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2.2k · Dec 2016
the early bird crows
I listen to the sunrise
the cloud fingers
plucking the strings of
a golden harp
Thoughts while waking to the sunrise.
2.0k · Jan 2017
"Letter to Depression"
Dear depression,

Sometimes I yearn to run from you
to be swept away
until the day
my world changes
from grey sky
to milky white and blue

somewhere where the rain
doesnt bury me beneath a sea
of my own tears
it holds me captive in fear
swallows me

in its black mouth
while frantically I look for an exit
but there is none
not one I can see
at least not at the beginning
the dark is long in length

all consuming
yet though I feel like death
I do not die
Somehow I find the strength
hidden deep inside of me
the secret to living

to conjure the light within
feel the well of hope swell
in that sliver of will
see tomorrow as a quill
and rewrite sorrow into joy
paint the future bright

I deserve to be happy
To be free to fly
even if it takes time
I will mend
All will be well with my soul
in the end

I'll be who
I was always meant to be
burn like a wildfire
Brilliantly shine


A survivor
Writing about my depression and anxiety helps me in my overcoming of it. Im in recovery and one day soon I know ill be completely free; happy.
2.0k · Dec 2016
I have a lot of love for the broken, the tattered and torn; those who carry the burdens of a human heart.
One of my goals is to be of service to people, especially in the mental health and criminal justice field. It is a driving force within me that pushes me past my social anxiety to interact with people, extending compassion, acceptance, and most importantly, showering them with love.
1.3k · Jul 2017
Poison (haiku)
black widow spider
love's end was slow and painful
and uninvited
1.3k · Oct 2016
Autumn Rain
Autumn rain
the leaves slowly fold
into forgotten dreams
a river of
colorful streams
all around
the air translucent with
auburn memories
of Summer nights
bright in warmth
the fire of our hearts
arrogant in love
we thought enough
to keep the chill of Winter
at bay

But sure
as we were
we couldnt be more wrong
We could not weather
wind nor rain
At least not together
So we parted ways
the other left standing
under an umbrella of pain
empty promises made
left unfufilled
only the leaves
to whisper our will
to someday meet in the middle

try our hand
at love again
this time surviving
in the end
Split the vein of heart
let all your beautiful colors spill
bleed your love
all over me...
blank canvas of clouds
bare your soul to me
paint my black and blue
pure and new

I will bloom for you
as only the soul touched
by light and beauty can

orange and pink and auburn
like flowers and autumn leaves and sunrise
every sunset
I will spend my moments
with you
in your garden
smelling your roses
in the morning of your eyes
in the night of your dreams
flying like stars
dancing like the wind
sturdy as a mountain

Ill wait for you
underneath a blanket of darkness
pale as the whitewashed moon
flask half empty
waiting to be filled
to drink you in
get drunk on you
be the one
your lips make love to
the lungs your breath settles into
the flesh you crawl beneath
to slumber in peace
the heart you escape into
whenever you are on the run from the world
your place of solitude and quiet
your shelter

*Chose me
and I promise to be
an ending
to all your unhappy endings
your happily ever after
your here and now
and thereafter in the hereafter
forever and always
This poem was inspired by a fellow poet on my IG. Her poems make a dead heart beat again. If you would like to follow her her is her ig @angeadan.
1.1k · Dec 2016
Self Acceptance
"And for the first time in a long time I found a hope I once lost to a storm, a happiness I knew I had, but needed to find again."

Isnt it hard to breathe
underneath all that mask?
I ask my self daily,
while I listen to the world,
but hide myself in my shell.

discouragement of one's true beauty,
an adornment courtesy
of too many misplaced trusts
in society's lust for perfection.

The idea,
planted false notion in me,
a seed of deceit,
one I taught myself to believe;
to question who I am.

How much am I worth?
Am I something artificial?
Somedays I don't feel real.
My doubt undermines my potential.
How do you know if your good enough?

My mind has no answer;
but the heart knows I already am.
I just need to learn to listen,
not be so stubborn minded,
less susceptible to belittling self.

Its hard you know,
when youve been told,
by yourself your whole life,
that you are coal,
instead of diamonds.

Ive been my harshest critic,
forgiving of others
but often unforgiving
of my own mistakes.
Not allowing myself to heal.

to be so sensitive to others
but ignorant of my self,
my own brutal teacher
of lessons in self esteem.

