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Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
we were brought here on a boat
taken from our land against our will
we were sold for loose change
with a collar upon our throats
we fell beneath the soil
ate from the hands of the unholy
forced to take beatings on our backs
until our skin began to boil

while we break way from the chains
freedom ain't free in a land not built for us
we still must eat what we're fed
and follow commands from the reigns
Go back home, they tell us
Go back to Africa, they say
but they were the ones who took us
just so they could sell us

in an attempt to learn our roots
we stand in sand and land afar
hop on a plane of knowledge
in shiny over privileged boots
now Africa doesn't even know who we are
and they don't call their land our home
we aren't welcome, obrani they say
from our chest falls a shattered heart

poorly treated by our present and our past
it's no wonder we remain so broken
striving for equality until we die
misunderstood and fading fast
years of tiresome of repetition
the mission never changes
we just want to be accepted as human

Do you finally see the vision?
(C) Maxwell 2015
Oct 2015 · 614
truth is
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
truth is,
i love you for all the wrong reasons;
they billow up in smoke when you smile anyway

and when you touch my skin,
it burns with a heat i long to feel over again

when you're gone,
i miss you;
when you're here i never want you to leave
and when we have to say goodbye,
it does something strange to me

truth is,
i love you for all the wrong reasons,
just keep smiling
so i don't remember what they are
(C) Maxwell 2015
Oct 2015 · 445
The Past
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
look up at the sky
the stars pull you in a trance
the bending of the naked trees
the blowing of the rotten leaves
put my soul at ease
the warmth of the fire
fuel my heart's desire
the fear dissipates into the night
black as ever
and here we lie chained together
i've figured out who you are
you were never far
you kept me alive
but you had to die
and now i know why
my love for the thickness
the depth and the darknes
my constant need to fade away
from the heartless
i still look to you
my ember in the sky
(C) Maxwell 2015
Oct 2015 · 314
suppressed memories
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
what happened?
(C) Maxwell 2015
Oct 2015 · 4.5k
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
sadly, captive souls
lie still somewhere awaiting
to smile again
I wrote this Haiku after watching a special on Gina Dejesus, Amanda Berry, and Michelle Knight. God be with the missing everywhere tonight and every night until they are found. God be with the those suffering captivity. God be with those locked in chains. God, be with them.
Keep hope alive in that the missing will be found.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Oct 2015 · 843
The Morning
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed in the morning
You know anything can change
You know what is to come
You see what is to be
You already feel the pain
So you turn over as time is still ticking away
In hopes maybe a dream of two can help you stay
In hopes anything can keep you
From facing the reality of today
The fear sets in for tomorrow
You ask God for an answered prayer to borrow
And soon that day has come
You got up and stepped out
And now that day is done
And here you lay once again
Tucked deep in that emotional fear
Because just like that
Today became yesterday
And tomorrow is already here
There is no control of what will be
You can't put a time on tragedy
You can't hide from grief
You can't live on the notion you know it will happen
Don't let death be a thief

Take the sun from the rain
Use wisely the time you've been given
Because there's nothing worse than waking up in the morning
And being afraid of livin'
Stay positive.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Sep 2015 · 19.4k
Luna Lynn Sep 2015
i'm biracial
no i'm not an oreo
no i ain't your zebra
i ain't the best of both your worlds
i ain't mulatto either

i am white
i am black
living my life with a sense of inequality
my race always seems to follow me
no matter where i'm at

white people have jokes
black people have questions
my hair appeals to some of you
while the rest of you have suggestions

who said i needed you to tell me who to be?
who said i needed to explain who i really am underneath?

striving to be normal and thriving to be equal
i just so happen to be a white girl
that knows what it's like to be black
and that bothers a lot of people

my race may not define me but it is apart of who i am
so yes i get offended when you refuse to understand

that i am what i am
black and white
white and black
light brown complexion
***** curls front to back

a strong black woman resides inside and it's she you see
a white woman is there but will never be
but i never deny my lines culturally

because they are me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Sep 2015 · 5.6k
Standing Tall
Luna Lynn Sep 2015
in a world where we pray to be united
within the grasp of wholehearted humanity
standing tall
we sink in the dirt beneath our feet
and holding our heads up high we sing with the utmost pride
a song of which becomes a chanting notion
setting the tone for revenging entities
growing weary of the unwanted waste we toss our visions in the sea
without daring to take the promising chance

how are we to stand together
in a castle built to crumble in its past?

