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No you can't step on
It's not a doormat
They can't speak in poetry,
delete that
They don't know the grace,
of being a Poetess fan
Ponytail I can
Knitting needle
Hairstick man
Talk to me if you can,
when you find,
where you left,
the poetic vest

© 2024  Carol Natasha Diviney
Men don't live your life
as a mole in the hole
You are seen as less
If not a sinner
Reach out
It can be harder,
no doubt
Being strong,
can lead to mental health,
not functioning for so long
Seek out your holistic health
Which is a man's wealth

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
Lay in the sun
Feel the green thumb
Now bite the cherry plum
Williams pear said that is fair

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
Philosophical and Physicists
Perspectives, theories, views, ideas and ideals,
have been shaped by men
Providing a disadvantage,
to women now and then
21st Century
New World you see
Dr Carol Natasha Diviney,
knew there needed to be change,
of the Scientific range
Women your brain,
was not wired with science,
and no flame
Watch the Bunsen
Nature beings,
a new era of research,
proved men poured water,
on your Bunsen flame then
Robert Bunsen
you allowed easier detection,
of compounds to be seen
The focus was on simplicity,
improved safety and its permanence
Philosophy means that microbiology,
had to be used
while performing certain procedures,
to look back at the historical Scientific fact,
that the thoughts of men,
were infected as and when
It was the discrimination strain,
holding the equality rein
Walk, trot and gallop
Cleanse their brain,
before aiming,
at the narrow frame

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
Never really my favourite thing
Cross country
Track and field
A team
Here is the baton
Now pass it on
so people are inspired,
to finish the race,
at nature's pace

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
One two
A sewing kit for you
Three four,
a variety of buttons,
in colours from the draw
It's ok to backstitch,
teddies before bed

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney
#poetry #bears #picnic #august
Summer living
Japanese ki wear
Mono thing
Floral kisetsu

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney
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