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Michael Apr 2022
Light that falls like dust.
Blown into particles of brilliant colors,
to show the beating of our booming hearts.
Like magic they sprinkle the world
with beauty and hope.
It's as if for one night the stars themselves
bring forth the wonders of our universe for
  only a few passing moments.
I stare at them as they burn their mark of memory,
and ponder the irony.
That something so virtuous could be used
  so violently.
That greed, distrust, and continuous fuss,
could one day leave this world in a crater of dust.
Danger!   Keep out of hands of children.
Yet children we are.  All of us.
Michael Apr 2021
In the end it is known,
we are one with our bones.
What we have is right here.
It is now.  It is real.
In seven days this all was made.
In less than one our temples' laid.
It doesn't matter how we feel.
I'm afraid.
Michael Nov 2021
Her name, it starts with A
and N D I and E.
It's my favorite word to say,
it sounds like CANDY.
And L O V and E,
it sounds so lovely.
But it's nothing quite like A
and N D I and E.
Michael Feb 2021
Wash your face in the water.
Close your eyes and think.
You're gone somewhere
  to a far away land.
You're not at the bathroom sink.
Michael Feb 2021
As the world turns
and the sun is dying,
we can only mourn,
as we keep on trying.
Denying that we're doomed,
as the world suffers,
and hope it's one day made new,
to wake and take off these covers!

But it's no dream, it's real!
I know what I see and feel!
And with the world at war,
it's just ourselves that we ****!

And as it seems it's done,
and that the curtain is drawn;
Once the temple's collapsed,
the spirit is gone -
To the far and beyond,
at the end of sorrow.
Where true peace is found,
I'll be there tomorrow!

At the exit of sorrow!
At the end of hate!
Right at the gates of Love,
that's where Mercy waits!
Michael Feb 2021
Awoken, lying there broken,
choking on all the dirt,
buried alive in a world of hurt...
And as I remember hearing
the laugh of the Devil,
right beside me in my hand,
right here is this shovel.
Michael Mar 2021
I remember once when I was young, looking out into the sunset
and thru the sky a long stretched line was spread, the tail of a jet.
Beautiful.  Purple.  Orange.  Red.
I remember staring off, trying to imagine myself standing on the horizon's edge.
I thought, what magical wonderful things could there be beyond the end?
Is there anything beyond the horizon?

Now I'm older, as I see that line's been like a rainbow to me.
It still reminds me it's here.
Fades away when I get near.
It's not as beautiful, regrettably so.
Guess there's something sublime about things we don't know.
Perhaps life is that way, when the horizon is gone.
We just can't see, but it also goes on.
Michael Nov 2021
Beware of the Spider who crawls in your hair.
Better shave yourself bald 'till nothin is there.
Be scared of the Spider who creeps in your head.
He's there right beside you as you sleep in your bed.
He sneaks in your socks, he'll hop in your shoes.
He hides in the mops, and waits in the brooms.
So goodnight my friend, and sleep tight as you can.
You might just wake up with him in your hand.
Michael Apr 2021
If there's a baboon and there's a buffoon,
a tangle it always takes two.
Put them together and what have you got?
Two bibbidi-bobbidi-*****!
If they're in a room, you'll hear a KABOOM!
The whole house will become a zoo!
Cause you put together what I said do not!
Two bibbidi-bobbidi-*****!

They're constantly slammin doors!
Sounds like someone brought in a horse!
Stompin and hoppin and ploppin and droppin,
two bibbidi-bobbidi-*****!

If there's a baboon and there's a buffoon,
a tangle it always takes two.
Put them together and what have you got?
Two bibbidi-bobbidi-*****!
Michael Jul 2021
An eagle calls on the dawn's sun rise.
As the living waken from their beddy-byes.
The hunter waits and sits and pries,
and sneaks to even skip surprise.
Feathers fall as the thunder strikes.
The crows, they caw at the bird's demise.
Michael Dec 2021
The scene opens with a single snowflake falling onto the top of a large sturdy tree.  The vast open valley spreads far and wide, as this beautiful tree stands on a hill next to a soft and quiet stream.  Surrounding its trunk and ground digging roots are twelve little saplings.  They sit next to their mother, as if listening to one of her tales of long ago,
of years long gone by of an earlier snow.

