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Jun 2019 · 238
Just One Question
Acina Joy Jun 2019
The words are not the same anymore,
wrapped in meanings that are concepts far
beyond my eyes, that fall upon my lips,
empty and bitter and fading.

My poems are like foreign aspects of my life now,
disappearing under my finger tips without further
notice, kneaded into the paper under my palms
and leaving me slowly, dreadfully, painfully.

Who am I now, that my voice has waned?
That the moon on my tongue no longer revolves,
with the earth and the sun, left trap in a desolate darkness
filled with brighter supernovas, and wanton galaxies.

Who am I now?
That the thread of my being has frayed,
and slipped, and weaved, through the contours of the universe,
as I slip easily through the cracks without being chased;
without being noticed (and I regret and regret, and regret, because I wish that they had).

Who are we, now that I'm gone,
and that you've gone with another? That you've followed
in their footsteps, left me, with one foot entering my grave?
With a rough necklace dangling across my collar? With silver lining your eyes, and with an exuberance that comes with letting go?

What are we now, that my poems no longer hold the essence of me,
as it remains to long for you? What are we, that we no longer hold what was once dear for us? What are we now, that the physical form of who I am remains to fade alongside your death? What are we, when all that remains of our past selves are gone?

Who are you?
we have to move on once in awhile, but I can't help but think of you sometimes (or most of the time).
Jun 2019 · 221
We all have suffering.
Acina Joy Jun 2019
My fascination for the morbid,
and the unthinkable is grotesque
in all manner, though it is something
that I do quite relish
for in the concept of it all,
I am quite taken by the blunt
cruelty of the world,
though I am not such a person.
There is loneliness that drifts
amongst those who breathe
simply to survive;
and then there is struggle
and ache,
and misery,
to those who understand far more
than what I can.

My interest is grotesque indeed,
to simply watch scenes unfold
like the wings of a raven, unfolding
like plastic fans with cheap rings at the end
slowly coming undone
as time wears down the bones;
no longer breathes simply
to survive
Her lips become unsealed,
as she spills her urge to
confront her lover
He hesitates in the face
of an oppressing threat
They cry under great pressure.

I am fascinated, by the flamboyance
of the suffering; their strong strides
that hold no actual magnitude.
Their faux smiles that sing of
fresh blood mixed with their saliva
hiding behind trembling teeth;
strong hands that hold far tighter
than usual, when I comfort them,
and their suffering bleeds out of their wounds
like the lungs do oxygen,
and mind you, it surrounds me like a fog.

I have a morbid interest,
of watching it all unfold,
but that is what I simply am.
I am a bystander; a silent witness.

I simply wonder why these people
have the urge to come undone
before me. Why am I such a good
ear to their loud silence.

But ah, I understand now.
I am the same like them;
as you are me now.
be an ear; be a mouth.
Jun 2019 · 384
Beyond the hill.
Acina Joy Jun 2019
For days I followed
your looming shadow
stark and black
towards that shining hill,

Used me like a ladder,
climbing to that point,
as I stood below you,
silent and still.

I let you use
all of my limbs,
my body and mind,
torn and bruised

You tore away
my nerves and bits
always expendable
in your use.

You had a heart,
a cryptic mind,
my hero guiding
with his touch,

Who had a side,
of flint and still,
so dark and scary,
that I knew such.

But I never knew
what you were doing
if you asked or you stole
everything in between

As you looked past
that stormy hill
and left everything
that you've always been.
May 2019 · 701
Permeate (A Monologue)
Acina Joy May 2019
The emptiness rests within me, flowing through my veins and my bones, solidifying the feeling of one-ness that resides within me alone. How do I stop this feeling? How do I stop this un-feeling?

I do not know the answer.  It is unattainable, far beyond the scope of my state of mind. I understand not what makes me starve through the night; what makes my lips ache and crack; what makes me sleep through the day; what makes me lie awake when all I want is to die.

If I am a tapestry, a threaded piece, then all I want to do is to tear my nerve-endings apart, perhaps slowly--or quickly, whichever it may be. I want to pluck every thread and slowly pull myself into mere shreds of who I am until nothing is left. And I want to permeate, like water evaporating through the atmosphere.

Unseen by the naked eye.

