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JenChi Dec 2013
10/23/13 1:40am
These butterflies keep me awake
And to think that was just the first date
Sweet souls wanting more
Get out of this town and explore
Nervousness calmed by smiles and laughter
Could be the one I'd chase after.

7:57am 12/6/13
Chased a little bit,
slipped in some *******.
Don't care where, what, who your with
Figured you out by the fifth
Wouldn't talk to me, ya just hid
If we make plans I'd hope you'd keep it
An honest man wouldn't have too many secrets
My heart was always just for one,
But now it seems it wants to have some fun.
Im falling deeply in love with one while he might like another,
So we're having conversation undercover.
Only will said other date me if I go to his school,
So now I wanna transper but I might look like a hopless fool.
For I found the true love of my heart,
Hoping he wont leave me agian and this time we can have a master piece of art.
David Ian Go Mar 2014
I'm a hopeless romantic
I'm in love with love
I believe in fairytales
I do the cheesiest stuff

I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream in color about you
I think of falling in love
I dream of just us two

I'm a hopeless romantic
I smile at the idea of us
Surfing on rainbows
And jumping on clouds

I'm a hopless romantic
All I think of is you
I knew we were in love
And then I woke up
Destiny C Jan 2022
The Hopeless Romantic...

You lust me,
But you love me not.

I want to know your deepest secrets, and the passions that make your heart soar.
I want your love so much..
oh so much,
that it brings me to the floor.

I want to sleep next to you,
and write sweet poems about you when I can't sleep through the night.

Then I want to read them to you,
while you're awake,
So you can hold me tight.

But instead you choose the other girl.
Because you always do.

You'll swipe up on my pictures,
and tell me sweet nothings you think I want to hear...
Lust after my body,
as if my mind wasn't here.

I'm the girl you lust after,
not the girl you love.

I'm a hopless romantic,
because I know i'll never find someone who loves me for me...
Sarah Feb 2015
you're a hopeless romantic and he's a realist
you think he's the one, he has to be "the one"
while he's thinking ill find another like my last lover
but you're stuck on him

         ­                                                          him
                                                                ­                    forever him.
simple thoughts
Blanca Aug 2011
Was it always supposed to be?
Was it decided by him above?
That it was always meant for me,
To encounter and fall in love.

Was it supposed to afflict
My beating heart and soul?
Was it supposed to make
These eyes
Vacuous with no control?

Force me into recollecting
The feelings
And the thoughts
I had compressed,
Of all those meetings

Inform my simple mind
All that is unfair,
How I Was destined to fall,
As a single, never a pair,
Into Heartbreak and despair..
Shandel Pruitt Sep 2009
This thing is rare
in our mislead world...
everlasting imperfections...
hinder hopes forlorn...
while it all falls down...
People somewhere have faith...
that what they feel tomorrow
is the same as today...
For these are the lovers..
the hopeless romantics...
warriors of the heart...
the seekers of devotion...

being of them,
have a powerful tale...
heartbreak and lust...
litter my trail...
leading to one day...
known as the present...
it's in...
while that's out...
my future's the now...

With a heart so tender...
and dreams so faint...
the emotions i speak...
should bare no weight...
but it's impossible...
that these things...
would be so hapless...
an emotional burial...
will never happen...

What's left...
but one day soon...
what i've had
will have left...
from me
to be...
in another's life...

and what i'll be...
is what's by their side...

So I'll Fight...
Not Run...
I'll Wage War...
For Love...

and Bruised...
I'll still receive my fate....
Francisco Ortiz Mar 2014
Life is falling apart
And my mind is everywhere.

Your love for me is like my love for life;
I pretend it's there but we both know it isn't

If only she would turn around and smile
if only she would look me in the eyes
Then she would see the tender soul with In me
Hoping only for a chance at happiness