I had to reclaim the cofidence,
I exchanged at an early age
for inferiority, insecurity.
I had to learn to love myself, a hard lesson,
but one worth all the trouble I experienced.

Now I am no longer the girl
searching for someone else,
but a woman who has found herself.
I have learned to be kinder to me.
Accept myself as I am; love me unconditionally.

The war between low self esteem, and self love and self acceptance is a constant battle, one I am determined to win.
1.1k · Dec 2016
Beauty is only skin deep
All the walking books
I have yet to read;
the human hearts that beat.
Soon to be acquaintances
or lifelong friends.

Some come and go as surface dwellers.
Others stay,
and come to know you better;
the roots of the tree
that gave birth to its branches.

Reveal to me more
than your shallow surface,
I want to know the deeper you,
the intricacies
that make up who you are.

I will build a bridge
between your heart and mine,
listen to understand.
I will choose to climb the ladder
leaving judgment on the shelf below.

Be unafraid to trust in intimacy.

Hide no part of you
bare your scars to me
for I have them too
my love will only grow
in light of all you show.

Be courageous in faith.
Share with me the wear and tear
of a human heart
Lovers bearing scars,
bare to me all

the unpretty things that make you beautiful.

An extension of two earlier poems that seem to fit better together. I also wrote this because I have such a curiosity about people, a real desire to see beyond the mask of skin and get the know what's underneath; true beauty.
1.1k · Jan 2017
Note to Suicide
Here lies a scar
a short cut to a shortcut
on the journey home
to the heart
I almost died trying to
find a way out of myself
to release my own demons
free the inside of me
in the split second
of a split vein
the moment i almost lost
all of my moments
the breath of life
i realized its importance
there is no easy way out
you will hurt the ones you love
when you are here now
then suddenly gone tomorrow
there is no easy way in
there will always be trauma
that aches beneath the skin
things you want to escape from
escape into
life is full of paradoxes
you want to live
but self sabbatoge your life
though the same God
who created the stars
created you
you feel yourself undeserving
to be among the living
Yet you are here
In almost giving it away
I learned life is a gift
i must not squander it
eventhough I feel squandered by it at times
that I am wasting my time
These ill feelings pass
and ill get past my past
and the future will at last
be the last thing I grasp
my last will and testament
that I faced the present
my sadness, my fears, my anxieties
deep depression
fought them all tooth and nail
raised hell
to be comfortable in my shell
accept myself
And I outlasted it
won the battle
I am here.
One of my goals in life has been to become a person who advocates for the mentally ill and helps end the stigma attached to mental health, especially within the african american community, one of the largest groups of people that reject mental health services. One of the ways I do this, is through sharing my own trials and triumphs. I am deciding to be brave today, take a deep breath....and live
Sinking roots nobody sees
trapped within a barren field
a flower struggles to breathe.

She fights to grow
hopes to heal
one day she will....

For she is the blossoming flower,
as fragile as the paper
to which she writes her soul,

yet just as strong
as the heart
that frames each poem.
Im still healing from all the wounds inflicted by an insecure girl, but each day I water the seed of love within me, the more I grow into the confident woman I was always suppose to be.
964 · Jan 2017
Outlast the storm
"Out of dark matter the light will form; every trial has an expiration date."

Unbearable dark,
the kind that's pitch black;
Fierce and formidable chaos
consumes everything.

On nights like these
I long for a piece of light,
peace of mind,
a sliver of moonlight
to gleam in the gloom;
an ending to long suffering.

To find shelter
in the open arms of hope,
uplift my soul,
I will cast my burdens
like stones into the riverside,
watch them sink out of sight.

Feast my weary eyes
on the bulb of fireflies,
let my mind break free
of impossibility,
explore the astral plane of dreams;
far from view
of obscene reality,
safe and secure,
knowing this too shall pass.

I will escape the empty glass,
elude the shadows overcast;
outgrow the dead grass.
No longer outcast
I will Breathe
and bloom again at last.
Outlast, the storm.
"when I think of you
my body is still here
but my Spirit floats..."

