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862 · Mar 2015
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
The realization
Life has exceeded
Love trumps fairytales
861 · Mar 2014
Time Warp
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Fleeting memories pierce the heart
Burning the soul to yesterday
860 · Jan 2015
Vignettes of the Soul
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
This poem has been submitted for possible publication.  It will be reposted as soon as possible upon final determination.  Please feel free to peruse my poesy at your leisure.

Thank you so much,
857 · Mar 2016
PrttyBrd Mar 2016
I can live
In the joy of moments lived
If I knew
You found joy
In those moments...Even now
857 · Oct 2015 (not a poem)
PrttyBrd Oct 2015 is a social media platform with user owned content, that pays you.  You have to be invited to join, so consider this your invitation. My short code is PrttyBrd. My page there is  Look it up and see for yourself. It's another way to get your original art, pics, poetry, stories, etc. You can post links to your page here as well; driving more poetry lovers to view your awesomeness.  ☺☺☺
Shirt Code:  prttybrd
854 · Jan 2015
In Your Own Hands
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
There is wisdom in a life well rounded
Lived with both joy and pain
Depths of despair
Weightless heights of bliss
There is peace in a heart that loves
Vulnerability and trust
Truth in all things
Caring more for someone other than yourself
There is fulfillment in accepting your mistakes
And continuing on your path despite bad choices
Demons can only die when you forgive yourself
851 · Apr 2015
Letters to My Lover.....XI
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
The birth of spring brings hope
The breeze carries dreams from far off places
The time is drawing nigh
And the blood rushes more quickly
Every second burning more brightly
Than the one which passed before
Mere days is what lies between Hell and imminent Heaven
Days, which will torture with the slowest of time
Inevitably give way to the rush of unity
Which leaves in seeming seconds
Still, these days will linger
Yet, still turn to hours, and minutes, and now
Ah, if only the now would pass as slowly
If time could crawl from the moment our eyes meet again
To the moment we must part
Perhaps we could live in that place for all eternity
Never having to feel the heart burn through flesh
As the distance grows by inches to feet
To that dreaded thousand miles
Oh, how those smiling eyes beckon
And dreams birth hope
The smell of jasmine in the evening
Brings joy in knowing it's just
A few more days......
Spring is warming up nicely
Here's to hoping the days grow long enough to keep you by my side
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
I read your words according to my mood,
Time of day, and perception of caring
And yet, you alter those easily
I love the hint of a smile
Though I cannot see what isn't there
Your voice in my mind as you whisper my name
Lures me to the brink with a sigh
Longing to be touched by delicate hands
Kissed with blatant intention
You, my love, my lust, my naughtiest desire
You are my darkest temptation
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  time passes in slow motion or in decades at a time.  and oh how they've grown.  how i've grown.  exhaustion lixiviates memories stained with emotion and faded fantasies.  tears leach anguish in oxidized tracks of pain.  and with time comes wisdom, or so it would seem.  because oh, how they've grown. how i've grown.  

privileged emotions
honored with joy, hope, love, pain
in an endless faunt

oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  inches and miles, torment and smiles, but oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  through time and travels, between the lines and written in bold. oh how they've grown, how i've grown

crossing paths in time
blessed to experience truth
throughout the journey

oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  timeless hearts through the birth of stars.  longing to share time in bits and pieces of eternity to see, oh how they've grown, how i've grown.  and here, in this very moment, growing like weeds in summer, encompassed in the vastness of all things waxing eternal.   

