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6.3k · Oct 2014
Complicated Balance
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
My balance is often complicated by the complex complications of construed situations.
The uncensored limitations, the spiteful aggravation; they think these are indications that I should melt with temptation through my frustration.
But if you felt my vibration, it would send you to the sky, where I am stationed.
I could never be what you want me to be in your dreams,
it seems that the seams to my soul are more than what you see them to be.
You don't see me. I became transparent,
hold me to the light for my transparency
to be clear to read.
Clarity will arrive here when your conscience calls and you appear.
My heart blends in the healing water that has a hallow father.
He is the fire that breeds these things that allow me to bleed and be these words that you see.
My balance is often complicated
but I have never once waited to be rejuvenated.
The light of the moon
illuminated my sight through my doom.
I dance with the stars and i hope we all meet soon,
so that we can bloom
as these words fill up the space
in this 4 cornered room.

3.3k · Oct 2014
The Detached Connection
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I often wonder if I am detached from myself.
Maybe I am too in-tuned to the moon.
I'm the rose that became fully bloomed under the sunlight of noon.
I took my doom and ripped into two.
I shatter my pride but ironically,
my pride told me to put it back with glue.
Who knew that I would walk in these shoes,
blood pumping through my hopeful heart and I'm singing the blues.
The way my soul moves, I swivel in and out of the grooves of the wounds that you can only see in my eyes.
I see the world like you'll see my demise; beautiful immortality saying her softest goodbyes.
When I cry, doves hear me.
I flock with the birds over the clearest water,
and it sees right through me.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Lost Souls
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
What is it with this generation of lost souls? Do you ever just sit and think, where did we lose the part that made us whole?
Somewhere along the way, hating love and loving hate became the forefront of everything we say.

Somehow it became the generation of kids who probably won't realize they're adults until, one day, they look in the mirror and see that they're 45, still in the same pair of designer jeans and expensive shoes they could barely even afford. And the only reason they bought them was to post a picture on instagram just to get false sense of validation from people they barely even know.

We lost sight of the importance of being an advocate of self.
When we have money, that's our only weath.
What about wealth in mind, body, spirit?
This generation would rather snort lines for an out of body experience.
How sad.
The generation that will laugh watching others cry, just to fit in.
What, exactly, are you trying to fit into?
What is it really, that prevents you from being in-tune?
Why the moon isn't as interesting as that little corner of doom in a messy room, while you have no desire to bloom.

I want so badly for this generation to be better, together.
To treat one another like sister and brother -
It's time for everyone to blow their cover.
Take off the mask, they're no longer needed.
Be the future, because we are. Become what you want to be seeded.
It's okay to cry or to ask for help. Put your pride aside, go inside to find that real wealth.
I challenge you to be better.
Look yourself In the mirror and surrender.
I wish you love and peace through all of your endeavors.

- L.G.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Inspiration In Absence
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
A friend once told me that all of his inspiration was lost, it was a half past 2.
I wondered how much of himself it would cost to wander a bit, and try something new.
Maybe this is out of the blue, but perhaps we can find inspiration in all of its absence, too.
Inspiration is in me and it's in you.
It's where you sit right now, just enjoying the view.
It's the smiles that graze by you, if only a few.
It's the change in the space that could never be replaced.
A positive embrace that becomes written all over my face.
I told him, "sometimes, we must change our questions and readjust our eyes. And by surprise, the sunset becomes the sunrise."
The difference between a decline and an incline.
The distance between looking forward and falling behind.
Inspiration that is in front of us -
The heart invested trust that sends us a rush that is never undone.
The cold-hearted lust that turns to love under the sun.
Your words are not lost, they have only just begun.
To wander is to observe.
We find inspiration between the fine lines of all the words that we've heard.
I told him that I think we deserve to imagine our world...
To become what you desire to serve.
To see all the lessons learned and unlearned, in the midst of your hurt.
My last words curved, without a slur -
"Stay grounded. There is always inspiration implanted in the dirt."

- L.G.
879 · Oct 2014
The Soft Spoken Silence
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
She closed her eyes
Then she realized
That behind her blinds
Lies the disguise.
In this moment in time
Her soul aligns
With abstract designs.
She binds her cries
And soft spoken lies
And sends them to the sky
Where they can be alive.
She rests with the wings
Of a butterfly.
But never knew why
No one taught her to fly.
She let her soul cry
In the middle of the night
And when it was time for goodbye,
She failed to reply.
827 · Jan 2015
I Am.
Lauren Gorger Jan 2015
I am here; I am absent.
I am near; I am past tense.
I am silence; I am communication.
I am timeless; I am preservation.
I am the words in this conversation.
I am simple; I am complexity.
I am a ripple; my waves crash heavily.
I am wise; I know nothing.
I am goodbyes; I am coming.
I am love; I am afraid.
I am stuck; I mapped the maze.
I am fearless; I am the reason you feel this.
I am sensitive; I am strong.
I am relative to the lyrics in your songs.
I am.
You are.
We should be, everything that could be.
Signed sincerely,
An imperfect human.

- L.G
818 · Oct 2014
The Garden
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I close my eyes to fall into the spiral of my twisted mind.
I twirl and dance like a child in your dreams,
picking flowers from your garden of mystery.
I lay in a field of grass and see the clouds mold to the shape of my spine.
My imagination flies.
These white clouds in the sky resemble the purest doves,
roaming free as they flew by.
Staring into the abyss, beauty looked into my eyes and i saw and part of you and I.
The infinite possibilities of the infinite...
I remain here, my body surrendering to what is bigger than I.
I put my hands firmly around the neck of the universe, but I'm the only one that chokes.
The answers form in the mind of reason and rhyme
and spill out of the back of my throat.
The cosmos live inside this abstract mind.
In time, I will become as light as the doves that fly.
Levitate beyond the division line that separates your heart and mine.
What is the combination to the lock that closes our minds?
I wandered.
The answer ran through my veins under this tree of wonder.

I opened my eyes, and there was only thunder.

775 · Oct 2014
Crooked Cops
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
Crooked cops on the edge of the block.
Are they here to stop, or here to mock?
I had a dream once that all my hope was lost...

