I literally feel the weight on my skin when I have makeup on. It’s not the best feeling.

What is one beauty item you would always repurchase?


What is the first beauty or makeup item you even bought for yourself?

I think it was makeup remover when I started modeling.

Name five grooming items you would recommend to any man.

After-shave, hair gel, moisturizer with SPF, a good bottle of perfume, and hand cream.

What are five makeup items you never leave the house without?

Moisturizer, bronzer or blush, brow mascara, lip balm, and my favorite **** lipstick.

What is one makeup trend do you always do I always follow?

Neat brows.

What is one misconception about the beauty industry people should know about?

One brand fits all—it isn’t necessarily true. Most of the time you really have to take into consideration your skin type, lifestyle, skin sensitivity, etc. You really have to try them out and see what works best on you.

Who are your beauty icons? Why?

Cheryl Cole aka Cheryl Fernandez Versini. I never get tired of staring at her. She’s one face that never bores me.

One a regular day, which tube of lipstick do you reach for?

Make Up Forever in Mat 2.

On a night out, which shade of lipstick goes with any ensemble and occasion?

MAC Ruby Woo.

What are your top three favorite perfumes?

Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom & Honey, Hermes Pamplemousse Rose, L’eau Par Kenzo

Smoky eye or dark lip? Why?

Dark lip. Not a fan of heavy eyes.

Can you tell us about your nightly skincare routine?

Wash face with my gel cleanser. Moisturize and done!

What are the five best skincare products you’ve tried?

Every time I’m pregnant I run to my ever reliable Clarins Tonic Oil for my tummy and *******. It’s the best and most effective product for firming and avoiding stretch marks! Next would be Murad’s ****** cleansers. I alternate between the foaming wash and gel cleansers because they’re the best. Third would be Benefit’s Boo Boo Zap for treating zits! Fourth, Maui Babe’s browning lotion. Fifth, Kérastase Powder Bluff dry shampoo!

What is one thing that you think is lacking in the beauty industry?

Personally, I think everything we need is already available. What else do we need?!

Who is in your beauty black book (hair, makeup, skin, body)?

For my hair, I go to Alex Carbonell. He knows how to manage my wavy hair with the right layers, length, and color.

For makeup, my favorites are Gela Laurel-Stehmeier, Juan Sarte, Steven Doloso, and Angie Cruz. They know exactly what to do with my face and how much I dislike foundation. (Laughs)

For my body, I go to Marie France. I started going to them ever since I gave birth to my daughter almost 12 years ago. I actually enjoy their treatments because they work so well and I don’t even have to break a sweat.

Anjana Rao May 2020
My therapist told me that
you didn't seem like the Worst partner,
and it stung a little
But she was right

She had me list
one positive thing
one negative thing
about you.

It was easy.
You were
Emotionally unavailable.

The other night
I told a few people at the bar you work at
that we broke up.
They nod as if they saw it coming
but don't ask the particulars.

And in those moments
I felt held
by a community I never thought existed -
at least not
for me.

Even in my dreams
my ex tells me to moisturize.
The day after that dream
I wake up smiling

I can say what I want about you
but you taught me some good lessons:
Stand up straight
Don't think like a loser.

And weeks after the breakup
I still feel numbed out,
but there are all these things
that act as a battering ram
against my iced up heart.

Break me open.
Written September 12, 2019
Stephanie Jul 2018
Thank God for breath
Brush teeth
Think of you.
Take vitamins
Pray again
Think of you.
Practice French
Current events
Think of you.
E or J
Hello poetry
Think of you.
You color the banal
therefore, I
Think of you.

+crowned saint
Roberta Day Jan 2013
Please, oh please
can you spare a drop
of the liquid flowing through you,
dripping down your sweet ****?

I am quite parched
I’ve been barren for months
Please can I drink in
your billowy lumps?

Pour into my crevasse
Make me bloom with life
Moisturize the cracks I’ve earned
from loneliness and strife

I’m a desolate island
desperate for nature’s touch
but too far from land
for one shower to be enough
Wrote this while inebriated eheh.
Drifton A Way Nov 2018
I wanna wisk you away to a Tropical Paradox
Run a Risk filled Forest Gump Chocolate Box

Wear your flip flops and your Crocs with Socks
We’re all in the matrix , so don’t give any Focks
Where if someone talks **** tell em to lick Rocks
Roosters tend to grow hard just like Fort Knocks

Soak up that Vitamin D while you ride for free
Try and hide those lies, while you Moisturize
Shampoo & condition me, with Pantene Pro V
Face mask your cries, with a Creamy Disguise

Throw me 21 salutes, I’ll catch them 22 times
Even a group of mutes, feel my spoken rhymes
Nicholas Cage’s eyes peer into a snake’s mind as we watch our living memories in rewind from behind
fm May 2018
i wear my religion like i wear my makeup.

i put it on when i’m suppose to.

