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3.6k · Dec 2016
Anine Dec 2016
I opened my eyes and saw a light
You were together with papa- smiling so bright
Not knowing anything nor speak anything.
All I knew was I came with a life.

First word, First step, First Laugh.
You and papa would cry out of joy
Thinking those days and wondering why?
Why didn't I appreciated it before?

Toys, food, and clothes
You allowed me to choose things I want.
Crying, begging and screaming
Then, you promised to buy it when you have enough.

Those things I couldn't do, you supported me.
Times I needed someone, you comforted me.
Things I didn't know, you taught me.
You saw right through me.
ghhaaad! it was hidden for too long now.. it would be a waste to delete it sooo.. nevermind :) nooot yet finished btw
3.0k · Oct 2016
Keep Calm
Anine Oct 2016
Just stay calm and act normal.
Always reminding myself when I'm talking to you.
Just like when I chat.
Just talk like I normally do.
That moment when he started to open up first and you're like like smiling but inside of you feels like something is going to blow xD
1.8k · Oct 2018
'Til Death Do Us Apart
Anine Oct 2018
The day has come, I was left alone,
But my commitment has yet to be done.
I have not claimed our infinity, I have had not shown my sincerity.
I shan't be ignorant before my soul and body be gone.

I would come for her lying grave-
Each day with flowers to bring.
Open field, warm breeze, an almost perfect scenery.
As I sat and looked down in melancholy.
The tears were still to fall, the things I recall,
Until I touched the glass over you, I became lifeless too.

I will stay just as we had promised.
More than the vow we created together.
Though, my dear, you've gone home before  me,
I'll wait for my time to be with you again, forever.
It just popped into my mind after seeing this old man visiting his wife's grave.

He just died last month
1.1k · Oct 2016
The Unknown Me
Anine Oct 2016
Nobody knows the real me.
As I am, very silent, very moody.
I lived in a far away land called "Reality."
But realized it's hard to fit in,
Especially when you're still stuck in fantasy.

Good grades, happy family,
Met best friends, lived peacefully.
Until my life's been looked closely,
You won't know what it's like to be me.

I still strive hard to reach an unknown dream.
A dream even I, myself, never knew.
Well, my life won't stop there, it seem.
I'll just follow the path my dear author drew.
Need to sleeeeeeeeeep now -.-
Anine Oct 2016
When I first saw you,
I don't know what to do.
It feels like it was a scene from a movie-
with a perfect song playing in my earphones.

You approached me and said my name.
Once again I was speechless.
But before I could even reply,
you smiled and turned back to your friends.

I know my feelings were true
but I need to know yours too.
So i went alone to you;
I expressed all my hidden feelings-
and found out the truth.

The truth.
The truth that made me feel like an idiot.
The truth that I can't believe.
The truth that made me woke up from my fantasies.

Your heart told me.
My eyes saw it.
You were together.
My face might expressed my laughter-
but you cant see any deeper.

Now liking you doesn't exist in me.
I wasted so much time daydreaming.
Realized that I'm not really meant for you.
Started to pick myself up in this reality.

I never got an answer.
It means I was neither accepted- nor rejected.
Friends was in between though.
But it's okay to leave it like that.
Since your heart told me, my eyes saw it.
Not sure if its still  poem xD
862 · Aug 2018
U n l i k e
Anine Aug 2018
This is a childish play
Well, i guess you could say
It's a bit immature
But how can I be sure?

Honestly I forgot the day
The time I first saw you.
But you were noticed by my eyes
At that moment then I knew.

Questions filled my head
I think a hundreds of them.
Making sure it wont get in my way
Trying to push you away.

But I know I can't.
I already liked you now.
I tried to gather up my courage.
I should but how?

You knew before I come to say it.
Let's just say I was to obvious.
Actions speak louder than words.
If only you'll notice me, Yan.

I found out something.
You are already waiting for someone.
It hurts, I know.
Now, will these feelings be gone?

I said it. Now what?
Limited time is all I have.
I haven't talked about it yet.
Please turn back the time.

You were going to wait for her.
That was what you told me.
I feel so crushed and broken.
But I'm okay, as long as you're happy.
This was like 4 months ago.. And hmm yeah.. I think I already forgot how I felt about him.
759 · Dec 2016
Anine Dec 2016
Everyone has an inner child, do they?
but why do they act like they don't?
negative thoughts are all they can think of
and hides the creative in their unknown.