Feeling hopeless, begging for a sign of their proclaimed devotion.
My head slammed against the glass of the squad car,
They left me there then went to entrap the ones leaving the bar.
They don't know who we are,
but we gotta keep respect.
Like I've never earned a check or been upset.
We obey or get left.
We try to get right or get stepped.
Onto the next to make their life a wreck.
Enforced by fear every day of the year.
If we don't hear the fear,
It's a gun to our ear.
Living in a free country far away from here.
Our cries don't make ourselves clear.
If only our tears became spears,
But you know this life ain't fair.
that's what they will tell you, my dear.
It's quite ironic, this poem.
I had a dream about the content of this writing about a week before #Ferguson started taking place...and then it happened, almost like a premonition. I don't know, but I firmly believe being awake and aware to the world around you offers some unexplainable signs to put into words.
668 · Oct 2014
Connecting The Dots
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I cannot live a lie
as I glide through the air
that remains true
to the the sky.
You and I
will never die,
we build castles
shaped like the pyramids
teetering on the tip
of our third eye.
This is I.
Or am I this?
you don't need to look
to notice.
I become blind to my focus,
but my focus stares at me
through my dreams
until I am awoken.
The force that enters
my realm of reality
has been stolen,
like the deprivation of silence
when wilting words
are spoken.
Now, I am the force.
I am the source
of the sorcerer soaring
through the solstice.
Everything, in time,
is mine.
The melody of a devine rhyme
halfway frozen in time,
I can't rewind
or hide behind,
only align the lines
and combine the signs.
586 · Nov 2014
The Cost Of Freedom
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
To calculate the perfect math and succeed in society,
must we have to subtract the right to live free,
and do so privately?
Do we have to become unwrapped and molded in the warm hands of the man
that overstands but never will understand?
We are not banned to take a stand to the plan
implanted before we even began.
Do we have to learn anger before we are no longer strangers to peace?
Because I would never put a heart in danger,
but I could use a frustration release.
Do you see what I mean? -
Being torn between how they want me to be and noticing these things
that would leave my soul unclean...
I think that we should represent the unseen:
The things they don't believe reside within you and me.
The unity that could be.
The troubled hearts with the ever growing will to breathe.
The neglected souls that still, won't ever deceive.
The bewildered trees that still paint the scene.
Isn't it lovely?
Would you still love me?
If you knew you had to take off your mask,
would you still trust me?
I promise we could run free.
Follow me, we could make time move slow.
The cosmos bleed, let's reflect their glow.
We could make it so
its never our time to go.

- L.G.
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
By surprise, I stayed until the peak of the sunrise.
Time shifting, color saturation
through my life blocking blinds.
Sometimes it seems I'm being sized on a scale
superficially ran by non seeing eyes.
Your ignorance gives me butterflies,
not the kind that love finds
but the kind that makes your stomach tie.
When you see a flower die,
does it ever make you think
you've been wasting time?
You might be the flower
within my rhyme.
We could take tomorrow
and rewind to today
and be fine.
Look in the mirror..
I see your face, you see mine.
The reflections incline
but more people turn blind,
so we retract back to the boy
that only knew fear
so he never would shine.
I found out the world was mine
right as I was staring at this sun light. Illuminating my world
as it beams on my mind.
It should have been a rainbow,
the spectrum of its glow.
But unlike the wilting leaves of this flower, our true colors
can always grow.
553 · Nov 2014
Beautiful Victims
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
Misplaced anger, displaced strangers.
Where do we go wrong
putting all these hearts in danger?
I stare out the window and i realize
that this is not the place for me..
When I should be outside living freely;
I am tired of waiting patiently.
Clear some space for me, would you please?
I am assured that I need
to be comfortable because this, too, is a place for me.
Hidden aggression, backwards digression.
If we do not move forward,
we will never learn the lesson.
We act too prideful, like we are all rivals;
Not realizing that we should be one - no wonder we are suicidal.
Because we are too caught up in the lust,
and not the love.
Living below but never above...
When push comes to shove,
we should never laugh when another bleeds.
Where is the sympathy?
The empathy leaves
when it doesn't benefit the sheep.
I weep at the fact that we refuse to understand.
We have left all this substance on the counter,
as we stand here bland as man and woman.
That's exactly what we shouldn't be.
I know that "the land of the free" has little to offer you and me...
But I feel that we should flee
beyond everything that stands between.
Heartless rhythm and undeserving victims...
I stand here with my heart on my sleeve.
while my third eye stares at me, in the pyramid of my prism.

- L.G
546 · Oct 2014
How Obsurd
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I form new worlds
with the wandering words
that waltz out of my mouth
waiting to be heard;
how obsurd.
I create a storm unborn to a norm.
Torn from the thorns
that swarmed me with sores,
running toward the corner
that will open the doors.
I twirl around this twisted town
tearing down the balconies
towering over the kings
with the crowns.
They will all drown.
I travel out of the crowd
because i am bound
to the sweeter sound
that I have found
with no one around.
Molding mountains
with a meticulous touch,
making a masterpiece of myself
manifesting my adrenaline rush.
Let me feel it pump.
Through my veins,
something like insane rage
when I was siamese
to the chains,
until the day I stared back
at the eye of change
and took the stage.
I learned to rearrange the lanes
accustomed to living
within range,
levitating on the waves
that start to surface
on a new age.
539 · Sep 2015
Lauren Gorger Sep 2015
They say that it could all be a dream. Just breathe.
They say my disconnect to the normal scene took away my normalcy.
I've fallen into the cracks between a desire to leave and a calling to lead. Breathe.
Don't let them see.
They don't see behind the same mirror as me. Breathe. Anxiety fogging up the mirror slightly; begging it to fight me, like I don't fight it nightly, like my fingers don't grip tightly around this pen so much that it's frightening.
My mind is an aggressive typewriter that walks along a tight wire - falling in love with the nights I get to admire the view of my feet dangling over the fire. Breathe.
You are safe up here.
You could disappear and still be near to all that will forever appear to be as real as what goes on in front of your mirror.

I hope you never fear her.
524 · Oct 2014
A Letter From My Demons
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
It's nice to see you.
I knew you would be back soon.
You were staring at the moon,
holding a broken broom
that snapped as you broke in half
while sweeping up the glass
of your shattered heart.
You were so sad but you started to laugh.
Why do you laugh at your pain?
Is it a way of putting out the flame of your shame?
Does it weigh on your brain,
so much you go insane,
trapped in this downpour of rain?
Is it impossible to sustain a smile when you dial my number?
Do I remind you of the thunder
that makes you stutter through every word that you utter?
I never meant to frighten you; maybe you have taken me wrong.
I could be the lyrics you sing
with your eyes closed when you hear
your favorite song.
I am the truth in the lies you've heard for so long.
You run from me, but I will always be here.
If you could just take me as I am, I will help you see clear.

I am the pain that talks quietly in your ear.
My intent is not fear.
I came to teach you how to smile
and how to steer
through the obstacles that were so near
to you for all of those years.
I dare you to not run from me like you always do.
It's what you're used to.

Have the same power over yourself as I have over you.

- Your Demons.
516 · Oct 2014
The Preparation
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
It's insulting when you have to remind your own family that this is important.
They gave me a crash course on devotion, and how to embrace these emotions.
Maybe they didn't think their words would resonate, so deep.
Like a volcano, it caused an explosion inside these eyes..
Creating craters of a vision enormous.  
My vision is gorgeous,
like a paid-off mortgage in the house of your dreams.
Would you believe this is me?
Once a little girl who was too timid to live it,
Now she is way past livid
and needs a one way ticket...