Maybe then, when I join the very air I breathe, I will know what it feels like to become something.

To simply belong.
This is how the ache for freedom gradually grows.
May 2019 · 205
My Dine with Death
Acina Joy May 2019
The sour of the metal spoon
clings to the roof of my mouth.
My eyes water, lips pucker,
as my hands tremble underneath
the low light of the humid room.

The movement of time grates on
my frozen nerves, thrumming
within heated flesh. Death sits across
from where I am, as I feast upon the
offering that life gives.

The food is cold. It is ash in my mouth.
For I have stuck to the same food for so long, I have found, I am not content
with the serving I have chosen. But Death waits patiently, in his alcove
of mystery.

It is time, and I know.

I dine with death, with spoon and fork in hand, and this is the food I have chosen.

This is the life I have lived. My choice that I ponder, and we concede. It doesn't matter what food we eat, with what we eat, and how we eat it. But by the end, I know.

I have chosen something terrible, and Death will hold me by the hand alone, as we leave, side by side, to the door outside.
May 2019 · 482
Acina Joy May 2019
Here, I face towards the indiscriminate darkness, and before I say I am nothing, I say, "I am one".
Apr 2019 · 386
Acina Joy Apr 2019
And so, how are we to move on from a love we desperately hold on to?
So, I've past the 100th poem mark. XD
Mar 2019 · 270
Acina Joy Mar 2019
Out there is a wide universe,
a dangerous universe
filled with quiet monsters,
a louder dissonance.

Wise men have said
that saying your secrets out loud
will set you free,
and break the cage that
houses your confined bird.

I disagree.

There are times
where the world is more dangerous
when it knows the truth,
and though yes, saying the truth out loud
may seem safer for me to stop the darkness
from consuming who I am.

But drowning inside is better,
than setting the world on fire.
i like someone who will never like me, and i feel as if i could never measure up to the people he liked. i dont feel like i might be anything to him. but we're best friends, and i'll never tell him about how i feel. for it may ruin what we both already have.
Acina Joy Feb 2019
The beast rolls around the corner,
its head rearing, taunting and playing
the piano keys like Beethoven on his last hurrah,
proudly smothering my chest with an ache,
an emptiness.

"Only between us," you say, a glance my way,
a reassurance, with a cloying smile. My heart tightens,
"No," I was about to answer, but my thoughts move,
the dictionary in my head turning "no" into a, "Yes, of course".
Turning my truth into a lie,
my heart the severing line.

Giving my frown the definition of a smile.

Beethoven still plays the piano in my mind,
playing his wonderful concertos and sonatas,
this deaf man.
And you can call me friend, your comrade,
your companion, in that less of a jumbled dictionary of yours,
filled with dog-eared pages and highlighted words.

"You matter to me," I say with every ounce of conviction.

You can hear me, but unlike Beethoven you never make a sound.

And I am the broken recorder, testing my conviction.

But as Beethoven is deaf,
in this mental dictionary of mine,
filled with contradiction,
you are the only word
whose definition is friend and foe,
both one and the same.
Too near to the line to be different.

And the strange thing perhaps,
is that it has never changed.
I don't know, I just thought that maybe I'd like to mention Beethoven in a poem
Feb 2019 · 241
Morning Garden and Love
Acina Joy Feb 2019
Our love will never be a thing of today or tomorrow, but it will always be there. It exists, and blooms first thing in the morning, but even if you don't find it, it is there. Only, it is asleep, and you wake up, only if it matters.  

Some days, I wake up with a hole in my chest, some days, I wake up with my chest filled with too much, that it hurts beyond words. Do I burst with joy? Burst with ire? Or burst into red dahlias and daffodils?

Because I always hold the watering can with earnest, the grooves of its handle imprinted in my hand, as I water my garden each and every morning. And you don't notice them, the flowers that I make bloom.

You gave me the red dahlias and daffodils, and I always close my eyes at night, thinking one day you will notice.

And I know you won't.

But I go on anyway, with my morning gardening; keeping the soil, cutting what has died, keeping them alive from morning through night, caring  this way always, without self-regard.

This is my way of love.
Red dahlias-betrayal and dishonesty
Daffodils-uunrequited love
Feb 2019 · 261
Acina Joy Feb 2019
It hurts inside, you see,
because you never think of me,
the way you think of someone else,
someone who I'll never be.