We were once a child.
Each of us has a story.
yet why do you feel so incomplete and lonely-
when you know more than better?

Satisfied, are you not?
The dreams that were either reached or shattered
You were the protagonist in your story.
How did you end up being like that?
uhmm so yeah.. I forgot TT
575 · Feb 2018
Anine Feb 2018
I had a dream.
An imaginary scene.
Unconsciously playing
Of what I may have seen.

But it was not what I had seemed.
In which he sat behind me, smiling.
Then tears rolled down on my cheeks.
Felt stopping him from leaving.

I looked down from where we are.
And found us walking in opposites.
He wrapped his hands around me,
Closer than ever at where he sits.

Comforted me with warm voice.
Realization came at last.
Half asleep-  half awake.
Stared at his eyes- indeed t'was him.

The guy I shouldn't have loved.
The guy who can't even be mine
Well, I've got no choice left now.
Should I stop hoping for the sign?
477 · Apr 2018
Yan 09
Anine Apr 2018
He still loves the girl
The girl who left him just because
Yet his heart was still with her
She wanted to let him wait.

A year younger whom i fell
It doesnt matter, it would fade.
Avoid him at all cost
The time is coming to an end.

I like you, i mean i feel you too.
**** what could i do
Should i just forget about you
Let go of all things I knew.

Oh wait, I know nothing.
Felt like the first time we met.
We talked in lines.
And that's that.

It just hurts so much.
To know all of it was friendly.
Now all is ending.
I saw the line you sent to other.

Hurts it wasn't me.
It won't be me.
It will never be me.
How I wish it could be.

All it takes is a rehab.
Control when he replies.
Stop when he seened.
Forget is what you need.

Another step, a chapter
You'll be again the another.
From strikes I felt
You were different.

Move on, let go
They'll be happy, be happy too.
Learn from the pain
You'd be needing it later.
476 · Dec 2016
Once upon a Dream
Anine Dec 2016
I remember that summer,
It was a little less hotter,
I’m not becoming colder.
I wish I were a little warmer.

‘Till the days that I remember,
When we were both still together,
It felt like forever.
But we began before it was over.

We walked hand in hand
Our feet were standing on golden sand.
Sunset is setting, seen by everyone’s eyes.
This is our different kind of paradise.

Until one day, you said “hey,
It’s time to say goodbye.”
A tear fell from my eye;
And tried to hide these feelings,
That I never wanted it to die.

I was happy that you came
To my summer romance .
Though I wanted you to stay
But there’s a part of me that says:
*“I hope you’ll go away.”
411 · Oct 2016
Same Between The Opposite
Anine Oct 2016
We were the same between the opposite
But you never notice.
Even wht I feel inside,
It was like I ws never there.

Time stops whenever we pass each other.
That's what I want you to feel.
The feeling of a little sister
Is what you let me feel.

I'm getting curious about you-
Since the day we got close.
We talked and chatted
'Til day becomes night.

You said you liked me,
But in the end, it was a joke.
'"I knew it," was my reply.
But hoping that was real.

It would stay a mystery- unless someone moves.
Thought of becoming us in one.
Could it be? Is still my fantasy?
Since were the same between the opposite.
399 · Nov 2019
To my future guy <3
Anine Nov 2019
To the guy I'm going to date in the future,

I don't know where to start this. Umm, hey, how are you? Okay, this sounds cringey. You know I’ve no expectations regarding your stay. Cause a long time back, life made me realise that no one's gonna put those Cinderella shoes in my foot and no prince charming on a white horse is coming in search of me. Oh wait, I did wanted that to happen.

I've confessed to some guys older then me, but they rejected me. Well, I never got into relationships before. So yes I’m a newbie in relationships.

Just so you know, I'm not expecting you to be perfect- but to be the perfect guy for me. If you already knew all these, I think there'll be no war and just love. :) I don't know if you'll ever find my note here. But just incase if you do, lucky you! You have found another piece of me.

This ain't a poem, just a note for him <3
373 · Feb 2018
Anine Feb 2018
Nervous, pressured, confused.
The emotions I swallowed
Every time someone questioned
About the dreams I chased.

"Take it and accept it,
It is who you are born for
To survive in this tragedy
Not to be failed and tempted nor."

