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Aug 2017 · 1.6k
Dying From A Broken Heart?
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
Don't believe the doctor
if they say no one can die
from a broken heart.

I will tell you why.

One day I fell in love,
I fell hard, so hard
I became blinded
by it's beautiful display,
it caught my attention
and my wandering eye.

But soon it caught me
by surprise, it was broken,
and no batteries were included.

It took all I had,
told me lies,
stole my heart and
damaged my life.

Though I was broken,
life always passes by,
time heals all
but scares are left behind.

I might be softer from ware,
but I am not going to be softer
the next time love catches my eye.

I know better.
For now I suffer from high blood pressure.
Doctor can't figure out why.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Aug 2017 · 232
Love Ate My Heart
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
I could barely breathe
as love stole my kiss,
broke my heart
and shattered my dreams.

I once got lost
in loves quite stair,
wandered for year's,
wondered how I got there.

Soon I found myself
setting at a table,
watching love eat my heart.
With each bite
I can feel the crunch,
chewing deeply into my life.

Already Been Chewed Life.

Love stole my heart
and ate it for lunch.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Aug 2017 · 1.1k
Love Is Hard Sometimes
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
I am not heartless,
life just taught me
to use my heart less.

I don’t always allow my heart
to make choices for me.

Life is saddened by love,
because when those
you care about die,
it hurts more than
if they were a stranger.

That’s why I always say,
love is not a happy journey
where the sun always shines.

It can be a barren landscape
wasting away with fattened pigs,
and chickens who lost their feathers.

Love can burn like the hot sun
in the Mojave Desert.

It can drink your blood
until you’re ready to pop.
Leaving you to die
from a broken heart.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Aug 2017 · 276
Structure Of Broken Love
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
It’s sad to be judged
by the love of your life.

You wouldn’t think
that someone you love
could do anything like that.

Because love isn’t mean,
love isn’t boastful,
love isn’t a lie,
love isn’t a beautiful day,
love isn’t a fairy tale,
love isn’t a glass slipper.

Love is complicated,
love is hard,
love is painful,
love is gooy, oozing all the time,
love is scratchy,
love is wakey,
love is full of it,
love is pushy,
love is never changing.

It is the person who uses it,
who makes it,
forms it,
sculpt it into
a piece of art,
sometimes they use
the wrong glue
so it falls apart.

**© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Aug 2017 · 280
Fighting Insanity
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
One moment you are standing
in the mist,
the next you are setting
in a padded room.

You can hear scratching
from old memories
running through your mind,
reminding you of old times.

You start to fade,
black and white,
the static comes through,
now voices are calling you,
but from where?

You find yourself having tea
with your shadow,
it reminds you,
you forgot your shoes.

Looking down you see
your bare feet
and then the floor begins to move,
as your feet grow farther away,
anxiety set’s in.

Heart beating fast,
faster still,
you feel like running
but you can’t move.

You’re stiff as a tree,
you look down again
and you find you are a tree.

You go from a rooted bed
to a rooted ***,
so tight you feel like
you are chocking
on dirt felled air.

All this time you’ve been asleep,
dreaming you are
fighting with insanity.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
I use to hear voices and have this same exact exceptance when I was younger. One difference though I wasn’t dreaming or asleep. The mind is a very powerful tool. I had to learn how to deal with my life and physical illness. Trust me you would feel the same if you slowly lost your ability to move and control your body. Once I learned how to deal with my anxiety the voices started to leave and I quite having this experience. I am glad I got through. I am grateful to be an adult. I always wanted responsibility. It feels so good to finally have what I wanted. Responsibility and my own home. I have been living on my own for seven years now. Yay! for me.
Aug 2017 · 192
Expressing My Write
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
Every poem that I write
is a testimony of what I fight.

and strife
these are the things I fight.

© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Aug 2017 · 202
The Shady Rose
Amanda Shelton Aug 2017
Weathered Poetry


"You can never cover up the truth with a lie, but you can cover up a lie by telling the truth. It's simple, you don't lie from the beginning."

I told my brother this when I was seven years old because I was tired of him getting in trouble.


By Amanda Shelton

To Be Shady Like You*

You might like it if I was shady like you, I’d become something more than just your shadow. My stem will no longer be soft and pliable, and my thorns will be hardened and ruthless.