my face shines with the highlight
of the Holy Spirit on my cheekbones.

lipstick stains a bible verse which
i use for every circumstance
“God” throws at me.

i line my eyes with the blackness
of my heart and i let “God” flick it
out into a wing at the end.

after awhile though my skin
grows weary and itchy.

i can feel every pound of makeup
that cakes my face.

a single wet wipe no longer
works to dislodge the
in my pores.

i bathe in rose-scented oils
and steam my face

everything is off.
my flaws are showing.

makeup use to be fun
when i wasn’t wearing it
for other people.

now social media lets me know
that i must contour my cheeks
with a prayer that starts with,
“dear lord,” and ends
with, “amen.”

in order to be in my family’s good
graces i must have faith in
myself but
mustn’t be prideful.

you must not use a mirror to put your makeup on.

your eyebrows should be
arched and ready to
not yourself,
but “God”
if questioned.

when you find a boy
who says he likes makeup
you must not pursue him.

he is not worthy of your highlighted face.

love yourself but
also put your
makeup first.

sculpt the nose
define the face
overline the lips.

do all that you can
to hide your real face.

make your skin scream
to be let free.

and when you take
your makeup off,
make sure to
because your skin
has to look great when
it is drowning in

take care of your skin
but it also doesn’t matter
so paint your face once more.

bat your eyes.
pout your lips.

but don’t be lustful.

because your religion is like your makeup...

so cake it on like a fake facade.
religion is dumb.
Michael DeVoe Sep 2015
Have you ever scooched so far down in a chair
That you’re not really sitting on the chair anymore
You’re just kind of holding on by your elbows?
That’s like my life right now
It’s a metaphor
And I mean don’t worry, I have strong elbows
I’ve fallen a lot in my life
And I don’t really moisturize there so the skin is pretty dry and has a lot of friction
So I don’t think I’m going to fall off any time soon.

The thing is though if you’ve ever been that low in a chair
Have you?
You can’t really just push yourself back up
There’s nothing to grab on to
Your upper arm is fully extended all the time
So if you want out of that situation you have to sit all the way down
On the floor and then turn around and get up
The thing is, the chair, is a metaphor for my life
And I don’t really want to go down any further to get back up
I don’t want to see what’s down there
I kind of just wish someone would come up behind me
You know a bystander, friend, family member, girlfriend, wife
Grab me by the arm pits and pull me back onto the chair
Then I can stand up on my own from there
I want to stand up on my own, I’m a grown man I have the strength to stand
I’m just metaphorically hanging on by my elbows
To this metaphor chair and I just need a real person
To metaphorically pick me up by my arm pits
And I’ve let you in now on the metaphor part
So it’s probably time I tell you about the literal reason
That I’m in this metaphorically precarious situation
But before I do one more thing
The chair, the metaphor, it’s an office chair on wheels
So you know, when I tell you why I’m scooched down so far you can’t cry
If you cry the ground will get wet and the chair might slip
Or it’s been a bit hot so it might steam and get moisture under my elbow
I might slide off so you can’t cry
It’s super important you don’t clap too hard either,
The vibrations might roll the chair away and I’d fall on the ground
I’m only hanging on by my elbows
So anyway here we go the literal reason
I’m serious though you can’t react too much or I might fall
So please keep your reactions internal for me
Can I count on you?
Can I?
Are you sure?
Okay here goes.
The reason I’m hanging on by my elbows on this chair is
You know what
You’re right,
I shouldn’t risk it.
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
Anthony Perry Feb 2016
I heard Peter Piper picked a pricey pepper, the same day I heard he got chased down by a hungry mob of less than lovely lepers, now Peter Piper and his picked pepper are prodded by hot pokers while a village of now happy, hairless, horrifyingly lipless lepers salivate in anticipation of poor Peter Piper's soon to be pickled body.

The Masses chant and cheer to sounds of Peter's screams that seem to season his sizzling skin as children scrape scolding scraps peeling from his searing kneecaps.

Veins build up pressure, veins then rupture, veins open and spray onto the crowd and moisturize all the rough textures, soaked faces gain weight and fall off exposing maggots that festered, excited crowds jump and cheer as their knees buckle and bodies fracture.

The elder ***** picks a peck of pickled Peter Piper, now the elder ***** enjoys a pepper with a peck of old Peter Piper.
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2018
Why are there entire cities to drain,
When Somewhere in my village,
People are dying for a drop of rain
Coming from a cave through a seepage?

Why are many places flooded elsewhere
When the drought there is constant
And People are struggling everywhere
To moisturize the soil just to plant?

Why are young Maasai men digging
For hours Into the patched African soil
Searching way into the humid evening
For a drop of water, they have to toil?

Why did nature leave my playground arid
When she rains down billions of liters in Texas?
Streetlights, no lights, drought at the power grid,
Scolding of nature is the caveat of the water crisis.