and yet we become the fools
lost in the fight and lost in our grieving
we walk the streets with our banners and our anger
without understanding what we are feeling

let me take you back to nineteen sixty three
when we marched on Washington
and we were lead by a King
what merely started as the seed of a dream
became the prelude to never ending history
yet with each milestone comes adversaries
and we still cry the tears of our fallen fathers
we still cry to be free

but remember my brothers and sisters
to be mindful in your actions
for blood does not wash blood away
and because the tongue can be a sword
be mindful of every single word you say
the whole world is unjust
be emotional if you must
but the time is now to be reflective
to be knowledgeable
to be respected
because the hearts of our sons and daughters
still need to be protected

the sun my still set orange
and they moon may still shine white
the day may still end at quarter to
the moment everything is night
and in each passing day are you going to become the change that is needed to win the fight?

are you going to do what's right?
(C) Maxwell 2015
Aug 2015 · 884
Luna Lynn Aug 2015
i'm afraid to watch you die
fear of not being strong enough to see you through as i've sought strangers
love never ends but the body decays
and who's to say i won't climb into your grave?
i've never had to be without you
if you count the years i've been alive
you've held my heart for over half of that time
how do i go on when you die?

i kiss you so deeply so i won't forget the taste
i hold you so tight so i won't forget the feel of your softened skin against my face
i run my hands through your curly hair so i won't forget the touch
i lay my head on your chest at night so i won't forget how your heart beats so much

and all the while i create your memory
i pray to keep you forever
if God must take you first
i will only get through life after
knowing He will bring us back together
curing the never ending hurt

somber it may seem
but you see, i think about it too
i can't imagine life, nor death, nor an eternity
i just can't imagine to exist without you
they say soulmates aren't real
that love at first sight is never due
but i know what i saw
when we first locked eyes
and i can speak from a heart full of love

it's true
so don't leave my grasp
stay here with me
and i'll stay here with you

(C) Maxwell 2015
Aug 2015 · 692
i am a writer
Luna Lynn Aug 2015
nothing but a dream and a pen
they say i'm too creative
to be working 9 to 5 again
who's to say i really didn't know
that nothing would come of
the dream i was sold
i just water the seed to watch it grow
but to harvest the farthest
is the distance i'll go
they say to never give up fully on a dream
keep the hope well alive
and your heart will be free
still entrapped within my mind's brutality
sometimes i'm told just to go
without even knowing the personality
it's a gift
it's a blessing
it's curse
it's all the same
do i do it for the love
or do i do it for the fame?
attention can be tricky on our sleeves to be as shade
when your world around flips upside down in a selfish pride parade
but who's to say i can't be proud
i speak my mind
i say it loud
i can't help that the words flow like water in a stream
that me without expression is a soul that lives unclean
a window to a world that remains unseen
you think you've seen the full on vision
but you're looking through a screen

let me open the door for you
and show you my dream
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Do Somethin' Bout It (Haiku)
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
get off of your ***
and stand up for what is right
STOP speaking silence!
(C) Maxwell
Jul 2015 · 572
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
standing in the still of the night
where the moon is high
and guitar riffs stroke
to the rhythm of my life
my mind is always running on full
my heart running on empty
a full head of hair i'd rather chop off
and make a statement stew
who needs similarities when you can
express the originality that is you?
hide behind your masks if you will
i'll wear the same face that's fixed
on a better tomorrow
patiently waiting for a miraculous answer
to questions i haven't asked
smile at the rain and cry at the sun
the day has come for me to
put down my gun
and pick up my cigars
inhale the heaviness of the world
exhale the sorrows
lift the veil and kiss the pride

be happy i'm alive
Just thinking aloud. Nothing serious really.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jul 2015 · 904
love at first sight
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
Once upon a time
there lived love at first sight
a vision of most intriguing wonders
a feeling of mutual gravitational pull
and as their hearts intertwined
their worlds became one
one in the same
And soon they couldn't bear
not one moment apart
not even the idea of another
would settle easy in love at first sight
but a sudden wind came in
spinning it all out of control
and their world became threatened
although their hearts protected
forever would never be the same
a future would never hold the promise
it had once gained
and now the love has to live
amidst the sorrows of the coming goodbye
but love will never end
even if the body dies

