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Salsa AK Jan 2019
A cold rainy day
A book,
And a blue sofa chair
By a large cathedral window,
A cup of coffee
A fireplace of sort,
Some movement outside…
But not enough to steal the moment,
Jazzy music in the background
Stillness and warmth in the air.
Is it?
The story
The reader
The writer
Or is it a symphony,
The book meant for the day
Or the day for the book.
Salsa AK Apr 2021
Today is April 2nd
The love is there no more
Truth all that is left,
Was I the fool to love
Or you to believe it,
Was it a moment's bliss
Or an eternity of pain...
Salsa AK Jan 2019
I told him I loved her
He said to let her go,
Give her up to the wind
Her heart is hers to know.
Don't weep...Don't cheer...
But watch.
Does her light deem or glow?
Does she soar like a freed bird,
Or does she boomerang your throw?
Salsa AK Apr 2021
When happiness fades
faster than a stranger’s smile,
Only love can make your darkness weak
and your burdens light
Salsa AK Oct 2019
A dark rainy day
...light follows
As mortal clouds wash their sins away.
Salsa AK Oct 2019
Darkness my old friend
You kept me in the dark at times
I cursed you,
Drenched you with my vanity

I look back now in the light
the path I left with unruly sights.
Salsa AK May 2020
A diamond doesn’t sparkle brighter
Or deem low and tame
With or without eyes
That love, admire, or shame.
Stay true to your truth
Watch the world from far
Where they crown the sun
You’re destined a star.
Salsa AK Aug 2022
I find comfort in your embrace
Peace in your existence
In the way you fit into my life,
Like a star to the skies
All I see is the universe
When I look into your eyes…

But as she comes along
Thundering through the midnight storm
I feel my heart throb
Fire lit burning through my soul
And her light
Passes through the blackest hole
Finds me weak
Wanting it more…and…more
Salsa AK Jan 2020
I run,
In every direction at once
I think,
Unholy thoughts without regret
I feel,
The shame of the world as my own
I stand,
Unfazed by it all
I know,
Nothing is written in stone
Salsa AK Mar 2020
To stay away from the bodies of other beings
To keep a safe distance
To deny the pleasure of touch,

As much to make it seem a new concept
We’ve been distancing long before the panic spread

To stay away from feeling other’s feelings
To keep a safe distance
To deny the vulnerability of connection,

Give credit where it’s due
To distance is the best we do.
Salsa AK Oct 2024
I found everything I ever wanted
On the other side of fear,
Passed the gates of a doubtful heart,
Beating with anxiety
Of an unknown future…
Once a foreign concept
Were now in my grasp,
As I felt my burdens
And the wounds of the past
Salsa AK Mar 2024
the world became a dark place
when my dreams came true
along with my nightmares.
Salsa AK Nov 2023
How can you tell me it wasn’t your intention
to see me fall...
When it was you
who made me realize that i could fly...
And snatched my wings away... mid flight
Salsa AK Jul 2022
First love is easy
it starts easy
and even ends easy…
the pain of losing your first love
is sweeter than the love itself
heroic pain
aching vanity

But to love again,
and to lose again
…that can break the strongest of hearts
because this time
it’s not
an innocent heart that breaks
but a healed one
a heart barely put together
by stitches
to hold together the pieces
time plastered on the cracks…

a heart choosing
to open up
it may never fully heal again!
Salsa AK Oct 2019
Don’t let it go
Don’t hide it deep inside.

Let it float

Let it adrift the way your wind blows,
When the time comes
And it washes ashore
You will then know whether to hold on
...or if it’s already gone.
Salsa AK May 2020
When your existence is weaponized
Your suffering legalized
Your revolution criminalized
But your ****** televised

Stop and think...
Maybe the world knows your worth
Wants to dim your light of pride
Make you forget your history
Force your greatness to hide

But never forget,
When the world was striking fire from stones
We were kings and queens of emerald thrones
Salsa AK Oct 2019
I see you in kind people’s eyes
Your happiness in a strangers smile
Your tears in the innocence of a child.
If only you and not the northern lights
Your touch and not the comfort of certainty,
Your love and not the world with it’s grace and it’s majesty.
#Grace #Love
Salsa AK Jan 2019
Alone in heaven

No angels seen
No music heard,
No rain but wetness
No sun but warmth,

No crowds to cheer
No evil to fear.
Salsa AK Jan 2020
Who will you share your story with
Who are you saving it for
Who is written in your stars
Who will catch you when you fall

Who will be there when you need
Who will never make you wait
Who will love you more than time
Who will know you as their fate?
Salsa AK Apr 2020
Only a love that transcends reason
A love meant for the stars
Can survive this wretched world
With its beauty and scars
Salsa AK Aug 2023
i'm not the best at anything.
but with all my pains and aches
broken bones and scares left
I am the best there can be
in this body of mine,
with no effort or intervention divine
all I have to do is be
to be the best at being me...
Salsa AK Nov 2021
I burned your letters
and finally
felt the warmth of your words.
Salsa AK Jan 2020
Your face looms as a shadow on my cloud
residues of you metastasized on my identity
to lose you completely
becomes to lose myself
a suicide of new kind, a modern tragedy.
Salsa AK Dec 2019
Paint your pain on a beautiful canvas
Tears to be admired in heavenly waterfalls
Sadness in the abyss of the universe
Let it be joy to the world.
Salsa AK Oct 2019
My safe heaven,
The calm to my storm…
She left with a piece of my mind
I lost my peace of mind.
#Love #Peace #LostLove
Salsa AK Apr 2021
I write because...
I can bleed onto something pure
with no judgment or shame,
it does not seek to heal my wounds
nor does it yearn to wipe my tears
it accepts my flaws and imperfections
and allows me to paint my sorrows
to say my words
to feel my pain.

