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Edward Feb 2020
In the Begining, you were called the Word of Life.
In the begining, I was clay you build me into form.
In the begining, you created me to be use by You.
In the begining , the earth was without form Lord.
In the begining, You Love Us all knowing our destiny.
In the begining, you know which of Us love you back.
Yet you still love everyone of Us that you have created.
In the begining, each of Us were without form as well.
You have always love Us since the begining of time Jesus.
Where do I start
How should i begin,
I guess i will just write
until the very end,
I could start with my name
and where i am from,
Yes, I will start with that
and then more will come,
My name is Dylan
and I was born in North Carolina,
I am nineteen years old
but I feel even older,
I look much younger or so I am told
My days are long and filled with joy
I have a daughter
No, not a boy
I work, go to school, and am a father
I own my own business
As God as my witness
I have a beautiful companion
who is full of life
She is my joy
No, not a boy
My two girls are my life
one is my daughter
The other my future wife
My Passion is Business
My title is Entrepreneur
I love what i do
Which is more than most
If you love your work
Than you too can boast
My business is a brand
Perception Apparel is the name
I create unique Clothes
And nothing is quite the same
Check me out,
The website is the name!
Among my hobbies sports are fairly high
Basketball is my favorite
Still not sure why
Other interests  may include:
Food, movies, and long walks on the beach
This is begining to sound like a date
I can't think of anything else to say
My life in 300 words
It is sort of sad in a way
My life in one paragraph
Yet i have nothing left to say?
Well It seems I have begun to rant
I hope now you may know me
There is not much to see
For this is all there is to me
In essence of time
let's bring this to a close
And if you are lost, this was my Prose.
Assignment for my class where we were asked to introduce ourselves.
Naomi Perez Aug 2013
tears fill your eyes,
this is the beginning
begining of sadness and emptiness
is this the end
you feel broken like a shattered wine glass
is this the end
people around but you feel lonely
is this the end
you start to realize this is not the end
this is the begining
begining of pain
temporary pain
but do you know that yet
that this is temporary
is this the end
you might ask yourself
if it will ever get better but you're convinced it won't
is this the end
the end of life
you are still alive
but you are dead
no feeling
your heart is numb and now I tell myself
this is the end

- n.e.p
Viper Jan 2011
As I am witness to the begining fo my own demise

hind sight is 20/20 so there is no real surprise

living fast and hard, I will die fast and hard

started with a full deck and I am down to the last card

did things the way I wanted though I was not always good

living in fast forward I never stopped to think if I should

ask if I have regrets and I'll say that I have none

I'd do it all again just because I had so much fun

my enemies are many but my friends are many more

life is complicated but worth the time to explore

when my eyes begin to close as I have no more life to spend

there will be a grin on my face knowing it's the begining of the end
copyright/Viper 2011
Marian May 2013
I am begining to like darkness as well,
I am begining to come up with books to tell,
Books about the darkness that I am begining to love;
The darkness all around and from the sky above.

The darknes is like a veil of mist,
And all the flowers are dew-kissed,
I am begining to the land of dark Fantasy;
And the landscape I love to see

~Christi Michaels~12/2014~

you with an onion
in the palm of your hand
pulling back layers
seeing just who I am

removing the papery
outer shell
the flesh beneath
holding slight color tan

folding back the next
begining to understand
sweet juicy onion
in the palm of your hand

brave to peel 
the next layer
spicey as onions can be
a tear begins to form
a tear just for me

now you are intoxicated
as only an onion can do
you pull back again
translucent flesh
coming through

sweeter and sweeter
I become
as you genlty find my core
you've settled in
found your way
what a delectable
delicious score

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
*Just a Little Ditty!*
Nothing Personal Mar 2012
You are my conjecture when the universe ends.
I will create geometry, possessiveness and dystopia
looking through your eyes.

O mystic girl,
this time make the world less enigmatic
settle down in a small hamlet by the bay
cook me fish and rice
and I will stay home, always.

© Nothing Personal. March 23 2012.
Jolene Perron Sep 2010
New job, new boy, new year,
this is what it's about.
New life, new start, new begining,
I'm begining to mend my heart.