when it's love at first sight
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jul 2015 · 8.1k
to my unborn
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
mommy loves you unconditionally
even as you soar amongst the clouds
searching for the perfect timing
to come on down
please, forgive my impatience
i just have this undying urge
to have you here
in my arms, clinging to my breast
as i provide you with life
and you provide my breaths

little one, shining so bright
come to me only when you feel it's right
the doctors tell me otherwise
and my womanhood is of questionable might
but i know you are as rightfully my child
just as i am the moon to your night

an infertile mother will forever understand
why so many letters are written to our unborn
with shaken hands
why so many tears have fallen
why you wonder it isn't your calling
to be given a life of other plans

but i know you hear me, little one
and i know you love me too
and i promise to better preserve my body
so that it may be the perfect home for you
until you are ready to bless me with your smile; the uniqueness that is true
everything i do, everything i aim to be,
every dream i work so hard to achieve

i do for you

so please, be slow and easy little one
mommy needs preparation too
just know this,
when you've become tired of waiting;
when you're ready for the world
and you're journey has come to the point of passing through
watch for flashing lights
and smiling faces
and tears of joy
listen for songs of love

because i'll be right there--
for i've been waiting too...

just for you.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jul 2015 · 255
fantasy fiction
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
on my mind day and night
you promise me a world i haven't seen
there's a longing in my soul
just for you
that tells me you're telling the truth

i'll gladly wear your ring of despair
use it as my ticket to ride
the waves of emotion and hearts on your sleeve
there's a special place in your hell
just for me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
nails on your back
my head to the wall
i've written a happy ending after all
wishful thinking
becomes a thing of past
i am nothing without you
a toast with broken glass

turn the page if you will
here i'll be, standing still
whatever we erase
is always replaced
by something better
something real

i give you my life
i ask you to keep it
i gave you my heart
i'll admit it has weakened
but that's due to the fact
my love for you has deepened

hold me forever and beyond
i don't care who we hurt
i'll watch the world shatter to hell
before i let you bleed first
romance isn't it
it's a life; a chaos of our own
light the candle to our goblet of dreams
sit next to me on our throne
being apart i just can't condone

if not with you,
i'd rather die alone

you're the perfect novel;
a story on your own and then
i could write pages and pages about your smile
your voice in itself is the greatest poem;
your mind is the pen

not a fairytale, because those are fake
you are here in the now;
your skin i can taste

wrap me in your forever
your world is my home

for if not with you,
i'd much rather die alone.
This is actually a song I wrote, but I enjoy it as a poem just as well.

(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 979
Luna Lynn May 2015
when times become hard
when my spirit is broken
you are my vice
my lifeline
you are my strength
without you i have nothing
there is no where to go
when i'm wandering homeless
you are my home
time spend a part only holds us together
even tighter than before
no matter when you come knocking
i don't think
just answer the door
is there a drive?
a force we cannot see?
there has to be something bring me to you
and sending you back to me
maybe it's in your touch
that in your grasp
i am free

love like this is what they fight for
it's what's written in fiction and poetry
it's what portrayed on stage
a love the whole world wants to see in peril
a love the outsiders will say they've forgot
but they'll remember our names
hands in the air because i plan to stop fighting
and i am more than afraid
but i don't trust another soul in my position
no other woman could love you in my place

you carry me when i cannot walk
i hold you up when you cannot stand
our lives have become woven yards of love
and helpless sifting grains of sand
in all its disastrous wonder
in all of my mother's disappointment
i sacrifice the thoughts and plans
nothing goes as it's supposed to
i have the blueprint fresh on my hands
no one gets it
no one understands
but you and i
yes, you and i
in a world of our own we live
in a world of our own we'll die

i'll step out for awhile
and you may take a stroll in the rain
eventually we will recoil
and search for relief from the pain
reminded we find healing in each other
you take mine
i take yours away
i am nothing without you
you are nothing without me
so why don't we just stay?