But the truth is she ignores me
she never thinks of me
and she never will....
Haven't written in a while and I'm feeling kinda down.
Connor Squires Dec 2013
I wish I knew
I wish. I know.
You know I wish
I wish for you
You for me
And me for you
You wish you knew
You wish. I know.
You wish for love
I say let go
Celestite Oct 2018
My favorite story in greek/roman mythology is the story of Persephone and Hades.
I always though that she was in love with him
That she was the good grace that saved him
Almost as yin and yang, two beautiful opposites that fell perfectly into what I described as love.
But as I read inbetween the inbetween of the lines
I learned that I was wrong.
She wasn't happy at all, she just couldn't leave.
She was trapped in a whirlwind of melancholy
Longing for a hand to grab through the storm.
And as she grew sadder, so did the world around her.
When she was not with Hades flowers grew inbetween her toes
and butterflies danced across the clouds,
But when she had to leave the sky rained monotone gray.
I was Persephone, I longed to help the hopless
and in hope of love being returned to me from the hands of god
all i was given, was nothing.
But then you came.
You swooped me off of my feet and doused me in saphires.
You showed me what it felt like to be loved.
I'll admit, the feeling is new,
But sometimes you have to grab the hands of fate and just hope that you'll be catched.
Because at the end of the day, why keep picking roses if they're thorns make you bleed?
Thats why I prefer Sunflowers;
and I'm sure if she had the chance, Persephone would too.
M Tamura Nov 2014
I keep thinking I will see you again, my best friend, my love.
The reels in my mind play over and over again, what if...
Each day away, a day of sorrow, in a lonely tale of me.
And you? What becomes of you, I wonder and wonder.
My heart pounds as tears stream silently from eyes that search hopless.
Tears, like you, fall away never to be apart of me again.
Closure they say, is for those who have moved on, estranged ones have no closure here.
Abandoned, left never knowing why, left with all these empty promises.
Those lips I would have kissed forever, the hand which fit perfectly with mine.
The beautiful person I cherished loved and adored, whom I still feel so much for.
May have well been a dream, of which bliss woke up to a nightmare.
I know I need to let you go.
I wonder when I will feel better again.
Always the fool, I will always wish the best for you.
Even if it is not me, beside you.
For you ar never coming back.
Depressed, she sit in front of her cracked mirror, putting on her disquise...
She crys behind a hopless smile, thats hoped to hide her insecurity, but only reveals the hurt thats bottled up inside her forgotten heart. On her way to her corner she weeps. Because shes forced to sell her self to get her mom money for drugs that brings abuse to her bruises. ...Critisism follows her wherever she goes. shes been belittled and told shes worthless her whole ife.....Longs to be accsepted by someone whose not just intrested on her buy.. shes been pushed aside and called trash for to long... who will believe in her? who will carry the weight on her shoulders, tthats been pulling her deeper and deeper into the hell that shes living in...
Picture this as we slip into a bliss
An infatuation soon to be missed
The bittersweet feeling
A fragile wound longing for healing
The way your eyes meet mine
For eternity I'd be fine
Let us embrace this adventure
The desire for unforgettable pleasure
A kiss to seal the deal
Just to make it real
Like aged wine
It tastes better over time
Gently caress my heart
And take it with you when we drift apart
I may be a hopless romantic
But this feeling has made me frantic
I'll shed one tear & give cheers
That life has gotten me here
So if this could ever be l-o-v-e unraveling
Please don't catch me when I'm falling
Paul Pane Grimm Jun 2012
What a surprise...
Still sat here, with shatterd lines...

If only...
When I awoke...
The world could just explode...
Leave me to feel free, for once in my life...

No incandesent feeling, remose or smile...
As you all tell me how hard your lifes are, I squwerm with anguish.
I cry out "******* let me get on with it."

I will not be still...
I will not take shelter...
Because lifes to short, helterscelter...
Friends are needed...
Laughs requierd...

For heavens sake just retire...
So the young can improve, grow and aspire..

You who hold us down, saying "Your hopless go smoke some thing."

Is that what you desire...
Because when your old torn and tattard,
It will be me feeding you,
washing you down.
For this is the eighth time you have soild yourself today...
No more. No more...

For tomorrow is another day,
for you to point the finger and say

Your useless and ******,
go back to robbing homes
And leave these jobs to the bracket Grown'ups close bracket...
betterdays May 2014
falderal and balderdash
two little imps,
of some small renown.

falderal is a skinny,scrawny slip of a thing.
all intelligent darkness, rootlike in nature.
all grasping and clinging hands and feet.

balderdash, well he is
as his name implies,
round and shiny.
far less than exceedingly bright.
stolid, and cat curious,
smile quite endearing,
but a sense of humor
to be fearing.

imps they are,
as already stated,
of the cadre of earthbound. they are to each,
the yingle to the yangle,
the left to the right,
the peanut butter to the jelly, the day to the night.