Take me to the place where
I remain me, but nothing stays the same .
Make me adapt to change.
Watch me push beyond the range that you have unreasonably set on my stage.
This is far beyond unreasonable doubt.
There is no wage that could define my soul.
I am in control.
Subtle hate and false love,
I know I will feel this like i feel all of the above.
I look in the mirror
and the reflection presents real love.
So as long as I'm breathing,
these breaths will continue breeding
Everything we've been needing.

- L.G.
497 · Apr 2015
The Collide.
Lauren Gorger Apr 2015
I flipped and flopped
And i flopped with the flip.
Heart fluttering silence
as I keep my candles lit.
Because the wax never molded
and the burn never fit.
I carry my flame that came from the hottest of pits.
Life ticked and it tocked
and i mocked every bit.
Until the sounds my from my mouth
seemed to mimic all of it...
Like I laid in every ditch or fulfilled every wish.
And I wish that it didn't have to rise like this,
as I sit and it hits.
I am a collision with an abyss.
My eyes blurred then they rendered the vision of a corrected pretender.
Here I am, perfecting the walk of the sender.
You could put my mind in a blender and i would still remember
that the blade is my center.
I have been spinning around this whole time; we should dance.
When was the last time you took a chance?
I want you to advance into my hands,
and i will keep you warm like all the grains of sand
on summer's hottest day.
We will watch it fade away into something bigger than what our eyes could ever lay or play on.
The question is will you stay or will you go?
I hope these words soon engulf all of your
brightest hopes.
Please, promise to stay awoke.

492 · Nov 2014
These Lips
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
This lipstick leaves lip prints of memories you could never rinse.
I am embedded in this.
I would never miss a line
that aligns the subliminal signs
that life often lends to me.
Send to me, undying love.
The kind of love
that comes from the clouds above, that come undone.
Rain down on me;
Clear my heart of its emotional drought.
Flood me with hope
in every moment of unwarranted doubt.

This lipstick sticks to the skin and it sinks within.
You will begin to speak me into existence,
as if you knew I was hiding from these shadows, once again.
******* thoughts as you unravel the knots
that leave me tied to your sweet sound.
We will be freely bound,
as we come alive with the tide
that always rushes back around.

This lipstick leaves a stain on the glass that I drank from
that night I allowed my heart to stay vacant,
as I explained the blatant and mistaken memories
that live in my soul's basement.

This is me, reminding you of that view.
The red lipstick that slipped over your heart
when I kissed your scars,
somehow turned blue.
But I am assured
that you already knew...

- L.G.
490 · Jan 2015
As The Tables Turn
Lauren Gorger Jan 2015
Is it possible to harbor "too much" love?
Does it blind those that look into these eyes, like when you look directly into the sun?
My eyes are tired and burn in the darkness of night, and I'm not sure if that's a relfection of being one with the light or being tired from this endless fight.
We spin on turntables of various perspectives.
The tables turn and our hearts turn aggressive.
A voice that shakes like unstable breaks, makes me want to thank the way these words easily become written all over my face.
You don't have to look too far, just look into my eyes - a demise that is out of sight.
It might be the right time to end all that should die inside of these rhymes.
Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, but that is the beauty in life - we still have the freedom to create our own song.
So, we walk.
We walk to the beat of our dreams, yelling "**** what you see me to be, I believe in all the words that they never could sing to me!"
Aggression gently hidden by a message.
Answers, always ridden on the wrong end of the question.
This is my confession - I walk to a song of everything I reckon, through these turntable eyes.
Recognize, my demise won't be televised.

- L.G
482 · Feb 2015
In The Middle.
Lauren Gorger Feb 2015
I often feel caught between the crossfire of resistance and the art of surrender.
This is persistence persevering with a heart that is tender.
My mind often seems trapped in a blender;
it tried to convince me that I am no contender against the storms I will weather.
But then, I always remember:
I. Am. The. Center.
Let me find my middle ground again.
I transcend, no matter how far I bend.
I know a little about breaking.
Please, do not forsake me.
My heart often mistakes me to be a vessel of safety.
See, I have been teetering on the edge of what makes me and what could break me, insanely.
Ironically, I find beauty in the struggle to breathe with ease.
We leave our minds to release.
I become unleashed and wait for my moment to succeed, in finding my peace.
This is deep.
In a deep sleep I compete with the disconnected and the complete.
I stand underneath my reality and the imaginary image.
I feel it overtake me, and i watch it all diminish.
I suppose this is what happens when we have the courage to truly listen.
I work with what I am given.

- L.G.
475 · Oct 2014
I Am Drawn
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
You made me hang on every word,
like you handed me the noose.
You thought that words could never hurt,
I guess my tears never showed you.

I cut myself open and left
my soul exposed -
My heart was dead, but still,
this flower arose.
You wondered how my eyes
were so stale
but I saw so clear,
how my heart was so numb
but the sensation of feeling
was so dear.
You never knew why
when you touched me
I always held on tighter.
And i told you that you remind me
That I am here
and to stretch my arms
a little wider.
You reminded me
to have a little more faith
before it was too late,
to save myself from watching
everything I have go down the drain.

I think maybe I was watching
my wasteful energy float
down the stream along the curb,
but I still smiled.
I was so happy.
Why would I be so content?
I figured it out when I met you.
You showed me everything I was,
was not who I intended to be.
But the way my life would change,
would be way more challenging.

I was angry
that you failed to prepare me
for the self-destruction
I would endure.
But then I realized
you knew I'd figure it out on my own,
and that my pain
had to be heard.
You knew that I
wouldn't have even tried
if I didn't willingly say goodbye
to the old me. I met the new me,
and you already knew me.

I'm still so impressed.
It's like you took the pencil out of my hand and perfectly drew me.

- L.G.
467 · Apr 2015
Lauren Gorger Apr 2015
Do you believe in doubt?
Do you doubt your beliefs?
I believe you should think about it.
Are the things that you live without, slowly haunting your dreams?
I believe you should seek around it.
Be the sound of it.
Keep your candle lit.
Which side will you pick?
It is either a detriment or a benefit...
Elegant excellence or a pessimist's deficit.
My heart is split but it is not broken.
One side has surely spoken and the other cannot stay focused.
This has taught me devotion...
Devotion to notice emotion without feeling so hopeless.
But sometimes we need to hope less.
My soul is, far from soulless.
We need to know this when support is absent.
When the balance doesn't equate to the fraction,
our passion will not become stagnant.
I'm going to keep on running.
Never away, always to stay.
I am inflamed in the purest of todays.
Say my name when it rains.
You will need my warmth with the ice that remains tangled in your veins.
I am glad you came.