Why did God give us diamonds and gold,
How can he bless us with an abundance of minerals?
Then seal up the skies and put the rains on hold?
Turning the crisis to a vulture's feast and human funerals.

People in my village prefer to die by drowning....paradise lies beneath the water deaths.
SRS Feb 2014
Tell yourself to reach
one last time
stretch your arms
in one last fight
because the truth is
you can do it
as the wind sets in
blowing up the dust again
Breath it in
and as it cakes in your throat
Never stop screaming
and never stop trying
Let the tears roll down
and moisturize the pain
It will become easier to bare
Never let yourself
turn into the dust
that so eagerly
tries to consume you
It always feels like yo won't make it, but remember each time that you really can. That no matter what you will win this fight.
Hannah Larson Oct 2013
It's okay to say no.
You're more attractive than you tell everyone you think you are.
Always moisturize directly after showering.
Never forget a lantern when camping.
Brown eyeshadow during the day makes you look slutty.
You don't need to flirt with everyone.
Don't assume all men are the same. Just because one made a mistake doesn't mean another will make the same one. Just because one does something wonderful doesn't mean another will do the same.
Never shop hungry or unhappy.
I write bad poetry when I'm sad. I write good poetry about being sad when I'm content.
Matching ******* and bra makes for a good day.
Talking to him makes everything better.
He is a lot more trustworthy than you think he is.
It's okay to want to be alone for a while.
Lyr Nov 2013
i have no idea why
i moisturize my lips.
maybe because in the back of my mind
i think that someone very attractive
will randomly come up and kiss me
but instead
its been a month
or more
and no one has
yet to kiss me
**plus my lip balm
is almost gone
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2015
Despite the surf conditions
I am going in, I am having the
last splash of the summer,
That’s filled with swimming,
the fragrance of the sunscreen,
and the laughter of the playing children
Despite the rolling of the thunder vikings

The dance of those umbrellas,
to the musical sound of the wind
I am going in,

The sea and salty breeze,
Would no longer moisturize my face,
The sand would no longer, tickle my toes
and soon the frigid winter chill will swallow us whole
Leaving the sandy beaches, completely deserted
With the remains of dead Sanderlings birds on the shore
and no more three-toed imprints left behind for us to enjoy.

