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Jan 2015 · 430
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
a taste upon the tongue
of unlikely understanding
as the rage boils through and through
until it cannot be suppressed

drowning deep in standing water
we lose our feet to sink below
into a seeping whole of nothingness
buried beyond the depths of our chest

uncanny to the news of reality
shedding layers of our skin
while replacing madness with sadness
and we dare not protest

but a moment in time is all it takes
to determine what the taste shall be
holding on to pride and hateful creed
yet letting go of all the rest
(C) Maxwell 2015
Jan 2015 · 595
January 4th 2015 (a letter)
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
Today marks one year since you've been gone. And as much as I try to put into poetry just exactly how I feel, none of the words come out as they should. I cannot find an easy flow.. maybe it's because this day just isn't easy. I haven't slept all night. I have so much to tell you. So much has happened this past year and I wish I could tell you all about it. Did you know that a poem I wrote for you after you passed was chosen to be published? Makes me so very proud.. even more so that I was once your friend.

A year ago today was one of the saddest days of my life. I got the call, and had to sit down before I could even react. I was in total shock. And my hands.. they were shaking. I had to hang up the phone and call someone else just confirm the truth. Work was absolute torture because you died in the same hospital I worked in.. I knew the processes your beautiful body went through and it haunted me for weeks.

As a community, we were all in a stand still shock. When you died, you left alot of is in the same state, one of which we still stand in today. How could the kindest, most caring and selfless man be taken from us so swiftly, and soon? With no answers. With no avail. With no warning. Just gone, in the blink of an eye. I had always prayed you did not suffer, even though you knew you were dying (which broke my heart even more).

Where ever you reside today my friend, I pray your soul has found the most peaceful resting place, and that you are able to visit your family and children often. And I hope you truly know just how many lives you have touched.. from all ages, colors, and backgrounds. 27 is too soon to die, but you were a man that gave himself totally to life, and I will always admire you for that.

Eric Benford, I love you always and I will miss you forever. Keep laughing, keep smiling, and even in spirit, keep living.

I love you friend.

We are still so lost without you.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
my mind is constantly going
going and going and going
worried about the day head
and still trapped in yesterday
i'm always dreaming about the future
but hardly do I sleep
even though i walk this earth in a visibly awoken state
subconsciously unknowingly
my sanity is weak
trust a higher power is what they say
but even that we cannot see or touch
who's to say god is real anyway?

walk with me

let me show what it is i speak
because to explain in spoken word is something not of my expertise
so i will paint you a picture in poetry
place yourself in cloth sneakers
standing in the middle of the rain
arms open wide head tilted back
and when the lightening strikes
you'll feel a wave of pain
you see the storm will let up, and you'll see a slight break in the clouds
but you'll never fully see the sun
that's what my life is like now

and in all this going and going and going
i must rest my weary head
while nightmares make the best of bad weather
planting the damnest of seed as slight as a feather


if there's anything you haven't felt
at some moment you will feel
for the mind is a tricky being that may fascinate you into your very own doom
because in your waking life
you won't know what is and isn't real

walk with me

i think about life
i think about death
i think about time i've wasted
i think about time i have left
i think about my future
i think about my past
i think about my happiness
i think how long it may last
i think about god
i think about faith
i think about my love
i think how long will he stay
i think about who i am
i think of who i am to be
i think of my imprisonment
i think of being free
i think of my thoughts
i think of my fears
i think of leaving this place
i think as if i'm still here

who's to say i've succumb to my mind
i am well aware that what i search for
may be something i'll never find


does it truly exist?
or is it a place in our imagination?
a place of harmonic endeavors
a place where our souls may finally
seek self proclamation
a place we may finally rest our hearts
in full adoration and acclamation

what's that you say?