No longer am I nothing but a shadow. My petals have fallen to the cold Earth. My perfume has faded, my stem bent from the weight of time. Though year’s have past, few forgot my hue and glow. Nothing is lift but my plot. I am more than just a shady rose, I am a blooming daisy. You are the shady rose, holding secrets under your rooted bed, slowly choking any flowers that choose to *** themselves close to your roots. I got use to being choked, my roots strengthened and I became stubborn. I will never be shady like you. I chose to make my plot miles away from the shallow tree’s, giving you your spot amungest the shady roses.
Jul 2017 · 222
My Boyfriend Lied
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
I was accused and abused,
I trusted a man who stole right from my hand.

Because I believed if someone says they love you
that means they have respect for you.
I am wrong,
love doesn't make someone trustworthy or a nice person.

Being honest happens
when someone is truthful,
Being nice happens
if someone is truly nice.

If you are a nice person deep inside you won't find it hard to be kind.
You won't have to work at it,
because it's been there the whole time.

I have been told by one person ever,
How he thinks I am horrible
and dishonest,
when I am too sick to even care
to be mean or cruel,
I never was a dishonest fool.
I never cared to lie,
I would rather work for my dime.

I have fought for survival,
I didn't get here by cheating
and taking what I didn't work for.  

He did,
He stole from me
and lied to my family and friends.
He didn't bat an eye,
He showed no morals.
Yet he was quick to blame me
telling me something is wrong
with my mind.
He never admitted to his crime's.

I feel hated and used,
horribly accused:
by a man who used I love you
until it hurt me.

Sadly I have to tell you,
I am ashamed of him.
I am ashamed that he treated me
in such a way.
I am ashamed that he judged me
poorly and that he judged me at all.

Love is not judgemental,
Love is not boastful,
Love doesn't care how old you are,
Love doesn't care what raise you are,
Love doesn't tell you lies,
Love doesn't spit in your eye,
Love is a feeling that transcends
all time.*

*© 2017 Amanda Shelton
Jul 2017 · 447
Climate Change
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
You watched me grow,
my colors shined like diamonds,
but you forgot about me.

You forgot how fragile I can be,
now I have fallen at your feet,
yet you can’t see me.

My tides break, My shores quake,
and my coral fray
washing away with the waves.

Climate change can be a serious thing,
it’s up to you how it changes.

You think you’re so small?
You think you don’t cause change?
Oh how ignorant you are,
you are too blind to see,
you even effect me.

Just because you can’t see something
doesn’t change if that something is real.
Just because you can’t feel something
doesn’t make it less physical.

You think you are insignificant?
Then look closer at your life,
for even now you’re affecting
your surroundings just by being here.

Is that not the point to living;
to experience and grow with
those experiences?

Well I am serious
we need to make a change.

Our Earth needs us to wake up,
and take notice of what we need to do
to help her to keep growing
and stop life from dying.

We need to make the change
before the climate makes it for us.  

**© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
I hate migraines.
They don’t tell you
when they are coming,
and they never knock.

Instead you get an unwanted visitor
who is rude, loud, and causes pain.

It’s not fair
Who’d want that kind of visitor
coming again?

Stupid migraine!

**© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
Writing a poem is better than eating my words. If I didn't have the ability to write poetry I would eat my words. LOL Meaning I would have to find a different way to express myself which I would find hard to do.
Jul 2017 · 1.2k
Nerve Pain
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
You cling to me like cellophane,
wrapping yourself around myself
with your electric forked tongue,
as you drag each of my neurons
out into the world;
exposed they are,
as I am left to feel their
nakedness and chills.

I feel their
bite and electric fields;
their pain has become my friend.

**© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
I suffer from three different disorders that can be very painful. This poem is the best way I can explain it to you. Maybe you can relate, maybe not but that's up to you. Live long and prosper my fellow poets.
Jul 2017 · 281
Unconditional Love
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
As bright as the sun
you burst into my life,
You cause the smudges to
fade away.

You become like the brush
and I the artists hand,
we craft beautiful art together
under the rising sun.

We both burst into stars,
as I follow you into the chaos
of loving unconditionally.

© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
Jul 2017 · 769
Lovers Out At Sea
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017

Breathe deeply,
taking in the taste of the salty air,
that lives upon the chaotic sea.

As waves crash a shore;
my heart takes flight
with each pounding tide,
my passions ride,
and with each roll
there comes a kiss.