But don't you dare come closer,
don't come to me this time,
when you lament all about her,
How dare you think it's fine?

Because I've known you longer,
and I still think it's unfair,
how you know little about her,
but forget that I am there.

And yet, I know this isn't love, but
nevertheless, it hurts,
how you inflict pain on me
without actually saying those words.
Feb 2019 · 257
To love angels.
Acina Joy Feb 2019
If you loved her, like darkness,
you have always loved her since,
and if you loved her like light,
then she had steered you from your sins.
I think this poem is for those who've loved, maybe.
Jan 2019 · 2.0k
Where thunder reigns.
Acina Joy Jan 2019
Where there is thunder that reigns
down the emptiness of your flesh,
in a war hidden and filled with apathy,
to sink behind darkness , once named shame.

There it is, the torn kingdom,
that you've claimed as your body.
The temple which you've loved,
but never cared for in those aeons of silence.

Where you pretended that doing nothing
would solve everything

And so you weep, for the unfairness of it all,
as you claw at your already mangled flesh,
and press for the warmth of your heart.
Pretend that the rush of blood is a rolling blanket.

You swallow those shards of glass, and emulate the heavens,
and pretend your body with jagged scars
is the place for honourable heroes; pretend your triumph
in this barren, damp land of storms
is the place where thunder always reigns.

A place for heroes who never won, but died in their place.
a poem that is a bit analytical of people who are apathetic to their problems in life; who let themselves get hurt, and pretend to care for themselves by doing nothing, believing just weeping and feeling sad can solve the pain in your life; people who are apathetic, and still persist to hurt themselves (both literally and not).
Jan 2019 · 269
Never trust roses.
Acina Joy Jan 2019
Never trust roses again.

I lay down in a bed of them,
muttering a lullaby sweetened.
Pink petals meeting my lips reddened,
as I become a beloved sacrifice,
when you lied to me I would be cherished.
I thought I laid in a bed of roses,
to only lay in a floor of thorns.
So I told myself, as I bled out rubies,
that we both foolishly called love.

Never trust roses again."
inspired from a music video. i just wanted to let out my words in a long time.
Dec 2018 · 472
Acina Joy Dec 2018
Her eyes are shining
bright and empty like dinner plates
and if you question the emptiness,
the answering void,
I am her feast, staring back,
dumb and unknowing.
restaurants and inner monologues stir up quite a storm.
Dec 2018 · 369
Acina Joy Dec 2018
If I could, I would,
make you happy, make you smile.
But I will not be your entertainer,
just to be here for awhile.

I am the wind, blowing through sails,
from places left unknown,
to linger by your side,
the place where I've flown.

And I try to prove, to provide,
to create my happiness through you,
but the longer that I stay and fight,
the fast you're proving untrue.

So I'll leave soon, garner peace
in another land with new folds,
to see if you'll chase me,
just without being told.

Because if I am your provider,
you breath of air, your kindle,
I expect at least your gratitude
for my presence, just a little.
be thankful for those whom you have.
Acina Joy Dec 2018
I think this is what it is, something short yet bright in my chest. Too quick to be named, yet felt with my entire being. It thrums inside of my heart, natural as sunlight through window curtains, as secretive and cheeky as a grin. This is one of the types of happiness I know.

The quick ones that make you feel you are on top of the world, despite the state of everything which says otherwise.

It is but a spark.
yeah, i just had a conversation with my best friend, and i don't know, i was with her yesterday, but just every bit of word that i exchange with her makes me eternally happy.
Nov 2018 · 291
Bane of my existence.
Acina Joy Nov 2018
The bane of my existence, to love you, I shall die.
You **** me slowly, each and everyday you come through the door.
But alas, the less that I love you, the more this pain hurts as well, and I can only ask a question to you, always dreading the answer.