walk with me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Dec 2014 · 894
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
like the melody of song
does my heart beat itself for you
and at the bridge of every lyric
each beat presents it to be true
my life you have become
filled with joyous harmony
your voice brings life into my bones
You see you've become a part of me
with every whisper in a change of tune
i'll remain loyal in my stature
the way our souls are intertwined
our bond is solely second nature
your touch upon my skin
creates a bit of electricity
as your lips graze the tips of my mine
i know my soul is free
keep singing my love,
keep singing this song to be
for i don't mind a broken record
nothing of you is broken to me
(C) Maxwell 2015
Dec 2014 · 584
unclear - haiku
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
no reassurance
of what truly lies ahead
kills me every day
(C) Maxwell 2015
Dec 2014 · 424
i can't breathe
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
because here i lay drowning
beneath the dead sea
rain pouring tears from my soul
strained from ideas that won't grow
waiting for a sun that don't show
always pushed beneath my feet
the soil puts us all in a state of creed
seeking refuge in a God on our knees
walking the darkness i do alone
i dare not place upon a clean mind
the filth of the devil's home
trapped in broken promises
and lost within the finest line
dividing good from bad; yours and mine
and even after the prayers
and the song and praise
and the pastor's word on freedom
despite his sinful ways
the last of forgiveness lasts for days

and even though an angel came
to mend my broken heart
by planting a new seed

i can't breathe
(C) Maxwell 2014
Dec 2014 · 702
1 Year
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
we're coming up on one year
since you've been gone
and as i look at all the changes that have happened in this life of mine since you departed
it seems as if one year has been far too long
i could really use a hug from you today
you know, one of your specialty embraces you so easily and wholeheartedly gave away
i could really stand to see the smile on your face
that same smile that could stop the devil in his pace
your energy
your will
it's all still here
even though you died in the flesh
your spirit remains in the clear
and i have the honor of knowing a spirit of such
one of unimaginable happiness
with the most caring of touch

thank you for the years you were here
and for still watching down over all of us

we still miss you.
Jan. 4th, 2013

(C) Maxwell 2014
Dec 2014 · 1.9k
Black in america
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
you ask me what it's like to be black
and i'll tell you it's a warm soulful fulfilling feeling
like a pair of new Chucks on the hot pavement jumping scotch on a busy summer day
eating cool iced pops and not ever being afraid
and smelling the warm carmel cake cooling on the stove
and the togetherness on a Sunday evening in grandmama's home

but you ask me what it's like to be black
in america
and i'll fall silent of conversation
because as you see history repeats itself
i don't understand why there is still need for explanation
in deep adversaries and hateful unappreciation
here we stand to be questioned by an authoritative negation

and ignorant folk,
why do you ask me such things?
why are you people mad?
why is it about race?

and i'll ask you, why does the caged bird sing?
is he not entitled to his song or his wings?

as green as the earth and as blue as the sky
i will only explain to an ear willing to listen
to a being with a sound heart and a firm mind
because as God as my witness we were created as equal

and for that given right we must die?

i will sit back and in turn ask you why;
i bet you couldn't say
and maybe we will all learn the answer some day
so join me in prayer will you?
join me as i pray:

to the children of Chicago
who can't go out to play
to the sons and fathers of
Missouri and Florida and New York
who will never again see the light of day
to the mother's pain that may fade
but won't ever go away
to the hateful people and their hateful words and their hateful ways
God won't You heal their pain?

they're so ******* us, Lord
now we're ******* ourselves
and on our knees we have fallen
needing guidance and help
because it isn't about being privilged
or living for the light we're consumed in

being black in america is no longer about being accepted as black

it's about being accepted as human.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
one wish
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
the genie said make a wish
actually he said i could make three
and as i carefully placed my thoughts
i figured i would combine my dreams
yet how can i limit myself to the top three things of which i wish but do not need?

so, carefully, i shall whisper a grain of sand
into the ear of magic that is he
to grant me the wish of life itself
by the planting of a seed
because as you know the seed will grow
and from the roots there'll stand a tree
branching out providing life for years to come;

as this wish isn't just for me

foolish one, what have you done?
that does not equal three

but i have the gift of life and health
for everyone else
what more will i ever need?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
to see
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
two steps towards the sunset
just a moment after sunrise
the sky looks its best yet
when I see it through your eyes
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 975
my surroundings
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
somewhere in the breeze
a violin is playing
the saddest of songs
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 506
it wasn't romance
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
but it happened
and as i lay listening to your breaths
your words flow in my hear
i don't hear
with each ****** of mistaken passion
i look up at the stars on a night so cold
you said it was bound to occur
and so i stare into the mirror afterwards
not knowing who she is anymore
the lines in her face are obscured
clothing myself in guilt
inside i have already been crying
she's looking back at me
and i'll be ******

she is smiling
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 444
Casting Shadows
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
...and when your insides hurt so
beyond the realm of what you know
is it then that you grasp on for dear light