- L.G.
459 · Nov 2014
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I am secluded in a silence that used to be a nuisance to me, a stubborn student.
I became diluted and muted like the t.v. screen that would stare at me; i could recognize the truancy.
Reluctantly, I started speaking my heart fluently.
It was all new to me;
Like a dream I would never see in my wildest dreams,
What a sensation to see me in the seams of my sheets, sleeping on the things that revolve around my destiny.
I am the teacher that was testing me.
I never listened, I never glistened.
I guess i was always sickened by the written cursive that curved through my tongue, inhaled to the depths of my lungs.
I was gasping for air, looking for the tear that left these words leaking from skin that was bare.
I was scared.
Now, my fear has been shriveled up and burned.
I let these letters churn like butter, my mind expanded like rubber, so much that I never wanted to tell another.
I guess i was selfish living in a shell of the sea,
But as soon as I cracked myself open, I could breathe.
I could believe.
This is me, standing on my feet.
Refusing to be anything less than the roots that anchor the trees,
Or the scars on your knees that would bleed when you would beg them to please, never steal your love and leave.
I am the veins in every leaf that left when fall arrived.
Somewhere in the bone chilling air, but you know I am still alive.
Do you believe in what you cannot see?
Because I am gone like words in the midst of silence, but I hope you learn to believe in me
Like how I once believed I could never be the words that you see,
But I am here, walking differently.
There's a different tone in my voice.
I speak me, fluently.
452 · Nov 2014
Heavy Shoulders
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I carry these burdens like boulders on my shoulders.
I know your pain should not live in my heart like a placeholder.
I would never dream to speak of you in vain,
Rather, I would like to run through your veins and take away your shame and all the blame you place on your heart, so tender.
My world is trapped in a blender, and i know you want to forget, but I am here if you ever need to remember.
A heavy heart will change your walk from the start,
I've been dragged through the mud with no inspiration for art.
But that's where we depart.
I would like to travel to a place where we can unravel our battles, and free ourselves from the rattles of these shackles.
I know it sits on your chest like it lives in my mind,
And i can see it in your eyes that you wish to rewind.
But we do not have the time.
Come with me, everything will be fine.
I wish to take away your pain, show you a day without rain.
I know it costs a lot to be sane, but I bought a one way ticket and we must aboard this ongoing train..
451 · Oct 2014
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
Attempt to drag me down,
and I hope you let me lift you up.

Drowning in the noise of the crowd,
and i will tell you that your voice
is just enough.

Suppress my light through your dimming shades,
and i will bring you the hottest sun
through the coldest rains.

If you aim to shoot me down,
I will duck the bullet.
I will gently take your finger off the trigger,
and diminish every reason you decided to pull it.

If you decide to laugh while I cry,
I hope you don't mind
if I ask you why.

I will cry while you cry,
and maybe then, we might have the time
to see eye to eye.

You may be wondering why my heart
rests on my sleeve,
so I will take the shirt off my back
and give it to you when I leave.

- L.G.
450 · Jul 2015
Trigger Finger
Lauren Gorger Jul 2015
They talk to me like they know me
But I have never shown myself fully.
I have only shown a half-fragmented eclipse
Like the moon that perfectly hits my spine
to uncoil this life I put on the lines.
Their eyes engulf me and hold me for a minute.
Maybe it's only a minute because they try to turn me to a cynic that mimics a limit.
I become imprisoned in their stare;
Seeing myself in their glare was like seeing myself behind bars.
I wonder what it's like to care, but never take it that far.
They talk to me like they know me.
They tell me what I am, like I haven't met myself before.
Like I haven't lived with myself in times I was searching, begging for more.
Like I haven't seen myself trapped in their stale eyes,
just to be told to not get offended.
Apprehension, they want me paranoid.
Passive aggression just to fill a void.
They talk to me like they know me.
Like they sleep in the same bed, undead to the same head.
Cold sweats that bleed red.
They talk to me like they know me.
Like they know the words held back are necessary and unholy.
Like I am obligated to be seen regardless..
When I all want is me in this apartment getting lost in the nonsense of my conscience.
You don't know my constants.
You don't know that I am gentle enough to feel the trigger
with my trigger finger, just to pull back on myself.
Ego removed.
They talk to me like they know me,
So I'll take the trigger and bring it to you.

This is how it feels when I look down this barrel
of misconstrued views.
You cut me off mid-sentence just to put words in my mouth
and shoot.
So untrue to you.
Maybe you see you
In me.

They will never know me.
445 · Jul 2015
Fuck This
Lauren Gorger Jul 2015
**** your condescending words, dripping out of your mouth with false justification, while your left hand leaves your side to crash down on the entirety of me.
With this mindset, it'd never be right to have the upper hand on me.
You deceive your right hand man.
**** your demeaning doubts that you place upon my mind, begging to come in and destroy the art I have displayed inside.
I did not cry out for you, so why are you here? Speaking of which, I remember when my cries drove you to steer far from anything that might be near my heart.
You don't get to see me fall apart.
You don't get to see me tear down the art away from its poetic position, just so you can place it in a box and treat it like its garage  sale quality.
I get to have all of me.
**** your motives ulterior that are just as superficial as your leather interior.
**** being inferior to the ones who cannot function if they're not superior.
I've been living on my feet for the sake of time, and you're only getting off your knees because you're out of it.
**** being distant from truth because you don't like the sound of it.
Drown a bit in the waters of self-confrontation, and choke on the paralyzed verbs you throw at the population.
**** validation.
**** your accusations.
And **** being mistaken when the step you've taken is only a misstep.
You are not your mistakes.
So **** letting the outtakes paint the scenery of your film.
My patience is wearing thin like a film on the edge of an outdated window seal.
**** making me feel something that was never real because your seal was never sealed tight enough, ******* in cold nights when you didn't write enough.
Riled up in silence with a heart beating violent...
**** allowing your chest to become the battlefield and letting stress feed your diet.
I've tried it and tried it, but today I say...

**** being quiet.
439 · Nov 2014
Through a Whisper
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
Whisper to me, your withheld words.
You don't have to be a victim of a world unheard.
The way your tongue curved through the blurred lines of your mind,
made me want to jump inside and become intertwined with time.
You never choose to be blind.
Like the reason to my rhymes,
you never declined an invite to dance in the darkness of night.
Whisper in my ear, your deepest desires.
Look into my eyes, slowly fall into the fire.
We must shine brighter.
Hold on tighter to the signals on the wire.
Whisper in my ear, the sweetest melody.
You do not have to be a victim of insincerity.
I wonder if you will see through me,
in this moment of clarity.
You reflected off the waves of the sea,
and apparently, you became a crystallized transparency.
Whisper to me, your fondest memories.
I want to know everything...
(even the words that are trapped in your parentheses.)
Sing to me, a soulful beat.
Embody all the places we could be
as the fires rise in the black pits of my eyes,
swiftly melting from the heat.