I'm leaving it all behind,
that life is in the dust.
I'm trying to mend my heart,
for that, this is a must.

The friends, the love, the life,
it's all becoming new.
The happiness, smiles, the grace,
I'm finding in someone who.

Gives a **** about me,
my hurt and struggles and fears.
Let's me know I'm beautiful,
and tries to dry my tears.

I'm mending all the wrong,
I'm making it all right.
I'm looking out for me now,
I'm officially ending this fight.

I don't care where it started,
but now I believe is the end.
Time to look at all the tattered,
broken and dirtied loose ends.

I'm starting a new job,
getting away from him.
Started a new school year,
doing well in my classes again.

**This is time for resolution,
this is the time for new.
I'm focusing on me this year,
this is a year without you.
Deejay Jan 2012
New life..
New begining...
Ready to fly.,
No suffering...
New life..
New begining...
*Whateva's done.,
whateva' coming..
you donno.,
then why u crying..
live in today.,
coz u got the day..
forget the pain.,
& hav enjoy... . . . .
Coz its a...
New life..
New begining...
pnam Dec 2019
Been a while living in a box so tight,
Sure the heart has healed alright,
Bad memories now sealed so tight,
Soothing new melodies push dreams to flight,
A heart yearning to share new days and night,
For a future sure that will be bright,
Search for a mate now sure feels so right,
A new beginning.. starts tonight.
Dated Dec 2019
K Balachandran Feb 2016
"Let's go" his soft whisper
the mantra, in his voice she hears

the esoteric voyage through
the cryptic high seas of self,
fathomless, unmapped,
uncharted and reachable
only by the most fearless
ready to unbind and make
the self free for it's adventure,
begins thus for the peaceful pair
complementing the absolute
for a life time, til they reach there
and find themselves one with
                      pure consciousness.

"Let's let's, but only together"
she chants in unison,with him.

Bidding good bye to ego, clad in red and black
a beast, not easy to bring to it's  knees, submit,
the high horse proud,raring to go,having  sharp horns
sticking out, fierce, that goes berserk,on seeing white.
Altogether a curious construct, that dictates terms-
they set about, invoking the blessing of the flame of light.
They stood together,  eyes widely shut, bringing
both palms together,in front of their  chests
creating a lotus bud, symbolizing hearts,bowing
each other in "Namaste",-bows the divinity in thyself-
chanting the mantras of peace, thrice, each time, repeatedly.
"Lets go back to the begining of every begining.."
the primordial hum, transcending quagmires of time
in the path of our ancestors,who did see the" unseeable",
without eyes, knew the "unknowable",diving in to the
ocean depth of self,going inwards chanting"Neti, Neti"
Not this, Not this, inquiring each till the essence did reveal.
They did this, focusing the eye of the mind, on the eye
beyond all, that watches every small thing in universe.
Mind, sharpened like the blade of a sword,efficient to cut
the Gordian knots,of paradox, duality and illusion,
encountering the silence that thickens at last, speaks
the words of wisdom,patient they are, to know the ultimate,
right there at the source of light that is the true essence of all,
Celebrate the pure consciousness, that pervades in every thing,
the thought that begets all thoughts,that  moves on to be karma,
that becomes purer, through the cycles of lives, one after another.
"Let's be humble, utmost, sans the ornamental clothes of pride.
May the thought reigning cosmos, the spirit of peace,chanted aloud,
take us to it's sanctum sanctorum and melt us in to it's divine embrace.
Only one there is, all are it's integrals,the divine cosmic hum 'Aum'
that enliven the universe within each cell, remember , is eternal"
Know thy self as an inner  universe, integrated to the outer,seamlessly,
which is, eternal, non-dual, peace in essence, effulgence and happiness
enshrined in the core.All the explorations in to the core by ancient Indian seers, record these findings in the "Veda"s (The "told" chronicles)
Robert Napper Jan 2015
Letting go can be tough
Perhaps the harshest measure
Many times we will face
Changes that last forever

"What if I'd done this?"
"What if I'd done that?"
Questions to go unanswered
And irrelevant to the fact

The adoption of acceptance
Is your only quest
The only option to be alloted
Now swallow to digest

Observe the tremble in your hands
Your eyes begin glistening
Your heart is in your ears
But who's the one listening?