so, I am going in the water
Joyce Feb 2016
You inspire all people
with words using
so touchable.
They dance and sway  
into the crowd.
They penetrate your pores.
Moisturize your skin.
Feeling so alive
deep within.
Touch your heart.
A beautiful sin.
Like an old soul.
With a poetic spirit.
Love his poem.
"The self portrait"
Thank you for touching our lives with your beautiful poems.
svdgrl Feb 2019
Slick with self preservation,
I moisturize away the blemishes.
Night masks alone in the apartment.
Mane too long they dampen
Dark lines on dark skin, strands
stick to me blacker than kajal.
I’ll shower in the morning.
Grabbing at the extra, cupping
Slapping and ******* it in.
I’m so much when i think
I’m not enough.
Wrapping it in lace,
hug where it goes in
Abnormal hourglass,
I turn around to examine
The lightning storm around my
thunder thighs too thick to gap,
Just a small wineglass
Under a coarse tangle.
“Need to workout again.”
Dimples press and flatten,
Tattoos jiggle and beckon.
The hairs on my legs are fine
stand straight in the cold
My feet are sort of dry,
I dip them in cream
And slip on soft socks I could
Never wear in sleep,
I think of a silly dream
where I’m blonde and very thin
Like the best friend
Of every man I’ve ever been with
The one they crush(ed)
on only just a little-
but that was a long time ago.
Such a funny pattern,
Such a common trend.
I wonder if I’m meant to
bring myself to that.
But to change so quickly-
I’d rather be fat,
dark and dead.
Harmony Sapphire May 2016
Mail order groom.
I want to know you.
The sound of your voice.
The smell of your perfume.
Your handwriting.
Your habits.
Favorite food.
Your favorite place.
Your flaws.
Your goals.
The things you like
Things you hate.
Who you love.
What makes you happy.
What makes you mad.
What you spend money and time on.
Who you love.
Who you hate.
Your favorite color.
Your biggest fear.
Your worst nightmare.
Your dreams.
Your beliefs.
Your qualities.
Your favorite games, books, movies or TV shows.
What size ring you wear.
What size shoe you wear.
Your favorite toothpaste, shampoo, & soap.
What's your most prized possession?
What are your skills?
Your allergies?
Do you have patience?
Are you generous?
Or do you make trouble?
Are you careful?
Or careless?
Are you sentimental?
Are you spoiled?
Do you brag?
Do you gossip?
Can you keep secrets?
Do you have shame?
Are you shy?
Are you a private person?
Does anything you do offend anyone?
Do you insult or compliment?
Do you glance or stare?
Do you tip?
Are you kind of mean?
Do you have manners?
What do you eat?
Are you a neat freak?
Or sloppy or neat?
Clean or *****?
Do you swear?
What do you have wear?
Do you sleep naked?
Do you lie, cheat or steal?
Are you honest and dependable? Trustworthy, helpful, and considerate?
Do you cook?
Are you hard working?
Or lazy?
Do you eat meat?
Brush and wash daily?
Wash your own clothes?
Shop yourself?
Mow your own lawn?
Wash dishes?
Are you a licensed driver?
Do you have a car and health insurance?
Do you own property?
What are your assets?
Do you work full time?
Are you educated?
Do you respect women?
Do you like children & pets?
Are you mature?
Do you own a car?
Do you rent or own?
Do you exercise?
Are you fat?
Do you smoke?
Are you a handyman?
Can you fix cars?
Are you creative or an artist?
Are you nosy?
Do you read a lot?
What are you know that you
Do you mind your business?
Do you have a temper or anger management problems?
Are you violent & controlling?
Are you obsessed with *** or *******?
Are you a pervert?
Are you sane?
Are you busy?
Do you have a lot of free time?
Are you religious?
Do you vote?
Are you a loner?
A mama's boy?
An alcoholic?
Obsessive compulsive?
Do you speed?
Do you use sarcasm?
Are you a good driver?
Are you a lawbreaker?
Do you kiss and tell?
Are you a tattle tell?
Are you selfish?
Are you a rebel?
Are you conceited or ******?
Are you desperate or needy?
Are you nice and fun?
Are you bitter, creepy, scary, nervous, impatient, cruel, hateful, abusive, or sick?
Do you collect anything?
Are you well-dressed?
Do you make wise investments?
Are you an overachiever?
Are you responsible?
Do you like to argue?
Are you positive?
Or pessimistic?
Are you adventurous?
Or reserved?
Do you like to be the center of attention?
Or a Wallflower?
Do you blame others for your problems? Do you admit to fault ?
Do you need help financially, medically,  physically, mentally or sexually?
Do you like to have *** with the lights on and off?
Do you bathe or shower alone?
Do you shave, trim your nails, wear clean socks  & underwear?
Do you open other peoples mail?
Do you dig through the trash?
Do you always flush the toilet?
Do you snore?
Do you use deodorant, toothpaste,
Do have tattoos?
How do you wear your hair?
Do your clothes have holes, stains, or tears?
Do you need glasses, hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, braces or insulin?
Are you at are you obese, scizo, diabetic?
Do you have bad credit?
Do you have any injuries or surgeries?
Do you color your hair or tan?
Do you moisturize?
Do you check the oil?
Do you barbecue?
Do you ****, burp, or pick your nose?
Do you cut in line?
Have you ever been arrested?
Are you a Penny Pincher?
Coupon Clipper?
Are you cheap?
Do you complain a lot?
Do you call people names?
Have you ever done anything to trick or con someone?
Are you understanding & forgiving?
Are you a cheater?
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever treated anyone cruly?
Are you rude or brutal?
Do you have any abnormal fetishes?
Are you flirty, friendly, persistent, or immoral?
Are you ambitious, determined, motivated, & successful?
Are you confused, depressed, anxious, poor, angry, or unemployed?
What are your values, concerns, goals and plans?
Ari Mar 2018
This pumice really rubs me the wrong way.
Matadors moisturize with oil of ole.  
Heidegger has moves like Jagger.
Any critic - Jaeger; Typhoid Mary - plaguer.

Who's the top chef that goes derpa derp derp?
Wyatt Earp.
I'll drain the swamp like Dagobah's.
A Clovis Person.  Legolas.

The ******'s best on chicken breast.
Pin that on your Pinterest.  To show all the dispossesed.
Witness Godwin's Law at work:
******, you're a ****.

Pick up the phone and call Cthulu.
Get hung up on by Shaka Zulu.
Chalupa mis huevos, says the chihuahua.
Hey Tarzan. Ungawa.