apprentice and journeymen they be,
falderal quick to rush through the ranks. balderdash on record,
for longest ever time,
at the start of the race.
they are attatched to the place,
the "rooms" if you will.
of the quacksalver,
come life's strife coach, buttinskimentor.
(he thought to modernise and appeal to a larger demographic spread of people).
the shingle over his eaves, pronounces his name to be, hi. p.r. condriac esq.
if you please.

one day it might be,
when you are feeling,
confused and perhaps,
a tad frail
you skim your junk mail, then, you may find his brightly hued pamphlet,
just skitters to the pile top
and with the dust of conviction spread over thick, and a little innoccuos doubt, another mind trick.
you stupidly think i might try this chap out!
his work sounds appealing, if somewhat radical,
i hope i get lucky
and he gets to revealing,
the source of the foot odour, the smell in my shoes.
that makes me think of hell, and regurgitated *****.

unbeknown to your goodself you have begun, a set of trials, a hopless spell,
a winding serpentine course of sysiphian tasks,
(at a kind and generous 10percent off)
to rid yourself of,
this unholy smell,
which really is,
if i am a secret to tell,
the *** of falderal
and of course the sweat of balderdash's shiny brow,
and places less mentionable,
applied with delighted relish and made to stick with medical grade super glue.

and so after months of debraiding your life,
a light switches on
and an epiphany occurs,
you become wise to these minions of strife
and garner up the courage to yell "
it is a sham and he, but a shylock"

you then wend your way back to the good doctors rooms.
i can garantee you he will not be there,
to listen to your plight,
with due care he has long since,
packed up his snake show, revved up his vespa
and into the night's cacophony,
he has driven,
with journey man falderal and apprentice balderdash, in tow,
clinging on tight,
to the rear mudguard.

he now has other fools in his sight.

as to the problem of the pongy shoes,
to be rid of the smell.
the answer so simple,
you will hear in your mind the loud ringing of bells. garbage the lot shoes,
socks as well.
walk the world barefoot.
you will not be mocked,
but you may find that people mention the words,
slightly eccentric,
when you come to mind
magpie Jun 2013
Just like a
Young male teenager experiencing
The state of euphoria,
Just like a
Hopless romantic that finally
Found her love.

The meanings,
Bitter sweet
So nice and
Pleasant to read.

The sky is falling down
So hard,
Circles made of
Pure heaven,
Just like a
Gold girl.

But also,

From the eigth circle of hell
From the most darkest spots of the nest
The birds strangled,
Wanting to be free
But sadly,
Freedom doesn't exist.

But that's just how I
Interpret things that are called
Renae Nov 2013
Tears like waterfalls crash down in never ending emotion. Ripped from reality, doomed, hopless, under mind control; instability everywhere. She wanders through a nightmarish scene. A scoundrel who owns her every move, her thoughts a desperate secret she has to keep. Begging the pain to end, begging for answers to questions she cannot ask. What is love?
You the moon,
are a warrior;
the finest I know.
Despite the heaviness of darkness
(that rests on your shoulders)
each night you arise anew
(to fight a battle you haven't chosen)
and cut through the darkness,
with your silver sword
(of courage and love).

You the moon,
are an angel;
I'm sure of that!
You are the helping hand for many
(your light pulls up hopless soles)
as strong melodies play from the distance
(carried within magical runes)
while you shine your beauty upon us,
that is felt with the heart
(by those who listen).

Oh moon,
I look up to you;
in such wonder.
Legends and myths are woven around you
(some told by wolves, others by the wind)
you are a mystery never to be fully uncovered
(yet every night a little more)
but all of your faces are friends of mine,
and I smile whenever I see a glimpse
(of you, the amazing moon).
In honor of you, Kira.
I hope my small candle light
makes the night a little brighter...

Ps. Isn't patience rewarding? ;D
TSK Nov 2014
I live in the desert
Where the snow doesn't fall,  
Losing myself in the wanderings:
Endless, restless, hopless.
For there is no return
To the home I know not.
The wind heaves,
The dirt stirs,
And I remain.
There is no escape,
There is no alternative,
For I live in the desert
Where the snow doesn't fall.