...or do you let go?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Nov 2014 · 679
origin of [us]
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
soulfully bound and lost we are
engaged in a sense of never
we've become blind at the thought of life
and have lost the vision of forever
you take my hand and kiss my world
a sight for sore hearts to see
interwoven far too deep to detach from beneath the roots of what was to be
(C) Maxwell 2014
Oct 2014 · 662
evil invited
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
eyes unseen
gleaming gnashing teeth of white
darkness be my friend
(C) Maxwell 2014
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
The Curse
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
To walk among the living
cursed to be the dead
I understand the fear inside
because I bathe in dread
and to sleep a peaceful night
with fate dancing on my head
leaves a taste of rotting premonitions
upon my tongue instead

*Beware of your surroundings
wash the evil off your hands
We are no longer safe from Satan
he has kissed the promised land
And when war ceased to erase
the common fault of man
There will be an entire wave of famine
birthed from the smallest grain of sand
Inspired by the war and Ebola crisis. Our world wide issues have become irreversible and now both will run their course.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Oct 2014 · 905
i love you (haiku)
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
i love you so deep
if time is not on our side
i still fall deeper
(C) Maxwell 2014
Oct 2014 · 500
always mine
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
by day i am not myself
by night i cannot sleep
subconsciously i am terrified
and know that i am weak
you just keep on smiling
and i'll just keep on living
don't ask me how i'm doing
and i won't ask you how you're feeling
should i stay involved?
or should i step aside?
your heart is my prized possession
your love is my life
the thought of you going first
sickens me to the core
tears flood the center of my world
as the pain bludgeons me to the floor
of all the hard times we've faced
of all the struggles we had endured
i just knew our ending would be different
i was so god ****** sure

so here we sit day by day
as we take it one moment at a time
just know until the end i am always yours
and you are always mine
More of a thought than a poem. It just happened to rhyme.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 436
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
i don't fear much, no
and i don't like to shed many tears
i am private in my grieving
i am secretive to attention
yet you are my entire world
and just the very thought of losing you
of never kissing you
or holding you
ever again
brings my guard down a notch or two
tearing my secret apart

don't you see?

you are not just my life
you feed the blood to my heart
you are the very oxygen i breathe in
you cleanse the center of my soul
you are in my pores
you are part of my existence
and the reason i selflessly wake
you are my everything, you know

so please,
whatever you do

don't go[.]
(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 910
Undying Love
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
light a candle in the wind
if you dare to take chance
and waltz on the moon
for our very last dance
my prince of the sunrise
my lovely dark knight
you shine brighter than heaven
oh, love what a sight!
your breath on my neck
is a passion of gold
your grasp on my heart
reaches down to my soul
our lives remain questioned
our future is blind
so enclose the tips of your fingers
so deeply in mine
when I look into your eyes
i know i am home
when you speak tongues of life
i know i'm never alone

i'll lay down my life
as your lips kiss my brow
the fire you create
please don't put it out now
this is not a replacement
nor a humble goodbye
but rather preparation
for the difficult times
though we shall not bear witness
to the back of our minds
let us just keep on dancing
until our bodies decline

for even in death,
your heart will always be mine.
In lieu of sorrow, we shall celebrate our life and love to this day every day as if it were the last day. Smiles and laughter replace tears and pain, and love is reborn and my heart is birthed once again. I love you T.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 965
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
your brown skin touches mine
and my cheeks burn
your lips press against my cheek
and my heart skips a beat or two
you tell me you love me
and the butterflies fill my gut with glitter
and rainbows
and sunshine
and soon I don't even remember what pain feels like anymore

you hold me for a spell
and I become engulfed in you completely

not wanting to be anywhere else
in the world
For my life.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 417
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
one can only hope
to taste freedom from the mind
oppressed deep inside
(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 525
the Heart
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
the anger has been silenced
with the beat of a heart
that isn't quite strong enough
to withstand a depart
and the ties are joined tighter
and the sun will shine brighter
all due to the magnificent strength
of a weakening heart
(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 289
facing hard times
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
when the road appears broken
and you cannot walk around
you trudge right through it
you just do it
(C) Maxwell 2014
Sep 2014 · 2.5k
I am Woman
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
my strength lies beneath the skin
it's inside my bones
it's the sway of my hips
it's the smile in my *******
and it roots from my soul

I am woman, you know

the doctors tell me I'll never be
the nurses tell me I've never been
they say I'll never hear my baby cry
and then God says, "guess again"

I am woman, you know

the pain is a most definite promise
and as I grit my teeth I know
the promise is always unsure
and yet here I stand defeating odds
being what you told me
I could never ever be
who says there isn't any cure?