Jesus walked across Titicaca.
Crane thinks the Bridge is over.
Biddy bah bah.
The best memory I have of us is from April of 2014. We had just celebrated our 6 month anniversary a few days before and my birthday was less than a week away. I was extremely happy we had been together so long and so excited to be spending my birthday with you. Everything was perfect, and we were so happy. Our hands were locked within eachothers as we walked to our usual spot after school where we then waited for my mom to pick us up. You threw your backpack against the wall as I gently placed mine next to yours. I was so focused on my phone and was scrolling through my Facebook feed. That's when you came up from behind me and wrapped your arms around my waist. You began to attack my cheeks with your kisses. While I was laughing you leaned in for a kiss. My heart melted like butter inside. I put my phone away and put my arms around your neck as I looked into your eyes. Then we layed down and you held me in your arms. You were so slsepy and even though your eyes were closed and you couldn't see me, I couldn't close my eyes because they were set on you. I was studying every feature on your face. Your chin dimple that you hated, I had found so adorable. Your rosy lips I looked forward to kissing every single day. Your messy hair that I loved to run my fingers through. Your soft skin that you always loved to moisturize with lotion. You were this beautiful creation of God that I was blessed to call mine. I couldn't spot a single flaw and every detail of your face I remember so ******* well. It was that moment that I realized how much you meant to me. You were my whole world. In your arms, the way we were, it felt so right. That was how I wanted to sleep every single night with you in our future once we got married. I was so convinced back then, at age 14, that we were going to get married and start a family. Afterall, you were all I needed. Then suddenly you opened your eyes and saw me smiling at you. You began laughing. You said, "what are you looking at?" Holding back my tears of happiness I replied, "my other half. The person I want to spend the rest of my life with." Then we both looked into each others eyes and I gently placed my hand on your cheek as I continued to admire your face. Looking at you that very moment I felt so many different things, all at once. I felt complete in every single way, my heart was beyond satisfied whenever I was with you. Looking at you at that very moment I realized how much I was willing to sacrifice so I could just be with you. While I was still in the middle of my thoughts, you kissed me. "I love you so ******* much baby girl and I'm never letting go," you said to me. You pulled my body close to yours and began to cuddle me. "Babe...", I said. "Yes princess?" It took me a while to think of how I wanted to say what I was thinking, so then I just came out and said what was on my mind. "Do you promise me you'll never leave me?" You looked at me with that beautiful face of yours and said, "I couldn't ever leave you, even if I wanted to. You're everything I've always wanted and I love you more than you'll ever know."

And that was the most beautiful lie you ever said to me.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2020
infinitude (noun): the state, the quality of being without limit, infinite

drew first breath, woken to the heart’s rpm thankless task,

conscious aware, that solved proofs deny infinitude,

yet, triumvirate of five senses, brain waving,
a steadying thumping heart,

all asking why not?

can I will it?

the body’s parts convene, debating furious, some claiming
a sell-by-date cellular programmed, nothing to be done,
dimming of the day, a human necessity, the self-salvaging process

but a single cell, a mouse-sized squeaker, boldface stuns,
”feed me, moisturize, give me sleep + blue blood nourishment,
I’m good to go in a forever Iditarod!”

the others ashamed of their festival of fear, knowing well
what has gone before, dreaming thoughts of infinitude, go silent,

while “why not?”
lingers in the lungs, the breathable shared, atmosphere,

the senses spread the quest to every remote province,
with each continuing a chant grows ever louder,
a millennium of poems concealed, yet awaiting conception,
all entitled,
why not”reverberating.

7:36am 2022020
nyc everywhere
scripturiented Nov 2013
if i ate a
they say
would i be
as beautiful
as the flower
that grew
within me?*
they ask

and so i took
a flower seed,
popped it into
my mouth and
drank water to
moisturize it

i felt it grow
and grow,
i felt a leaf
between the
hollows of
my ribcage.

i felt it
cradle my
lungs, a
of a hopeless
romantic tied
to its lover.

on one
day, however,
the vines
got hold
of my beating
heart too tightly.
i gasped
for air as the
flower ******
the life out of
me, but it
to bloom
without a care
of my soul.

and there i lay,
motionless, dead
as the flower
out of my opened
chest, making me
inside out.
Mark Toney Oct 2019
A well-groomed matador José
Liked to moisturize with Oil of Olay
His hands lost their grip
The cape it did slip
He was gored as he cried out "¡Olé!"
6/12/2018 - Poetry form: Limerick - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
Caro Jun 2020
I used to write poems
Who knew how to rhyme
Easy words hung out together
Matching pace, keeping time

But now I like my proses
That don’t have to try so hard
I can write each phrase
Quick as it catches ablaze
No rhythm in it’s ways
Just minding its own business
As it swirls across my page

But I guess it’s not the words themselves
That put in the effort
That craft phrases so pristine
You’d think they’d been conceived by Robert Redford

It’s my latent mind
That no longer lives in the land of
Where AABB and ABA
Just aren’t my preoccupation
They don’t rise me to another station
Of talent and prowess
Of being the very best

I just want to write out how I feel
And not worry how it sounds
That is until I go back
And see how emotions lack
In words that don’t capture me
Don’t rapture me
With their romanceless apathy

I forgot that poetry is poetry because it is an art
That a lion is more a lion for his mane than for his heart.
Would a balding lion still best the other beasts?
But if so,
Wouldn’t you know
That a bald lion is a she
The one who hunts and bears new beasts
The one who bleeds and shares her meat
The one who mangles cub thieves
And I’m sure the one who untangles
Knots in the mane of the he

I digress from this feminist lioness
But I like this point of view
That sometimes beauty is better
And sometimes better is use
But I also already knew that
And if you’re still reading, so did you