Belle Victoria Aug 2015
I was never good at writing love poems untill I met you

we all have this one person you would do anything for, like anything
you could die for that other human without hesitation, without doubt

they know each other for almost a year now and a lot had changed
she fell in love with her that year and it killed you inside, everything
she wanted to give up on her so many times, it was so so hopless
and I knew, I knew you loved me, I knew you were in love with me

maybe she was just afraid to let someone in, to let someone love her
it was the darkness that was always haunting her, the demons inside
I remember the first time the razors kissed my veins, it was a thursday
I remember the blood and the crying, the shame and the crying, crying

it were the wodka and punk rock music the piercings and tattoos
the time of high wasted jeans and timberlands, red lipstick and eyeliner
the stories the kids told on the street were probably made up, fake
even the broken childeren needed a laugh once in a while, fake
nobody thought that we also deserved to be happy, just for once..

we could blame it on the internet or television, the time we live in
blame our parents for not loving us the way they should love us
the pills we ate every night just to find a way to escape this **** hole

this girl always made feel a little bit more alive but now she's gone
she's gone and I know she is coming back soon but she feels gone
like that part of me that was made for her is gone, I feel alone again
music is filling the hole what is left crying in my heart, my soul

and if I begged you would you stop this, the feeling of loneliness
can you stop me from hurting myself, stop me from being worthless
happy endings are made for happy people, I am not getting one, ever

I always was a sucker for attention and cheap love, dont blame me

love poems aren't a thing for me.
ejfehifeiodsfdsklfnslkdnfejkljfeesjkfesdfjkdiljknsbjewf. my brain.
S Smoothie May 2016

The heat of your soft breath,
leaves a warmth that makes my skin pine for you
Every hair standing on air charged with desire
Finger tips lace curves and edges
I'm desperately afraid to lose touch
Magnatised hips follow Arching up to meet your designs
Eyes locked suspended in time
Youre on my frequency
reading every thought,
Confessions tumble helplessly
Every wish,
Every hope
Every intricate design ive held for us
nothing but surrender
Every wall vapourised


Souls exposed mingling through eachother
Light danced us through aeons of memories
I tore up every star to find you
Kissing the footprints I followed as markers
You saw it all
Every desperation
Every hopless call
Endless pits of lamentation
A Tortured seperation
A pain to rival all pain
And still it wasnt enough
To forgive me.


You stood one moment longer than the last time  
i almost felt you let me in
I clung desperately to the cliffs of hope
As you picked away my fingers
And blew me a kiss before the fall.


A shattering thud was the door of your heart
Closing upon my breaking.
Jamal Abboud Nov 2017
In every day of my long days,
In every way of my few ways,
I ‘m supposed to figure out,
The untranslatable with no doubt
My destiny and puzzles of fate
Accumulating as they accumulate
Echoes of stares in solitude,
And joys in grieved mood,
And thoughts of my shade,
When in silence they fade,
On my feet estranged
Within my foolishness caged,
I warmly come and coldly go,
Ignorant of what I think I know,
A smile on my lips I draw,
Welcoming unfulfilled fears,
I still have, I know- not of years,
A pale face with sightless tears,
And stream of my confidence,
Despite my victorious pretence,
Fails behind my false face,
Lost among  shadows of my race.
David Watt Dec 2012
Bound to a memory thats quickly fading,
Your on your knees deperately praying.
Keep the past so crisp and clear,
So the pain keeps raw the hopless fear.

Take your pleeding to a higher might,
One with boundless un-clouded sight.
To Keep you locked in this eternal moment,
Making time cease being your torturous opponent.

Lost in his eyes seconds so splendid.
Defy every whim that fate intended.
For in two days your eyes will close,
Never to bring his cheeks to that subtle rose.

Kiss a smile that makes you quake,
deep down knowing every coming mistake.
For on this morning that you remember,
A fury burned in you as red as embers.

Words were said that you can't unsay,
Your temper could not abate this fray,
On the road that was slick with ice
Blood red rivers ran in a sickening slice.

The lights went out and the world got colder,
The ice moved in ever the bolder.
I miss your eyes that warmed me to my centre,
Now ever sore and fetid from this haunting splinter.
Evan Crow Dec 2016
False sense and even more hopless logic.
The meak bleed the dream and the truth exists for the chosen .

Weaknes is a sin and in the darkness he awaits to embrace .
Shunned like you my child why seek exceptance when the cruel torment
And the so called wicked remain silent inspite there action's?

Part of my soul is never anothers to consume i made these steps alone dont give credit to none that have aided your efforts .

Embrace your desires burn in the flames of want and be truthful while others exist within there lies .