Your love makes this dead heart beat again. Words can't express how grateful I am. You don't know how long its been. Since Ive felt less like a zombie and more human. Less like a plastic smile. More transparent. I can put the rifle down and unlock the door, be less guarded, less insecure. I don't have to wear a mask or filter; only be a self portrait; a reflection of myself. You see me for me. More transparent. Less concrete and more soul. Even if I am but skeleton branches barely clothed in leaves; you accept me for me. Scars and all my faults. My empty apologies, past regrets. My nightmares. But most importantly all my dreams. My transparency. The bareroots of my tree. For that I will always love you, always in the way you love me; completely.
I write love poems when I feel alone. Even though Ive never known the feeling of falling in love. It eases the loneliness, gives me hope :)
854 · Dec 2016
Drunken Stoner
At the peak of midnight
sequined eyes peek
wide awake,
soaking up the leak of light
pouring from darkness.

I am drunk and high
as a kite stuck in a tree
a red ballon touching palms
with the clouds;
Ive done too many shots of moonshine,
drank way too many stars.

I am lit.
Extremely intoxicated.
The houseparty upstairs is live.
I can hear it through the wall
and like a pendulum I two step,
solo dancing to the music,
the rhythm of crickets;
intrusive thoughts in my head.

Welcome to insomnia,
the club that never closes,
the city that never sleeps.
Where the mind just keeps
wandering into wonderment,
drunk on belief,
****** on a dream.
Wrote this last night after several nights of dealing with insomnia on account of some new medication.
842 · Dec 2016
The magic of love
The magic of love
is in its ability to heal
the b r o k e n.

Hearts of glass,
a fragile beauty,

beneath the light of love
we easily s
                           t e r;

s c a t t e r e d   stardust
glistening in the wind.

               In the center of your core
               is where you'll find me,
               nuzzled in the broken,
               diminishing your darkness
               with the light of my soul;

love softening every wound
sharpened by heartache.
823 · Feb 2017
fall down,
melting inside
the mouth
of the mountain.
I am lost
in the abyss
of the hole
you left me with.
803 · Feb 2017
in the dark night,
the rain;
soft tears of beauty,
moonlight drips
from the eye of sky
down the cheek of the abandoned city.

The flecks of light
spark  wildfire,
from its whisper,
the sounding of one's desires
reveal in the quiet
the path to finding
one's self again.

After being lost
for so long
it is riveting,
the feeling of being at home
in your own skin;
as earth shattering
as the birds playing their violins,
welcoming the morning sunrise.

It is a pleasure to be alive.
790 · Jul 2017
Fragile (short poem)
you're a rose
with many thorns
your heart torn & forlorn
awaits soft hands
to strip you of your ache
tend to your wounds
love you

I am glass
my love for you transparent
ill be your vase
your place of rest
hold you safe
in my fragile heart
just promise not to break me
774 · Dec 2016
Deductive Reasoning
My heart's a well.
I find it is well
whenever it is filled,
with love.
It feels loved,
whenever I'm with you,
I belong....With you...I am home.
Its simple math.  We add up; we make better sense together.
767 · Dec 2016
Hold me
Hold me like Im still alive, and not the shell of the woman who died; a moment not yet condemned to memory. At least pretend, for the night, we're still in love; all is not lost.Hold me like a comma, like this is not the end of us. Hold me like there is tomorrow, the sunrise you look forward to. Hold me like the sea, deep, in your heart. Hold me like a piece of you was misssing before me, and will be, without me. Hold me like I hold you, like the air in my lungs, like you need me to breathe, and losing me would **** you, to breathe. Hold me like you're all in, you dont want to lose me. Hold me like an inescapable feeling, something you can't let go. Just. Hold. Me.
I desire to be the thing, that someone will fear losing; a lover worth fighting for.
760 · Feb 2017
Six Degrees Of Separation
your voice echoes
in the south east corner
of this dark room
we once shared together
the light you took with you

i moved the bed
to the north west corner
to distance myself from you
but the degree of speration
between you and me
comes full circle in the heart

the one of two minds
I cannot change
the fact that everything
beneath the skin
acknowledges  your touch
bares your name