a house built to withstand the worst
where else would we go?
do we dare withstand the storm alone?
in me lies your shelter
in you lies my own
intertwined; our souls melt into one

and we are
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 1.2k
rhythm & blues
Luna Lynn May 2015
it's 6 in the morning and i'm listening to the blues
the soul in the sax plays a tune to mimic the rhythm of my feelings
a crescendo of colorful sound to express my inability to decide whether to take the road that's right or left
which ever road leads me back to you

you see it's like a magnetism--our love
no matter if the fire burns down the walls around us
or the flood of our tears washes us down the hillside
nothing separates us for more than a moment
and here we stand back at the crossroads

so i'm going to take this midnight train to Georgia
for the love of you
because when a man loves a woman
there ain't no mountain high enough
to keep them apart
lean on me, and i'll see you through
hold me, so you can help me stand too
we can be whoever we're to be
it's no one else's business
we can be free--just the two of us

in my heart, my baby love
some day, we'll be together

(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 3.6k
Luna Lynn May 2015
a ****** at her worst
i am opened raw
vulnerable and naked;
no wall

care for me delicately
before you toss me away
understand my flaws,
get to know me
but don't make me change

rock bottom; so it's as they say
i'm thrown a rope of thorns
to find my way

i hear a sound in the distance
it's a voice of reason; a chant of song
cheering me on

i may be mistaken
there ain't no choir for people like me
only a pocket full of prayers;
a head full of dreams

let me go
let me be
let me crawl
on ****** knee

a touch of fate grasps my arm for life
**** it, why fight?

you're watching me closely
aren't you?
(paranoia setting in)
what do you see so special about an angel soaked in sin?

standing on the ledge
below they are screaming JUMP
bare ***** and broken
i just look up
(C)Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 1.3k
Luna Lynn May 2015
when you love someone so deeply
that they become your life
you try to keep them firmly in your grasp
changing who they are as a person
just to make it last
i kept you --this beautiful burning firefly
in four walls made of glass
and selfishly i clipped your wings
to protect your from your past
for i didn't think your heart could be captured so fast

minutes became hours became days became weeks of thinking
contemplating the worst
avoiding what's to come
because i didn't want to feel this hurt
the pain in this moment is very real
and a portion of my heart will never heal
but i envision you flying again
and that's exactly what this pain is worth

spread your wings beautiful you
i've done all i can do
i am not angry at anyone but the situation
it seems life has left us with unfair chance
we held on tight in proclamation
not realizing 'twas within a burning room we danced

you may flutter and stumble, but you'll fly again
and soon you will be back in your world; back into the colorful wind
do not worry, i say
do not worry about me
i will find my peace and purpose
in knowing you are free

because your happiness
is the happiest i will truly ever be

As we separate after 10 years of love, I can't help but to feel sadness, anger, and grief. No one is to blame, and ironically I find comfort in that. There were no tears, there was no bitter, hateful anger. Only laughter, reminiscing, and the pounding of our hearts beating the hell out of our inner ear. We talked about this day for years, feared it, and now it has come and gone. No regrets; no mistakes. No goodbyes; only see you later. I love you and you love me; but, you go left, and I go right. It's no one's fault, and even if I knew it would end the way it did, I wouldn't change a thing. I've learned so much, become a better person; a better woman, just by simply loving you. Thank you for so many years of respectable love, laughter, smiles, and wholesomeness. We have now begun a new beginnings as long time friends. It's sad to think of losing who we used to be, but I'm happy to see who we may become. I still expect to hear about milestones, family endeavors, and the continuing improvement of your health. God will carry you as He has been carrying me, and even if you do not wish to share those with me, at least I know we will be okay.

Lastly, I hope whoever may come your way next treats you as well as I, if not better, and fills every void of which I could not fill. I hope she is everything to you and then some because that is exactly what you deserve. Find yourself first however, so that you may find her too. You're a wonderful man, so spread your wings and fly.. My dear, it is time for you to shine!

Love you always,
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 858
wet paint
Luna Lynn May 2015
a heap of bile gathers in my throat
as i watch my world go up in smoke
and fail to understand the purpose of regret that's spoke

in my mind i painted the vision
and the brush perfects the image at every stroke
yet reality reminds me the paint must dry
before it can offer any hope

there it is; excuses, here they come
that's me.. always trying to alter the picture when it's done
because the sight isn't what i hoped to see
and here i stand; starting from square one

fear sets in and i feel i just may choke
so i try to erase what it has become

but it's too late; and i can't even cry
this has never happened to me
i'm lost and i'm free
and a part of me has died

tell me, what is it really like?
to see your world go up in smoke?
to create a picture unlike one you've ever seen, to feel that scream in your throat?
to paint a picture you just cannot change no matter how many times it's been erased?
to not give up, not give in but just let life take it's place?

i touch the canvas;
it's rough at the edges,
but it's smooth inside

which tells me i can still attempt a change of heart
even after the paint has dried.
(C)Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 403
Luna Lynn May 2015
i've held them in
and now they fall
it's a bittersweet taste after all

you love me forever
i love you the same

and it's for that very reason
we had to walk away

No hate, only love. Forever.