Owed to my Sea born lover,
stole my heart,
under cover of the rolling waves.

© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
Jul 2017 · 409
The Shady Roses
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
Never trust a rose,
they might seem pretty;
until they ***** you with their thorns.

You might like it
if I were shady like you.
Maybe then you won’t judge me
like you do.

Though that doesn’t change
who I am,
not unless I choose
to be shady like you.

Though I would rather be a daisy,
then a rose with a ****** stem.

The roses can’t make up their minds,
do they like the sunshine
or the shade?

I want freedom to grow
wherever I plant my roots.

I don’t care about being trimmed
or proper in the end.

Let my stem grow tall
and my roots grow deeper in,
so that I can become stronger
still and support my friends.

That’s all.

© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 596
Spell Check Judgement
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
Who understands the frustrations of using spell check on the phone?
Me I do.

My smart phone isn't very smart,
it types words that I would never use.

Some people are very rude,
they judge me because of a typo.

I think that some people are just
too judgemental
to allow such a thing to go
without giving demeaning criticism.

It's not fair because it's not my fault the phone is programmed to work the way it does.

How I am the error or the stupid one
if I have tried to change the spelling yet the phone still types for me?

Sometimes it works and has a beautiful sway,
other times it choaks my poetic flow
goes the other way.  

But there's no call for rude comments,
what did I do to you?
It must be your personal issues,
has nothing to do with me.

There only typos,
they won't bite you
or cause you cancer.

You don't have to stop by my space and throw it in my face.

You are a childish person to think
it was okay.
Also I am disabled
and I have learned to love my mistakes.

Why don't you try being autistic and suffer from a movement disorder on top of muscle dystrophy?
You think it's easy for me? Hahaha

I am proud to say "yes I make spelling errors like everyone else does once in a awhile."

I bet you started out with horrible spelling,
you had to because you had to learn just like the rest of us.

You are no different than anyone else.
I hope you feel better about yourself someday.

I wish you the best.
Maybe you need a hug.*

*© By Amanda Shelton
I am fed up with rude trolls. They say very ugly things. I wrote this because of a comment I got. I will not be silent about my thoughts if I did, bad things could happen to someone else who is weaker than I and I don't want that to happen. Please stop the judgements and trolling. I don't care what your problems are you don't have to put it out on me. Keep it to yourself and get help somewhere else. I am done. Thank you.
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
A breath of fresh air,
is your kiss.

Your title wave crashes
upon my distant shore,
as my winds blow
towards your foaming roll,
I am caught in between
your crashing tides.

Our passionate embrace
devours time,
leaving us with unspoken words,
and meaningful structure,
it builds a foundation
that can hold up to
our chaotic emotions.

**© By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2017 · 1.4k
Clean Sheets
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
I take a deep breath into my nose
to smell the freshness of clean sheets.

Aw yes, I love that smell,
that warm fresh scent,
that crisp air smell.

There's nothing else that can compare,
to the smell of fresh clean sheets
it's an aroma I will never forget.

I remember when I was a kid,
my mother took me to the laundromat
to clean my sheets.
I couldn't believe the smell,
how I loved that smell,
my mom couldn't get me to leave.

We watched TV while the cloths were turning
around and around,
but I stared at the machine
when my mom put in my bedsheets.
I knew when they were through
I would be in heaven smelling the clouds.

I love clean sheets.

**© By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2017 · 386
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
Winds blow kisses,
flowers blow wishes,
while seasons bring change;
Meadows grow green.

**© By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2017 · 360
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
No color,
no warmth from the cold weather,
no charisma,
no freshness,
no love just loneliness,
no cover from the rain,
no drain for the tub,
no food in the cupboards,
no water to drink,
no end to the war,
no cooler for the heat,
no ice to make water colder,
no rivers flowing,
no flowers growing.

All is bleak,
all is dark and crawling.

Bleak that's all.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 280
United We Are
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017

Hello can you hear me now?

Through the static of life
trance missions unite.

A broadcast of past mistakes
remind us of where we walked
before we were lost.

Through the murky depths
of existence,
we fight for our rights,
we fight for freedom
and diversity.

We unite as one,
as we cultivate this barren ground,
we hydrate it's parched
creaked earth with our ideals
for a better world.