After all,
I am woman, you know
Today is September 1st which kicks off ovarian cancer/PCOS awareness month. I am excited, and I'm feeling empowered.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 443
The Only Thing
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
it's evident that the one thing
the one thing we need above all else
above all else in this life
even if these things ceased to exist

and even if the sun didn't shine
and even if the rain didn't fall
and even if gold never glistened
and even if there were never gold at all

the only thing we need
is each other
the only thing I need
is you
because the blood pumping in my veins
isn't what keeps me alive these days
it's your smile
and your laugh
and your comfort
and your love
it's you

let life wreak havoc on this weary heart
for I know where my true strength lies
it resigns in a place deeper than my soul
yes that's where our connection resides

the air I breathe
from earth to sea
and I know it is only but truly true
the only thing
that I will ever need
in this very life
and after

is *you
For my best friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 586
insomnia (haiku)
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
what a waste of night
to count sheep that bleed the blood
of a sacred land
even to count stars
can be an affliction of
the subconscious mind

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 4.3k
Night Terrors
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
Demons in a sound mind
overtake the peace and need to be
free from nightly terrors
and from imprisoned memories
Here they come with gnashing teeth
and dancing waves of fiery rage
rewriting drama into horror
while taking center stage
Disrupting calming shades of gray
with an abruptly forceful wind
erasing pleasant waves of grace
replacing the good within
Awake in madness too deep to cure
dig nails into your skull and weep
there is no just for the living
and there is none for those who sleep
I've been having hellish nightmares lately. They are just awful.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 524
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
twenty seven
twenty seven
born right in the rain
twenty seven
twenty seven
the day has come again
Happy Birthday to me lol..

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 483
Knight Savior
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
Be it the soul to be pure as white
and the kiss of a dove doth kisseth me twice
I shall rest my head upon your skin
and thy slain heart before you shall lie
My prince, is that he?
Did the Heavens reign an angelic rejoicing
of re-hydrating rains
just to strike life back into the dead of me?
Shall he be thine King as I am to be thy Queen?
Playing with words and visuals.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 392
a toast to creativity
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
you are the wind to my earth
you are the star to my sky
and when I look up to the heavens
the sun has never shone so bright
as you and i
I actually wrote this short poem for a friend that i am currently working on a project with.  Fellow Hello Poetry writer Daniel Smith (aka Freak Morbidity) is an excellent, exceptionally talented, exquisite, precise, detailed, AMAZING, graphic writer (you go ahead and read his work and you'll see how hard it is to describe it with just one word!) I had been juggling a book idea and right now it's in the very early stages of creation.  This particular idea calls for a second writer and it is such an honor to announce that upon asking, he did agree to work on this with me. (If you have not checked out his page lately, please do so.  His current access to a computer has limited his ability to post at this time, but he does appreciate all who read and provide feedback.)
This poem was dedicated to him and I and the creativity we have already shared and have yet to share together. Nothing but awesomeness occurs when our two worlds collide!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 1.9k
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
***** why are you mad
because you are insecure
Beauty is within
A hilarious haiku I wrote with my friend Laquanda. Technically, this is her first poem lol..

(C) Arthur/Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
I thought I knew love
until I swam the ocean
behind your blue eyes
Haiku #40

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 568
from me to you
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
when i close my eyes
i envision your arms
around my soul
and the kisses you leave
upon my brow
glisten as gold
and although the darkness
may seem to hinder
the ability to grow
your light still shines
with an illuminating glow
so much to live for
and so much to be
you may feel like no one
but you're someone to me
and even if the tears
cause a raging black sea
remember the waters once parted
and you will soon be set free

hang on to the promise
and don't lose your faith
your blessings are coming
although they seem faint
and as weakness prevails
as the sealing of fate
know that change
is amongst us
and it's never to late
I may possibly add more to this.  It's just a draft for now.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
only a princess
of blood born royalty
could gain such proper poise
in such a form
that will forever
leave us broken and imperfect
you wave your magic
and arch your back
compressing the nerve
of oppression
as the hurt debilitates
your ability to reason
to see the Queen could be you
yet here you be child
here you be
just settling for poverty
in the king's castle
I'm settling for poverty in a king's castle.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 341
conversation with myself
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
As the wind sifts strands of hair across my face unsmiling
I chase the waves of smoke from my cigarette as I see my life unwinding
And every single hurt and pain I have ever known has hit me with truth so blinding
I've been sitting here while working so hard in hopes of one day finding
that motivation in my soul that keeps becoming lost behind me
You can say you mean the best and that I will find out soon enough in timing
But tell me since you know so much how can I stop the pain from binding
sticking to my being and causing so much sickness inside me
And when my true self can finally come out from hiding