Whether which one will **** me, loving you, or never even doing so?
it's been a long time since i have last posted. hope you guys enjoy this one.
Nov 2018 · 253
To Prove.
Acina Joy Nov 2018
I could prove no less under your behest,
as I am always trying with my very best
with what we have as if it is a test,
which is left, dying inside our chest.
been awhile since i've been up and abot
Oct 2018 · 461
Deja vu.
Acina Joy Oct 2018
Their eyes meet, and out from their lips comes the sounds of stuttered words, fingers unsure, eyes searching, hearts feeling visions that race through their minds. It’s as if this moment was paramount, even though faded memories only led to the time of now. They do no think. They only feel. Their cracked, papery lips never felt drier than before, but as if prompted by a spirit that harboured the edges of their souls, words tumbled out into a thin, fine stream—as if practised through aeons, and memorised by their immortal spirits, eternal in finite bodies, and ingrained within their tired minds, they say, “I’ve seen this before.”

And only their spirits know if it is true.
Oct 2018 · 229
Acina Joy Oct 2018
We're all jars of fragile matter, growing stronger to merely turn to dust.
Oct 2018 · 669
The Thief
Acina Joy Oct 2018
You are cold. Unbearable. Harsh. Painful. Impossible to love. It is difficult to stay, difficult to also leave. But once you come back, begging for my forgiveness once I've left for good, I'll make you think of all the times I've been there. I held your hand. I let you cry. I chased away your nightmares. I cared, and never complained once. I'll make you think about it, and don't ever tell me that you had not felt love at all. That you had also not loved it since.
appreciate the people in your life, who only makes their presence known to help, and be sure to also be able to pay them back, at least even the smallest price. they deserve it.
Oct 2018 · 200
Not Alone
Acina Joy Oct 2018
Life is better, not as an individual, but as a free spirit, to mingle with what we cannot see, to believe in what we always feel.
Oct 2018 · 236
Still Love, Love Still.
Acina Joy Oct 2018
Still love.
Like it is there.
Like it is your last.
Like it is never an option.
Like suffering is a big blessing.
Like love is a always a distant memory.
Like it is a spirit bearing our empty hands.
Like it is a chance given to us down here.
Like it is a mask, taped onto our skin.
Like it is our skeletal foundation.
Like it is our clothed flesh.
Like it is our tears.
Like it is hope.
Like a smile.
Love still.
keep loving
Oct 2018 · 199
Acina Joy Oct 2018
People can run on earth where land is stranded amongst seas. But we can all run for so long, and drowning was never an option.
take what options you have
Oct 2018 · 298
Acina Joy Oct 2018
The tides are harrowing as he talks, spilling from his lips the thunder of the heavens. We do not worry for what he says, or for how his eyes are hooded by the brooding clouds, how his fingers start to claw at the faint threads that bind by thighs, or his tongue that peeks out to wet his cracked lips. No, I say, we do not worry about him.  Because we are afraid of how we might be once the storm pulls us over.  We are the sailors afraid of his bout of rain.
to suffer is to learn
Oct 2018 · 247
Acina Joy Oct 2018
I try my very best
yes I do
its all not for me
but for you

i wake up
thinking of seeing your smile
but it is never for me
even from a mile

I am just a shadow
the empty box in a stack
just waiting to be filled
waiting for you to come back

and still i manage to hurt
every single day
but if this is the price
then i will gladly pay
i wish i never had a heart to just let it fall into pieces.
Sep 2018 · 288
Acina Joy Sep 2018
I heard a man say that he loved a girl,
and he waited for 28 years.
He longed for her day and night,
but he never shed a tear.

Several seasons came and go,
and inside him brew a storm.
The longer that they stayed apart,
the stronger he grew forlorn.

Till the day came for his love to come,
but he never saw it coming then,
that she never even loved him back,
and he loved till he never loved again.
Love can be a waiting game sometimes, that grow too long to even bear.
Sep 2018 · 147
Last Time
Acina Joy Sep 2018
The higher curl of the other end of her lip. The exasperation present in her eyes. The small sound of her snort as she looked away.

He loved that look so much.

God, he loved it.

And it was so unfortunate, that it was only now that he was admiring it. Only now that he was loving it, for the last time.

He took a breath.

She didn’t.
I cry
Sep 2018 · 178
Acina Joy Sep 2018

I fear war, like it is an unseen shadow chasing after my own.
I fear it, because we all have one, breaking us down into a weak foundation. There are different wars that we fight in everyday. I am afraid of the wars that will last a life time; the ones that come to you when you close your eyes. But I am even more afraid of the ones where I don’t even know where they begin.