*© By Amanda D Shelton
Live in peace and love, be blessed and know you are blessed because you are alive. Peace out. ✌
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
I, I will fly
beyond these dreams
that seem to never take flight.

I, I will fly
beyond the clouds,
beyond the blue sky,
above the horizon,
I become weightless
as I leave the boundaries
of the earth.

I, I will fly
like a caged bird set free
for the first time.

I, I will fly
like Superman,
I will be like a star
falling to earth
leaving behind
a trail of wishes.

I, I will fly
beyond the boundaries
of your emagination.

I, I will fly...*

*© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
Black Widow
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
She’s agile and
seeking comfort,
over and over.

Like a violin she plays
with her web.

Black Widow
laying in her web,
weaving and sewing,
seeking her lover.

Black widow
see her weaving,
see her sewing,
waiting for her lover,
agile and seeking comfort.

Black widow
laying in her web,
binding and binding
so fast she’s winding.

Black widow
living in my window.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
You can find my drawing of the black widow here
Jun 2017 · 253
Love Is Free
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
At last thine heart came to me,
opened like a scalloped shell
holding for me its pearl.

Lay at my feet,
they love will claim my heart,
I sacrificed my passionate feelings
so freely.

Our love like the caged bird
was set free.

I bowed to your advances,
I kissed your passions
with my willingness
and blushing smile.

Come lie with me and be my lover,
forever in a passionate state.

Frozen love never thawed
or moved for me,
until you came to me.

Love was set free…

Love is free.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 203
Forget Me Not 2
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
Think not how life has been unfair,
don't allow your soul
to go down in despair.

Forget me not
upon this day,
for my memory lives on
as long as you aspire
to grow and cultivate
what I have taught you.

Forget me not
as I take my last breath,
Forget me not
on this last night,
Forget me not
for I never leave you,
Forget me not
for my ghost I leave behind,
Forget me not
for I am never far behind you.

Forget me not
For I will never forget you.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 252
Forget Me Not
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
Think not how life has
been unfair,
don't allow your soul
to fall into despair.

Forget me not
upon this day,
for my memory lives on
through you.

Forget me not
as I take my last breath,
Forget me not
for my ghost I leave behind,
Forget me not
For I am never far behind.

Forget me not
For I will never forget you
nor how much
I love you.*

*© By Amanda D Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
In winter they cried ice cold tears,
each one shadered like glass
as they flowed steady and fast.

Blue I feel,
as I lost the warmth​ of the sun
upon your chilling kiss.

My white gown grew its roots
upon your barren ground,
it bloomed on the night
when the moon shined
full and bright.

I your moon flower​ beamed
bursting forth,
as my petals fly free,
they die before they freeze;
hitting the chilled earth
with a dreadful thud.

Memory of you;
My ghost flowers grew
upon the memories we grow
and cultivate;
as the stars bare witness
to our chaotic dance.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 201
Growing Poems
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
I gathered you up,
You came to me
while I was wondering.

You grew into
a blossoming format,
You slowly became
a perfect rhyme.

Slowly you grew
into full paragraphs.

line by line,
You took some time
to bloom into
your poetic structure.

I fell in love with your
elegant and mysterious ways.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 184
The Writer's Block
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
It's heavy,
It's tightly crunched,
It's bleak,
It's boring,
It's dumb,
It's foggy,
It's murky,
It's doomed to fail.

The writers block
is the deepest pit
anyone could trip over.

It pains,
It pokes,
It ******,
It's​ prevalent ,
and jives.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 482
I Love Pickles
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
Who’s got a pickle? I got a pickle.
I got a pickle, a sweat cucumber friend.

I’ve got a pickle, a pickle indeed,
You want some?

Now I’ve got a pickle stuck on my thumb.
Yum yum yum!

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Jun 2017 · 268
A Poets Legacy
Amanda Shelton Jun 2017
I am like a cloud,
I move with the wind,
I cry when I am gray.

I am like the spring,
I bloom for the seasons,
I guide life into my womb,
I bring rain to the river's and brooke's,
I bring bird's to build their nests,
I bring the beast's out into the fields.

Quite I am,
waiting for the change.

I am a ghost
reaching for the post,
seeking purpose and meaning.

I am a poet,
growing my plots,
leaving you my written legacy,
upon my poetic format
I smear my ink on these pages.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
May 2017 · 185
To The Moon
Amanda Shelton May 2017
I love your beams,
Your shimmer and shine.