The snowflake just settles on a leaf at her top,
and followed by more so gently they drop.
There's an old house not far 'cross the stream's other side,
filled with music and lights and sweet fragrance inside.
The voices are carried with carols of joy.
As momma tells to her children of their history.
A seedling like them a long time ago,
loved and enriched, nourished to grow.
She told of the tales of their home's Christmas Tree,
on a hill where she stood.  Part of one big family.

"Momma, tell us that story again.
We'd love to hear it forever.
Cause truly this story, it hasn't an end,
'long as we remember eachother."
Merry Christmas, and if we can't be together, we can be in our thoughts and prayers.
Michael Apr 2021
Soft as clouds of tranquility,
flowing with notes of sweet melodies.
This pipe of mine's an escape from reality.
Music never sounded so heavenly.
Dreams are exhaled from the life
     of my lungs.
Faintly they're heard, in whispers they're sung,
with the chiming of bells, distantly rung.
My heart know's the words.
    It just can't teach my tongue.
Michael Mar 2021
We wanted a society commercial free,
but we had to settle for an endless pile
of apps and ads.
We wanted to shorten the loading time,
and sped up everything else with it
in the process.
We wanted to live and break free.
Instead, we've settled for a fantasy,
because reality's not as perfect
as we'd like it to be.
But hey, that's just fine by me.
Michael Jul 2021
The desperate heart in need of love,
to be loved by anyone.
It's a nightmare to be lost,
to believe it's loved by none.
Michael Sep 2021
No one ever means to do what they do.
They'll say they had no choice, that resistance is futile.
When you're no longer here, it won't matter what you knew,
cause the meaning is defined just by what you do, 'till
you're layin alone in the coffin you nailed.
When you're life is gone that ship has been sailed.
Michael Feb 2021
Dungeons and dragons and horses and wagons.
What you imagine is your fantasy.
Adventures of magic.  Some happy, some tragic.
Whoever the hero, it's your time to be!

in  D & D!  Let us go play an RPG!
Let's forget about reality!
No responsibilities!

No chores to do here,
we eat and drink brewed beer;
I have this scepter you call a broom.
Don't look with your eyes dear,
O' just open your mind clear;
Open the sky wide, take flight from this room!

in  D & D!  Let us go play an RPG!
Let's forget about reality!
No responsibilities!
Michael Mar 2021
Eight legged critters
and eyeball fritters,
in a soup I made for two.
I'm going to have a bowl for me,
and you're going to have one too!
You'll sit right there and have a guzzle!
Try to resist, I'll get a funnel!
Don't try to untie that rope!
Stuck to the chair are we?  'O dear!
Stuck to the chair, so HERE!!
Probably more suitable for Halloween, but I couldn't resist.  Hope you find it as fun to read as it was to write it.  Thanks!
Michael Nov 2021
It's how I escape.
It's like a rollercoaster ride
that doesn't stop.
It's been getting higher.
It's getting ready to drop.
Now I'm stuck and I'm sittin,
I can only wait.
There's no escaping from escaping,
so just embrace the mistake.
Michael Mar 2021
Eyes to the Heart.
What I see is burnt.
What I think is heard.
What I know is learnt.
Michael Apr 2021
Fabric and strings,
I'm sick of these things
that smother my face
and muzzle my screams!
What are these things
I hate you might ask?
Just give me a match,
I'll burn up my mask!
That's just how I feel.
Michael Apr 2021
I'm not a huge addict.
I'm really only addicted
  to one thing...
The first time.
Michael Apr 2021
O My God!  As I yanked on the rod,
I knew I had one chance!
Wouldn't let this big fish get away!
Oops, I caught your pants!
Michael Aug 2022
I left my wallet at home!
Oh No!
I left my wallet at home!
The meal is almost done,
and so,
any second will come the bill!
For real!  Uh-Oh!
I left my wallet at home!
The waiter doesn't seem impressed.
He's suddenly very annoyed.
"You left your wallet at home?" he asks.
"Then consider yourself employed."
Always gotta check them pockets.
Michael Feb 2022
Anger eats the heart, blinds the mind,
Kills the soul, dulls our shine.
Founded from the dust of the ground,
our echoes' never are silenced.
Our minds can never be sound in hate.
We know we are slaves, for release we await..
Dealing with this grief that we bury,
Chained to the coffins we carry.
Voilence seems the only road.
War's the only way to change this world..
or so we've been told.
We like to think we're knocking on Heaven's Door,
but sadly I can see that we're not anymore..
Keeping our hopes impailed..
Hammering down our nails.
There's a light at the end of the long dark run.
A fire that's been since it all begun.
He made the worlds and stars,
with Love,
so hate is ours.
Michael Aug 2021
Have a few bad nights of sleep,
for a good one maybe later.
Sleep with nose plugs if you sound
loud and deeper than Darth Vader.
And if someone sleeps next to you,
and you love 'em with all your heart,
then remember not to Number Two!
No, don't ya even ****!