- L.G.
439 · Dec 2016
Reason to My Movement
Lauren Gorger Dec 2016
I'd hope that you'd see my perspective through all my projections,
all these interjections that came from the lessons in moments I have been tested.
And now it feels like I am testing the deity that moves within me.
Though I am not He, He is the sum of I.
Oh my, time flies through the darkest pits of my eyes.
Watching the sun rise and night fall,
when all befalls - the very reason I used to crawl, being held up by the only walls in the home that I would call,
or the walls that I mounted up to protect my heart from the very things that would ask me to halt or at least stall.
looking at them like "don't you know that I want it all?"
They ask me why I want it at all,
and I'm glad they asked.
Recognizing my purpose through every task is what I have asked myself to master.
Through disaster and through the water, the intentions that I offer will be as pure as water at the alter.
And I can be even softer than that.
But I can also be the one that never calls back, Depending on how you act.
Depending on how you blend with my plan of attack, we can be vast or we can retract every statement ever spoken when my love was awoken, out in the open.
They leave me exposed,
fully clothed,
stripping me of the trust I pulled from the instinct of my gut.
So it is a must that I, remain in sight, to self love that I, composed tonight.
It is the same love of yesterday, that never ran away, even when they, hold my hand while they turn their face.
432 · Nov 2014
I Guess...
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I guess I'm at a point where it's hard to accept the fact that these facts aren't always facts, something like a trap in an acid bath. We all feel the rath but refuse to do the math, with no plan of attack to give more than we lack. Our world is a black cat, and we still blame it all on bad luck.
How many times have we said that this life just simply isn't enough? I guess there's simplicity in giving up, and that specifically stems from a gut of empty authenticity. We ARE electricity, but instead of honing in on ourselves, we fixate on the T.V. screen. It makes me want to scream, honestly.
I'm so sick of the mean hearted schemes that are believed to be what we "need". The generation of children that don't even know what it means to claim how they want to be seen.
We lack ownership.
To be real is to keep your soul clean in a ***** room, to bloom through all of this rain and the gloom, to never doom another person, because you have never walked in their shoes. You dive in the chemically toxic pool, and drown others for being "thirsty". I think we are all parched for some mercy on this journey. We cannot demand perfection when we, ourselves, could never be worthy. I guess I'm just in a hurry to correct a vision that remains so blurry. I guess I'm in a vortex of complex rejects who think it's best to neglect the steps to reach an untouched depth.
Hold your respect, I am not done yet.
I guess this life runs through my pen. I might run out of ink before I reach the end, because I feel myself talking to these lines like they're my only friends. I guess I'm saying that I think people pretend because they don't know how to ascend beyond energies that only suspend.
If I could lend you peace of mind, I would crack my veins all over these lines,
seal it in an envelope, and you could read behind my eyes. I guess you would be surprised that sometimes these words only flow like water because I cry at the sight of the world's demise.

- L.G.
430 · Dec 2014
The Shift
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
Have you ever watched it go from so simple to entirely complex,
like in the way you watched me dance in that dress of distress?
...When laying on your chest turned into counting all of your breaths; I heard your heartbeat express everything I could never forget.
Have you ever watched it all bloom beautifully out of its doom, like the shadow in your room that will consume all that you knew, but allows you to move in a motion that can always improve?
You learn to assume that you must remove what was once untrue to you.
For me, I've watched a teardrop turn into a vast sea...
A change in perspective - to see that there is no end to the idea of what could be.
Have you ever watched a ripple turn into a fierce rumble of waves?
Those kind of days where the gaze in your eyes is no longer misplaced in the maze. A certain place where we finally take the stage, leaving a trace of a brave-hearted phrase that we will let seep from our broken cage.
Would you trade everything you've made?
I am back stroking upon the hightide, and i am unafraid to be alive.
I have traveled far away from the shallow waters and taught myself what diving had to offer.
The water seems much softer in this place I have wandered.
Have you ever watched the observer become the one watching yourself?
Everything on your shelf is no longer your wealth, and you become rich in the way you felt the day you would so peacefully melt in a space you comfortably dwelled.
I wonder if you find yourself compelled to face all you have watch everything become propelled into another realm of reality.
I wonder when I was upheld in this place where all of these words fell far from out of me.
I reach so I can see everything that I knew I could be...
I am one with the sea, and i swim effortlessly and truly.
430 · Jan 2015
The Break Through
Lauren Gorger Jan 2015
This is the calm before the storm.
Like I've said before, I am a storm unborn to a norm.
Trap my body with poisonous thorns, but my mind will soar like never before.
I implore that you learn to adore all that resides in the depths of your core.
Learn more.
This is the dream that wakes you out of your sleep.
Lucidity that bleeds deep into your dignity.
Take a look at the imagery.
It reflects the mirror I dive into like water, rather frequently.
I am an element of the trinity.
Mind. Body. Soul.
I am becoming whole in a black hole that I once thought I would never know.
This is the answer to my deep-seated question.
For some reason I continue to ask like a broken record, but I find myself always learning a new lesson.
This is the answer to the question you never bothered to ask.
In the trash you will find a stash of everything from my past that used to cut beautifully, like stained glass.
I am the glue, who knew?
The wind blew and the storm came much too soon.
Too you.
I grew to know that everything I knew would be so far gone with the changing view.
Like the lightning in these dark skies, I am just trying to get through.

- L.G.
429 · Nov 2014
November 24th, 2014
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
My heart is heavy today,
as I try to wrap my brain around how I can make a way,
so that we all forever say that we are equal.
This seems like a sequel to the darkened history that leaves our world blistering
with the burns that lurk and linger from the gun powder behind the finger on the trigger.
This is much bigger than me and I know it's hard to see
that we can all be free.
If I could bleed for you,
I would grieve so hard that the trees would rip from their roots.
I would stand in front of these guns that they shoot at you.
If I could clean the hearts that they constantly pollute,
I would give my breath through the symphony of the most beautiful flute.
My heart is heavy but it's been so already.
We are treading on thin ice and we grow much colder when it all breaks.
This place is so focused on ranks and defacing a nation,
burning every location where peace should be stationed.
If I could take away the pain of this acid rain raining down,
I would offer to you the only sane part of my brain
so you could see one day without rain.
I too, am in pain.
And we are the ones to blame.