As it courses through your veins
Something celebrates in your heart
Every storm runs out of rain

The Truth in you prevails
As you begin to emerge
Once again to raise the sails

You've let it run it's course
You've stopped the irradic spinning
Focusing on the Now
Every breath a new begining

The only stake it has claimed
Is to your education
Simply a reminder
Of life's continuing alteration

To err is only human
And Forgiveness is Divine
You, they, deserving or not
Just turn the coin to see the shine

Yes, we have a choice
To see the brighter side
We don't have to dwell
In the illusion of The Lie

Just as it came
Let it go with an ease
Accepting what it WAS
Join your Self and thaw the freeze

It will come again
Your Knowing, now a weapon
It has lost the ferocity
Sanity no longer threatened

You can call it thick skinned
Or unwavering balance
You can call it indifferent
I will call it an Allowance.
andy fardell Jan 2012
in the end there was no begining as the start was in sight
yet a new wave of peace came amongst us as bright into light
a corner never seen yet a circle in ...complete
a clear dawn for the few a new world for the rest
undefined Apr 2013
i feel a slow slip
begining to start

i try holding together stitches
but it's bound to break apart

                    a low small hurt
                                                got inside my heart
andy fardell Jul 2011
death is the end life is the begining
yet its all the same
water is not made
life is not created
money has no value

one day age will be old and you will be past
young will mock the life you once had
working for nought to pay the debt
my mind in collapse
Catrina Sparrow Jan 2013
i've spent my entire lifetime running
running away
running in circles
running myself into the ground

it isn't fun, anymore
my feet have gotten heavy

i remember that night you drove **** near 100 miles
so we could go to the park and play lava-monster
i didn't know the rules
you were patient

in the decaying fall air
with your news-boy cap pulled down over my eyes and my arms stretched out into the darkness
searching for you
i felt right
for the first time in my life i felt fine

i haven't feld good, since

i wish i knew then what i know now

that i may likely never see you again
that you were leaving
that you're a runner too

i guess it is true
you get what you give

my feet have become granite
stones not meant to be resurrected from the earth
my globe's nothing but a paper-weight, now
the atlas is never cracked
because i can't find you on a map
and your arms are the one place that i long to be

silly, really
the way the head and the heart are incapable of speaking to each other honestly

now and then
the wind rests
for just a moment
and through the dry wyoming air
i catch your scent trail
like a glimpse of heat-lightning in the far horizon
but just like you
it's gone in an off-set heartbeat

the tumble weeds sing your name as they slink across the plains
stirring my insomnia into a craze
that can only be calmed by night-sky air
i search for your face in the shadows of the moon
as my calls to you rise with my steam-heated breath
and disappear into the stars

i wonder if you lay awake all night
swearing that the constellations are all begining to align
with the sole purpose of pointing you towards me
MaiMai Aug 2019
Why does it mean so much?
Why does it matter that it should be amongst us, between friends, in families, our congregation, neighborhood communities
Let's think about the word unity again
The first three letters stop look closely
U. N. I
You and I
It's Ironic how that works
We can't go anywhere with our relationship with the people we love without this next statement in mind
Humans creation was designed to be a continuous population and togetherness Yet we always find a way to remain separated. Is it possible you could look deep in your heart and soul and find you need me just as much as I need you.
The topic of unity isn't just one underlying issue. It involves communication
When you're happy and feel you have to celebrate, send me a text
Call when you're sad because I know you battle with being depressed
Tell me about your fears no I can't take them away I'm not Jehovah but understand I'm here. Or even when we have a disagreement
How am I supposed to know your upset
It's not supernatural
I don't speak telepathical
I feel like khalid. Can you just talk to me?
Tell me how your feeling voice your opinions that's what's wrong with society. You know why because the lack unity
Patience is also key but that's another song for a different time. We're towards the end **** before I go this is what you should know
Coming together is a begining
Keeping together is progress, working together is success
Without unity there can be no strength
Mahdi Akhloumadi Jan 2022
For the begining of the begining
Of the begining
Of the begining
Of an end!
Star wars
star wars
What's there not to love?
Laser swords
and clone trooper hordes.
The action is thrilling,
the plot is chilling.
And everyone is just plain
Starships and land rovers,
life is all in the galaxy.
The begining is epic,
A long time ago
in a galaxy far, far away...