At the end, it is changed forever
no longer pure
no longer blank,
it carries the burdens of my world
with no guilt
with no judgment
with no shame.
And so I write...
Salsa AK Oct 2019
Where do broken hearts go to heal
Where do forgotten souls to feel?
Who mans the gates of the northern wall?
Is it a snow?
Or is it the one with the unwritten scroll?
Salsa AK Sep 2022
When the world pulls me apart
cracks open my wounded heart
I fall down a rabbit hole
Illusion of a wonderland

In this nightmare of mine
I saw this beautiful rose
In a field of ****** thorns

And in a moment’s bliss
as magical as our first kiss
I heard
the sound of your lovely voice
guiding me
back to your trusting hands

So let this rose
be my timeless oath…
with all my flaws
and all the pain
that love adorns,
I will love you forever
till my last breath goes …
Salsa AK Dec 2019
to leave behind eternity
to feel love so deep
'till pain becomes the comfort of existence,
I too hear songs of the angels
as it echoes in my healed vessel.
breath of life beauty lies within
from edge to edge of all creation,
It's all shadows for the light is transient
A miracle to live, to be one with the universe.
Salsa AK Apr 2023
I knew I was finally over you
After years of sorrow
When one day I saw you in another’s arm
With a glowing smile on your face…
And I heard my heart say
“I still LOVE her”
With a glowing smile on my face …
Salsa AK Jul 2022
four stories high
three stories in
two hearts melting
one too many kisses
♾ possibilities
Salsa AK Sep 2021
I want the stranger in my bed
to know the stranger in my head
the stranger in my heart is strange
i'm a stranger to my soul
Salsa AK Aug 2023
I like my coffee black
My drinks strong
My stories tragic…
In the faintest hope
that life will be sweeter
Salsa AK Oct 2019
A reason to leave
A million to stay,
A heart full of words
But nothing left to say.

Tears for goodbyes
Hugs for the memories,
My love this may be it
To wake from our dreams.
Salsa AK Mar 2021
As I am
As you are
As we were before trying to fit into a shapeless world
We found a place in each other's heart...
As we are
So flawless
So effortless
We fit into the shape of love.
Salsa AK Apr 2021
Give me a thousand kisses
In the midst of the darkest night,
Find the bridge from my heart to yours
Let love be your guiding light
Salsa AK Apr 2020
Our new reality

Lives turned up side down in harmony
Fighting an invisible enemy

Our cries now echo louder
Our loss sending shockwaves
Our pain felt across the globe

We now care for the suffering of our neighbor
For it could be our fate foretold,
Curse our body with a crown
But our souls are not ours to hold.
Salsa AK Jan 2021
It's a feeling
To see beauty in its purest form
To be seen in the most natural self, LOVE
...and to be LOVED.
Salsa AK Oct 2019
When you throw away a beautiful today
For an uncertain tomorrow,
Love gives up on you
And turns to your shadow.
Tomorrow will come with it’s empty promises
So will remain what’s left of the pain,
In the shape of what could have been.
#Tomorrow #Love
Salsa AK Aug 2023
To have loved and lost
To be lost in love
To have loved a lost soul
To be in love while lost,
such a tragedy
the beauty of love
Salsa AK Feb 2020
We have a strange relationship, truth and I
She never speaks in my presence
I don’t dare look her in the eye,
We exist in each other’s reality
We feed of each other’s pain,
I shame her with my being
Her loss becomes my gain.
Salsa AK Jan 2020
I tried to write the truest sentence that I know about you
But my words could only be unkind,
To hide you from my darkest ink
Is to chose you over the truth
To leave unspoken words behind.

I will protect you deep inside my heart
For you have built a fortress that lasted the rough tides,
But if you stray out to face the unholy rhymes
I am powerless in these darkest of times.
Salsa AK Jul 2024
I hope to leave the same way I came
As an empty vessel
Having served my master
Purpose realized
Showing my age
Beauty in the healed scars
Honor in how I loved my broken pieces
Salsa AK Dec 2021
Talk to me in a nicer tone he said
I’ve heard you speak to strangers
The love you show, the kindness
Is all I ask for yourself
Salsa AK Jun 2019
How does the heart heal my love,
When the pain of losing you
Is sweeter than the nothingness without.
When the eyes don't see your beauty no more,
But the memory upholds the truth as whispered in your ears before,
"You are my everything...The most beautiful soul".
Salsa AK Oct 2019
What do you say to a broken soul...
Do you let be?
or do you console?
To watch it rise from it’s fall.
#Fall #Rise
Salsa AK Mar 2019
It's the story as been told before,
Some times you rise
At times you fall.
Bed time stories by morning birds
Hugs and kisses to a long lost ghost.
Hear the wind
Feel the whispers afloat,
Don't burry your dreams
Don't cremate your souls.
Salsa AK Jan 2020
When lovers wonder into the light
Love is fragile to the untrained sight
For beauty lies when the sun sets and rise
YOU shall only make love at night.
Salsa AK Apr 2020
You are the world,
Beautiful as life itself
A smile unseen but felt like the wind
A face worthy of the angels hymn,

Stand on the edge of the universe
And look at the vastness of uncertainty

Stand still
Stand in peace
Stand for what’s good and true
Move only for a love worthy of you.
Salsa AK Feb 2020
It’s not you I miss,
It’s the way your skin felt against mine
The way your voice soothed my anxieties
The way your kiss made me fall in love with time.

It’s not the fall I love,
It’s the beauty as the leaves become colorful
The way nature embraces change
The way letting go leads to new life.

— The End —