War is a three letter word.
Aug 2018 · 217
Hold Me and Let Go
Acina Joy Aug 2018
Let your knife
Pierce between my ribs
Fall in my embrace
To let you sleep
It’s so different
From how it used to be
So different
From how it seems

As your hand
Slips right through the cracks
Squeeze my heart
Shut until your grip slacks
Save me from
The hurtful words
Save me from
How it used to hurt

So when we’re done here now
Just shut me out
Let my corpse fall down
Until you won’t look back
Leave me to
Bleed it out
Leave me to
Die right now
Leave me so
I can sleep safe
And sound
I trieeddddd
Aug 2018 · 260
Acina Joy Aug 2018
Softly breathing by midday,
she turns to me with a soft smile.
She brushes her hands across my arm,
asking me to stay for awhile.

My eyes move as my heart beats,
struggling to even make a sound,
as the sweetness captures my heart and eats,
leaving my soul truly bound.

And so, as she eats away at my fruitless love,
toys away with my aching heart,
I'll let her have my sadness she seeks for,
to rot with the feelings that I impart.
Sometimes, we use others to be our cushions when our burdens become too heavy to bear. And, we seem to depend on them more when they have help to offer.
Aug 2018 · 225
Masked Men
Acina Joy Aug 2018
His finely-tailored suit
contrasts the callouses of his hands.
His combed dark hair
hides the darkness in his eyes.
His steps the shadows of the underbrush
does not decide whether he is there or not.
His unnerving silence
speaks of the battle of an ongoing conversation.

However of a dichotomy he might be,
he is the same man.
The same kind.
Same impostor.
Same boy
with the same lies.
For we are all the same,
with tailored suits,
when we have something to hide.
Aug 2018 · 244
Acina Joy Aug 2018
Just so you know, there are some people who are deemed monsters.
And monsters are terrifying.
Most of the time, they can’t love.
And we call them monsters just because they can’t love.
Just because we haven’t taught them how to.
Aug 2018 · 311
Acina Joy Aug 2018

And who am I, not to indulge in the festivities of a brittle heart?

Aug 2018 · 234
When I Changed.
Acina Joy Aug 2018
He told me he liked things special.
Liked things different.
To be on the edge.

So I set myself on fire,
painted myself with the colours of flames,
lit myself with gasoline and gave him a blazing fire.

And when he got too close to the flames,
he told me I tore him apart.
That I was the reason he strayed away.
Why he had a reason to be safe
from the danger he made me into,
and fell into the arms
of a girl who he hadn't asked to change instead.
never change for someone who won't accept who you are
Aug 2018 · 760
You Were.
Acina Joy Aug 2018
You were.
You were the sun.
You were the pale moon.
You were the nebulous skies.
You were the large, hidden forests.
You were the perilous, unbound seas.
You were the large, hailing pandemonium.
You were the warm, dangerous, crackling fires.
You were the distant winter upon a loft near the lake.
You were the heat that rushed through my terrible flesh.
You were the cold present through the frozen snow.
You were the sad rain upon the garden below.
You were the dispensation of last spring.
You were the ruling law on land.
You were the due on my lips.
You were our sad kiss.
You were the burn.
You were here.
You were.
We were.
Jul 2018 · 232
One Day
Acina Joy Jul 2018
I feel like I can do nothing on the face of the earth
as they fight on the other side of these walls
as my tears fall into the green pillow I hug to my chest
as their shouts echo their way into my room as a witness
as his cries fill my ears with pain and hopelessness
as I put a fist to my mouth to strangle my cries
as I try to silence their voices with my mind
as he hits him again with his knuckles or his belt
as they misunderstand and accuse for no reason
and I tumble down an empty hole that feels like no light
can pirece this cavernous, vast darkness I’ve fallen into.

And then I hear him beside me, putting pitiful tissues
on his scratched arm, tear stained lashes and tousled hair
bearing the testament of a spirit’s spite and anger.
And I wipe my tears away, and I open my mouth to tell you,
but I cannot say it aloud, for they might come for me.
But I promise anyway, “One day, I’ll make them pay.
One Day
Jul 2018 · 3.8k
Acina Joy Jul 2018
Sometimes, they ask you to stay.
Maybe to keep the tears at bay.
And the longer there’s nothing to say
You slowly break my heart that way.
A small poem before the night.
Jul 2018 · 467
Stale Air
Acina Joy Jul 2018
I breathe stale air again,
painful in particular,
burning me inside.