What's more iconic?
Yoda so fly,
ain't no other franchise can try.
Star Wars,
my first true love.
Always wantin' to be a jedi,
destroy all sith
and bring balance to the force.
Almost may 4th,
May the forth be with you
there was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
but 7?
you bringin' me to heaven
Star Wars,
*is there anything better
just reminiscing on star wars and the memories behind them.
just for fun
cohdee Sep 2010
Late last night i bit a bad boy,
showed him who is boss.
The shock on his face filled me with joy,
For the world, it was just on meaningless loss.
Now he lays asleep along the creek side,
Might have even fallen in and drifted down stream.
If he cared he probably would have tried,
He didn't even flinch or scream.
cohdee 2010
Marian Nov 2012
I love this time when all the birds begin to sing,
Through meadows, and through the fields the sound rings,
It echos through the glens and the dales loud and clear;
The birds song I can hear!

The buds are just begining to bloom,
No more days of gloom,
The flowers are just begining to bud at my feet;
The bubble of the once frozen creek;
Makes a music that is sweet!

As I am dreming by the creek, Hark!
There is the song of the Meadow Lark,
Spring o' the year,
No more time for sadness its time to cheer!

C A May 2013
I'm redirecting my thoughts once again
Focused on a new beginning with a new perspective
I almost wandered off on all the broken cross streets
Misdirected from all the blinded passengers
The strangers try to speak directions
But their languages seem so foreign to me
I see the traffic light go green and I won't go just yet
All the noises drown out what I need and what to do next
With the echoes humming phrases of "I need you please won't you help me"
I want to be the voice of reason, if your instincts cannot work
I want to save you from defeat but you have to have a bit of courage
I want to light the pitch black darkness from you saddening soul that cries
But love is not enough to save your heart wrenched painful catastrophic life
You're still just a a shadow dancing with hand of distant tragic spite
It's all to much to bare and I am not your super girl
You are far too much to care for as a child of my own
I don't have the time to swallow your guilt on hand and knee
I don't have the room for blaming games and bitter painted self pity
I am not trying to push you from a heart that loves you so
Your tears have done enough for me so I have to let you go
You are so broken and lonely and too naïve to see the truth
I am just one girl with common sense and I hate to lie to you
Your misinterpretation of the reality that is
Is all just so demented and it only bringing you down
And darling I don't want to go down with you
darling I have just to much to lose
Please forgive me
I can't save you
Its not that your not worth it
But I have traveled that winding road once or twice
And life is only what you make of it
So why don't you make it what you want to be
Instead of crying here for company
Why don't you, start now
It was a dark and stormy night the wind tasted of emptyness of the midnight hour.
The man was broken as he viewed the ledge and as he stepped out apon it he seemed more lost than
Elton John in a ***** house.

******* stupid *****!
He threw the picture into the night as it made it's way to the dark waters below.
Then taking a  deep chug from the bottle he began to fling the bottle as the picture befor.

****** man hold on!
the man shocked almost fell he thought he was alone.
Who the **** are you!

The stange looking man who sat apon the ledge and smelled of
week long ****** and a stripper or two.
Look man dont try to stop me im jumping and that's it.

Hey amigo I dont give a **** if ya jump but if your gonna jump and  toss a bottle at least make sure it's empty ******* duh theres wino's all over the world and one right next to ya that
right now are dying for a drink.

The man like most people in the pressense of Gonzo looked at me with strange mix of
aww and **** my life that they all seem to share.
Im gonna jump and all you care about is the ******* bottle!
My good man im hurt besides ya gotta wallet to duh not like your gonna need it
besides someone has to notify the cops besides I might get a reward I always wanted to get on a show besides cops.