things are different now
i love you
all the same
746 · Sep 2016
Night wanders into day
dew upon a grass bed
the sky shatters
into a million pieces
sunlight impaling
a shield of clouds
the air of warmth
fills the lungs of birds
with the song of joy
and my weary heart beats
in tune to their happiness
the ignite of will
to lift myself up
from between this rock and hard place
to soar as eagles do
higher than high
conquer life
Lately my reality has been a buzz **** to all my dreams. I find myself fighting hard everyday not to slip back into the prison that is depression and anxiety, but to remain free. Sometimes all hope seems far and in between, but still I rise. Not of my own strength but that of God's. To Him I owe the greatest thanks and to that of my family and friends, as well as the beautiful souls who read my heart's words and return kindness, lend support(my insta and twitter followers), and last but not least, of self; all refusing to let me give up but pushing me to survive.
742 · Aug 2016
Close but no cigar
Love that was blind
was a feathered lie
A delusion that felt kind
lingering in the mind
it spoke so gentle & sweet
I almost believed it
2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

In the gleam
of the morning sunrise
i saw the blooming
of the seed of faith;
strength to live
another day,
peace to let go
of yesterday,
for the journey ahead.

I am blessed
going in and going out;
wherever I go
I carry the beauty-mark of success
eternal happiness
because I believe
I am blessed
because you love me
I am alive
because you touched me

And eventhough
it may not be an easy road
i recognize
that you are here with me,
there to guide my eyes to see,
hold my hand and lead me
through treacherous trail of every trial
until I get to promised land
of milk and honey.

I am blessed
This was custom poem I did for one of my twitter followers. Currently I am raising money to study abroad in China or Africa. In honor of my academic achievement during graduate study I have been nominated to participate in the Laureate International Scholar Program, a program in which you study international relations and diplomacy in either China or Africa. I have started a gofundme page to raise the money I need to go and as a thank you for any donation I am offering to write custom poems. If you are interested and would like to know more information about the program and trip I will leave the link to my gofundme page below! If you decide to donate make sure to comment with your email address and the subject of the poem you would like and I will email you one. I appreciate any help! Thanks in advance!! Also if you could share the link on your social media outlets that would be of great help as well.
740 · Dec 2016
Peace offering
Piano keys
the night fills with
sweet melodies

a pool of stars
I bathe my body
in the waves of light

peace makes me her home
The feeling of peace that washes over as I look into a sky full of stars.
716 · Feb 2017
Love and Peace
like nature's beauty
nourishing and fulfilling
spritually sound
the fibers of your being
breathe into me love and peace
Always alone
Find me
A home
I want to belong
to someone
other than myself
to be the lover
of another
and be loved in return

I am tired
of abandonment issues
the exit wounds
being torn through
left bereft
with holes
and scars
shallow breaths
and worn out beats
a broken heart

For once
I just want to be held
and not put down
not let go
but treasured
off my feet

All my friends
seem to have come and gone
I feel so alone
Always second
a hand-me down
Never first
an afterthought
sought after
only out of convience

It hurts
worse each time
I break open
to let someone in
only to be shut out
by them in the end
Again and again
the third wheel
spinning tirelessly
circling the drain
swallowing pain

When will they notice
that I am shambles
bleeding from the inside out
internal wounds
from all the cuts
the back stabbing
Is it really that hard
to love me
to see me
accept me
for who I am?

I know Im quiet (introverted)
and awkward at times
high on anxiety
lowered to depression
but funny too
sweet and kind
intelligent mind
heart more courageous than a lion
loving fiercely mankind
Yet everyone leaves me
in the back of the car
like a crying baby
forgotten in her booster seat
in Summer heat
dying from neglect

Always alone
find me
A home
I want to belong
to someone
other than myself
to be the lover
of another
and be loved in return

One day
I wont have to try
so hard to be relevant
cared for/about
by the very people
I've come to adore
beg for attention and time
In time
I will find my tribe
kick off my shoes and relax in my socks
by the fire place of warmth
my soul embraced and loved

No longer the one calling out
to hear only a dial tone
or answering machine
receive no response
No longer will I walk
as the wind
nor be the waning moon
an empty shadow
silent company
of leaves and trees
A bystander
A dead end
or one way street
the ghost unseen
someone who no longer exists
in their world

One day
Ill finally find myself
at home
right where I belong
Just some thoughts on how Ive been feeling lately. Everyone in my life appears to have moved on. Too busy to call or text or spend time. It feels I am always the one reaching out but left with no response. As if I am a ghost, someone who no longer exists in the world. Honestly it hurts because Ive invested myself and it is not easy for me to open up or close the door. I know in life people grow apart, in location and paths in life, all except in the heart. At least mine still feels the closeness that was and misses it deeply.
688 · Feb 2017
Cleanse (haiku)
i walk in the rain
to purge my anxieties
rediscover peace
676 · Dec 2016
Reflections. | .snoitcelfeR
"The wind is blowing the skirt of an Autumn tree; I flirt with destruction."

