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Jul 2019 · 662
Remember My Voice
Priyam Jul 2019
Will you remember my voice
The day I'm finally dead
Will you understand the words
You left unheard and I, unsaid
Jul 2019 · 330
White Collared Circus
Priyam Jul 2019
Job seeking is a white chocolate circus
Gets one feeling harassed and nervous
You get one and you're happy one day
Then you crib and toil your life away
Jul 2019 · 753
Life is a Book
Priyam Jul 2019
My life's a book
A neverending story
Full of drama
And gore and glory
I invite you to read me
Or be a chapter
I promise you'll lay
Amazed and enraptured
Because not only I
Have a fable to tell
It's surreal and unreal
And would put you under spell
So be my guest
Please grab a corner
Flip through the pages
And stand enamoured
Jun 2019 · 789
My Own Enemy
Priyam Jun 2019
I am my own enemy
Watering fresh dreams
With stale efforts

I am my own foe
Reaping the fruits of
The dead seeds I sow

I am my own rival
Dying of thirst
But trying to drown first

I am my own nemesis
A perpetual decadent
A fool, A pessimist
Jun 2019 · 525
Tik Tok
Priyam Jun 2019
Tik Tok
Is it morning again?
Do I have to wake up?
Tik Tok
I like this dish
But it doesn't taste the same anymore
Tik Tok
My hair's a mess
But so is my life
Tik Tok
I have to go out
Oh no, face the world
Tik Tok
I'm out for so long
Do I have to go back? Is it home?
Tik Tok
The day passed and it was uneventful. Or was it?
Did I do something wrong? Did something happen?
Tik Tok
Is it morning again?
Jun 2019 · 611
Pretty Things
Priyam Jun 2019
Oh pretty things
Take me instead and
Make me you
Oh pretty things
I hate the colors and
I'm feeling blue
Oh pretty things
How does it feel to get
The attention of the lovers?
Oh pretty things
Will I ever get noticed
Beyond the shell that covers?
Jun 2019 · 387
Take Me Away
Priyam Jun 2019
Come angels, take me away
The sharp edges
Have had their say
Come angels, cry your tears
I no longer want
To exist here.
Jun 2019 · 496
Priyam Jun 2019
Play with my hair
You're allowed to play with me feelings too
Play me a song
You're allowed to play one of your lies too
Should have known better
When it was too good top be true
Play me darling
This game's not meant for one, but for two.
Jun 2019 · 1.7k
Priyam Jun 2019
A babbling beauty
That's what she was
A damsel who dared
To speak her heart
Frolicking furiously
Through the gates of hell, she
Gave great new meanings
To malice and mutiny
May 2019 · 361
Red Sorrow
Priyam May 2019
I plan to drown in sorrow
My sorrow's red today
The cold blade & the warm skin
Kiss my troubles away
May 2019 · 1.6k
Priyam May 2019
Welcome to our society
Where we live in anxiety
They will judge you for being drunk
And some will for your sobriety
The lowlifes that inhibit it
Come in all varieties
They divide you in the name of religion
To pray the same deity
So I welcome you all to our society
Where we live in anxiety
May 2019 · 739
My Story
Priyam May 2019
I'll lay my story in blood one day
My pain dripping through the words
You tell my life's a boon, my friend
I guess I was the curse
I'll lay my story in blood one day
And then you'll know why
I have few friends and I tend to end
Every happiness that comes by
May 2019 · 1.1k
Blade in my Purse
Priyam May 2019
So there's a pocket in my purse
Its unopened or maybe its cursed
Am I just indifferent or maybe I'm afraid
(I'll let you in a little secret)
It's where I keep my favorite blade

It's been in my company for quite some time
In the moments I chided, in the moments I chimed
I have always kept it close like a love another
(I don't even know how to say this)
Sometimes even closer than my very own mother

But I like how it feels on my soft skin
I carve through my teary eyes, a ****** grin
But sure I hope that I don't die
(I don't do it to **** myself)
It just gives me hope that the bad times will pass by

Its been a while since I have cried
I feel like a psychopath with no feelings to define
So I reach out for my blade in the purse to feel something
(I won't throw it away so soon)
It gives me joy to know that i can sense, even if its hurting.
Jul 2018 · 454
Beauty and the Beast
Priyam Jul 2018
He gathered all around for a feast,
A love he didn't own and it never ceased,
He thought telling her his feelings was a must, at least,
And as soon as he saw her in that dress, his nervousness decreased,
He found love at last but not the least,
But kept his emotions unreleased,
Because all this while he felt,
That she was the beauty,
And he was the beast.
Jul 2018 · 1.1k
Perception and Dedication
Priyam Jul 2018
He stood dedicated to a cause,
Which he didn't perceive well,
And lo! He faulted, and behold! He fell,
A story worth to tell.