The man said puzzled im guessing being he didnt follow  so easily he must be Canadian.
Okay okay you got me I was also on Locked Up  okay and Americas Most Wanted and maybe To Catch A Perdator that Chris Hanson what a ***** tease.

Look ****** get the **** away from me here's the ******* bottle as for my wallet here ya go but my ***** cheating ***** of a wife beat ya to the money.
So your wifes a ***** and you still have to pay sir I belive your suffering from dellusion
here have a drink with me.

The man was far worse than I thought not only a Canadian he seemed to be suffering from some mental issues Jesus was it fate that a rational man as I would be hanging out okay passed out on this very same bridge.
******* batman  cause Gonz was on the job and I wasnt gonna blow this one like
last time not that I go around blowing things.
Besides remember kids a ***** charges me I give it away now if they offer to pay
thats a diffrent story.

But enough with the foreplay hampsters.

I sat drank and listend to the mans story.
How he fell in love with this strange women who took his money and was a total ****.
Hmm wonder what she'll be up to after this annoying ***** jumps?

And when I caught her with my best friend that was the final straw.
Its all over **** life !.
So did you get this all on camera?
What !!!
Why would I do that?
Idk hell man  just thought it'd be fun to watch I mean who doeant like drinking and watching ****?
I know the Hello staff  seems to keep things running great on it.

You are are ******* mental you know that?
Maybe but im not the one wasting ***** with a kickass ****** living at home
sure ya gotta pay but dude your getting free shows its like living in Germany
sure kinda ***** but hey beats writting perverted things that no one reads on a website that
died years ago and no one wants you on much like there ******* daughter.

You sick ***** you want my life so much you can have it!!
The man shouted in his outside voice once is okay when outside but if we were inside
id really be ******.

Just have my life you demmented *******.
Really sir you just made me happier than that talentless **** Russel Brand after escaping
the clutches of the preaching hottie drag queen Katy Perry.
Im kidding she's great to watch with the sound off.

The man looked puzzled again I swear im begining to think he might have lied .
Cause he seemed  more from a third world country like  Indiana.
Hey where the hell do you think your going!?

Hey wheres my.
The man fumbled through his pockets .
Looking for these I asked holding up a pair of keys.
Hey bring thoose back right now !

Amigo sure I could  hang around here listen to ya **** and moan.
But hey you said i could have your life.
And being you wanna play man on a ledge I figure why the **** not.

You see what's one guys ***** rotten cheating ***** of a wife is another guys
kick **** party to go so later.
Wait stop please Im not gonna jump  she's a ***** but I love her .
And the thought of your demmented *** living in my house  ***** it life's not that bad please
I want my life back.

My friend ya see thats all I wanted to hear.
I tossed the keys in one of thoose corney *** movie moments that guys go to just to make the laidies happy and in the hope they'll get laid.

The keys flew through air  the man put his hand in the air tears in eye's
so happy he totally forgot he was still standing on the ledge.
And he screamed like a school girl as he fell to his death it was a twisted scene oh well.

I had no time to reflect cause i was off like a madman with a date with a ***** little hampster
Hey someone had to console this woman and who better than the person who spent those last
hours with him.
And was kinda responssible for his deatn but hey whats in the details.

Untill next time hampsters you stay crazy.
And remember when all hope is lost learn to hotwire a car and get the **** outta there.
Thanks for the important life skills grandpa.


Gonzo has left the site.
Sandman Apr 2018
The reverse piano roll startles my memories I store inside me.
I whip-crack back to the begining.
A purple haze glazzing the infinite horizon.
Everything I've lost comes back.
As I go back the rapid flash of a thousand lightning strikes silently illuminates the intake of my breath.
We are just here under the light
While the remainders live in the darkness of tomorrow.
Megan H Dec 2014
Take me away-
Distract me from this place.
Stress has overtaken me
My life has forsaken me.
I have just realized,
After all that I've done,
I've become like them.
A mindless robot
With sociopathic tendencies.
I'm begining to malfunction.
Help me,
Take me away.
Fix me.
jennifer ann Oct 2014
it seems that you
always have an excuse, for all of your lies,
neglect and abuse. there is a sob story behind
every mistake, you're turning me, into a pitaful catastrophe.
i dont know how much more this heavy heart can take.