- L.G.
421 · Oct 2014
The Interlude
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I slowly straighten out the scattered signs that have been aligned in this saturated mind.
My mind straddles time and these rhymes, and in the middle you will find the reason.
The reason for all the seasons.
The blissful breath that I am surely breathing.
The misleading beating of a heart that was once bleeding.
If you look closely, you can see this scar that proves that all wounds heal with time - even the unspoken.
I bet you never noticed.
Maybe we lose our focus and neglect the notion that our pain is not made to be self-extortion.
It is more important that we indulge in the moment of self-control.
Let the moon pull you from the cold heart that you live with.
Our doom will soon be illuminated by the give of forgiveness.
I have taken on the shape of infinite realms.
These dimensions were never shallow, but to get to this soul of water, you must first crack my shell.
Do you dare to dwell on your tears and unacknowledged fears?
That's a long, lonely road, darling;
I met my demons on a road that I couldn't steer.
I learned to take the wheel on my weakest day that particular year.
And those scars started to vanish, like how the fog settles and it all seems clear.
I am a pressed rose in an old, dusty boom.
This page was once visited;
You can see the fingerprints of a sensitive hand...

- L.G.
412 · Nov 2014
I Am 3 A.M.
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
It is 3:00a.m,
and a cold breeze has suddenly rushed into my room.
These chills seem to have woken me up
to have a conversation with the moon.
The moon that remains so bold,
to shine so bright in such immense darkness.
How brave of her to have the ability to harness the
tarnished cities of which she oversees..
the battered leaves that tomorrow, will leave with the breeze..
the purest hearts that drop down to their knees
in the middle of the street
begging you to please,
have some sympathy..
the thieves that leave with the keys to our hearts,
the ones who said you would never be stranded,
yet you watched them depart.
She sees the things
that wake us out of our coldest dreams.
And yet, her energy bleeds
to relieve the shackles
and loosen your seams.
It seems we don't notice those that breathe,
unless they play a character
in this illusionary theme...
a scheme of how things should be in society.
She observes quietly.
How brave of her to absorb
the reflection of tears
that fall on our floors.
This stillness is something I have come to adore, more and more.
It plays jazz music on the deepest depths of my candescent core.
The door is open, and from myself, I am torn.
I have decided to be bold
like the moon's pull that allowed this ballpoint to roll.
It is time for me to go back to sleep,
and awake reborn.

- L.G.
410 · Jan 2015
The Illusion
Lauren Gorger Jan 2015
Everything I believe in all came in sequence.
I fall into the deep end and my night becomes sleepless.
I breathe this like i need this.
Fall into the pits of a mind that doesn't know it's genius.
Everything I feel is hard to conceal.
I am losing my grip on how to hide all that is real.
You can see it on my face when I feel misplaced.
Just waiting for the day where things catch up to my pace.
Everything I see, once blinded me.
It became tied to me, like an anchor to the sea.
I almost drowned in what I never thought I'd believe.
Overwhelming changes that I didn't adhere to gracefully...
Now, it is nothing new.
Like putting on my shoes, I have grown accustomed to the view.
They say never look down, but what if you live in the sky?
Do we have to die to realize that our time is only passing us by?
Become alive.
Become the night.
Become the fight that always wraps tightly around you, forcing you to become a shade that is warmer than blue.
Who knew that I would astound you with the view that I choose?
Everything I am came to me like am slow motion frame.
And now I sit here and reminisce about the time that it all changed.
The difference is, I all not sure when it all happened.
So I suppose I see clear through a time I had only imagined...

408 · Oct 2014
The Wind Beneath My Wings
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
The wind beneath these wings
moves silently
as it breaks the stable air.
We float beyond the things
that receive attention
with undeserved care.
You stand there and stare
like you've never seen a rose grow
out of cement
then flow into the storm,
untouched like I'm higher power sent.
And you get a trace of the scent,
like the ocean
that waters my garden.
If I should be unfamiliar
with these things,
then I ask that you beg my pardon.
I swim away,
back strokes with high hopes.
The sun beams on my smile,
climbing the mountains
sliding down the slopes.
It's all the same
when you're truly alive.
Die to life's bullets,
and it becomes easier to revive.
Get pushed to the side
and we still fall in line.
I am so aligned.
Yet, I am scattered.
My soul breathes
with the well blended
and rattled.
Pour me on the rocks
that oversea the ocean,
the sea will see me
in its everlasting motion.
Through the commotion,
my indulgence submerges
with the submarines
and I discover
the unheard.

And when I come up for air,
I will speak into existence,
every lesson
that was rendered.

- L.G.
404 · Jul 2018
It’s Not About That
Lauren Gorger Jul 2018
it’s not about finding, it’s about attracting.
it’s not about forcing, it’s about adapting.
don’t keep your head down, unless you’re staying focused on your steps.
but even then, i hope you keep your eyes to the sky, whether rain or shine.
i hope you always weather the weather that comes your way.
it’s not about, wishing the pain away.
but more about, understanding the rain that drips on your window pane.
It’s not about complacency, it’s about relativity.
it’s about, remaining patient, holding onto your dignity.
it’s about understanding, withstanding. trusting in, something bigger than yourself.
it’s about asking yourself, are you worthy of what you swear you’re deserving of?
your mistakes, are not the answer to this question.
it’s what you hold, what you choose to invest in, what you’ve digested about your character, what you have to offer for the greater more, the greater good, inside of you.
it’s not about blocking your blessings, or being less than what your lessons have taught you.
do not be afraid to give way to your destiny.
it would be a shame to cry out in the middle of the night, only hoping that your negativity doesn’t tangle your feet.
because it will.
it’s not about self sabotage, it’s about self preservation, letting your soul live on, far past the moment you are gone from this life.
to give to this life, is to be it.
403 · Oct 2014
If I Died Tonight
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
An imaginative mind can fly into a space that cannot be traced.
This is how I gain my freedom.
A positive climb can never die in a place where negative energy is defaced.
This is what I call my kingdom.
They often wonder why my words sound obsurd and unheard to the herd of sheep that choose to sleep and never take on the wings of a bird.
I tell them that it takes time to be heard when your words don't curve to defeat and that's all they want to see.
They don't become awake to my dreams.
They live on their knees and i could die on my feet, right now.
Do you hear the sound coming from my mouth?
I hope you're around to see the dreams that once formed within me -
The desire to be something more than me.
I aim high, they shoot low.
They will try to ******* out at the knees but won't remember that I said I would die on my feet, right now.
How could you want me to drown when you can clearly see that I already bleed everything within me?
You cannot destroy water, and i am the sea.
I am we.
I cannot leave.
I cannot not be the diety.
Call me self-righteous, but this is my destiny.
It's kind of funny how the more I study this world, the more this world keeps testing me.
I never needed a calculator to calculate the declining rate of those that emulate.
So I decided to innovate as I elevate.
Let me penetrate your heart, since my words have yet to resonate.