(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 450
Luna Lynn May 2015
**** my mind like fine red wine
your spell is quite unfair
eat the doubt right from my mouth
though words are never there
steal my soul and lose control
******* rhythm blues
no i'm not fine i've left behind
all that isn't me is you
take my hand i have a plan
to guide you deep inside
you will know when to let go
we'll no longer have to hide
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 970
i am dead
Luna Lynn May 2015
i killed myself today
stood in the mirror and faded away

i watched the blood
pool down the drain

i was reborn into newness
and the fear was sustained

the death of myself is the truth
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 1.2k
Luna Lynn May 2015
you run through my mind like water
cleansing any good left in this world
showers of emotions that cannot be restrained
down upon my heart do they rain
and in seeking shelter from the storm
i find myself in the trap you've created
left with no option but to strip myself down and now my soul is naked
though i stopped answering your calls
i remember how good you felt inside me
soon i am prisonor at war that's been taken
(and you always seem to find me)

what say you? you crazy man of a fool
i've sent you packing straight to hell
(though i've been there a few times too)
it's when the chill in the air becomes too cool
that i feel the need to be abused by you
and the pain in the pleasure is worth the ravishing beating
we say it's love, but what's the true meaning?
when two souls are colliding because they've come out of hiding just to give way to waters receding

you say i'm your revolution
that i am the sun to your earth
i say some lies are worth believing
(yet they always seem to work)
a round of applause to the love
that always makes it hurt
a standing ovation to the taste of your kiss
that always makes it worse
because you will always leave
and i will always turn away
but you will always be back
and i will always vow to stay

what's the meaning any way?
an addict never tells the truth they say
shoot me with your broken promises any day; right in the veins
the high is a euphoria i can't explain
we've everything to lose
we've nothing to gain
i am addicted to your madness
you are addicted to my pain

rebels in a world that isn't ours
we set the standards; there are no bars
there is no sun to set; there are no stars
there is just us

whoever we are
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 1.9k
Luna Lynn May 2015
i am a sinner
my sin keeps me awake in the night

walking with the devil isn't easy
with God by your side
my heart inspired by the love
my mind corrupted by evil

no wonder i never sleep right

hugging tight my broken pillow
i forgot to say my prayers to mend
hope God awakes me in the morn
just so i can sin again

never born a perfect
never lived a saint
i'm in love with second chances;
sometimes third helpings on my plate

today He has already sealed my fate
i just don't know the date

i can only hope He continues to forgive
as i continue to live
self destruction never wins
it's always too late

i was made a true believer, but i've
fallen victim to the biggest deceiver
and while i know the liar won't offer me a thing
i swim in pools of blood from the ring

save me oh Lord,
is there an angel you can send?
no doubt You are my Father,
but you see the devil is my friend

there it is
i've gone and sinned again

forgive me Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary
it isn't as easy as it is written
you eat it, you breathe it, you reap it
you sow, sow, sow
the guilt; you keep it
forever and ever
in a church we sin together
and point a finger or two
because that's easier than accepting what is truly wrong with me and you

there are priests who touch little boys
there are ****** killers as well
and today i told a lie to God
so together we all go to hell

Lord, save me and help me mend
help me sleep, help me wake
walk with me as i sin again
(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 8.3k
the conservation of energy
Luna Lynn May 2015
inhaling smoke from fire and
it feels good
and it pleasantly washes down a shot of imported gold
but i can still breathe, and
the burn in my gut tells me i haven't yet had enough

so, i reach for one more

and i reach for one more
and i reach for one more
and i reach for one more

soon the page is blurry
and the vision is clear;
making no less than total sense

it begins at birth;
you cannot escape the hurt

just as energy is never destroyed
it is merely transferred

(C) Maxwell 2015
May 2015 · 861
Luna Lynn May 2015
walk with me and take my hand
lead me right into temptation
treat my heart as grains of sand
give way to moderation