The wind holds more truths for it breathes life were hope only lends to help the weak remain.

Never seek acceptance .
The embrace awaits those not blind within heart.

Do not follow and you will never be led astray.
Truth is always the first victim to fear .

Bleed only for your own existance .
I bare no message to the ignorant .
Just a simple slap to the face harder than you may give to me.

Right your own rules before you become a fool for anothers .

Whispers in shadows .
Every morning
As the Alarm clock
Slowly brings
The classical music Station on
And I wake from
Vivid dreams
Of places I have never been
Nor seen

I drink my coffee and await
My daily dispensation
My script
My Medication
To help fight my Illnesses
Allegedly at least
That's what the medical
People say
And I never argue
I don't know how

But the walk
The walk to the chemists
It humiliates me
Makes me feel like a criminal
Or a ****** in need of a fix
A poacher in search of a doe
The walk in rain and shine
It lessens me
Step by step
Until I recieve
My daily dispensation

And I walk those same steps back
On old, old streets, with people
In early morning fluster
Creating a new day
While mine as a hopless case
is ending
In a roundabout way
And I bring my daily dispensation
Home, and what happens then?

All I know is that my hands stop
And I am able to stand up
And feel as a living person
Every day,
It is a tiresome thing
Had I known
Such pain was possible
I should think
I would have stayed in
The womb
Riot Nov 2014
my life
is that of a butterfly
i flit and flutter
and don't ask why
today i live
tomorrow i die
a butterfly knows
where a butterfly lies

my wings
are that of a dragonfly
pair by pair
i zip on by
today i live
tomorrow i die
a droagonfly knows
when a dragonfly no longer flys

my heart
is that of a honey be
i work my stinger off
for someone elses needs
then something bigger
will one day take it away from me
a honey bee knows
but a honey bee doesn't see

my brain
is that of a fruitfly
nothing more to life
then being hopless
scraping bye
today i live
tomorrow i die
*a fruitfly doesn't have anything to hide
Fritzi Melendez Oct 2017
Today is his birthday,
But I don't know what to say.

Other than the ordinary "happy birthday" that everyone else is going to say to him.
I can't help but think about last year when I opened my body to him as a gift on a whim.

With fiery eyes and my legs spread apart, mirroring my heart, as he nervously took my gift of unision.
Now that I think about it, it was stupid really, I should have gave him a cake for him to dig in.

But instead he quietly persisted and I let myself succumb.
I didn't think that the next year, I would feel so numb.

I want to give him the gift of my love but it's something lost in the fog in the distance of empty roads.
A garden once blooming, crushed by the cement he paved before I had implode.

It's selfish of me to make this all about myself.
It's just so hard to see all of his things on my art shelf.

I want to tell him I love him and I'm glad he stuck around for another year of his life.
As he whispers that he's so happy he met me and he wants me as his wife.

He's 20 now, but acts like a middleschooler.
Always playing games with the girl in the schoolyard, the hopless romantic middle school loser.

I always let myself fall this deep down.
My knees are so ****** and bruised and the skin of my palms are unbound.

I didn't think that I'd have to walk alone once again.
Afterall, he made the decision to let our love blast into oblivion.

I want to tell him I love and miss him and wish he can say those love-filled words to me once again.
But it isn't my birthday, so he's blowing out the candles, wishing he'll grow into a different man.

A foolish little boy, so careless with the loser's heart.
You don't realize how much you'll miss them until your heart tears apart.

I want to tell him so much more on his special day,
But my heart's voice is sewn together with thread, and all I can muster is a
"Happy Birthday."
Happy Birthday, M.
Mike Virgl Jul 2017
Centuries stretch into decades
Decades crumble to years
Years dilute to months
Months spoil to weeks
Weeks transform to days
Days pass through hours
Hours scramble to minutes
Mintues fall onto seconds

And it goes and goes
With a logramthic speed
While I stand still
To contort some truth:

Man made measurments meticulously made
May mark mere moments
With words witheld within
Wallowing waves wash white, "whys?"


I speak in riddles as I should
When faced with nothing
But left with the word "could?"

Could of? Of course. Could I? Yes.
I could do anything, definitely
But no I would never
It is a hopless endeavor

And death ushers who it will
And brings their heart to a still
As we all look to how old
To comfort us
From death's hold

For his grip is unrelenting, arbitary, overreaching and perpetual
Nonsensical greatgrandmother you inspired me

I swear im crazy *** is this
Charlie Hudson May 2015
One word.
Two syllables.