- L.G.
400 · Oct 2014
The Promise
Lauren Gorger Oct 2014
I sat up for endless nights, staring into the imaginary mirror of perfection; just trying to get it right.
See, the mirror once struck fear into my inner ear.
I recall being a mess that year.
Looking into something that was so clear, I didn't understand why clarity showed no signs of being near.
Maybe the glass was fogging up from the steam that would leak from the seams of my pores - the doors to the things that I should feel more.
The numbness was an empty vein, but it sent a shock wave to my nerve endings.
It was in this moment, I knew the rest of my life was only pending.
I hated the message I had been sending.
So I backspaced into a new place with a new face.
When I went back to the mirror, the glass broke.
I listened to the sound of the shatter and it reminded me: I am my last hope.
I am the last note in the song you wrote to everyone who's told you "no".
I didn't know I could be so bold. Or maybe I did, but I had only been told.
I am no more than what I allow my soul to feel. I am no more than what I perceive to be real.
So here's the deal:

I won't conceal this passion until I'm in that casket. And even then, you couldn't bury me, when my legacy is my tactic.
But will you listen to my echoing voice? Will they send you the chills that I feel? Will you understand?

I will scatter my soul in all the grains of sand on which you'll stand, contemplating if you should have ever ran...

- L.G.
392 · Dec 2014
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
I am so disconnected, but equally as in touch.
I believe in everything within me, but still do not believe in much.
I understand if you wonder how that could be.
Maybe you will never know, detached from my frequency.  
I used to see it as an emergency when I would bleed these things
and no one would hear me.
My heart would panic like a manic depressant;
I was a maniac that didn't know how to stop second guessing all of these lessons.
I suppose it was my pride that halted me from living life alive,
instead of merely existing.
Things that kept on insisting, I kept on resisting.
I used to wonder why I was exhausted and still only desired to sleep...
Until I realized that my dreams were the only place I felt I could be free.
I was a dead tree living in the middle of a forest of blooming leaves...
And then the day came where I gained inspiration through the branches of the the trees
that were reaching out for me.
My dreams began to sleep on me;
So now, when I bleed, I want to give you something to read.
Then, maybe, you can see me times 3, as I reflect off a deflection of what you see me to be.
I mirror myself as the third person through these words.
I am even and odd; disproportionately birthed.
I roam with the heards,
but I fly with a flock of unheard birds.

This is my world...

- L.G
387 · Dec 2014
Sharp Words
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
I position the points to these letters ever so delicately, so that they can roam free through this never-ending sea, as they have been trying to do ever so desperately.
And my hand, it shakes somewhat dangerously - a calm soul with a heart filled with anxiety.
I sit quietly.
At times, it is admittedly frightening...the things that cling like magnets to the surface of me.
Do you ever wonder if you are deserving?
And if so, how far do you go?
Do you know that hope without growth creates the monotone note?
I position the points to these letters so that maybe, I can approach you better.
Maybe you will learn to see me beyond measure, light as a feather, drifting away as naturally as the weather.
Do you catch yourself asking why you ask these questions in the middle of the night?
Do you ever get tired of the fight?
We should take flight out of our minds and land somewhere far out of sight.
My insight ignites the pounding eyes that sit in the pockets of my heart.
Seeing and feeling, they live on different continents, separately a part. Not apart.
The middle is the kindle for the art that arches through the tips of these letters and ends at the grip of my cramping hands.
For, everytime I sit down to write, I am obligated to take a stand...
Or at least take the time to understand why these words never flow as delicately as I once planned.

- L.G.
385 · Nov 2014
It Was All A Dream
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I drip through dimensions of thorough desires.
The darkness of the disturbed and tired gave way to this blazing fire,
the flames burned higher.
I swivel through sections of saturated similes,
styles pour out of me
because I wear my heart on my sleeve.
you can wear this shirt just to see
what this world has done to me,
Complicated meanings and undeserved beatings,
we're either tied to the floor or levitating towards the ceilings.
These poetic vibrations frequently wave through the waves of my soul,
The sound of my words to your ears
is equivalent to a half note
that is made whole.
I twist through the turmoil that has been placed on my tender heart,
Digging through trenches
trying to find where we failed from the start.
I'd like to travel back in time and rearrange our future,
I could unravel my spine just to rewind your mind,
I'll put it back together with a suture.
Do not confuse my dark with a saddened song,
because I have been fighting for so long to be strong.
It's like second nature
being no stranger to the anger
that they try to inflict within me.
I shield the shadows and walk with power,
one day I will stand on the king's tower hovering over me,
screaming "it was all a dream" so loud even Biggie would hear me
and feel the heat beneath our feet.
So how could you not feel me? How could you not hear me?
Maybe a moment of silence is what you need
to retrieve the message that's buried deep
in these dimensions of delicate speech.
- L.G.
382 · Dec 2014
An Assured Uncertainty
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
I am driven by a force that is to be reckoned with.
I have ridden a dark horse, and we ride away just as the seconds drift.
I feel a little section of me split - the section that has rested in a pit,
perfectly fit to figure out if i should fly far away or to commit.
I must admit that it once hurt a bit.
You tend to feel unfit when you know that the energy you emit radiates something that seems unsure.
You feel a little less pure on a path you are not assured you are ready to endure.
so you do what you prefer,
and you defer a lesson learned.
It is no wonder many are unsure since birth.
We cannot close our ears to the words
that would appear blurred to our eyes
and expect to travel any further than a tiny, flightless bird.
We must be unafraid to fly, in order to be heard.
I wonder if you hear me.
I heard the seconds drift.
I have become equipped with the ability to recognize
the riffs in the waves that slowly drip
from my fingertips.
I loosen my grip so that these words can dance off my tongue
and fall from my lips.
These tiny dancers form from a pit,
perfectly fit to soon eclipse the perfect note.
Too soon, my melody plays
everything that I ever wrote.

- L.G
375 · Dec 2014
The Sky Is The Limit
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
If the sky is the limit, then please, tell me where I fit in.
I slow dance while I hover above the clouds,
just trying to listen.
If the sky is the limit, there will be no room for a cynic.
We will never bloom with a heart that was surely never in it.
If the sky is the limit, I will tell my soul to take on the shape of a mockingbird
and my wings will mimic.
If the sky is the limit,
then one day we will be finished.
Something will diminish within it,
and i will not fade away without leaving something for the children.
I continue to listen and i hear everything that is missing.
Like the space between these lines
or the fine print that provides the most detailed signs.
Let me fill in the blanks.
If the sky is the limit,
I wonder what being limitless takes.
Maybe it takes on the shape of the letters in words
going unheard.
Maybe it is in the muscles assured,
that make you get up not the first or second time,
but the third.
Maybe it's in the charm
that rests in the heart of the sleeve on my arm.

If the sky is the limit,
maybe we will go too far.