My point is that though I am
Smarter now
More mature
With thoughts that vibrate higher
And far less victim overtures
My poetry has suffered
And I enjoy it less
And now to create
Swooning phrases capped in rhythm
I must confess
That I labor

In my old way of feeling I found it easier to create
But in my new way of thinking

There it is.
In my new way of being I think
I choose when to be swayed by an emotion
Rarely being overtaken
But also rarely feeling forsaken
Accepting calmly an occasion where my intentions are mistaken
No matter,
I remain unshaken

There we go
I’ve got it back
A little rhyme
Picking up the slack
And in the evening I’ll have a snack
Some carbs
Some sugar
And the extra poundage won’t give me anxiety attacks
Cellulite on my thigh
Doesn’t make me want to cry
I’m not so lonely
I am content
I am ambitious
I pay my rent
I don’t overeat
Or undereat
I just want to feel sated
I’m not frustrated
I don’t feel hated
And my gratefulness is never belated
I’m happy
I am not manic
An unanswered text won’t send me into a panic
I moisturize
I don’t have bags under my eyes
I don’t compromise
I won’t lie
And when I care I really try
I love my home
And love my skin
I love my bumpy shins
I don’t feel stressed about my age
Or the passing of time
So I suppose I won’t fret
That my words won’t always rhyme
Sarah Michelle Aug 2020
The bathroom is white
And bright like heaven.
I fill the tub with Epsom salts, bubbles,
Some essential oils
(emotional vaccination),
And bless the water like a priest.
Then I disrobe,
Fold my arms and dip myself in,
hair weighing me down.
The water is womb-temperature.
I float a little. I think about why I’m here.
I ask God
But the tiled walls
And the shower curtain
Don’t answer.
Then I rise,
put my robe back on, moisturize
So that I’m like a baby again,
And go about my night,
Helpless, teary-eyed,
Begging to be held.
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
Rise of the New World Order pt. 2

A long journey in darkness has lead me to being placed…somewhere…standing still under the cover of a hood.
I hear footsteps constantly walking near me but no one is speaking; that’s probably not good.
I would rip this god forsaken hood off if I could,
but my hands remain tied behind my back and will probably remain that way in all likelihood.

I hear water dripping, indicating a possible leak in the roof of whatever building I’m currently being held in against my will.
Or maybe it’s a dead body dripping blood, now there’s a thought that down my spine sends a chill.
I’ve already witnessed these men ****.
Since the removal of our right to bear arms, things have drastically gone downhill.

My family was murdered right in front of my horror filled eyes.
All my heart and soul wanted was to also die,
but I was kept alive for being an idiot,
by openly supporting a President and his ideas that have now driven the country into oblivion.
I was too blinded by his lies to see that they were all insidious,
and was to gullible to see that they should have been taken in a nature that was serious.

My family is dead, there blood is on my hands.
I will avenge them by refusing to live in this new tyrannical land.
Mr. Supreme Leader, as you call yourself now, I am no longer a fan.
I plan on putting a dent into your wicked plans.

Riled up, I’m ready to fight a long, ****** war.
Exiled, I will no longer be to this place and democracy I will once again be restored.
Smile, no longer will I do, because what do I have to smile for?
Wild and untamed my soul wishes to become, more so than it ever has before.

My hood is suddenly removed as my eyes adjust to the bright light of the room I’m standing in.
This is where my new life is about to begin.
I look around and notice I’m standing with about 30 or so other men.
I recognize one as being my neighbor Glenn.
The rest are strangers to me and have a look of terror plastered on their faces.
We all come from different walks of life, from different religions and different races,
yet we are still the same here, terrified of what the future holds for us all.
What exactly that future is sure is a tough call.

Armed military personal surround us on all sides as a highly decorated man approaches us and stands in front of us all.
He licks his lips to moisturize them as I read his name badge, Saul.
I have a feeling nothing good is about to come out of his mouth.
I’m sure just strict orders of what we are able to do here and an end to the Sabbath.

“Welcome to your new home for the rest of your lives gentlemen.
A lot of testosterone will be built up in here with no estrogen
to counter the male hormones building up in this settlement.
I am your leader, Captain Philips, the finest specimen
of human strength and dexterity thanks to my rigorous regimen
that I execute to perfection every single day without a single ounce of gentleness.
This building is your home for the rest of your miserable lives.
A group of females’ live in the building across from here, but don’t get your hopes up because they will never be allowed to become your wives.
You will sleep in this building together.
You will shower in this building together.
You will eat in this building together.
You will keep this building clean together.
You will be responsible for growing your own food and will be provided with seeds to grow your own crops.
Maintaining your lives here will be a daily struggle so you will have no wiggle room to lose your focus and stop
fighting to survive, or you put your entire building at risk of death.
You will have to work so hard you will struggle to catch your breath.
You will be provided with cattle and pigs to use for your food supply.
It’s up to you how you use them, if you keep them alive or decide they have to die.
Outside this building are walls forty feet tall surrounding the two buildings and the land you will use to farm and survive on.
These walls are guarded with heavily armed military personal who are trained to **** from dusk to dawn.
Any attempt to escape will be met with deadly force.
Any attempt to mingle with the females in the other building will be met with deadly force.
Any attempt to step out of line and go against what you are tasked to do will be met with deadly force.
Good luck gentlemen and enjoy the rest of your lives here at Camp Ryan.”