all by leaps and bounds
naked in time standing still
lifetimes in seconds

and oh how they've i've grown
A Haibun
847 · May 2010
Weightless Longing
PrttyBrd May 2010
Weight of the world
Broken shoulders and cracked spines
Long run consequences
Short run bliss
What's right for now
Or what's right for later
Good for one
Or good for others
Rubber arms cannot balance the sides
Today's frustration swallows tomorrow
Delinquent youth
Intolerant with age
Rules or freedom
Is there freedom within the rules
Is tomorrow forever tainted by mistakes from today
Perhaps tomorrow is tainted by things further in the past
Then again, could that be where true liberty lies
Letting go of bad choices
Living with the bed you made by accident
Do accidents really exist
Is there even a path
Mistakes that matter need not be ones own
Buried under a world of nothingness
It matters to no one but you
846 · Nov 2014
In the Machines
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
Look for my electronic soul
In all the places where you found my electronic heart
By the ethereal light of the interwebs,
Through an electronic connection
Dancing to electric heartbeats
Pulled to your electric guitar
Singing words that color me lovely
846 · Dec 2015
Aequora Tuta
PrttyBrd Dec 2015
In the rush of the waves
There is stillness
While she dances
Her laughter;
A symphony of souls
The warm water
Cradles him
As he lies mesmerized
Entranced by Her
Something to aspire to
843 · Jun 2010
Luna My Love
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Luna, My Love
I see the beauty in the darkness
Luna, My Love
I hear the stars sing your praise
Luna, My Love
You see me off to peaceful slumber
Luna, oh Luna My Love
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/06/2010
842 · Jan 2015
forever & always
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
our essence
is a
single unit,
I speak in truths
840 · Jun 2015
Left Hanging
PrttyBrd Jun 2015
Cut off abruptly
Painfully denied closure
Wounded in distance
839 · Jan 2015
Totally Wasted
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
I waste too much time
Thinking about you
Talking to you
Sleeping with you
I waste too much time
With you in my dreams
With you in my heart
Sharing a soul with you
They say time is wasted
When one isn't being productive
When there are things that need doing
So, I waste too much time
Sharing moments lost in love
Consumed with your essence
With what ifs and what could be
I linger in the most peaceful of places
Yes, I waste too much time
Being happy with you
839 · May 2010
Children's Game?
PrttyBrd May 2010
Piggies at markets
Piggies at home
Piggies eating cows
Starving piggies crying
838 · Sep 2014
Once Upon a Breeze
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
Hazy skies of stormy gray reflect your gaze upon my own
Blustery winds like fingers in my hair
Wrapped in end of summer heat
Signs of you beside me keep my crumbled heart whole
Patched with the greatest love at a distance
Bound in light eternally

For Him
834 · May 2016
Voidable or Vividity
PrttyBrd May 2016
Unable to breathe
My heart, in a state of panic
My soul, half joy/ half pain
With the darkness a true void
And the light, divine
So twisted in two
That breaking is imminent
Which survives
For to live as two
Is not living
833 · Aug 2014
PrttyBrd Aug 2014
Write with me a thing of beauty
For everyone to see
To gaze upon our very souls
Together, you and me
Words that dance upon the heart
Like a feather on the skin
Feelings painted honestly
In hues from deep within
Write with me a thing so lovely
That everyone will know
The purest of emotions
In two hearts at once betrothed
PrttyBrd Apr 2017
a limp body
carried in broken arms
to a funeral pyre
hidden in the woods

tinder, salt-saturated
won't catch
drowning in the perception
of failure

life flows out
and seeps in
healing in unfettered

exhaustion bleeds thought
cracks fuse invisibly strong
still feeling both less
yet more, somehow

pyre lays unlit
as the heart dreams ablaze
in lost memories
of a life not yet lived

one without the other
cannot exhale
breathing in all the nothing
looking for the only thing

not knowing what or where
but the when is now
as wood sits on the ashes
of what came before

in the jolt of drowning
on overflowed tears
it flows out of each
and into the other

cracks fade
accidental truth is never an accident
too tired to continue
it was found where it lay sleeping

patient and blind
sprouts into the best
of unseen possibilities
the day you carried me in silence
833 · Oct 2017
PrttyBrd Oct 2017
Yes, I'm in love with him.                      
No, I'm not sorry*

828 · Dec 2013
PrttyBrd Dec 2013
Words so sweet to bridge the distance
Bonded souls bring joy to heart
Ran the path of least resistance
To the core right from the start

Passion bleeds straight through the skin
Birthing feelings too intense
Ravaged spirits deep within
Break through loves weakened defense

Enveloped in the jubilation
Caused by being someone's sun
Belligerent intoxication
When heart fights mind to love someone

Stop the swimming thinking river
That makes the pain come hard and fast
A pain that is easy to deliver
When you have a broken past

