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11.8k · Feb 2018
Remus Feb 2018
You silenced us
Ruined my trust

No longer on your mind
But you're still on mine

Why did you ruin this
Why did you let us kiss
10.1k · Feb 2015
Remus Feb 2015
"Look at my beautiful girl."

This title is thrown at me
and I find it hard to
You label me a girl,
I know you know no better
but it still wounds me

"Look at* her, she's so pretty!"

You should know better
than to call me this
I asked kindly that you
use different pronouns
but you throw these
pronouns at me in
a taunting manner.

"You were born a girl so you are one."

I was born a human with
female genitalia.
I do not classify as a
girl or a boy.
I classify more as me,
as an

Please don't yell or shout
or tell me I'm wrong
because then you're saying
you know me better than
I know myself and
that may be true
but I don't believe
it is so.
9.1k · Dec 2014
Temporary Affection
Remus Dec 2014
You are a fool.
In one month's time
I bet you will be

I warned you
countless times.
I threatened you
more than necessary.

I just want you
to be happy,
but you believe
you love her.

It's a shame really,
that you're this

You will not be happy,
all you're doing is
grasping at temporary

And all temporary affection
leaves you with is
a bad taste
in the back of your
8.2k · Jun 2014
Online Friends.
6.4k · May 2014
Three Years Later
Remus May 2014
My mother warned me about love when I was younger.
She told me that true love comes when you're older.
I didn't believe her because I thought that I was in love.
I thought that he was the one and that he would always
love me.

Now here we are three years later and I don't know my
One moment he is this beautiful human being
And the next moment he's tearing me apart with his words.
He doesn't love me and I don't think I love him.
It's a battle between us, trying to be friends and then pushing
the other one away out of fear of falling again.

He doesn't know about the love letters that I write in my mind.
He'll never know about the countless texts I nearly sent him.
And I sure as hell know that he will never like me again
so why do I keep liking him?
5.0k · Nov 2015
Sexuality and Gender
Remus Nov 2015
It's not okay
to pull me aside
and tell me whose
wrong and right.

You ask questions
about when I realized
who I was
and what I want
to become,
when you shouldn't.

There's never really a time
you realize,
there's a time you stop
all of those thoughts and feelings.

You should feel
with me even telling you
who I am.
I don't need to explain
anything further,
but you claim I do.

I'm sick of every
GSA meeting being filled
with questions of my
gender and sexuality.
There's more to me.

You claim you know me,
but you don't.

You have no clue what
my favorite color is
or my favorite movie
or even know what I
love to read.

There's more to me
than a couple of titles.

You say that all you have
is your sexuality and gender,
that has to be a sad life.

I'm sorry that that's all you have.
But I have more.
4.9k · Jul 2014
Band Director
Remus Jul 2014
I have little to say in new environments.
I tend to act shy and forget how to form words.
So when I had to go to marching practice and was
surrounded by people I didn't know
I suffered.

Was it not obvious that I was flustered when I fell
five times in thirty minutes?
Maybe it wasn't obvious how I kept repeating the
same thing over and over again,
hoping people would stop staring.

But instead of caring you walked straight up to me
and made me look like a fool in front of
"**** in, you're stomach is showing!" You exclaimed
before poking me with a drumstick and catching me off guard.
It hurt and my torso bent and all the upper classmen
laughed at me.

So thank you for embarrassing me, it will not be forgotten.
It won't be forgotten like the time you insulted me
in the seventh grade and I 'accepted' your apology.

But what do I know?
I'm just a kid and you're a
band director
4.4k · May 2014
Remus May 2014
I have a friend who is a hypocrite.
She says to not call yourself ugly
for it's not the truth
but she calls herself ugly all the time
when she thinks I'm not listening.

She tries to hit me when I say I do not look nice,
but if I ever tried that she would hurt me.

She is a hypocrite since she's doing things
that she thinks is good for me.
But she does the opposite to herself because she thinks
it's the truth.
4.3k · May 2014
Losing You
Remus May 2014
Fear; the fear of losing you.
You were like this superhero,
this superhero that had kept me alive for
so long.
You were exiting the front door and I just stayed here.
I couldn't stop you and maybe that's what broke me,
the fact that I couldn't convince you to stay.
Now I could only hope that I could remember you;
to remember the way you laughed when I said something stupid,
the way you were always there with a hug,
the way that you smelled after a shower,
or the way that your arms fit perfectly around my waist.
I would probably forget these things,
but maybe I could also forget
losing you.
3.8k · Apr 2014
Remus Apr 2014
I'm alone and it's killing me.
You cannot even speak, cry, sing, laugh, or do anything.
You cannot even breathe on your own.
I just want you to hold my hand again
But no,  you are not allowed to.