Have a few bad nights of sleep
and a good one, it'll come.
We all have our crazy dreams,
and some that we can't wake from.
But if someone sleeps next to you
and you suddenly scream and shout,
maybe they'll comfort you.
They'll probably just kick you out!
Michael Feb 2021
When you're happy your face is bright.😃
When your'e cryin, it looks a fright.😫
When you're angry, your face gets tight.😖
It makes a look like it's goin to bite!😬
This was inspired by my 6 year old nephew.
Such a cute face...  when he's happy.
Michael Feb 2021
Statues shining ever bright
over walkways glowing white,
with souls that walked into the light,
bound there in forever night.
Statues show their daunted gaze
and keep their eyes 'this haunted I'm led,
towards the distance, passed the graves
to the House of Red.

Shadows follow as I walk,
and I feel their hands behind me.
I pray these demons that I talk
should never come to find me.
Though, when they do I'd pray be dead
that I may not know when;
for through the gates of this House of Red
I know I'll come again.

Footsteps follow towards me
from the House of Red,
as footsteps go on from me
to the doorstep where I'm led.
Following I wonder,
Am I already dead?
Perhaps I'm resting underneath
this unhallowed House of Red.

Statues keep their eyes on me
as I walk up to the door.
There's fainted laughter echoing
from those that laugh no more.
This house is empty I can see
and it feels my soul with dread,
as I open up the door to be
inside the House of Red.

But lost inside I wonder,
What'd I leave behind?
It can't be that important
if it's no longer on my mind.
Perhaps I could've gone
another way instead.
Either way I'd come again
into this House of Red.
Michael Mar 2022
War serves a selfish desire to conquer,
or a righteous cause to defend.
For what good is blood spilt to gain more,
while blood is poured out to keep what's sacred?
War is sadness at its saddest.
With utter madness built up with complete hatred,
blinded from the differences of our kin.
History repeats itself again.
Michael Mar 2021
Once when I was young
for bananas I would beg,
and my mom would give me one,
cause I was just a kid.
Then one day there were some
toast and scrambled eggs,
so i broke my first banana
and saw eight scary legs!

Now I don't eat bananas,
and I don't even care.
I just stick with canned products.
Hope nothing hides in there!
Michael Apr 2021
Not a fantasy.
It's reality.
Is it really
as we think it to be?
To me, what I see
and perceive,
isn't enough to
make me believe,
there's somethin' else
that's happening.
In my own world.
My own everything.
It's my own fantasy,
in my reality.
Michael Dec 2022
You said, "On the double!"
But I got in trouble,
because I did not get there in time.
Now I'm in my bubble.
In time-out I mumble,
"Someone pinched me,
so I started to wine."