Take the good for what it's worth
Though the darkness leaches through
Trust the light that brings great mirth
Before the shadows swallow you
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/12/2013
827 · Nov 2014
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
Resolved to stand alone
unto thyself,
filched hearts shatter dreams
825 · Oct 2014
Unbowdlerized (beware)
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
Razor-sharp fingernails scrape layers of flesh from eyelids
Splaying them eternally open
Can't unsee what's been seen
Can't unhear the sounds
Or unsmell the odor that rots in nostrils, infecting every rose
There's no stopping when they all stink the same
Can't undo, can't undo
Safety in bile where nightmares are birthed in reality,
In places that fester like the remnants of the lids that blinded
Bleach doesn't clean untruths
Fire doesn't  burn hot enough to mask pain
Blisters seem like hope
Hope to heal
Hope to resemble something familiar
Peeling skin back with teeth
Wishing for them to bleed
When scalding tubfulls try to cleanse
the grime that sludges through a broken mind
Attached to a heart mindlessly lashed in the shame of

824 · Jul 2014
Adios Querido Amigo
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Happy our paths crossed
Wrapped up in conversations
Naughty by nature
823 · Feb 2015
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
It's the silence
That breaks my heart
Most of all
822 · Jan 2016
When the Night Comes
PrttyBrd Jan 2016
In the company of darkness
Dreams float away unseen

In the company of darkness
Nightmares smile like a friend

In the company of darkness
Pain can be ignored

In the company of darkness
The world does not exist

In the company of darkness
I can feel you with me

In the company of darkness
820 · Jan 2015
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
Even the tiniest piece of you
makes my heart full
818 · Feb 2018
PrttyBrd Feb 2018
That tail doesn't taste as good as it looks
running in circles to see what's ahead
Breaking backs contorting to accommodate
what is too big for one man to contain
A trail of kibble leads a line of zombies
lost to the truth you pretend to be
16 personalities for 16 needs
and the line grows to criminal proportions
following the hope of a smile
817 · Mar 2015
Life Around the Clock
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
Time is an unkind shoulder
Unable to hold the tears it beckons
Unable to heal the wounds it creates

Time is a cruel teacher
Patience is a virtue learned through pain
Strength forged of necessity

Time is a blessing
Dulling blades
Smoothing jagged edges of emotion

Time lingers
Stretching each moment of joy into eternity
Holding memories in their most pristine state

Time is a universe in and of itself
Changing each second in length and perception
Teasing with it's flowing strength

Time is infinite in love
Lifetimes to eternity
Always and forever
As one
817 · Jan 2014
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
I wonder  
If you could
Or if you would
Or if you'd even dare

I wonder
If you're shy
Or if you'd try
Or how much you would share

I wonder
In your cage
So filled with rage
If you feel alone

I wonder
If you're free
To come with me
Where demons are condoned
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
816 · Nov 2014
Salacity Relinquished
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
I want you*

Alas, the obstacles outweigh the need

815 · Jun 2015
babe in anguish
PrttyBrd Jun 2015
She cries for his pain
Wishing to absorb it all
Without memory
814 · May 2015
You Must Be So Proud
PrttyBrd May 2015
I am becoming
The girl you trained me to be
Locked inside a box
Better to be loved for something you can be, than to never be loved as you are.....

Or is it
813 · Dec 2014
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
It was the child within the woman
Who could not let the heart believe
That a mere man could be so trusted
Without reason or reprieve

So they tussled through emotion
To see his thoughtfulness unveiled
But left invisible, unnoticed
It was the child who had prevailed

So the woman's barren heart
Bled in oceans on the floor
As once again she was transparent
Behind the tears which she endured

And so this man who claimed to love her
Called her Goddess, his living dream
Proved indubidably that in the heart
However pure, lives perfidy
812 · Feb 2015
Gossamer Wings
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
In his hand he holds a heart
A heart that was once her own
It has no wings to fly away
To where the PrttyBrd has flown

Since it could not follow
It awaited the return
To dwell in the empty cavern
Of a love that will ever burn

Ne'er to be filled with purpose
As the cavern is sewn in steel
The fire will char the surface
Where there is nothing left to feel

She could not bear the weight
Upon her wings so frail
A heart so full of love
Returned to no avail