I was to shake you awake, but I'm afraid that I cannot.
The doctors told me that it's time to let you go.
I don't want to though.
Can you please just open your eyes and say hello
So then they don't have to separate us.

Why must you be asleep?
Why must you be in a
3.5k · Feb 2015
Remus Feb 2015
You see me, but you don't hear me.
You touch me, but you don't feel me.
You kiss me, but you feel nothing.

It's cold between us.
This distance hurts me.
You don't like it when I speak late at nights.
You tell me it's annoying you when I smile into a kiss.
When I laugh, you tell me to shut up.
I know you don't love me, but I love you.

I see you, and listen to everything.
You touch me, and I shiver beneath you.
You kiss me, and I feel everything.
I honestly had no idea how to reach you anymore.
3.1k · Jun 2014
Before disaster
Remus Jun 2014
In the moments before disaster
I fell in love.

He was beautiful,
Why was he so beautiful?

I wanted to hold him close
And make sure he was alright
But in the end I was the one that
Crumbled and he,
Well he was the victor of disaster.
3.1k · Jan 2015
Remus Jan 2015
You were my goal
of 2014.
I would have you
along with

I had you for a second
before I tore away

You aren't my goal
of 2015.
You cause me
tragedy & despair.
But now I'm
your goal of

That is where
the problem
2.6k · Mar 2015
Remus Mar 2015
My body is so small
so emotion comes
one at a time.

Anger is always first,
how I know what to say
to make someone
surrender the fight.

Sadness is always second,
my heart breaks when
others cry at my
hateful words so
I apologize.

Betrayal is always near the end,
you can't believe my apology
since people's emotions
don't move that fast.

Numbness is always the last one,
it remains most of the time
as I feel my friends and close ones
slipping away
like water slips through
my fingers.
It's the emotion that stays
and continues to come back
after I'm mentally exhausted
from having my world go from
nothing to three emotions in
a couple minutes.
I can't explain this any other way
2.5k · Sep 2015
once i was
Remus Sep 2015
Once I was the color blue.

The tears that fell down my cheeks,
my broken heart,
and my sadness
were the color blue
and I didn't know how to
change that.

Once I was color black.

I screamed at all times
out of anger that was
I was a void who knew
how to make others
feel blue,
and I wanted to change that.

Once I was the color yellow.

I was happy with myself
and I knew that the sadness
wasn't gone,
but the blue was.
I knew that the anger was
somewhere deep inside of me,
but I knew that I wasn't
a void anymore.

I'm no longer a color.*

I am nothing,
I can be who I need to be
without having to label myself.
Once you're a color,
you'll always be that color,
but the color won't always be you.
I'm trying really hard to write something, sorry because this *****
2.4k · May 2014
I Want
Remus May 2014
Look at me
I want you to remember
every detail to my quite round face.
I want you to see
the glimmer in my eyes
as I tell you about a song I'm writing.
I want you to study
how your shirt looks on me,
and how tiny it makes me.
I want you to stay,
but if you're going to leave then
remember me.
I need you to remember me even if it kills
you and me.
2.3k · Jun 2014
Remus Jun 2014
I made a mistake last year
letting you go.
I let you say goodbye
and I keep trying to
convince you that you
still like me.

But no matter how hard I try you
don't like me.
You want me to stop being so
pathetic and for me to get a

If I'm so pathetic why be my friend?
Your friends all dislike me
is that why you keep telling me no?
Maybe it's because I made the
mistake when I was 11 and
broke up with you after
your family had an incident?

It doesn't matter since I've
told you why I like you
and why you should like me
but you like another.
She lives in Japan since her father
got stationed there.
You said you might love her
but she told you she could never
like you like you like her.

So I don't get how you call me
pathetic and I'm not allowed
to do the same to you.
2.3k · Jul 2014
Wrong and Right
Remus Jul 2014
I will befriend you because I must,
not because I want to.
You told me that what I believe in is
and what you believe in is

So tell me, it's right to strip away the right
to love whomever you want.
It's right to tell a girl she cannot terminate
a pregnancy even though she was

It's wrong for women to want equality?
It's wrong for me to be a feminist?