He dreamt of ridding the world of its,
Dark and Cruel sight,
But he failed to see all the light
and love by his side.

So he perceived them all with hate,
And shunned them out alike,
And stood dedicated to his cause,
Becoming Dark and Cruel with all his might.

May 2018 · 305
Priyam May 2018
The walls speak to me
Through the voices in my head
Should I leave this room
Or am I better off in my bed

Staring at the ceiling
Imagining starry nights
I don't fell sleepy
But my eyes are shut tight

So I talk to them
The voices in my head
I don't need to go out
Because I'm better off in my bed
May 2018 · 359
Irony of Life
Priyam May 2018
A cold sunlight
And a warmer moon
A dull bright
A cursed boon
A comfortable pain
A loser's gain
A deaf's music
A gibberish symphony
Life's an oxymoron
Life's an irony
May 2018 · 239
Not Long
Priyam May 2018
But darling I think
You've got it wrong
They say love lasts forever
Not relationships that last that long
May 2018 · 209
Priyam May 2018
We are gathered here to mourn
The death of my dreams
An end of the era of
"Could-be"s and "Have-been"s

We are gathered here to mourn
The demise of my hopes
Feel free to shed a few tears
Feel free to mope

We are gathered here to mourn
The passing of my sanity
As I get comfortable around
Pain and profanity

So gather around and tell
My friends I meant well
I will be back someday my love
But until then, farewell.
May 2018 · 214
She was...
Priyam May 2018
She was angry and anxious
Bored and beautiful
Calm and courageous
Delightful and dazzling
Elegant but not easy
Faithful and fierce
Grumpy and great
Harsh and always hungry
Ideal and idiotic
Jealous and jittery
Keen and kind
Lame and lazy
Mad and magical
Naive and nasty
Obedient and oblivious
Panicky and passionate
Quick and quiet
Rare and raw
Sad and salty
Talented and talkative
Unaware and unbiased
Vague and valuable
Wandering and wanting
Young and hated yellow
Zealous and zestful
She was complete!
May 2018 · 340
Priyam May 2018
Brown was the tree trunk
That we hugged when we played
Brown were the leaves in autumn
Delicate and frayed

Brown was the moth
That couldn't stay away from the fire
Brown was the bed
Of my grandfather's pyre

Brown were things
that the poets made poetic
Brown is the colour of my skin
Then why is it not accepted?
May 2018 · 592
My Personal Hell
Priyam May 2018
I don't know how I got this bad
A depressed mother
A chauvinist dad

I want to run away and start a new life
To be someone's soulmate
To be someone's wife

I cannot cross my dad
He raises his hand
Going against him is domestically banned

And all this while I stand broken
An emotional mess and not well-spoken
But I'm told I victimize-
Myself, and then I'm criticized

So be my guest and judge me mate
But help me out before it's too late
I am looking for happiness and that is all
I would let love be my biggest fall
Apr 2018 · 174
Priyam Apr 2018
Too fat, too thin
She felt her body
Was just a sin

Too dark, too light
She couldn't keep up
With this fight

Too smart, too dumb
She felt it all
And felt so numb

And before you gave her
A chance to turn tables
You burdened her down
With all your labels.
Apr 2018 · 159
Priyam Apr 2018
She left her hair open
To hide the scars on her face
Scarred herself
To get through the days
Hid the scars
To fit in the group
And got herself stuck
In this vicious loop.
Apr 2018 · 421
The dark side
Priyam Apr 2018
The dark side awaits
The ones who dare
The prisoners of love
The beggars of care
You think you know it
At the slightest hint of despair
But little do you know
Of the horrors there.
Apr 2018 · 186
Old Friend
Priyam Apr 2018
I met you first when we were kids
A tall boy there and shy to bits
Your name rhymed with a guy another
It made me think that you were brothers

Who would have thought we'd end up friends
Of thirteen years and no dead ends
But now you doubt what I can do
So I write this down to prove to you
Apr 2018 · 203
Stranger Friend
Priyam Apr 2018
How strange to have a stranger friend
When you feel your world is coming to an end
Of late night talks across the borders
A common thought that our heart ponders
And if we never talk ever again
I know our hearts will still beat the same
Apr 2018 · 284
See you again
Priyam Apr 2018
A mental note of your eyes so brown,
A hearty laugh, a gentle frown,
A loving heart, full of pain,
Oh I wish I could see you again.

A broken promise, and a night of fight,
Of packing bags, and the morning flight,
I remember it now, I remembered it then,
Oh I wish I could see you again.

— The End —