I love your waves;
you push the tides with your wane,
casting your reflection
upon our Ocean tides.

I love your fullness
and your curves are so divine.

I love your dusty ways,
I find you beautiful, mysterious,
elegant, and callus
in your concrete state of change.

To the moon,
I have confessed my darkest fears,
You never laughed
nor judged me,
You always lent me your ear.

You listened to my poetry,
Without biasing; you took no attempt
to change my formatting​
to conform to your comfort
and perfection.

You are a poem,
waiting to be written.

Ode to your beautiful format,
your haiku breathes heavily upon
my sky, reminding me to keep writing.

To the moon and back again.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2017
” I might have a phobia of clouds but I still find them beautiful. I might suffer from chronic life but I still live it to the fullest. If you say I can’t, I will prove you wrong by showing you I can. I don’t live to love, I love to live and to break your rules.”
**© By Amanda D Shelton
Apr 2017 · 681
Moonlight Lovers
Amanda Shelton Apr 2017
Upon unspoken words,
I lie next to you.

Like a whispering wind,
I blow my kisses into your beam,
as I watch you devour my dreams.

Our love is like a beckon;
no ships will crash upon our shores,
as long as our moon shines brightly
from our lovers moor.  

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Apr 2017 · 529
A Frog Lovers Dream
Amanda Shelton Apr 2017
"If only I were a toad,
I would be in heaven living on a lilypad."

**© By Amanda D Shelton
I love frogs. I fell in love with them as I was growing up. I use to catch them and let them go when I would go camping with my family in Washington State and Seattle, where my mom grew up. My favorite place to catch frogs is in Seattle, their camping grounds are perfect for  frog hunting.
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
The Rose
Amanda Shelton Apr 2017
"Beauty bloomed once upon a summer's night,
only to wither on the coming of winter's bite."

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Bee Kind To Your Neighbor
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
Delightfull as the tree,
Delighted is the bee,
as the buzzing becomes a dance,
the bee thanks the tree
for its flowers nectar
gave him honey.

Buzzy bee's collect the nectar
so they can make their honey.

Bee kind to your neighbor,
for you never know
when you will run out of nectar.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Mar 2017 · 411
Quote: Lovers Collide
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
"Lover's collide with stars crossing their sky's."  **© By Amanda D Shelton
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
Sweet dreams, my love.
May your night drift you
on cloud nine.
As you collide with the stars
may they fall
and awaken your wishes
to all possibilities of coming true.

I blow you a wish
with my true loves kiss.
May your dreams
be sweeter than honey or wine.

Goodnight my love.

© By Amanda D Shelton

" A night to remember, a night of delight, a night for moonlight lovers, traveling on a blanket of stars and the moons light is their covers."
"Lover's collide with stars crossing their sky's."  © By Amanda D Shelton you can find this quote in my poems.
Mar 2017 · 475
For Your Entertainment
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
I don't dance when I am told to,
I don't talk when I am spoken to,
I don't follow your directions,
I don't live to love,
I love to live and to break your rules.

I don't walk when I am done,
I don't yell when you can't hear,
I don't think like you do nor care to.
I don't live to love,
I love to live and to break your rules.

I am that shadow on the wall,
I am that black cat sleeping on your roof,
I am that purple colored hair wearing a hat,
I am the poet your teacher's warned you about,
I am the mountain that moved.

I don't write for your entertainment,
I don't write for your amusement,
I don't write to please you,
I write because I love to.

This is not for your entertainment.

**© By Amanda D Shelton
Mar 2017 · 569
He Stole My Reserve
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
Once upon a dreary day,
my heart was stolen;
over time it was broken.

This blue eyed boy
ran off with my heart,
only to burn it until nothing but ashes were smeared on the ground.

He has a sharpe tongue that cut my feelings like butter.

Made me feel horrible and used,
after all of his abuse.
I felt hated and accused,
unloved and abused.

He never saw my love,
he never saw my pain,
he never cared enough.

My love was in vain.

© By Amanda D Shelton

Mar 2017 · 555
Broken Heart
Amanda Shelton Mar 2017
My pain is deep,
it is deeply rooted
in your struggles and strife.

I suffer when you suffer
because I love you.

I hurt when you hurt
because I love you.