This is where you are wrong, because I have grown up
my entire life with views on how things
should be.
We should be able to love whomever we want.
To terminate pregnancies if they need to.
For women to get some equality
because it's opinion.

You can believe whatever you want,
but do not tell me I am wrong because
to me,
my opinion is right and yours is wrong.
2.1k · Apr 2015
Remus Apr 2015
"Beauty is an
not a person."

A quote my mother
told me when
I said I wasn't

But when I met
I believed that
my mother
was wrong.

Beauty isn't just
an adjective,
it was you.
You were beauty
and this
is not a
pick up line.

Your face was
but what made
you beautiful
was your
1.9k · Jun 2014
Little Seven Year Old
Remus Jun 2014
When I was younger
I snuck kisses to a kid
during nap time.
The teacher had to
separate us since
I wouldn't stop
kissing them.

Now eight years later
and I hate recalling the
ever so burning

People don't believe the
Seeing that I'm not
and that I'm so
They say I make it up,
but no I'm not.

I was going to marry
the kid.
I really thought I loved them.
I loved how they smelt.
Or the way they laughed.
The way they said my name made me smile.
I was a little seven year old
who fell in love.

I wonder where they are now.
But I would never know
since they shut me out of their
After I left the daycare I saw them
They ignored me as our mothers
My mom got onto me for not
talking to the kid.
I couldn't bear to tell her
that I had kissed that kid
that I really had liked them.

I couldn't tell her because that kid
was a girl and I'm a girl as well.
"She'll hate me" I told myself
So I've never told her about
the shared kisses and moments
between me and that other
little seven year old.
I just needed to get this off my chest
1.7k · Jun 2014
No more feelings
Remus Jun 2014
I've never been the type
of person to fall in love
when I meet them.

I usually let them do
whatever they want and
made an opinion about
them like that.

But when I met you
I wanted to know
how it felt to hold you close.
To kiss you and to sing you a
love song that reminds me of

But you didn't so I grew over it.
No more feelings, but the
moment I stop you start to love me.
I'm not going to love you again.
You lost me when you told me
"I love someone else."
1.7k · Aug 2014
Remus Aug 2014
As the evening
erodes away
into night,
I am put into terror
as I hear the last
few notes of your
favorite song.

I haven't heard it in
It's beautiful actually,
I've forgotten this melody,
but secretly I listened to it
by memory
for weeks on end
after you
left me.

This terror turns into
happiness as I
see you there.
I imagined this
You would be
smiling and happy again.
But no, you are
six feet under the ground now.
Your breathing has ceased,
as well as your love
for me.

And I'm fine with this,
seeing that I have
enough love for the both
of us.
1.7k · Sep 2020
Fly Alone
Remus Sep 2020
Desire to fly alone and soar again
And continue to grow, becoming strong.
Enemies fear me greatly, for my gaze
Is causing the competition to work.
Receiving points, I crave so much to stay
Collide with the attempt of winning but not
I embrace defeat so gracefully
Support around overwhelms me greatly
I fear in what is really on their minds
Disappointed in myself for stopping us
Victory will hopefully wait until I fly
Because I want to fight on my own
1.6k · Jul 2014
Remus Jul 2014
Once asked who you loved
you tensed up.
Do you remember the
countless times
We told each other
'I love you'

I do and I regret them.
I wish I had never said
those three words.

Maybe then
I wouldn't feel
so attached to

That would be nice,
to not have the feeling
I have to be your friend
even though I hate you
so much.
It *****, but oh well.
1.5k · Apr 2014
Remus Apr 2014
I don't remember the first time my love came for you.
All I remember are the times I just wanted to hold you.
When you were the only one that could make me happy.
All I still know is that's still the same.
1.4k · Jun 2014
Remus Jun 2014
"Are you afraid?"

Yes I am afraid.
I'm afraid of so much
like the endings to books,
actually loving someone,
having to tell my mother
what I am.

I'm afraid that my family
will hate me,
that my friends already
That everyone who sees me
labels me as
Miss Confused.

I'm afraid of death and life
and everything in between the
Maybe I'm afraid of myself
but I don't truly have
a clue.

I know I'm afraid of who I will
love one day.
What if they hate me now
or what if they think I'm weird?
What if it's the person I broke up
because I didn't love them

I'm afraid of a lot of things
and everyone knows it.
Because a world without
Is like a world without
It's unruly and unjust.
And you do stupid
things that can
get everyone

So I'm afraid of the alternative,
the thing I fear most
in this world.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Remus Jul 2014
You asked me if I loved you.
I didn't know how to reply
seeing that I don't know
what love is just yet.