I remember this feeling—
this foolish fall down the steps of my heart—
the shaking of my fingers when I met your eyes,
the trembling of my voice whenever I talked.

I know this feeling.
I know it.

And I’m breathing stale air again,
painful in particular,
burning me inside,
because the one thing I know
is that this feeling hurts,
every time.
Jul 2018 · 236
One Look
Acina Joy Jul 2018
With one look,
he sets my soul ablaze.
With one look,
he can end my passing days.
With one look,
he taught my heart to stay.
With one look,
he took my heart away.
oh. Just another short poem.
Jul 2018 · 538
Acina Joy Jul 2018

We are feeble things, but oddly enough, it is through breaking that we become stronger.

When we break, it is okay. It is a human reaction to be overwhelmed.
Jul 2018 · 561
Leave It To Fester.
Acina Joy Jul 2018
“You say so little, to nothing. Why are you so quiet?” He asks.

Before she can even answer, he presses his lips against her’s, stopping her from speaking.
An unwritten narrative is always at the back of mind, waiting for the right moment to cease my daydreams and write them down on paper.
Jul 2018 · 1.7k
Monstrous Human
Acina Joy Jul 2018

Sometimes, there is an inner darkness that speaks too close to our hearts. Tempting us. Making us yield.

I know it is bad to bow down to these baser motives. These seductions that occur in the darkness of our beings. But, this all depends on us.

To decide whether or not to fall victim to its height of bliss, or to eventually fall to our knees once these illusions are over. It is my decision whether or not to fulfill this growing void.

My only question is, who would always be foolish to believe that darkness is a monstrous path, rather than a human delusion?

Pretty biased on this one, but all I wanted to express was that darkness was something that existed long within man, rather than achieved. I believe it is innate, but not always acted upon. It only needs a push and a nudge to click off the safety pull the trigger. That action in itself is hard to decide, but easy to do, just as evenly as darkness and light.
Jul 2018 · 433
When it still hurts.
Acina Joy Jul 2018
Darling, just breathe.
   It still hurts, but you can still feel.
That’s all there is to it.
Jul 2018 · 579
Acina Joy Jul 2018
There are times when chances should be taken.
Times where these opportunities are seen.
And that's all that life is--always taking.
Always not.
But don't misunderstand.
That just because I hadn't took the chance,
hadn't meant that I had not seen it.
welp, another poem for the night
Jun 2018 · 236
Needing Clarity
Acina Joy Jun 2018
i do still care over what they think;
what the demons seem to say
and what my friends seem to say,
and it pains me to even say,
that I do still care.

because when i turn to myself for comfort,
Even I’m not there.
Jun 2018 · 267
Acina Joy Jun 2018
We are like gods,
condemned to fate.
We can like what we do,
We can hate what we can,
and like others, we can
hate who we are.
But the thing is,
we don’t have to.
I’m reading American Gods right now. So far, it completely has my attention.
Jun 2018 · 394
Acina Joy Jun 2018
And I told him, Ivan, don’t shout.
And he did, and he couldn’t hear me;
he was too busy, leaning over the edge,
teetering on the point of immortality—
on the edge, on the edge, on the edge.
He’s still there.

Then, is it okay to cry enough?
Isn’t it okay to keep helping him?
Or am I too stupid to believe—
“Ivan, please stay. Please don’t go”—
that he would stay, even after I’m gone?

Because, I still cried, even when I left him first.
Because I didn’t want to stay to see him leave me,
and is love okay this way?
Is this what love for me supposed to be?
Am I really that naive to have believed its lies?

I left. But I can’t help but feel that I’m the one who lied.
Don’t ask who Ivan is
Jun 2018 · 424
Lover's Tragedy
Acina Joy Jun 2018
We love, yet we do not feel.
We fall before we break.
This is called a lover's tragedy,
when you do not know what you can take.
this is a different kind of tragedy.
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