“This is not right,” one man speaks out as he takes a few steps towards the Captain.
I suspect something bad is about to happen.

Military personal immediately run towards and tackle the man as the captain walks up to him and stands over him.
His tenure here is beginning to look very short and grim.

“You will do exactly as instructed and stepping out of line will be met with deadly force.
This type of behavior, anyone, especially myself, simply cannot endorse!
So I’m sorry but a statement needs to be made here that the rules are to be followed and never broken.
It’s against the rules to step out of line and be outspoken.”

The Captain quickly takes out of his gun and shoots the man in the head as he remains pinned on the ground.
He shoots him multiple times emptying 5 rounds.

“Let this be a lesson to the rest of you,
step out of line and you will be treated worse than the ****’s treated the Jews!
Now, I suggest you explore your new home and get to work building your new life here.
Remember to play by the rules because everyone will have more tasks to do to keep on surviving the more that people disappear.”

All the men, myself included, look around at each other with a lost look in our eyes.
I think we all feel that it would be better off if we would all just die.
Gone is our freedom the live the lives we want,
a freedom we took for granted and gave away during a witch hunt
against our right to bear arms.
We gave away our right to protect ourselves
and the government took away our lives.
The government divided us.
The media divided us.
We failed to see the powers in control of things pulling the strings to take away our freedoms and lives.
We failed to see what was really going on when all the staged mass shootings swept across America causing a mass panic and spear heading a revolt against the second amendment.
We fell for the lies and deception of the government.
We foolishly placed our trust in them and gave them the power to **** us over.
Now you see the consequences of what demanding the government to take away your constitution given rights are.
We gave away our rights, they took away our rights,
and now we are nothing more than slaves.
We may look at each other in disbelieve, but we have no one to blame but ourselves for the mess we find ourselves in.
We were baited right in and took a hard-right, right on our chin.

Heed my warning and fight to protect all of your rights granted to you by the constitution
because giving them away is never a solution
and will only lead to a future revolution
against a tyrannical government that’s ****** our souls and taking away our resolve and retribution.

The revolution begins with me for I will not live my life out here under these circumstances.
A revolution begins with someone willing to step out in front and take a chance.

I exit the building I’m being housed in to act like I’m exploring the farm land.
Sneaking up close behind the captain is my plan.
He has a grenade attached to him I want to take
and shove in the mouth of that venomous snake.

The captain is talking right outside the building as I walk out.
This is going to be easy, I have no doubt.
I walk right up behind him on my way to the farm land,
where I stop, and begin to take my stand.
I place my hand quickly on the grenade and hank it off,
holding it tight in my hand as the captain turns around to scoff.

He realizing the grenade is moments away from going off as he turns to run
as I toss it in his direction and stand still to watch the fun.
I notice military personal pointing their weapons at me as the grenade goes off.
Gun fire rips into me as I say my farewell in an epic blastoff.
Just as everything around me goes dark…
I witness the captain explode in pieces from the grenade.
A job well done and the beginning of a revolution to take back our freedoms,
as the others storm out of the building and begin to fight back.
Oh girl
Come over here so i get it wet
Use my **** as a silhouette
And ya never gonna forget
Givin' her Different strokes
What ya talkin' bout Willis?
Is what she'll say turn dark into day
When i look her in her eyes surprise
No gimmicks or mimics
Kickin' game.real tight
Throw them legs n the air
And let me lick it right
O girl ya gotta nigguh goin crazy insane
Ooops my bad
Thats just my nerves in my brain
Feelin' ******* rockin' the bed so hard
Make the whole nation
Start knockin' boots
Galore loot shoot game like an homing missile
Every women in the place can ya whistle
Like the way they ***** squirt
Flex the arms cuz ya know it make it hurt
Smooth perks
These silly hoes givin up the dug out
I never struck out
I stay battin' over 1000 no decimals
Im an animal ready to go
Hit you with nice flow
Tighter than a boa constrictin' soo
I suggest for you to keep up
While tote that big ol ****
And pose it like ya throwin' up a set
*** up face down
So can uh what get it real wet

And the...
*** be so marvelous
Body looking so curvaceous
Plus got me in a lush
Spiritual crush
We can take it slow baby
Don't gotta rush
Leave yo thoughts crushed
When I'm in the bed I'm sick in the head never fled
From opportunity
To get it real moist ***** scent in the air
Don't care truth or dare
Got ya mind in trance just stare
Right into my eyes
As I moisturize your thighs natural high
Chat none can't break the potency
I'm status legendary
Bury that **** in a cemetery
Mentally ya can't break or shake me
Cuz I be
One up on you as strokes go from fast to few
It don't matter baby
Strawberry n a pint of Moet
Showin raw threat
A memory ya won't forget   as I uh
Get it what uh get it wett