You told me that you loved me
so I should love you back
and I don't think that's how it

You told me that you
accepted me,
that no one else would
that I would be alone
without you.

Just because you accepted someone
does not mean you love them
because if it did then I would
love so many people.
And I know others accept me,
that I won't be alone if you

But let me ask you something.
How was I,
a sad little girl,
supposed to love you
when she couldn't
even love
1.3k · Feb 2018
Crumbled Grave
Remus Feb 2018
I was placed in a grave,
but I crawled out for you.

It wasn’t because you were
charming or handsome,
but how I felt as you spoke.

The flutter of my heart,
the laughter escaping me,
and I how I desperately wanted
to kiss you.

I reached out,
you were all I ever wanted,
but I reached too soon.

The ground crumbled around my feet,
and I was 6 feet under
my heart filled with despair.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Work in Progress
Remus Aug 2014
I hated myself.
No one saw it either,
I hid behind my
narcissist chatter.
But really I wanted
to change myself

It's been a year
and I've learn to
accept myself
I'm still a work
in progress.
I'm like a blown
piece of glass.
You have to spend
countless hours
fixing it.

I'm fixing myself
but rearranging
my thoughts.
By telling myself
that I'm
when I feel like

I'm a work in progress,
I can't be changed in
a day.
I'm an unfinished
One where they
procrastinate to
only hours before
a deadline.

I'm a work in progress,
seeing I don't love
myself completely yet.
But I hope that one day
I will.
1.2k · Apr 2014
The Connection
Remus Apr 2014
It's complicated,
the reason I said

It wasn't you
or me
but the connection
in between.

It was that
connection that made
me want to move
to be closer to you,
but all at the same time
be farther away than ever
from someone I was
supposed to
1.2k · Oct 2015
Remus Oct 2015
I hate the word pretty.
Every time I hear it
it's a reminder that I am
a girl.

Girls are great
and there's nothing
wrong with them,
it's just that I'm not one.

I've been stuck
in this body
looking at someone who
I no longer recognize
for so long.

I want to be handsome and cute,
not pretty.

I at least deserve something better than
1.2k · Oct 2015
Remus Oct 2015
I stare in the mirror
and nothing is right.

well not for me.

Girls tell me how
I am to have these curves,
and they don't realize
that I would give them up
in a second.

Boys don't have
slim shoulders,
delicate figures,
doe eyes,
or anything that I have.

I want to look in the mirror
and see the person that I truly am
staring back
at me.

But I'm stuck looking at
a small girl
that everyone says is
1.2k · Jun 2015
Self Love
Remus Jun 2015
The sunshine feels delightful
Upon my pale skin.

I feel the energy race through me
Like when I used to run with
My father as a kid.

I'm happy now.
I'm better now.
I'm me now.

I used to hate my reflection
But now I adore the way
My pale skin seems to grow
Or the way my eyes are
Asymmetrical and the color of dirt.
The way my hair has a mind of it's own.
That still bothers me
But I've grown to find it humorous.

I've grown to love my flaws
And I don't know if this is what self love is
But it's beautiful.

I'm beautiful.
this is rushed and I'm sorry
1.1k · Jun 2014
Dear Whoever This Concerns
Remus Jun 2014
Dear whoever this concerns,

I have come up with a solution with my little problem.
My little problems that concerns sexuality.
I must know what gender I like at this very moment.
I little innocent 15 year old who struggles with this more than she struggles with breathing.
You asked me if I would date her and I said yes, but I'm not gay.
You asked me if I would date him and I said yes, but I'm not straight.
You told me I was confused if I didn't know who I liked.
What body parts I wanted to touch when I had ***.

I've said many times how I do not wish to have *** and you never
"You're too young to think like that" my mother would say but
am I?
All of the other kids are having *** and kissing and I don't want to.
I really just don't want to, but it's because I'm 15?
Because my hormones haven't kicked in?
I don't believe so, and it's not that you raised me to not want that.
I believe there is something that we don't know yet.

Maybe if we didn't give a **** about what we yearned for.
What we wanted when we fell asleep at night or woke up in the morning.
What we think when we look at someone attractive.
Or what we think when they talk or laugh.
Or what their body looked like in a certain outfit.
What we thought of their haircut.
The possibilities of thoughts towards the same and different gender
go on.

But what if we didn't care about that?
What if we solely focused on whether or not they made us happy.
It doesn't matter their personality, only if they made us happy.
Happiness is important like my father told me.
To not be happy is a sad thing and it breaks others hearts.