My heart breaks with every strike
you make,
with every mean word you say,
it cuts me like a knife,
leaving scares behind.

My heart is bruised,
with feelings you abused.

My heart lays at your feet,
yet you keep stomping it
into the ground.

I am nothing to you
but a smudge of dirt
on the ground.

Your word’s mean something to me,
yet you use them to hurt me.

At last,
to love is to know
how to suffer,
because once that love dies
something inside us dies too.

I know because I love you,
and we are broken in two.

I will always feel an emptiness
where you use to reside.

I will always remember
the missing piece
that is you in my life.

I will grieve for you
as I do my mother who died.

Goodbye my love, my darling.
I will never forget our times together.

© By Amanda D Shelton

“For my broken heart died while you squeezed the life from its main artery. Such sorrowful word’s are, goodbye my love.”
Dec 2016 · 523
By The Fire
Amanda Shelton Dec 2016
Lovely flame,
lovely bones laying by the fire.

Two lover's cling to the warmth
of its blaze,
embraced by its girth
and its violent birth.

Two burning flames
consumed by its bloom.

Such passion it requires,
such passionate lover's,
laying together within its violent covers.

© By Amanda D Shelton

Amanda Shelton Dec 2016
From day one,
I warned you of my heat.

Why haven’t you learned
don’t play with me,
if you can’t take the heat.

The cards are on the table son,
pick your game,
but be careful my friend,
for the devil already won.

Have you ever danced with the devil
in the pale moonlight?

His violan bayed at the moon,
as the devil danced with the shadows
on the street.

He gambles with your soul,
he makes you move your feet.

Don’t dance with the devil,
unless you can handle the heat.

© By Amanda D Shelton

Amanda Shelton Nov 2016
"Ocular migraine
leave's crystal light,
searing pain, blindness
as the vision clears
here comes more pain.

If you never experienced this
you are lucky.

I am 1 out of 200 people you might know
who have these types of ocular migraines,
according to the internet and my doctor."

© By Amanda D Shelton

Nov 2016 · 923
Amanda Shelton Nov 2016
Forced to write with the right hand,
is it fair?

because not
all are right handed,
I am one of them
but I'm also
not left handed,
I am ambidextrous.

So I have a choice,
which hand is the best.

I just haven't
made up my mind,
I might never
because I like being
the way I was born.

I'm a proud ambidextrous.

To the right,
To the left,
To the in-between,
is just fine with me.  

©By Amanda D Shelton

Nov 2016 · 387
In Sanity I Dreamt
Amanda Shelton Nov 2016
Slipped through the cracks of reality,
this is where I lost my sanity.

Soon the shadow's creeped,
creeped closer with each heart beat.

With the sounding of the drums,
sanity strums, strums, strums,
playing with my string's
I'm a puppet with her metronet.

Sanity I dreamt,
drowning in its depths,
reality slipped
deeply within my dreams,
there you will find my screams.

© By Amanda D Shelton

Nov 2016 · 561
Autumn Lives
Amanda Shelton Nov 2016
Of autumn we think of its color
,its change and covers.

Such beauty comes
from the depth of heat,
as the summer makes way
for falls wake and bow.

Aw what beauty awaits
dressed in her Auburn gown?

Her beauty beckons with
red, yellow, and brown.

Autumn lives for the cooler ground,
the wind’s and tree’s,
the cool coming of winter’s breeze.

They kiss like lovers do,
dancing like dancers do,
taking one breath at a time.

Autumn is here,
she’s already bowing
kissing winter with her
chilled lips of change.

© By Amanda D Shelton

Oct 2016 · 310
Amanda Shelton Oct 2016
Upon the waking of a dream
I watched as reality

Dripping wet with tears of sorrow,
all seamed doomed,
yet here comes the marrow.

Upon the waking of a dream,
I watched as it melted at the seems.

Dreary I fell into worry
and doomed digression,
all became dark,
full of murky depths,
and monsters whom leaped at me
from the darkest dreams I ever dream't.

**© By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2016 · 570
Beckoning Star's
Amanda Shelton Oct 2016
Of dusty dreams and forgotten wishes,
falling from the heavens
I fell for you, as star’s do.

My shimmer dazzled
and amazed,
as my tail grazed the sky,
I leave wonder in your eyes.
© By Amanda Shelton

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