Not even who I am knows what I will be.
A war between the want and the need.
Silently depending on someone.
Neither who know the real me.
I'm too tired to care hahaha...
323 · Mar 2018
Consigned to oblivion
Anine Mar 2018
This felt so real
I held your hand for the first time
You cared for me for the first time
Went to places and knew it

Its the only place where i could touch you
The only  place where i can have you
The only plave i can be with you
The only place where you could talk to me.

As I have had said it
It felt so real
My heart broked knowing
I knew it. This place wouldn't last.

Now its getting dimmer
Darker every minute
Forgetting pieces of the whole scenario
Any second everything will be erased.

No, please don't go.
Don't leave me yet.
Its not too late i think
We could work this out, please.

Time nearing to its end.
Limit seeing you from afar.
'Turn back and change the way.'
I knew I can't- Im just too tired now.

A minute left then.
This dream will be forgotten
Bubbles would become one.
Who was I talking about?
Mind: *** am i talking about
305 · Feb 2018
Why do they fight?
Anine Feb 2018
When I was young,
I was like a safe kept hidden
Staying inside a shell
Following, Obeying what was written

I was ignorant yet curious
What was happening out there?
Out in the reality world?
Is it much as peaceful right here?

Til I was ready to be set free
Molded and taught first by family,
Before letting go in this world,
That I thought I could be happy.

But no, I didn't
Seldom I felt peace, always wars.
Yet not bombs and jets flying,
but death and life between bars.

Now everything was contaminated.
It's more like a contagious disease.
Spreading out the bad vibes.
Every turn, every corners increase.

Curses and blames were the words.
Out here, even children were used.
History repeats itself.
Depending whether either are abused.
Spread Love not hate <3
290 · Mar 2018
Met,but not meant
Anine Mar 2018
This is a childish play
Well, i guess you could say
It's a bit immature
But how can I be sure?

Honestly I forgot the day
The time i first saw you.
But you were noticed by my eyes
At that moment then I knew.

Questions filled my head
I think a hundreds of them.
Making sure it wont get in my way
Trying to push you away.

But I know I can't.
I already liked you now.
I tried to gather up my courage.
I should but how?

You knew before I come to say it.
Let's just say I was to obvious.
Actions speak louder than words.
If only you'll notice me, Yan.

I found out something.
You are already waiting for someone.
It hurts, I know.
Now, will these feelings be gone?

I said it. Now what?
Limited time is what i have.
I haven't talked about it yet.
Please turn back the time.

You were going to wait for her.
That was what you told me.
I feel so crushed and broken.
But I'm okay, as long as you're happy.
218 · Mar 2020
20 before 20
Anine Mar 2020
I might need this when I'll be entering college. This will cheer me up :)
178 · Mar 2020
Anine Mar 2020
It is already spreading everywhere.
Locking up, outsiders, and the outbreak
Don't touch anyone, just keep your distance
How are we supposed to keep on living?
Panic and fear, as it silently kills.
Blames those in power and those in control
For the fault a man have yet to perceive.
The piercing looks when one coughs and sneezes.
We fear to face the truth so they hide it.
No cure, hoax, death tolls, the vulnerable
The mess is impossible to ignore.
Even if it's not this one that gets us,
What is about to come will be the one.
And by then, it had already begun.
Whatever we are facing right now, I hope it will end. We lack a lot, especially in these times. Keep safe everyone.
142 · Mar 2020
Day One
Anine Mar 2020
It was an unlucky day and I was craving something sweet.
One cafe caught my eye and I went in.
It was almost full but I managed to find an empty seat for two.
I ordered a piece of red velvet cake & a glass of  cold lemonade.
""Let us welcome the next band to sing for us tonight," said the owner.
A guy wearing a black hat sat in front of me, but I didn't mind him.
The members were setting up the instruments and I told myself,
"If only I could date someone who sings pretty well, no matter who he is, I'll just go for it."
Suddenly, the guy took off his cap from his head, placed it on mine and said,
"Well, today will be our day one, I suppose."
I became furious as I took off the cap and watched him walk towards the stage.
Then he started to sing- and everything changed.
When his deep, brown eyes glazed at mine and his soulful voice is all I could hear,
it was then I knew- he's the one.
Someone asked me, "How do you want to meet your soulmate?" And this was it. It was kind of cliche but I like it that way. How bout you? How do you want to meet your soulmate?

— The End —