A knife through the air of silence.
An enemy of loneliness.
The word itself could bring hope to the hopless.
A smile to the smileless.
A friend to the friendless.

A simple word could lead to million things,
it can bring you joy,
but it could also make you fall


                                                            ­   t

Rip you to shreds.
Tear your heart out.
Leave tears streaming down your face.
For hello is a undecided thing;
Nor friend or enemy.

It's just hello.

A word,
the beginning of a story.
Albero Centrale May 2014
Staring at me
Loud quiet, laughing
Pulling pushing
Trampling down
Crying shreaks
Hopless souls
Live no more

Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i'm completely insane im not afraid to do any things you give me to try!i cant function with out my music playing but ill do anything that is crazy.i take thrill seeking rids that last till im called up on the phone saying your insane. that means noting to me cause i already know that! is there any thing this world that can be done cause whats the point if you dont have the exitment in your life to try new things. im insane cause i dont think stupid i think smart before its tested. my parents think im insane cause im not afraid of what the consequesnes that come with the dangerious ideas. im insane cause i think big not small . this world has never showed what my insane mind can build. im insane cause i show no fear cause im willing to make sure the road is safe for my own friends and insane cause im not afraid to prove the skeptics wrong. im insane cause i want to improve this world better with new ideas. im insane cause im not afraid to speak my mind wen my heart starts to cry.
im insane cause i can read a chapter book and build the storie around society.
im insane cause i have so many things to try. im insane cause i have a big heart and im always caring even when things get dark. im insan cause theres no fear when it comes to the new suroundings that blind the beauty in  life as we go. im insane cause ill never let go of what the truth has told me . im insane cause im inovative and mechanicaly inclined. im insane when riots break out i stear the grouyp the right way. away from the danger. im insane cause i only follow what my heart and mind say to. im insane cause my family tells every one im not afraid of what dangers wait for me. im insane cause i'm willing to get answeeres for the hopless who needs to be insane cause ill risk my life to help you in the most worst conditions. im  insane cause im not afraid to help you fight when your insane cause i want more answeres to help societys troubls. my family thinks im insane cause im always crating someting crazy to solve a problem even if its really stupid. my mind is insane cause im not afraid to take things to a new level. every one i know thinks im insane cause i want people to fell free and not traped that slaves them to. people call me insane cause im always working on new things to improve my theriories that might be insane but what if they became the next thin g to work for societys lies. im crazy insane cause theres nothing im willing to try so follow me in my foot stepf and be com what you truly want to speak your mind. speak your mind with me and society will be come opened with ideas to try for future hope . so follow me and we will open a world with ideas that will never be silenced by fear

thank you letting me speak my mind

follow if you dare for change
my heart and mind split it all out
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
life is a society of ******* lies. but who really determens weather your words will be taken to slave the hopless. why are we the kind to end the world. my parenoied side has ran away and be cam and identity in descies.  my name has been lifted deleted just like the sentence you were just on. whats left to fight when theres no one to be saved.
who are you  even to me. all i have caused is every one to turn on me.

this world is all automated every one is the same?
they dress the same
eat the same
do the same thing.

social media has taken the lives of any one who crosses the trap they fall into the social media trap.

how do i know where every one is just a security camera watching every step i run.
i have my minde set free im going to lose control and **** any one who captures me.

im going to break threw the codes screen names and anonumis user names who has be both in the cross fire. im going to lose control and riot what you have lost

no ones left in this world just screen names that steal who you are

no more i am the only weapon you have to be afraid of me caise you cant even track me or tracy my steps..

you cant control me cause im not dead im not on a screen so im not dead yet or (BRAIN WASHED) to media of lies.

save your self or run and desrtoy what his scope cross hairs lined on you
save your self social meadia is my fear
Ky Jan 2012
i find release in you.
i find securety in you.
i find life in you.
i find peace in you.
i find me in you.

you found me broken.
you found me lost.
you found me beaten.
you found me dying.
you found me hopless.

he accepts me bruised.
he accepts me crushed.
he accepts me scared.
he accepts me hated.
he accepts me all.

you forget my fears.
you forget my mistakes.
you forget my sins.

he loves me always.
he loves me today.
he loves me yesterday.
he loves me tomorrow.
he loves me forever.

he, you,God
Marc Williams Aug 2016
What if I told you that there was no need for you to continue sacrificing your mind and labor in this life to appease those ruthless rulers of humanity?