- L.G
365 · Jan 2015
How Do We Know?
Lauren Gorger Jan 2015
A friend once asked me, "when do you know when it is the right time to say that you truly know yourself?"
My answer was clear of hesitation, as I said "right now."
That was then, and this is now.
Perhaps I didn't fully understand the question that rang from his mouth.
Maybe i was too proud to announce that there was an ounce of feeling that was somewhat new to me.
Something that seemed so true to me, didn't spill from my heart very fluently.
Looking back, I personally regret being so bold in a black hole that I never knew how to control.
The question is, how do we know?
How do we know that what we "know" will not change with growth?
How do we grow if everything we know now, can easily be put on hold?
On this road of self-control,  when we strike a *** hole, do we roam free until we find home?
Do we suddenly feel alone in our own home when we no longer have the answers to our questions?
Why was I so sure that "who I am" was undoubtedly free of opposing lessons?
I became reborn, and this question kept ringing in my ear, but I was the only one sounding the horn.
I can't say that I know who I will be in a year, but I know who I try to be today.
That's what I meant to say.
To be a vessel of love and strength to the hateful and weak on their very last day.
To be the silence that speaks, like when I watched myself be awake in a dream.
I will be the resonating words that you thought went unheard to the lone bird, hovering above a world of hurt.
"Right now" is a small and narrow vow, but it keeps me around to be better a year from now.
I hope you all find clarity as I have found mine.
I ate my own words after all of this time.
361 · May 2017
Some Days, Today
Lauren Gorger May 2017
Some days, I speak so soft. Some days, I speak with a sting from the stiff of my upper lip. Some days, I'm sorry. Some days, something's really gotta give. Sometimes it's like, can I live? Can I love? Some days it's like, is love even enough? Some days it's like, maybe they don't know the definition of such. Like when nothing is just a little too much, and too much just can't be touched. Some days, it's like I can't be touched. Some days, everything moves me. Some days, nothing can soothe me. Some days, the misunderstood stand right next to my heart. And in the same day, I am indefinitely a part of what we all hold on to just to depart from. Holding on to let go.
Some days, my timing couldn't come at a worse time.
Some days, my aligning teeters on a tight rope where I have to walk past my shadow just to get to my light.
Talk about balance. And speaking of, sometimes my balance shows me the definition of gravity. Some days, it's a tragedy. Some days, it's majesty. Majestic, some days I'm pathetic. Never mind that. No I'm not. I'm human. Everyday I am authentic.
My relevance relates to every day I stay, making a way to say, I'm not just aiming to make a way,
But to create a peace I constantly pray in, and I lay in, such serenity. And so in every way, I am I diamond, no matter which way they try to say my name. Lauren, you are exactly what you make.
Some days you need to play it safe, for the sake of your heart. But these days you need to barricade through whatever is in the way, so that you can confidently remain sane in the face of pain.
Whatever you are, you are a stain of what has come and what has came before. And I know you are reaching for more. Lend yourself, to you. Lend yourself your hands. It is all within, the skin you are wrapped in. Amen.
356 · May 2017
Lauren Gorger May 2017

It's not what they can do for me. It's more about how they can love me. Because the most that they can do for me, is love me. To console me. To trust me. To send their touch to me in moments where I feel empty in a room full of people that could do without me. It's not what they can do for me.
It's not what they can give me, but what they can spare me. To spare me of a desperation for things that constantly crawl away from me. or that constantly brawl the weight from me. I'm just saying, what is it that they can do, what is it is that they won't try to take away from me? Things that are mine to keep. Like my speech, my peace; just please, take away the pain that left me crying on my knees. That's all I need. It's not what they can give me. It's how they can love me. Because the most they can give me, is love. Love me. They love to love me. They loved to love me. They once loved me. A song I sung from the bottom of my lungs until I was all the way undone. And so I've become...the sum of love songs that were so strong and in the melody I belonged. and where I may have went wrong, well, the lyrics to my story, they sing it all. But it's what he's giving me, that keeps my voice so strong. I told him, it's not what you can give me. But how you can love me, baby. Keep on loving me, baby. So perfectly imperfect, your scars make it all worth it. Let's compare. And what I can give you? Well, you tell me. But I promise to spare us, well, we, a death of a warm love turned cold. They say the hottest love has the coldest end, and that could never be true through me and you. Our veins, remain heated, through and through.
my shivers thank you, yet I still get the chills when I look into you.
#creative #word #writersofinstagram #love #triggered #forever #poetry #poeticjustice #poetsofinstagram #create #peace #music #art #spokenword
348 · Nov 2014
Moment Of Doubt
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
Crawl to me when you are down and out.
I will stand for you, in any moment of doubt.
It's cold on the floor when you're at war with yourself.
I hope you don't ever let the money stand between genuine wealth.
The wealth that is hidden behind your eyes,
the truth that obliterates all the lies,
or the strings attached to the things that needed to be tied
Together, we will make ourselves better.
If you hang on every letter,
I'll show you that the verbs are even better.
The actions and the reactions that send you the wind
in any weather.
I could be the adverb through all the words that you've heard,
and hopefully it will help you understand why
I describe my life in these rhymes through the darkest night.
If you let me share my light,
I will fight the shadows until they are covered in white.
You used to be so cold like snow in the winter.
I'm just happy you let me in that skin within,
like a splinter.
Go figure, the picture returned much bigger
when you focused.
You can't live a life solely on hope,
but don't let that leave you hopeless.
I just want you to notice the solstice that rolled in
on our fortress.
The coldest breeze will mean nothing to me.
Because when I bleed,
I recognize the warmth that is pouring out of me.
Just breathe these breaths that leave you breathless,
and i will touch your soul so gently, that your dreams will leave you restless.
We, are never senseless.
I know you sense this,
as your eyes press on the abyss,
recognizing all the things you may have missed
in the midst of the blurring mist.

- L.G.
344 · Nov 2014
Wake Up
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I encourage you to become reclusive
and use this time to explore the depths of your elusive mind.
I have found immense importance in the indulgence of focus,
as I expand the space of time to let these words fall onto these lines.
This page was once a blank slate just waiting to be made
into the masterpiece of today.
What I create, will never fade away...
Like the concrete that lays in this little corner of my brain.
See, at times I can be hard-headed,
but my heart is as soft as water.
Maybe because I am a daughter that did not fall far from her father.
I was never taught to be a martyr,
but to push beyond any falter to become stronger.
I encourage you to become transparent. -
Let the light that shines through you always appear apparent.
Everything you say should reflect the mirror that stares you down straight in the eyes,
like the sparkle in the rain on winter's first day.
I have found sense in each aspect of the sentence that relieves my tension.
The attention that I give to these lessons,
is why I continue to harbor these questions.
When you are on a quest in search through all of the testing,
sometimes the answers only come when you rearrange the information you're so accustomed to ingesting.
Sometimes the answers come through the sun
as you lay asleep and the sunrise begins it's luminous cresting.

Maybe it is time to wake up...
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