on solid hopes and wakened dreams
we have built our own foundation
unstable as the thoughts we seek
to feed our souls of deprivation

lust in mind forever more
adds fuel to acclamation
kisses to determine fault
we are equal to damnation

burn in hell! is what they’ll say
as we accept the invitation
and jump into the deepest pit
of our very own creation
(C) Maxwell 2015
Apr 2015 · 330
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
to be in love is to be totally free
the love is in you
the love is in me
joy reigns upon us as white rapid sea
the sun is in you
the sun is in me
happiness shines like rays ever so bright
the life is in you
the life is in me
even in darkness we find our own light
i am fully in you
you are fully in me
Just thinking.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
my favorite place to be
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
would you believe
it is the simplest of things,
could it be the top of the world?
in comparison, that is what it is to me
my love, you hold the candle by all means
to lie next to you at the end of God's day
is pure perfection, you see
i am merely beneath the covers to dream
and doing so next to you,
is my favorite place to be
I love you forever, T.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Apr 2015 · 373
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
the only sound to be heard
is the furious pace of fright in my chest
stuck behind a wall with **** for windows
i cannot see what is coming next
(C) Maxwell 2015
Apr 2015 · 343
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
i wish you to be a fearless soul
no longer bound by the yield and anxiety
of the mind
as i lay my head upon your rising chest
i hear a pounding sound
the song of a true heart everlasting
leaves a softened voice within my ear
the things you say only flutter my heart
and arouses my own flesh to be as great as you
a mind as complex as a maze is a gift to treasure
observant eyes and ears that present to you the madness of the world
all the while love pumps through your veins to allow the shedding reign of emotions to fall upon your cheek as a river

please do not be subtle in your dreaming
but be the man God intended you to be
and if you cannot do it for you or Him
then i beg of you

do it for me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Dad to Me
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
of all the days
and timing too
you're no longer
the man i knew
it takes a while
they it's true
to process life
to pass it through
the brain is such
a funny thing
forgotten song
but tries to sing
you do not cease
to inspire me
your needs will
never tire me
although different
and sad to see
you'll always be
Dad to me
My father just recently had a stroke. I wrote this for him.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 322
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
alone in my grief
i never asked you to go
but you have problems too,
i know

so i will make it
there is no other way;
without you when i need you most
i could have used you today

to cry?


nothing is to change

oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
the pain is stabbing to my core

but my tolerance will grow.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 457
the odds are against me
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
i cry for words unspoken
i mourn for the loss of certainty
and it hurts the heart of the world;
the lack of accountability
a bridge swaying over troubled waters
like a tightrope in the sky
attempt to walk across with grace
even if i may die

i tried.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Sunny Sunday
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
the aroma of a hot grill
the taste of sweet summer liqueur
the sound of children laughing
beneath the sunny blue sky allure
just a crispness in the air
with a warmth of what's to come
Spring has finally bestowed her kiss
as Winter is officially done

Happy Spring!!
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 8.1k
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
i don't understand how you feast with the wolves
and partake in the festives of painstaking fools
but all the while feeding the devil his food
you'll find there's a plate that's been saved just for you
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 973
beneath and deep within
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
i am the center of my own disaster;
the victim of my own demise
although i fell in love with the thought of happily ever after
i grew to love the darkened skies

reach out to me
love, open your eyes

i live and breathe for your existence;
are you here for mine?

dancing to silence beneath the glow of the moon
you twirl me in a spin to fast; just a step too soon
i catch a glimpse of my fallen angel,
for he's been watching too

i took the hand of chance and laid beneath the stars
in a moment of passion that had to happen right there; right where we are

an unforgettable unimaginable pair to par

imperfections speak ridicules
to the sanity we seek afar
an addiction to the feeling of being wanted;
yes i do concur
and i solely promise to want you forever
right here in the dark
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
fields of red
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
i love you and i hate you
you make me more and less
of what i am to be
do i cling to helpless hope?