For it had beaten just for her
Though she never realized
She had thought she set him free
But epitomized his demise
811 · Dec 2014
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
carefully washing away
the sweaty stench
of a broken fever
One stroke Senryu
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
When expectations are in line with
            reality there is no
From an insightful comment left on "disenthralled" by Sjr1000
809 · Jul 2015
Jagged Eggshells of Wonder
PrttyBrd Jul 2015
Spiteful absence
Torrents of pain
Invading, fading  
803 · May 2015
May Induce Vomitting
PrttyBrd May 2015
Again I make one ill
I am
The Poetic Emetic
803 · Dec 2013
I'm Here
PrttyBrd Dec 2013
I'm here,
holding you in my heart
I'm here,
stroking your hair
as you lay your head upon my breast
I'm here,
waiting for your smile
to welcome me home
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/12/2013
801 · Mar 2015
I Feel You
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
With the wisdom of the ancients
You speak in clues
Your depth, beyond comprehension
With a cracked smile
The distance peeks through the stars in your eyes
Souls united cannot be fooled
With weight enough to suffocate, you sigh
As my heart tries in vain
To lift you to the sun
I will hold you tightly
Space, nor distance, nor time
Can make us falter
Can make us doubt
You sigh, and my heart is heavy
I love you
And you smile....
799 · May 2010
Midnight Ponderings
PrttyBrd May 2010
Is there life to be breathed into a dream long since dead?
Is it too late to strive for what could still be?
If life's journey has pulled things far out of shape, can the path still be found?
Everyone is where they need to be, so then is it that what was meant to be is?
Does longing in the heart really mean that something is missing?
How can a void, however minuscule, be filled if no one knows how it came to be?
How important should one be made to feel?
If there is so much happiness in this place, why does it feel like someone else's life?
These days are good, but a little empty.
So is it better to have days that are full of bad?
If there is hope for more, does that mean that there will be more?
If you want it, but getting it might cause pain, should it be sought anyway?
When is it time to be top on the list?
In order to be on top, do others have to be pushed down?
799 · May 2015
Forever Is Only Temporary
PrttyBrd May 2015
Words will be erased
Replaced with new metaphors
10w Senryu
Just tiny pockets of pain, quickly removed. Purging to replace with joy
798 · May 2015
1,000 (a senryu)
PrttyBrd May 2015
At a thousand miles
A heart breaks a thousand times
Yet, still smiles in love
797 · Oct 2017
Corpus Delicti
PrttyBrd Oct 2017
Confined in close quarters
begging for quarantine
love tastes like carrion

Breathing mold spores
appeals more than
the kiss of a dying heart

For to taint joy
with the stink of decay
haunts honesty with living lies

A heavy heart
cannot power the light
that fuels a soul
796 · Feb 2015
aurora asunder
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
Oh how I miss you most in the morning
When the sun speaks in volumes of light
When my world is hushed
And the earth is high

Yes, I miss you most in the morning
When the day begins anew
When fresh eyes see truth
And dreams still linger

My, how I miss you most in the morning
Facing the day wrapped in the warmth
Of my dreams
Eyes open to empty arms and a full heart
Oh, how I miss you most in the morning
793 · Jan 2015
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
I read your words
They speak to me
Of course they are written
To my soul
My heart leaps
At the thought of you
Caring enough to make me real
I read your words
Of want and need
Of the existence and fear of love
Concrete, in black and white
It must be me who has moved you
Thoughts betraying logic
Though, I am the one
Tip toeing near and far
I am the one
Who knows I am being missed
For I am missing you
I read your words
And it just has to be me
They are mine
They live in me
They move me
I have claimed them for my own
As they must have been written
To me
For me
In desire and love for me
I breathe them in
My heart is alive
Yes, I have claimed them for my own
It is so easy to read poetry personally, as it is so personal by design. Ah, sometimes, when it's right and the stars are aligned, i can crawl in your words and wrap myself in the feel of them.
791 · Jun 2012
Traces of You
PrttyBrd Jun 2012
Traces of you line every moment silver,
     even in my darkest day
Traces of you can make the empty linger,
     the second you walk away

Traces of you are my hidden treasure,
     a joy that is all my own
Traces of you are too fine to measure,
     yet brighten my darkness alone

Traces of you make life worth living,
     the birth of my very smile
Traces of you make ease of forgiving,
     though memories tend to beguile

Traces of you turn hell into glory,  
     then turn back the other way
Traces of you rewrite the story,
     every second of every day
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/06/2012
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