Wasting away again in time-out until,
I've learned my lesson,
I forgot what about.
I tell mom and dad that there's
sister to blame!
But they say "No!"
That it's my own fault.
Michael Oct 2022
I want Lemonade.  Fresh squeezed Lemonade.
I don't want Minute Maid!
I only want real Lemonade!
Oh sweet Lemonade, I'll sit right here and serenade!
And sing songs all day of Lemonade.
Only songs of Lemonade!
And one day I might even trade
this song for fresh squeezed Lemonade.
There'll even be a big parade,
for the ice cold drink I always crave!
The sour sweet kick in the cooling shade.
I only want real Lemonade.
I don't want soda.  I don't want tea.
I only want my very own grown up tall lemon tree.
Ah sweet fresh squeezed Lemonade.  Pucker up!
Michael Jul 2021
I can't fall asleep, I'm too wired.
Guess I will when I'm exhausted and expired.
As of now this choice I make,
I just want to stay awake.
I don't want to fall asleep.  I'm not tired.

Watching movies as I binge-watch constantly.
Staring glued, eyes wide and fixed to my tv.
And as I'm drawn into its screen,
I finally find myself a dream.
I don't want to be disturbed.  Just let me be.
Insomnia ***** if you're bored.
Michael Aug 2021
I'm not ready for the path that I've chosen to end.
Where I'm heading I'll have to descend to ascend.
No pretending to comprehend.
My heart understands,
even if I won't admit my consent.
I'll adapt to whatever happens,
and try to keep my balance.
Something shines at the goal.
An award it might be?
I'm alive im my souless soul within me.
What is it I want?  I ask endlessly.
I won't know 'till it's gone.
I won't have 'till I'm free.
Michael Apr 2021
The Knock-Knock Man.
I'm the Knock-Knock Man.
When you're upset I can lend a hand,
cause the Knock-Knock Man is who I am.

When your luck's gone down,
and got you feelin' blue,
I'll say "Knock-Knock."
and you say, "Who?"
You'll get the joke once you understand,
no one ever laugh's with the
Knock-Knock Man.
An ode to bad knock-knock jokes.
Michael Feb 2021
Life is like hanging off a ledge
above an endless drop,
and I can't stop looking down.
Love is the gravity that kills.
Michael Feb 2021
Lucky, lucky number 3.
Put a 1 in front for misery.
If it's 7 7 7, must be heaven.
If it's 6 6 6, get your crucifix.
Michael Apr 2023
Mia Mine.
You are as sweet as wine.
I'll search until I find
my Mia Valentine.
Once we were kids
and all we knew was bliss.
Again to share a kiss,
with Mia Mine I miss.
I promise this;
though perilous,
I'll always persist.
I'll give you happiness again.

I am yours.
I'll follow for
all eternity,
to bring you back to me.
I would die
one-hundred million times.
It's ever not for I,
but all for Mia Mine.

We're for all time entwined.
Mia Mine.
For my heart it aches inside,
without you in my life.
Mia Mine.
You're the light that makes
this shine.
Without you, I'm lost.
I'm blind.
Mia Mine.
You are as sweet as wine.
I'll search until I find
my Mia Valentine.