So I have decided that if I'm happy when I'm with someone then that means I'm happy.
I don't care their personality, appearance, their history, or anything like that.
I will focus on how they make me feel.
How they will make me feel will be happy.
Something I've never really been.
Not really a poem, but I like it.
1.1k · Jul 2014
I Pity You
Remus Jul 2014
I pity you.
It's not the pity you would think.
I pity you because you do not know
what you are doing to yourself.

You are clawing on the inside,
your brain is melting into mush.
You are trying to hard to not
burst out crying.

I pity you because you think I still love you.
I do not love anymore,
that was only for seven months.
You do not know when to
let go.

I pity you because you still love me.
Anyone who loves me should be
Seeing that I am someone who holds on.
I hold on to things I shouldn't like;
books, movies, people, blankets, and you.
1.0k · Nov 2014
Remus Nov 2014
Best Friends
We smiled at
each other and
inside jokes
were the
whole of the
both of us.

Our greetings
were hugs that
lasted up to
five seconds
and made
both of us

We haven't smiled
at each other in
I ignore your
glances because
you refuse
my hugs as
a greeting since you
began dating her.

We don't speak now,
when around each other
our eyes never meet.
But I know if
either of us called out
the other would come

*No matter what anyone else thought.
999 · Mar 2015
Remus Mar 2015
You show up
asking for an
I don't have one.

You ask why I'm
so cold hearted
but what do you

Do you want me
to bend over
and pour my
heart all over your
shoes as I
beg for your

I don't want your
I don't need your

Like how you
didn't need me
when you
4 months
938 · May 2015
Remus May 2015
My mind is shattered
as emotion tries
to conquer all of
my being.

My mind is malfunctioning
as depression slowly
overtakes it and makes me
believe that I cannot
do anything

My voice is lost
when I see you
because I'm
not what you wanted.

You didn't want some
broken person who
cries when their gender
isn't what is considered
normal some days.

You didn't want some
sad person who
screams at everyone
when life gets

You didn't want someone
like me,
you honestly just didn't want
915 · Jul 2015
College Student
Remus Jul 2015
The sun hits my skin
and I feel the burning

I've never known as a summer
as hot as this one.
Where people go outside
and it feel like it's
105 degrees.

You claimed you like hot girls,
am I hot enough for you now?
With my sweaty appearance
and the way I faint from

You laugh at my jokes
and you pet my wet hair,
you tell me that it's
going to be alright,
but I know it's not.

You're going to leave
in a year,
not even that long.
You're going to become
a college student and
explore the world
while I'll still be
a junior in
high school.

I don't want to hold you back,
it's the last thing I
honestly want to do.

What I want to do
is sing to you
and tell you how cute
you are.
I also want to write
romantic poems for you,
but this one isn't one you'd like.

This is me finally
telling myself
that we're over.
I ended it to keep myself
but I still liked you
for the longest time after.

I'm done now,
I've moved on and
I hope you've done the same.
Its been over a month.
878 · Apr 2015
Don't Fall in Love
Remus Apr 2015
Don't fall in love with me.
I will tear you
to bits and pieces
with love, affection, and

I'll tell you how
beautiful you look,
and when you ask
"How do I look beautiful"
I'll say
"Well darling, I must get going now."

I'll leave you breathless
in kisses
because you'll never want
to stop but
I'm already in my car
ready to go.

Don't fall in love with me
because I'll become
a female version of
John Green.

I'll write you poetry and
make you the love interest
in my novels,
but there's a reason why I
never finish anything.

I'll fall out of love,
love is boring
and when you
fall in love with me
I'll become uninterested
because I can't chase you

It's all in the chase,
because I like getting
what I deserve
but when I get it,
it's not what I wanted.
876 · Dec 2015
Remus Dec 2015
You smiled at me
and the world didn't
feel so cruel.

You listened to me
and I knew I wasn't

You helped in me in so many ways
and I knew that I could
count on you.

I became clingy,
and you swore that you
loved it.

You swore you loved me.

But things change,
and these things become people,
people who hurt you,
and people who leave you.

So tell me where I'm wrong
to cry over someone I loved.

Tell me where I have mistaken
every little thing
I ever knew about
you and I.

Just tell me something
and stop boxing your emotions away
and stop hiding from me.

I'm only here to help you
like you helped me
because that's what friends do.

That's what we do.

