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Feb 2016 · 778
Unknown Feb 2016
You push me down
You throw me around
I dont make a sound
I dont want it to come back around

I get cut up
I wrap it up
I sew it up
While I fill your cup

Every drink
Every bottle
Every shot
Every trouble

Stays in my mind
You wont get away this time
Cross that line
And it will be your last time

You gave me scars
You gave me wounds
You damaged my mind
The forever doom

But I got you back
And now youre under
What do to think of that
Didnt hear my thunder
Dec 2015 · 739
Unknown Dec 2015
     My loves
   the sound
of doom
Dec 2015 · 610
I wait
Unknown Dec 2015
I wait in the cold
For you,
My soul...,
And thoughts
But you never
I slowly grew
Been breathing in this
While I hold my
Broken and cold
Nov 2015 · 599
Unknown Nov 2015
I hate the wind
It blows away all my heat
Just like what happens
To every person I meet
It leaves me stranded
Like bare feet
In the winter snow
Trapped Knee deep
With nowhere to go
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
I hide
Unknown Nov 2015
I hide my tears when I hear your name
But the pain in my heart is still the same
Although I smile and look care free
I miss you more than it may seem
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
Unknown Nov 2015
I love the cold
It chills me to the bone
It makes me feel whole
In this world unknown
Oct 2015 · 495
Unknown Oct 2015
There's always sunshine after rain
Unless the rain kills you first
Oct 2015 · 4.4k
humble (10words)
Unknown Oct 2015
Stay Humble My Friend
You'll Be Loved Till
The End.
Oct 2015 · 571
Unknown Oct 2015
She said she was fine
But he knew her lies

She would always smile
But he knew it lasted only a while

She thought nobody knew she exists
But he put her at the top of his list

She broke down after school
But he tried to help. she called him a fool

She doesnt notice he hurts too
But hes the one who cared and knew

She doesnt know why he died
But he was only protecting her life

She found a letter adressed to her
But he knew it hurt her worse

She figured out how he felt
But he was gone and without help

She found how he had met his demise
But he had stabbed the guy from whom she had to hide

She had always been harassed
But he saw the gun and felt the blast

She had loved him back
But he would never know that little fact

She can now sleep at night
Not having to hide and be in fright
But he payed the ultimate price
Caring for her with his own life.
Oct 2015 · 927
Unknown Oct 2015
The sun shines every single day
   No matter what
      Even through rain
         So why cant you do the
            Everyone shines in their
               Own way
            Even through the snow        
         Surrounded by the cold
      Eventually youll know
   Nothing stays. It all goes
The only way you should stay
Oct 2015 · 390
Unknown Oct 2015
People ask why I stay quiet
They dont listen to me

People ask why I dont cry
They have hurt me so many times

People ask why I hide
They dont know my life

People freak out when I want to die
They dont understand why

People miss me when im gone
They never noticed me till I died

Thats why.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
left in the dust
Unknown Oct 2015
I try to make you happy
       But it doesnt always work
            Because youre so broken
                 With so much hurt
            You know I love you
       But thats not enough
   You think ill leave you
Left in the dust...
   You dont realise, ive been there too
        From the same kind of person.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Unknown Oct 2015
People ask...
Why are unknown?
Why are you hidden?

My only answer
Im hiding for the ones
Who cant be hidden
Im hiding for the ones
That love has bitten
Im hiding for the ones
Whos been through it all
Im hiding for the ones
Who are struggling along.
Oct 2015 · 549
Unknown Oct 2015
You cut your wrists
You say its bliss

You slice your thigh
And wish you were high

You hide the cuts
Nothing can be done

You **** the gun
But fail and run

You were found
Passed out on the ground

You were saved
Sewn up and laced

You thank the boy who found you
Youd be dead without him

But if only you knew...
He went through it too.
Sep 2015 · 777
One Day
Unknown Sep 2015
One day you love me
One day you dont know
One day you hate me
What is left to show?

You say im your everything
You say you need me
You say you trust me
But you never believe me.