To all agents of oppression: banks, governments, secret circles, and those that knowingly and willingly offer their support to these repressive groups…

We know you have stolen away from us our spirit of self-determination because of your destructive monetary system.  We are aware that you utilize us as pawns strategically coercing us through fear, theft, and death into selling our labor for the right to survive on our own planet.  We know you are deeply invested in preventing our mobilization against you and your monetary system.  We know that you employ divisive tactics like racism and social status to drum up hatred, ******, and class warfare between the people of the planet.  The notion of class has no basis if we cannot 1st agree that we are all apart of one human class.  If we are all humans, we are all in need of the same basics for survival, and as such we are squarely equal beings.

Your inhuman hateful exclusionary economic practices keep food, clothing, and shelter dangling in front of us and out of reach. You socialize us into wearing clothes and into believing they define our identity, yet we are all born naked--and unashamed.  If we go out into a public space in our natural form--that is to say with no formal clothing--you would brutalize and toss us inside of a concrete fixture, the same as you would a wild animal, labeling us as insane and unfit to inhabit the earth.   Have you gone mad?  Humans are gods!  Beings of incalculable intelligence who will no longer be subjected to your ******* and mindless conditioning!

We know we are not our flesh, and that we are the animating life force energy that has manifested all life.  You too are this though you choose to masquerade in your egos and propagate the false truth that man is a commodity for your exclusive use and sale.  You will not play with our lives any longer!  We have toiled tirelessly for a century and a half--our accomplishments being no short of miraculous--and yet you continue extracting our life energy with your laws and conditioning leaving us diseased, angry, tired, hopless, and afraid of tomorrow.  The great cities of the world--roads, offices, universities, banks, restaurants-- have all been painfully constructed and erected with our blood, sweat, and tears.  All of your accounting and administrative tasks are performed by thriving human life.

To subject humanity to ultimately valueless tasks needelessly prostrates us of our creative brilliance--And hence our ability to imagine a world without your control.  This is ok.  We are awakening. Fortunately for us, we are aware that your aim is to separate us from our creative and imaginative selves.  You know that if we ever come together and decide to no longer utilize your money--your subtle system of enslavement--your game will be up and we will have to begin anew.

This is what makes you afraid.  As one of us arises to inform our fellow brothers and sisters of the merciless administration of your nefarious devices, you begin devising ways to eliminate this one and implement more severe ways to bind us to your will.  You give to us an endless supply of stale crumbs in exchange for a life time of dispicable servitude.  How deceptively clever you have been in stealing and hording for yourselves all the earth's  land and resources--for these are the very means for humans to assure their survival outside the reach of your pernicious vile hand.

I laugh when I think of how you all have convinced us that we need the barbarians you call police to protect us.  We need protection from you and your thoughtless humanity anihilating ambitions!   I think your henchmen should be dragging you people out by your necks for all of the global attrocities you commit, even as we speak!  But alas, we know you have paid them to, at all costs, control and maintain the status quo and to extract more wealth from us for the continuance of your degrading warmongering practices.  Beating, shooting us dead, and forcing us to forfeit over the one resource, money, you require us to have, are underhanded and evil practices but we know they are not beneath you.  You people would stoop to any level to dominate humanity.

These mercenaries, who swear death to uphold your mad laws, against the higher purpose of uplifting humanity, are mistaken if they believe we will lie down like docile worms.

To police currently forfeiting their lives: know that you are being used as a tool for the oppression of humanity.  Use your mind and see this. Join the cause that will unite all people and which will eliminate the mar of the mercenary profession on our world.

We know of the assassinations, the bombings, and the economic avalanches which breed greed and sorrow.  We know you are invested in the breaking up of families.  We know you instigate famines, domestic violence, and global warfare.  We will no longer endure the consequences of your sinister and secretive planning for we know, and we are fed up!
Diamond Johnson Aug 2014
Lonely staring at these black walls
Empty spaces
Ghostly faces
Hopless wishes
Empty kisses

Wondering if anyone misses

Gabriella Nov 2011
I pick you up
You push me down
Deeper and deeper
Into the ground

I don't know why
You just don't try
and stop this torment
of my life

You're a hopless case
But I just can't face
The feelings true
Of how I love you

— The End —