Wildfire is afoot,
my lungs fill with the soot
from all the burning bridges;
a slow suffocation, each breath
slipping into the decay.
Things I lost in the fire
permeate the stench of regret.
The unforgotten coats the skin of air
in blankets of smoke and mirrors.
Reflections. | .snoitcelfeR

I Breathe in
deep breaths of memories,
awake in me,
the only remenants
of our love.
It is hard to exhale.
A stubborn heart,
I never know when to let go.
Selfishly I hold on
even amidst the breaking;
the fire consuming everything.
I find myself content
with these 3rd degree burns.
The scars are reminders
that I did more than dream you
but you were really here.

The deliberate suicide
accelerated by my will
to hold onto something
that is already gone;
without you I die a little more inside.
Fade into the nothingness,
a canyon filled with the echo
of the wolf's cry; brokenness.

**** this burden of love,
a torch that burns me alive.
Deadly poison
coursing through my veins,
killing me softly.
I am the chainsmoker.
My lungs are charchoal,
a sacrafice on the alter.
I don't know how to quit you,
give back the feelings you gave me;
the all of you that I have breathed in.

Addiction is madness.
I can feel the unraveling of mind
turning me into a cigarette bud,
into a tray of ashes.
Lost in the fray.
There is a mirror
in the ceiling above me,
haunting reflection
of the things that use to be.
Of the things Ive lost
you are what I desire most
to find again.

I miss belonging
to your lips, your hands, your heart
but I mean nothing to you now.
I am a promise you once made
broken and unkept.
A heart missing a piece.
A mind without peace.
Lonely like the stretch of sky
after the sun departs
before the moon arrives;
the bareroot of empitness.

I am the star
farthest from the moon,
devastated by an ending come too soon,
but soon to be reborn
the morning star;
one way or another
Ill find my way out of this dark,
the light always does....
Just written reflections on a past heartache.
675 · Jan 2017
When love was new
i liked it better
when love was a lovely rose
not a prickly thorn
when you carried soft eyes for me
and not a heart of stone
667 · Feb 2017
i am fireflies
i carry luminous light
shine in dark places
i am a travel guide for
the ones who have lost their way
627 · Jan 2017
Unrequited Love
a pincushion heart
thorns in exchange for a rose
unrequited love
625 · Feb 2017
Brighter days ahead
back against the wall
again feeling so very small
falling down hard
like raindrops often do
in the fierce ferocious storm

unending nerve cells
swell with pain
a well of screams
all screaming the same thing
"i am tired, so very tired"

i want to give up so badly
i feel my heart
close in on itself
stop beating in its tracks

then beat again...
as i pick myself up again
knowing this is not the end
only the beginning
of brighter days ahead
595 · Dec 2016
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalms 34:18

Ive already broken
satan's gravtational pull.
Refuse to let him bring me down.
All I can do is go up Lord.
Higher in you.
Lord I'm already broken.
Heart already cut open.
Commence surgery.
Cardiac arrest me.
Let me die to my flesh so that you can renew me.
Clean my heart so that it beats purely.
Flesh of your flesh.
Bone of your bone.
You created me in your image.
Your clone.
So let my ways mirror yours.
Lord be the center of my life.
My core.
Let my heart be patient.
Let my words be kind.
Let my thoughts be pure.
Lord protect my mind.
Though I cry
Lord catch these tears.
Though I stand in the unknown
Lord calm my fears.
Take my hand.
Hold me close.
Lead me beside your still waters.
Don't let me go.
Just know
these words are sincere.
Lord hear my prayer.
This is just a short prayer I wrote that expresses my desire to be closer to God, strong enough to give up the things that would seperate me from him, and humble enough to let him know I need him (forgiveness), especially during times I turn away from him, as well as trial and tribulation.
591 · Feb 2017
standing there
by a broken tree
torn to pieces
with a toothy grin screaming
"Im. Still. Breathing."
561 · Aug 2016
You peel out of your skin
Bare your soul to me
And I cry tears of love
for nothing is more sacred
or more beautiful
555 · Dec 2016
no became yes
transition from negative to positive
Ten word story.
554 · Dec 2016
To embrace your flame
The corset of night loosens
exposing the flesh of light
Silver bells dangle from the sky
winter tidings
Dreams uplifting the soul