Then you started blowing me off
Then you started choking this love
Then you started pushing me away
Really now, what love has stayed?

I broke up with you
I was in pain
I knew you would move on
But ill never be the same.

Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the lessons
Thanks for the heads up
That our "love" wasnt destined.
Sep 2015 · 2.2k
young and dumb
Unknown Sep 2015
I may be young
And I may be dumb
But Im just as bright as the setting sun

I might want to hide
I might want to die
But the need to breathe is enough to survive

I just want to run
I just want to be done
But first, im gonna have some fun.

People may fear death
People may run like heck
Although it may seem like hell, its just a part of lifes little spell.
Sep 2015 · 888
Unknown Sep 2015
I may be insane
Or maybe im just in pain
But I will not strain
To be contained

Your actions will not stain
My choice to stay
In a world in vain
Day by day.
Sep 2015 · 826
The lovely sting
Unknown Sep 2015
You sting like a bee
You're the cut on my knee
But I still have that need
To be trapped, and not freed

I have a need to wrap you up in my arms
A need to hold you in the dark
A wish to still feel your warmth
And the power to stay during the darkest storms

Even though it sometimes hurts
I will love you till we're as old as dirt.
Sep 2015 · 3.2k
walls unbroken
Unknown Sep 2015
You may be stubborn
You may be sweet
You may be the kind of person I want to meet
But until you stay with words unspoken
These walls I built will be left unbroken.
Sep 2015 · 885
Unknown Sep 2015
Your smile lies
Just like your eyes
You try to hide the pain
But I can see through your guise.

You dont understand why
But I know the life
Thats why I try
To keep you alive

Because in my mind
Youre my life
So If you die
Then so will I.

So please dont go
Just turn off the show
Open up to me...
I can help you breathe.
Sep 2015 · 520
Unknown Sep 2015
Birds will sing
Words might sting
But with one little ring,
You can become my everything.  

It starts from one little voice.
One simple choice
Just make a noise
And you'll hear my voice.

Im not done
Until the setting sun
Starts to die
And fails to rise.

Because in the end
Your only friend
Is truly shown
Through what you think you might know.
Jul 2015 · 437
Unknown Jul 2015
Id craw to the end of time
Just to be by your side
One last time.
Jun 2015 · 831
Unknown Jun 2015
Life is like a knife...

Its only dangerous if you play with it.

So be careful to hold it tight
And care for it with all your might.
Idk just randomness
Jun 2015 · 371
Unknown Jun 2015
Life can't die.
The sky can't fly.
The bee will never be stung.
And true loves not dead until this world is done.
Jun 2015 · 4.1k
You think.
Unknown Jun 2015
You think you know someone until they implode...

You think you know someone until they don't show...

You think you know someone day by day...

You think you know someone in every single way...

...Do you really know them?
Really just think of how well you know someone.... Then realize you don't actually know a lot.
Jun 2015 · 11.1k
Unknown Jun 2015
I love being a mystery.
Just because of the simple fact, you don't know my history.
Jun 2015 · 332
Home isnt really home.
Unknown Jun 2015
What is a home
By which we roam
Like locked in a dome
With no where else to go?

....its called planet earth.
Jun 2015 · 867
Just Smile.
Unknown Jun 2015
I like making random people smile...
Even if it's just for a little while.

Little kindness one day...
Could save lives in many ways.

Just one word could work...
Just enough to **** the hurt.

So if someone makes you smile,
Pass it on and let it live a while.
Jun 2015 · 16.0k
Unknown Jun 2015
You think you know
Thoughts come and go
But what's really known?
Nothing's been shown...

Days go by
And so do lies
You know things die
So why hide?..

Life's a journey
So stop your worry
Don't be in a furry
Until your love is buried...

Love's a phase
That sends you into a daze
Trapped in a maze
For days and days...

But in the end
Your ultimate fate
Is hand in hand
With those you hate...
First poem... Inspired by a friend. Sorry if it stinks.

— The End —