Forever and ever
and ever and ever,
no matter what keeps us apart.
Where ever, which ever
road I take, never
will you ever be
out of my heart.
Michael Aug 2022
Shadows reflected, fading into the glass.
To show what awaits us.  To reveal what has passed.
Salvage your soul, depart from your quest.
I shall detain you and you may find rest.
Distorted illusions.  Confusions and doubt.
The light once shown brightly, now suddenly out.
As the clouds roll ahead.  An unstoppable storm.
For the truth in the darkness is the truest in form.
Dark mirrors truth
Michael Sep 2021
Monday ****.  In the pits.  Weekends gone.
Now I've got this list of **** I've gotta fix.
Job *****.  Makin bucks.  Still I'm broke.
What the **** is this.
What a *****.  Boss is ******.  Speeding tickets up the ***.
I'm ****** late!  Gotta roll!  Cite that **** and let me go!  Hit the gas,
gotta get there quick!
Don't cut me off you ****** *****!
Get to work.  *** gets chewed.
Boss don't like my attitude.
Office **** don't like my lip.
"Open up your mouth and **** my ****!"
Sometimes I wish I said that ****.
Michael Feb 2021
More of me than one mind.
More of me than one heart.
More of me than one soul.
Less of me, just one part.
Love is good.  Love is bad.
I can't decide if I'm happy or sad.
If there's more of me than one,
than perhaps I'm just mad.
Crazy to think I could finally find sanity.
I lost myself looking.  I'm my own enemy.
Who I am now is just a darker version,
of the man I once was...
Another person.
Sometimes I hate you,
and others, I don't.
I think I love you,
but I really don't know.
Sometimes I'm split between myself.
Michael Apr 2022
Dark and heavy,
You make it lighter.
Cold and empty,
You are my fire.
Life is heartache,
You are laughter.
You forever,
My ever after.
Michael Apr 2021
Night time, where whispers in my mind
make it hard to fall asleep.
Inclined, it's Time I seek to find.
I've left so much behind.  I'm in too deep.
Shadows dance and keep my glance,
as I lay here wide awake.
Tossing, turning in my bed.
All my thoughts hiss like a snake.
Counting sheep to fall asleep
just doesn't work for me.
With all these whispers whispering,
the rain's my remedy.
  My soothing melody.
Michael Jul 2021
My sleeping beauty, you'll someday wake
and see that I'm still here.
Your eyes are empty.  My heart it breaks.
I fear there is no cure.
To go through living with our eyes closed,
then somethings will be missed.
I too am dreaming, my sleeping ghost,
to wake you with a kiss.
To my dearly departed.
Michael May 2021
Glory's who you are.
It's not what I'll achieve.
To be close to you, not far.
Will I ever find you finally?
Though you know what it is to be.
I'll only have one destiny.
Will I keep on walkin blindy,
till time takes hold of me?

Fear lives in my heart.
For my mind sees a coming dread.
My soul still prays to you
through the thoughts of my crowded head.
Please forgive all the bad I've done,
and the things I said.
Michael Apr 2023
Mystery Meat

You'll find it sometimes
in what you eat.
What it is, you might ask?
It's Mystery Meat!
Smells kinda weird,
and looks just like ****.
I don't want a dollop.
No, not even a scoop.
I don't even want it in Mystery Soup.
What would Gordon Ramsay say?
Michael Apr 2023
Lost my garden.
I don't know when.
Found myself
in this pit again.
Monsters eating at my mind,
'till scattered thoughts
are left behind.
Shadows sinking in their teeth.
My darkest thoughts
all stir beneath.
Gotta get these demons
outta my head.
Put 'em on paper.
Put 'em in pen.
That's my zen.
Michael Dec 2021
Peter Pan.
They say you can't fly off your feet.
To grab a ticket and take a seat.
That we are not in Neverland.
But to them, Magic is just anything
that can be displayed on a screen.
They've forgotten everything.
We are not in Neverland.
I imagine once when I met my shadow,
I chased it endlessly.
Never to think that shadow
had always been sewn to me.
Michael Feb 2021
Ola Crappola
Ola Kazoo!
I have a bowl a
Crappola for you!
What do you say when
you're feelin' a stew?
Ola Crappola
to Life's Number Two!

Crappola Crappola
needs to be freed.
Then comes relief,
and pain's history!
So Ola Crappola
Ola Kazee!
Do you have a bowl a
Crappola for me?
When life happens, get it off your chest.  That's what friends are for.  At times, they'll share some Crappola with you.  But at least we don't stink alone!
Michael Jul 2021
One more minute.  One more hour.
Seconds, time, as sand is poured.
Days are shortened, seasons fast.
Though Winter months seem to last.
We wait and shiver out the cold,
for warmer days our spirits hold.
One more blizzard.  One more frost.
For in the Spring, those days are lost.
That clear rain's tapping keeps me in bed,
dreaming of Summer's fun ahead.
For three months walking on the sun,
will seem so long, until it's done.
An endless journey, time won't stall.
Seasons turning, returned to Fall.
Planting seeds forever growing.
Time is going, ever flowing.
We keep on going, never knowing
what we're owing till it's showing.
One more minute, for one more hour.
Time is what we pay.
And all that's in it, and all that's ours,
is only ours today.
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