If she ever can.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 5.6k
suicidal thoughts
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
when the world gets far too heavy
you start searching for a noose
it's easier to watch it fade to gray
than to endure painsaken truth

so bleed the blood of a thousand wounds
until you can't bleed anymore
shelter God from inward sin
to let Satan in the door

give up the foolish fairytale
give up the golden spoon
and leave a trace of a day's well spent
and a life that's gone too soon
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 705
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
All my life
All my life
All I have ever wanted
was to make you proud of me
All my life I have fought so hard
so hard
to get you to be proud
and here I sit in tears
because instead of telling me how much I've done
I only hear about how much I've ****** up over the years
But you don't see my pain
you only see someone lazy
and unmotivated
loving the wrong man
losing more than I gain
not finding my way
and all the while you sheltered me so I couldn't grow
I'm now a late bloomer
lost in this ****** economy
waiting for a break
waiting for my show
I move at a snail's pace
but I've busted my ***, you know

The things you say to get under my skin
they don't just hurt inside
they hurt my confidence
they hurt my being
they damage my pride
And if this is just a trickling down of your own misery
and though you say you
only want what's best for me
I can honestly see now why I hide

So instead of breaking me down
how about you bring me up?
How about you give me a congrats
a nice pat on the back
not drive me into the ground

Because every ******* thing I have ever done in my **** of a life
I have done to make you proud
Nothing I do I ever good enough. Why even try anymore?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 819
recognize it
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
give away a smile
pass on a hug or two
always keep close
the ones who mean most
and dearest to you

for they may
never express
the hurt
in their chest
and they may
suffer in silence
until darkness preludes
Rest in peace to the great Robin Williams. The world hears your message loud and clear. We hear you.

National Suicide Hotline (U.S)

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 819
See You Soon
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
you are leaving us now
God is calling you Home
and as we wait selfishly and angrily
unknowingly saying
...refusing to say goodbye to you
we hold back our tears
we can't let you see us cry
because deep down we know
you want to stay here too
the fight you have given
over the course of time
has inspired the heart of the world
and has reconstructed mine
watching you go through hell
and keeping your mind
staying with a smile
even as you decline
and with every treatment
and with every transfusion
you proved to us over and over again
the power of God isn't just
an illusion
for you have beat the odds
time and time again
you have kicked the crap out of the devil
right til the very end
I cannot say goodbye
because that's a message
I cannot send
For in these last few years
you have become far more than a patient
you have become a friend
I will remember your laugh
and how you joked through all the pain
I will remember how much you hated
using that blasted walker and cane

The memories are worth a visit
and soon it will be the only way to find you
but just know,
even if we cannot be there in physicality
in spirit we are always right beside you
Goodbyes are non existent to me, so for now, I'll see you soon. Love you Ruth.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 470
this is me for real
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
walking away doesn't make me a coward in fact it makes me one strong *** *****. and let me tell you what i know about love, it ain't nothing my mama didn't warn me about and here i am ****** up over loving someone just as ****** up as myself. ****. How did i get here? Crying over a situation i walked willingly into.. Crying cause i give my ***** to nothing but heartbreakers and then wonder why my insides are always aching for love, when in reality that's all it ever was (that ache). Even so, i usually give him the benefit of the doubt and feed the cheese to the mouse (did i really just say that?). Aladdin will show me a whole new world and not even really know me, and yet i ask you, my best friend, what our future is and you can't show me.. Life. Life. A sentence i can't seem to handle since its just falling apart.. i can't even get ahead by showing a little heart.. and every struggle and every trial and tribulation and unfair situation while trying to find myself some salvation for the love of something upstairs CAN YOU HEAR ME? While you say YOU SHOULD FEAR ME and i do so i bow down to worship Him (You) and then when my eyes open i am still standing at the same edge of sanity within. **** i saw myself in the mirror fifteen minutes ago and the reflection sealed my fate; maybe i'll just stand here, watch myself deteriorate back into a recognizable state.. back into the ***** that was the center of everyone's hate.. back into the ***** that ran the show and always showed up late. Ha. Yeah. Life. **** it. It's a date.
thinking i need to put down the V.