Dark skies
Lull the stars to bloom
A waterfall
Upon fallow ground
Like shimmering rain

One by one
I shoot them down
Gather them
Like seashells
Hear your voice echo

In every one
Clasp the sound
In my lungs
I breathe you
A rhapsody of life

Each breath reflecting
Each beat of my heart
I pull them closer
Like dreams in the mind
Internalize your soul

And burn with love
A yearn to be the only sky
That holds you
The only earth
To embrace your flame
Your Home
549 · Sep 2016
First frost
all is not lost
morning sun
will melt away
ice of sorrow
into soft dew
broken hearts will mend
learn to love again
534 · Dec 2016
Side by side

           a curvature of marrow

                    hardened spines

            holding matter into place

                    like the moon

       you are my center-peace

the light of my world
532 · Sep 2016
Your eyes
a sunrise
sets in my mind
Mercury rising
a memory of light
reflects inside me
Your soul
a lighthouse
always guides me
513 · Jul 2017
Your soul (micropoetry)
your soul
a purple field
of dreams
dewy flowers
outpouring love
its covering
uprooting weariness
uplifting the spirit
512 · Dec 2016
Lone wolf
"Lonely is something I am accustom to, not something I desire to be, but have learned to accept." -the wolf

In the way
Only the wolf can
Soft cries
I bared my soul
Shed tears
Whispered dreams
Fed fears
To the black widow
Of cold night
Of alone
Rolled into
A half smile
Of hope
A sliver
Of moon
One day
The rooster
Will crow a tune
Of love
Ill wake up
From this nightmare
Of hollow
No longer vacant
Of wamrth
But curiously
By the fingers
Of a wanderer
Who saw it fit
To curl breath
The spaces
To make my empty
A home

510 · Sep 2016
Languid arms
of a misty rain
hold me tenderly
within the moonlight
a shadow's embrace
shielding me from the pain
of loneliness
503 · Dec 2016
Worn thin
tree branches break.
But the roots grow ever still;
her heart wrapped in scars,
yet deep inside of her there remains love.
If I am to be remembered, let it be for the love Ive shown.
502 · Jan 2017
2:00 a.m.
Starved of sleep and hungry.
Midnight snack.
A night owl is on the prowl
chasing after dream.
I venture out into the dark.
Climb into the open window
of the lowly moon.
Rummage through its craters.
I search for each bulb of dream
I ******* into the sky.
I pray I catch the prey of light.
Find a piece of peace tonight.
Escape the termites
that gnaw at the surface
of my eyes.
The anxieties that blind,
eat away at the mind.
500 · Feb 2017
as you read to me
I watch your lips move
but find myself
hearing only the thought
of kissing your pretty mouth
497 · Jan 2017
Walking on air
walking on air is
as easy as breathing it
when Im with you the
stars are not so far away
I dream in endless color
490 · Jan 2017
Moral Support
i asked the wind if
it would be your surrogate
carry your burdens
the things that depress your soul
too heavy to bear alone
485 · Dec 2016
Forever blue-moon
it is cold again
the moon is no longer soft
just rust and iron
a corroded artery
casualty of loneliness

still its seductive
I cannot resist its charm
temptation to dream
rain slips down the window pane
you paint my sleep into light

Am I destined to
only find you in the dark
at the edge of stars
the burning flames and shadow
conjuring mere reflection?

Are you now reserved
to be a thought in the mind
a cloak of the heart
something I can always feel
but will never touch again?

the wind whimpers reply
illuminating the sad truth
Ill always miss you

forever blue-moon
loving you from a distance
is hard to do...
not loving you at all
When you miss someone who's no longer missing you....
485 · Aug 2016
Out pouring
of velvet warmth
raining violet
the cloud of heart
bursting with joy
overflowing with love
You make me float
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