does it help you get to sleep at night?
while its keeping me awake.
im slowly crumbling, i'm begining to break.

a gun to the head would be more merciful ,
then what you've done to me, a rusty dagger in
my back, and an aching in my heart.
you're killing me softly but slowly.
Begining and end love and death
without love there is no death
without begining there is no end
without all of this there is only
existence is only emptyness
because of this you really don't exist.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2014
He lay, curtains closed the sound of traffic growing louder the day begining. Began for what? The night left him so tired confused and as always alone. The sounds therapeutic in a way, yet none the less irritating. Maginalised, such a good word he thought, playing the days back on the third eye screen. Always black and white. Each time replayed in more detail but less clarity of why. Eyes open the curtains have two shades, the sun begining to light the room. Tupence less the wiser and no longer a penny left.... for thoughts of anything.
shika Sep 2013
I stood there: laughing/crying
for every one else.

what could my tears accomplish

comfort would not heal
what was
broken. what was lost.

I can be Strong. When EverY One is LooKing.

And then in the pictures, I saw the future.

The rewrites.  or "unwrites" writing me out of her past. blame and anger. of course you know, it was all my fault.

And I don't need comforting. from you. from anyone. All i need is a little acknowledgement from the people who loved her most.

that said, "hey, I loved her too. I know what you must be feeling."

Because even though I don't have that last memory, I have a million others.
i am privy to your secrets, her secrets.

and despite what you believe, you are not alone.

you may choose to be .

But this is me standing up and saying I LOVED HER TOO. ALMOST AS MUCH AS YOU IF NOT AS MUCH. I have lost too bro.

and I am broken
and feel alone.
and can't make sense of sunlight, water, or peace.

a cautionary tale. not a legend.
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
The Question

It happened again..a throw away question really these days ...
What Path is yours?
At once the rote rose in my throat ....
Witch Wiccan Solitary Electic and I stopped .. dead

Its true I am all these things and more to be sure:

I chose ...
Wicca because I am tied to the beliefs the ebb and flow rebirth and renewal
Witch because the practice makes my heart fly and soul dance every scent , stone and candle
Solitary because even though I have found so many Sisters and Brothers on my way
I have no stomach or strength for politics.
Electic..ah well here my problem lay
I love the freedom choice does bring
ButI am also a teacher...
I love the A B C's and 1 2 3's I love to do an intricate ritual from begining to end and feel the soft touch of the past as each step taken I understand that this dance has been stepped before decades past

It brings me great joy and comfort to know the dance I dance and the Names I use have been on the sweet breath of those who have gone before me.
So Tradition has a part on my Path after all ....:)
So who am I
I am Air and Earth Fire and Water
I am Past and Future
I am Mother and Babe
I am New and I am Aged beyond all Time
Come Join me in the Dance of the Circle
Teach me your Ways and I will share mine
Together we will Honour our sweet Lady with our gifts and talents
and we will know Joy in the Journey
I am
Solita Shadoewalker
These are my Words and this is my Way

- From Night Thoughts
Leah Ward Dec 2012
I sit inside my podunk room,
As a million meteors make mad dashes
For different conners of The Universe
Like galactic kids stuck in a game of
Sharks and Minnows.
They snap their space caps over their heads,
Adjust their goggles, and dive into the galaxy;
With the refreshing burn of
Firery friction against their faces
As they glide through the galaxy.

Above my head these nova swimmers soar,
As I pull a folded list from a desk drawer
And lean out the window with a quilt
To stop the chill from getting to me.
I close my eyes and let the cold moon light
Reflect off my surface and pale my skin.
The moon has no purpose but to moon bathe  with, of course.
Of the meteors that circle the sky
I have a very different purpose for.

One by one I recite wishes,
One special I had saved just for this night;
Scribbled in marker with fast hands belonging to a busy brain,
Elegant cursive dawned by a deary mind,
My best script for my friendly letters.
Some I whisper, some I shout,
Some I struggle just to get out.
But one by one these wishes are told
To the night sky, the meteors swimming pool.

