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Let's not be afraid to make a stand
Against hate and bigotry on this land
Let's stop the hypocrites cold
Now. Let's repudiate their old
Ideas and their archaic and spurious values
Let's unmask them and expose their views
Sectarianism may be a fancy or ostentatious word
To talk about racism. But it is the same sharp sword
Which can decapitate and destroy good people
Bigotry is bad. May you be white, black or purple
Let's be against white prejudice
Let's be against black prejudice
Let's be against ignorance and intolerance
Let's vote for love, intelligence and common sense
Say NO, loud and clear to bigotry
Vote NO, against racism and hate
Vote for love, equality, and liberty
Expose and vote against the candidate
Who despises the Muslims, the Mexicans
The Syrians and the wounded Veterans
They are all our brothers and sisters
Who are suffering under strange situation
Let's vote against the bigots and the haters
Let's say NO to racism, and take action
At the voting booth. Let's vote for UNITY
And togetherness. Together: we are strong
Divided: we are weak, stupid and wrong
Let's find no excuses, let's defeat the followers
Of ******, Mussolini, the Third *****, the haters
Who are sneaky, deceitful, duplicitous, and shady
We are ONE against the bullies of this country
Let's vote for LOVE, freedom, liberty, and fraternity
Let's vote against sectarianism, hate, and bigotry
Today, tomorrow, and forever
Love is eternal; love is better.

Copyright © November,2016 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.
Strange things happen in politics
We cannot trust the polls
Life has its own ***** tricks
We can play divers roles
This is not business as usual
Always fight to save one's soul.

Things are upended in politics
Ignore the belligerent critiques
Everything happens in a season
For an un-intelligible reason
Nobody can predict the results
Of an election filled with insults.

Politics in many countries are very *****
We all can see why. Politics are slushy
Voters lie. They mislead the pollsters
Who behave like palm readers
Like inexperienced magicians
So they can foul the naïve audience.

Things are pell-mell in politics
Life has its own yucky tricks
Everything occurs for an obscure reason
Under the lights of an unusual horizon
No anchors can predict the results
Of an election filled with assaults.

Copyright © November, 2016 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.
Tant que vous vivez, il faut vous divertir
Tant que vous respirez, il faut marcher, rire et courir
Soyez optimiste que possible, même lorsqu'il pleut
Quand il fait froid et qu'il neige, soyez content et heureux
Tirez toujours le meilleur parti de vos jours et de vos nuits
Carpe diem, combattez pour vos droits et profitez de la vie.

Tant que vous êtes debout, soyez courageux, spirituel et courtois
Tant que vous pensez, soyez juste, magnanime, humble et droit
La vie est pleine de surprises. Les êtres humains sont comme des fourmis
Qui travaillent très dur. À la fin, ils repartiront avec un pantalon
Un costume déchiré dans le dos, quelques sourires près du menton
Et un tas de gens qui pleurent s'ils sont honnêtes, sages et gentils.

Copyright © Août 2020, Hebert Logerie, tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
This poem is in French: Enjoy Yourselves And Carpe Diem

— The End —