(C.. copyright for what? I dare somebody to take my ****.
Aug 2014 · 784
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
I became a lost soul
and you had already been lost
in the midst of darkness
we found each other

in the midst of our words
our ******* words, you know
they have power
so much power

and as the days went on
the nights got longer
our weakness turned to love
our love became stronger

I gave in
to what I said I wouldn't
I tried to hold back
sadly I couldn't

and here I sit
missing something that
...never was
and hoping
for something that
....never could be

because I love you
and i miss you
and becoming engaged
in floetry
wasn't only for me
like you had presented
it to be

not such a fool I am,
you see?

I love myself enough
to know I have an addiction
to things that give me life
to feelings that are

oh the ache
oh the pain
you devoured my soul
into your wretched world
and I felt safe
...I felt safe

bleeding these words
on a screen
licking my wounds
until the sin
is washed clean

you cannot hear my screams
you'll never see my tears
though it is killing me slowly
to walk away so lonely

but I have a heart
...a heart to shield
to keep it beating
I must rule the day

you truly are such
a gentleman
a lovely beaut
wrapped in a lie
soaked in a cheat

and u can't even see
your own deceit
The moment you realize..

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 718
red flags
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
i looked back
and saw every word
you have spoken to me


not telling
any lies
it's a ****** up world

and the wall goes
right back up

wrapping my heart
back in suit and armour

no entry
no longer allowed.
once again, i am the fool
played by the kindness
of a

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 353
old temptations (Haiku)
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
that blade looks quite nice
and my skin could use a feel
please God distract me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 318
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
more than an emotion
wreaking havoc on my soul
too weak and
too confused to know
when the lightening strikes
and the thunder follows
the echo is a deafening sound
in my chest so hollow
looking up to the sky
hoping someone's God
can hear my pleads
i'm but a sorrowful sinner
perhaps you have
an answered prayer i could borrow?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
best friend
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
even the bible tells us
"there is a friend closer than a brother"
it's as if God knew
we were to find each other
i cannot imagine what my life would be
if there were no you for me
every day is a song
every moment is a lyric
and when we tell the tales of our lives
i won't ever tire to hear it
you see best friends are more than friends
because it's a special bond
even when things go wrong
it's never broken
to have you in my life means i'm lucky
to have you love me means i'm blessed
to have you by my side
my ride or die
through every trial
through every test
when life gets so hard
when it's so hard to rest
when there's the rise and fall in my chest
you're there

you're always there

...and that makes you the best
Written for my best friend that means more to me than anything in this world. He has been with me through thick and thin and if  he was never around, I probably wouldn't be either. He is truly a Godsend. Words don't do my feelings any justice, so this will just have to do.
I love you Junior.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 586
i'm going to hurt you
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
i am nothing but a broken hearted
scarred and scorned woman
lacking the love and attention
that i had so long searched for
though it seems i may have found
a sudden break in the clouds
i'm terrified of what's inside
for even the sun hides sometimes

so when the floods come
and the fire burns out
and i've caused enough disappointment
and there is no tomorrow
and there is no good feeling
and there are no smiles
when the flood of my tears
destroys all you built to keep us afloat
...when it all fails

i may as well take a knife to my throat
(C) Maxwell 2014
Aug 2014 · 832
the greatest sound
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
if you only knew how the sound of your voice sends ripples of passion
right down my spine
if you only knew how every i love you
in a tone sweet as honey
and warming as wine
is like the purest beauty of blue
on the ocean anew
when the sun is most high
in full adoration and simple awe of your accent while calling me baby
we always lose track of the time
and while falling for each octave
i engage in so deeply
i can never say a goodbye

and so i sit
i just listen to you breathe god
what you do to me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 14.4k
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
too afraid to let go
while too inclined to stay
the past; it bears a heavy weight
that will never go astray
even if i had to wake
a painful choice; it still awaits
even as my dreams do so
a million miles away
Just thinking.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 427
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
here i lay
***** for life
and you already came
(C) Maxwell 2014
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