Suddenly the windowsill creaks and cracks
My eyes snap open, the timber of my home breaks
And my house, my yard, the trees and the leaves
All disappear, and suddenly,
I am splashing and slushing  in a puddle of
Endless Blue Water until I
get the sense about me to swim.

I swim until the water reaches my head,
My eyes, my nose, my chin,
Drains from my ears
Splatters on my shoulders.
I walk when I can, through
A tunnel of cattails, seaweed, and pond things,
Like a swamp without a sky,
That make the Endless Blue Water a canal with
A wooden door that I reach
After many steps.

Knocking twice, I stand patient
Busy with the thought of what brought me here.
A slot in the door slides open,
Old eyes framed by glasses peer back at me.
"Go away!" The old man barks,
"I can't let you in. All of
The water will get everywhere on my feet."
I stand, my eyes pleading with angst,
Eyelashes that drip water.
"No, it's ok Grandpa. Let her in,
She is tired." A voice, gentle and sweet, speaks
With a melody of a thousand guitars
Tuned to the exact preference of my own ears.

With a grumble and groan.
A click and a clack,
The slot slides shut harshly
And with a creak and force,
The floor flies open and
I am urged by the Sweet Voice to
"Hurry Great Darling! Hurry!"
And I squeezed through
The door, but so does the
Viscous water.

It flows rapidly past the door jam,
And the owner of the Sweet Voice scrambles
To convice the hinges that they
Want to turn the other way.
The dusty ground I now stand on
Quickly turns to mud, as the water flows.
We cannot stop the water from flowing.

The water makes a will of its own,
Rises with vigorous ebb,
And carries Sweet Voice's Grandfather with it
Into the dust bowl in which it surges so fiercely to.
I go with it, emerged once again as I
Grasp for a wrist, an ankle,
A collar, until I find a strap
Of a suspender, and hold fast to the door handle,
As Sweet Voice whispers hopes
That the water will stop. He grits his teeth, and
I'll never forget what he said:

"You are magnificent, Great Darling.
I would have loved you endlessly."

And with that, the water reversed,
Taking the sweet voice back into
The Tunnel of Pond Things,
And slamming the door shut.

The Grandfather and I, sat on grassy moss
That once was barren dirt, that climbed into fingernails
And settled homes between human and calcium.
The Endless Blue Waters  had cleansed the dirt from before,
But had also taken my lovely paramour.

And with this, I wailed great echoes
That shook the ground, because
The sweet voice was the wish
Whispered so delicately but so
Anxiously on my windowsill
That lonely night.

After my fit, I turned to see
Great followers of the Barren Lands,
Ghastly beasts with spots and rabbit ears,
Humans with skin clear, great dragons
That inspired no fear, that
All stood before the Grandfather and I.
They held their hands before their faces,
Checked their teeth, and found it free of the dust
And dirt that haunted their days.

A great feast was arranged,
A thousand chairs at seven hundred tables,
All lined with a feast
Of cooked carrots and sweet potatoes,
Texas toast and orange marmalade,
Corn beef and root beer;
As kites with tails and laughter with squeals
Floated through with wind and smoke
Of campfires yellow, all
To celebrate the arrival of me,
The Great Darling,
Who had cleansed the Barren Lands
And brought about the begining of
The Hallow Lands.

I sat alone at this great feast,
Weary of my loss, when I felt
A tapping on my shoulder. It was
The Sweet Voice who had returned.  
I asked, elated by his arrival, about the
Means of his return, and he replied:

"The moon has more purpose than you
Assumed, Great Darling.
The moon controls all tides, and
With its power on my side, I asked it to
Take me back to you, and kindly it did, as
the moon understands that poles and magnetism
Are not the only forces than bring great things together;
That love can do that great deed too."