Or did we change somewhere
in some place that I wasn't aware about.

When and where did you decide
that you didn't love me anymore?

Because I still love you
and I still care
and I hate myself for it.

People like you are wrong
and manipulate people like me.

But that never stopped us before,
so why did it now?
871 · Jul 2015
For You
Remus Jul 2015
A heart laid on the floor,
millions of pieces shattered
and you didn't take second
glance at it.

My eyes were full of tears
and my chest was empty.
What did I do?

I ran away with you,
I felt something for you,
I gave my everything for you.

What I didn't realize is that
you were in the arms of
someone who didn't love you.

Maybe it was the fact was that
you loved someone that
wasn't me.

I didn't know how to cope
on being presented as
your partner in crime
and then all the sudden
you were in love with
someone else.

So as you walked away from
my shattered heart,
I tried to walk closer to you.

But you told me that the moment
someone shatters
they can't be anything to
This is really bad and I apologize.
870 · May 2014
You Are
Remus May 2014
You are a razor.
Your words
cut me so

You are an
You keep me
on my

You are a
monster that
I can't help
but love.
869 · Jun 2014
Remus Jun 2014
Everyone believes in a
different cause.
Your cause could be
women's rights
and mine may be
if ranch is a breakfast food.

So if someone says that they
do not support your cause
do not get angry
because you may not support
Just kind of open your eyes
823 · Jan 2016
fragile heart
Remus Jan 2016
we were meant to
fail from
the start.

didn't want anyone
wrecking my
fragile heart.

two beating hearts
all alone,
and oh so different
from one year ago.

once we were
on the same path,
but now we're
straying from that.

you blame yourself,
but you shouldn't,
you should only blame

she was the one
to destroy all of
my trust
for anyone and everyone.

I wasn't anything precious
to her,
but to you
I'm the sun
and you're the

please don't beat yourself up,
but sometimes we all just have
to leave someone
we love.
807 · Jun 2016
Bright and Warm
Remus Jun 2016
My eyes watch you approvingly
while you only watch me foolishly.

I claim to love the constellations,
but only because their stations
are found upon your skin.

Who would I be to fall in love?
Would I fall above
someone who has never been?

Would your kiss
feel like pure bliss?

I know mine would not.

Is it possible to miss someone
when you're not a loved one?

Is it possible to miss you,
a boy who always looks blue.

I don't mean sad,
I mean the hottest form of fire where it appears mad.

Your bronze curls
shine like pearls.

You're blinding me,
and it's hurting me.

You're so bright and warm,
while I'm dim and a storm.
806 · Jan 2015
Remind Me
Remus Jan 2015
You remind me of death.
But not the kind that
people began to

You remind me of a
dying phone
battery since you're
always counting

Or the decrease in points
at a tournament that
I never win
because you're on
the team who

You also remind me of
the decrease
in light on a
cloudy day so
there's no beautiful
sunset to

You remind me of yourself.
Cold, bleak, hateful, and
shameful of your
previous mistakes.

But besides all this,
I still find time to
admire you and
find time to
fall for you,
even when we
hate each other.
804 · Nov 2015
Remus Nov 2015
I can't breathe.

The air that you
so proudly gave me
is sickening.

I'm choking on every word
you said
whenever you claimed
we'd last.

We failed and I promise you
it wasn't my fault.

You were the one who wanted to push
my limits.
I said no and you said yes,
so you won.

I'm sorry that I wasn't
mature enough
for you yet
even though I was older.

I wanted more things in life,
while you wanted
texts and anything
that I refused.

You left and I
didn't cry.
It was for the best that we
went our different ways,
but I can't stop
thinking of what
we could've been
if you actually
loved me.
802 · Jan 2015
I'll Miss You
Remus Jan 2015
I lost a friend.
        They started it
                and I finished.

Saying goodbye to
        everything I loved
                about them.
                        I turned away
                                and never came

I'm sorry,
        but how was this
                for the best?

Best for you,
        but never me
                because I'll miss you
                        more than you ever
                              missed me
796 · May 2016
I cannot
Remus May 2016
I cannot breathe.

My body will not allow me.
I cannot breathe
because anger seethes
inside of me.

I cannot smile.

My face most likely looks vile.
I cannot smile
because the style
of your profile
makes me feel vile.

I cannot speak.

The word is so bleak
and I am so weak.
I cannot speak
because the door will creak
and shriek.

I cannot love.

My heart soars above.
I cannot love
because your love
is still situated in the foxgloves.

and not me.
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