or do i set you free?
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
PCOS (haiku)
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
maybe you'll have kids
but you'll suffer a great deal
hmm, maybe you won't
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 404
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
back and forth it goes
my mind is doing that **** again
you know, when you avoid difficult decisions but they come back to haunt you and so you lay awake in the dark listening to anything and everything to shut it off

it's unavoidable
the brain will taunt you

so you start to talk to yourself in attempt to find some sort of reason
a reason for all the struggles and all the pain,
the very same storm that sends the flooding rain
Soon enough you're drowning and at this point it's sink or swim;
barely holding your head above water you're praying to be rescued and it's then you realize life's a game

that even if you're pulled ashore
you'll be back in that **** water
and laying in the dark again.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Mar 2015 · 3.2k
Like a Moth to a Flame
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
the desire burning within
a place of closed doors
and glimmering light

thoughts to dreams
to fantasy to life
there is just something about you
something about those eyes

that keeps the fire alive

can two souls connect so deeply
they may physically touch?
can one heat get so hot
it ignites an earthly sinful lust?

keep your silver spoons
and all your fancy wine
you can have your red carpet night
even diamonds couldn't give light
to the blind

as long as this doesn't die

but if it engulfs me
i shall accept the gift of scars
for even if the fire burns out
they are the remnants
of what we are
(C) Maxwell 2015
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
taken aback for a fool
how silly of me to dream
to wear my hard work
right upon my sleeve

as i watch it feather to dust
the envision of trust

isn't always as it seems
(C) Maxwell 2015
Feb 2015 · 347
a short
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
paint me a picture
using liquid golden sun
sign it, seal it, and deliver it
when you're done

and as you stand right at my doorstep
please tell me i'm the one
(C) Maxwell 2015
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
with a hand full of heart
and a pocket full of soul
i have found my purpose
so down the road i go
i don't have any money
but the clothes on my back
and a paper with a pen
inside my travel sack
a prayer inside my heart
an idea within my brain
a sadness in the distance
births a coming joyous reign
even if i never make the top
i won't regret i came
you may not recognize my face
but you won't forget my name

even the sonnets of Shakespeare
began to sound the same
(C) Maxwell 2015
Feb 2015 · 624
night falls (5w)
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
and yet,
i remain standing.
(C) Maxwell 2015
Feb 2015 · 576
the Dance
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
dancing to a broken record
of solitary tunes
the hand i held is but a mist of rain
gone far too soon

light a candle in the wind
of visions locked away
as we waltz among the memory
forever our song shall play
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jan 2015 · 3.3k
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
my great grandmother said,
Oh, freedom
oh, freedom
oh freedom
over me

my grandmother said,
and before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

my father said,
no more weeping,
no more weeping
no more weeping,
over me

I say,
before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

Oh freedom!

Oh freedom
over me!

how thankful am i
how blessed am i
to be black
be free
This poem was inspired by stories from my father. This is me envisioning generations within my family singing this song (Oh Freedom) at different stages in our history. To me, that has such meaning and power.. With our society becoming more openly racially divided, its as if we have moved backwards in time. So when I find myself becoming angry or hateful, I think about what my family endured in their time, about how my father's birth certificate says "*****" on it, and how he had to drink from "colored only" fountains, and how he grew up picking cotton from sun up to sun down, It means so much to me as not only a light in the dark gospel song, but to know this was sung from the very lips that began this family in a time where freedom was not for us, touches my soul to the very core. My family is a strong family and our ties are bonded by love and Christ.
My great grandmother was a slave, and to see where I stand just three generations ahead of her, really places into my heart the realization of how much power I truly carry in my voice and just how much strength I carry in my veins.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
i went for a walk in the woods today.

and i can tell you there is a newfound peace among fresh fallen snow,

and i can tell you the crows are smiling even though they await the spring,

and i can tell you the trees create a gothic illusion that all thoughts cling to air,

and i can tell you that although the wind blew the water was still,

and i can tell you that even my very own footprints could not lead me back home.

i went for a walk to clear my head,

and became more intrigued by the mind instead.
(C)Maxwell 2015
Jan 2015 · 491
keeping faith
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
you take my hand and say,
            "i love you,"
you speak as if you'll go tomorrow

i grasp your fingertips and say,
            "i love you too,"
oh how our love has become lost in sorrow

you ask me when and if you'll die
should we be okay?
i ask why would you ask me so,
let's focus on today

you pull me close
i feel your warmth
i could live inside your skin

the very thought of losing you
creates a storm within me
one i pray to not endeavor

"You mean more to me than you know..."
          words could never fully persevere

which is why i fully believe
my god will keep you here.
(C) Maxwell 2015
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