We sat under the lemon tree,  
My quilt, retrieved on Sweet Voice's journey,
Spread beneath us, as we watched the moon
Circle the sky for many nights,
Until we decided to join in its company.
One by two, we stepped up stepping stones
On a hill that reached the meteors pool,
Where my paramour and I lived
In galactic happiness forever more.
nvinn fonia Sep 2021
in a kind worldin a kind worldin a kind worldin a kind worldin a kind worldin a kind worldin a kind world a neww begining in a kind worldneww begining in a kind worldneww begining in a kind worldneww begining in a kind world neww beginning in a kind world
Alexa Sz May 2010
I've heard before that each end is a new beginning.
But with the history that has added up
in this aging world.
Will the end be the start
when we fade away?

Will the world start over?
Or will it be ended too?
We will not know
because we will be gone.

If we respected the world.
Like the Native Americans.
than the end would be far from here.
There would still be history to make
and promises to keep.
There would still be
the young ones to create a hopefully brighter future.

"Love the land like god loves you
because this we know there is only
one God and no man be he red man or
white man can stand alone
because we're brothers after all."
-Chief Seattle, 1854
Devon Gonzalez Jan 2018
Nothing is infinite.

Infinite is nothing.

On an infinite search within nothing,
you will never find anything.

The space within nothing is forever,
forever nothing.

Infinity is nothing.

Nothing is infinity.
Wrote this trying to imagine what the properties of nothing would be. Insomnia is strange like that lol
taijarea darius Jul 2013
you wrote  me  a letter with you signature
in that letter was lines of lust. this lust was deep you talked about .. curves ,breast , lips
i read on and thought **** he moves me with so much passion i sworn it was because he loved me
because i was the only woman that feed him songs of freedom . freedom from the chains of pain
late nights of running through each others  minds.
you wrote  me a letter with your signature in that letter was lines of secrets you talked  about  your past i read on
then understood i couldnt be your little secret anymore. i would have to leave you alone you wrote me a letter with your signature in in that letter was lines of mysery the paper wet from your tears  and in bold letter was the reason why. you said the lost of compassion kept you up late. tossing and turning in bed. and that you havent ate .
you wrote me a letter  with your signature in that letter was lines of love. deep love that you wanted to experience. love that wasnt judging  but  forgiving . i read thet letter thinking we could have done better. grab my hand i can take you back to your begining when you and i were kings and queens
at the bottom was a p.s. stating that you have moved on.
and what we shared had been lost.
that time was wasted being with me. you needed space to breathe. and thats when i knew that the writing was not about me.
Marshal Gebbie Oct 2015
Tangents fly
As serpents die
Life ends as it begins,
The ups and downs
Terrain of clowns
Commits it all to sins,
So, go for broke
It's just a joke.....
'Cos he who loses...Wins!

But....Wouldst thou see
Thy perjury
In pondering my
And should thou wear
Thy penury
If truth should prize
Thy concience free?

Then, writhing thus
For all to see....
Wouldst thou blush
A smile to me?

The lust for thrones has lasted long
Since the begining of right and wrong
Loved ones lost and children killed
All for greatness to be fulfilled
Honor , glory and fame
Without your beloved they aren't the same
And after we reach this legendary goal
We ask ourselves what was the toll
With a broken heart how can I rule
Oh god I must have been a fool
Jellyfish Sep 2013
I'm now at my personal high.
No more fighting; no more lies.
I'm readying myself for a brand new life.
A beginning that I myself couldn't pass.
starchild Nov 2017
Now im back
back in this hole she put me in
and she thinks that its all my fault
but i promise i wont let her
let her push me out of my friends lives
and she sais i made her feel worthless
that i go around telling
telling everybody that she broke my heart
well good
because its all her fault
and now she thinks
thinks im talking behind her back
and she calls me names
and talks behind my back now
and now she hates me
and i love her
and its sad
but she sais that shell **** me
that she will get me
but i say guess what
id probably put a gun in my mouth before
before she could even touch me
and i hate it though
i hate that i love her
because she continues
continues to torture me
but i wont let her destroy me again
ill be happy when i get out
now and then
ill be happy
now were back to the begining
its just a feeling
and no one knows yet
but just because they cant feel it to
doesnt mean that you have to forget
pick a star on the dark horrizon and
follow the light
but i promise
i swear ill be happy again
credit to regina spektor...... ;)

— The End —