My flows will boost ya
Smooth as Luther
Shoot up in ya like a ruger
Hittin' ya with so many styles
You could never get use ta
Flexin' that ***** so **** hard
So my **** can get a charge
Make ya wanna stay with Like El Debarge
See my three doo car garage
Baby girl you don't gotta go
All I need to know
Is where ya want me to make it sore
Leavin' ya beggin' for mo
And let me pour up
An other toast of tha Mo
Et super wet hitting nothing but net
Swish that work that kitty kat
Make it purr when I hit it
From the back
Drillin' pumpin' up my adrenaline
Wild as riddlelin
healin' ya with my **** penicillin smokin' anotha pack
**** stacks with a bout a gang
Of paperstacks
Baby holla back no other ***** could
Hit you like a hardwood
Classic rippin' up in these hoes
Lay em out with the prophylactic
Make them sense react quick
Now she all on my biscuit
Rubbin' the ***** in the dirt
steppin' up the perks and that's bet
Now let me get it what get it wet
Why...why do you look at me the way you do...
Disgust or mind wonders...

Though I liquidate my thoughts with the adult beverages of liquidity....expanding on what an adulterous may or may not be...

My soul grows like a rose beautiful but with pain that pertrudes from the stems of my very existence...

Shall I wilt? Or grow to a branch towards that which is called ecstasy...

Let my pedals wrap you in love and everlasting passion, all the while catch your moist dew that exudes from your ****** curvature...

Let my thorns remind you of the pain I once had from a stem of growth I previously had, so so sad...

Can this grow? Or can the soon to be a wilted soul gaze at the sun that glows with the rays of that which once grown to an imaginative fantasy, though a playful bliss of my imagination...

I yearn to farm such a harvest of bountiful happiness, though the crops seen to cultivate thoughts that once produced wetness on its skin that would moisturize the essence this isnt mine...

I'm still growing...whether it wilt or it flourishes, this garden won't be edaness, yet happy...
Colten Sorrells Nov 2016

I moisturize the dirt
and start the seed
on it's journey to greatness

then when it's ready
I will transplant it
into a bigger ***

months go by
until days get shorter
and the ground starts to frost

just before that, I take it up by the roots
and hang it to dry
for 7-8 days

then I put some of it in my pipe
strike a flame to it
and burn it to ash
And savor the taste
Universe Poems Apr 2022
Take a seat
Feel the soil
Consult the moisture boss
Peat moss
Care for your plants
Nature does not leave it to chance
Sphagnum moss
No digging up this boss
Removed with eco in mind
Habitat let's be kind
Harvesters today,
drain swamp land anyway
While taking sphagnum,
they remove peat moss
Habitat loss
Maxing out profits,
and their time,
in swamp wellie lockets

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Jacob Cuadro Apr 2018
Miss home to a warm beach walking on the soft sand,
Where a place family and friends gathering enjoy the day holding each other by the hand.
Feel the rush of the ocean,
Swimming and feeling the dolphins the whales the fishes and every sea creatures emotions.

Love sitting and reading next to a palm tree,
Feeling the warm breeze.
There nothing like spending your day going out for fresh air while the random shower of rain starts to begin,
As you look up while the cool rain washes you away as the sun dries everything and the humidity atmosphere moisturize my skin.
AS you breathe and smell the sweet air,
With all the trees around you pouring there oxygen everywhere.

Looking up seeing the beautiful colors forming a rainbow,
Standing in awe as the colors brighten your eyes aglow.
As I dream for this every day for this beauty to make me rise,
Welcome to Florida paradise.
Jacob Cuadro
My imagination of home
No know sense of infinitude (asking why not?)

noun: the state, the quality of being without limit, infinite

drew first breath, woken to the heart’s thankless task,

conscious aware, that the solved proofs deny infinitude,

yet, triumvirate of five senses, brain waving, a steadying thumping heart,

all asking why not?

can I will it?

the body’s parts convene, debating furious, some claiming
a sell-by-date cellular programmed, nothing to be done,
dimming of the day, a human necessity, the self-salvaging process

but a single cell, a mouse-sized squeaker, boldface stuns,
”feed me, moisturize, give me sleep + blue blood nourishment,”

the others ashamed of their festival of fear, knowing well
what has gone before, thought dreaming of infinitude, go silent,

while “why not?”
lingers in the lungs, the breathable atmosphere,

the senses spread the quest to every remote province,
with each continuing a chant grows ever louder,
a millennium of poems concealed, yet  awaiting conception,
all entitled
why not”reverberating.

7:36am 2022020
nyc everywhere

— The End —